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Women in Pakistan make up 48.76% population according to the 2017 census of Pakistan.
Women in Pakistan have played an important role throughout history. They allow voting in
elections since 1956. In Pakistan, women have held high offices including that of the Prime
Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly, Leader of the opposition as well as federal
ministers, judges, and serving commissioned posts in the army force. Major General Shahida
Malik attainting the highest military post for a woman. Benazir Bhutto was sworn in as the first
Prime Minister of Pakistan. The status of women differs considerably across classes, regions, and
rural/urban divide due to the uneven socioeconomic development and the impact of tribal and
feudal social formation on the lives of women. Gender concern international report that the
overall rights of women will prove driven only when if women would be supported and attain
proper education. However, women do face issues where women are kept behind in the field of
education. This is associated with low government funds, fewer schools and colleges for women,
and a low enrollment rate in educational institutes due to the lack of awareness of women's rights
in certain areas. Cases of rape, honor killing, murder, acid throwing, and forced marriage in
backward areas
Women are persons who embrace difficult roles to achieve their requirements and become
economically independent. Women are taking on more responsibility for raising children and
keeping a loving and affectionate family. Women carry out the work of organizing diverse
activities at the household level considerably more effectively and without feeling the pain or
inconvenience. This article focuses on the issues and obstacles that women encounter.
Entrepreneurship capitalizes on fresh opportunities.
The women have achieved immense development in their minds. With increasing dependency
on services sectors, many opportunities are there for women. During the last two decades,
increasing numbers of Indian women in have entered the field of entrepreneurship, and also they
change the face of business. Women have been taking interest in the recent years in self-
business. Women have to face various problems and their problems get doubled because of their
dual role as earners and homemakers. In India, most homemakers want to start their own
business but there are so many problems facing them. They feel frustrated in a dual role. Govt.
started several programs for the training of women entrepreneurship. Training programs create
interest among women and are helpful to increase their skills and also building their social
attitude, and high confidence. Women Entrepreneurs may be defined as the women or a group of
women who initiate, organize and. The extremely potent combination of sexism, racism, and
economic inequality—may seem like u broad answer but it pretty much covers it on both a
domestic and global front. All of the individual challenges we may be tempted to rank are
symptomatic of these massive systemic power imbalances, working in tandem. Women in the
world, particularly in developing and middle-income countries, face the far more elemental
problem of still being considered property. Saudi Arabia’s system, for one, is open about this
relationship, requiring women to get the permission of their males “or take a job. 
due to push and pull factors that encourage women to have an independent occupation and stand on their
own two feet. This desire stems from a desire to make independent decisions in their life and career.
Women who are burdened with household tasks and domestic responsibilities desire freedom. The impact
of these reasons is, female entrepreneurs select a career as a challenge and a desire to try something new.
A pull factor describes such a condition. Women engaged in economic activities owing to familial
compulsion and the obligation is put upon them when push factors
The ongoing absence of women in positions of power is one of the problems that underpin all of
our policy conflicts. The paucity of women in high positions continues to hamper progress on
issues ranging from wages to humanitarian help to discrimination in all its manifestations, from
corporate boardrooms to courts and political leaders throughout the world. The sooner we
recognize that a dearth of women in leadership positions hinders not only women but all people,
the sooner we will be able to improve society as a whole.

Women face many problems to get their life ahead in business and other walks of life.

Family ties
Women are emotionally tied to their families; women are expected to handle all household
chores, as well as care for children and other family members. They are swamped with
household obligations like providing additional attention to spouses, children, and in-laws, which
consume a significant amount of their time and energy. It is tough to concentrate and efficiently
run them in such a setting.

Make a dominant society

Even though the constitution states that men and women are equal, chauvinism is nevertheless
prevalent. Women are not regarded in the same way as males. Their participation in a business
requires the consent of the family's leader. All of these hampered women's development.Lack of
Most of the women are still illiterate. Women are lagging in the field of education. Those who
are educated are provided either less or inadequate education than their male counterpart
partially due to early marriage, partially due to higher education of sons, and partially poverty.
Due to a lack of proper education women remain in dark about the development of the new
technology, new method of production, marketing, and other governmental support which will
encourage them to flourish

Self Confidence
Women lack self-confidence in their strengths and ability. The family member and society are
unwilling to stand beside their organizational growth. To a certain degree, this situation is
changing with women and yet to face an incredible amended to boost the rate of growth

Socio cultural barrier

Family and personal obligations sometimes work as a great barrier to success in the business
carrier of women. Only a few women can successfully manage both home and professional life
efficiently, giving sufficient time to fulfill their all responsibilities properly and efficiently.

Risk related to market

Tough competition in the market and lack of mobility of women make them on middle man
essential. Many business women find it very difficult to capture the market share and make their
products more popular and accepted by customers They are not fully aware of the changing
market environment and hence can effectively exploit the service of media and the internet.

Mobility constraints
Women have to face a lot of restrictions on their mobility, our society still has some
conservativeness and due to that, the Carrier of the women is limited to four walls of the kitchen.
Though women face a lot of problems with being mobile, the mobility problem has been
eliminated to a very certain extent by the expansion of education awareness to all.

Business administration knowledge

Women must be educated and trained continuously to acquire the skills and understanding in all
the required functional areas of a business venture. This will make women excel in decision-
making and develop good business skills

Financial Assistance
Most women especially in rural areas are aware of the financial assistance provided by the
various institutions. The effort taken for the women may not able to reach rural and backward

Training programs
Depending upon the needs, duration, skill, and purpose, there are various workshops and training
programs available at the social and welfare association. Such programs are really helpful to new
people and young ones, who desire a small or medium business on their own

The biggest challenge facing women today is patriarchy. This is especially evident in the realm of
politics. Regardless of a woman’s experience, education, or abilities, the patriarchal nature of U.S. society
fosters the perception that women are less qualified and less competent than men. What patriarchy has
done is convince people that a strong and intelligent woman represents a problem; disruption to the social
order rather than an integral part of it. Biased media coverage of women politicians—stories that focus on
women’s fashion and look at the expense of their ideas on policy—underscores this point. 
It is the most awful and offensive problem for women and even they are not supporting to raise
their voices and getting justice. With these attitudes of individuals, the criminals get bolder to
have this sort of crime. In this situation, the government must imprison criminals and give them
the hardest punishment, so that women are also able to do whatever they want and go freely and
without any fear anywhere

In the research in which the topic was social problems of women in modern times, 10 survey
questions were sent to different contacts to get the outcomes of the individuals. Different people
have different views about Individual questions. The percentage of each question and its number
are given below for better understanding.

The result shows that most people or individuals agree that there are many problems women
have in their lives and we need to support them. It should be the motive of every person that let
the women breathe and grow. If you educate and give respect to the women it means that you
are growing to all nations. If women of your nation can raise their voice then that nation never
goes in lost, that nation will always be brighter and shiny. The role of women is hardly being
acknowledged. Cultural values, traditions, and other religious practices are being misused to
curtail women’s rights. Historic imbalance in power relations between men and women
exacerbated by growing inequalities within and between countries and society is leading to the
greatest discrimination against women and girls.
Violence against women can create physical, sexual, and physiological harm and suffering to
women. Women are targeted, beaten, raped, harassed sexually assaulted, and have been
subjected to sexual and gender-based violence, forced marriage, and virtual enslavement. Most
violence is persecuted against women in the form of domestic violence. The fact of the matter
is that domestic violence is treated as simple domestic violence even though it is one of the
major forms of human rights violation. Women’s rights are human rights, but in these troubled
times as our world becomes more unpredictable and chaotic, the rights of women and girls
becoming reduced, restricted, and reserved. Women are being discriminated against and treated
in vulnerable positions.
I don’t think it’s possible to name just one challenge—from the economy to climate change to
criminal justice reform to national security, all issues are women’s issues—but I believe a key to
tackling the challenges we face is ensuring women are at the table, making decisions. Something
I’ve seen over and over again in my career is that women in power bring a different perspective,
an essential perspective.


Women who are deprived of basic human rights can reach various helplines through initiatives
and alternative media groups and members. Thus there is no doubt that the developmental fact
of the women has always been the prime focus of planning since independence and a clear
vision is needed to remove obstacles on the path of women’s emancipation from the
government and women themselves. Thus the media and other positive approaches need to
stand for women. Women represent half the world’s population and gender inequality exists in
every nation on the planet Until women are given the same opportunity that men are, the entire
society will be destined to perform below their true potential. The greatest need of the hour is a
change of social attitude to women. Supporting women’s rights is our responsibility. They are
also human beings. Their body function and mental capacity are similar to man’s, so why they
are treated unequally and deprived of their rightful place in society. Women must be gained
and given equal rights. Women are powerful beyond measure and beautiful without
description. Our progress will be double-folded if women get the same treatment as men.
From a global perspective, one of the biggest challenges facing women is educational inequality.
Despite the many gains of modern feminist movements in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and
beyond, many still believe that women are less worthy of the same educational opportunities
afforded to men. While there is no denying that poverty, geography, and other factors contribute
to huge disparities in education, patriarchy justifies this denial of opportunity. It feeds the
message that men should wield the power and women should occupy a subordinate position in
all areas of society. This outdated, yet persistent, point of view fuels educational inequality and a
host of other disparities along the lines of gender on national and international levels.
The biggest challenge facing women internationally is the fundamental inequality of political and
economic opportunity that the majority of women in the world face, but that Americans take for
granted. 21st-century feminism should work to extend the human rights, political freedoms, and
economic opportunities enjoyed by women in the West to our sisters globally.

Beatty, C. A. (1996). The stress of managerial and professional women: is the

price too high?. Journal of organizational behavior, 17(3), 233-251.

Hendry, J. (2003). The role of the professional housewife. In Japanese women working (pp. 233-250). Routledge.

Clark, A. (2013). The working life of women in the seventeenth century. Routledge.

Huberman, M. (1989). The professional life cycle of teachers. Teachers college record, 91(1), 31-57.

David, C. (2001). Investitures of power: Portraits of professional women. Technical Communication

Quarterly, 10(1), 5-29.

Radhakrishnan, S. (2009). Professional women, good families: Respectable femininity and the cultural politics of a
“new” India. Qualitative Sociology, 32(2), 195-212.

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