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23:24 2008 » THE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE2 if EDUCATION MODULE NAME: MODULE CODE: PROFESSIONAL DIDACTICS: FET BUSINESS STUDIES. FDBS7111p/w ‘ASSESSMENT TYPE: ASSIGNMENT 1 (PAPER ONLY) TOTAL MARK ALLOCATION: 100 MARKS TOTAL HOURS: 10 HOURS 'By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in The IlE Assessment Strategy and Policy (\IEOO9), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in the Intellectual Integrity and Property Rights Policy (I1E023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the student portal. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Nomaterial may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may consist of direct quotes. Your assignment must be submitted through SafeAssign. Save a copy of your assignment before submitting it. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified. All work must be adequately and correctly referenced. This is an individual assignment. aM aeN (© The Independent institute of Edueation (ty) Ltd 2023 Page 10f13 23:24 Referencing Rubric 2008 Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources is afundamental educational prinple and the cornerstone of high guality academe work. Hence, The IIE considers t essential to develo the referencing sil of our studentsin our commitment to achieve high academe standards. Part of achieving these high standards i referencing in a way that is consistent, techrically correct and congruent. This Is not plaglarsm, whichis handled diferent Poor quality formating in your referencing mil esult ina penalty of ‘2 maximum of ten percent being deducted from the percentage awarded, according to the following guidlines Please note, however, that evidence of plagiarism In the form of copied oF tuncited ‘work (not referenced), absent reference lst, oF exceptionally poor referencing, may result in ation being taken in ‘ccordance with The IE's Intellectual Integrity Policy (023). Markers arerequredto provide feedbsckto students by indicating (circling/underining) the information that best describes the Auden’ work, Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the ‘overall percentage ~ the students work contains five or more rts leted in the minor erors columm inthe table below. Maior technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the ‘overall percentage ~ the student's work contains five or more {rts sted nthe major erors column inthe table below. \f.both minor and major ertors ae incieated then 10% only (and not 5% or 15X) is deducted from the overall percentage, The ‘examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to iastrate the eror The referencing 4 The same referencing format has been used for al intext references and in the bivbography/eterence ist, thangesin the format fone source, but nat inan two diferent formats, Tsui [Minar arias n technical correcness of | Malar azarae technical correciness of reterencing Technically correct referencing | referencing style style stve Deduct Sx from percentage awarded | Deduct 10% from percentage awarded (Consteny Minor inconsistencies, Major inconsistencies Consistent, but there are one of two ot i referencing and/or inthe bibliography. For example, page numbers for direct quotes (in text) have been provided for her instance, “Two book chapters (bibliography have bean referenced inthe bibliography in +> Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in text andj inthe bolography/ eference ist. + Multipe formats forthe same ype of referencing *+ Forexample, the format for direct quotes (tex) ander book chapters (bibbogranhy/ reference Ts isilferent across multiple instances, Technol cores ‘Referencing format is technically corect throughout the submission consistent used, but + concasts and “The correct referencing format forthe module’ discipline hat been used, Le, either APA, OR Harvard OR Law every paragraph Postion of the reference: reference is eirectly associated with every concept or dea Ws. For example, quotation marks, page numbers, years, ete. ae ppled correctly, sources. in the bibliogrephy/reference Ist are correctly presented Generali, techoealy correct with some * Thecorrectreferencingfermathas been ideas are referenced, but a telerence i mising ‘rom one small ection ofthe werk, + Postion of the reference: references are only even atthe bernning oF ene of + For example, the student has incorrectly presented direct quotes (intext) and/or book chapters (bbiograph/reference Technically neorec + The referencing format isincorrect. * Concepts andideas re typically referenced, but a reference is missing fom smal sections of the work + Postion ofthe references references are only Biven at the beginning or end of arg sactons of + For example, incorrect author information is provides, no year of publication Is provides uotation marks andor page numbers for direct quotes missing, page eumbers are provided for peraphrased material theincorect punctuation is sed (text) the bibiography/reference itis notin alphabetical order, the incorrect format for 2 book chapter/journal articles use informetion is missing 4. no place of publication had been provides (bibliography) repeated sources onthe feterence ist ‘pica ‘ongruence between n-tot referencing and bibliography) reference Ist text referencing + All sources are accurately | "sources reflected and are all accurately included in the bibiogrophy reference lis. presented bibliography. text, but not Generally, congruence between the in | A 1d the bibliography/ reference list with one or two errors ‘There is largely @ match between the ‘For example, 2 source appears in the in the biblegraphy/ Tack of congruence between the Inte referencing and the bibliography. + No relationship/severalinconaruenees between the intent referencing and the biolography/‘eterence ist. + For example, sources are included in-text, but nat in the bibliography and vice verse, 2 lnk, rather than the aetual relerence is provided in the ‘nd. the complete reference ist. reference it or vice verse biotograph. Tw summary: the recording of [Th summary, at least 80% of fe sources | summary, at least 60M of the sources wre references is accurate and | are cortetly reflected and included in a | incorecty reflected and/or not inclided in reference li. (verll Feedback about the consistency, technical crrecinass and congruence between in-text referencing an bibliography: (© The Independent institute of Edueation (ty) Ltd 2023 Page 20f13, 23:24 2008 snment Instructions * Research is required beyond the prescribed textbook, © Consult the rubrics provided before answering the questions. = Your lecturer will not mark beyond the maximum word count for the question. For ‘example, if you exceed the 1000-word limit by submitting a 1200-word essay, you could lose all marks allocated to any sections/arguments that fall into the 200 words not marked, Question 1 (Marks: 20) ‘The term ‘didactics’ describes instructional theory or reflection on instruction. (Rossouw & Nel, 2003). itis also referred to as ‘The art of teaching’. There are two different types of didactics; general didactics and subject specific didactics, Discuss the following with regards to didactics: +The difference between general didactics and subject specific didactics. ‘+ The importance for teachers to study subject specific didactics rather than just general didactics ‘+ Provide practical relevant examples to support your discussion. Your answer should be between 600-800 words. (© The Independent institute of Edueation (ty) Ltd 2023 sofa erjon38eg £202 Pa) uoseanp3 o ayansu| uapuadapu OM. @ Suey. ouewe-z ‘SueEWT-0. UOISSHaSIp ayy payioddns Ajaansayya pue eap Ur passnasip uaag aney sajdwexe asay, ‘uo|ssnasip ayy oddns 03 “yadap 19208 Ur passnasip aq 01 spaau ajdwexa ‘u1 40 ‘papaau aie sajdwexe sows “sanamoy ‘uo|ssnasip ayy yoddns ssansepip jesauad pue 2y!oads ypalqns uo uo|ssnasip ayy yoddns yoads ypa/qns yo aoueyodwi ay. ads ypalqns jo aaueviodui! ayL aygads ypa/qns yo aoueyodu ay, « papinoid uaag aney sajdurexa yu91)99x3 02 papinoud uaaq sey ajduiexa uy | 01 papinoid uaag aney sajdusexo oN sajduiexg SuEW OT -8 Sue L-S ‘SHE 0. -FOYIED} AANIN} BYR JO MIA JO qujod ay wouy passnasip s| somsue ay, -4a4j2ea} aumny aya Jo MaIA Jo UIOd papinoid uaaq ‘a4 wio.y passnasip s] somsue oy, sey sonaepip esauad BurApms AIu0 0 sonaepip jeaua8 01 pasiayas uoIssnosip ayy uly sondepIp pasoddo se jenuassa s| sanzepip ayloads | aney you Aew 40 Aew uoIssnasip OY, jes0u08 0} jeusayou ous} 104, spalgns Ay suoseai uo uoIssnosip y passnosip uaaq reiap 40 yidap ysnous Ut Supuersiepun jo adap e BuAeidsip aney squjod may e Ajuo “anamoy passnasip uaag 30u sey 1 1anamoy son2epip nevap ul passnosip uaaq sey sonsepip ‘passnosip uaag sey saizepip 01 papnije uaaq sey sonsepip aypaads yoafqns jo souevoduy) oy. ‘SueW 9S ue y-€ SuEW Z- 0. -pauinbas Buipueysiapun “yadap azow spaau pue passnsip uaag aney sonsepip ayssads Jo yadap ay; smoys samsue ay. joysadns 1eymauos 5111 sanamoy ypalgns 40 sonzepip jesauad saya « papinoid uaaq sey ‘papinoud uaag sey sonsepip ‘apew uaag you sey s9n2epIp sonepip sonsepip 2ypads 19a/qns pue sonaepip aylveds y2a/qns pue sonzepIp ayvads yaafqns pue son zepip aypseds yafqns Jesauad uaamieg uonounsip qualjeoxe uy [e1@ua8 usamiaq uonsunsip y [esaua uaamiag uonDunsip V_* | pue sopzepip je1aua5 puepues pasinbad oy spaeoxa puepueys paunbas oy sia uepue3s pasinbau ay} yaw Jou s20q, uaa BupHeW zoe HGH T WORST weer 23:24 2003 Question 2 (Marks: 35) The purpose of teaching is to help the learners obtain knowledge, develop skills and to shape their habits and attitudes. There are three main teaching stages, preparation, execution, and evaluation. Consider the Grade 10 topic: the macro environment when answering the following questions. Q.2.1 With the use of examples, explain the importance of each of the three stages (20) when teaching Grade 10 learners the above topic. Q.2.2 Discuss the importance of effective communication, active learning and feedback (15) when teaching the above topic. Provide examples to support your discussion. (© The Independent institute of Eaueation (ty) Ltd 2023 softa seg ue B= 2 ueW 9-b ueW E-0 ‘ales ype 4o aouetiodul! auf uo uoIssnosip ‘ayy Suoddns saBeys aay ‘aes yee Jo aoueyodu a4) Uo UoISssnasip ‘aur uoddns shenye 10u saop uonestidde sity Yanamoy ‘ses quawiuonus uw9ag sey saers a3uy) ayp jo yea uwaag sey saders aauy) auf jo yea uaag sey saders sasyp aun jo 4>e3 ay) Jo ysee 03 paride Apualjaoxa aay) a4 Jo yaee 0 payidde ossews au yo 21d03 ayy 01 yUa}U09 21d03 papinoid aun 09 uaa sey quawuounua o19eW aL uaaq sey wwawuounUa oDeW aYL «© | ay? Jo UONeDIIdde OU 01 aM S| AyL saileas ay jo uopeniddy ‘SMeW ZT OT SHEW 6-9 SuEW S-0 ijerep pue yidap a10u) ‘dap ape sauinbas uoyssnosip ayy, ue 1ysisul smoys uossnasip a4. s3420 auf 49N0 aBers BuO UO ‘uonenjens passnasip Ajanisuayaidios —_| siseydia s9n0 ue s| asayy Jonamoy uoyssnosip ayy Ut pue ‘uorsnsaxa uaaq sey safers aay papnpoul uaag sey a8ers ay papnjpul uaag 1ou sey safers ay2 Jo ‘uoneredaid :sa8es Ire so aoueviodua at pue passnasip jo anueyodui ay; pue passnasip ‘soueyodw! ayy Janamoy paule|dxa ‘gam aya yo aouerodut au} uo uorssn9sig prepueis pauinbau aya spaang prepueis pauinbas ow s13aW piepueis pauinbas 43 youl you seog Duqnd Tz uonsanD exo DHGHYZ WORST weer ate HEN 9- Ss Sue b-E SueW Z-0 “aongeid yaea jo aueodul! ‘ay uo uoIssnasip ayy Bunyoddns saonpeid saipmas ssauisng aos) ‘2onneid ypea yo aoueyodus ayy uo uoyssnasip axa voddns shemje Jou saop uoneaiidde siy3 “s9kaMoy ‘saon2eid sojpmas ssoutsng poo8 jo uautuosjaua salpnys ssauisng aug aup Jo yre3 salpnys ssauisng aas4} ay} Jo Ye saipnys ssauisng aasy 243 Jo 4y2e3 ‘yp Jo ypea 01 paridde Apualiaaxa sease aasyp auf Jo yea 01 payidde ousew atp Jo 21d0) a4 07 1Ua1U09 a1doa papinoud au 02 sag sey uawiuouinua Dew 241» | _uaaqsey uauiuounUd o2eW a4 «| a42 Jo UONeDIIdde OU 1 ann SI 22341 _« | saBlers aya Jo UoREDIIddy SuEW 6-8 SHEN L-S Sue =O leap pue adap o10u any e sauinbad uorssnasip aut wadap ‘sayro ayy sano pue qy8isui smoys uo|ssnasip ay, aanaeid auo uo siseydusa 1000 uorssnosip ayy ;passnasip Ajanlsuayaidwioo uaag —|_ue st asaya sanamoy papnjoul uaaq u papnjout uaag rou sey saan2esd seonzeld sey saanzesd aaya je so a2uerodwr — | sey aonzzeid ay jo aaueyodut ay up 40 aaueyodui ayn sanamoy serpnis ssouisng ‘aly pue passnasip uaaq sey saonoeid ue passnosip uaag sey saonzeud pauje|dxa uaaq sey saonoed | aos ayy jo aoueyodust ‘ayy uo uorssn9siq paepues pauinbad oy spaaox3 Paepueys paunbas oy) aN aepueys pasinbos oy jou! you s90q, exo 2uuqn4 z°z uonsanD weer 23:24 2023 Question 3 (Marks: 20) There are eight learning principles that business studies teachers should bear in mind when teaching. One of these principles is: “Meaningful learning material is learnt a lot better and easy to retai Consider the Grade 11 topic ‘The marketing function’. Q.3.1 Explain, with the use of examples, how you can make the learning material of the (10) provided topic meaningful for the learner to help retain the information better. Q.3.2 Select two other learning principles and explain how you will incorporate them (20) into your lessons on the marketing function. (© The Independent institute of Eaueation (ty) Ltd 2023 eofta er1o628e4 £202 Pa) uoseanp3 o ayansu| uapuadapu OM. @ Suey SHOW E-Z SueW T-0 wonDun) Sunayie ays so 21d0 papinoud ‘4 0} j]9m sayejau pue |!eyap UL passnosip uaaq sey s/ajduiexa siy, ‘uolssnasip ayy woddns 03 papinoid uaag sey s/ajduiexa quajjaoxe uy doy papinosd ayy 0} sow ayeI01 04 spaau 40 je!oysadns yeymawios | ‘sanamoy ‘uolssnasip ayy woddns 01 papinoud uaag sey ajdwiexo uy 21dor papinoud ay 0 pavejas you ing uani@ ave sajdwex3 InyBujueaw jevayeu Sujusea| Bu}jews uo uo}ssnasip ayy woddns 03 papinoid uaag aney sajduiexo ON sojduiexg sme 9-S SHEN DE Sue Z-0 ‘Buipueysiapun daap e sayensuowap somsue ays ‘paredwos pue pauye|dxa liam uaaq aney sidaou0s om ayL ‘Bujseaydesed aq 40 papaau s} !e1ap asow “anamoy jasedwioo pue pauye|dxa uaaq aney sydaou02 omy ay. ‘Buysesydesed inoyym yooqsxa} ‘ayy wo4y pajdoa 40 y2a.403U! $} sydaouoa om ays yo uoneue|dxe ay, InjBujueaw a1ow Jeuayew Suusea] ayer (03 moy Uo UoIssN>sIP V_ puepueas paiinbad oy spaeoxa puepueys pauinbas ay) IW aepueys paunbas ay) yaw you 20g, Duuqnd T'€ UoRsaND zoe HGH E WORSEN weer eter ates £202 Pa) uoseanp3 o ayansu| uapuadapu OM. @ SHEN Y SMEW £-Z ueW T-0 uonauny Sunay1eW ay Jo 210} papinoad ayy 01 |] ayejas pue [leap Ut passnasip uaag aney sajdurexe asays ‘uolssnasip ay Woddns 03 papinoid uaaq aney sajdusexa 1u9])29%3 ido. papinoid ayy 0} az0W ayejau oF spaau Jo |efaysadns yeymawios | ‘sanamoy ‘uoissnasip au woddns 01 papinoid uaag aney sajdwexg 31dox papinoad ay} 03 parejas you ase ang wand aue sajduiexg ‘uolssnasip ay, yoddns 01 papinoid uaag aney sajdwexe ON sajduiexg SMe 9-§ SEW bE SueW Z-0 ‘2ujpueyssapun Jo ysdap e she|dsip ue ayesn2e si uoissnosip ay. papinoud uaag sey uossa| uo2uny Sunayeyy e uiusim payesodsoout aq ued sajdioulid SuIwea omy BY MOY UO UOIssNDsIp 1Ua||99K9 UY ‘QUO Uo s|seydUIa10N0 Ue S| 21943 40 passnosip uaa sey sajd;ouud ‘Bujuses| ong ayp Jo au0 A\UO uossnasip 40 udap azow spaau pue lepsysadns yeymawos 51 uoissnosip ayy “anamoy ‘papiaoid ua|g sey ossa] uonsuny SunaeW e Uy payeiodsooul aq ued sajdjoutsd BUJUea] 843 MOY UO UO}SSN>SIP V papiaoid uaag you sey Uuossa] uonDuny Sunaxeyy e UIYRM Payelodioau! aq ued sajdiouuid Sujusea} ayy Moy UO UOISsNOsIP V uossa] ays ul paresodiosu, 2q ued sajdisuizd Bujusea} ‘oma Moy Uo UoISsn2sIp ¥ piepueis pauinbau aya spaeong piepueis pauinbor oy 139 ppiepueis pauinba1 aya eau you seog zoe 2uuqn4 Z°€ uoRsAND weer 23:24 2023 Question 4 (Marks: 25) “A learner profile is a document, project, or even conversation that helps teachers learn more about their students. Learner profiles may include information such as: skills, strengths, interests, struggles or potential barriers to learning. It can include anything the student or teacher deems important to know about the learner” (Lynch, 2018). Discuss the following in your essay: ‘* The definition of a learner profil. ‘© The methods of creating a learner profile. ‘+ Evaluate the value of learner profiles for a teacher in the Business Studies classroom. NOTE: Please discuss a learner profile and not a portfolio of evidence of their work. Your answer should be between 800-1000 words. (© The Independent institute of Eaueation (ty) Ltd 2023 erpozt ates £202 Pa) uoseanp3 o ayansu| uapuadapu OM. @ ‘ay uy ayBisut pue yidap SMoys Uo|ssnasip ay, yaypeay © op alyoud sausea| ayy uoReayrsnf sup Ul yysIsU! pue ysdap asow ap esauinbas uolssnasip ayy « saypeay 2 oy ajyoud sowea| ayy “saequeApesip pue safequenpe ayy Buisn saypeay 2 oy ayoud sausea| ayy Jo anjen ayy 0} spuedau yim passnosip 10 papinoud uaag aney aloud sause9| au} Jo sadequenpesip Joanjer aya jo uozenjers | 40 anjenauy yo uonenjena uonenjena apn si azay, ue saBeuenpe on 241 UL pasn pue passnasip | ayp ul pasn pue passnosip passnosip parenjens aqyord uaag aney safewuenpesip | uaaq aney sadequenpesip uaaq aney saBequenpesip uaaq you sey ajyord Jausea] e 30 anjen pue safequenpe ay. puesa8ewuenpe ay «| ayysosa8equenpe ayy AUG + | —_sausea] ayn yo-anyen au ‘1p Jo uonenjeng Sues SHE DE Suen ZT sew youd Jeureaje or parejas | “aloud sousea|e 03 pareja Apoauip youso sease awios | 40 passnasip uaaq you aney youd ur jeroysadns yeymawios ‘ayy “sanamoy ‘papiaoud soured] ain or uonejas | “sanamoy semsue pooky waaq aney spomaw papinoud Ut passnasip Aqualjaaxa passnosip Bulag awios papaau ase aio vv2ag sey ajyoud sousea| © aqyoud pue papinoid usaq | yam papinoud uaag ancy ‘sonamoy papinoud uoaq | 40} siawsea| uo uonewuoyr | sausea] e BuaWeS aney spoyraus jo A1oueA y spoyrousjo Aoueny | aneyspoyrau oma so sup» | BuusayreB uo spoyraui oN so sponaw, Sues ‘SEW v-E Sew Z-T SueEWO papinoid uaaq waa} ay) jo svaadse “Buyssiw aq Aew -ayesnooe sey aqyoud sowsea| ay wie si8n02 yey papinosd — | siuausaja may e ‘papinoud Ayasnua ous! ysaxamoy — | 40 UoRTUYap yDass09UY ay uaaq sey ajyoud saUs89) 999 sey ajyoid papinoud s} josd souse9} papinoid ajyosd sousea, vuoniuyap Jo uomuyep yua|jaoxa uy Jousea} eyo uomuyop y_« 2 0 ONIUaP JouG y_» | 24140 UoRNUYAP ous! ZO4L aryoud souseay piepuess pauinbas ayp spa2ox3 plepuers pasinbas ayy 5129 paepueis pauinbos aya sizou Ayenied puepueas peuinbas ay 32au you seq exoe HGH y WORSEN weer erect ates [oot ‘suv 104] £202 Pa) uoseanp3 o ayansu| uapuadapu OM. @ SueW Ss SHEN -E SHEN ZT sew o quasaid 5] uoysn|2u09 pue Aessa ayy sisoduais 1ey3 uonanponuy Pood Alan y ‘Bunipe pue Supeaijooud sizayauye42 4s08181 pue au04 JeUw1404 Jo asn pue puepueys s1wapeoe Biy Jo ase aendue| ue sewies8 ‘aamanns aouaruas “je2180) pue ‘quasayoo ‘ayeudosdde si Jamsue ay) jo 7eW0y aL quasaid aye uo|snjpuea pue uononposquy uy “Bunipo pue Suipeaxjoo.d sipayja4 rey 1235/831 ue auo3 jeuios eyo asn pue puepueys s1uapece poo8 jo aie aBenduel pue sewed ‘aimanaas aauaqas ‘Jes!80) pue ‘quarayoo ‘aveudoudde s1 amsue aya Jo 1ewH0} Sy. {uno p10M ayy ZENO 3601 UeY? d40W s} Aessa ay, ‘Buypeajooud Jo ype] e BunDayeu su0La sewwei8 pue aumonas saouaquas Auew ase aay, paronsjsuo> Alsood usaq ney Yloq so ‘yuasaud s} Uuoysnj2uoa 40 uopanposqu ue s9yjig “quasaud s} anyonuys Jo aauapina awos "juno p1oM ay 43A0 960T Ue asoUL s| Aessa ay “stoue sewed ‘Auew pue quasasd Uuo|snj2uaa 40 uoyanposqut ou s| ax0y quasaid S| 2unqanuys Jo aauapina ON ayhis pue aanyonaas SEW OT-8 SHEN LS SEW 1-E ‘SEW Z-0) “passnasip pue parenjers Ajuayjanx3 ‘maya Jo qujod s,quapms ay Jo uo} aynsnt 40 qulod squapmys aup Jo exoe weer

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