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Math. Ann. 287, 175-180 (1990) Annalen

@ Springer-Verlag 1990

Ricci-flat K/ihler metrics

on affine algebraic manifolds. II
Shigetoshi Bando x and Ryoichi Kobayashi 2
1 Max-Plank-Institut fiir Mathematik, Gottffied-Claren-Strasse 26, D-5300, Bonn 3, Federal Republic
of Germany, and Mathematical Institute, T6hoku University, Sendai, 980 Japan
2 Department of Mathemetics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo,
153 Japan

Dedicated to Professor lchiro Satake on his sixtieth birthday

In [3], Yau announced that there exists a complete Ricci-flat K/ihler metric on
the complement of a smooth divisor in a Fano manifold. In the previous paper
[2], we gave a simple proof for this. In the first draft of the paper we claimed
what we now call Theorem 1 in this paper. Unfortunately, there was an error as
pointed out by Professors H. Tsuji and N. Mok. To remedy it we added a technical
assumption, and the statement was weakened. In this paper we recover our claim
in its original form.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Professor N. M o k for
valuable suggestion.
Let X be a compact Kghler manifold of dim X = n > 2 with positive first Chern
class cl(X ) > 0, and D a smooth reduced divisor such that ct(X ) = ~t[D], where
[D] is the Poincar6 dual of D and ~ > 1. Our theorem is:
Theorem 1. I f D admits an Einstein-Kiihler metric, then there exists a complete
Ricci-flat KiJhler metric on X \ D.
Recently Siu and Tian proved the existence of Einstein-K~ihler metrics on the
Fermat hypersurfaces F of degree n - 1 and n in P" (see [14, 15], or [13] for more
recent results by Nadel). Hence we get:
Corollary. The space P " \ F admits a complete Ricci-flat Kiihler metric.
First we remark that if 9 > n + 1, then (X, D) is nothing but the hyperplane
section ( p , , p , - 1 ) (see [11]), so there is no problem. Thus we always assume
< n + 1 below.
The general idea of the proof is the same as that in [2]. Let Kx, K o and Ln
be the canonical line bundles of X , D and the line bundle on X defined by D,
respectively. Since K a = (K x + LO)ID, cl(D) = (cl(X) -- [D])Io = (0t - 1)[D] Iv > 0,
we see that X and D are simply connected. Since c l ( X ) = ~t[D], we have:
L e m m a 1. The manifold X has a Ricci-flat volume form V with a pole of order 2ct
along D.
176 S. Bando and R. Kobayashi

By assumption, we can find a Hermitian metric I1" II on L o such that the

restriction 0" of the curvature form 0 for LD to D is an Einstein-K/ihler metric on
D with Ric(0)= (ct- 1)0". Pick a holomorphic section a of La on X whose zero
divisor is D. Put t=logllcr]1-2. Then O = v / ~ - l O O l o g l l t r l J - 2 = x ~ - l O ~ t .
Following Calabi [4-6], we define a K/ihler metric coo on X \ D by

= exp t 0+ exp t 1Ot ^ ~t.


We define a function f on X \ D by c0~ = e f V. Then it is easy to see the following

Lemma 2. The function f extends to a smooth function defined on the whole X with
its restriction to D a constant.
Without loss of generality we may assume the constant to be 0. Then
f = O( II a II ) near D. Altering the Hermitian metric II" II2 to e-~ I1"[12 with a smooth
function a on X which vanishes on D, we obtain a new metric 07,o by the same
construction, and get a new function f which also vanishes on D. Following the
suggestion by Mok [12], we would like to have f = O( Ita II2) by suitably choosing
the function a. Regarding the section tr as a coordinate function near D, this
condition is equivalent to requiring c3~/da, which defines a smooth section of
L~ 1 [D, to be 0. Then the equation for d a / d a becomes:

d Oa Oa t3f t3f=0, on D,
0a + - + = eS

where A~ is the Laplacian with respect to the metrics 0 and tl" II I~. Using the
Bochner technique (el. [10, Chap. III]), one can easily show that c t - 2 is not an
eigenvalue of Ao. Thus the above equation has a unique solution. Let us write the
new metric a3o simply as coo from now on. Then it is easy to see that the metric
coo on Y = X \ D has Ck"-asymptotically fiat geometry for any positive integer k
and real number 0 < ~ < 1 in the following sense. (To be precise, the above
construction is worked on a neighborhood of D, and we extend the metric coo to
be defined on the whole Y as in [2].)
Definition. A complete Riemannian metric 0 on a manifold M is said to be of
Ck"-asymptotically fiat geometry if for each point p e M with distance r from a
fixed point o in M, there exists a harmonic coordinate system x = (x ~, x z . . . . . x m)
centered at p which satisfies the following conditions:
(i) The coordinate x runs over a unit ball B" in R m.
(ii) If we write g = ~ g~j(x)dxidx j, then the matrix (r e + 1)- l(gij ) is bounded from
below by a constant positive matrix independent of p.
(iii) The C~"-norms of ( r e + 1)-~go, as functions in x, are uniformly bounded.
On such a manifold we can define the Banach space C~'~ of weighted
Ck"-bounded functions: The norm of a function ueC~ '~ is given by the supremum
of the Ck"-norms of (r e + 1)b/2u with respect to the coordinates x.
Ricci-llat K~ihler metrics on affine algebraic manifolds. II 177

Define a function p on Y by

j[a j[-(~-l)/,
p=exp\ 2n J

Then a direct computation shows:

Lemma 3. (i) The function p is comparable to the distance function d from o; there
exists a positive constant c such that c(d + 1) < p ~ c - X(d + 1).
(ii) The function p-~ belongs to f,~+2,,
(iii) For ~ > O, we have

A,p_a< a--l~( 6"~ -2-~

= n n-l--~)p .

(iv) For small 6 > O, there are positive constants e and c such that for any positive
number K and sufficiently large d such that Kd -2-~ < e, we have the followino

(coo + ,,//~ l OgK p-~)" <=(1 - cK p - 2-a)~9"o,

(09o -- ~ - - lOOKp-n)" > (1 + cKp -2-~)o9~.

We call such a function p a barrier function.
What we have so far implies that coo satisfies the assumption of the following
Theorem 2, and we get Theorem 1.
Theorem 2. Let coo be a Kiihler metric on an n-dimensional (n > 2) open complex
manifold Y of ck"-asymptotically flat geometry with k > 2, 0 < a < 1. Assume that
there exists a barrier function p which satisfies the properties in Lemma 3 outside a
compact set. I f Y admits a Ricci-flat volume form V such that COCo= e: V with f e Ck2'~a
and 6 > O, then Y admits a complete Ricci-flat KiJhler metric.
Proof. First note that the assumption of asymptotically flat geometry implies that
the volume of the geodesic ball grows at least like d 2". And the assumption f e c k ' ~
implies that Ricci curvature decreases like d-(4 § ~). Hence the volume of the geodesic
ball grows at most like d 2", and the Sobolev inequality holds.
.We seek a Ricci-tlat K~ihler metric in the form 09 = coo + ~ - 10du by the
continuity method as in [8] and [17]. Namely, we solve the following equation
with re[0, 1]:
oJ" = e (1 -')S v = e-tSco~. (1)
Let us denote the Banach spaces C] +2'' and C2+
k,, 6 simply by Bx,B 2, res-
pectively. Set

0 = {u~B1]3a > 0 with a~o0 < co = COo+ ~ L - l O O u < a- 1~0}.

We consider the following operator E from 0 to B2:
09 n
E( u ) = log -o9~
I7g S. Bando and R. Kobayashi

Then (1) becomes

E(u) = - tf, (2)
which has the solution u = 0 at t = 0. The equation we would like to solve is (2)
at t = 1. Thus we have to show the openness and closedness of the interval in
which (2) has a solution.
First we consider the openness. We show the linearization of E has the b o u n d e d
inverse. The linearization at co is the Laplacian d with respect to the metric to.
N o t e that to is asymptotically equal to coo . So to also satisfies the properties enjoyed
by to o. Moreover, C k'' spaces with respect to too and to coincide, and the same
function p works as a barrier function. Since the equation Av = # is always solvable
for any geB2 as the limit of the solutions with the Dirichlet b o u n d a r y condition
on relatively c o m p a c t s m o o t h domains, we have only to show that v E B t. By
assumption there exists an exponent q < n such that # belongs to the L q space.
Set 7 and q' as l / n + 1/7 = 1, 1 / q + 1 / q ' = 1. Then ( > 7 - N o w if we multiply the
equation by - l v] p-2v, and integrate the result by parts, then we get
-~101vl"/~12= 4(p2 1) Iglvlp-%"
The Sobolev inequality gives that for p >__p_ 1 = q'/(q' - 7) > 1
(flvlP') ' / ' -<_C p I l o l Ivl"-1. (3)
Here and hereafter C means a positive constant which m a y differ in a different
context. By H61der's inequality we have
(jlvlpr)a/y < Cp@gtqll/,l(S[vlq'tp-1))1/q'.

Taking p = p_ 1, we have Po = P - tY = q'(P- 1 - 1) = q~?,/(q' - 7) > q, and

(S IvlP~ l/p~ ~ C(S Iglq) I/~.
Thus v ~ L p~ Again applying H61der's inequality to (3), we have
(SlvlP~) 1/y < C p ( f lgl~)~/p(~l v Ip)~p- ~/p
__<Cp IIg I1~/pIIo II~-~/" IIv II~,- 1.
Putting p = p~ = p_ j + 1 = po?~, we have
IIv lip,+, < (Cp~) tip' IIg I1~/~'~IIg 11~2-~>/d IIv cp,- xJ/,,
= Pi "

The iteration a r g u m e n t shows that with 0 = q/n

IIvll~ _-<Eli0 I1~IIg II|176

N o t e that outside a c o m p a c t set we have A p -'~ < - cloI with a positive constant
c. Thus by the m a x i m u m principle we get the C~ Then the interior
Schauder estimates give the C~+2'"-bound of o.
N o w we proceed to show the closedness.
(1 - e-,s)to~ _- too" - to"
= ( - , f S l O O u ) l t o " o -~ + to~o-2to + ... + to"-~).
Ricci-flat K/ihler metrics on affine algebraic manifolds. II 179

Multiplying the above equation by [ul p- Zu with p > p_ 1, and applying integration
by parts (more precisely, using a technique similar to that in I-2, L e m m a 6]), we
see that
~x/Z--ISlul p/2 ^ t31ulP/2(co~- 1 + c o no- 2 c o + .. .+ f/~a- 1)

= ~ (1 -- e-'S)l ul ~- 2uco~.
By the Sobolev inequality with respect to coo, we get the following inequality with
respect to the volume form cono. .

(f luIP~) t/~ < Cp~ Ifllul p- 1.

By the same argument as before we get the apriori estimate for II u N~- Again the
C~ can be deduced from the m a x i m u m principle via the barrier function
p. To get the ordinary C2-estimate for u, we use Yau's infinitesimal Schwarz lemma
Lemma 4. Let (Mi, Oi), i = 1, 2, be Kiihler manifolds and ~b:M1 --+M2 a holomorphic
map. Then it holds that

A0' log 18~bl2 > Rico, (d~b, t)~) Bisect0~(c~b, tg~b,0if, c~ff)
tcg~bt2 1,9~12
We apply this lemma to id:(Y, co)~(Y, coo). Since IRic~,lo,o = ( 1 - t)lRic,ool~,o
and IBisecL, ol~,o are bounded,
A log try, coo > - C tro, coo,
with some constant C > 0, and d = A~,. Then

A(log tro, coo -- Au) > -- An + (A - C) tr~ coo.

Choosing A > C and applying Yau's m a x i m u m principle ([7], 1-16]), we have the
upper b o u n d for tr,~co o. Together with the e q u a t i o n ( l ) we obtain an apriori
constant a > 0 such that
acoo < co < a - i c o o .
As to the Ck§ we refer to the interior Schauder estimates in 1-9,
Theorem 17.15].

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Received February 17, 1989; in revised form October 23, 1989

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