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92622, 11:47 AM Pseudocode Quiz Pseudocode Quiz The respondent's email (null) was recorded on submission of this form. 1. Email * 2. Name: 3. Write an algorithm to Calculate the temperature in Fahrenheit given the value 5 point. in Celsius [ F = (C * 9/5) + 32] 4. Get a worker's hourly rate and the number of hours worked and calculate his 8 point: salary for the week 5. Develop a structured algorithm which prompts for a and accept your birth year 6 points and the current year. The algorithm should calculate and output your age along with a suitable label hitpsdocs. google comiormssdt yJUUeCEWpsWPUB628U_Sn-r-hMd-UKEZUNTD2KYotedt 2 92622, 11:47 AM Pseudocode Quiz 6. Develop an algorithm which prompts the user to input an item price. The 6 points algorithm should compute and output the discounted price after a 12% discount This content is neither created nor endorsed ty Google. Google Forms hitpsdocs. google comiormssdt yJUUeCEWpsWPUB628u_Sn-r-hMd-UKSZUTTD2KYotedt 22.

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