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©Singapore Polytechnic

LC8001: Critical Reasoning and Argumentation

General Education 1 (LC8001): Outline for CA1 Assessment

Name: Sharon Sim GenEd class: Monday 8am

Admission number: 1823026

1) What is your group’s issue?

Should University degree be the only consideration for employment?

2) What is your stakeholder position?


3) What is your claim/stand?

University degree should be the only consideration for employment.

4) Reason #1 and elaboration:

As a university, we provide students with opportunities to gain a global perspective and

experience through internship programmes, overseas learning exchange ,etc.

Evidence #1:

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) students were given a chance to work with Chinese
Alibaba Group to research on how to improve the delivery of services such as healthcare and city
planning using AI. NTU president, Professor Subra Suresh, mentioned that this would give them
an opportunity to connect their basic research in the lab with real life applications that have
immediate societal impact.

Evidence #2:

National University of Singapore (NUS) overseas college programme allows student to take on
the role of an entrepreneur at innovative start-ups, while attending course at global partner
universities in South-East Asian countries, Europe or North America. This programme teaches
students to become independent as they are being forced out of their comfort zone and also
gain exposure on the job culture overseas, and gain greater exposure on how they function

©Singapore Polytechnic
LC8001: Critical Reasoning and Argumentation

5) Reason #2 and elaboration:

As a University, we provide students with opportunities to come in contact with real life
applications which gives them a better idea of what they should expect when they enter the
working industry.

Evidence #1:

Students from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and NUS demonstrated
the creative use of space in land-scarce Singapore at the Singapore Pavilion’s No More Free
Space? Showcase. These projects exposes students to the current needs of Singapore and thus
allowing them to think deeper from what they learn in lectures and apply it in real life

Evidence #2:

Students from the SUTD is collaborating with HDB to carry out an extensive research called the
New Urban Kampung Programme. The research is made to develop smarter HDB twons to make
them more liveable, efficient, sustainable and safe. This gives students a chance to make use of
their creativity and resourcefulness.

6) Additional reasons & evidence for Free Discussion


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