Uca News 5

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6 June 2023

Jinkies, it seems we have a mystery

on our hands!

Blue bird is missing!!! But where did he go? 3 Weeks ago Seth du Plessis, a grade
3 student in Mr. Rungasamy's class, bought himself a mystery chocolate egg. And
inside was a blue plastic toy bird. Long story short! Blue bird is missing and it all
went downhill from there....

The SP Chronicles team interviewed Miss. Eden Pillay who waters Cleo, the class
plant, and the main reason why Blue Bird was brought to school in the first place,
so Cleo won't have to be so lonely. The class windows are usually open and the
monkeys come in but they won't really eat Blue Bird.... Or would they?

Blue Bird sits in the soil pot throughout the day. Since it's not the type that can fly
away on it's own being plastic and all, we have come to the conclusion that
someone must have moved it.
Miss Pillay does not have a clue as to who could have taken it.
For all we know it could have fallen on the ground and got vacuumed by mistake.
The possibilities of what really happened are endless.
The grade 3 class, however, thinks that someone took it by mistake and might be
too scared to bring it back.
Every animal has it's place (real or toy) in the environment. To remove it can
cause pandemonium (like it has with Blue Bird).
All we hope is that Blue Bird returns soon. If you have any clue where we could
find Blue Bird please let the grade 3 class know; but only during breaks or after
We are all hoping for a safe return.

The Mystery Gang

Lily Roos, Roscoe Saint, Ione' Duvenhage, Reece Ruiter Page 1


"Save the trees, "When you have a test or exam or even when things gets a
save the bees, little bit too overwhelming...Just do your best and God
clean our seas" will do the rest!" Miss Eden Pillay
Miss Pillay

We give you....
Miss Green !
This week we had the pleasure to interview Miss Pillay.
The students call her Miss Green because she loves the
environment so much. Her names are Eden Noelle (like
Christmas) Pillay.
Miss Pillay has been part of UCA since 2004 when the
school first started.
She completed her BSc. Bio Science degree in 2022 from
She loves the earth, music, books and solitude. She
believes everyone has a responsibility to save our
beautiful planet.
She is an assistant teacher in the grade 3 class and loves
teaching them. Her favourite colour is blue and she loves
Italian food. Her hobbies include photography and
Her "pineapple shoes" are made from pineapple leaf

fibres which is a new eco-friendly fabric called pinatex.

Scripture of the week:
Isaiah 41:10
This week's runway ruler was Fear not, for I am with you,
wearing a beautiful poloneck with
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
white high heel boots and stylish
beige pants. To top it off with her I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help
golden hoop earrings she looked you, I will uphold you with My
like an angel. righteous right hand.

Simphiwe Jiji Onke Sithole

Mlondi Zakuza Langelihle Miya Page 2
Aviwe Mtshizana Jennifer-Jayne Miller



Page 3

"MR KNOW IT ALL" Idioom van die
Answer to last weeks question: Tomorrow week
What is tall when it is young and Van die hand na die
short when it is old? mond val die pap op
Fun Science Fact: die grond.
Juffrou Vosloo
The human brain generates about 25 Please send the definition to the SP class
watts of power while awake. This means
that even when you're just sitting and
thinking, your brain is producing enough
electricity to power a light bulb!
Say watt!
Ms. M.M. Subramoney
Happy Birthday
We would like to wish the following staff and
students a very happy birthday!

06 June 2023 Cassandra Khati
08 June 2023 Calida Pillay
08 June 2023 Chloe Rose Pope
09 June 2023 Seth du Plessis
11 June 2023 Pamela Outram
This week's medical marvel

Did you know your heart is the only Staff

muscle in your body that never rests. It 07 June 2023 Mrs Page
beats around one hundred thousand 09 June 2023 Mrs Moodley
times a day.

Page 4

Please continue to come to the netball and soccer training sessions.
Even though we are done with our winter sport tournaments.
It is vital that you attend.

In this week's sports edition we had the privilege to interview Tristan Rossouw.
Tristan is a grade 9 student who enjoys cricket a lot and is really good at it.
Tristan started playing at the age of 11 and now plays for the u19 team. This is not
his first time playing at a tournament. He recently had a phenomenal game at
Our hope is that Tristan never loses the love he has for the game.

Olivia Cox
Page 5
Jayden Gendron


By Tamara Wiggill Page 6

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