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MUSIC: 3rd Quarter Lesson

Samagana- the style of singing is an established part of contemporary tradition in India.

Jewish Secular Music is played almost vocal.
Ghazal is a singing vocal style of Pakistan can be considered as one of the principal poetic forms in
the Persian civilization. It is a vocal styles in singing describes a traditional expression of love,
separation and loneliness.
India is characterized by two traditional music the Carnatic and Hindustani Music.
Carnatic music describes that music pieces are mainly set for the voice and with lyrics.
Middle East Music is commonly used during communal worship in mosques and life passage events
in Israel.
Tala- is a metric cycle with a specific number of beats that recur in the same pattern.
India is known to be the largest country in South Asia. Their music is as vast as its geographic
location and as large as its demographic population.
Melismatic- is a style in vocal music of India which moves in several different notes in a single
syllable of text.
Rig Veda- is an ancient Indian collection of hymns considered to be the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit
Carnatic Music is a music in South India is more thoroughly oriented to the voice and was also
called “temple music”.
Tabla - is a percussion instrument in Hindustani music consists of two drums played while sitting
on the floor.
Lute- is a musical instrument in Israel is similar to the Philippine bandurria and the laud that traces
its origin to the Middle East Oud and Indian sitar.
Pakistan Music is mostly improvised and played by a small group of musicians at a time.
Zum Gali Gali of Israel is an Arabian rhythmic pattern or cycle is analyzed by means of rhythmic
Vedic chanting is recited daily in a Vedic community.
Chautal is the best way to follow its rhythmic patterns by beating of drums.
Sushir is characterized by the use of air to excite the various resonators.
Bhangra - is a folk dance music in India is based on the rhythm of the Dhol drum.
Theka - is a system of drum-syllables in India to create elaborate patterns of rhythm.
Vitat - is a bowed stringed instruments.
Tat - is a musical stringed instrument in India referred to as vina.
ARTS: 3rd Quarter Lesson

West Asian art is referred to as Islamic Art.

Indian art is described as the most sensuous form of art – appealing to the senses and erotic – with
images about sexuality.
The stupa is the most distinctive type of Buddhist architecture It is a large dome supported by
corbelled stones.
Islamic art limits only to using designs and patterns of geometry and floral due to the forbiddance of
worshipping idols in Islamic religious law.
Aesthetics is a set of principles is concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially
in art.
Diwali is a Fireworks light up the sky. It is a sacred space, which is often a circle, reveals inner truth
about you and the world around you.
Diwali is an exciting and colorful holiday. The Hindus burn special Diyas because they believe that
Lakshmi cannot enter a house which is not lit up.
Colored paper is not used in creating Rangoli patterns on the floor. Rangoli makes use of designs and
motifs based on nature. It also includes geometric patterns.
Leaves, Lotus and Bark of trees is the traditional art form that was extracted from natural dyes.
Kaleidoscope is a cylinder with mirrors containing loose, colored objects such as beads or pebbles
and bits of glass.
Islam influenced Tajik’s carving that gradually changed to Arabian inscriptions using images of
people and animals.
The cave architecture in Petra shows Greek influence and culture through its delicate carving with
Hellenistic columns, pediments, and Greek proportions.
Indian Art is a form of art is classified into specific periods, each reflecting certain religious,
political, and cultural developments.
Central Asian Art influenced by Islamic art, while varied earlier cultures were influenced by the art
of China, Persia, and Greece.
Hieroglyphs is where images are created by removing part of the rock surface by incising, picking
and carving.
Keteni is the homespun silk used for beautiful dresses worn by Turkmen and women.
West Asian Art is rich in cultural heritage that is shown in its various regional art forms such as
embroidery, ceramics, etc.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 3rd Quarter Lesson
Identifying your fitness test results important because it will keep you motivated., t will help you plan
your next fitness goals and it will help you identify your areas for improvement.
S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bounded.
We make goals without reviewing our previous fitness assessment results but we will not know what
areas to focus on.
We will we know our fitness levels by performing physical fitness tests.
Achievable is when we break down your main objective into smaller sub-goals and result is within the
parameters of your ability.
To make a goal clear and concise, you should be specific with your goals.
Goal- refers to the statements that are designed in a way to promote clear and mutual understanding of
what establishes levels of performance and successful fitness development.
Long-term goals- refers to a goal that requires time and planning.

HEALTH: 3rd Quarter Lesson

Infection- is the successful colonization of a host by a microorganism.
Communicable Disease- refers to the direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to
Bacteria - are one-celled microscopic organisms that rank among the most widespread of living things.
Ricketssiae- grow in the intestinal tracts of insects, which carry them to their human hosts.

Cholera and hepatitis, most commonly spread by Breathing viruses in the air.

Tuberculosis is caused by air-borne transmission.

Acute conjunctivitis is the irritation and redness in eyes.

We can prevent diseases such as influenza and common cold by performing hand hygiene properly after making
contact with sick person.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection be transmitted through sexual contact only.

The best preventive measure to avoid the spread of communicable diseases is through proper handwashing with
soap and water.

COVID-19 is the caused by H1N1 virus.

P.D 996- is a presidential decree that established in 1976 and was named Expanded Program of

Expanded Program on Immunization- a program addresses tuberculosis problems in the country by detecting
and providing cure to all forms of TB cases.

Department of Education- agency that is responsible for the formulation and implementation of programs in the
areas of formal and non-formal instruction. DepEd also is responsible for formulating and implementing
programs and policies to all Filipinos. It provides information drive to all health workers
Disease Prevention and Control Bureau- agency that works on the synchronization of all efforts in disease
prevention and control.
MUSIC 7: 3rd Quarter Lesson

The characteristic of vocal music of Mindanao are Throaty sound, fixed rhythm, and uses tremolo.
Mindanao music different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs Because the Spaniards were not able to
penetrate Mindanao during their era.
Aside from rituals, the other purpose of Islamic music is entertainment.
The Paggabang are songs accompanied by a gabbang and byula. These songs are also said to be less
serious in nature. Songs for rituals must be sung in acapella while those for entertainment requires a
musical instrument. Singing important to Islamic music because it is like talking to Allah.
Langan bata bata means Sways body slowly with gentle rocking.
“Pangando” is a Manobo thanksgiving dance and the movement to perform it is to: Series flicking of
wrists as is pushing evil spirits and elements.
Tausug means People of the current
Pangantin is a wedding song.
Langkit is a song that can be accompanied by a musical instruments.
Kulintang is a gongs in a row. Muslim traders brought this instrument to the natives of Mindanao.
Gandang is a drum instruments.
Women traditionally play the kulintang because the sound is associated with some of the
characteristics of a woman.
Kulintang arrive in the Philippines by the Muslim traders brought it to our ancestors.
Kulintang can only be seen in Mindanao because the Spaniards associated the instrument to Islam.
Mindanao gongs differ from the gongs of Cordillera because it is embossed while the Cordillera’s
gongs are flat.
Kudyapi is played by holding it in the performer’s lap like a guitar, the left hand slides back and forth
between the frets, the middle finger on the right plucks the melody and strings.
The civilization that once inhabited and prospered in the Butuan and Agusan was called: The Rajahnate
of Butuan
Gongs is one of the oldest example of musical instruments in the Philippines that was uncovered in a
sunken boat covered in mud.
Agung is an instruments that is popular across Mindanao. The Manobos treat them with respect and
does not play them for leisure.
The following criteria can be included in assessing a performance for rhythmic accompaniment. These
are the Beat, rhythm, dynamic and rhythmic content.
The uses of Suling among the Yakan are:
A. It is used to lull a baby to sleep.
B. It is used in courting women.
C. It is used to express different sentiments
ARTS 7: 3rd Quarter Lesson
Pattern- considered when designing the wavy curvilinear shapes of the tail and crown of the Sarimanok.
The following characteristics of the Monastery of Transfiguration: The large sloped terraces which
also support the huge roof seemed like paddles of a boat which makes it proportioned in size.
The beads of suwatlmimotis are stringed with a repeated color sequence of alternating whites,
blacks, and reds is an example of Pattern.
The principle of art is also manifested in the Badjao houses is Contrast
The principle of art is most visible in the use of the outriggers attached to the boat sides of a balangay to
prevent it from capsizing (turning over)? is Balance.
Kampilan- is a metallic armor which serves as a vest for the soldiers and is characterized by interlocking
Gador- is a sword with a single edge and is characterized by a hand-carved ivory handle which
resembles the head of a naga or serpent.
Balangay- is a lashed-lug boat considered as one of the functional art forms of Mindanao which was
finely built by the use of sewn holes, dowels, and fiber lashings to stitch planks edge-to-edge.
Malong- is described as a special textile woven from abaca fibers used by Bagobo people.
Pinalantupan- is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are wrapped with strings and
dyed before weaving.
T’nalak is used during wedding rituals.
Malong is a hand-made or machine made multi colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of
geometric or floral design.
The Ikat of B’laan’s process is done by dyeing the fabric where the yarns are tightly wrapped with
strings before weaving.
Vinta is a Mindanao boat that was finely built without the use of blueprint.
Balangay is used for raiding purposes and is built for rough water or long journeys.
Kampilan is otherwise known as the Butuan Boat, the oldest Pre-Hispanic watercraft in the Philippines.
Malong a landap is characterized by decorative strips and geometric designs. The element that is being
described is Line.
T’nalak fabric was made through shredding into fibers, dyeing in ikat style, weaving on a loom, and
polishing the fabric. This described as Techniques.

Characteristics of Sarimanok: It is a symbol of Yakan art, It is a fowl with colorful wings and a feathered
tail, holding a fish on its beak, and It is said to be a symbol of fortune.

Fort Pilar- samples of architecture contains a pattern which is very visible once you gaze at the intricate
design and details of the walls, as well as the distribution of objects inside such as potted plants.

Badjaos introduced and popularized the making of the colorful sails called vinta.

Balangay- a lashed-lug boat considered as one of the functional art forms of Mindanao which was
finely built by the use of sewn holes, dowels, and fiber lashings to stitch planks edge-to-edge.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 7: 3rd Quarter Lesson
PAR –Q is a type of questionnaire that will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start
engaging in physical activities.

Benefits of Dancing Tinikling: Improve Muscle Tone, Cardiovascular Endurance, Manage your weight

Folk dance -a type of dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or

Tinikling- is a traditional folk dance imitates the movement of the tikling birds as they dodge bamboo
traps setby rice farmers.

Tinikling uses ¾ time signature. It has 3 beats in every mesure (1m). On figure VII (b), the dancer is
supposed to hop on Right foot. On figure VII (f), the boy leaps to the DOWN side of outside 1.
On figure VIII (c), TURN on the outside foot once outside the poles.

-There are two bamboo poles are used in the dance.

It’s important to know the culture of the dance to learn more about the culture and tradition of the

HEALTH: 3rd Quarter Lesson

Stressor- the things that make a person stressed.
Professional Therapist- a professional who advices on stress and anxiety.
Reproductive System- part of the body is affected by stress when it shows sign of fertility problems.
Immune System- part of the body is affected by stress when it shows sign of chronic illness.

The short-term effect of stress or anxiety to the body is the Heart beats faster and harder.
Working Alone is not be advisable when dealing with stress or anxiety.
Doctor- could best give you referral to seek professional advice to overcome with stress or anxiety.
New Acquaintance- cannot help you in creating resolutions to your personal dilemma
Head- is a part of the body is affected by stress when it shows sign of issues with mood, anger and

Coping Strategies - are actions we take consciously or unconsciously in dealing with stress, problems,
concerns and uncomfortable emotions.

Unhealthy Strategy- a strategy most commonly gives you a good feeling for a moment but it has long-
term consequences.

Healthy Strategy- a strategy may not have the immediate enjoyment, but it has long lasting positive

Trigger- is the situation that may activate a person’s tendency to experience symptoms of mental

Mental Illness -a disorder that can disrupt thinking, feeling, mood and behavior and impair daily

Bipolar Disorder- a kind of disorder may at times feel very happy and elated, then in an instant may feel
utmost sadness and despair.

Major Depressive Disorder- characterized by persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness.

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