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Conter-Terrorism 1

Counter- Tourism

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Counter- Tourism


The term "cyberterrorism" refers to the politically motivated use of computers and other forms of information technology to cause widespread

panic or severe disruption in society. According to Macdonald et al. (2019), the frequent acts of cyberterrorism are far higher than many people know;

cyberterrorism is one of the phenomena on the rise. On the other hand, there is a substantial amount of debate about the best ways to reign in

cyberterrorism to protect the data and information of individuals and organizations from unauthorized access. It is essential to consider cybercrimes to

comprehend the fact that this kind of terrorism has the potential to supplant the "genuine" type and become more dangerous for society. The research will

focus on the development and defense against new unknown attacks on the software developer. The attackers are likely to use in planting malware in the

software used by the government and the military computers. The research will highlight considerable expertise in securely keeping computer data by

implementing preventative security measures. The research will compare an actual terrorism incident to successful cybercrime to assess its potential. In the

same line, the study will explore the potential threats and the role played by the military in combating terrorization.

Research Question

What role does cybersecurity have in combating cyber-attacks?


1. The United States is constantly changing, and cybersecurity is an essential part of deterring terrorists in the cyber arena.
Conter-Terrorism 2

2. The US military is continuously evolving, and cybersecurity does not play a significant role in preventing terrorist attacks in the cyber


Literature Review

The events of September 11, 2001, are one of the most disturbing terrorist strikes. The 9/11 events will remain a distinct, unrepeatable deed

(Macdonald et al., 2019). The strike left an everlasting mark on the annals of terrorist attacks against the United States. The Stuxnet computer worm

discovered in 2010 is an example of a cyber-attack. According to Farwell & Rohozinski (2011), Stuxnet is a military-grade weapon designed to attack

Iran. Stuxnet is the first cyber-crime to target industrial control systems. The number of physical victims is the first difference between the attacks.

According to Farwell & Rohozinski (2011), the September 11 events resulted in a massive loss of human life. The actual number of human death is still

unclear, but it was later estimated to be around three thousand victims. Although the Stuxnet malware was allegedly designed to remotely control nuclear

enrichment plants, potentially resulting in physical victims, there is no report on the victims of cyber terrorism. As a result, Stuxnet pales compared to the

September 11 strikes in terms of the severity of the damage.

The United States is facing a growing cyber-attack threat, which could have a similar impact as the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Nonetheless, society overlooks the impending danger. It is a pity that the fact that someone would hijack four planes and then fly them into the World

Trade Center's twin towers should have been viewed as a low-risk occurrence before September 11. The negligence demonstrates the need to analyze

previous significant terrorist activities while planning. Boulard and Goodwin evaluated the future of cyber hazards and described it as an "electronic Pearl

Harbor"). Moreover, nobody should underestimate the hands of terrorists on a computer mouse may be as destructive as a bomb, especially with the

growing danger of cyber-attacks.

The United States' situation regarding cyber-attacks remains more harmful than other countries, and the United States spends a lot of money

fighting it. However, the problem will persist as long as terrorists enjoy free internet services. Cyber-growing terrorism's potential needs critical

examination because the unforgettable events of September 11, 2001, cyber-attacks have more similarities than differences. Furthermore, attacker

identities, a cyber-attack is more helpful to terrorists. Even though some critics believe that cyber-terrorism threats are exaggerated, these attacks are

becoming more powerful and widespread.

Furthermore, cyber-attacks need "actual" mitigation measures to protect the future generation. As a result, it is detrimental to overlook cyber-

terrorism threats. While many defensive techniques have evolved since September 11, security systems against cyber-terrorism remain a global concern.

Many computer companies are still using technology from the 1990s. America will undoubtedly continue to face these cyber threats soon unless necessary

measures are implemented to protect against cyber-terrorism.

Research Design

The study will use secondary data collection methods. Conversely, the internet will help define specific language so that the genuine meaning

can be better understood. However, the search will focus on cybersecurity and the US military. Further search on cyberterrorism and cyber-attack will
Conter-Terrorism 3

illustrate the repercussions of cyber warfare. Due to the wide availability of peer-reviewed journals, papers, and books, this research will employ document

analysis and review to select relevant information.

The study will use qualitative research, a detailed account of research done to solve a problem or explain a significant phenomenon. Although

most internet information is correct, reviewing the data collected will be the most incredible way to demonstrate the research validity. Filtering relevant

information from irrelevant data will be essential for this study to avoid and eliminate selectivity biases, one of the drawbacks of qualitative research.


Combating cybercrime dangers needs an increasing demand for the military need. Although physical attacks are easily monitored and

controlled, cyber-attacks are highly unpredictable because cybersecurity is constantly growing and evolving, increasing vulnerabilities throughout the

military cyber domain. Cyber-attacks are destructive, and they are rapidly growing more robust, more persistent, and more challenging to identify and



Farwell, J. P., & Rohozinski, R. (2011). Stuxnet and the future of cyberwar. Survival, 53(1), 23-40.

Macdonald, S., Jarvis, L., & Lavis, S. M. (2019). Cyberterrorism today? Findings from a follow-on survey of researchers. Studies in Conflict &

Terrorism, 1-26.

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