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CHC 2D1: Canadian History

Battles of WWII

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1. How long after the invasion of Poland did the Battle of Dunkirk occur?
almost 9 months after the invasion of poland. the invasion of poland began on september 1,
1939, while the battle of Dunkirk took place between May 26 and June 4, 1940
2. What can you conclude after viewing the first three slides
WW2 consisted of many different influential battles all contributing to either successes or
defeat for both sides of the war
3. Why were there so many soldiers from different countries trapped on the beach of
the german army pushed allied forces to the beaches of dunkirk which included soldier from
different countries
4. What was the outcome of the Battle of Dunkirk?
The allied forces were able to evacuate over 300,000 soldiers to safety. however many soldiers
were killed or captured during the battle.
5. Why was the battle called a “Miracle?”
because a large amount of soldier were evacuated
6. What is the German word for their Air Force Luftwaffe
and lightning war Blitzkrieg
7. What is the North American reference for the “Blitz” (ask your parents)
Battle in the sky during the battle of britain
8. How long did the Battle of Britain last? Record 2 important facts about the battle of
from July 10th to October 31 1940.
- the first major military campaign fought entirely by air forces
- also a major turning point in the war as it prevented germany from gaining air
superiority over britain
9. Winston Churchill quote: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so
many to so few” What does he mean?
that the british people owed a great debt to the royal air force pilots who fought in the battle of
britain as they prevented a german invasion of britain
10. Why did Hitler invade the Soviet Union?
because he wanted to gain control of its vast resources and territory and he believed that the
soviet union was weak and vulnerable after the purges of the red army in the 1930s
11. What was the outcome of Germany’s war in the Soviet Union?
the soviet union was able to repel the german invasion and eventually push the german army
back to berlin
12. What happened on December 7, 1941? Why was this important to the Allies?
The Japanese attacked the American naval base at Pearl harbor. this was important because it
brought the united states into the war
13. What was the outcome of the Battle of Hong Kong? Record 2 facts about this battle
the british and canadian forces defending the city were defeated and forced to surrender to the
- it was the first battle fought by canadian forces in the war
- the japanese committed numerous war crimes against the prisoners of war
14. Which of the 4 reasons listed for the Dieppe Raid sound like a good military plan. Why?
none because it was poorly planned and executed
15. What was the outcome of the Dieppe Raid? Record 2 facts about this battle
the allied forces suffered heavy losses and were forced to retreat
- first major combat operation by canadian forces in the war
- it was a major failure that led to changes in allied strategy
16. What is the military code name for the Italian Campaign?
operation husky
17. Describe the fighting in the town of Ortona.
intense and brutal as canadian and german forces fought street by street and house by house
18. Provide a description of the Atlantic wall defence
the atlantic wall was a system of coastal fortifications and defences built by the germans along
the coast of western europe from norway to spain it was designed to prevent an allied invasion
of europe
19. What is the name of the location of the Allies landing in France?
normandy, france on june 6, 1944
20. What is the military code name of the Normandy beach where Canadian soldiers
juno beach
21. Which two European countries were liberated by Canadian soldiers?
the netherlands and denmark
22. Why was the war not over after Victory in Europe celebrations?
the war was not over after the victory in europe celebrations because the war in the pacific
against japan was still ongoing
23. What brought World WAR II to an official end?
the unconditional surrender of germany of may 7, 1945 and the surrender of japan on august
15, 1945 after the atomic bombings
24. Ask 2 questions for class discussion.
- How many Canadian soldiers were recruited?
- how many of the total deaths in ww2 were civilians

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