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MARCH 16, 2021


Markets expect Bank Rate to rise to 0.25% in Q1 ECONOMIC DATA HAVE CONTINUED TO SURPRISE TO THE UPSIDE

2023, 18 months earlier than when the MPC last met. Economic Surprise Indicies, Z-Score, U.K.
U.S. 1.5
The Governor believes such a re-pricing is largely * Data relative to Bloomberg consensus, over last
6m., with more weight given the recent releases 1.0
warranted by positive vaccine and economic news.
Financial conditions remain very loose, thanks to a
further rise in equity prices and lower mortgage rates.

The MPC won't Lean Against the Rise 18 19 20 21


in Rate Expectations at this Stage

The big question for investors ahead of Thursday’s fall in GDP in January was much smaller than the 4.9%
MPC meeting is whether the Committee will push back drop anticipated by the consensus. We now expect
against the recent rise in interest rate expectations GDP to drop by a mere 1.6% quarter-on-quarter in
in the minutes. When the MPC last met on February Q1, far less than the 4.1% fall forecast by the BoE in
4, the overnight index swap rate curve was slightly February’s Monetary Policy Report.
downward sloping until mid-2022. But investors now The rollout of vaccines also has gathered pace
see a 50% chance that Bank Rate will rise to 0.25%, since the MPC last met, setting the stage for a solid
from 0.10%, by September 2022. A 15bp hike is fully and sustainable economic rebound in the summer.
priced-in by January 2023, with a further 25bp rise to The Chancellor also helped to reinforce this recovery
0.50% fully anticipated by the end of that year. in the Budget by rolling forward all the measures
We think the Committee will note the rise in currently supporting the economy until the end of Q3.
rate expectations, but will not seek to flatten the The total giveaway in the upcoming 2021/22 fiscal
curve. Markets have rightly responded to the run of year amounted to £59B, equal to about 3% of GDP.
better-than-expected news on the economy’s current As a result, Governor Bailey stated on BBC Radio 4
performance. In particular, the 2.9% month-to-month on Monday that the BoE now expects GDP to return to


Instantaneous OIS forward curve, March 12 Changes to borrowing forecast since November 2020, £B
February 4 Indirect effects
Underlying forecast changes
1.00 Policy changes
Feb. 25 Change in borrowing 80
Dec. 23 60

Jan. 23 20
0.25 0

-0.25 -60
Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25 Jan 26 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26

© 2021 Pantheon Macroeconomics | 400 Columbus Avenue Suite 10S, Valhalla, NY 10595, United States | All rights reserved | No secondary distribution without express permission.


Difference between 3yr OIS rate and SONIA, day before MPC meeting, bp Weekly BoE purchases of gilts, excluding reinvestments, £B (Left)
Total stock of gilt purchases, £B (Right)
100 Purchases authorised, £B (Right)
Stock if current weekly purchase pace is maintained (£4.0B pw) (Right)
75 Path to meet stock target at the end of this year (£2.7B pw) (Right)
30 900
The MPC is 850
not going to 50 25 800
react to this 750
25 20
15 650
0 600
10 550
-25 500
-50 0 400
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mar 20 Jun 20 Sep 20 Dec 20 Mar 21 Jun 21 Sep 21 Dec 21

its Q4 2019 peak in Q4 2021, one quarter earlier than of the APF at least until Bank Rate had risen to about
it forecast last month. He also stated that the increase 1.5%, but the Governor is pushing for the Committee
in interest rates over the six weeks was, in his view, to switch to committing to sell down its QE holdings
"consistent with the change in the economic outlook." first, before hiking Bank Rate. The MPC did not set
Even if some of the more dovish members of the Bank staff a deadline for this review, but it is unlikely
MPC do not agree with the Governor, the amount of that it will have been completed by this week. Even if it
tightening anticipated by investors over the next three wanted to, therefore, the MPC is not in a position to be
years still is relatively modest by past standards, as talking down market rates, though a reminder that it
our chart above shows. Investors see little chance is considering selling assets before raising Bank Rate
of Bank Rate rising in the next year, which is the might bear down on rate expectations a little.
horizon over which the MPC can make believable Meanwhile, we doubt the MPC will slow its weekly
commitments. Any commitment to keep Bank Rate gilt purchases from the current £4.0B rate this week.
on hold beyond a year, or to tighten policy less quickly It will need to shift down a gear eventually, if it wants
than markets expect over the medium term, would to hit its £875B target for the APF no earlier than
lack credibility, given that upside scenarios for the the end of this year. But we think it is more likely to
economy—such as households aggressively spending slow its purchases in the summer, when the economy
down their savings—cannot be dismissed. has rebounded. Alternatively, it might maintain the
Meanwhile, the impact on monetary and financial current purchase rate and hit its target at the end of
conditions of higher rate expectations and sterling's September. This would make some sense, as it would
recent appreciation has been countered by a further coincide with a decline in gilt issuance as Covid-
small recovery in U.K. equity prices and by a decline related support measures end.
in mortgage rates. Recently, the BoE has begun All told, our view remains that the MPC will keep
to include mortgage spreads in its bespoke U.K. Bank Rate on hold this year and in 2022. Thereafter,
Monetary and Financial Conditions Index. The MPC we expect it to tighten policy first by reducing the
likely, therefore, will judge that overall financial APF from early 2023, before raising Bank Rate to
conditions remain sufficiently loose. 0.25% at the end of that year. Signs, however, that
Note too that the MPC still has not decided how the economy will rebound over the summer have
it will tighten policy, when the time comes. Last convinced us that the MPC will maintain its end-
month, it instructed Bank staff “…to commence work to year target for gilt purchases at £875B, rather than
reconsider the previous guidance on the appropriate increase it by £50B, as we had previously expected.
strategy for tightening monetary policy should that be
required in the future”. The previous guidance, from Samuel Tombs +44 (0)203 744 7430

June 2018, stated the MPC would maintain the size
© 2021 Pantheon Macroeconomics | 400 Columbus Avenue Suite 10S, Valhalla, NY 10595, United States | All rights reserved | No secondary distribution without express permission.

Summary of MPC members' views

MPC member Term Last vote Past non-consensus votes Latest key comment
Andrew Bailey Mar. BR = 0.10% None. “We have seen some increase in interest rates over the
(Governor) 2028 QE target = last month or so, as have other countries. My assessment
£895B so far is that is consistent with the change in the economic
outlook.” Interview on BBC Radio 4, March 15.

Ben Broadbent Jun. BR = 0.10% Voted against increasing "It would take significant news” to alter the pace of
(Deputy Governor, 2023* QE target = QE by £50B in July 2012. QE purchases. Testimony to the Treasury Committee,
Monetary Policy) £895B February 24.

Jon Cunliffe Oct. BR = 0.10% Voted against raising "Looking to the future, we may want to revisit the balance
(Deputy Governor, 2023* QE target = interest rates in November between the various capital buffers, with a view to having
Financial Stability) £895B 2017. more in countercyclical buffers that are releasable by
regulators, and less in the fixed buffers." Comments at
online event, October 15.
David Ramsden Sep. BR = 0.10% Voted against raising "It remains appropriate for policy to lean strongly against
(Deputy Governor, 2022* QE target = interest rates in November downside risks to the outlook" Speech in Birmingham,
Markets & Banking) £895B 2017. February 17.

Andrew Haldane Jun. BR = 0.10% Voted to raise Bank Rate "For me, there is a tangible risk inflation proves more
(Chief Economist) 2023* QE target = in June 2018. Voted not to difficult to tame, requiring monetary policy makers to act
£895B extend QE in June 2020. more assertively than is currently priced into financial
markets." Speech in online webinar, February 26.

Jonathan Haskel Aug. BR = 0.10% Voted to cut rates three “Given the endogenous nature of supply and the
(External Member) 2021* QE target = times between November temporary factors underpinning that movement into
£895B 2019 and January 2020 and excess demand, namely fiscal spending on health
to extend QE in May 2020. and some pent-up demand, I see relatively little risk of
sustained above-target inflation over this period.” Speech
in online webinar, March 5.
Michael Saunders Aug. BR = 0.10% Voted to raise rates by 25bp "I will continue to put high weight on labour market data
(External Member) 2022 QE target = three times in 2017, and in judging whether spare capacity in the economy has
£895B three times in 2018. Voted been used up, and hence whether we are on track to
to cut rates three times return inflation sustainably to target in line with our remit."
between November 2019 Speech in online webinar, February 18.
and January 2020. Voted to
extend QE in May 2020.
Silvana Tenreyro Jul. BR = 0.10% None. “The MPC has given guidance that policy will not be
(External Member) 2023 QE target = tightened before there is clear evidence that significant
£895B progress is being made in eliminating spare capacity and
achieving the inflation target sustainably. It is possible
that more stimulus be needed to do so at an appropriate
pace. If that is the case, having negative rates in our
toolbox will, in my view, be important.” Speech in online
webinar, December 4.
Gertjan Vlieghe Aug. BR = 0.10% Voted to cut interest rates Should market functioning deteriorate again, of course the
(External Member) 2021 QE target = by 25bp in July 2016. MPC will not hesitate to accelerate the buying pace again,
£895B if that is appropriate. Absent such a deterioration, and
with long-term interest rates already very low, we need to
look for tools other than QE to deliver further stimulus if
required.” Speech in online webinar, February 19.
* Term could be extended

© 2021 Pantheon Macroeconomics | 400 Columbus Avenue Suite 10S, Valhalla, NY 10595, United States | All rights reserved | No secondary distribution without express permission.


Note: “D” prefix denotes Datanotes for these releases. CHART OF THE WEEK: THE ONLY WAY IS UP FROM HERE

Monday, March 15 GDP, m/m% (Left)

Level, Jan. 2020 = 100 (Right)
• No significant data released. PM forecast
10 100
Tuesday, March 16 6 95
• No significant data released. 4
2 90
Wednesday, March 17 0
-2 85
• No significant data released. -4
Q1 2020: -1.6% q/q
Q2: 5.0% q/q
-6 80
Thursday, March 18 Q3: 2.0% q/q
-8 -18.3% Q4: 1.0% q/q
• D: MPC Meeting (1)/12:00 GMT -10 75
Jan 20 Apr 20 Jul 20 Oct 20 Jan 21 Apr 21 Jul 21 Oct 21
We anticipate another unanimous vote to keep Bank Rate
at 0.10% and the end-year target for holdings of gilts and
corporate bonds at £875B and £20B, respectively. Since
the MPC's last meeting at the start of February, the news
has been positive, with vaccines rolled out quickly and
GDP on course to fall by less than 2% in Q1, much better
than the 4.2% decline anticipated by the BoE's staff. The
Chancellor also announced in the Budget a net giveaway of End-month:
£59B in the 2021/22 fiscal year. Nonetheless, it is far too 5pm Mon. M
ar 21 Jun 21 Sep 21 Dec 21 Dec 22
soon to expect the Committee to provide more colour on Bank Rate 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
the likely extent and timing of any future interest rate rises. 3m Libor 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20
Meanwhile, the recent increase in interest rate expectations
12m Libor 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.30
and gilt yields has been neither disorderly or sufficiently
large to threaten the viability of the recovery. As a result, 2-year Gilt 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.20
we do not expect the Committee to jawbone markets' rate 10-year Gilt 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.80
expectations lower or to accelerate the pace of its asset 30-year Gilt 1.33 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.40
purchases. Consensus: Bank Rate 0.10%, gilts £875B,
FTSE 100 6749 6600 6800 6900 7200 7500
corporate bonds £20B.
USD/GBP 1.39 1.38 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
Friday, March 19 EUR/GBP 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12
• GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (3)/00:01 GMT
The continued decline in the spread of Covid-19, the rapid
rollout of vaccines, and the rolling forward of near-term
fiscal support in the Budget all suggest that consumers'
confidence likely recovered further in March. As a result, we
expect the composite index to rise to about -20, from -23 in

• D: Public Finances (2)/07:00 GMT Period average:

We look for borrowing on the PSNB ex. measure of about Q1 21 Q2 21 Q3 21 Q4 21 2020 2021 2022
£20.0B in February. Expenditure likely remained very GDP, q/q% -1.6 5.0 2.0 1.0 - - -
high, due to huge outlays for the Test and Trace system
GDP, y/y% -6.6 21.2 6.4 6.4 -9.9 6.2 4.5
and the furlough scheme. But tax receipts likely have held
Employment, y/y% -1.9 -0.8 -0.4 -0.3 -0.5 -0.9 0.7
up relatively well, given signs that GDP will be higher in Q1
than the OBR expected. As a result, our forecast is a bit Unemp. rate, % 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.8 4.5 5.4 5.3
below the likely level required for full-year borrowing to hit Wkly earnings, y/y% 5.4 8.7 4.3 2.6 1.8 5.5 2.0
the OBR's £354.6B forecast. Note that the OBR's projection CPI, y/y% 0.9 1.9 1.8 2.3 0.9 1.7 1.8
includes an estimate of the write-offs that eventually will
RPI, y/y% 1.7 2.9 2.7 3.0 1.5 2.6 2.6
be incurred on the crisis loans given to businesses. Until
now, the ONS has not incorporated these likely write- PSNB FY, % GDP - - - - 17.0 10.0 5.0
offs in its borrowing numbers, though it might update its Cur. acc’t., % GDP -2.8 -3.0 -3.2 -3.4 -2.5 -3.5 -4.0
methodology this month. Consensus: £21.4B. House prices, y/y% 7.8 8.1 6.3 1.9 3.3 6.0 0.0

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