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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA

Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City


Aguilar, K., Cazar, D., Cruz, B., De Guzman, M.
Grandia, J., Jocson, J., Ladines, N., Magparangalan, K., Sampaga, B., Tamayo K.,
HUMSS 207 – Dalai Lama
Background of the Study
students. This is why the researcher chose
Schwahn, L. (2021) A spending plan based this topic to determine the budgeting habits of
on income and costs is called a budget. In selected Grade 11 Accountancy and Business
other words, it's a projection of your income Management (ABM) students in Pamantasan
and expenses for a specific time frame, like a ng Lungsod ng Marikina.
month or a year. Making a detailed list of
expenses or concentrating on a few areas can From the previous scholar, Holland (2016),
both be part of budgeting. Habits are the most students are unsure of managing their
actions you take in specific situations. money wisely. Students do not have access to
Basically, anything that is repeated accurate information or knowledge regarding
frequently enough to become automatic budgeting habits.
might be considered a habit.
1. Students may track their expenses.
According to Smart Capital Mind (2022) According to Klein, R. (2017) The
one of the challenges that senior high school best way to make sure your spending
students encounter is the difficulty to control is within your budget, whether it be
the way they spend and budget their money. daily, monthly, or annual, is to track
Student spending generally includes greater your spending. You can make sure
money spent on food, entertainment, your money is being utilized wisely
electronic devices, and personal care when you keep track of your
products. Student spending often involves expenditures and know where your
cash spent on clothing, music, movies, and money goes.
video games. Students usually have access to 2. Most of the students lack
food at home, so the bulk of their spending knowledge when it comes to
tends to revolve around entertainment and budgeting. According to Budget
clothing. The student years present social University (2021) young people who
pressures related to fitting in with peers and lack financial literacy or know how to
preserving a specific image. Wearing the manage their money frequently
right brand-name clothing and shoes as well engage in bad financial practices like
as keeping up with the latest fashion trends is gambling. Additionally, they have a
a large part of creating and preserving this strong ability to persuade people to
image. These items are common components make poor financial decisions.
of social activities and interaction among

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

3. Students may set financial goals. Financial Stress

Establishing attainable financial
objectives gives you a head start when According to HanNa et al. (2015), Students
drafting your budget. It's crucial to who experience financial difficulties were
have a financial goal in mind, whether more likely to develop detriment. Fewer
it's paying all of your bills on time people were worried about not having enough
each month or putting money down money for necessities or emergency savings.
for a trip. However, it's equally They are more likely to pay their bills on
crucial to make sure you're aiming for time, save consistently, bond with their
achievable targets so you don't feel let purchases, and have faith in their ability to
down by falling short of impossible manage their finances. These fearful students
ones. Budgeting Tips for are then more inclined to participate in
Students—Great Lakes (n.d.) undesirable actions like drinking or
overindulging in shopping, which could
Brief Review of Related Literature and increase credit card bills and cause the cycle
Studies to recur.

Financial Peer Pressure Teen financial Literacy

According to Rebecca Lake (2022) financial Teenagers acknowledged that they lack
peer pressure can have a huge influence on confidence in their grasp of personal finance,
what you do with your money. For previous as noted in Greenlight (2021). Students
generations it was all about "keeping up with could say that they save money every week
the Joneses." For millennials and Gen Z, it's or month, although the quantity varies, and
the fear of missing out that results in pressure that they have the same amount of money
to spend. each time.

Financial Capability Gender differences in the spending

The notion of financial capability augments
financial literacy (defined as a combination According to PISA (2015), guys are more
of financial knowledge, skills, and likely to receive pocket money for
confidence) by another dimension— completing tasks and are the ones who
desirable financial behaviors. This broader carefully consider their future spending as
concept has been used in the well-known opposed to girls, who squander their money
Organization for Economic Co-operation and without considering how to manage it. While
Development studies (OECD, 2016) with women hunt for products that are not
addition of another formative factor of particularly what they are looking for, men
consumers’ financial capability: their limit their search to certain items they have
financial attitudes. been trying to find at the moment of purchase.

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

When making decisions, both genders take the Chinese. Saving is a habit that is not just
pricing into consideration. practiced by wealthy folks and business-
minded people. Anyone can be an excellent
Financial Parenting saver if they have the appropriate mindset
and discipline.
According to Serido J, Deenanath V (2016)
Parents training their kids about cash helps Related Studies
the kids and the next ages to know and
consent to take obligation for long-haul Making a budget is a crucial part of planning
financial success. Parents’ financial our spending for both personal and academic
instruction is a multi-generational thing. expenses. Students should develop the habit
Studies demonstrated that guardians who of budgeting so they can allocate their
grant their posterity to settle on financial allowance to cover their necessities, costs,
decisions and let them get from those choices, and future savings.
those people have monetary self-viability in
them. Guardians who demonstrate great According to the study of Elif Akben-Selcuk
monetary conduct to their kids, their (2015) entitled Factors Influencing College
youngsters additionally will in general have Students’ Financial Behaviors in Turkey:
sound financial behavior. Evidence from a National Survey. From the
findings of logistic regression, students who
Self-control are more financially aware are more likely to
display the three good financial habits
According to Cornerstone (2019), impulsive (paying bills on time, having a budget in
behavior and emotions are common in people place, and saving for the future). Positive
who lack self-control. This implies that they attitudes toward money and parental financial
might make bad choices that hurt them or education were also discovered to be
others, and that they might act out when their important determinants of good financial
wants are not met. conduct.
The study written by Kumar, D. S., and
Saving Attitude Sudin, H. (2015) entitled the influence of
spending behavior among university students
According to Ejercito, R. G. (2017) one in Malaysia discusses the rising of
measure of development is the human insolvencies among youths in Malaysia. The
development index, which is currently related study elucidated that the common
lagging. Many people continue to live in reason for insolvencies among youth is the
poverty, while others can only meet the bare lack of financial capabilities and budgeting
necessities for their families. Saving money alliteration as a reason. It investigates the
seems to be a concept that only wealthy and factors affecting the spending behavior of
business-minded people practice. This idea is university students in Malaysia. Related
always associated with the thrifty mindset of study uses primary data collected through

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

structured survey questionnaires. Similarly, (2018) Character strengths serve as a buffer

the researchers in the current study wants to against the negative consequences of
determine the budgeting habits of selected experiences on wellbeing, which is one of the
grade 11 Accountancy and Business core tenets of positive psychology. The
Management (ABM) students in Pamantasan purpose of this study was to determine if
ng Lungsod ng Marikina. In terms of the external locus-of-hope (LOH) moderates the
respondents, the previous study has a three- negative impacts of financial stress on the
hundred (300) college students who gave well-being of Filipino students. Students
their comments and opinions to determine the from different universities filled out
relationship between the spending behavior questionnaires with measures for life
of university students in Malaysia: Financial satisfaction, internal and external LOH, and
Management Knowledge (KFM), Parental financial stress; all the relevant scales had
Income (PI), and Peer Influence (P). On the good psychometric properties with the
other hand, the current studies have eighty- current sample. Financial stress was found to
seven (87) grade 11 Accountancy and be a negative predictor of life satisfaction and
Business Management (ABM) respondents a positive predictor of three LOH aspects.
regarding the budgeting habits of selected More crucially, external-family LOH
grade 11 Accountancy and Business attenuated the association between financial
Management students in Pamantasan ng stress and life satisfaction; among students
Lungsod ng Marikina. with high external-family LOH, there was no
negative relationship between financial stress
(Harrington, 2016) This study examines the and life satisfaction. However, the findings
impact of cognitive and life cycle also imply that financial stress abates.
characteristics on students' purpose to budget (2022) proposes certain
and attitude toward budgeting in order to valuable suggestions regarding the proper
identify solutions for enhancing college control of financial budgeting.
students' financial behavior. The intention to
budget is significantly positively influenced 1. Figure out your after-tax income: If
by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived you receive a regular paycheck, the
behavioral control, according to survey data amount you receive is probably all
of business students. Prior financial you need to know. However, if you
education and financial responsibility have a have automatic deductions for things
positive impact on attitudes toward like a 401(k), savings, health and life
budgeting. The findings imply that insurance, or other expenses, you
introducing students to a low-effort should add those back in to get a more
budgeting technique and highlighting how accurate picture of your income and
budgeting teaches students to notice when outgoings. If you have additional
they are overspending may increase the sources of income, such as side jobs,
attraction of personal budgeting. deduct anything that lowers it, such as
Bernardo & Fernando Resurreccion taxes and business expenditures.

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

2. Choose a budgeting plan: Any budgeting habits in Pamantasan ng

budget must cover all of your Lungsod ng Marikina, District II,
requirements, part of your wants, and Division of Marikina City, during the
— this is essential — saves for school year 2022-2023.
emergencies and the future. The More specifically, it will seek an answer
envelope method and the zero-based to the following questions:
budget are two examples of budgeting 1. What are the Budgeting Habits of
plans. respondents in terms of;
3. Track your progress: Use internet 1.1 financial stress
tools for budgeting and saving or keep 1.2 saving attitude and control
a record of your spending. 2. What efficient method can be used?
3. What possible program can be developed
4. Automate your savings: Automate to help students be more knowledgeable in
as much as possible so the money budgeting their own money?
you’ve designated for a specific
purpose gets there with minimal Scope and Delimitation
effort on your part. An accountability
partner or online support group can This research study focused only on the
help so that you're held accountable budgeting habits of selected grade 11
for choices that blow the budget. accountancy and business management in
5. Practice budget management: You Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina during
should actively manage your budget the school year 2022-2023. Basis “50-20-30”
by checking in on it frequently, like budget rule student conference.
once every three months. Your
income, expenses, and priorities will Conceptual Framework
change over time. Try these
budgeting suggestions if you're The conceptual models that guide the
having trouble staying on track with study in getting the budgeting habits of
your plan. selected grade 11 ABM students in
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina
Statement of the Problem towards “50-20-30” budget rule student
Budgeting habits have always been an conference are shown in Figures 1-3.
issue in people, especially in students.
Students are having a hard time managing Figure 1: Shows the input, process, and
their money properly. That is why the output of the validated survey questionnaire
researchers would like to take this (SQ) to get the budgeting habits of selected
problem. This research study aims to grade 11 ABM students in PLMAR.
determine the budgeting habits of
selected grade 11 ABM (Accountancy
and Business Management) students on

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

Figure 1. Conceptual Model for the Figure 2. Conceptual Model for the
Gathering of Budgeting Habits of selected
Validation of Survey Questionnaire of
Grade 11 ABM students in PLMAR.
selected Grade 11 ABM Students
Figure 3. Shows the input, process, and
Regarding the Budgeting habits. output of the “50-20-30” budget rule student
conference based on the budgeting habits of
selected grade 11 ABM students in PLMAR.

Figure 1. Conceptual Model for the

Validation of SQ to get the Budgeting Habits
of selected grade 11 ABM student in
Figure 3. Conceptual Model for the
The input shows the construction of SQ and Modification of a Seminar Program Based on
the Validator. the Budgeting Habits of selected Grade 11
The process shows the content validation of ABM students in PLMAR.
SQ and the name of the validator who is Mr.
Roland M. Pajo. Research Design
The output shows the validated interview
questionnaires to get the budgeting habits of In order to better understand a research
selected grade 11 ABM students in PLMAR. problem, a mixed methods research design is
a process for gathering, analyzing, and
Figure 2. Demonstrates the input, and the "mixing" both quantitative and qualitative
output of the gathered budgeting habits of research and methodologies in a single study.
selected grade 11 ABM students in PLMAR.
In our survey questionnaire, we used the
Likert scale which represents quantitative
research. It measures how much a student
agrees with our questions. And the part that
our study became qualitative when we get the
perception of our respondents regarding
budgeting habits.

The goal of our study is to determine the

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

Budgeting Habits of selected grade 11 ABM ABM students in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng

students, on how they spend and save their Marikina.
money properly.
Statistical Tools of Data
Population and Sample
1. Frequency Distribution
To estimate the number of participants who It was used to determine the number
will respond to our study, the researchers of Grade 11 ABM students who
used Slovin’s Formula to calculate the answer how frequently they
number of respondents and get the 10% of experience each given situation
Grade 11 ABM students of Pamantasan ng through a five-point Likert scale.
Lungsod ng Marikina. The result indicates Thus, the researchers get the entire
that 87 of Grade 11 ABM students will number of frequencies for each item
answer the prepared survey questionnaires. which categorize into two sub-topics
which are financial stress and saving
The sampling method that the researchers attitude and control.
used is the cluster sampling method, not all 2. Percentage
sections will be surveyed by the researcher;
the researchers only select sections that are The frequency distribution was then
compatible with other sections. Instead of converted to percentage to find out
twelve (12) sections, the research makes it it’s equivalent portion from 1 whole
seven sections (7) since the other half might or 100% to give a clear view result of
have similar characteristics. Cluster sampling the research.
methods avoid congestion and are hassle-free
for students and teachers, also using cluster
sampling methods is efficient and cost-
effective for the researchers.

Research Instrument
In order to determine the budgeting habits of
selected Grade 11 ABM students, the
researchers used a survey questionnaire that
includes how frequently students experienced
each scenario given in survey questionnaires
that categorize into two sub-topics: a.)
financial stress, b.) saving attitude and
control, also each sub-topic contains four
questions. The survey questionnaire was
validated by the validator Mr. Roland M.
Pajo and distributed to the selected Grade 11

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

Where: References

% - percent NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic.

f – frequency (n.d.).

N – number of cases

3. Five-point Likert scale
This was used to determine the numerical and Schwahn, L. (2021, December 7). What Is a
verbal interpretation of the results of the
budgeting habits. Budget? NerdWallet.
Scale Range Verbal
Habits (Good & Bad): Definition, Books &
on (VI)
Tips. (n.d.-b). The Berkeley Well-Being
5 4.50-5.00 Always
4 3.50-4.49 Sometimes
3 2.50-3.49 Often
2 1.50-2.49 Rarely
Klein, R. (2017, November 16). Importance
1 1.00-1.49 Never
of Keeping Track of Your Expenses. Long

Island CPA Firm - Richard L. Klein.

4. This is the calculated weighted
average of how students frequently
experience the given situation from
the two sub-topic which are financial keeping-track-of-your-expenses/
stress, saving attitude and control.
Budgeting Tips for Students - Great Lakes.

(n.d.). My Great Lakes.

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Practical Research II: Quantitative Research PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MARIKINA
Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City


Times of India. (2021, October 26).

The 50/30/20 Budget Rule Explained With Differences in shopping habits between men

Examples. (2022, September 17). and women - Times of India. The Times of

Investopedia. India.

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Cornerstone University. (2021b, April 19). habits-between-men-and-

The Critical Importance of Self-Control (And women/articleshow/87263287.cms

How to Grow in It). Just a moment. . . (n.d.-b).

critical-importance-of-self-control-and-how- women-money-sexes-differ-finances/

to-grow-in-it/ Widener, Katharine N., "Financial

Just a moment. . . (n.d.-b). Management Issues of College-Aged Students: Influences and Consequences"

y/english/self-control (2017). Selected Honors Theses. 63.

Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands.





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Research Study of Humanities and Social Sciences N. Nicanor St. San Roque, Marikina City

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