Great Britain

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Handout - Great Britain

English (MCB)
Mohamed & Fuat

(I) Multiculturalism
(II) Scottish independence
(III) Brexit
- the preservation of different cultures/
cultural identities within a unified society
- several different cultures coexist
peacefully and equitably
- relating to the social/educational theory
that encourages interest in many cultures
within a society rather than in only one
mainstream culture

—> Enable the different groups of a
population to maintain their cultural
characteristics (e.g. language, religion)

1. More tolerance:
➔ by getting to know more people from all over the world, one is brought
closer to cosmopolitanism, e.g. by making new friends
2. Learning other languages
3. new influences lead to new ideas and innovations (for example food,
4. Cheaper and more labour (= Arbeitskräfte)
—> Economy is growing
5. Openness can be developed and xenophobia (= Angst vor Fremden, z.B.
Ausländer) removed
6. Prejudices are eliminated by getting to know people from different
Possible cultural differences and religious conflicts


1. Parallel socities:
➔ Minority (=Minderheit) does not adapt to the majority of the society and
isolates itself from the others (segregation)
2. The government cannot do justice to every culture
3. Racisme:
➔ due to possible misconduct or non-observance of laws by people from
different cultures, the thought: everyone with a different culture is a bad
4. Extincition (=Aussterben) of the original culture
5. communication problems due to language
6. cultural differences and religious conflicts
- a majority of Scots (about 55%) voted to
remain in the UK in the 2014 referendum
—> cause for Scottish independence has
gathered new momentum after Britain voted to
leave the EU (in 2016)
- Nicole Sturgeon (1st Minister of Sc.): has
announced plans for 2nd referendum bill in
order to defend Scotlands Remain vote
- about 65% of Scotlands exports go to the
rest of the UK (excluding oil + gas)
Scottish independence
1. An independent Scotland would be able to use 100% of the oil and gas revenue
it creates
2. Advocates of Scottish independence: oil and gas revenues will make Scotland
rich and provide more than enough money to finance independence
3. If Scotland become independent, all the British forces would have to leave:
Scotland can create a nuclear-free state and divert the funds used for the upkeep
of a nuclear fleet to areas like housing, education, ….
4. Has the highest potential to tap tidal and wave power
5. A very positive attitude to the EU, therefore, an independent Sc. would easy and
fast become a new member of the EU: Remaining in the UK would mean Sc.
would have to share the government‘s anti-EU policies
6. Many People believe that going independent would spark off a renaissance of
Scottish culture and self-confidence along with an increased international standing
and global influence

1. have to decide on a lot of currency-related issues – keep the Pound in a currency
union, or introduce the Euro? Whatever the decision, Scotland will not be able to
decide alone: either alternative might be vetoed by the UK /EU
2. Current: pensions are managed by the UK government: Scotland would have to
remove Scottish pensioners from the system and set up its own pension scheme.
This process would doubtlessly be fraught with enormous difficulties, especially if
we consider the fact that Scotland has a more rapidly ageing population than the
rest of the UK
3. Scotland would be totally dependent on North Sea oil and gas: there are no clear
and reliable estimates of how much oil there really is. Running out of oil resources
would plunge an independent Scotland into a severe financial crisis
4. With the possibility of a "hard Brexit" looming on the horizon, Scotland would
probably have to choose between free trade with either the EU or the UK. If an
independent Scotland were a member of the EU, they would not have any power to
negotiate a special free trade deal with the UK
5. Just being Euro-friendly will not guarantee quick admission to the EU: countries
like Spain would probably veto a Scottish application because they do not want to
give fuel to their own regions seeking independence (e.g. Catalonia)
1. As part of a community of 500 million people, Britain could have greater
influence over international matters as a member of the EU
2. Britain proved that it could opt out of some EU policies which it considers
counterintuitive, such as adoption of the euro, the Schengen Agreement and
enforced migrant quotas
3. A union better equips Britain to tackle threats to security, including
terrorism and cross-border crime
4. European businesses invest billions of pounds in the UK every year, both
in the public sector and private sector
5. EU membership provides Britain access to the European single market,
which is invaluable for trade and enables the easy movement of goods,
services and people across member states
6. Free trade within the EU reduces barriers and enables companies to grow

1. Continued EU membership would limit Britain’s international influence,
ruling out an independent seat at the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
2. Britain will have more control of its laws and regulations, without the risk
of having counterintuitive European policies forcefully imposed
3. Some in the Leave camp believe that Britain’s domestic security could
benefit from full border controls, which it would hope to gain outside the EU
4. EU membership fees - amounting to billions - could be repurposed and
spent on issues that matter most to the British people, like funding for the
5. Membership of the EU keeps Britain from fully capitalising on trade with
other major economies such as Japan, India and the US
6. The EU subjects Britain to slow and inflexible bureaucratic red tape,
making it more prohibitive for smaller companies to do business

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