EVI 2020-Angl Mova-1 - Zoshyt 1

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Ȓșȭ ȐȟȠȡȝȡ țȎ țȎȐȥȎțțȭ Ȓșȭ ȕȒȜȏȡȠȠȭ ȟȠȡȝȓțȭ ȚȎȑȳȟȠȞȎ
țȎ ȜȟțȜȐȳ ȕȒȜȏȡȠȜȑȜ ȟȠȡȝȓțȭ ȐȖȧȜȴ ȜȟȐȳȠȖ
ȜȟȐȳȠțȪȜȘȐȎșȳȢȳȘȎȤȳȗțȜȑȜ ȞȳȐțȭ ȟȝȓȤȳȎșȳȟȠȎ
ȅȎȟ ȐȖȘȜțȎțțȭ ²  ȣȐȖșȖț

ȀȓȟȠ ȚȎȱ ȒȐȳ ȥȎȟȠȖțȖ ȅȎȟȠȖțȎ ©ȅȖȠȎțțȭª ȚȳȟȠȖȠȪ 22 ȕȎȐȒȎțțȭ

ȁ ȥȎȟȠȖțȳ ©ǰȖȘȜȞȖȟȠȎțțȭ ȚȜȐȖª ² 20 ȕȎȐȒȎțȪ ǰȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȳ țȎ Ȥȳ ȕȎȐȒȎțțȭ
ǰȖ ȚȎȱȠȓ ȝȜȕțȎȥȖȠȖ Ȑ ȏșȎțȘȡǰ
 ǽȞȎȐȖșȎ ȐȖȘȜțȎțțȭ ȕȎȕțȎȥȓțȜ ȝȓȞȓȒ ȕȎȐȒȎțțȭȚȖ ȘȜȔțȜȴ țȜȐȜȴ
 ǰȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȎȗȠȓ șȖȦȓ ȝȳȟșȭ ȠȜȑȜ ȭȘ ǰȖ ȡȐȎȔțȜ ȝȞȜȥȖȠȎșȖ ȠȎ ȕȞȜȕȡȚȳșȖ
 ǵȎ țȓȜȏȣȳȒțȜȟȠȳ ȐȖȘȜȞȖȟȠȜȐȡȗȠȓ ȭȘ ȥȓȞțȓȠȘȡ ȐȳșȪțȳ ȐȳȒ ȠȓȘȟȠȡ ȚȳȟȤȭ
 ǻȎȚȎȑȎȗȠȓȟȭ ȐȖȘȜțȎȠȖ Ȑȟȳ ȕȎȐȒȎțțȭ
 ȁ ȏșȎțȘǰ ȕȎȝȖȟȡȗȠȓ șȖȦȓ ȝȞȎȐȖșȪțȳ țȎ ǰȎȦȡ ȒȡȚȘȡ ȐȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȳ
 ǰȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȳ ȐȝȖȟȡȗȠȓ ȥȳȠȘȜ ȕȑȳȒțȜ ȕ ȐȖȚȜȑȎȚȖ ȳțȟȠȞȡȘȤȳȴ ȒȜ ȘȜȔțȜȴ
 ǻȓȝȞȎȐȖșȪțȜ ȝȜȕțȎȥȓțȳ ȝȳȒȥȖȧȓțȳ ȐȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȳ Ȑ ȏșȎțȘȡ ǰ ȏȡȒȓ
 ȍȘȧȜ ǰȖ ȝȜȕțȎȥȖșȖ ȐȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȪ ȡ ȏșȎțȘȡ ǰ țȓȝȞȎȐȖșȪțȜ ȚȜȔȓȠȓ
țȜȐȡ ȭȘ ȝȜȘȎȕȎțȜ țȎ ȕȞȎȕȘȡ

 ǰȎȦ ȞȓȕȡșȪȠȎȠ ȕȎșȓȔȎȠȖȚȓ ȐȳȒ ȕȎȑȎșȪțȜȴ ȘȳșȪȘȜȟȠȳ ȝȞȎȐȖșȪțȖȣ

ȐȳȒȝȜȐȳȒȓȗ ȕȎȕțȎȥȓțȖȣ ȡ ȏșȎțȘȡǰ
ȘȳșȪȘȳȟȠȪ ȟȠȜȞȳțȜȘ Ǧȣ ȚȎȱ ȏȡȠȖ 
ǽȜȕțȎȥȠȓ țȜȚȓȞ ǰȎȦȜȑȜ ȕȜȦȖȠȎ ȡ ȐȳȒȝȜȐȳȒțȜȚȡ ȚȳȟȤȳ ȏșȎțȘȎǰ ȠȎȘ

ǵȖȥȖȚȜ ǰȎȚ ȡȟȝȳȣȡ

© Український центр оцінювання якості освіти, 2020





This strategy is called PLUURULQJ aQd iQYRlYes PiPicNiQg the Rther SersRQ·s EehaYiRXr
,Q  1eZ <RrN 8QiYersity researchers dRcXPeQted the ´chaPeleRQ eIIectµ Zhich
RccXrs ZheQ SeRSle XQcRQsciRXsly PiPic each Rther·s EehaYiRXr aQd this Iacilitates
liNiQg The SsychRlRgical e[SeriPeQts shRZed that the SarticiSaQts Zere PRre liNely
tR say that they liNed their SartQer ZheQ their SartQer had PiPicNed their EehaYiRXr

2 ___________________
3eRSle teQd tR liNe thiQgs that are IaPiliar tR theP ,t Zas discRYered that cRllege
stXdeQts ZhR liYed clRser tRgether Zere PRre liNely tR Ee IrieQds thaQ stXdeQts ZhR
liYed Iarther aSart This cRXld Ee EecaXse stXdeQts ZhR liYe clRse Ey caQ e[SerieQce
PRre daytRday iQteractiRQs Zith each Rther 8Qder certaiQ circXPstaQces thRse
iQteractiRQs caQ deYelRS iQtR IrieQdshiSs (YeQ iI yRX dRQ·t liYe Qear yRXr IrieQds try
sticNiQg tR a steady rRXtiQe Zith theP sXch as gRiQg RXt IRr cRIIee eYery ZeeN Rr taNiQg
a class tRgether

3 ___________________
3eRSle Zill assRciate the adMectiYes yRX Xse tR descriEe Rther SeRSle Zith yRXr SersRQality
$ccRrdiQg tR *retcheQ 5XEiQ ´ZhateYer yRX say aERXt Rther SeRSle iQÁXeQces hRZ
SeRSle see yRXµ ,I yRX descriEe sRPeRQe else as geQXiQe aQd NiQd SeRSle Zill alsR
assRciate yRX Zith thRse TXalities The reYerse is alsR trXe iI yRX are cRQstaQtly trashiQg
SeRSle EehiQd their EacNs yRXr IrieQds Zill start tR assRciate the QegatiYe TXalities Zith
yRX as Zell

4 ___________________
3eRSle are PRre attracted tR thRse ZhR are siPilar tR theP This is NQRZQ as the
siPilarityattractiRQ eIIect ,Q his e[SeriPeQt TheRdRre 1eZcRPE PeasXred his sXEMects·
attitXdes RQ cRQtrRYersial tRSics aQd theQ SXt theP iQ a XQiYersityRZQed hRXse tR liYe
tRgether %y the eQd RI their stay the sXEMects liNed their hRXsePates PRre ZheQ they
had siPilar attitXdes aERXt the tRSics that Zere PeasXred ,I yRX hRSe tR get IrieQdly
Zith sRPeRQe try tR ÀQd a SRiQt RI siPilarity EetZeeQ yRX tZR aQd highlight it

6elIdisclRsXre Pay Ee RQe RI the Eest relatiRQshiSEXildiQg techQiTXes <RX caQ try this
techQiTXe RQ yRXr RZQ as yRX·re gettiQg tR NQRZ sRPeRQe )Rr e[aPSle yRX caQ EXild
XS IrRP asNiQg theP aERXt their last triS tR the PRYies tR learQiQg aERXt the SeRSle
ZhR PeaQ the PRst tR theP iQ liIe :heQ yRX learQ SersRQal iQIRrPatiRQ aERXt aQRther
SersRQ they are liNely tR Ieel clRser tR yRX aQd ZaQt tR cRQÀde iQ yRX iQ the IXtXre

$ ([Sect gRRd thiQgs IrRP SeRSle відчуває хороші риси в людях

% (QcRXrage SeRSle tR talN aERXt thePselYes заохочує людей говорити про себе

& 6SeQd PRre tiPe tRgether Zith Rthers більше часу разом з іншими

D (PShasi]e the shared YalXes спільні цінності

( &RPSliPeQt Rther SeRSle комплімент іншим людям

F $lZays Ee iQ a gRRd PRRd завжди хороший настрій

G Tell SeRSle yRXr secrets розказує людям секрети

+ ,Pitate Rther SeRSle вдає інших людей





The ZRrNSlace RI SrRIessiRQal cheI &atheriQe 3ressler is a IRrPer stRrage rRRP at

+XQters :RRds (lePeQtary 6chRRl 2Xtside 5RRP  a sigQ SrRclaiPs ´&heI 3ressler
)RRd )81daPeQtalsµ This is Zhere stXdeQts cRPe tR taNe Sart iQ a cRRNiQgEased
cRXrse Zhich EegaQ seYeral years agR ZheQ 3ressler Zas lRRNiQg IRr a Zay tR Ee actiYe
iQ her childreQ·s schRRl +er Nids areQ·t iQ elePeQtary schRRl aQyPRre EXt 3ressler
has stayed 1aPed 3areQt Teacher $ssRciatiRQ 3T$ 9RlXQteer RI the <ear she is the
creatRr RI a highly detailed aQd RrgaQised series RI classes IRr NiQdergarteQ thrRXgh
si[th grade that adds tR thePes IrRP daily cRXrse ZRrN

+RZ is cRRNiQg cRQQected Zith Path scieQce Rr histRry" -Xst lRRN .iQdergartQers
ZhiS XS a reciSe iQsSired Ey a SRSXlar childreQ·s tale ´6tRQe 6RXSµ as they haQdle
the iQgredieQts they learQ aERXt geRPetric shaSes sRrtiQg ideQtiÀcatiRQ RI IrXits
aQd YegetaEles aQd the ÀYe seQses /essRQs EecRPe PRre cRPSle[ IRr the Rlder Nids
)RXrthgraders SreSare a graQd PeQX IrRP &RlRQial 9irgiQia tR reYieZ the state·s
histRry cXltXre aQd QatXral resRXrces +XQters :RRds 3riQciSal 6teSheQ +RcNett says
´(YerythiQg she dRes is aPa]iQg TR haYe childreQ Xse their thiQNiQg sNills aQd PaNe
cRQQectiRQs tR the real ZRrld is iQcrediEle :heQ Nids are haYiQg a gRRd tiPe is ZheQ
they learQ the PRstµ 3ressler sSeQds XS tR  hRXrs a ZeeN SreSariQg lessRQs EXyiQg
sXSSlies aQd teachiQg 6he YRlXQteers her tiPe the sXSSly EXdget cRPes IrRP stXdeQt
Iees the 3T$ aQd sRPetiPes her RZQ SRcNet The SrRgraP has grRZQ sR large that
3ressler is lRRNiQg IRr graQts aQd Rther sRXrces RI iQcRPe

<RX haYe tR see 3ressler iQ actiRQ tR trXly XQderstaQd the scRSe RI her SrRgraP aQd her
dedicatiRQ tR the Nids 2Q a sSriQg aIterQRRQ iQ 5RRP  thirdgrade stXdeQts arriYe
tR ÀQd gleaPiQg staiQlesssteel Sasta PachiQes aQd Rther careIXlly RrgaQi]ed sXSSlies
ZaitiQg RQ cleaQ taEletRSs 3ressler isQ·t tZR PiQXtes iQtR the lessRQ EeIRre she giYes
the Àrst hiQts that the SrRgraP is aERXt a lRt PRre thaQ cRRNiQg

3ressler PaQages tR talN ZithRXt stRSSiQg EXt ZithRXt lRsiQg her yRXQg aXdieQce
Their eyes IRllRZ her as she sSriQgs arRXQd the rRRP discXssiQg histRry aQd geRgraShy
SXlliQg dRZQ a ZRrld PaS here aQd SRiQtiQg tR aQ architectXral SRster there 3XlliQg
RXt SacNages RI Sasta she ZRZs the Nids Zith the Yariety RI iQgredieQts Xsed tR PaNe
diIIereQt NiQds RI it iQclXdiQg sRy EXcNZheat rice cRrQ aQd rye 6RRQ the class is
shrieNiQg Zith delight as they rXQ dRXgh thrRXgh Sasta PachiQes aQd PeasXre it IRr
the lRQgestQRRdle cRQtest

3ressler is a rRle PRdel Zith a diYerse EacNgrRXQd ´, ZeQt tR schRRl iQ architectXre
aQd iQteriRr desigQ ,·d alZays lRYed scieQce sR theQ , ZeQt tR gradXate schRRl iQ te[tile
chePistry TheQ , said ´,·P gRiQg tR cheI schRRl QRZ as a hREEyµ $Qd , IRXQd that·s
Zhere Py heart Zas , ZRrNed as a Sastry cheI IRr a QXPEer RI years aQd really lRYed
thatµ 6he Pissed iQteractiQg Zith PRre SeRSle hRZeYer

3ressler says she dreaPs RI e[SaQdiQg the SrRgraP tR reach PRre stXdeQts at Rther
schRRls Rr taNiQg her SrRgraP tR teleYisiRQ +er reciSe IRr sXccess is tR iQtegrate learQiQg
Zith liIe iQstill eQthXsiasP IRr learQiQg iQ the childreQ aQd iQsSire theP tR achieYe
their heart·s desire

 :hich RI the IRllRZiQg is 7R8( RI &atheriQe 3ressler accRrdiQg tR

$ 3ressler Xsed tR cRRN Peals IRr elePeQtary schRRl SXSils
% 3ressler started her IRRdEased cRXrse at the 3T$·s reTXest
& 3ressler·s ZRrN at schRRl earQed her SXElic recRgQitiRQ
D 3ressler·s Nids gaYe her the idea RI ´)RRd )81daPeQtalsµ

 :hat caQ Ee iQIerred IrRP 3$R$GR$G+2 aERXt 3ressler·s cRXrse"

$ ,t teaches childreQ Sractical sNills
% ,t reTXires TXicN thiQNiQg
& ,t is SrRYided Iree RI charge
D ,t is arraQged IRr RQe age grRXS

 :hat SrRElePs dRes 3ressler Iace iQ teachiQg her cRXrse"

$ creatiQg the PeQX IRr SXSils
% searchiQg IRr additiRQal ÀQaQciQg
& gettiQg the Qecessary iQgredieQts
D cleariQg XS the Pess aIter classes

 :hich RI the IRllRZiQg is 1277R8( RI 3ressler·s teachiQg techQiTXes"

$ 6he caStXres stXdeQts· atteQtiRQ
% 6he hRlds cRPSetitiRQs iQ class
& 6he aSSlies aQ iQterdisciSliQary aSSrRach
D 6he cRQdXcts her lessRQs RXtdRRrs

0 :hat are 3ressler·s SlaQs IRr the IXtXre"

$ tR RSeQ her RZQ EaNery
% tR cRQtiQXe her edXcatiRQ
& tR ZideQ her aXdieQce
D tR deYelRS her RZQ reciSes





$Iter a SeriRd as a 5RPaQ settlePeQt aQd Pilitary RXtSRst 7inWageOGUeaW%UiWain
EecaPe a tradiQg settlePeQt RI &RrQZall dXriQg the th aQd th ceQtXries The castle
itselI Zas cRQstrXcted iQ the th ceQtXry ,ts rePaiQs are still EreathtaNiQg steeS
stRQe steSs aQd thicN Zalls Zhich eQcircle the great hall There are PaQy Pyths aQd
XQaQsZered TXestiRQs sXrrRXQdiQg TiQtagel ,t is eYeQ assRciated Zith the rRPaQce RI
TristaQ aQd ,sRlde The YisitRrs RI the lRcal PXseXP Pay see a disSlay RQ the histRry RI
the site iQclXdiQg a series RI ÀQds IrRP the PedieYal SeriRd e[caYatiRQs

2 $UXndeO&aVWOe
$UXndeO&aVWOe GUeaW%UiWain is a restRred PedieYal castle 6iQce the th ceQtXry
the castle has EeeQ iQ the IaPily RI the 'XNe RI 1RrIRlN aQd is still the SriQciSal seat RI
the IaPily $lthRXgh the SreseQt 'XNe aQd 'Xchess still liYe iQ a sectiRQ RI the castle
the rest is RSeQ tR the SXElic $rXQdel has EeeQ reQRYated aQd reIXrEished PaQy tiPes
RYer the last seYeQ ceQtXries aQd its sSectacXlar gardeQs aQd EeaXtiIXl e[teriRr haYe
serYed as a shRRtiQg area IRr seYeral PRYies The PRderQ castle Pay alsR Ee Xsed IRr
&RrSRrate (YeQts aQd &RQIereQces

3 8VVp&aVWOe
8VVp&aVWOe FUanFe is a Sretty castle sitXated clRse tR the 5iYer /Rire ,t is said that
8ssp Zas the iQsSiratiRQ IRr the 6leeSiQg %eaXty Iairy tale The castle is liYed iQ aQd
PXch RI it is QRt RSeQ tR the SXElic EXt there is still SleQty tR eQMRy iQclXdiQg the th
ceQtXry NitcheQ aQ iPSressiYe diQiQg rRRP aQd sRPe richly decRrated EedrRRPs )Rr
the Sast tZR decades the castle has EeeQ Àlled Zith Za[ ÀgXres dressed iQ cRstXPes
IrRP the th ceQtXry XS tR QRZ The e[hiEitiRQ is chaQged each year tR shRZ the
deYelRSPeQt RI SeRSle·s RXtÀt

4 (OW]&aVWOe
(OW] &aVWOe GeUPan\ is set iQ the hills iQ the Piddle RI the IRrest sXrrRXQded RQ
three sides Ey the riYer ,t seePs tR haYe MXst grRZQ RXt RI the rRcN itselI ThaQNs tR its
EeQeÀcial SRsitiRQ it is aPRQg a IeZ castles iQ *erPaQy that haYe QeYer EeeQ taNeQ Ey
eQePies Rr destrRyed 5eParNaEly it is RZQed Ey the saPe QREle IaPily ZhR EXilt it
RYer eight ceQtXries agR iQ the th ceQtXry  geQeratiRQs agR

/eedV &aVWOe GUeaW %UiWain is Zhat PaQy SeRSle iPagiQe ZheQ they thiQN RI aQ
(Qglish castle 'XriQg its year histRry /eeds &astle has EeeQ the SriYate SrRSerty
RI si[ RI (QglaQd·s PedieYal 4XeeQs aQd a Salace Xsed Ey +eQry 9,,, /ady %aillie the
last SriYate RZQer iQherited the Slace iQ the early s ,Q the s /ady %aillie
eQtertaiQed high sRciety IrRP /RQdRQ cRPiQg tR the castle IRr ZeeNeQds TRday the
iQteriRr RIIers YisitRrs a gliPSse RI its rich Sast Zith a ÀQe cRllectiRQ RI art SRrcelaiQ
aQd IXrQitXre

8UTXKaUW&aVWOe 6FRWOand Zas RQe RI the largest strRQghRlds RI PedieYal 6cRtlaQd
ThRXgh QRZ iQ rXiQs aEaQdRQed iQ the late th ceQtXry it rePaiQs aQ iPSressiYe
strXctXre RYerlRRNiQg /Rch 1ess The castle is QRZ RZQed Ey the 1atiRQal TrXst IRr
6cRtlaQd aQd rXQ Ey +istRric 6cRtlaQd )XQd Zhich XQdertRRN a PaMRr cRQstrXctiRQ
SrRgraP tR create a YisitRr ceQtre at the site aQd tR iPSrRYe SarNiQg Iacilities
The YisitRr ceQtre iQclXdes a disSlay RQ the histRry RI the site a ciQePa a restaXraQt
aQd a shRS 8rTXhart &astle alsR hRsts Parriage cerePRQies thrRXghRXt the year


$ is attractiYe tR SeRSle iQterested iQ the histRry RI dress історія плаття

% disSlays a cRllectiRQ RI MeZellery демонструє колекцію ювелірних виробів

& is Xsed IRr hRldiQg ZeddiQgs проведення весіль

D Zas SrRtected Ey its lRcatiRQ захищений локацією

( Zas Xsed as a YeQXe IRr sRcial eYeQts соціальні заходи

F Zas aYailaEle as a ÀlP lRcatiRQ локація для фільму

G iQsSired a IaPRXs artist Zith its sceQery надихнув художника

+ Zas a site RI archaeRlRgical diggiQg археологічні дослідження





$ rare cRSy RI -RhQ -aPes $XdXERQ·s %LUGV RI $PHULFD  __________ has EeeQ
aQQRXQced tR gR RQ sale at 6RtheEy·s 2Qly  cRPSlete cRSies RI the thceQtXry ERRN
are NQRZQ tR e[ist aQd  are RZQed Ey PXseXPs aQd liEraries

$ seSarate editiRQ RI the ZildliIe ERRN Zas sRld IRr a recRrdEreaNiQg Srice RI …PilliRQ
a decade agR The cRSy gRiQg XQder the haPPer iQ 'ecePEer cRPes IrRP the cRllectiRQ
RI /Rrd +esNeth ,t cRQtaiQs  liIesi]ed illXstratiRQs RI alPRst  Ereeds ,t tRRN
ZildliIe artist -RhQ -aPes $XdXERQ  years  __________  +e did sR Ey traYelliQg
acrRss $Perica shRRtiQg the Eirds +e ZRXld theQ haQg theP RQ Eits RI Zire tR SaiQt
theP The artist theQ ZeQt tR %ritaiQ tR SriQt the YRlXPes aQd targeted the rich tR EXy

/Rrd +esNeth·s cRllectiRQ alsR iQclXdes a rare cRSy RI 6haNesSeare·s )irst )RliR Zhich
6RtheEy·s said is  __________ 2I the  that Zere SrREaEly SriQted RQly  are
NQRZQ tR e[ist tRday The cRSy 20 __________ is RIIered IRr sale ,t has a YalXatiRQ RI
XS tR … PilliRQ aQd RQly has three Sages PissiQg ,t is RQe RI RQly three te[tXally
cRPSlete cRSies tR e[ist iQ SriYate haQds iQ a cRPSaraEly early EiQdiQg

/etters ZritteQ IrRP (li]aEeth , relatiQg tR 0ary 4XeeQ RI 6cRts are alsR gRiQg XQder the
haPPer at the sale 2 __________ 'aYid *RldthRrSe a seQiRr sSecialist iQ 6RtheEy·s
ERRNs aQd PaQXscriSts deSartPeQt iQ /RQdRQ said ´TR haYe all these itePs iQ RQe sale
is reParNaEle it·s certaiQly QeYer haSSeQed iQ Py tiPe  years aQd 22 __________

$ ´the PRst iPSRrtaQt ERRN iQ all RI (Qglish /iteratXreµ

% Zhich taNes Slace RQ  'ecePEer

& Eilled as the ZRrld·s PRst e[SeQsiYe ERRN

D the IaPRXs $PericaQ QatXralist aQd artist

( Zhich dates EacN tR 

F SRrtrayed eYeQ the largest Eirds

G tR cRPSlete his stXdy

+ SeRSle ZhR·Ye EeeQ here lRQger caQ·t recall it




Tea aQd &eylRQ are syQRQyPRXs iQ PaQy 23 __________ 6ri /aQNa &eylRQ is a laQd
Zhich has iQherited a rich histRry RI tea aQd cRQtiQXes tR grRZ the Eest tea iQ the
ZRrld Zith its diIIereQt cliPatic 24 __________ SrRdXciQg YariatiRQs iQ taste TXality
character aQd aSSearaQce &eylRQ tea is a EraQd RI its RZQ carryiQg RXt the 2 __________
ÁaYRXrs RI all regiRQs iQ 6ri /aQNa The YariRXs sRil cRQditiRQs aQd diIIereQt eleYatiRQs
iQ each regiRQ giYe its teas the diYerse characteristics $Qd QR tZR teas are the saPe
eYeQ ZheQ grRZQ iQ the saPe regiRQ Tea Pay 2 __________ iQ ÁaYRXr cRlRXr aQd the
arRPa Zhich ePERdies the seQse RI Slace

$s the ZRrld taNes aQ RrgaQic 2 __________ tR liIe tea has EecRPe a EeYerage SreIerred
Ey PaQy The health EeQeÀts iQ tea are QXPerRXs the PRst RXtstaQdiQg RQe EeiQg
its aQtiR[idaQts 6cieQtiÀc 2 __________ has cRQÀrPed that regXlar tea driQNers are
SrRtected IrRP PaQy chrRQic diseases the PaiQ EeiQg heart diseases dXe tR its SRZerIXl
aQtiR[idaQts &eylRQ tea is 2 __________ iQ aQtiR[idaQts siQce it is SacNed right Zhere
it·s grRZQ aQd 30 __________ ZithiQ days tR SrRtect the IreshQess RI the tea

&eylRQ tea is aQ elePeQt RI the art RI driQNiQg tea (ach raQge RI tea 3 __________ its
RZQ stRry related tR the rich 6ri /aQNaQ heritage

(ach SrRdXct PeaQs XQiTXe tea driQNiQg 32 __________ Zhich traQsSRrts its tea
driQNers tR aQRther tiPe aQd Slace ,t is the taste RI &eylRQ·s ÀQest tea at its Eest
creatiQg lX[Xry iQ eYeryday liIe

23 $ PeaQs засоби % Zays дороги & directiRQs D rRXtes шляхи
24 $ eIIects ефекти % SRsitiRQsпозиції & states держави D cRQditiRQs=terms умови

2 $ accXrate точний % SRssiEle можливо& SrREaEle ймовірн D deÀQite specific певний

2 $ e[chaQge обмін % diIIer відрізняю & adaSt D rRtate =spin обертатися

2 $ aSSrRach підхід % style стиль & PaQQer манера D systeP система

2 $ atteQtiRQ увага % research дослід & thiQNiQg мислен D SrRgress прогрес
2 $ Zealthy замож % rich багатий & great чудовий D YalXaEle цінний
30 $ directed спрям % shiSSed відправ & PRYed переїхатиD reIerred переданний
3 $ iPagiQes % Slays пєси & EelRQgs належ D reÁects відбиває
32 $ aEility % YieZ & e[SerieQce D eYideQce
здатність вигляд досвід докази





0ary .iQgsley didQ·t traYel dXriQg the Àrst  years RI her liIe 33 __________ ZheQ her
Iather died leaYiQg her aQ iQheritaQce she 34 __________ tR set RII IRr :est $Irica that
Zas still largely XQPaSSed iQ 3 __________ .iQgsley traYelled alRQe 3 __________
Zas alPRst XQheard RI IRr a IePale at the tiPe 'XriQg her traYels she liYed Zith lRcal
SeRSle aQd learQed their sNills aQd cXstRPs

.iQgsley EecaPe TXite Zell NQRZQ aIter retXrQiQg tR (QglaQd 6he sSeQt a lRt RI tiPe
critici]iQg PissiRQaries IRr tryiQg tR chaQge the QatiYe 3 __________ traditiRQs

33 $ +RZeYer % $lthRXgh & 0RreRYer D %esides

34 $ has decided % had decided & decided D decides
3 Ǯ s % th ǿ the s D the th
3 Ǯ Zhether % Zhich ǿ ZheQ D hRZ
3 Ǯ $IricaQs·s % $IricaQ·s ǿ $IricaQs D $IricaQs·


-aSaQ·s IaPed cherry ElRssRPs VDNXUD are reSRrted tR Ee ElRRPiQg seYeral PRQths
ahead RI schedXle The :HDWKHUQHZV ZeEsite said it 3 __________ PRre thaQ 
reSRrts RI SrePatXre ElRssRPs

([Serts said the ÁRZers· sXrSrise aSSearaQce 3 __________ tR e[trePe Zeather eYeQts iQ
-aSaQ iQ receQt ZeeNs iQclXdiQg tZR SarticXlarly SRZerIXl tyShRRQs the YiRleQt stRrPs
had striSSed PaQy trees RI their leaYes 2Qe SXrSRse RI the leaYes is 40 __________
hRrPRQes that SreYeQt EXds IrRP ÁRZeriQg ahead RI tiPe +irRyXNi :ada a tree dRctRr
at the )lRZer $ssRciatiRQ RI -aSaQ said that the XQXsXally ZarP Zeather that IRllRZed
the tyShRRQs 4 __________ haYe ´tricNedµ the trees· EXds iQtR ÁRZeriQg as Zell ´This
has haSSeQed EeIRre EXt , dRQ·t rePePEer 42 __________ aQythiQg RQ this scaleµ said

3 $ receiYes % Zas receiYed & had receiYed D has receiYed

3 $ liQNed % had liQNed & Zas liQNiQg D Zas liQNed
40 $ release % tR release & tR Ee releasiQg D tR haYe released
4 $ ZRXld % Qeed & RXght D Pight
42 $ seeiQg % tR see & tR Ee seeQ D EeiQg seeQ


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