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A Capstone Project
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Computer Studies
Professional Academy of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Charles Lydon M. Abiero

Juntino O. Ferolino
John Carlo A. Martin

Mr. Bob Keri O.

Bacus Adviser

December 2021

Title Page

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………….. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………….. vi

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………….. viii

LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………….. ix



Project Context………………………………………………................... 1

Conceptual Framework……………………….......................................... 3

Objectives of the Study………………………………………………….. 7

Scope and Limitations of the Study……………....................................... 8

Purpose and Description………………………........................................ 8

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………........ 10


Related Literatures………………………………………………………. 15

Related Studies/Systems……………………………………………........ 18

Synthesis……………………………………………………………........ 20


Requirements Analysis………………………………………………….. 22

Requirements Documentation…………………........................................ 24

Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes………………... 26

Development and Testing……………………………………………….. 27

Data Analysis Plan…………………………………………………......... 32

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………….. 51


A. Capstone Project Team Assignments………………………………… 111

B. Pre-Proposal Statement………………………………………………. 112

C. Capstone Project Working Title……………………………………… 113

D. Capstone Project Hearing Notice (Proposal)………………………… 114

E. Grammarian’s Certificate…………………………………………….. 116

F. Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………... 117



Figures Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the ……………………………………… 4


2 Current Technical Situation ……………………………………… 23

(Modular Distance Learning)

3 System Architecture ……………………………………… 27

4 Rapid Application Development ……………………………………… 28

5 Log-in Form ……………………………………… 34

6 Teacher and Student Dashboard ……………………………………… 35

7 Class Module ……………………………………… 36

8 Posting of Announcements ……………………………………… 37

9 Viewing of Upcoming Deadlines ……………………………………… 37

by the Students

10 Classworks Module (Teacher ……………………………………… 38


11 Classworks Module (Student ……………………………………… 39


12 Assessment Module (Teacher ……………………………………… 40


13 Assessment Module (Student ……………………………………… 41


14 Grading System Module ……………………………………… 42



Tables Page

1 Technical Issues of the System ……………………………………… 31

2 Operational Issues of the System ……………………………………… 31

3 Economic Issues of the System ……………………………………… 32

4 Data Interpretation Scale ……………………………………… 33

5 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 43

as to Functionality Suitability

6 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 43

as to Performance Efficiency

7 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 44

as to Compatibility

8 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 45

as to Usability

9 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 46

as to Reliability

10 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 46

as to Security

11 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 47

as to Maintainability

12 Level of Conformity to ISO 25010 ……………………………………… 48

as to Portability

13 Summary of the Software Quality ……………………………………… 48


Chapter 1


This chapter presents the project context, conceptual framework, objectives of the

study, scope and limitations of the study, purpose and description, and definition of

terms. Project Context

COVID-19 has become a world health crisis. As of October 6, 2020, almost 36

million people are infected and over one million have died. Within the Philippines, this

translates into almost 325,000 infected and 6,000 deaths. To curb the spread of COVID-

19, most governments have opted to use quarantine protocols and temporarily put a stop

on educational institutions. As a consequence, billion of learners are affected worldwide.

Among this number are over 28 million Filipino learners across academic levels who

must stay at home and follow the Philippine government’s quarantine measures.

Everybody is staying in their homes because of the implemented lockdown policy.

However, learning must not halt. Different countries worldwide have introduced various

answers during the pandemic to continue the education process - the introduction of

distance learning and online learning platforms (Joaquin et al., 2020).

With schools to re-open its doors on the subsequent year, it is important to plan

how schools pursue their mission of implementing quality education. Policy in terms of

the delivery of instruction must be strengthened. Many innovative programs are proposed

by the different learning sectors within the Philippines. The Department of Education

emphasized that teachers must devise various modalities in this new learning

environment. In the higher education institutions, new normal would be the virtual

classrooms. The

Commission on Higher Education suggested to strengthen online platforms and blended

learning (Tria, 2020).

Many learning delivery options are adopted. However, the implementation would

pose problems on students with limited internet access and no gadgets. Changes within

grading system, assessment and evaluation of student’s performance is also a challenge to

teachers. Laboratory activities in sciences and other subjects that require performance

like Physical Education would be limited to paper and pen test, unless schools will

require students to be physically present to be assessed through performance tests. Extra-

curricular activities in like scouting, proms, sports intramurals, contests and foundation

day are going to be reduced and discontinued. In terms of teaching, teacher training to

online instruction, blended learning and distance learning is usually recommended so as

to change to the new instructional format (Toquero, 2020). Teacher competencies in both

pedagogy and technology are reinforced. This transition to the new normal, each learning

institution must study how successful online learning is in providing quality education

and outcomes-based education to students (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).

Due to the problems mentioned above, the researchers came up with an idea to

utilize technology to provide solution to the problems by developing a software called

MoDoc that will help alleviate the present condition of the educational sector in

delivering quality education to the learners. MoDoc is a learning platform that is designed

specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content. It helps

to create, adopt, administer, distribute and manage all of the activities related to e-

learning training, or can act as a complement to classroom learning. It will make

the management of

everything related to learning much more comprehensive, personalized, of a high quality

and enhanced through the use of virtual classrooms and multimedia content.

Conceptual Framework

The study entitled “MoDoc: An E-Learning Platform”, is anchored on the Input-

Process-Output (IPO) Model. According to Canonizado (2021), the IPO model represents

the summary of several related articles that explains the processes involved. It refers to

the representation of all the factors that compose a process. The IPO diagram includes all

of the materials and the information that are required in the process, the specific details of

the process itself, and the descriptions of all outputs anchored on the process that took

place. IPO model refers to the depiction of all the factors that form a process.

In computing researches, the IPO is usually presented in two (2) ways. In the fist

way of presenting the IPO, the input consists the information required for the system to

be developed, usually, all the details specified in the objectives of the study are stipulated

here; the process involves the system itself; and, the output reflects all the reports that are

generated by the system. The second way of presenting the IPO is more technical. The

input consists of the user requirements, knowledge requirements, hardware requirements,

software requirements, and developing tools; the process involves the requirements

planning, prototyping, design and development, and testing and evaluation; and, the

output is the system itself.


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Framework of the study. Reflected as inputs are

the user requirements, knowledge requirements, software requirements, hardware

requirements, and development tools. The user requirements are the identified scope of

the system which is based on the user specifications. The MoDoc application must be

capable of providing a user portal for all users to securely log in and complete tasks;

hence, the Account Module. It shall allow the teachers to create and manage classes;

hence, the Class Module. It must be capable of uploading learning modules and

resposting created classworks; hence, the Classworks Module. The system must have the

feature where the teachers can create and publish assessments; hence, the Assessment

Module. Finally, the system must be capable of computing grades; hence, the Grading

System Module.

The researchers are required to have a knowledge about system analysis, system

design, programming, debugging, and system evaluation. They must be knowledgeable in

identifying problems and organizing the facts and details of the system. They should be

able to meticulously breakdown the system into its organized components or parts. It is

important that the researchers know what works with what, what causes something to

work or fail, and what can work independently. Through system analysis, the researchers

will know the ins and outs of the system. Aside from knowing how to analyze the system,

the researchers should be knowledgeable in system design. They should be able to define

the product and its architecture. It is necessary for the interfaces, design, data, and

modules to satisfy the system requirements. Thus, a good system design strategy is key

for enabling optimal product development. The researchers, especially the hacker in the

team must be knowledgeable in programming concepts as the study involves software

development. They need to know also how to debug to locate and remove existing and

potential errors in

their software code. This is done to prevent incorrect functions of systems that can lead to

unexpected crashes. They must test programs in a code to search for new bugs, so they

can be corrected. After the system is developed, the researchers must know how to

evaluate it to determine what works well and what could be improved in the system. They

have to make sure that the system conforms to the software quality standards.

For the MoDoc application, it is important also to know the software and

hardware requirements for the system to run smoothly and avoid lags during execution.

The hardware specifications include the processor speed to be 2.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, and

128 GB HDD free space for the storage. The software specifically the operating system

must be Windows 10 or higher versions and the browsers where the system could be

displayed are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. The researchers

need to determine also the development tools that are necessary for the development of

the system. The researchers used Visual Studio Code for the coding, Adobe

Dreamweaver CC20 for the design of user interfaces, Adobe Photoshop for the design of

banners and icons, Xampp for the database, and JustinMind for the prototyping.

The process involves requirements planning, prototyping, design and

development, and testing and evaluation. In the requirements planning, the researchers

and users plan and agree on the project’s needs, scope, challenges, and requirements.

Then the users work with the researchers to create and develop one or more prototypes

that cover the outlined system requirements. This is a continuous phase wherein the users

interact with the prototype and provide feedback until a true final product is approved.

Then the researchers then focus on implementing the feedback provided by the users

through coding, testing, and any other applicable development tasks. Series of testing

and evaluation is done


afterwards. The system is evaluated against requirements gathered from users and system

specifications. Testing is conducted, which comprises of Validation and Verification, to

examine whether or not the software satisfies the user requirements (validation) and

confirm if the software is meeting the business requirements, and is developed adhering

to the proper specifications and methodologies (validation).

After considering the inputs required and undertaking all the necessary processes,

the MoDoc application, which is an e-learning platform, is the end result.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The main objective of the study is to design and develop an e-learning

platform called MoDoc.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Design and develop an application called MoDoc which is capable of;

a. providing a user portal for all users to securely log in and

complete tasks;

b. creating and managing classes;

c. uploading learning modules and resposting created classworks;

d. creating and publishing assessments;

e. computing grades.

2. Evaluate the level of conformity of the MoDoc application with the

ISO 25010 standards.


Scope and Limitations of the

Study Scope

Teachers and students are the primary users and can access MoDoc through their

user accounts. MoDoc is designed and developed where teachers can create classworks

that can be shared to students, assign classwork to all students or individual students, and

can either immediately give out the classwork or schedule the classwork for a particular

day. It has a customizable grading system. Teachers can give updates to students through

announcements. Announcements are posts with no classworks; they are just notices for

students; about deadlines, tests, or any class work. MoDoc is supported by Chrome,

Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.


MoDocdo not support virtual discussions. It is not capable also of video

conferencing, providing live classroom and webinar environments for users. Teachers

cannot take a real-time class virtually. The MoDochas no mobile application.

Purpose and Description of the Study

MoDoc App will give the following significance particularly to the following:

1. Professional Academy of the Philippines as a Whole. The institution may

benefit from the study’s publication, abstract, and presentations to local,

regional, national, and international conferences which will increase the

school’s visibility in the research community. This simulataneously

strengthens undergraduate education; provides additional outlets for faculty

to teach, research, and serve; and fosters the creation of a community of

scholars that is essential to the intellectual health of the institution.


2. College of Computer Studies. This study will increase the chance of the

department to get a higher mark in the area of research during accreditation.

It will be an additional reference also that the department may provide to its

instructors and students to make use for their classes.

3. Library. The study will serve as an additional reference that can be kept and

added in the collection of the library.

4. Teachers. Using MoDoc, teachers can keep their paperwork for all their

classes organized in one dashboard. With a few clicks, homework can be

assigned digitally to each class roster. You can easily manage classes:

archive them, share entries about various classes. Post any announcement,

task, or question during a lesson. MoDoc allows teachers to check on an

ongoing basis which students have already submitted their classworks. They

can also issue grades, which will be displayed to students after

acceptance of classwork. They can also prepare and upload course


5. Students. Students can access MoDoc anytime, anywhere. Students no

longer have to worry about crashed computers. Exposure to MoDoc may

help students transition into other learning management systems used in

higher education. Students would not have excessive amounts of paper to

shuffle since MoDoc is completely paperless.Students can complete

classworks and assessments directly through MoDoc. They can access

missed work due to

absences and locate other resources they may need.

6. Researchers. Since the study looked into the aspects of information

management and system development, the IT management and decision-


making capabilities of the researchers will surely improve. In addition, the

researchers can personally discern the problems met by the concerned

institution and apply the right technology that would resolve the present

unsatisfactory conditions. Researchers will better understand published

works, determine an area of interest, and jump start their careers as

researchers. It gives them a chance to apply the knowledge they acquire in

their years of studying. Furthermost, the researchers will become one of the

knowledgeable persons in the establishment of the MoDoc which in return

will prepare them as future Information Technology Consultants and/or


7. Future Researchers. This study may serve as guide for them so that they

will be able to improve the application. It can contribute additional

information when they conduct a related study.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, the following technical terms were used and defined

operationally to serve as reference for the readers.

Dashboard It is usually the the one page that the users see first thing in

the web application. It is the page that shows the analysis of

the application’s data, trends, summaries etc. In many cases

it dynamically reports important pieces of data from the web

application. From the dashboard the user can drill down to

get more information about a particular piece of data.


Database It is used to store, manage and update data records or files

that contain information from the MoDoc application, such

as student data, teacher data, class information, classworks

information, and grade information. Access to this data is

usually provided by a database management system

consisting of an integrated set of computer software that

allows users to interact with one or more databases although

restrictions may exist that limit access to particular data.

E-learning It is a structured course or learning experience delivered

electronically; it can also include performance support

content. This is made up of elements such as live or pre-

recorded lecture content, video, quizzes, simulations, games,

activities, and other interactive elements. It is typically

managed and administered via a learning management

system. It falls into two main categories: asynchronous and

synchronous. The e-learning referred in this study is the

synchronous e-learning, more commonly referred to as

online learning, which is instructor-led and taken at the

same time as other learners – everyone just happens to be


E-learning Platform It is an information system that schools can use for teaching

(only online or supporting traditional teaching). It may be a

content management system, guaranteeing the access to


didactic materials for the students. It may also be a learning

management system, where the use of learning objects

makes easier the learning of a given topic. A computer-

supported collaborative learning system, which makes easier

the use of collaborative and situated teaching/learning

strategies can be an e-learning platform. A virtual

community of students, tutors and professors using

knowledge management can also

be an e-learning platform.
Learning Management It is a multiuser software applicationfor the administration,

System tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of educational

courses. It can help schools manage self-paced courses and

blended learning programs. It provides automation that

replaces rigorous and expensive manual work, saves time,

ad enables you to organize your content, data, and learners.

It tracks and reports on training activity and reports. The

MoDoc application is one example of a learning


Software Software, in its most general sense, is a set of instructions or

programs instructing a computer to do specific tasks. It

describes computer programs that run on PCs, mobile

phones, tablets, or other smart devices. It is often used to

describe all the functional aspects of a computer that do not

refer to its physical components. Scripts, applications,


programs and a set of instructions are all terms often used to

describe software. Everything that runs on a computer, from

an operating system, to a diagnostic tool, video game, or app

can be defined as software.

System It includes architecture, modules and components, the

different interfaces of those components and the data that

goes through it to satisfy specified requirements. It must

have some structure and behavior which is designed to

achieve a predefined objective. Interconnectivity and

interdependence must exist among the system components.

It has organization, interaction, interdependence,

integration, and central objective. Output and inputs,

processor, control, feedback, environment, and boundaries

and interface are

elements of a system.
System Architecture It is the structural design of systems. It is the model that

conceptually defines the views, structure, and behavior of

the system. The model could include the technical

framework, end user requirements, and a list of system

components. It is the representation and description of how

the system works and communicates with other system

components in general. The key decisions that need to be

made during the system

architecture process are the attributes of the new system, the


style of architecture, type of software used, types of

technologies used, and how the system will be deployed.

User Interface It is the point of human-computer interaction and

communication in the system. It is the way through which a

user interacts with the MoDoc application. It is the process

designers use to build interfaces in software, focusing on

looks and styles. Designers aim to create interfaces which

users find easy to use and pleasurable. The UI used in the

MoDoc application is the graphical user interfaces wherein

users interact with visual representations on digital control


Virtual Classrooms It is a video conferencing tool where instructors and

participants engage with each other and with the learning

material. It offers added set of features that are essential to a

learning environment. It helps make the learning experience

interactive and engaging while providing a controlled

environment. It also offers features that reach beyond the in-

class experience, such as instructors can access the

classroom prior to the lesson to prepare the material; the

material, as well as the session recording, is available after

class, for reference for instructors and participants alike.

It can be

integrated within the school’s learning management system.


Chapter 2


The literature search provides a factual base for the study. In this chapter we look

at the process of analyzing, finding, collecting and synthesizing research articles and

studies/systems which relate to the study. It presents the related literatures, related

studies/systems, and synthesis of the review.

Related Literatures

Accoding to Mardinger (2022), a learning management system could be a

software- based or SaaS platform that supports the administration, automation, and

delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development

programs. In short, it helps you deliver training materials to numerous audiences – think

everything from to online courses, to real-time instruction sessions. What is more, most

systems nowadays can even be accessed via smartphone. The powerhouse of a whole

learning technology solution, an LMS operates best when it is scalable and versatile to

the numerous needs of your learners. It is also a fundamental component of a good

learning strategy. Learning management systems are accustomed to deploy a range of

learning strategies across different formats, including (but not limited to) formal,

experiential, and social learning, to manage functions such as compliance training,

certification management, and sales enablement.

The world today is rapidly progressing on the road to utilization, with the ever-

increasing number of technical applications that are utilized to communicate and

disseminate knowledge. In a traditional classroom, knowledge acquisition is only through

the information that the instructor has and that which they can access. However,

connecting students to the outside world improves their ability to construct new

knowledge. E-learning

is an umbrella term to describe a wide variety of electronic ways that enable access to

education, and the process in itself. Virtual classrooms, web-based learning, computer-

based learning, digital collaboration, video and audio recordings, interactive TV and

many more to name a few. Thus, e-learning is suited to dynamic learning methods and

distance learning. E-learning can however be coupled with face-to-face instruction, which

is called blended learning (Simplilearn, 2022).

Learning Management Systems (LMS) support the learning process through

online classroom environments. A standard LMS provides an inclusive learning

environment for academic progress with interceding structures that promote online

collaborative-groupings, professional training, discussions, and communication among

other LMS users. Instructors should equalize active learning with the use of LMS

technological resources and the use of guidelines from the qualified curriculum. An LMS

allows instructors to deliver and model discussions, plan online activities, set learning

expectations, provide learners with options, and assist in problem-solving with processes

for decision making. An instructor’s presence within an LMS makes an engaging learning

environment. Students can maintain their independence, eagerness, and drive with LMS

use. Stakeholders of the educational community must find scientific studies to support

their contributions in LMS platforms to assist scholars in learning mathematics and other

academic subjects (Bradley, 2021).

The shift from face-to-face classes to online classes is the only key. Indeed,

schools would not be able to change all of their college curricula into an online resource

overnight. Distance, scale, and personalized teaching and learning are the three biggest

problems for online teaching. Innovative solutions by schools can only help us deal with

this pandemic (Liguori & Winkler, 2020). There is a requirement of a quick change to

online learning

mode; thus, the products by Google can be really useful under such difficult situations,

such as Gmail, Google Forms, Calendars, G-Drive, Google Hangouts, Google Jam board

and Drawings, Google Classroom, and Open Board Software (not a Google product,

helps in recording meetings in the form of files). These tools can successfully be used as

another way for face-to-face classes (Basilaia et al., 2020).

Teaching and learning processes have continuously progressed with technological

advances. Correspondingly, the fast development of information and communication

technologies has formed traditional classrooms into smart learning environments. For

example, sharing learning materials online has enabled the learners to study whenever

and wherever they want. Online attendance marking systems have also dramatically

minimized the amount of time spent by the instructors to check their students’ attendance

and thus increased the actual teaching and learning time. Moreover, the assignments or

examinations can also be administered online with appropriate instructions and feedback

to support learning outside of scheduled classes. Likewise, there are many other

ubiquitous combinations of pedagogical practices supported or facilitated with recent

technologies (Tinmaz & Lee, 2020).

An LMS offers a structure for asynchronous delivery methods that include emails,

discussion groups, audio discussion presentations, and newspapers to cultivate positive

interactions (Alzahrani, 2019). Asynchronous delivery methods let learners to

communicate with each other without the interruption of being separated through distance

and time (Alzahrani, 2019). Asynchronous environments allow learners to work in

conjunction with other commitments and responsibilities (Alzahrani, 2019). Additionally,

in asynchronous structures, learners must find their way through an LMS to explore


materials, engage in effective communication, and manage the technologies of the course

(Alzahrani, 2019).

Related Studies/Systems

Google Classroom is a cloud-based learning environment to enable remote

education for learners from pre-K through the university level. It is composed of a variety

of Google tools, like Google Meet, Google Drive and Google Docs altogether to enable

learning. Teachers can put in assignments as all kinds of documents, including .doc and

.pdfs, students get the notification, complete the assignment and submit it. Teachers then

grade the assignment, keep a virtual gradebook and might give classroom style lectures

via the Google Meet function. Google offers this via several tiers of features, the free tier

is plenty powerful for budget conscious school districts. The platform is a cross platform

as well which lets learners to function with it with whatever their device of choice is,

including laptops, Chromebooks, and both smartphone platforms (Dalton et al., 2022).

Sometimes it is truly impressive what an open-source project can do, like in the

case of Moodle LMS. This open-source learning platform is downloaded and used at no

cost. While direct support is deficient, there is still many here, including documentation

such as guides on how to use this platform. Learners and teachers are sure to like the

expansive feature set, like interaction with multiple choice questions in the content, an

integrated text editor, and support for 3rd party cloud storage providers, like DropBox to

submit assignments. It caters multi-language, and supports open standards such as

SCORM. Teachers can comment on classworks, and the integrated all-in-one calendar

(Dalton et al., 2022).


Quipper is a user-friendly learning management system with wide content for

Grades 4-12. Also, with the help of their strong Support team, they make sure that you

can conduct your online classes effectively and successfully. Some of their platforms’

best features are the automated checking of students’ activities and the item analysis

feature for monitoring the performance of the class. Their clients also love their content

management tool for creating and publishing their own materials and our new Essay app

for writing tasks. They provide around 4000+ downloadable study guides as alternatives

to textbooks and 1000+ video lessons for students’ learning. For teachers, they provide

teaching guides, editable presentation slides, and other resources to support their daily

lessons. Students can access their Quipper accounts via their Android app; thus, they can

continue learning anytime, anywhere through their mobile phones even without an

internet connection. Parents can oversee and assist in their child’s learning progress by

monitoring their activities and deadlines through our Parent Portal. Their support services

mainly consist of doing regular school visits, online support, and platform trainings to

their clients. They also go the extra mile by providing monthly usage reports to discuss

and maximize the use of the platform as well as pedagogical webinars for educators

(Quipper, 2022).

Edmodo is a worldwide education network that empowers educators to engage

lifelong learners. Teachers can simplify communication and improve student engagement

in your classroom and beyond. With communication tools such as Posts and Messages,

Edmodo supports you be that teacher for your students. With Edmodo, it is easy to share

digital assignments, create quizzes, or bring your favorite tools onboard. No teacher is an

island - find a community of peers that will support you when you need it most. Get

inspired for your succeeding lesson by browsing Discover, exploring Spotlight, or


hashtags on Edmodo. Edmodo organizes student’s work with class folders and a built-in

Planner, so that they can stress less. With Edmodo, it is easy to message your teacher or

get help from your classmates. Your next fixation is around the corner. With mindfulness

activities, games, and more on Discover, you can discover your next favorite topic on

Edmodo. Parents can get the information they need to support their child’s learning at

home along with the resources they need to succeed at school. Now you will not have to

wait for your child to show you their grades. See assignment and quiz scores immediately

after they are graded by your child’s teacher. Students succeed when their parents and

teachers are in sync. With Edmodo, it is easy to send your child’s teachers a direct

message or follow class updates. School updates are just a tap away. Monitor your child’s

progress wherever you are with the Edmodo for Parents mobile app (Edmodo, 2021).


The literatures cited mentioned about learning management systems and its

significance to the teaching and learning process especially in the context of distance

learning. This is why the researchers designed and develop the MoDoc application to

provide another e-learning platform that can enhance and facilitate the teaching and

learning process in schools especially that nowadays, they are adapting the new normal in

the educational setting.

The related systems such as Google Classroom, Moodle LMS, Quipper, and

Edmodo are learning environments that truly change the way teachers teach and the way

students are learning. In today’s generation, these platforms are a great help for the

teachers in the administration, automation, and delivery of educational courses and to

students in learning anytime, anywhere at their own pace.


The MoDoc application has the features also that these systems have. Teachers

can deliver course learning materials for the students to read and download. They can

administer formative and summative assessments that the students can take. Students can

get their scores also in real-time. Scores from the assessments will automatically be

recorded and grades are computed and generated. The advantage of the MoDoc

application to the existing learning management systems is its dynamic grading system

where it can adapt whatever is the required grading system in each school that will be

using it.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the requirements analysis, requirements documentation,

design of software, systems, product and/or processes, development and testing, and data

analysis plan.

Requirements Analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our lives and bringing lots of challenges to

our era. Because lockdowns were implemented everywhere, schools were also closed.

Educational institutions abandoned face-to-face classes and on-campus activities were

halted for the security of the population. Due to the challenges posed by COVID cases

worldwide, schools offered distance learning because schools were closed and not

allowed to accommodate students in their classrooms. Distance learning has now become

the new normal in education. Schools worldwide were forced to transition from in-person

learning to remote learning.


Figure 2. Current Technical Situation (Modular Distance Learning)


In the Philippines, most of the schools are offering Modular Distance Learning as

shown in Figure 2. Teachers make self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital

format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the context of the learner, and other

learning resources activity sheets, study guides and other study materials. Students may

go to school to get their printed modules or ask access to electronic copies of learning

materials on USB storage or sent through email. The student then answers the

assessments in the modules. They may ask assistance from the teacher via e-mail,

telephone, text message/instant messaging, etc. during teacher's office hours. The teacher

takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners by checking their work

submitted/dropped off at school every end of the week. Scores from the outputs are

recorded by the teacher through a grading system made using spreadsheet application

such as Microsoft Excel.

Requirements Documentation

Under this section, all software features are enumerated in detail showing how the

software would look like if it was already designed and coded. Requirement document

states what the software will do.


 Account Module

This module allows the registration of users: teachers and students.

Information such as name, address, birthdate, contact number, email address, and

password are inputted. The user can update his/her information.


 Class Module

The teacher can create and manage classes in this module. Information

such as course, year, section, subject, description, and room are required to create

a class. Upon creating a class, a code will be generated. The generated code will

be used by the students to join the class. The teacher can remove students who

joined the class but do not belong to that class. The teacher can also post

announcements in this module for the students to view. The students can view

also upcoming deadlines for classworks uploaded by the teacher.

 Classworks Module

Uploading of learning modules can be done in this module. In this module

also, the teacher can repost his/her created classworks. Scheduled classworks can

be seen here also.

 Assessment Module

This module is for creating and publishing assessments. In this module,

the teacher will select the assessment type. Next, the title and description will be

filled in. The teacher then selects the question type. Afterwards, the teacher will

input the question, assign points, and provide the answer key. Before publishing

the assessment, the teacher will set the deadline and duration of the assessment.

He/she can choose also whether to publish the assessment automatically for all the

students to view and take, or individually sent the assessment to each student. The

teacher may also set whether to accept responses or not. Real-time feedback can

be given to students or the teacher can send the assessment results manually.

 Grading System Module

This module is used for the computation of grades. Raw scores from the

assessments are automatically recorded here for grades computation. After

computing the grades for all the grading periods, the Summary of Grades will be


Design of Software, Systems, Product and/or Processes

After the requiresments of the users are finalized and the purpose and

specifications of the application are determined, the researchers proceed right into

development, building out the user design. In this stage, the preparation of the logical

design, the physical design and the user interface design are carried out.

The system architecture of the MoDoc application is shown in Figure 2. The

primary users of the application are the teacher and student. The teacher and student can

register through the Account Module. If they already have existing accounts, they may

log- in through their individual accounts. After logging in to their individual accounts,

they can view now their portals. In the teacher’s portal, he/she can create a class where

the students may join in the Class Module. He/she can then manage all his created

classes. After that, the teacher can upload now his/her learning modules in the

Classworks Module. He/she can repost also his/her created assessments. In the

Assessments Module, the teacher can create assessments whether formative assessments

or summative assessements that the students may take. The raw scores from the

assessments will automatically be recorded in the Grading System Module for the

computation of grades. After the grades in all the grading period are computed, the

Summary of Grades will now be generated.


Figure 3. System Architecture

Development and

Testing Software


The researchers used the Rapid Application Development (RAD) in developing

the software which is a development model that prioritizes rapid prototyping and quick

feedback over long drawn-out development and testing cycles. With rapid application

development, the researchers can make multiple iterations and updates to a software

quickly without starting


from scratch each time. This helps ensure that the final outcome is more quality-focused

and is in alignment with the end-users’ requirements.

Figure 4. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

The first phase is equivalent to a project scoping meeting. The researchers so with

the software users (teachers and students), communicate to determine the project’s

requirements, and strategies for tackling potential issues that may arise during

development. The teachers and students as primary users provide a vision for the product,

and in collaboration with the researchers, research is conducted to finalize requirements.

Everyone has the opportunity to evaluate the goals and expectations for the project and

weigh in. By getting approval from the software users, the researchers can avoid

miscommunications and costly change orders down the road. That being said, one of the

key principles of RAD is the ability to change requirements at any point in the

development cycle.

Once the project is scoped out, the researchers jump right into development,

building out the user design through various prototype iterations. During this phase,

software users work hand in hand with the researchers to ensure their needs are being met

at every step in the design process. It is almost like customizable software development

where the users can test each prototype of the product, at each stage, to ensure it meets

their expectations. All the bugs are worked out in an iterative process. The researchers

design a prototype, the software user tests it, and then they come together to

communicate on what worked and what did not. This method gives the researchers the

opportunity to tweak the model as they go until they reach a satisfactory design.

Phase 3 takes the prototypes and beta systems from the design phase and converts

them into the working model. Because the majority of the problems and changes were

addressed during the thorough iterative design phase, the researchers were able to

construct the final working model more quickly than they could by following a traditional

project management approach. The researchers work together during this stage to make

sure everything is working smoothly and that the end result satisfies the software users’

expectations and objectives. This third phase is important because the software users still

get to give input throughout the process. They can suggest alterations, changes, or even

new ideas that can solve problems as they arise.

Phase 4 is the implementation phase where the finished product goes to launch. It

includes data conversion, testing, and changeover to the new system, as well as user

training. All final changes are made while the researchers and software users continue to

look for bugs in the system.

Software Testing and Evaluation

To facilitate the testing and evaluation of the MoDoc application, the researchers

used the ISO 25010 software quality model. ISO 25010 or “Systems and software

engineering – Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) –

System and software quality models” is a software quality standard (Britton, 2021). It

defines the models, consisting of characteristics and sub-characteristics, for software


product quality, and software quality in use together with practical guidance on the usage

of the quality models.

ISO25010 describes two quality models: 1) The quality in use model composed of

five characteristics (some of which are further sub-divided into sub-characteristics) that

relate to the outcome of interaction when a product is used in a particular context of use;

and 2) A product quality model composed of eight characteristics (which are further sub-

divided into sub-characteristics) that relate to static properties of software and dynamic

properties of the computer system. The characteristics and sub-characteristics offer

constant terminology for specifying, measuring and evaluating system and software

product quality. They also provide a set of quality characteristics against which specified

quality requirements can be compared for completeness.

ISO 25010 is made up of eight product quality characteristics and 31 sub-

characteristics: 1) Functional Suitability; 2) Performance Efficiency; 3) Compatibility; 4)

Usability; 5) Reliability; 6) Security; 7) Maintainability; and, 8) Portability.

Constraints and Tradeoffs in Software Design

A tradeoff is a situation that involves losing one quality or aspect of something in

return for gaining another quality or aspect. It often implies a decision to be made with

full comprehension of both the upside and downside of a particular choice; the term is

also used in an evolutionary context; in which case the selection process acts as the

“decision- maker.”

The following are the trade-offs of the system. The tables below show technical

issues, operational issues and economic issues.


Technical Issues
Issues Trade-offs
The laptop/desktop pc speed must be at
least 2.5ghz.
The version of operating system should be
Windows 10 or higher.
To develop in laptop/desktop pc the RAM
Operational Characteristic is at least 2GB.

Table 1. Technical Issues of the System

The researchers noticed a slower performance of the application in a desktop pc

with lower specification. When it was tested in a desktop personal computer with the

minimum specifications, it ran smoothly and it reduces lag in its performance.

Operational Issues
Issues Trade-offs
Photoshop CC20, Adobe Dreamweaver
Support Tools
Visual Studio Code, Xampp, JustinMind

Uses HTML5, CSS5, Bootstrap5 and

User and Developer skills
Laravel in coding.

Everytime there is data manipulation, the

Processes users should be extra careful to avoid data
Research all about learning management

Table 2. Operational Issues of the System

In creating the application, set of skills and knowledge are needed. The

researchers used different support tools such as Photoshop CC20, Adobe Dreamweaver,

Visual Studio Code, Xampp, and JustinMind. The researchers also use HTML5, CSS5,

Bootstrap5 and Laravel in coding.


Economic Issues
Issues Trade-offs
The system will work well if the RAM is
Hardware and Software upgrade
There is no development cost incurred by
Development Cost
the researchers.
At least 10,000 pesos to provide cloud
Operational Cost
database as data server for this application.
Training Cost There is no training cost for the self-study
(Developer and User) is implied by the developers.

Table 3. Economic Issues of the System

The operational cost covers up the annual hosting fee if the system will be made

operational for the intended users.

Data Analysis Plan

After gathering data, the statistical tools that will be used in the analysis of data

are the Weighted Arithmetic Mean and Standard Deviation. The weighted arithmetic

mean will be used to determine the average response for each item of the five (5) options

in each item in the questionnaire namely, 5 (Strongly Agree/Accepted Unconditionally),

4 (Agree/Accepted with Minor Condition), 3 (Undecided/Fair), 2 (Disagree/Accepted

with Major Condition), and 1 (Strongly Disagree/Reject). The Likert scale can be

generated by means of the respondents’ replication on the survey.

The points that will be used are:

Strongly Agree/Accepted Unconditionally = 5 points

Agree/Accepted with Minor Condition = 4 points

Undecided/Fair = 3 points

Disagree/Accepted with Major Condition = 2 points


Strongly Disagree/Reject = 1 point

In interpreting the weighted mean, the following scale will be used:

Range of the
Weighted Mean
Strongly Agree (for the criteria set)/Accepted Unconditionally
4.51 – 5.00
(the MoDoc app)
Agree (for the criteria set)/Accepted with Minor Condition (the
3.51 – 4.50
MoDoc app)
2.51 – 3.50 Undecided/Fair
Disagree (for the criteria set)/Accepted with Major Condition
1.51 – 2.50
(the MoDoc app)
1.50 and below Strongly Disagree (for the criteria set)/Reject (the MoDoc app)

Table 4. Data Interpretation Scale

The weighted arithmetic mean is used to determine the acceptability of the newly

developed system. Standard deviation is used to determine the degree of dispersion or

disagreement among the respondents.



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Capstone Project Title: MoDoc: An E-Learning Platform

Researchers: 1. Charles Lydon M. Abiero
2. Juntino O. Ferolino
3. John Carlo A. Martin
Scope of the Study: Teachers and students are the primary users and
can access MoDoc through their user accounts.
MoDoc is designed and developed where teachers
can create classworks that can be shared to
students, assign classwork to all students or
individual students, and can either immediately
give out the classwork or schedule the classwork
for a particular day. It has a customizable grading
system. Teachers can give updates to students
through announcements. Announcements are posts
with no classworks; they are just notices for
students; about deadlines, tests, or any class work.
MoDoc is supported by Chrome, Firefox, and
Limitations of the Study: MoDoc do not support virtual discussions. It is not
capable also of video conferencing, providing live
classroom and webinar environments for users.
Teachers cannot take a real-time class virtually.
The MoDochas no mobile application.
Project Design/Development  Program Specification
Plan: An application called MoDoc is capable of
providing user portal for all users to securely
log in and complete tasks; creating and
managing classes, classworks and grades
online; giving direct, real-time feedback;
posting announcements; and tracking and
submitting classworks.

 Software Specification
The system will run on Windows10 or any
higher versions. The software tools used in
the system development are Laravel, HTML5,
CSS5, and Bootstrap5.

 Hardware Specification
The system will run on processors like core 2
duo, dual core, quad core or any higher
processor. The RAM should be at least 2GB
or higher. At least 128GB HDD is needed for
the system operation.



1) Charles Lydon M. Abiero

2) Juntino O. Ferolino

3) John Carlo A. Martin

Capstone Project Title:

MoDoc: An E-Learning Platform

Submitted by: Noted by:

Juntino O. Ferolino Bob Keri O. Bacus

(Signature of Hustler over Printed Name) (Signature of Adviser over Printed

Date: January 29, 2021 Date: January 29, 2021


Mary Grace Cuyno-Lozada, MIT

(Signature of Dean over Printed Name)

Date: January 29, 2021



Date Filed: April 30, 2021 [ / ] PROPOSAL


Date: May 15, 2021 Time: 9:00 A.M. Venue: Computer Laboratory 1

College/Institute/Department: College of Computer Studies

Capstone Project Title: MoDoc: An E-Learning Platform


Charles Lydon M. Abiero Juntino O. Ferolino John Carlo A. Martin


The undersigned members comprising the panel for oral examination hereby agree to the
schedule of hearing for the above research.




Member Member



Noted by:


Dean, College of Computer Studies

December 27, 2021


This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the pages of the
research entitled MoDoc: An E-Learning Platform as against the set of structural rules
that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in the English language.


Mary Grace Cuyno-Lozada, MIT



Juntino O. Ferolino


Bob Keri O. Bacus


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