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This video is about researching the 

 diet of the Mantella poison frog
 in order to discover chemicals that exist in insects.
2. The frogs eat many 
 different types of insects

3. Clark and her colleagues collect and study the insects to find out which ones 
 make the frogs poisonous
4. The 
 toxins in the frogs’ skin
 may be a valuable contribution to medical science and provide cures for diseases.
5. If 
 rainforests are cut down
, it lowers the chance of finding new drug cures from the toxins that naturally exist in
.  Although Rita works in New York City she lives in New Jersey.

2.  The soccer match won’t be canceled, even though it’s supposed to rain.

3.  Although Seungbin is not a vegetarian, he rarely meat.

4.  Even though the students are on summer vacation, are expected to read several novels.

5.  Although many people understand the benefits of driving a hybrid car they often cannot affor
d to buy one.

6.  Even though Anders loves cats, can’t have one for a pet because he’s allergic.

We’ll walk to work even though it’s raining.

Although Gabriel is tired, he’ll still watch the movie.

Even though my phone is broken, I’ll wait to buy a new one.

Although Sofia has a headache, she won’t take aspirin.

Even though the trip sounds fun, I’d rather stay home.

Jorge failed the exam even though he studied a lot.

Although Rashida likes animals, she can’t have a pet in her apartment.
Even though Kurt lives in Spain, he can’t speak Spanish.

Although it was hot and sunny, nobody was at the beach.

Many people waited to enter the museum even though the lines were long.

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