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Remember that we are a big learning family and we can help each other to learn and to improve.

IMPORTANT: WHAT and HOW is important for us, not WHO. (We have to mention the names of the
demo people just to make sure that they get the feedback correctly, and to clarify misunderstandings. 

WHAT and HOW is important for us, therefore, do NOT focus too much on who did the demo; focus on
the demo only. We have to mention the missing points but not to scandalize what you did; only to make
teaching better for the next time. So, never take it personally. 

While communicating remember the rules of Netiquette.

Watch all of the demo videos paying attention to the following aspects:

1. Inclusion of all steps of Teaching Speaking

a) Vocabulary Revision:

Did the teacher tell the necessary vocabulary that needs to be reviewed?

b) Lead in:

Did the teacher capture their attention? How?

Did the teacher introduce the topic to the students? / Did the teacher connect it students’
background knowledge?


Did the teacher present the target function in a mini dialog?

Was the context real-life like and meaningful?

Was the Awareness stage fulfilled fluently and successfully (eliciting and student involvement) ?

Controlled Activity

Did the teacher give instruction for the activity?

Did the teacher check the answers?

Was the activity an appropriate controlled activity and appropriate to the function?

e) Guided Activity:
Did the teacher give instruction for the activity?

Did the teacher check the answers?

Was the activity an appropriate guided activity and appropriate to the function?

Free Activity:

Did the teacher give instruction for the activity?

Did the teacher check the answers?

Was the activity appropriate?

(inclusion of target function/related to students’ real life/provide opportunities to talk/similar to

authentic, real-life communication)

2. Suitability of the MINI DIALOG (age, level, aim, etc.):

Is the DIALOG suitable to the target audience in terms of age, level, aim etc.?

3. Body language/mimes and gestures/ facial expressions/eye contact:

Did the teacher use body language/mimes and gestures/ facial expressions/eye contact?

4. Effective use of materials & puppet:

Are the materials and Puppet used effectively?

5. Responding to the students’ immediate needs (clarification, reaction, praise, feedback, etc.):

Did the teacher respond to the students’ immediate needs (clarification, reaction, praise,
feedback, etc.)?

6. Suitability of instructions and correct language use (grammar-pronunciation)

Are the instructions short, simple and precise?

Are the instructions checked?

Does the teacher use correct language?


7. Are the materials appropriate? (size, number, color, brightness, clarity and consistency):

8. Are the materials suitable to the aim of the lesson?

9. Are the materials suitable to the young learners? Is it appealing?

By taking into consideration all these questions above.

PART A) What was good about EACH particular demo?

What did s/he do right? Why it was right? (explain and justify)

PART B) What was NOT good enough EACH particular demo?

What did s/he do that was not right, and caused certain problems? (explain and justify)

What was/were the problem(s)?

How could you solve that/those problem(s)?

What would you change to make it/them better? What are the possible ways to fix the problem(s)?


Presenter's Name: _________________     

Part A) GOOD





Pts Descriptor

Feedback Number 5 If all demos are given feedback

EXCELLENT 45 Included ALL the required information in the format

Valuable/appropriate/relevant, Reflective NOT cliché, intelligible
(spelling, punctuation, vocabulary use, grammar, etc.) right netiquette

relevant to whatever done/covered in the classes, appropriate (the

guideline format has been followed including netiquette

MODERATE 30 Missing SOME of the required information in the format

Incomplete and/or cliché and/or redundant/repetitive and/or partly

relevant and reflective, partly intelligible feedback. Some violations of

WEAK 5 Missing MOST of the required information/ Insufficient/ irrelevant;

Needs a lot of improvement

NO 0 ------------------------------------


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