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J e7_Pa.~.

tQ _
Nqt.s.s- 2014 -erli1;J'orr ---· ____ . . . . .•..
("i(;wn1~1 ha·"'e a ~-·,.·nOY~-i.of t·tli~pro~ ~ 1hi!l has. beer
a-sl< a'SeoJe ~ imea ind-rer::tly in1h · 0"(8rN)
1-Cas95 ~lr"a ll)' (!etaded by 1he MTC/MaTCJMCTC
nero a«~ tfto ~~~ · l &
soon 110 A. I •
mica ~r Appe:!l Pel~ for Review P ati1i oo f¢ t Fe 'll..~ .an
(Rule 4 0) (Ru 41 ~ C -tiOf"~ (Rule 45j
www..lexparetonotes. zdiaz. com

Mrc ---~~------• R rc --------~-----+sc

Notice o f I f.RuJe 40) Pe'lit on fc.r P.e"Yiaw on C~rtiOr;;~rl { Rule til

11..... C ~Se$ onQmally dadded by· thrt! R C [ tlete ~re two ~I{JB-iJibili1 ies)

Saeneoo A :
A rtghQ, I'Ul!LW~A ~4
RTC , CA TJir4 ~ubllc11U cm 1!1'\Jy Rat llo r~aN lll 41n~ JHII'i Of
In en~ l'oi'I'Rt 'ilri~t !>Dffll llit~ 4rom .;... ~~c""'

obce of Appeal (R 41) P~t1tt0 n It;.' fle\fi.eJ~ on Cem.aren (Ru 45} Uy: Die • Om:na • ~urmxo • Buill;'! •

Scanario 8 :

~llif!!illl ltlltl;li-:lJ"W!IlW .f.i! co~ .~omllaxp;~rllt«.-ila~l!l

Peii oo far Rs11ie~ on CefbOt.ari (Rule: 4~ Ill ~~:(Mwirtw.,eii)'J'I'i D:ql H"Lt!l117t.q .

for n sbudenta.~

•;al ~hies Is. .qui~ -eas.y to undeftitand. "'"rlie ~I'M are self
eJtplana Ol'i/ and ~ one J)rnte~or pu tt il .. . . . ~·s j~ a ~ c
~lng_ • I here Sb:.luld be no .reason Ylhy yoo c;;~nnot. un ~
I~ cthi~. ~v,aveJ ,r ~cu ~ally horve a t'l rd rime undsremnding-
~~ w1 .all ' s,pect pGrhaps you r-.;~ht OOt'l:stder ~g tha
:fh"'hir na A o-f Ju~l Cruz In the ~w of Oe~. o• Edu~:at!On v.s. San
0 go.•
• Memof tbe J..~ er"$ ooalh t,.- heart All baPc; Dtinciples. lr1
legal ~hiC!o are f-ound jn tl't!.l lav..t'.r'.Cr's oath. The I wyer oo h i:s. a011
a4 a r.mnd~ad Cod a prof.§siDrl~r reaporn;ibilrty,
~ "r.ake no1e ihat the Code o, Judrci I CondiJr::t and CarlfDn$ Of~~~~
li'Nc.s ~ bean I c:ent.Jy ~manded by =nr, Nev~ Code of .Nd iCI.ll
ConcJ uc~.

" What t.s th~ ~ow Code o'

Judt¢1m CotJtlrJc t of .tho
Phiflppfn tt Judlt:ltJry ( tim B(tngsJ-or.o· Drsfl of the Ccads tll Co. rrdu~t iiS stntnded) 'l {T.Stlm lr~'l.rrt Prol ~
Oiht'L\rHhrf-5: Cu.! ~rn;f P~. 11:$~ ~.,,.lh ,Olli'-'lt:\0!51Qf.!,l

• The Ne w Q;:w,;fe: of J~.Jdictat Conduor ror h6 ~rt

.JtrcNc1ary (lhe s,.cm:t Or.tJft of fhl!] CiH.H:r -of J'I(k.;tar Ci:utr.lwi, g,s
l!tmO~' wa-s &dotJ/,00 by the ~•weme Coon' tfJ take effrtJr::t on
Jun9 1_ 2004.

21) I
Lex. ~r.rrefo~,.,·or~;;.=. :w~ 1. ~f#JOrJ
-- ----· -- ,~
':. -- ~~-
• Tfle New t:od~ of JudiCi-i:/ CO.'tCOO fer the ~ f'rmt'acxtee ff7 the JtrdtCJaf sy.r en-1. (:fU 'rW!RroB&,
Judrciary supsrs9de-5 th C..tlrlOI't'-S" f"Jf JLW/ck?J Ethfc..s and t/Nl GOdll o4 AdrJpttng lhe NeL~~J Code of Juriicrtn Corrdlx't rot JflB
Judtda~ Conduct fl~f to!~ 11ppfi-ed Jn rne Pfl~ fu Yte 6Xl~ Pil.Jffap•;?e Jr.fd.'CfBfJl .~Hnu1gem~nr al'l(.-~" n~Jmi:Jeling
that tiltJ PfC7VTs•lJflS" or wncept~ tnemin are embodied in tili'S Code. supp/I(Jri)

cess a/ deficiam:y or ui1s61'TC9 tJf sptJCJ/k pro~ #n the

• 1f}
Now Co* of,sf Conduct for tttJJ Phlfrppm. ~ Ore
CeflQns of JudJc;jaf EffJrcs DMi l Coo'e tJf J dJcr~ Condt.d sJts# b
~ppficsb te rn a suppJGtoty cfl~Flf'. , - The adoptk.)r~ of IMJ rm.Vars~~ dscl~n of standfN'Cf$ !of
BthJCtll c..ornwct of JOO'ges Ofl bad":eC fr1 t~ tumgak)I;CJ Drs-It, ~.s
-What is tho: rttt-M(tm-enf for t:heo &~pi-are DmJf? reVJ$&d a~ t/J.B Rot.N)(j Table CorrfafBo i'Ce o r f .J.u$lJc. S' al: ffu)
Hague ·
- The &;!ngsfl'}n;? Dfaft a s BimtndfHi. rs tm'N1ttd to ~ th8
· UnJL/f:f!taJ DecJsrBJioo of J~ $t"h app}.Jc-sbJe ITP aJJ f. t$ rmp&I'Blf'il'i not -Qrl"ly to ~J{Jf#rl.B 8Jlfl CorrtthJ.t~ t/)e
J~as (2ld Vhe~Da8, Adoptin(j t tel N~ C~ ~f Judfci<IJ Codi Cnrtduct $11d tha Ctxi& o1 JIJrJ•CJaJ
o{ Jur,iit.;"iaJ
Conduct tor JJm Pf~ " J~~. IW)hra&ng s.uppii6<J) Thus-. EihJCs adoph..'¥.1 tor ~ne Pf~ s, but
rheiB should oo rr s-/mAA8r Ccw ' J~ Conduct rot ti!J OOU11-s 2 aJso lO ~tre$$ the Phmppine:s solid~ ''lrfh thfJ
rhroughaut fhfi world rm.~··Sfim far s ooive~ rods of JTJdiciiJ
f.'11CS . (.f' ~r~as A~rtp thB Nev.' Cnd& or
• Wh4~ I rite fc~ff>datlon of the Silnfjaf;fJfi Onrtrr Jr.rr.f~ei~ Ccnducl for rn Phi.(Jp{Jfn9 u'LI(Jt(.:rar-j .
atiMg'amem and mlmbsriflg -supp#tM)
- The Bar.g~for~ O•f.tft Is (rJLJn.;fed IJpat a tmi~t
f8G'C.grl rtJ Cl f1 : - rwtls t .!tl 'O the C4tttlflB al ffle NffU! Code or· JudJef-~ Conduc~
l ot the Pl.tilippfn~ Judh;iary ( The 8Qn-ga1o~o Dra-flj ?
~ e, mdspi;Ind9/'Jt and ~
Judidary ~ ss:;911ffilt ff fM c.ou.rTs are to fJJ!.fiJJ theJJ • C-anan r.· ~r:htmce
roJe ll'l ~_p.WrJrrtg t:oo.Wl'r.JtJOrl ii$n't ~d the R!J!e m .. Canon 2. lntegmy
t...m·. - c~ J: ~~rt/Mrl~
2 tfla~ SW."M; G(Jtlfld~~ m roo j.udiciai 8)'"8tent and .t11 - Cenon 4: P'ropn6ty
f1K.lra1 a1.rtl:l~y snd mtegrity of ltl& JU<1J..~ ~
fl'l d' - C$10fl 5: Eqr My
of Li/most imporlsnce tn s I'OOflitlm c/i m~~ - Canon 6: Gampcamoe 4Y1d ~oe
SOC~j. ~ .
:3. rhsf fl. is e.ssBrr.!iat Nr~ ~'S) mdfo,tfooaJJy and
col1£n;.twtnv, r s.otter ftnd flOIJQr jooJciel (JffWD t~s a
pubm; tr-ust.. t100 strl~lfJ ro etthsnce end maJntBJn
Lex P6~1~ .N fhl'f}S - 20 -~- sdi(.~!L--------------'Y.'-"ii=fl,J=m
....,e..___/V Vofwnt N!)ctiflg t~ s ~~~~r·s oat h:

lt-Mc ~o'"N with

Cho:pll!!t' I · i?.~a
Ui!i~Ut:llly gllve.n OJ'! •he laf.!lt Sunda!f Of S:ep~en oor.

!Jt ~ l iStt:Ogfllb:
~$ually the: e~ooon_ li.emedlal .. is gl~ il"' tile
81Ld hortty c f itfl ~op1,.1bl n: of thv
~hll lp~ !l i I wil ~u;ppor-1 itt$ • Af'lsmQt)n e..lU!m ule I$ rtcm 2' 00 p.m . to 5 p.m.
n u!S Con.p~ri ai"w ubt!JI !Uri ~W!i 11111 • . OU Nfve ~Ut 3 hours tO am.wer ~ Q L~Csti~
Cfl ~ t131f :l
ocntlena•:.d. wl!41 ~ th l l!'.fJSil <t~rdter"8 &I ' e du ~ " YVhM an;:woring miiJI«! sure ~~· IB}.;e- n~1B o f ti'J 'falrov · · •
- rh ~ rsvtl1r n!&IU"I,J' t!'d a~llii C\/lllea tl £m~lllll:
" zr.'ld ~ - For q uastton YfCf"th 1 pQint. you biwo -=-=""'....!.:=~LU:!-~==~
l r to an &llt.l,(;! r
• For a Cj':i.te&Aioo L\'l)rth 2 oinl9, :,-au h a~Je 3:....:
·M =~
eo;r =....;;;;;.;..;~'iol:....===wo:

- f ew- ~ qu~~n 'ffll'.1h 3 Peints. you w e ~ Mmute

to an$!Nflr =.!..!..=:.=--':"'!..~=-=~~

- ar 8 ~uQstron wC4'1h 5 Pomts y-ou t.eve 9 Miru.tt_ to- ans~tsr

• Ttl!\ 'l .Pfo/. AbCI{jH"(jo Daroon~1·,s fPCM"l'" "f.i1~.'Vt'Jo l);w- f"itVit:~W: miff~· A
~.1"-51'61."'111 f!l(lpi·~.~~. • IJud IJHi.'i ~'17l..S .S~ ~ r'lrgl':1}1 rt~c~ b,y; ~ "E~~tt !¥
.C!r;ne~ trk!1~ ·

wl~ dela-y no rmun rgr mvn4i!Y o

ma oo ~ and will ~Ottd111: t mY'I;J!J i i + H'as ¥eight of 5 % Of 1Jle f(ll;.al bar e,~r; TIS
I ~e r lllr.:!!:it;~1di rflg IQ tbt l:)H,.. 4/lf my Some baf ell:tl ·n8es fake thia. sut;ect or ~t~nbed thinking ha! th

kAo'll!l ~e nd dl:t~~ · th all ~a 1 i& !SC ee!l.y , Do oot I~ this. SiiJbfoo 1Qf rctnt.ed. R R"::ember
g {'.Qd ift.f;el]ti et ~I to thi!' eourts. sa Bf1 if compnses; on~,. 5':(. it w1ll m or bre k ~icur d - k!
to my cl nti!i B.lld I pote 11pon 13'Come B •er.
mfi!i~lt thl vD',f ob ll{I111Jon
"' After ~0\1 9 adua e in March, II is ad11~1a that yOu start o t
wl311~1lit :soy ml!lrrt ~tlf'i'.lt'tto"n iii ·
Gt Fam:tll~r v~ h .or r ctlce 'WT"iti g ar nst o ne le9~1 form per day
IPU ~e g~ '""'"rcn. :So ne11(1 rnt
od.• u the 'bar oC.l!am da1e
!.ex Par.gJJJ Noles _..... 201 d.I;{)JtiOIJ
- --·· -- --·· ·-·-- __~qlum e 111

~ it'le most imparlan' -,.ouroes; .of que~ ions. sa ~n from lhG Ql.Sph is.
The Code at pro1aetione ~ respomib~1y. ~ulee of ~urt. GOde of
J udld 1 C<;!nr:lud and otller $0UJ~S (Take mlle U'18i1 lhtt C~ Of
Judtda C
amended by "Me:
u~ and Canon$. o, -·e.r
Cod!l of Judi . C~nauot)
EtniC!;I. h(1~& b n
I 'E "'

----- ~

., ....
'60 I;-'
·- --!
o4Q> 1/.
30 ..... ~
20 ~ ~ 1a I~
10 ~~--

·D Ill ~


As. aeen from me grS~Dh ror 1:Zle p3s:l 20 years; .bar e:.:amillei~ has
Ru.kus. of Co urt ooan lacing mpha$IS on Ch piEr 1 net ~ C pte 1 1a~s eboa"l r.e
"1&% ra'll)'er and StX:1 .y·, While Cn~toer 4 -d dJg wi ' the- "La~.yyer :1d the
eJ~ nt".

of JU\d~ I~JJ
yPtume ry
- - · _l{_o!J!fMJY
Most as~ ed Legal toirtJ'$ (From 1975- 200S)
f!ORM .. ...
Nlo. o f ume~

4J(I 1 . .11$Jw-d
p;t) lrnemt vm!ctr
40~----~------~~ ._------~
3o M---~--~----~--~ •--~----~
9 ·-
~ .~--~~--~------~·--~----~ oflaaae -
1~~-------~~------~ ~--~--~H
S,:.Bcisl ~~r ufA~omey 6 ··-
0~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~
37 t3B 1 1 1 Motion to quti$h
:l>O,.. 39· 39'-' 4
A'_n_m_rYe_r_ _
A 1/4; IEJ. ··- 4
r fc rm!;!. tue aGkad tOn ce ar 1:"-"''fea ... ..
(~e- · G" tor a
CAAPH 3 .- complete list}

lit i& q•i · Qb"il'ici.R ~ro m 1be gtt~pj' ~ha bar ~x tlfl
em~ ~ u~ 1 ~ Rule sa was askOO fi:-r 51 ~~~ out of .SO
quasbons iiS.kad from ~he Rule · of c;:ol.~ fur' tne past 1a yceara. tAbout.
55%~ ihe suUJ c:t of Rul 1:;nl I$ ~A"TTCJRN_!E YS AINO AD. ISSION TO t-•• r •11 •• • 11• • ~•
... .,. ••~ .. . . i> ii a i .... ..... t • • r •ll..., lla 1 •• a.• i r ~1 p

THE BAR.. ~ ie. ~ llawed by Ru1e 13$-S h rs a~ ;pbou~ ~ ~~E . PAJurro Not'ti~ • - 2~• 'i 4" 11ii~i~c)1i ·· ·· ·····~
•msBARIMIENT .AND O ISC~ PU N E ~ A·~tr: EYS' ~ =rte· Rll.! . s on Vif.eJ LY • • . tJlvia/ mfj'f. ~-~ ltl/t\'1 •
co.:· I (Rule 71 ) nd ,t..rraignm ' ~nd plea {Rule 11-B·)
A II rigJ't t$ !'Riff\' Dd 2D1~
· pubiiCIIIIor.J 'J rtQ1 ~ ~r<J d LtC!II di 11\ •l'rJ (!l\l.'rt 61
In an !II ranu wtth~ ~X~rmll-• n ftt.Wi:!i ~Ia!~ 1 ut~tor-. .

By! 01 11: • Ouano • Mmalm~ • II a • .Famantt.1 C'M!~~ amm• o~ G
w.tW. h!t-~1(1P.IQ4M, Z z. r:om
.. U')!

I r_ '-t, .... 1< ·11 ..

• • ,.., !' '!'! r • r. •• 1 •• i ~ .- ... _., ,. . .. r• 1
•• 1 •• 1 •• ~ .. . ..., " • 1 • - ' ,., • •• r•• ., • ., " • ' "'•" ,. ... rl!! tl r•• ... ., 111 1 "'"+'"., •r.;

A .} Ql.f\t!Gtions taken ffOm too co~ Of PBqFE:_i$..lQ.NAl.
1 - · •• Title No. of



FAtf\NESS .AND Ul YAL..l'Y [ . Al.L HaS

cuefii'S- ·US-~ 21
SeRVtGE S iO "me NEEDY. .......
__ _;__ _ A LAWvER: $H AL~ UPHOU) i Hl5 18
CoNSlliTUf~OiN, OBE¥ me LAW$ Of lHE

I OF ANO LEGAl!... PRO{;esses
!"".. · 2o-- A l AWYER s.HATC-:-IiGE: ONlY f=A~R · I 15
; --- I A ' wYER ~~ ~G K:NCW HilS EGAL 12
! 3 SeRVICES SHA!...l.. USE 0 LV
__ 7.. · \1 A CAV!IYlR SH.I\LL -t~T At..~ 11Me:!fuP H;Ql.,O 10
I THE ~N e!lR•r Y ANI) DIGNrTY o r THE
__ .+-·I _ACTI~IT!£~Q~s J~
13 A LA '!/ll't'iER
~~EGRA 0 ~R-..:.,_..4--.,..---
· rROM A NY wPRoP~~ETY WHi CH 1i os
-. -L --~!fi;.~R;J~NCE O_J_f~Y~.NC!MG fH \. -
- cnap.tev Ut - LegaJ a"ifiJ'cs f:!rl(.f Prar:ticat exerc.s&.>t:
. ·-- ___ ,
··- _, -- . - - - - - --·
CONDUCT ay OTH~.. . .. , . . ~· ..
- ...
·-·2 · -·-A LAWYeR SlHAt.L. MA.Kre: HilS ~::GAl. 14
s&: VI C~S :AV4~lA9lE tN A.N EF"f~'C ~E NT .
A N\0' EFrE!CllVENE&S 0\f mE


t.--5,....---1--ALAWVER S~ALL. t<EEP ASfteAST 01" 1

SCKOOL$ A$ WEll AS I . l'H£
L- ........... - JUR~PRU~~~~E~------~-------
t.e~ P{J to NOlQf$ - ~0 t~ . ~d~~~ . _ .·--· ......... -· ... ..
.... Questions
C.) - ---- ta-ken .... - the NE~V COOE
- ·hom . . . . --OF -
... . . JUDICilAil..
SangfliOFi prn_ft ot il)e Code of Jw;JifieJ Ccm:tf.t~. as m~pdod)

-· -------- -
2:f -·--

~ . ::! - ...., ... - - - mr:~~:~~JVrv 17- -

~ .. -- -- 11
~ ___
__ ......__ .. AND D~LIGENCE
6: - - · ___t;Q~~~IIT.-~---+-=-
e -----1
. 2 IN"'rEGRiri. 3
~ =fltt~-- - -SA. N9~LQ~j· DRAFT 11

D.) OuesUor1~ tak~ n ·ro-m the iRV ... ES OF COURT

r -----r- -------- --·- .. ... -
' R·u1 . Title No. of I
tin ·
i : a$ked
--ATfORNIE.YS.&-"Arr·iSS iON TO ·EJA~ g1
- - OI$S ·RME NT &- D;1SCIPl ' e·,o
IF :.:...;___--+~,..:....
1 ---1
11·-- ---·-- ·-··· coN1E- 'pt .. --
R.A.. Nio. 3·0 19 - A11ti-G~ ft a nd Corrupt
, _ Piractilecs Act
1 1ij • t.oe:aJ
L ~30\1 ·
sec - s.o
447fiH~}(xij, 48$( U1 (xlb

= Cl'iDpJer m L6'gal eN~ lt."'d P~EclGi ·OXB~$
l 1S.
L.c;,;-Pa~ro No~~ -:- Zfn t! ~¢t~fl
---··-·· ·-·-· -··-- r
. -------.---- . '!Q!1_ -··

---- --· j. .2,,.....--- - -r

I C.prt- I
Qn Voar Qt.~
askor.l l cmt
Doctrine · No. o1 A lAWYER SHAJ..l Uil'HOLD Tli.E 20 0
; times CONSTirurrON, OEU:Y nn: UWS. Or 1H£ 2010

- PIECl fO;Ft t.AW

PROMOTE ftE.S 20i(l
_..- '
hn·;y~, lha~F ~t e~age- rn
...,_, ,

Eqf .~W
- -
1: .._,_,
RU\Jo 1.01 "'A
11 n~~hfJ.n $t ~ · -~~ Qt. ~r.;:e_J t~!
-. -JJ ~0 ~t."' 19$4
"'iTERS , , •
ON - eonduct'fl.q b¥ ..w hom
. 1992
. . OPP ~.N9. i For defln itlon ii l!l~ta ntea o ()
• iha aot ~a lawyer of n'ltlrry~ s~
I 199'2
~!H I CS (Defin ition) 2
- has Eil sutn~J&
-~ Of COUHSEL -· 2 w111r0 he marriage .2609
coo !41 tutes .grq.s sJy imrno (1:11 cond u01. ;a roo f'Jd
TURPITI!JOE ~Oofln ftion} _ . 2 lor dl~rmen . (Cojusnco, Jr It .~a. A c_
No. 2 14. JLJfl& 30. 2005)
-·.· WA.L
., __ 2

~2 A ~IY.yer IJ1fJi.aiy not be dlselplirt~d "f"or raiftno

2002 x •l A
...... ...
TRA~V~ CASES; -· 1 ro pay hel' roan Oblig~ on (ioledt) v. A0~.[
200 1 f JV
OIF 1He SOl.tGflOR GE:NfiRA L tOSij~ \
315 SCRA 419. 1999), buf nmred
EY A.OHOO~URATOR. 4 0 MOC {Csfinllmn~ 1 {]b8tjnaw in eYading Ula p ymenLof a da~ .[
has 21~ Goo.91Cfmed ~s g~oss ml~uct
... . - 1
................ {Constanti!J~ tadetS-s.. ~~ SCRA 233 _ t _ . ___.
f:.s,.· P~.Q.~c:!tSS ...~' { ~-®.n - - --· Volume t't'' ~~x .Pareto Nole:s - 2014 Of/i r~.. .. .. ____ . 1/o.lum.e IV
1993). i"Jowe'Yec. 1~ua.nbl: c..f lbOu"ffi:in~ d'lee~ liilh Cli1tlm!So FOi person Injuries r:x
; reflecls on •he lawyer's m0ffl1 charactGr l't& lhc:~e nc:;.,,rt~g any other g roui'Mj~ of
m ay oe di.-sc:iplined. aaion .order 1.0 secure- them .31S.
clientg;; or
A lawyer is obi ted 'fc. promole rasped fCf . 200:2 1·1 c:. To- pa)1 or rt:J~a r(f t;llree- y nr ind ifool~. ;
g~l pr~os . l''h" inciLJ()C1 order o( lhose vll'ho b ring 01 lr'l'fhJO'flCS •ha
eommi!SYOf'l o n ear discipline o f IBP (1be ~mg of sum case£ G his o.~.
lawyBl! - ~se says '1_wiU ~-~·~ d o 1 nara~ policemen c:o\11'1 or
~jU~~d u~h · ·~~) prL$OM offit::l Is. pihysiciBnB, h0$pl 1
~~ ~;~tt~(:h 1 or· othens. wha may BLioceed
under g ui51e of gi•tir'ltJ dis in~rested
ftu1o 1 Jl :2 - A lawy-er aha ~l not ~~munse;1 or 1994 4-C ·friendl~· .c(tm;e. In inf\Jencing the
~be-t adiVitlo ~!!ned .a~ dof1,nc&at ·Ui'!8 ~ 1998 xn~ '!-·
• i'tinai1, the s.uch end' 1he I"Jl.ltsd.
or a t JaU~D 1:11 1ng~ conf~onco in tlie llctgaJ ~ Mrc'l t or otbem, lo s hi:;
sy.stem. (P ng n liS Sorrnrooo !>8 Phil pi'(JfesSIMa1 &ervioes. (CP.nntl ZIJ. r).
367) I
· BARRATRY (~fl~ ~c~ t 4-b
I R.l.l-1111 1 .~3 -
"A l a'hyer ahnl; rwt, for .i r.y I~002. ~·S - is 1he offianss of frequen•lv excl~ and
1 stirring up qU'arrel& 800 51Ut4!i'. either at law or
eoili'rupt motive- or
~ nterotitl o:ncouil'.ageo 11ilfrrl ~,
euH or proeedrlnQl .g; ~-ay any
n'e: olh N.'iS&. (19ot.vr9fJ
esus e."'

I AM9ULAINCIS C'HASENG (D.,fl I (t!l'l) 1993

. ~ the unef.tuca1 practioe 04' · ucing perstlf'l I
Injury ~ irili ta txmg sui~ The ptat:tiee: of :
~Ernl'f-G.rS m frequen in~ hOSPitals ar.d homes- of
1htl ir'lfvred sn o rder to 1. to go to Ru~& 1.04 - uA lawyel!' :!lihall O'tJC:om:ag& h is (10 1
1 co IC1:9- dlsrB;)uti\tle: e•lonts to- avoJd1 &md c;r l!iettte ,a etmUov"O '$rl
tf ft 'Wf11a-d nut Gf ill ·fak a etlJemant .•
a. to h un• up defects In titles or otfl :2 A LAWYER SHAll MAKE H~=-=s-=-LC -=-=-
a.~. ,. . =-----h=:-:=---li-:3,....---t
cau es of adlo r~ ;pndl · forrrla :Se~ICES AVAlUBLE I . A f:lr:FICtENl'f H-:2
. ~hereof in omst•o be employ . to . AND C.Otf\le~u: NT MAJNNER COMPA TlBle
I'. . I -· t'
$U. or .c:o11aet JUdgment
.!2 breed li,i ~lon b


. · - - - - - - · -- -·- ~~pf,o~~
-- --- Ar~ o EFFE"C1 WENES.S oF TI-LE
I -
· Ru kir :Z.OJ - · ~A l swyer ahaU m~t do O't fol~Mm it 1

'tO b(lo dQfleo a n~ .J:t:l ~$~Jtl ed r lmstWy to ~-

1. ~$0l~e~ legaEbusm~
. .
A w-si:J l'irnown lawyee" naB been lil n ~agodl
Elx.~ J~ ~s unethfe al for ~ Jawyer ~Qi r~ to
·btl I'W'I ,a program i n w i~h Jitl) ca~il;li i,J~g~ I •
I ~:·.
advet'itli!ISiemen~ c!IIE! ,Dl msre;~oot wou~dl I
lfldr~nt ~rty ~i:ti gil t~ e;~s,dt l'drrn r~ ad'l_e-tl1~a h~ w~,.~ . (Oirat:tor cf afig~u,
!l)[char:g;s aboot th~fi' le:gal p~roo ems o'll4er a 1: ffaw ~ 8 yet, 74 Phil. 579)
r.Bdl Ia a nd tel ov 1$1 ~fl n e-two r'k. thm l"1;s
Yiio~~Eid ny ~thical ru es"? - Ylltti, ~$ fi Rule 3.102 -... l1n Ui!e e ()h:::e of a firm nBlmC 2001 vu
· 'W ~ indilect ad~mtt" · n $OIIefU!Uk;Jn . n D tabe.. mli$~Cadjng o r a E!su m(t1tJ m!lm~ 1996 (1.1
and is likB!.'iise v~IN of the: confide mia~ of ! :tJg f,J .b~ UliS!Iild. TttQ G01'1t1~U"Ud· U'S8 ~, 'liha 1994 . :;J
I le'J.\~-diant ~~~- iB ;Ed m aty .also biil I na~ (I~ ;!'! d Bcea,Q(ii JPann:~r iS pem'11S8 j biM!!J
• coo008red ~$ :f!l fm m of self-pril'liSS ~c ~ cQv lded ~~'tit th& 'ltrm Jndka.WtJ; i n ,Bill l·ts.
= .S-'Jbject tQ discipline: (ltJ re rtt~ . $3 Phi1.. ll::OI'Mft'tlU ica Of'ltl t h.a't s;;itf paltlfler 1$ .
J l) dec: e.. od. 1':'
1 ule 2..04 - ••A ~tlw~e-:r s h e~l not charge ratn · 1997 .. 2 i flule ~-04 ... " A lewy~r · ~IJ 1'1 0 ~iJ)l IN' g~ :2(~~ 11 1-C
. OW131 • ~iiOOEl C IJS t Qm i~ y !)tC~t ~ ' ibod: 20~ VI Ia.ny1bmg o_f t.~~t,H I.lo ~il . P'ej)fe~e-ntatl._. . , o
Ul(!- • 2002 111-0
I \1 ~ io9:!J ttut !l:lreumstalfi;C:Ot ~o wavrant-

~ as-s m~ h1 a;qtAclpaitJ()n o ~ -or I" r!IJ't u 11 !
-~· f Qr, P!-~b.Uc1~:...t~-E!~~Htt -~~ j)_LJ~~~-B--~~. 1
, - The reason fo1 R~ 2 .1h1 1e ~ ha.t the practioo 4 !
of "~.a\\• is. !)IOfeas.ion and not a •• lt Is DEVELOPMENT OF E l.;£GA~ SVSn M 121:::()4 1-A4·
impro,:er to IIJIIIIBr your lcgtt~ t IV$~ ~~~ I
;jlOO r· • sr i1~1lo o-ffeled a lo!N-er al fee. I ~ lAW REfO~~ ANO IN! HIE" !
SIE.R'!IIC'ES Sri AU.. U'SE 0 . IJ..Y TRUE 20[]2 m-a ~- Oil" JUSTICE
HONE:&l , it~~ ~ IOIGMFW:O ANC 1
2000 ~I l
OSJIE.CTIVi. I Nf{rR~Alii ON OR 2002 UI..E l!:;x: MClE :Pr~J'am- .. · at-cry Cor'uirlUing
Vl1 ,
l-eg ;i~l
- it is a prog~m wb.ich req uir~s lawyers. too .
L . IR le .l..M .... ••A hl'&)!_~r sMU n ot use or 19m 17·1 ~·- 1 show P1!'2f o-f !l__!!.i~ _l)!~dl3.ia~n impmvern~ J
Ch8pter ru - c..egar ~tl?ie:s m?d'"f)rfl(;trca~ ~-,;~s:-.:e~s___;_.,~-_ __..,:,_ _........~~~]

L~ fV~~s -:- 2.0 r~ FJdti.!DfJ . .. _ .. .
Jl"l 11'1eir leg I rlQ'I'I~e i CJI'"e(:O(Id.,lon ro(
11"-E:I'lewin their lioeFJie lo racl;t.(e-. ~,t~,t here- t~ go\leinme~L is rh~ aciYe:t~ - . -
i A . WYER. Si"IAWL K I:P AiR A.Sl Of
1 paiD/ or In a criminal tril:ie irrr.rc:t..1l n~ r.
L.E;~AL O£VELO~E Tl PART1JC1P 1'£ ~N Qa'IE!rnment mnpfO"~ee- In lhe
CONTINUING l EG AIL E!D.UCA1tON pa rfo rl1ll1lll c:e: or his !:1 ut1 es. a.s s.LWi1
ACHIEV~ H ~GH Si A.NDAROS llN LAW IRule 6.01 ... wrne prit"l~J";/ du~y. 4l-f < l!arw!fl!l XV1
SCHOOLS AS WEU. AS ~N TH~ _ mg~&g&d J If:)~ Ll~~c lP PIC~~;: uti o n ~ no • 'teo :2
PRACnCAl 11RA~N~NiG OF LA.W SiJlUOSN'lS eonv ic.t but ~o Si!J& tha~ J..-. -~e is don • The
A~O ASSISt I .mSseMI~ltMG '\lltt!P'Qii'es.slon of filiC:~ 01' tho t.itln~Ca.aJlm~nt ,Qlf
r FOR~A 'fiON REGAR01tttl 'lit-n:;: I...AW ~N O 1 wrm~&& ca~l) of f!Staib~l!l~~ng 1heo
JU~IS!PR UDIE ce. I ~nnoeto;ncs .00 lim ~~dl is Jtt~tlif
repr.~ On&i lh ~e o'Hl d ~ $ ..;aU>1ii1 i3 ·~ rt (:U 3ci pl i tlar)!
adlo tl ....
~ .
In criminal c:~ ... es. a ~lie ptOSet=u~or s.hoUI{I be

Mey a form au go-vernment IB'Hjf8r . ~re:w.nt t~ the 1t'lllbvling ~ I

I illppear in .a ~iU' agam:st :tltilra govemm&int7-

~ itl'let'e!S~
0: he S.a~te. I
Yes t)e r"l13')' i!PJ>C~r c ~e ag~I'J'4 t the
In ·1. T¢ pro4ect lfle (Pta
St0 1~fr)Ment unl~s there: I~ SJ)eCI'~ etfl_ical · 1he criminal ca!W is in realtfY ~ Cfirne 1 l
r ule- 01 provi::sioo of IB\Y wh1ch proM:rrts done ~~ in~t ·the :9~te)
!rom do ing ac. 2 .) T a ~e 10 i~ that ju$ t~ & ~ d one- tRule- '
6-.0 1) · Ja ~uf1lny ~ha- pri'w'ete J.'~uror iG
- When ma~· a ·fGrmer 0.gvemment lawyrsr t:JGI interes.ted 01"11~ to ccn'l'ie'l 1tl Beet:! e<f.
:P' m~iblett~ Jrom , ec: · ·ng ~ • .g;t H~er the pr1miilrJ dul)! c.f public
I ·jfii~~Oifl'til)t'lit? .Pto~ i9 not to oontt ~ but to
a. .a lawyer shall not etta leavmg the 1hal Jtlt~ioo is done.
, go" amme nt &el"'l' iDB Si'..DBfH
e ngagatflent or 13mplayment in IR~Io S.DJ - A ~ Wf'l't' slialiJ rto i!Her le21"'hlJ3
ronnOCilioo w· eny matter in -.-. h ho gQ'lltei'1mment sefVICi I .iJ~C8]pt EU'l'g~gem:enrt o~
11~ d ill'le.rverted .,..,-tt,l..: it'l $ · seMoee; ~.
iEIRljfl~OlfM9nt m
n f:Oflrltlt){;'tjil)ri with. 31111)" FiUitter
b . retl~ 111EllllOOrf. of U'le j1.101\J~ : m whl~~ rhCI Mrd i lfllle'f~J.mod w lilil'(t hli ~d

l___ j __
i recet\ting penS;ion$ from 1he
_ esnmenl ~~ice~la~w:!___L___---l.,_ _. . ~ r-l
~-- _ LbG-Al. AAO~SSJON .. ·---=--- ,__.._____,
Lex Paff!_ro M:Jf'C~- 201~. ~i.l{iQJt .. . . . .. VoJ.umeJV
· - - Ya.Yroe N
1 A ·wy ~ fi: S~U.. Ai .A. i-T.ME.S UPttOLO 2 004

AC11V1TIES OF l"H"e INllEGRA leD 6Aft
I ~u!e 8.&2 - *A W'JO'f &llaiJ not. dlrcn::O~ or- 200 · II
i A lii'!'l'l)'e "'"'l'l-~ul!j malnt:;~ln the "9iandSJdl of moraJ VI-A ht dire r;Uy, encroach upon the- ~l'ofeummd 1 99'7 9
twtnes.s required C;j nvn when he apphoo foo.- ~M,pi~>Jmellt o f ::tn o theor l~v.-yer·. howe·v,cr. it 11:195 1 -1
admiBS.KJn to the bar. He :should always be . ~ a o rf4ll h m Of a lll1Y laltNYt-"'"~ wiJth ourt lfe•r m · ~ 006 V- ~
faittl •o hiE» oa-th. ihi1111)t", to gi~to pr·o;pe<r Bld';~r,e-o- and a811£atan® :mo V-'2.
to ittu>so sse;kJng r>&ll cf agalrtst urnf'IIIM"ul or
R~ IC' t.Ot - ..A lawyer sttalmbe aniBWDralbte .niO,' glec!U\ ~ CC UIIU~«t- 1 .'~ .
r'O r kn-owiJ gl!y ~~~ ;atdng· a ·f&ls.e atat.:tm alitt or·
supp.ra&11illlilg a material fa~:;t i!fll c ~ ~:Pelton Nn~lng is Vlmng with 9-Ning aGW:e- 0r
wilh his apjpl leation ro, admlll. ~~n to tht aca1~tance ·o the cllonr Qf an h r Jart.y~r
bar,, PI<Pmed •ha' no conflicLof in~ · ln~Jolved
r an~ •hs~ ~ Jart;y-er does no encmach diredj}/ or
R I~1.6:!1 • .. A lawyM s all n o t 9 ngag 9 in 2"004 "VII1·B
mchredly ca he emp.ktymant o1 the o Fmr
con d uct. tha t ad"ro~r$!1iiV roflett:.t # o nt h · ~5
fi1nes.s to ~. noll' shaU 1!1 whether 2008 v
iVJ publll c or pr!Nats- Ufa, behiilve jn .a 2()09 X•ll(b} - T" rae fl.i' mats to oel.6mline ..-:onfhet of WD9
~a ~ d ~l o !I m anner to the dlla<:rad it o f tho 2010 N (9} 1n1~ fof practi~l"'9 lErna·~ {NCJ~tm-."e$ttam l
jBged prof-ass.i on."' ~--·; Vnrvf.I!SJ"fyv. ~lifo, .tH5 SCR.J; 5'"j ~~~J
2006 ' t-:~~.-::-~
- • lawy ~ m y no ~ h:(!ltd ~dmini alraliNlDiy 21]06 Ul-6
i 9
~ l~ab~D · ov compl"lrn P~ i nv.oi'JI\ln g1collection 01 'U AUl HORrtZED IPRACllC£: Of lAW
O:Oblts- In Utigio ~ Dic:Drr, 246 SeRA 9
J Q951J, ~he S!Ji)i'(ltoo Ceur-t l'lelt~ csoe ~ - C1¥-y&tsi'W: lt. Mon<$'Od., GJt i!io.. 1(.10113 O!:S 2008
not 0111 ll'lal .1rltdlc1ion of complain~ for s~~~r1"1 •
eolledion ., d:e~. The crediror'BI 001.1rse .i . .. Wep v. i..s.gsJ CNnit::, lire. A.C. No. L-S~3 17 2000 VJI
~u:; t io n Is. .::i~Ji l, oot adminiistr.ative in ntJLu r.e Jin:Jv 1993
prapEW r; fs may be~ · t d f"'. Ru~~ 9.c01 - A iiiv.yl?r ~h~d l
"''l de egcarte tO> II 201_0
8 A LAwYER Sl-flALL Cat40ltCT ~~S ELF 1any 1JfttlluthorJ1lcdl person the ~rform~m:& .
VWTH COURNS't, F~IR E;SS A 0 1 of .any ~sf< whJe J by raw~~ Dlll;r he I
GANOOR T,OWAAO$ H< PACM='i;SSHlNIAl ,29rf~~ ~y 8 11'1_~ OOr l)f I? lti~r ~~Ql I
t.l?.{ ~~ ~~~- Z014 ed.Jr~ . _ ..•. _ .• - - - ·-~~~l!Jt .Ill.
__ ,

a;mn~:h'ng .--- )
r-- ..
Obosl!lr~~nt c.f Ia~ ~~).,~ :ethic.-£.(rb.icf} Tha , ...
2005 IV la'A"·rcf:s fidE!Ii ty to his d ien1 m1,1M nat be
Ruht 9.02 - A ~ 8W'lf81' sh11n nat ti ~Yid ~ ·1.)'1'
14 pur~ uea .c-L 1he e:xptmSe af •n.Jeh .and
"pU1atc t~ dilvlid"E'l a fee for Nl~ orderly t~dministJa~on o' justice. It must
'Willh ~r'!!I4J{f'(I B FliDt ~ icen fWd 1Q p ra.~ti!Ui b9 dooe •vnni"Fl the confine of fe.BS..OI'I I
. h~!i/ ........ ..•,. aJ1d commQn ~nlSIS. (Ibid}
CHAP'ffR. n(:.. iiie ~WYERAiiJO. THE
Cl!}u:RtS R!ul~ 1Q.O' - •·JJ. lawyer •"I:'N! II IIIDt do any 1~ 4·
1·B A · meR
'Oll-iES CANDO.R-\1 FA~NE &S !'l<uJJ, nor .consent tOo ~JI!.Q Clllling of any 2005
m Court; flOr :uh.all he m lsl(!;ad, .w allalW !lll1rc.-
A"D 9000 IPA~lM ro Tr!E OOIJIRi. ;
Court ·to be ~nl!illc(Jl b:t .any ~:~ !11fflcu-. ...
f.tuJ& 1 C.i32 - ··A I~WyiJJ shal!l ~.1~ lk.nowi ntJ~!t ,
:wao XJII I
- Du~:y of .an ~tt;Q vnoy. as a r'l offt~s r of
t'f11SQu (liht or mi<SI'Sjpii'i!f CM 1b C:Ofiib;!o,nts, 'W a
the. &OlUi . An officeJ ol he OOOY
d1J1Y ta uphold ~h~ d~ nit~ ;:ttru;l
.s I, FJISIPiCi r. o Ia ng uag !It « e ~arrg UfR'i;Ci 1ft of
aYt norily oi -he -roultti and ro pro mpte: oppfl::!JJngJ eo1.1111sel, o1r the ~t of e d 9C' I~~'IJ.Iil
oontK;;tem:::e in he fair Mr i FI~r~~~~ of :I or authQrlty, w ~nowJng•~ cite~ .as law "
justice. { ~n Ro. l .erter dated 2 ~
February 2005 of Airy. NoeJ s Sol"fttda,
I proviajon :il•l'\!'~)1' rr~P ndersd l ni!> Pili«~'lli'I'D b)l
i rc~oaa ,g r .amsndlllf~ n'l:, llr i:isserlt :;3$- (! fact
~ at wftic~ .has nat ~ P!O'I'ed." I :
.Jl..M. flJo. iJ;JCt.J~ -SC . .Juiy 22, 2tl0:5, m
rn. Pt.'P'Jft.Sfi'KJ .ol\ifsged ThFBafs A:Qli!fns~ A lAVIYER: SHALL OBS:t::R-'11£ A-:0-. ~-1 997 n-
.,gga ~ 2-1

MemJ;.ters af i.~s C<!:!url in thO I'Jundsr MA 1· IUN T.HE R;E:SPecr o uc o
1:.8W Cess Hurled by A~~ L~ De COURTS A . 0 TO JtJOICllAL OFffecR.S 1QQ3 15
VB~B. AM. t\to. CH-1,.. 03-SC. 38.5 ANO 'SHOULD INSIST ON S n.AR 2000 i Vl
SCRA 285 (2002)] No lees. must ~hi& tl(:l · CONDtJCl!BV QTHE.RS. 2010 1111
and wit'h greater r~ona in tile: ~ ~
thg cooru highef.t rourt. tha su~ reme RUJJift 11.~ - ''A f.j)J'Wygr & ha l~ no ll;~ltltiritmt& to I
·· Col..lrt. as the last bul\vi!flr of Ju!i~oe .and ~ Judg.B mi'-ltlYes ~01 t;uP'po.rtsd by a j
~mocrecy. ~Jbid} reeora ot til !il\reo na· m~ tl1.t' rt~ ~it)' to Ill C4ll ~it. ~'~'
I lbs ~ diJ•Y 01' i!':lr'L ~to~;~me y is not o his. .
, I
; - E:lr:,: Ml~ 3
llaw;ter pFopai'J~ c ~lieiz a a cmJJlf~
dite:n~. bu~
~ o 1he: .adm ini&1 ~ttol1 of da-ci&lion-1 VetJ;, a lft'N!(Gf lis en ilfed to. 'ftlios hir.
which hi-a client's ~ucte~ I~
justic:c, ,o ! c~ioiam ~;~.rtthin che cortklrl of rhe oonstJ1utionai

l._l wh OI~ ~ubordi nste . His conduct ough

. _ __]__nd musr ~~~.~ .~~ s ulou
SY 8. rf!n.1ne: oi freed:ool o' $ peoc h \'~bien. must b~
exerCI$e~ .ra~pon:;ibly. ., ______._
&.~ ~Mr:; Norf)s - 20 14 ediOOrl . -·-·---·. -·-. 'l p/l:n'ne IV
--- · - · --
12 A- .Am·E:F{ si-iALL:..-ex.e:R. ~Mv Ef~~~r ,. 2ot•~ ... , •-Ail~
ret~ds· ~c;-~~U£.nce, or gl\t·~ the a~ rene ci t
'l'HC: $PEEOV' AND Ff~CIErNT I fluin ncir.g 1he rour1. • (P\~Ia- Phlhppne
I 1rs. SMc~.;: 1:54 SCR~ :5 2, 1 887_t}
ADM I ~$ A f~OH Of" JUS.nCE
.I flu 13..Q1 - ''A lawy t sh::dl not ~xttmd ~QOI'}
Ru1o 12.02· A lawyH sham cf.lot fil~ m turn~ 2002 V-A XIV
~!l(b'ao,r:dlt:J f':l I!IH'Q~Mil (); nospltfJJj~ t OJ ii:OT 21)[){)

actio n~ ;;~ s ~ n rrom ~he aame cBrtJQ. 1'991 tv-A •

1v..e ~ .appCII'turti rty for cottl\lill:tinQI t- m~li 21rJ~ 21110 XV(Al
(Pmh llh 1 fil a; l:n~t toruii'Y'HJ·hopplng' 991 with J dlg&$, ...
R.iUI ~ .. A Leawyeil' h ~l nc~ fllw
I~~le 13.02 - ''A JaWyur ~baR not malk& 2003 XS
2.03 - Vl
et~l nllt\rg · Jd:Qt:ons of tim a to flt.o I .
putbllit': a1!~ · a nt$ b'!J .. melfJa ~ardlin£tl a ' 2.00a. · 1!1
, mQII'tltOt.allidiil or b_llil&fs., l~tt 11il-1ll
! .J?&l'!.:ilrngl ®$e tendjng ~" arol.l'$. pubUe
period ~apse w l\1 QUit s bmHtiin9 ftl~ u~
·~::~,.. offartng an sxp ll!lna Qi'.l 11>! hI~ faiJur& ·to
I oplnlo fOf' ar a(Jiili nst ;; p-arty.'"
dill! SO.''
-E f:flptlort~ A~r the Supf'e.ttm Courl 2'008
1 II nl·b
Rufe 12.<06· "A l•wcyoii' s illI not 'knowingfy 1004 1 dacid98 otJ a- c:~ ti'., that tho
8Ai'isil .aJ wJilness to m't itr'ISIU o r ~
I r:orn-mcnt ahtiJ/ not .sp.m ever fhe :bthu~ds of
i Cl~cetu:.y
mrd prvpriet.y. Rfii!IQII'l'; One- a- 1
~ im·7 sonat~ B ~a~
,~ e=-=·=77::-:=:::::-::-;-;;-;;;:--~~-tw--, 1 re~-S• Is decklerJ, 1ne ilecislon be.c-cm&l-5 1
1-- "·':"'. \..AmER S AL.l A£L..Y ~ flON
1-J --r-:=.....;,;;,A E 2001 X~
. pub~ properly .ttft(:/ ia thrown tJpsn to . .
XVIII I public c.omwmp-r~an.
_ __,..I CHAfFER iV- Tii--i.A- --R A~O ·ni - ··-
rl +·-
TO J . I!!!LUiNC~ . OR GIVES i H!e
14 A uwYeR·sJtAi - rrof ( FUSE: HIS- ·· ---t ---1

. V-A
... XII
~I 2-S~

vcmmerv - - Ohi!MJV:

: regaldlt)Q g1JitC .--~ . . "14.01 On1Y applres to

. ··-·----- -· . --·--
·-r· --·
Hct --- --- -- --· . -..
(b) •I .
hJ\l:..ors. ll.t~~ r o;~ coi'!Or.ct o J in'Ufre:s.t
, b8~ Mrn a nd' the IJ)tG'SpCGtive- -~;P ien• o r
' cnm1nal far reasons; Rule l lB Sec.or !!Ohvac.:w a pr~ 1: cl Jilt I,
. I

I oamnt."
p l'(;lsp ettiY&
t'KI IP'\.o
2009 Xl(b)
i ~ulu-
14.fl2 - 11 A lawyer shall not dot ins, :2002
~x~pt f o r ~~rjq~- ii:!ml sufflcle:fll. ~~ u~ ..'3 >ll n 200'1
XIII . I r~er s.ho~
A be IC;3altd \'l.· ~h
a client But he
.shoul la~ve it t.Jp tQ ltle Clian1 to de<;ida l-
I app'O-Jn nt u col,r.l n!$ ' do oftic•o or . at tSDJ
a rnicue- ~uiliu a, Qr .a q~JeSlt from tlle 9£1:3
wheltlW to p!Sad guifty Ot not

j lnb!grated a
f of the hUippi.,~s <t~r ~~~~y .~f
· im chapter$ fot nnd]iilllil of c hil!i!raJI .airl.
001 'Al-A
·_ IIV&~pi!_lt _V:Bidt;s {?8/l SCR~ 7.11()'fl~ --~ 2009-+-Xt-AS

I FA fR:NE$$ A ND l OYALlY I'N A Lit. HJS 20(}8 Vill-a .

i SOn'Je justified ~ounds for refu~
' de:s;1g-na~od as roung,el d offic~.


a.) A l~'i'l'ler h~ been oil$$lgn d too ~tf
de ca&es alfe~dy . Exemp'l!on9
IRul& 15.0 1 • "A ~awy.,., In ooo~er<mu will> a \ 2000 IX
t~mspcclwe cl~-en t, s hall olt&Jcurtam · 199'7 8(1¢ n 6
as seated 111 Ru le 4.03 {See ~)
b.'· Prohibi1ed orn bv re on Gf
~fi tm.'Ctic~lb~ w1 oUter the Jlil.BJ~ vrol ld 1 1'99 1
I ilVo""e il cor~~t wru; another tdien~ or hit .
his public nffice. I own ·m. rest, an d IJ sa, s.hali fcrtnwi1li1 'I
I rnfQf tr.l th(t pro!-p Q'C'ti'i'C" cEient 11
H::n-..·.: •t:-" if tl!q oos, fer leg&;JI i:)id ~ a cillit c~e. 2002 VII-B .
; 1he lewre C:t'J r't decline if he b ,.es. '\ha~ ihe
' ~c:tion c· de~e ·$e is net merit.:)ricl.l . H sho«Jid
~ on I~· mainte:in Sdions wh ict1- are llt$t nu
· 1SQ 1
2 lb
I. Tbls. .apPfi0s
1 egar~
t;:lle n~ 8Qcuns.1
1• the
whom 1
la~;~~yor I
• 1 nl.o::-rpos,e, dereMe:S ·~ ha- behBll~ to be- 2009 Xl(b) piO~ctl'iB · nt pi.Elns to irtitia~ n .acll 1. ·
ltton~~•l\' debatable u nder I he lal\'lt'. Ru' 15.02- ••A liliw;'OJ sbaJI ibe IJ'J;oull't(f by 199d
~Et rule Ot11 pf"ti¥U61;10 GCmMLI\fiJOatio~
120Ll1 m
: RuJe 14 03 ..... 11 A ~awyer may n o,t r'afua to
: ;ot:~apt r~pT!!~n Cion of an l.ndl~t cl liBfit
! 5f!
I1'1 · peot of m..ttell'3 diaokls.<ed to ~bn by
f)rGai~Otiv e er Sl1JL ..
a T99Q

11 ~
0 lJ ~
He is llolin
t'" lit WO'fk
p~:iitjoA to c.any
o-ff~ti v aEy or
Note · Th rule on pr11/11age
~~$ (LpJ Include martei's cornrnumcrnec wt~en 2.00,5
there I& no ~\.~f · ~nt r.ola ICr'l!hlp or '1.'11 n
lealton \
c·om~ Uy; ·tt~e matters revealed ara 11~t1:s1'$ a .
2:U ·

. ..
. -··- -- -· ... -- -·-· . ----
.-:~ ,t;91iSpranl'led tc ·:·~ ~::~7Jrn·tted .
' I
1&.01 .... NA l~wJ811' .oh-all ii'I~COO 'to.r
or property c.ollf1ded
o,r f,ll'(lm tlhe- etlont ·~
OF l'BCeiY' d
a" 11000 I
tl-1 l
ute ·16.03: .... .. A lawyer aha:U nO'! prt~Mnt J 1ser
OOflHf!cUng In~ ;csbJ g_;c;cap_ ~ · 2.fJ02 1.
I Jf clie-nt gives- money to .hr& COUl'liWJ f01 3
c-onsent of .a~l eoneGJnc.d glv,an MtBif' 111 ~11 19S9 I
:specijjc purpose = ~ndet an ;a(C.fJun ing
d~elc Liro: of t he facts, .. 2{)06 !
I ,-.t7
Of s~;~l iOJ'Iey. f
a rill,.~ far dlsmitu3
r.e ~n do so rnay ocnslruJta

"I Iex. Why "" • lawy;.r prohlbll>!d !<oM : : : 16- I

I"CC~s nti~g cEmRictlng ~ n .fu-::;,ta?
l~!fJYBr ~all U1 con ...ence 1991
~;~nell ~ of is clien• -E! 'wiE!I I'I e r ·
att~ne:~.. ttltlnt Olation is tarmt.rlfJied .
tm 1
M l . DF1Ul OF 1~ 'TRUST AND
GBn ortd R~l\8· A$ nams ie not 2009 lfd)
.ra Ia ran be tweer~ lt1 tli and Yl'ff!J r rSo c fidl?ft al
founded on !!!J ;jll"'('f to r1 ~ nee_ The 11900
~ l13amt: the liilrong ~I'IQ weak {'Oint5 I 2005 I EXI'!;i(i;j'tiOfl
of 'the 01 nrs. eau&O. In order c tl ~ie- •h • : ~·a) ,llhlere a ~r0f'J9 p¢:$S.rb ili~J 13")CIBI$ that
ullt?9t CQI"'fld0t".C r tha eli en . InUit be I re-ve-aling a clien ·,_ r.ame OV.'QI.IId
~:s&ur-ad 1001. hi$ !1oeCfe11 WOOftj no1 be
lmDiicate •ha dre L
us~r:i iflgainsi. him.
{b} Vtltu~r~ dr~osu,.e lo1'.'0uld OPI!In the oe.'.ent
b. Not ont,- ~o pi"13'Van the -drs to ci\.'li iiab~t:
p rac'!iti::n'"l~r from fraudulan~ . ~. bu
(c) 1,•\'hare- tt'te ga'w'ernmant's. lav.ry.sra ~'!ave
as ;!rw'SII to prolee.l an hOnMit tawye from
no case in!iot an am;'!/~ c:11er1-1 unle$S.
unfOt....ndad s.u.~ptel of r~BJOnal
by rer~eali jhe cl nfs ·~ me, •l'lo- ssld
prsdioe. name v,.-ould fun'Wsl'l ~he or;lv hn , hat
would torm !'Itt ch~rr't o1 · 'bisfin\Qny
Ru!e 1!5..0?. - J'A 1:)-wy than impt aa upon
necesa~IJ' c convict indi'a.tldual a
~~~ cl:lon · oom pJfam:~t with ~l!to law. l'f!ldl Uw crl~ . .
rl"lel o1 talJTieu...
A LP\WYeR SHALL ~OUO II'J TAOSt AlL. 2009 ~ Xl(<fl) [Re-g r lt. &~ttrtbayan 2'6.? SCRA 122, ~ ~
MON Y'S AND PIRC P.ER11ES OF' HllS .2009 I XIV ~18~.-A~

JU - -
.2003 IJ
l_L WITH COW'Ere~ce ANI) rnl~GE~ _ ~ 20~J~V<t)_l
l..e.( P reto Not-ss - 2014 ~~-~Qrl _ •. .. - - · ___ . _ _ Vatum& ~~

'· -~~- f s:01 - "A ta\r.ri"6-r BhUI" F.Jo' tUttd~

il l~:al srarvi~;ra . he knows or slhouldl .2000
.2001 0<
.· 20 ·r A lA\VYE ·-sttAL L CHARd~ ONi FAIR
A ND REASONAB!.E fi:":S; ~ S
- v 2ooa
··~ --
V-e 'h. 1
~f'GW tn
t llu liS not .q-uelifisd to- r18nch;.r. 2Cl1G V . ~008
II:"OJWCV , , It '~ ~ li'endar such &BI'YIDB ii,
I lh 1he coMerd c,d ~It- d~Dnt tie c:an ·O~wm R~lo 20.01 .- A tawyor aha~l be guJctedi by · · Ma

; .as collabora1lng CO-'UJ ee! · l;awy.or Who if~. the f~fnw ln ~ fac~ r ·. In <thrte~mirJi 91 h _ 19B4 12
_: com[petenl on t he m atte r... f-ae s ~ (Bas-ts. of quBl'lmm lhefZ.."tl 199 IJI-A
~ R:uac 8.03 ... ""A lawy-er a~Ntll not Mg~act • 2\102 IV·B 11 ) lhe tlm4it !Spent and 1h;& c:-~tont ·Qif ~f\e 12{)1o VII
~ I ·g ~ m.MtC~t ontnu~tJJd to him, and hla. taae v~
f· , orvrce r dwed or requSF· · d':
i n~llgenea I" eonnoc-tlon Ul ~VWith BJ'Jiil l :rooe v1u
1 r&nder him l~b11~.,. 2007 Ill lb~ the ilOVelfty ~nd dfffi&-Uity nf
qlliiO$tiOJtcS ~JWQlyed;
· · Rru~& 1 8.04 - J'A lawyer ahatl ke-.ep tho ~ U«mt 200~ J-A
~n fo~mod o~ e ~taw:s. of h is c.aae a=td ma(1 ~ Tlll.e ~m porta nc or the- $Ub~ ect matte r·
if s po nc3 'lllithi:n a ~rva&m11Bb le time to ~he
clt~f~ q:u l t·f)r ;n~oltmiitio n. ' -~ (d} lhe akil l ooa~~nded~

h9 1 A LA.WVE~ SHALL. RP:PRes~ENr HIS 2003 Iomplro:t

(e) The ptobab l;ty of IOE.Ing othet'
I . cue . T wrtH.ZEAL Wnt n THE s o u No s. ent s a re!nt~lt o f ~ ptalfi,CO of
!I - ~T HE t AW tihB pr(;l eTBd "'9;

Rule 19.0 - ...A Lawye;r S ha l~ E:mploy. Only 1001 '13 m T.hs- t~Jetorn ary Chatl'glll5 ·re-r s. im~l:.
fiir .AI:Id IHoMst MsBllill!l To A'IQI 1 The s~rv l~ esf!ri1dl 1fteo 'Se~edulli!i of me: o f ~h e
l l~wftd Ob t t1ves o· Has Client ... u. IB!P chap!« ·mo. wbi\e.h he betoog;s;

! Au.e 1Jf.t02 - .. A la'W)I~f VJf)O l\a11s ~Yed 2001 X (g) Tho- am o IJJJ1t ~ mt'[)4v ed i n the c:.cmtl'l.l'ltC r -y
: 1 c~rorm sticn mna1· his e~ lo-nt t 1, ~n lh!J lW-4 4-b M d lM b On iJ!iit9 r, ulting to th-e c-tiant fro
1(;0\Jlflie o.f t he trep~ssentmi on, P*r]).Cilrat4d a 2008 ~.a fhQ ~Bflll\c:O;
1fr.a;u d upon a rpers.-on or ltiri~nail, ~W f
t~rf9t!11P 'i e~~IJ ~tl.POllit tl o c~ie n.t to recti lhe {h) lihe C:~litin g:t!111 ty or ·CBrtallflt{'r of
'll I ~n d fa lUng whlc ns &ha ll termJn_ate tcm[pcn artion~
the ~re.llanki\111Bidp CftJ , l,ldll c~l iS'nt lllil
__ --
.. i'··-acco~dancs
___ .. 'Wi~ the AuiM or Court_ ~.-
,;' ...... ..
~r·-··· ...... ~
11.) The


Lex Psrsto._(\f';!f-9~ -:_20~ 4 esf.ilion
••tabli& . "oil"i"~d
·- _ ---·- . _ ... -· -·-. . -··-'·~fLIJL
.. -- 1· . - -r
··- _ ... -··-v~ tv

(j1 i _ c ptof •1 lo I !$ d~g o f 11-te WJer . I

- Q~~t¥Rl__ m~~ . .a~ to racovsry of 2007 IV
&ttorn.e 'a fees: ; Su ln ·s u mpa t - , adicn 1\led by a
: - ~~~Qrt-
atto, ~t
ch ~ ·
no ~ ome l to ~r agairasl l'lm. clianl fo CCII&dicn
ano;no~{s fee$.
When 'tlh& ,agrsemelllit ~nv altd for
BD1mi9 ll'tiiBC:m Ditter ·th:a n the lilt{i!ij.&Uty o f ih-9
.. - l.a\'i'sules k:lr {~atlOJl of <11ttrJrne( 'fQa8
rebjarc.t of tits :pel'fOrmiiQle& :should be te:sOtfl!d {]n l ~ to pr \len inju$~ .
Whifni att·orn~y ill~ c~l lit dhuos ttJ n, or ~u because Whdt would be
· ttl e oi'JJtra ct to;r allOrn ~ ·e l e(ls more Uf1U~ tt.en OnQ: Y.l ho &9 working for
.. Wl"uilllll ~fit atllilun1l i s um:oR9.Cionab3B injustice vrould h:m$etf bet 1he Sl.t!Jeet of
- When 1hs &Btvi&e.s areo l'tWmma~ 1o Iinjustjce- .I
a just cat.Ja&J
.. Wtlo .s- puhUed fee$ ~1t e In e:x;e~s &a 1 \i\rnat fs mea nt 7~ aUomey•a tivs on a 1'9Sa XIV
to Js. provided in law l Qusn f4Jm M9rulf :ba-g,l,_? n-re fee ~Ntlieh is e.s ILOOa x1r
: ro_qt:;fL~i.J h~~~l'Yi!u:fe~r'l-: _ ccna1derirtg Lhe
Ruht 2~.02 - A la ~c; .s ~ li, I Cilllt ot 1990 { 1 roasanable f3 ue {If rh~ s.e~es ht:! has. 1
refo .a~. wit U'JO eon nt Of ~~ ~ <:1~ nt.. be , r nd(tred. Qusn t ~.;.~,l MvrUit 1'!. 81$0 referred to ·
<OI'lur d t~ a flii...-Jsl oo of f&&S: In ,propo.rtiicn to . 'A,.~umr;:::sit '
l fh e wo rk perto and n:usponsit»lity
.aAum!Bd. 21 - Al.AWYE~ si.fA.t..i:"PRES1:14VE ~ -e . -- I 2{)06 . 1-b
Rulo 2G.Q-3. - 11
A ~lfff 19 tl not, without I .2000. XIV CUENIT EVEN AFTER lliE ATIOR E;V.. I I
lh• II rkoow!Bdga an d consBnt o.f the 1gg7 ·• 141 ·C UENT FtELA i~ N IS TE~NUNA T ED.
c~um t;. ac-cept iillt'l)r -r; a. rowaJ"d, eo~ots , I
commimon. imt ro~ · m!Ntc or fo~rdi i'!QJ ILRule 2:1.01 . . . . A ~a tt.y.a r ~ l ;Ji f a-t rreve-sJ !ho 1998
f'UCJWan~ or o-ttler c.emperl'!IIDllon t:Df1~1'1LL Oli sec!fets of h~ -tlij@Jl exc pt; 11900
wh a~o.ver r~l ated to his profB&siomd
employment from il'fi)'OM othw than U\
c li ont."' - . - (b) Wh-srt r~u1r~d , IBWi :. i·No 37,,
Cano:>.oo o# pt{Jfe:ssJonal ~hies.) · _

xvu ••• J - as a. wltrtejs a ~e h e- .~ . h~,.jlin~for a l:zoos ,_3 I
C,I)Spfer m- .'_6gaf efh>es' .an.rp;:t'!cf.'Ca,l 9.\efi:,~s
• L..
~ex P~:~ffjtp l'J_q~~~-- 20 1'i.:!W1I9fl___ .
I"Ciient. a kn'II'Yer Is. rcscr"i"bed rom t~tirjrng- th0 .. ----,-· (i.f WJ c~-i-o c:: IC'~ delibvnd:t~ly t~-.
! 1hearJ -cr •h c s~- • 1 if) ~ • f~ ~ tor the :a:orY it;~:a or failm .
.j to .ca,,n~Y' wl W1 illhc tc- 1 r ..
Rule 21.07 - 11A ~a~M sh•U not nwe.a!t that 2.002 V~I I-B agrfljjnltent 1 ...
1m 1 ~ s lleen -con Uit . d slbout .a tp rtlc;u!M" I
~~ ·~:~eeapt to· avo d possibLIJ c: · n fl~t m I'
f .) When a lawyer is eleet edi or 2000 v
in-~mt..l l
ii'f'pO'-int-ed to :pubJfc. ol'fi'Oi


Wh~~tn ·millly ' ~aW)'ef" ltl'ldraw !hie srarviCla$
as a lawyo~
(Ru.1 22.01) ~ c:J ·-=--=--~~Mi -=-~-·.-~--·-1:~~~-~o;:-
c 1
THe O!I:lfl: S OR PROS CUTION Or 1 200 1 I
a.} W hen c- cUent purtiuos . ~ lUe·gal or ~~~
im moll'~! -couii'Se
~~~:~Ifill'} r;tlon With
of conduc.t in.
th.e rnattsr ho Ia
006 ~-C
' 1 199~ .. t
h-.nd~l ng : I: 'tlhe dei'e nse of a
u:lt t he right o J th& ~1ovysr ~o tmr.le-ruti!Ce 1 Qgt2
pE!rn!on acc.used r.f crilne',

b.) A 181'1!1}' e r hi t1 y h d rB '~'~' his. 3'Ci1'\l tc·a 1!5 1f.l Ell~ I r ~ij ilrdh) ISII!i o'f h • p:orlionilll op1 ~ion . s to th~
if tlhe tilicn• ~ nsi&bi • l the' lawyer
I ~u i" o-r
ttr aec:u6;0g; ol~rmse, m oc..ent l

pt;!ll$0!"1 1 vletl ~ only 011' ~spl tJlous ·

pUI'Bll IC"OJlQUct th'i t nTt'! v~latiYIIt Of
11:$Uinee:s. rrnl;ght ~ tftC~ nit:;~ IPNP~:r
ltlloGC e~rnona and rules..
d efense_ mving und ertaken a.u ~h dte renae 1• 1
UJ& larwysr ~s bou nd by aU taiJr an d
c.) W hen ihjs in bl~~ty m wov:k w101 te0-r 201J4 U-A
r:mor.ablc- litCalltll to !Pf! g!Jlt ovsry defsnse
\c(llllm~al 'Nil!l I:'!:Qt pl"((mote f hif:l tl~st
~~~~t 1M law q1 me ~lil d ~o:rm I ·to. UhciJ endl
~rltei\SSt o t~ c li ent
tthat n,-o pm-sol'll may be dll)p11 d f,;lf li ~ Oil'
f~ but by due :Jlrr:Jl:~&-JI.!il ef IIW- Ho
d.) Wlho n itih e mo LUI• 0\1' phy&fu1 WO 1
c or"d on or o 1awyer rendOf:) lt
A IErll'fBr mus not humea andcrn.e ~c a
d irfl~ u!il: f '>r li~m to c.BJf'I'Y out the
chl!ti1.'s in ntton to pi~ gu1tty. He most filudtJ
employ mt;~Jil effecti v<B~;

f!Jpler JU- tljQ(J ~iiJICB and r·!W exerci.s s .2JIJ

__ J. LC!I~ fhorgu h •.fr!St -~'!.!'li.!St_· -· ~_h_
__,__ _-..........,_.__.

.. I

. ..
---- V()/tJ.!Jrt vt.·
.l the

J ~
a~ cr · · t i hls "hl~lon alo:~op~Jfies. ~ 0 ~
w firms ~ ~¥ell Tile e IC'! ymem ol o ne of
member of a law firm is- thf:i emplo~t(l~ant
of ~h~ Pat/1 firm itser ~Prtllippine Blooming M'
vs Court of r\ppo-ah, ~r 1S89.t (see
~_ a
~~~ &rtntqs liS . 8e-JIJ1!. . ~ 1 ~~RA 17 [2D03 '
'1 MOFeSSIOMAIL COl. eAGUES AIN·=o=---t-:=--=-=-+-~.......
~1 ~~
( rf rting of OO!lfh'cJ (J( ifttfm3.s'i) 2(]('14 IV..A
Whel'l !lawyer$ jointly <Q$!Soc~a1 d in a
•·tt J unJ>rofes<SJI)rl'ti I to
rep-r 2004 IV..J - • • 2004 1-k
oc:onftll &'tl~'91 Jntwa.&m. -o:~C~.Pl by axprss• 2003 C:atJ,$'0 eanno~ .ltg ea II$ lo a~ny nn4tiell' vU::~l t o
co nt5~enll: (!If ftJI~ lt.:om::srn4MI given after a f uJI 1997
eU eloa ur~ af 1h 1 c:t&. Wirtbi n lrnt l'fiOillrlng ~93
- Of this C BII'U)t\., :II lawy~N ~!"H Iii 992
ooa eUng ftnte rn~ w
1 clilm t .. ' is h li& du ·
• bs~tf of ,on
e ntcffilr;l for
the n!Unmit o' the eJ;l t. the (;OnHlet of
O'pinion outd bo fr'imkiY. ~lated to hm ~!J'
. hiS finaJl dokJrmfJ1ar~h>n . fils. dc~4s km !i · o.uldl
be ac~epted unteM ttw naturo of
d ifference RW~Jt:ib it impracti;c;a~" for t
a- .
. Whic h d'~~ ' ~o &1, clfam r yjr, . . liiwyer wheat& j udg t'liliint h~ been Q'P'muled
~ ~B~.
1m ·l o
0' iI10. oo-openit9 affecrJv-e1l;pt. In th · even ;t hla.
d~ to .as It! t:Jien't ~ eliev.e lnm

The ot~igation tn rep~res enl t.t~ ~ c~ ltti'.A~ th i

undivlded ~~~ollty nd nO<t b') ~Wuig-~ hJ!l
E orts.. dlir ect or mdlirec~ i.n any way tc. 1~; 10
H cmts. o r CQ.AI\d e nc.e. IDibldl iiiS<D neroaeh U P'lt) ~ pro ~i o na ~
s UlbtiqJLJent IBlCC&p~llCiC' r:>f r~elalfle,$ Q r&Jblo~ oymmU of ~~thell' 14] i1.r& .
-empl())l · en · f'r om o " O<t:to in m;aitWf.S Ufl worthy CJI those who should J>o lbralh rem -
.a dve~ety ~ffcctin g a ny ~nte~e. of ffw ro:l iem . .a~ t he bar. but. fl verthal •$S, it 1'$ tl;Q rlghl
with r&::spect In wrn.::h oonftd ~neo· i1"1i1S. bean ~of any r..w!fiU, wl1itu;ut ·f,'e111r or f.avo.r, to gl ~

0 p(II;IOd." IJ.U'·O~e · .adyroo to f h i:'l~e- seci!<j ng r !'lef

a g:;~~tnst u nf • ~~ ful or rnogl&ctfUI cau~~t&o~.
Aq ai:tdrney r"!L ~le'toon&hip " cr:0 an trust
~nd coofldenoe o• l hil highes .
I f18ne ,., ~ ~ aJler Cit!mm l'lh~;ilti orl Wi
1.-wyar g,a in sit '*"'"om tbe com pi im is
t ;o

~ !tde ...,
L/J""I..,_.....,EI Jll l.m PiJ~etq 'NoiB'S - W~ 4 edl:..:..:tk?J-
,li:,;:.L~_ _ _ . _____ --·. • ... Jt.~ ~v
·- • ______[,¥1....!::!.1_:1!._ ••

·- =l •~eo can1ingem ~ ee will dec-und upoo 1he

C1rcum!Uancee. of each . A 5G % 1
can,ingent fee of whet e client migr'1.1 r-9D.?'ilar 1
. mav Of m3V oot be UOCIJR9C:ian~le d~ridinS :
... A lstt't)1 ~h~J1d no; i n an1 way e.en1~..m~a 2001 X. I ~
upon the 'ubjact of tontror;.ere.y wrtb a :part)~
represented by cc~l. much tess :sh
u nde rtake hJ neg;o~te or com prnmi~ tU'!
1007 9
,s;oo . 11-1
~ VJJI(b}
16· ...
et11 tM eR't.uT'ns~ .

mtrtter 'IIi£ h irn, s:hau kl de.g I o ri ~~ With I~ IS.

' ooull-'Sef. 111$ ln~nt u.pM N l3?;,;yrer mi;l'Gt
. •r he ia~'!Jref o~s ·er' ire de\l'tloon t-o the I
pa rliculatly lo ~Yoid e-.. 89)1hing til t may tend I int~re~ ol the cUeP'I, ~,~ rm ~-Bal ~n rhe I
rmu~ns~e _and def~n$e ol hi$ rlgl1•f. ~ nd the 1
be rms&c d :;~ part~ rot r«J.') reM~ nt-ed by ·OO't.msel.

-exertion Di h1e. ulmf)St team ing a.."'ld iitL'Iilll'ly," kJ I
and h ~ould oot undeli k-e 10 ~dYi e,e him as
-and trurt ~10~ing be tak.en cr bte "lhllel11
•o te l~w ." (lilwne 'I$ ,Atty. Lim, A .C o. : 1tOtn him. sa'tB by lha rules of law, tsgaiiJI
~~tl.9 1 August 1~, 19&4} ,__,.____,...,.,..,..,.+-- -+- . .appllefJ. l"4o 1 Of judicial d iSfavor <Jr public
13 CONTRACT Of CON1~NGE Ni f EE . ~1 0
1 popul&rrty $ 1'1~ r..: ~n t( ·• ir.tJm the full
{Don"lt1onl ·1 dif.chruge of hi~ ~ - tin lhe jud1c1 1forum ta
1- A -contract for a c1Jri'\1ingrent ~. ...mera
t client is enl ilfed to 1he be~frt of ~n'J' ai'Jd ~~r1
· (Eirnedy and dafen!I.IB hat is authcq~ b'y 'the
1;;.;icne<.l b)' law. should be ~ana.ble !a"_..- o f lS Ia~. and may e:xpe<:t his. la•Afl_{er '
undl!7 all She r.i r cumsts n~es ol 'ttle case
•o ~n e..•ory :!.l.ld:", f'(J~y or- dliriense_ Bw ir
i.oe h.J tJ :-ng the , i&t; and ~rl"ail'.ty of e u' IS !J.1e tl~ to -be born in mind l.43lt: the ~ rear
. COmJ)en£~a~ion, but h ~.lld be :suhjO:d 1.0
rust f)f ~ ~er iB •.:t be pMOftllOO ~¥1 ·n
: 'IJ"\te auparviMOn {If 8 CCLIP1, as. ~o- i ' and nlll without i he bQund!l of -he
1 re-as,onablanns.
offtm of attorney diJ:eiS not -permit, much ~B
does. il demand cf htm for EilrT'f mant, ·!Ji o~oo n
- i&a C-Onk~ "!.'!.~ h em a1:1ai11C)''S tee ISiiJsu a 2002: V I-A
of I<JJ•;,t Ol" an~ I'~ nn o·f lr{l Qt chicsnal"), ns of wha m~y be rer.ovanro il~ mit 2000 Vlli -e
muJt obey nrSo OWf'l consCifef!oo i1Jitd not lhm oi'
~c:r.on. I~ ia made •o :epend on ~he suDC.trtis. of l(ICS IN-b
1 me lawyer in et'1ordng 1heo rightli of his cllam~
Dis dian ."
A contr~ o1 con i!Jgen:!: rnO' i ~ tH'I.II~ - ~
champerlOU$ ..::~. wne r~ln. ~~ - ~~ ~y~u
FOR HiS C.Lrte4T
·-·- .

und~~ 'P. ~uldgr GX ef'l$~. oUttiG~i !?_n .
1 A C:l"'tJmpertous oonttiliC:L ~ considered iiY¥ · .•
i he n ~a III'U.ft9r i& a wi1:.1'1 e9!8 ·~D1' hJ!!!I €.:lli81"lil:. 2CJ01 XtJ
~.K0!3~~.!!.~ .~!r&J . lormal nmnsra 1 auch M t9M 1.S.
! -.:nul!!!!!_.!!_!:!.._ ~~ h~J p ~o\:en1 should oonscrrut.&
= ...:..·_ _ _l____......__.

CMpOOI m- L;gQ'Q/ otf)ic.s iilrrd Pmclic.9J exe~

Cf'i8pter n! -tagst ethiCS 8ft(j ~BI eJCerc:l~ 242
t..ex PareJo Notes- 2014 e<f•TiOJ'l _______________:'V:....:.ohmte= t'i

--- :1~.- att-- ~j(;" -(U fi-U~mdy al .an ~fl&lrumenl ! - JTT· -·· -· · co:NFtO!::JNee o,. A cL.ieNt -- -- · -199e- T x.i--:-1--
and lt!IC' IU~e-, t: should IQBJV·e !the tr"lal of th& ( 1'Q9a x 12
c ee to other coun s.e~ . Except wh.en ·• . Hu.'l ~ nn o YnGud mte n tlc11: of . elietnt t;J
assenitlrcd to Ute &:Ads jm.~mD~ a l..ilwyDr ·.C:Wltntt <3 Crim~ -s llot in.cludo:fi lhin ilfJO
shou !.d arvDid 1 ~$tify~~S •rll
l)ahll!~"f of hi$ cmdidenee W'h h l c ij. bo-und tD II'B(If)~<:t
cl n " may property rtU~Jk:c such d iS1;.tosu~~~e~ •!il
~!I be ne~::os.&a~ry to. pr~vQn1 th:il act a
The reasoo fof he- above mentioned tuls is b o t t hose a g-alnB1 w.hom i t&
imprcpria ~ ~ ttle ~ In lflg In dual rea tlolltt!i!i cr,"'
capmc:ity. A iCS$ Is. to t the f~ ~ he 39 - - - ·-- wlir e·ss- · -·-· ---- -·- ......
2009 \lll(a)
recall.., lt. A witness rnus.t be fair - pal1ial and
dtSJF1ter~ et;l.. HDW~Ii'Eir a la~HYSr'St r~ is A Is~~ mljly ;prope-~~y in tv1vw a ny vii naB!I. 01
par1isan - narure_ H G~ has to have 2:~21 1 In . pmspectNe witnee.-g. far ~he ®PQS;u"(fj side- in
pr~acti ng inh~ro:s• ol h ell M 1• be-,. t:iYi -or aim1rta~l action w1 houl l.he e-o11wnt ;
r-<' f01 lhe I W';ler to ~ nee bolt! r~ .of OPP05irtg ctJunSFll or ,par1:v In do.rng !KI,
00\ Wi!!/ef, rte Sh(~kJ W DUiously B'atcid a:n'!l' '
- #-. lavl'l{ef s.hcutdi n~ B.GOOpt a ca 1f it sugges ion calculated to &DdUC f! 1hct witTtes-s ~c
mvofv'*l 100 p0$sibilr•:t of h vlng 10 1 $llfy for s upprg E-'5 Cf de'¥ i:.:ue from 111e tri.Jl;h ot i n ar )'
h i!. r n~
I o~re to a1T-£c:1 f)t.5 free and un remMeled

Iii ~·--rs,scovE!fi¥ O~" tMPOs lrloN AND - ·- ~ 1gg~--

3f 1991 V-B c~ndU:.'t •ut)r;:-~"1 ~P J!c\rln !J a~ t~ ·al -or on he
OR PUSl.IC EMPlOYMENT I \\11tnas '3 '9tand
J•A lawyor IJ!hould not .ar=:rc&pt emp.loy.mtm I DECEfi bON
as 11n a-dvocats in m;t matt8r- upo IM
m erril5 of whj c~ lho
! a ~udK:ial capac:ny.
~ p.rovi~IJJI~ •Pl::hd In IWFl1 li ~ lawyer dlia-t.1:1vers llhm aome frs1,.1d ·
or ef(;c;optiQn •;).!11, been pracltic:ed~ which 'US'S;
UJnjll6'1f)l' lm pcs&rl upotl lk(t t;~tt~f.l: o:r lf)!llri:~ .
A ~awy.r. hawng once lie1d pubUc: o-tflc4 Of l!ts ~houl d e nd&avor w rrac t f).! ~t ; 'l fi r:;t by
h e vi11g baen ilili UtD putallc emtpt-oy t boutd • t'!d'i irng hi·; &liom. a nd &ho u ld ~des \lor k'!!
ot. after ht1; ~t111err~ent, •cce~J-t I rec~ ~t ; a fit~t b)' illtl'ftl;i11g his clie.l'lft:. ~ ~~~di
e rnplQymon.t In co.:rn1ec.ti on~ w1ti1 illil¥ mattllr If h19. ·C e n~ rePuse~ B m f GI'fl'{;l Q UJ. :adt\r.a n.ta Be
e h as inveatl5Jarlted (U pill&-9d l.lptm hlto · Utus unjoS~itly gain &d, h e $h~ U{I (I ~tompUy
in 1i.uch oftice or omrp~. i~1foli.ftll the inj urad peraon or lh~a. C0<1l r:~ •. o
,. -· _Jt),~t .tne.Y may t~ 1\e .appropriia:te ~1~p_!!;- . --· __
4 ~4 .i
r - -· Ghe basi lhl;,g
1 dierrovers
lor a ~~. ·t:-;~-~ l>e
a fraud ils eo ~i~~ tt.:e en-or.
r -~I .~ con;L1Uct100 IF;( and equ~~
kl.~ reco\11:!(~~..
. -·-----·-- ---- I
i Hm\'B~mr If !'lis. client refuse I 1• 1$ mora
El!d\ll$tJble to rae.ign as cou~l ~ he mu~L ,
altlt> lfi 1tle duty c'lct to re-veal 1he clienr s
WrtmQ dmng bt.icuus~ of tfle ClO!l'fd9 · - ot
he la W'j'er-di~t rei =l~ i p. Resigning '
oo ~ha bes-t O»'liDrl to IJ.~la m:;o he t!lbove
mentton uty ~oo main' I the ~
rn oo00 the · BJ eli· t
~ ~J::....:-. •• • ·- EXPit:NtSes·~::...:....;,.;~-~ ~~g
"A I~W)C! m.ay_ IJ...O~ !PfOF)OR~ ;agree with a
el" m. lha the lawyer ;s~ ' ' pay o1r beat the 1
o-xpertSe Df migiil'tiOil; tltt nll!~ in good- fii!ll!l
;advance o;(pC~ 0!\1· as a miitlto.~ o:f
COJ'lven i e11COJ but SL.J bj!X:l lD
rs~ rnbu tiQ~le nt. ..

1000 "All-A
.2000 Vl•l-8 ·-1

Hl99 VI
1990 1 19S-o
20 0 XIV
SummBJry of.J dJ~hU dUJtie-s under C~nOi'J 1, 2007
1 201)7
B ~ K tih exeraae the IIJdiCial fu ~Dfl 2005 XII
mdepend~)' .
h. In perfannlng jOOirial dtlbee1 jug Sballl
be Jndependen.1 ·fr~ judicial c~~$ .
c. Ju~e. shalt reir~ln from i ~~uencing th
outcome or li ig~ionl .aM .&C11 - iatratir~
ca s.. t
d. Jutf es II not aiaw ~mdy 1 $0Cial or 1
2DG9 J XJ(a}

-·-·--- - - -
- ·-·- - - - · ·--....;!Y~~
T · - - ~t her reiatloriiiji;ps ~) e~·~!~;~~j-u'd~Yal
(A companiOn Of ~1plo"~ of~ jiJdge
\tho li'!.•@:$ ~ ~~ 'ru~ judge's h ~J~JLSah .:M:IIL$
~ed In 1lhe defi~~ Of~ "Jt. d'g;a·s
.:. Judges shall oo iree1rom inapprcpi'ia :;tOM V-8
coon aclion~ ~ 1'10 'll'!ft.~n oe from 1h 2fl02 XUI 2007
eroeut""e legis.lsti\~e- bra LC h~ .
~· A j (tg;e s ent1~1ed tO·on ~~Win .SI!QQI'nary ~,the· dtuttJJs a f .a j wJ9!) un:d&r
p:E!ir$!OMI 'YtBWS Oft polltit~t:al Cn o n 2, !nitegrit)';
questions. aut ~OJ f!V<flldl i!l.'l!lsplclGffl of
po lij5e:.lp;aflf:~rms.hi!P ~ a j;t~~d:Q C ~ II a Judges. shall ns.we ~h.:N AOt onl)l ;s the1t
no:~ make po-1 u~~ S{pelli~C!5 l CC<ild~ ;t~bo\le rt;~pr~~h but thaj i$ 1008 ·ItI
(:anb llruite to iJJ arl)' hlndeo, p uibl icly pel'i;eNed to be ::~ i1l tha ._. im,~ Of a
e.ndoms <Candlidakl · ~il' poUtical • r~~nabre- ob~J"'.!'!et .
~ffice or ~atUelfP;p.te in oth ar- pm1tt~n. o J)ehavror and conduct Of judges must
pcJitieal an::d';ili1ies" ~RuN;-.). ~ Q, O!d ;ll).affir~ ehe pt:QpJe's. i•h in tile lint~il.)' I 199• .X-A
of the JUiliciar/. Jusllce- rJJuat not ~1'1!1 11. 1
be done, but .RJUS' also !)~ ~en t-o
r. JudgB"S shall b Independe-nt in 1'13li!l~ to 1ggg . IX done.
aocisl'y. c. Judge$ should 1~ke Of ini1iate die. . Jinsry
·• A j 1,1dge <B ha~l rA;t at1~pt I
I .tn:e.aEPJ~ aQ!i~un&t ~~~a rt;; o; oourt
;p p;po E:FI'tma nt ot d (1$1 gn ~ 11-on to .anJ' petSonnel tt.r any unpro!essi oondl.!ct
Sl~ oor p&i rf I'Jtm ~ rnJ ~ lJ ;fl&l.jjbl d ic:iiil (11 F' )
I I ol 1ich ~ judge- ms~ ha\le beco~" !
adm~ I t~tl~~ lftunctian a"' (Rtt/o ~.OS . .aware
Ok:1 Code)
g. Judge& shall llft'tt:::OUrage and upbo\1
saktg-ut:~tas to: he' discbaroga Of Judicial
IT St!mm
fDi!l.·q ua~i tel:Ulon of Jvdg:q)
r;r Df Uto ~uiJ(f.ft; of a JUgQ'l(t unde,
. 19~
:!OOB ~~~
• --2

20(}$ · IX-c

duties. C!lilfll;Dn :J., lmpa ttf~lity.

h Jl.!dge.g shall grnib" ~ promote high
~ and s rds of j!Jdlcial eondue1.

No ;:::;.r=ttt.:-:- ;'fn 4 tol1;~!tl9n ___ . __ l :r PeBijp 1\lbtas - '1014 9dlliott . · - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\-~Dklm~ N

J~t.t ~h~li.errc-Me 1~1 tttelr Q:)l"tduct. he!Udgeh ac1ual biAs

both sn 3l'td out of covrt, rna In•!! the ':Onfid:a nce of the . ublic,

p~~ kno~l0dga of dlspubed
~JLI d IOE! COt'"IGI3f'rHng ~ :P illrty Dr

ev.lrtE.mCiai"'Jla ·1 concernlno t. i.-e


11-te ~sl tprofer.!i«ln and li ~anis. in ·
1mpartialily of 1h9 Fffiblic, ths IGgal p riJcee ling ,
praression and litigi:!!r'1!!. l h imp.artia1il)1 h . Che jud~ previOl.t$1~ kll"'i'ed as .a
ot the ju oo lhe judie! I
I~Br CH lfi~S a mBl'e tliil rAfitne~
c. Judg ~ s~ll . so far 13$ Is. reasonable:. so In the ma irt oo.ntrCJt.1ur&y;
c.o~u~t lhem$81 1teB. as. to mi · ~e c. the judge ac triGm'ber ~ or
occar!w;m~ on which it w ill beco~ ner 1 milv. has ;an eoonort'IIC
naceasary klr th to be di8quafified from 1nte~~ · rhs outtcme of ~he
haanng or deciding; cases. mat1er In ot.OOtrovetSy,
d. J a:jg~ 1ihall nol eomm n ~ on ~ d, .f!.ldge smvedi a$ xDrut01,
ptoce 1n be'ore- ~m 'lOr ..-. an~ admini!iitrmor. guardian. ~ru stee
eQJ en1In pu . or mherwl e th~ mls 01 ravl)"ar ill ~h et C".ase or a1tter in
l'fe(;t; •he fair tn of any pereon or l$8~. IXIfltrO•I€!rsy, l')f a. ·fomler
I~ asroa c of the ' lldga s e~"Ved a&
-A j U'dg s &bo!;dd not w oll p ulblic.i ty for 19&ID 5 -1 ~ rouns.el CSulmg fueJt •t;sooia•lon.
IJlEll5on al v.a i ng ~wy (Ruf& ~- 0'2 - O.fd Cedi} 199tl 5-2. or •he jud ct IJf la!NYel ,~
of JtJr:HCTal CO#tdlJcQ. m~ klria • 'Wi111~s ther~~:
-e th . ~udge-' $ I ..Jiing in a lowl!lr -c:owt
... A j t1d~e shmd d ab91B3n from ma i11Q 1SIQ2 _g 1a. the-~ of te-.-im'll·; 1
pulb U~ comment:& on any pEMlding o r f. ihe.j · i9 rei ed by 2001 XI
i m p:-encf rtg SB 5'9 lilifl d srnrukl r-equiF'9 consanguinity 0:: f ·o a ~Ly 1996 7-~
s EniiiBJr ree m-amt on the p.a:tt Of oe.-Cim 't r ·gant wilhlfl the 9i:a:1J e.MI ' QQ9 XI
PG~tmn 1. (Rule 3.0'1,OkJ Ccoo ol J~~ degr-oe {]r fi C(;JunE-el wlt1'W1 the
CotldVCO f~urtl'l civil degr •
g. .. j fOgt'l i;mwl.$ 1tl~• ·
spouse Of'dlild has. fme:no
'8. UdQSS must disqua1if'}1 rmi BS vm · nrteree4. ~ s ir, teg;p e . cred-.or,
there JCi5~ grruids for OOI"r'Q)uiOOrt Jlduciar)~ or o=helWise, In th
dIS qut~ll fl eat:aoFJ $t.lbjoot mat1ef lrr Don1n:wersy cr
Jn party to ltte .Pr~~.
• Gro u f'l.d~ ~ r compuiBDr)! Enh tbltlon, o·r 200-~ Vll l-.4 sn~ oth interest t1'lat ~ be
a li.ld &i 20 1ll X II subs n t~al~ ~ed 'lt!e
... · - · - - VgfttroO: tv VH ~EJT.uto ~ te."j ... 2014' ~.., _ ·--- - · - - _ _

~ ~· - - ·- ou~oome of thB.proceed Tes$ sh· IWE!lr r a.ill ooliged In ··Lem al

iilrt:Uiti.Jde to r'eCDf'Tlm!Ciid- counsel,
j WI n a judge e-:x;t'l bJ , a;;:: •a na 19!37 I 16 1he JLI(igo sh~ h1hihit hlrnselt (Q CJsry
glv rtis~ . fa~riy M ~~ ~i111 V ~ ·:o the Cf E~acuff1.o'B Judge E:Jtreil T. E~t~de.
p:ercep ~ ~ n~ of miis, s.ueih ft!Uh ilnd ellt:. Adm Malter No 87-9-3916-RTC,
collllflde t-l!C'O art· ~;uoded. andl tw. 5 Ocf()])Sr 26, f987J
no ohoi~ b tU 10 •rlt.i tiil himself
vol le~rrly. A juc:tge ~ oot be fe;allv A ju dge. shoutQ nol llle dt•,qtudl od Vll-1
pro ~tted from ~:~it4in g in a l!tltJ t~t-iO n, b~ boeauae h'l} m~s ~ e~maito (or 111 co-
when em' tancas appear h~t will mtJr~ber In 1 rrater.lf!i ty' o1 ono of the-
I ucs dootJ·l co 11 Mnest e ~u~t nn ctrunscb ~r thQ<re is n(l proo-f thll't
;)JIW:I prcbrty jn ~Y otr 01 CW'Ier partt. or :suclh rt·1ii~ionsliliip lf'IEU!II Il.IIU ~o- 21~ ~ ~ ~~
incl~ "' state of rnirtd, he- :sh!J4 bia:s o r Prciudlce. lo ~lo,y
oond a aueftul sellf·exa ·on_He t:i•squali 11!$hon Vi~Uid .unn ~P:$&anty
:Sfi.Ould exe~ & Fus diSttf'e~icn · a burdell other trlar judges to whom the
1tl3t the peop~e· .. fwth in the ~s c ca!L(!! '-'l ilT be assigned. Co11fwiQ'ft would
~~ is imp ~d iha better • tgs.ult, because ~ Judge-'Ollhi then
cDWse toJ t11e judge - 1Q cll t.~a liry bprred from ~itti ng ~ n 31 cae.e Whi!mette~
himself ( ~tom': v. Ansatdc, A.M. No. one cf his. fiorr'l r cle!lSrYia es. ~ lid he
R TJ-00-1553. M8y3 •• 2001).

T he !RllOJO fact th21t s ·CI)U :J.el w~o is. 199~ 13 L-- - - -

oould 1"1~ ·e man ·) appear'(Jd. {M8SLJdao
.and Eli:Z'$ga, ~ · C'rim.insi C:J...'!:'.e IY:o
49.'i4D-M, -,55 SCRA -...:.7..:.8~
- 7-=9~
~ ......___ ---'----..--......~.--..
appaar1ing bil~ont li1 j ud~ 'HaS '" a of
throtu who roc:ommemf&d ih m ~ rtl!!a
Setwh i s f'tOt J iill"d grovndl from
voh.mtar) ln hiltlition. · ~ rtg na ioob",
par~. sl1oold net be ~ h s to the
~ minis!rsUon o · s. or i!Slhould
oogn ~on of !YI.l~• \It p-revent bhe
pe110rrna ·ce a5jud~l~~-du · Hm¥evr:rT.
where jUdge ~ h t hc:t may be
&U!!ipe®d of SIJ lidvring 1D the·
I' was.icne of Ul g na f.oob, ~
m~y on sureumb ~ con~~ng
~ and mambe-I:S ot U' ra
. .. __ Valums N

2005 XII ----
- - - -o f imJ:uopnel','
--,--- -
jn au tA ~he1r ~r:;tNitlelSo. H1s:
20CJl . v e\•el')'dtJy Mfe shcul be- .beY<;~nd
~007 ~ r~p.-o.adl.
- SEC. 4 ; - Jud~ like 3fr~r ::.th6r ctC_ I:re11. ' 0 10 XV.I
A j Udge is ~on~td(!'ro-d Lmdesenln~ i!)f 11900 Ul ar antiUP.d to f1~r;,d cm " f -e:<pr~~. (A),
appo~n trmmt. if hi! doe tlO>t r;fiSJc:faso 1 .bell~. s ~SoOr::.aaool'l ard oiiS:s.em()l . but in ~'£i}
til lb~ p~o!n ting, au orUy 1110 fa ~:::t e.x e~cising $-VCTJ nghtz;, ~~r :;hall ~1\va-y$
Ul ~t h(! It• ·"'c:ing crimi nal ehla~- Si rondu.::t [hernsel 1.te.S in -such a m NlBr
13'J en if •hey -dr. n oQ invot!/e moral u,
a s. m f) t sen~e •he (llgni ~ ~he jutJ1Cial
turpi,ude ~tc.e and fhe lrnpart.lalily artd
ll"'depent.h:t~ Of he jl.ldiCIBI)'
H'u a judge acteell wl ~mf:Jr·rnprie~
wfwtll ho r~eiiv·ed a t: h bondi Ye-:s. ~~C. i ~ RSONAlr FIOU'C~ARY 1

It i$ n ot hi& .cJu 'I c do- $0 1 ur'ld' t
rmptopne-1'/1$ rompcunded i!hl~ t1s
s _ed ~~ pt the money m h~ dr~'tW.
'~·h r ch he rialf'l"le(J 1.0 have been so~e'\1 .
-. l.
llt is Imp D~ot for a judge t<O BC(: pt .a
tPiUd Vl.IJCillliio.n acro11d lkom (! frfena
1ggg xm
I has. a Grin i~J can ~t d'iill>9
l:!t n ir.~jNO pctr for a ll.l~S:O kl .XVlll ~I b.e fll'f& an other cou · 1 as !his. may be
eot'tfi oe.ide a drrlver'$ zl ~ nS:e for .a c ~~ rued at ;'L"er'lcmg •h'i' other ~· !1
traffl~C 'I.II QJ~:J,t io ? Ye-s.. Ju.Jges ~hall
avoid 1n'!?)tOpn t·; a nd t;t-.e appear noe
I I There- is hl.r$ an appl.!ar.anc cf
irnpropr l'J . "4 ;udp -cr eny
of imprcpne~ 11"1 ~II of ~hei r ectr~~it$e$ His.
~e-l)" life :!ll"t:)i,Jid bo- bl3}'ood
reproo:Y-"..h The judge hM; rJJar::hed •hie;
1mmealilt-e mctnbef' of the f. mi#y flh alJ
no ~ .rec.e,ljr a rg# tJ beq~r. f4C.W.r or
~ From ~my Ofl.ff excvprt .9.$ may .#ro ·

eihici!ll nann when he- ·JIO I~ltl d the liM' I allowed by ~9W 1 ~ (Rrn'e $ 04. 00 Code)
by encro chrng upon police t..~iona... .. - "!No lnformaU~n aeq lll&'ed It~~ a Judicf~ 9 95 8-1
- - A ju:d g e- 21~ ~ h'P[J)It tl'f.'Eid y he 1\tlS 3- eapacl'ty shs~~ be ~~"d « di& cl~odl
lunr::h ·n·r ;;:~ litigar\1 ·!Nho bas. a pending 3·:2 by a ;uctgr~ jn P\ly flflc oo:ial doaljng or-
~ct before t.9. oour1 1thar IS rt f""r any ~a p~rifJo-~e not Httated to
e1Pbe31 ~or a JUdge -o be .s n ~ng his j tial aetlv~5es'". (Rule 5.0.5. OkJ
bel Qe cere in horses. Judg s. ~'Clll em:,
a\IQQ ~.t<tpri ly a nd ~ ~pearar'loe I
C11~rHf ~ U:g8J· ~ htc~ andPTeC'fiC~ tt~rJrt'i.sss 254
~~K.Esre rCJ Nofe.s - _20H_~ r~~·J. _______ .,,. · - - - -

w tien ma)' ~TKigs sraive ~~ an ·•


xv• 1 ,- · ~e. rectura·.-Eaac;ll :a·r l'd-··--.--- ..,.....----.

\T s~eeulo r7 A j!Jd9a may -only s-erve sa. x~v partrcipi!k) in BC!i11.i1IM

. thE! exacll1cr, ad=:fi'lln~-.~•r~•or. rus.tae. 8-2 eonoorning t !aw. ~he legaJ
' g uardian or o'lh ~ucrar:t. for the \111-2 ~\'~001 . he adminis!mbon o1
1 e:s•a•g- ~t 1 Of perSOn Cf 8. m£ll1lbot 0 justice o; r ~ maNBis
,h8 immedl~te emrty (spous{t mnd 2. Appear La pu · .. he a - • 'o re
rei lYe s v.ithin fua s oc.on.c!l tl eg ree 0: ~ial body ~OOd Wl•n
con$anguim!y), a nd n only I sucfi ma~ara re.lal 1D 1he 1 he
service will n01. ir lerfe r~ 't'ji•h the prop leg ~ystsm. h admin'*Uaoon
perlorr'llance of j~Jdtcr .al du1Jes. (R~ l(JO~ of justice or related ma1r~rs
5. 00, Ot~ Cade)_ He ~'5 not allowed to 2010 3. :Engage In oitler s..'CINJties .ff '
ser'' M the e:xecubor a.c4Jf tratol". m:I:M~ies. o n~ df#llad from ~­
~rustee. guEU'dian, 01 041'1er: ~ · of <lig~ y 0: he Jl.l d~~ \IF1i {] r
.::stales (] t htl t 1h he- a bo\1 e- u IWJsa mterter-a wirh the
perform e- of l\6dl(;:i.a1 ~.
A. j u:d-90.. $ pei!I$MIIal brab svi af. not Q:n ~Y 200!) IV )
irn 1"0 poerfOJm Mr;:Q1 <1. i ud~e _I du~J.&~. 2010 XXJ - sec ~ N':OT TO MACfiC€ LAWr -
b ut a ls Q in tH$ ovef)lday lllfe.. s'ho ukl Judges ;sh~ l noc prae11CG law ·whll~t lhs
b e ~yond lt<CPf'O'-e:h_ Ofdl?f G 1LY.11eral olli= E!- w prohIbItiOn
~r-e s-erves ·the ju •IICiai)''B IRlF)arbalrty ~M
A dm. C rr e:u la r No. 25~ JutJ; 9, 1'1)1819J 1nd ·pendem:e.

SEC. 8 : - JudgM ~h I net use or lend 21)1Q

prestige- of -he JUdrcial offic •o
ad . !'Ice lheitr privata i nklr~. or Lhqge
of .e .mamber of thai~ t:anllty· or of a ~
etse. nor sh they t;:OIWev o r pe;rmlt
_o rs '10 COn '~~ey •he impres that
anyCH'\'e n.a QPettal ~on
imprope~~ to in lu H'lem In ~

J)eriormam::e of jiJ - d ·'

- SifiiC. !It exmA-JUDtCIAL. 1005 ~- 3 Xl-2

ACTtvnu:s OF A J UOOe ~ 1~1 115
Lox Para~o_ No,!t§_=...~P"14 ed.•tlor~

-~cOOduct manife!rt biaB or pl~jUI;lit;e ~ard$ v. j,fi.~ &J~)r) ,4"""'j\:1 -Nr> -MrJ.. o1- ·---i
aliT'/ pere.on o g roup oo i ~t.ant gr~. ?JB1, Jdl'i'!hiJY 14, 2002) I
{Sec 2, CQ'f.IDfl' 5, fbrd.)
d . To k~ rnfcffi18(J ab-out rell'l•tant
· A udge rdlt) ~~d r~tral n t,.o 2003 Xll de•lBiopill~l.s m 1ernat10n I w.
l nfk"tr~l ng in any marnner !the o fit 1'992 i To perloan all JUdicis du ~lt:-:!il eHicienCiy,
!!:'. 10013 Xil
-come o"i litigstioo ·a.r d~spurt:s pending ~airt~ .and with r~ona ble prorn;.trleis. 1995 ~- 1
bcforn r~ n othe r cou:rt or f. To maintain orcto/ nd decorum 3rt!
attmin~tra&nt ifl§1.r111JiliC11 r II (OJd QxJe of
pr~ings . ~~ 1 et"'l. dignified ~t
Judir:Jat C.(Yl~f.t co ut ~ous to all ·rr\. i1tl. wn Ot'"r'l Lne judge

()10 XVI dealS in an tlfficial capaort:~· .

- A jrudg:e w ~mon i s hed to O);~~m::i&e 2000 XIV

.. prudence- o21111dl rO:artrain1 in h
lilln.-sllllsg e a n ti !#lf.tMry wamsd. All
Jud~:s. :shootd )'$ ob&erv.a CQblte$y
an(! Civility They ahoul b ~ temperate.
2007 patient ftr11 cour:i:!o-.:JS bo:lr! In ro.nduct
and len£ ~,~ age ~Judge Pme"'a. rc.• Lo".
S umm11ry of d~ ol j~ ge:s r to e.b. elc:. , A. M ~~(J P- CJ 1-152 '2 J IJ1y I
· etenca an d: dl llige:Ac&~
Judiaal duties. tak.e pfi'V?Ijenca OYer all
30, 2002)
o1h0t ~lvit1es.. 'too 0\J·hts. or the aceu odl ro a falrr
1r lal 11$, r more sups lot to fuiil righ t
b T~ ct "'~& ~rOf@!~~.:Jnal ~cth.•ity to judiCial of pre$$ ,-,. odom. (&s Pf;;roz v.s.
c:. TQo l.a~ 1ea$0nab6e $t.eps. t.o a l"'''tl~ nnd Estrnm'l, He$nil!) (J f Pr88idanl Aquirro'.s
enhaiX:.e hair knawiEtdgeo, e&;ilk3 ar.d WJ~ c.eS\61. Err B~ RrJsofuJron Oct 22'.
f?BrE!Onel q ualitias' ior the 1 SS'1'
pmpet JX9rf<etrnanr:::e of judici du iss
What is 'SifUA i nOntn clit oJ the Jaw? - Wh~t ~r· thct t.:onditrrC ns. i'OJ' Oltiit 2002 XV-A
1'991 XI interv.entlon of a j u d Q'e ~n ifJ1o-
- •1 1s. if<lll~t.M"e ~o- 1et~o;. ~ ~ all 2002 XV-B
comn1andSt em be..~ led In tl)e r Md •he pre:a~n1ral1on ,Qif uv ldance7- \tVhtie 1996 I 2
R~!es. of Court from v~ no one ~ j udg;a me:f mtente n0 rn fua p res.enta1:lon
ell~ . e.urel)' oot a judge {Fr Gwlten ot C\lld't3nce o promo.& JUstk.e. p rBitef'lt
W~ll' _of •ime o r cle t scme
Chapier m- Leg at t:~t~~~ :m-;;p.~i:.OOEN e~SIT.,LS_r3'_.!1.....:;;=.,;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;~=;;;2.S~8
Lex Pan~J~J1?~!! _..... 20-:. .1-=: 4-=ad=-=-Jr=.oo~-------
· · -OI.;I$~rrty, prcPe-ri~/irit-al"'rone-in =h~
presen' e ion: of ~ noo th.nlng ~hi!! ·
it ah~ a~ft be orne In rn1r.,.... tl'l81:
~ct.-- Pare~ !'Joift~::-: .?ll r 4 ed!OOn. __________ ..
pa . -~-·i·he pr~p;j]( 10(1 of 8 dBCIEIICn
parroting il '1J t?ft.811)n1 .-eRect blatan~ j ud ic:~l
8 1'1d ,.
undoo intorf~ren.ce 1n ay prE!'t'ent rl'ta
s.toth" (Heinz R Heck ·ys;, JUdOt- Anl m n~
S~ntcw.s A~.~ F<lo ..ftT~~ 1-1630 til 9 2QP.~)
proper pre:se~Ytmiao of he -cause or lho- CO;NiEM!P
i) oertainment of ruttJ. {Ruts J.QB, OJtJ
C ode, applied irr sttpp!: tOI'!/ Chel.tftetar) See'tltm 1- Olru t c:ontempt p1m l'tt.d 1993
1 10 rnarll:.'-
Q- 1

A pciifi!II!:m g uUty of 1111-i~h na~1ior in Ole

pres~neo· Ott or &o n&lill1' 31 tCJ~t• 'ill& to
o.bmry~t ov jn torrupt the IPII'O~ dll..ngil
before the- samrt, ~eh.fdm n g rlllsreap ec!
0.) Que~P.ons 'takolll from "the . Rl:JJLE~ 0 COURT
1 towar-d 1he eoun: . . -
---- ooctrtn~
.. 01~~$pt:~lfld a nd tlueatenlrng: l~s SJW.a,-glit ,
- "i .DGMSN'TS, FU'IIAL ORIOERS AJND 'I jn a 111em~ndun c.r p le;dlin[J 1loo wltth
the co rt £o n ~ tu~.. direct co Lemplt :
I.,_ot i t;jijr.ect co111tompt. 1
A Judg e oo~ ii!n I )~ • ion that w. s. 2001
dioci.plinarl ~C'tJM If he a~k -one o I:J)a 1 ~
14 Rule 1 1 ~. J -~•1n dkec.t con tt!mp1 eo 1b . lQDO
pafij to tlr~ the decision and lhat he 1 sned . fte~r eoh r~.o a ~dl h eer~ ng. ~ 99 8 XV
Iad op~ and oopies verbalin;
he rutes of court p;ov~ th~t.
s· r . !

lf.h.d!o JSo !SC~J;:lt on 1 - JIA j ~•dgmant or f.inal

. o-~oii' .d~te~~mi:Ming the mariti of tho !QUO
· :shalil b.s in ¥«Hmg. pct.~on..lty ~dJ
• d~ rsc itly prepared !b · tho· laJdge, ...-inSJ
.c early tnc t.ce. and tlu!o law on whiCh it
iiS ib n:edr'
~rd[ng 1o tha su~ c~ In .one- ~e I
Cf'~P'tt:'-,"'"U! ~f ...._. i......efJB
. . . . .~J~et-:-r.....--s-Bfl :-.-.j. P.,{f" ~-·te~t-'i. ~~·f:J ~ 6--m-·s_e_s _ _ • _L~
•o a in tc " ~I oi one of Ella
2:60 .....
. .....
.. ....
~ :{ Pareto Notes - ~rn_4_ oo.·Pot~ ___ . _ _ _ _. -'L.V?fum§' IV

r - ·--, {b)
·ola.atodmnce or
~. ~nweas , ~r, IY
or ~ e~rn:.e ·~ :1 J
J j-of a eou l~e•d' b~ h in-1. - - · j.

II 1
1 act of ~ ~ers.oo
v. tho, after btllng ddt~-os.&e&!i: \
I aut ft(ltnin g rn th~!l:i set; -on $ h.SJI be Sa) ; I

. or
eject&.";! ·~,-om ny re.&~l prop-erty by i h& 1
• 1e(ml&h'I,IGd to p rwe11t the- -~;.ou from I
1~s:s,ujng pmc.eo$.$ 'o lbiiing- the
pandlent '

I jud g~noM or p-!Qe('•s. of

1 eompe~ ill ju:rlad~lioo 1
ny cnurt of
~mars or I
mto- court, e lfr.:wn t! oJdln g him rn ,
1 cr131~ pondin~ sueh proeosd r,ga..Jl 1

I • A lJ~~'Y'c!r" vmo f.c11ls to appear fur trml

I ~tt<Bmpl$ ¢.r i ndu~ to et(!J
, lttl tO. or upilofl $uch I ~roperty, fur 1ih f.l· . 1· \

l iPurposa o. f )IO;c utl n Q1 ~ .t& o o WI' r:&hrp f9 -only rrr.:able for IMirac:t oontent-Ot
I or l)O<asaaslrflll'), or ~fl a 'I rrumnw · \ and' no1 -din~cr cart1empr. (A.1ty.l \
! dfs.lurtls the "os.sus.loii (JJi'i'&rJ !b) lite
·I per.son j-udged to be oodtl d ·cooreto;
Hlm1r'11aoo Sif\ls "-'::. Judge German .
lee I ~ SC~A 512)
I 116 I --- ARftAIGiC ENi AND.PLEA ·--
t-- .. -r-I
'~' Any
l-11 t~rfer-em-
buse o l ur a11y trn\swiu•
"lh th [pi"OC~ or
. pt'Oece<i in g;8 f a ooun not cort$tl~u~lng
i ~I i l'he Jc;jga m~-~
allow tileaccu~ pi~ \ 1Q91 ~ )UI

d1reet. !t:Ont&mpC u nder B(tt ~J~n t or is

J:n~c..- , QtrJity even 1f the ro:se<:utor m {]rci8-«"
\ •..-. I ar.•f~ate 1~" ,;peod)' Oispa•al o f ca....
I i
. R uha 1 1-G, Soc. G. ' 'DLrty of eoo to 1?998 I X
•mol •.o II
{dll A n~ ijmpiGJl&l c.o-ndiLJ('t bmd~MJ,
l ace · 9dl ol h is. - lht -t-oti e l • .. I
· d •t ctJy Qr i ndi ra<::tly, to- Impede,
; ob ... tTm: or
9ra de tt'!o a d mt.n tr..tion
i . e~fo,.. 1111' ~igon ll ent, tha etrur:t .SJh<Diill
jnform the ~ec1Js~ .of hts rjg~ 1o I
of jY$ tltei

. {e Adi.a mi lllg 1o 1ro an att~ .- ney .at art


\ cQ" Fl~el and t~ ok him Jl f'te dG~si rc.s. w
havo one. Unlesti tile ae~u$Vd a~Nowod
to <tOfertd" .hi riU;IQII· Jrn p eriaioo OT ~115
o.t of;r~ c.oull1, · , d ac'll••g a a eh \ CimpltJYad oouMel of »Is. llf:holco, the:
II wlthou .. amhiorilyi . 'I e;o lllri MtJ!St ~nigf!ll a -couns.e~ de officio \
h~ det:el'td him . ..,

~ I

II I •~
· tn f=aJ urn to Ctboy a s d\uly ·.i
• :&erYI}d j en Gaae: he S p,eme Court heW that 1n

I Ha} The re.,c;~e-. o

: p~t~ll;l
.-. P'te~ . of ~
o r property 1 lb~ ~&f o~ :am
or It~ ~c u~ kl O;'"A.mtel me !:lr't'S ttullt
1n Q rna)' ch~e m umproy a ~wyer of his
~ ~n cho~~ r if hll' does n~ oo oso _
l \ ,_.,.__..____,
· ~~ear ~Srt~o of s_:!! ~;_l"d::.;a~.r~o~p::
-'-'--= - ¢er m - LegaJ emJCs andPI8r:tTcat e~ tJfr'"ms
cfl.,..a 2...2
. or ca~rmT do so~h~ .O::.n~.i, 1~rli~t rig he- is I
I 5aoi.isf1ed by tha de~g n;:~t1on a t ~ eou ~m dl!t
1 offic:io Thlt C:Qn~titu4i~kll right dOeS !'It'll ;
i lriCI ~,tQe u n~ht or the ao:u-ged B$ to lhe .
II choire o who !!!itlc>'n ld b4 tha coumal de ;

I ~"' 116, Soc. 7. "Appoln~rt~•nt

eoun.g;QS d officio. - T he eo
ol 1996

I~ conaKie ttg !ho- gti!!vU)r ot the ro ffenae

amil the difficu11.)1. of tt10 q~c;.~Uo · dlill
mifly a:riisa~ sb:all appoint ~e eoll!in810 de
; ""''fl~io .,t c; m.smbors of tne har h11 g ()od
~ $~~ ~d~ng wl'lo~ by re~sm1 of l · Ill'
1e:JCfPsrl;eooe 1utd ~ ~IUitY1 0~11 ~mpe-1:~_tJy
1d efen d 'ttla a~teu ~di B.IJll ~ ~oc.~_tlliea
1 wne;o ill-c:h members of ltihl!l r fl .c 01
I a•,;an,bte, ttl (:()~rt · ·n,-;y.·- :tiP. .init anv
j pe~. ~l~e-[lt 9' 6~c- ptOvin~e . an~:t .· f
goodl repu}e J~r p~D~~ .P~~ ~biji t) , to
1 • dofend U.s iiCC.I.t:&ed."' J .
:1 13r:i"l -- - RL~S"of AOMf.SS1 'll.rrY I~ · -
. I
!J'tule 130~ su.. 24. - ILOJs~ll!Jal 1~1on b)l : 1 Sli19 \ '11
r e81Sl01'1 of r:rtlrviJe;a -d eommun~fon .......... ~
The foll~n g ~ rson ~;.an ot tDAtfy al!ll I
to m altter.s. learned in te-OJllild JICO h'i the
toUowing ~~u13;


~-------------- ------~ ·- -'·1-_ _j

·-· ______IJ=-=o=me
fu )V ~e~ P~re t~ Nqb".t. - 2QJ-! ~~

·-·r;=-~-3~: ·~~::j~:~~~J~~~~c ~: ::~ ~ 3 -:-1 - Ipr""l'e.ii.w: -- · ·· ···· ·- --·---

l. v11·.·
s h.a l~ -sill in .any .CiitJO iri whl~~;h l'loe, Of .f1 2003 ; IX-a R!!It~~r"al(::n t f~~ - · fi~i b;lirv to -·~~c- the · 1997 t8-F.t

'll'l'ife o r e h if.d. iS P' C:lmiiiJ\1~ I~IM~eted as
hclrt, ~~~10-, ~:r~(!Jtwr Qr a~~a ~ o r In

~ bar ·B)!(3It'IJ_! ·-· I

whl~t;h h I$ relamCJ to ~ lttn.1w party wl in j A~oo 'Ciin;g M Rt~~ltJ- 1 ~'8, Sec. 2:

't he "B~Ih de;gr:ee of c:r:msmguiinig 01
am nlty., or m coon!!~ v.lii:hin t he ·Jr:rulftlrl 1.) Mlu:s:t !be- a o~,:ititt.:!lil of mbe
d&I1J1"&'8• f]l iJt&di !aCCOTdi111'1QI t'O - rtU'JCS ... P J)il~~-n n,
of 'Ch & ·C~~1 ~\aW 1 W in wfi~Jch he n~ ~fl 2 .~ At lt~!Ui t twenty...ooe ye~ts Of age~
o ;w; Iii;(; tlf~ orJ a~ht'! ~~I t1 t r~l'to F g uardll:an, 3.~ 0~ ga~d c~racl:e\f,
trt~s· or' lt.OilU'JSCl. ~r 1ft wnlc:h he- has I 4.) A rec.e;ld !il t Qlf e Phdlppini;~~;
·PtV.SO~df.<td lr~t anv lt'i~ri~r 1\::0.IlJlrt when h is ~ 5 .) MuSJt prod~ bc(!ifO'n.l the Su pr~m10- ~
A~Ung Qr d~c.aEDlll is. tne :s-ubjB-ct o1 I Gi':)urt sstis.fac'!Qt)i cvrdellilceo of
I fe'l.l'iew, ·~M~~olrl the w.ri«EEn ,r;l)f'J~ont O>'t ;n•l I 9J0co()d molial chara.t~r. ~ndl that no
1 partln J9 11111iaras.ti s 1gl'l$d by *
em ~ d cbai,-sn aga~nst J:-l ~l'fl , ~n~ing
I ,e nmmd upon t1lc- rw:ord. A l\!~. ms m(\1~1 hJJtpilt J.Ide~ :have ibelftJ"' filM! w
~ i n th(l: ert;l$ .of kls. s<Dund dls1;NI4l1oo, are pe~dJ~gJ WI illny co rt in C~ 1
· ~~ ~~~~~~ h,l~~_lf .1!~ 11 s - -~n_g ·n a cas~~ Ph~~i!P p i~e$.. ,
~, 1us~ or r,11a lid re-aso"ns o _,!li fitt~u'lr I I
. lho~e- _rnenlktnr&d above,' ' j A~(~ltio-na~ re-qoui rament:9: ~

~ ·i:li ·~· -At r'ORNf:Vs.&Ao lssl o.Nl"oeA~

· · :~c(ls ....L.-
11-a j Sec .5~
:. .I
· . Ru~ t~8. Se:c: "on 1." Who I'T'!i!!l)! P'"'~' ee '1 '9BS 6 .) Stw:f:led Jaw fov f~~~c~r ;reoars an dJ
• : IB'fi'. - Any person tt~~tefoli'e dUJ1y : '995 has a cce&$fu-1~ oomplate-d am i
! it~d ~ a fflilifii'~J~bt!!r of ~he bar. o r 2008 the 'fNS S&rii!Jecl CO I,JJI"$ ~IJ ~ 11'1 ~ 8 W
~ t'!cfiilaf't..l)r tllflm lttoecli aa. &U;C:h i n . :2009- SCih~O!l Officlsl ly approved ~ndl
, c3ec:o:rda niCe 'With the provij:si iJ'-n:s of this. · ll'1 ~C·O:S~ii%-•d by tlhe Secr~;ttlllry gr
r u~e. andJ wi'KJ. is jn goo:d .and fV91 ,ni:'IIJ' I ·edlu~Uoll
'&tandi ng, is c ntbtliD'd to prtLC~i•}C ~~ W.
I Sac s ~
: .A. c:u r~:nr}ii O il e.11nn01 e ngsge ifl the pmc:1iD9 7.) Sefore a~udyin g ~ rw, 't~~:e .appUcam
: of I;Srt'.'. eov ~ n if it hi res Is~ r 'h:> J)f!1fun'n IIDY:St have ssiliJsfact~!nU!t c:omP'Iete
; legal w~ . Onty natural ersons c:an i r'!""~!! ~~{lnFmd o.r autth¢ 11'i ~a'!1
r;ol~"ge- Qr u~~iv r&ity, re~ ujr)fli g for
.. . .. -r _...... - - - - - - · ... , .. _
iidlm ~~5ijon thetoto! p~tio n (a~ c.t mai nWn itwJ!l).l:i!t& ·~ne 1::00 (f,erJ;C. ,
oi ~ lo~r ~e~r ~~t. ~ c~ ~(lttlfti • and .a~ 'I'~ peliil to h W, 1D pr.eBento- !
Tho C(;! rsB prescrlb~d 1M . . I thE! "i;!IOJeitJ; or hia ,:::lien l'nul to ,BCCS]P.t •
bache~s d8'Qree ·n s rs or 11'110> <t:llmp>tH'I "a:th~iiil ·:n con n~D<e:~ l ll)l t~ w.-th hi&
sciam:o w1ifh aJilliY of Ute f clklwi ng e ~ :bW!!IIJllf}'U o~ pt rrorr1 him o:-
s bj~~ 9otii ~I ·Jllt t~01!1CG, log:C,
Et1g lli~ hr $~;1.(1·$ ~, HI tl)f}' an:d
. with hi ~ loi ~:vwle1:lge , ttd .appr.ovsJ;
IC~nanomfiea. ff) To :Jibltiilrn from ii!il• •offe nsiV&
I pcmona lity an(tl 1o adw~ c: • no ·fact .
: "St:~c. 210. Dwtiiis of .ifltto~n eys. - U i3 9 2000 X-b- p.r.r;jru dli~ai to tne ho~1or off J"flpu·tt,~t-on of j'
(:l:yty gJ an R~-ttQimcy: 2000 X~U 1!1 p.;u·ty ·OT wirtn~H$ ,
orness reQltJi li'~ by
2007 I . the Jue:'llleo of ilhe cau~- Wj iflh wfllc.h be ·
; {a) 1o m Bi m.a fl anee ·t.n !the · <t:h.arged;
RepulbJic. o·f !hs Phitl ip.;p~rteS a lld to
~ si!Jip:port thte Con:stiibutio n and o biBf 8Ea ~gl N:Ct lo t'i'l e<J,~rage -elth~ th&
. I:!WiJ of !fto Ptd llpp4 ~cs~ ' com ill l~it-o!llmiEIII'illt
. iJn actid!ln-
or Ut~ t.()minl!.f.Bf\.c(!o. ot
pv~ing. ot d .,rtaJ~· a n ~ .
! (b~ io observ-e and eintaln the rsspec·t
' mt~111's caus,.o, I o-m .ilny il:OI"I'UFJt m<t~&1e llir
· -d ueo tJO th,s ~"'Y 115 o· jt~~tioo nd jud i r: i;~ ' : lnkrf~sti
1 o-ffieerai I

1 ~ h} eve-r h> rn jlilc.t , tor afly cons idsi".&~Ua n

! (e) 'T<Q ·f;;OU1119iel or lil'lainmin suelh s ctl oo!!!i 1'9Qti 2-~ ; IJ)Msonal !.0 h~rli~.,.M. the· ca lj!l);\l o ·the
o r pr &.c-e!En:l~ ngs <tJ'flly as appear ·~g. h im to
bs iusit. ra.nd &ur;;:h def-ena oo o;nty .a!l!! lhEI
I !!IOfW4lseJesa. or oprn~s:&oo~ I
bo~I&.V<t: s to bi£~ hon..~ Uy dcb:;UA:l~l!l u~d!~r I I
• tn !he de-'f'<l}ns.e of fl&t$Oon ~ccus~ ,of 1 19!i:tJ . 5

!h l;iJW; ! ~rime, bji ,u f.IIJiT a~'ldi ho n.o a~e meaM, 1 I

~~ rdle&& of ihld l~ll';r-md OFHn.lon "$ to j
(d) lo emp~, ·Jw ·m h:&l p n rpi:Mle of · Ut~ 51t1ilt of lth!:r! <~;.<t. YS-00. to rp1e$t!td 1
rn~frlft!ijn ing m • c~~i(l~ eGfl fid e ~o him,
~- every f'1;.1na;e that tJ"l(t ~ m permits, t£~ I
!MJ~ h Jn Q3~$ Ot1J1y ;)1!1 iU'<C!I Qfn1 $ stt~rt !##'Uh t he -end th:it li~ IPij)lfBlOI'I 'J t,n i;kp~'l l!td I
illru~ andi h;<mor, a nd lfiiW1811" &i!'..ek '! D
tJJ Jife nr lllbe~. b.ut b y due- pr·.en;:t '~ of 1

m is lead the judwe or any j~t~d i cia l iQffic:er

b)• illn ~rtuic(t ot ;jt,~ift ~urom
I~ ·"· •(·4 foia-1 nf 9)
I ;t,t UiW"
.of hl.£-t
.. Rule- 1.33, Sec;. 22. +~ Anon\>E' . JAth o-
. 1999
: 1•
~i;.·"ii(. t"~roc-.s- e is~ eu;·~ses
t ·-! _P~i<1 ~fes .- ~at ~ ed.'iJ'pfl_ .
I·-- ... - - - - - -- . - - - - - · - I
: 1 ap;pQ~ In ower eou prGsumed tet . i. diO -r~ p.irfC.Ifm his. .Pil'lrt ·m 1he .oo.nlr:~~~ ~he-1- ·
· 1 J"·Bpr.eae l dlll)~t -on app&a]. • An- i.dtomay • I i contr~ is lenninat6d f-or ~ 'IJahu .cau::.e .,
1 wno appear~ (to part-e m a eAI bmo:re a wi11'1'>'.rl fault on both F'~rties., tht:; con~rod 1s.
lo·«e,. court . hall be p~u mGd to
eon.tlnus P"ep~.Ht'llti nQJ his
a pp , l. t.r=n ess lhe nlO$ a fo~ FJVtl on
c~l ~ oo I· ,;:;ansll;ittred ~ void as 1t ~ coolraJ)• t.a JL'Ili'V,
I rnor al8 gnod CLPStom9 f"Jd publiC pOOC'J.• 1 I
I 1 Md thel the lawyet repr.e w nL:S a -conflic11rt:g .
wltJulraWin..g his ;&lf)gca;.i1Jr'lce i n ~~o jnL TE: s~ 'iii ~M u~ chei'Jl''5 coo~ent !
Blflpel •c eo-urt.." I I

fttJII8' 138. Soc. 2.4, Comp n:G.ation tDf 200a .2

IRu• 138. Set 26 - " f~n r-criove ~004 a
· meti by the eQ.uniSIQ\1 for roe~ oM .tt1 - a 1 S98 VI~I-A
ttorn e)'s: sgreo!i'liont as to f~. .. .Aln 2007 IV G-~Je l'lt J ~!li&1 u-at <he f:)\ a .c.c-J-1dYet
•w~ noy shan O(tltiu.ed to h f!._. · and
reeov.,lr from his el\lcnl n o more U.afi ·
I 'i'I ~Bibv
. rn.ponslbibty or for
Df the- CO-d •· rO~
h )'
olh · r vaUdl 2008
. . ! r.el;l$0,(<1:!~ 19 com\PiO'nS;WJtion for lh - I rt~~SOfli ~houtd 5tf'ic! y (ol•o.w th(:l
se-rvJc~&.$ 1 w l th a v iew ·te> ~C'l im ~rtaru;e
'O f the l!W bJet.: ma t1! er a- f th t!- IC(;I Jlitro Ye I
IpMCedut';td foT wJ!Ibeflrawa~ \
·from a co~.rrt c.asa-. The ~awyer earmot
the ex~ nl a U)(l! &~~tNjces. nl'l'lac rod~ iilnd
IPII'DfassJoMI sti ding of !the
Ijusr •ei1Ye lho e lien t u~prolte£1~d. Ev~ if 1
t1t)l"flu-y, No_-court $h~i l e b-o~ l'ld b~ tho
I uch Withdra"L¥t~! it& for Yid d rsa13JQI'I. I
tna foUowmg proce-d Yre must ~ I
I opli'li Ort o!' attorne~ .a!$ , ~JWrt v n~ ~
l f(;JIIo~ed: I
·1 ~:~ s. ~.o ~.
· !PrOper C0011p:&ll$;a'Uon. b ull: may
dlis re-gard !l;~e~ t~a ·t11on.:y fJ.n~ b iila& Its. .) Ssrv !l copy <If fa. pQti i on 1
If)& 1 •Q '
' r;onC!Ius.ion .1);1, ;ts fYI."'I'I pr~Je~mi rY.rud e li nt and ~ ~dve~ f,la~ny . ,
: k!l'll~~dge. w~n can't c for lb.) Pf{laea~ I'N:s pe!itlo ~' tttel• ~Jil :
i ~CJII'V~t;H & ha l~ e~Qtltro~ the emo n - ad11~n~e of 1~1~ trJa~ of Cn:e aetion t o
! IP~ ld ~.rolor un l'<&!!i$ to rndl lby the co ~ I. 'eliNlJIJ;i • fhe d - n.t to '!lCI!ure the
to be t,r.f'IC.'D sc.ioMI:i1 1)1" u rOII&onalbr •
- ----- . ' 1 ,arvke- of ftnothc, hll'i.llJIIQ-1". ·~

~~·;. ;. ;: ;. ;p. :.:.---'flfld


No4a fottow1rrg 1nJ;1anc.e$ m y allow 20<)$
I hf' ,;:;heont to '1.1'2illdly te,uw to ps~ h is, ltlvrte r
Xll-2 I GrQ<U!t!ds
, !J.'~~m nt~
I 1!'113 {ull amout14 nf atlamey'g, 1e0 a&
~1pu1 ~d in ~he- oon rac:l Tha at1cmey'$
fee ~~ v ntonsCionat::t.e CH unf'9.8s.onsbte,
IR~a 131~ Se<: 27 -.. ... A mernbw o1 the bM
. rn~)1 11a r . l nved ,l )t suape~d\sd from hia
I I·~ ~ienl (lnd ~ha la\\1)-t:r de<:ide to ~ :s .si~U!irml b'.)f Om Su~rome Court

• 1 muru.all~ ~ 3:Srde- ~he.2£!~~~::;;e1:..::·..:..·•:;
t'flt~piCI' lfJ - L~fJ~ r:tnrcs am:.1 Pra.~JC:ft,1!:.- ----::;
I I offle
l for
--- 'CF.epier
ny fht-e ~~J. !.. ...~
~~-~· F'c;t..l c~.-.~==;!_~o.:..r_o.O.:t=i=h~'.:..r...-cC::~........o.:d:i::£::.1~=::;-
W· Leg8J ett~;cs ari(i Praciit;~l axe s
. 3t omey flli e Fitiganl .~ a c~~o ·d oe$ na::~tr - - --.,..::o- ;.......
- - ..-
conatltule a 9 •ound fo.r disbarernent '9ii1C:e a
I Mr.- la~'!.ryot.: r CBf'\nOt be d1$.barred ~· Sea bat
' u soon)

- GE N.ER.A l RUL!E: .~ I a~~ iii" mEly be 1 19:92 1O· 1

susr.· nctoo ·or oo!TI.lpU.)' ar ~·llltYity
a~ pe-rlng .es. ;i!Jn .a or 'I to a r:::ase wrthau
authority. ·;· 2
I -
; - EXCEPTION • he ar.1ed 1n ~ood faith
(Garrido \'S. Qui91Jmb.irtg, 2B SC.RA 614·} I
- V1alaboo of P 22 ~~ c-onsidered as. a
crime irwcl\•1n9 m01o~=~ l ·w rpll U R!i a
.gro und klr di&barment.

Nrotce The grounds for d1~b e:nt of a 2000 XiV

Iavl)l er jn a ''o reiQll'l bar n\3)1' be c,o.t"tSid td
~~ ground for d ~ebarm:en m the Phlllpptr
b , he disbarment i9 r'ot
au~om tit: ltH:I lawyer is gi'i'Ein an !
; {]pportun~y co de!ef'd. ef1 <~~~ pi'O\Iided
~ fo r m Sec. 30
r I
: NoL : A 13'a!_.m.!!qa o f .a noo-IBIN1 er ~s ar~ 2006 X'/
apJet J • 1.9~ FJmfa.s and Practk:ltl e:verc..ises 21
~&_!. t'(J~o

.·---·rh~ I~
NoJ.r'J:§. ::- .2P ~ 4 _6'Sf@Jn __ Vq!ums IV

.I.e:. Pr:N&ro NcJres ·· 201--1 udi/Jort

~ laWyer.$ Who~n ils oplnkin-~~n be

0 -·· ••

pin I - - -·r
;wJ-:ti"o"n" ~rstO Blly

by Bid of a n 10-i
a tt orrn~~y a n d h~:s;
app4tarance mw.t be 1111{8}' the d~po ilkln of 10 rn lt(f!t ~fo:rn it; or : I
e•Uii!lr t$O~i71~ ~ ~ )' i <lvl:~ au fuorized : it may, o r. i t$ -oWA 1n l lath.te., ~nvit-e l .
Jt'lt:fl'\ II' l)r bar .no (Ssa- no:los an 1prominenr ~"-O r1flO)'~ to .ap~r as. 1 I

UTIGATJON) ~mitus ·cunse 11 "BUe-h :Jvoc;.al csse9i. !

: NOTE. The- q uasoon in 19Q!5 1e. '\1\ a l is
.AM1CUS CURIAE {O&flnltjort)


· Pro Sa- {means on ooe 's awn behaff 199J 4-B
wdhOLJt llrt .:JtiO!·' practH::.e FiJIICY,~ed m- 1he- ... 1
- A i riend .n, IP"Ie
An imp;!!ltti"l .and
C".{)Urt. 1
.:v:perienoe ~~~"1* who is l n\!11e(1 by 1t1e
l r"hlhp,pin~ T tha bQl.rG mentioned !Sar:lian
an ~v.-er~ lhe qut::$Cion" 'l.~'~fi"'111'1al in ~ ·
IA:Iu~ to gi•te an ®ll'lion regard ing a Qifflcult
mea n~ 1h8JI a ll:il~vyer wno ~ ~ d~Sl) rted
I may .appear in court to d$~ hil'n$elf m a
' is$US befOle it. II
JEI. Sec .37 .... Dcfin~tioo of ;~ I
I criminal case. PI 1,.dljl :moo • I X~
IRulo 1:-t8.. Se;c. 3S - " o judge or oiJrlw 2002 X Ill
· r-Ettai'J'•ns lien I ~000
e fhe • o cm~~:iH ,o f the .&uporic r . 1QOO 1-0·::3
co rta o r of itbe OffJe& Qt 1 . e s oll:eii.Q1- 1995 6
Gill!11eral. ehiJO engage m pr.-v:a p ~~; t.leo 1 :1 ~e!~ining - Gh.te~ •h law.ter 1994 V-a.b
a:s a mlilm be-r o'" ~e lb:ar or g ~ ~.. e r1gP11 1.0 ra1am ci.ent s money. 2006 V"l-e
p ro fnaiona l mdtt~c. a 1o c I:Snts. • propert~· a..-d document'S 1h~1 l'lils.
leg a~tV come 1nto hiE po9-!1e$$iCN""I i
H (T~ve·... eJ in
Lhe C3~ oi () C asloro \IS . • the a.ttorn..:y Ms been psi~
. Cap•.Jiang ( 11 a. SCRA ~ ~ '9a2:t il •AIM r1~ld all h is fees for II hrS .JW:nrices.
· 1nat a judge t-iiJho me-ref~ ifllf,.'it;d ;a$ ~ W'l'!nes:s I
1o a d ~ent and -explained to he party 2 ) Chatgjng _Lien - c.1r.•es •he I ""fer 2ll06 V-.a,b
,he -c.•::m~e n~& o f :;aid da.:::umant ooes r-..ot the right to ~h ge a judgment ~ r 2009 (C)
~.,!:;l tt !l<td t•1111Soelr in ch_ prm;tK:r:s of law 1 mone"y aiYJ irs xl!lc:ution with hi
.: S.;-. ...~1 JL••td!]~ slllvs• r'lo1 gr.·r=: hiS prof~s-slonal I fee& ~cr set¥1.:;:es 1 'idered
a.d·JI::..t! lr a .n trdrat:-~n of httQatiOr"l) !

IRuht 1.38. SE:c. 36. Amicus e urme. • The • I is not ptQJ)ef ror a wer to 1
. court may, i n specia l cases. en .a U FJ'Dil I • e:mrMe h1s, right or ~ t-ention 0\lef
p~rop(;< appi~'Ca ·on. ponnit t he ·-- __ _ _ 1h_8 __9~eme. Ql •he st.a1a of he-
a p~i! r;~~nc-oe. iaS ~ mjG us. -t.uriae. of ttlose
274 Cfrilpter J'U - Legel iibiiC~ and PradJCal e.~e""::::rd::T.5i~'fJ~$-----·------....,~=-=?,....,.$

Lt:-1 f ' arelo..r~J Jt~·s -. ·-
--- -
20 14 oo~lion
---··- --···. ·-·- l{phm]t [Jf
---d~L~ e~~·r.:d when he !A'a$ -e ~-as-r- · No
~i!t:.9~cdl. rig·l-y-,--- -·Tawyer. . h o l~ing - . mj
.couns,.el for i he edmirw.l-1r,1Qr Of ~he
eg.1a~e Tne rta:son f or ~hi'9 1s. •hat. he
IS the IB~vy er· rot 1he .admim81J1llor
I 11
efti!C:ti'l'e. JiUdi~IBI, _ q~~al!ii-j udllel:~~
prosot:utor.& o fl"t<;G n tbe G<Jvarnrnonl or
, .a~ny po~i~e;fid s u bdliYist!Jn

(1\f '
~nd fm 11\oe ~·taoo of he
no"! ~;;.str ument.J:aity the.r{u;)lf :shall btt allglhle
d608as.ed. The eper:s. ~lnrsted 10 for e<Jectlot'll o J api!)Ointmeflt to .any
htm •r not propaniea of p De tiOn in ~11~ Fntegll' (lti Ba r or .m)'
ad ~r t-ot but pro-partie* of Ch Pkn ·thor&Of, A Dele-gatCl', Gover nor~
a state hence he t'!ri C4 t1 x-e n:i8 e 1he Ofrrcer or empJoyce of the Integrated
119h1 ~ a r~ fil ln ~ II D'l!Br sa1d S~r • .or an tO·f fic&r or empl oy~c- Qf any
L.~s.- ---LA(loeJJmon•s..
W·~·ituot:::;,:N~T,.....,P,....,R,.....,A.,.....,C,....,i,....I -C-,.=
R -Ut~
C h~ter tn~r of sha t b.o ~~:on.sldDr d i~o
facto r<&.si gHt'i3 from h•!li liHJ:Sitfml ;fl$ of
the R\J)m~nt he- fiiK ~us e~ e~ ile ~-J
Rufe . l8r $£CHON 1 - ••co n:did QJlS fo 9 96 2-l cand d'I(:Y fur any ~ltlc.ti'l.'e ;PU~fc offi~
Student Prae: ea. A Jilw .5tudanl. Who 2009 lll(b) or 4Wcap1S '() l).p o m~ nt to any jt~drc. i~a ~ .
~:s :SU! !;I 01)1· \ I). Otvcl 3.. )'eM o f <1~~ i j ud k fill, or proe~utors. offlc:-e m
eh .rt rt.<>gul~ !i' foL•r -year pres-erH~ O'd Iililw
~~ curl1c; u l~m andl i s &nii'Dlled in a
I tne Goyemment or ;~~~ ny pot th::al
I stdxH~I Ia.lo 1 or i nstrvmonmr~ thQPEtof_
T"EtCGgnize..d ~PIW - COOrl)l' ll cl irnica~ legal
odl u<C-S~Ii-on prog m ali)l)re"*'ed by the - T, IBP '9 al'l nOun~ement m osuppurt o f a ·
'I a ppo r ~ ou
I $yp;ttmo ourt.
¢ t>lf ~ n· atio~ i.n .any e · II, ~r.l~riill~ or
1 ad'mln badv.e e ~c b-Gfore iiilll)~ 111a•
1 pr-e!;tl(1~ntrel B$ 1ra r.~ is t::or'lsidere:;t ~
: ~BQ•ng; il'l a p·a s:=:tn pohfir..dl ~r::tivr~· :ar'll;l
I ~hou1G" bt! tibhorred .

I C!O'Uri. 1t1iibuna~ ~~J'd o r o Ric e r, to

__t mc-
r.r;~ pteaont indlgen1: cllenrl$ ,acttopted
~n~l .ci~Lc af ~.h-e l aw s~tlool.'' ...

1007 li
. .Sf,#(;. 9. M &m lron~ohi p- dtt~ . - ~Vil l)l . 2006
memlbc 0 r the tt'l .9J'·il~ d ~If" s hall pa~ . 2009
rt.n:lh ~J~ h UiJJI due$ .a:; ~he eoard " '
¥J ~ I-g

A ~ PH ili:PP~ES Giti¥wnors. ~~all d~U}rm ina Yr.tJth Ute

: app;fOVsl of ti'!:.Oi Su p!'emv- Coort. A fixt::Jdl
I Sec. 1St. No~poFJUcal IS~a1r. - o &um C~tu ival'enrt to ten pC!!Fc~tmt U 0"4• Qf
f~ · Walvd ~r ~~~ ~ be- [CUiy . ~"Ort- fmm ~a(' :J Chililtlii:V-r sh aiJ
I ~~ieo oo •l ~retion
I .$
1 p~tll;u l1 an~ !V~~- ..~c,l~lily_ tondiliiHJ_J~ bo .se,t .a:s;l1lt ·a s ;:~ W!l)lf.aire Fu ~d f'Dir
~~~1! .J:hls ba l<e_ . ~~tlJ!f~ _~t __~-t!ietl'y 1 i dil$ititlled rtnlbets ttf t he Chap Q,r and
_ f"ohlblt • . n'd &lhil I be · · d : the eompl!.lllsqr; lhai r!l or d!ec&.I$Cdl
I n & l'tlb~n; thereQt,

,---....,.------ --· ------·- ··- · f WMAi-1s ftEQ:-;-lJ:-::u~=E=o:--:- - - - · -

o4e T-he Supr-eme Ccurt hss held in ens
case that the Se1"1icr G'itizon's. act iii ii'IOt J In all1h.:-ee '.I
.£! tiJ' 1he payment OF IBP dUe$ and .
that h is no- thj;ng ~$ reclrement l .) The ·.a sri IBd oomplaint sh ~l sta~te
· ram tho- ~ctice e;.f I~\';' E·ve'Y member o0f clearly and GCnci:;ely the fads
the Is. 'equrred to pay their .SP dues compl'f Of .and
~~~~~ of ~~ or age-.__ . -~--
, IOISCJAR:-Mi.:;h'7 & 0 SC~LIN E OF
I 2.) SNJII ~ -suworted b~ affida~~s.
per 90 rrs. hP'L~ irv;) pe rY~ naI k nowl ed se

- ·S.Qctlon 1 - How ~!tetJ
w~1o Mar r 'ti\IH~t-.. 1 G-io·~, ·
1aaa •
1eaa i\'i.-1b
c: the fat:rs l herein .alleged ar:d.'or b~
e.uch document-s
subs l:a ni.Jafa- said fad~ .
as rna~

I i
; 111r:1oa1'? .. _ _
-! -Pro..~n[llli
. 1 j-Sup-~JJT~~
l~ itlatafit
;::.;:::....._-', 1 B92
Moo.. !ll'<ltli':O 1 ggl}
6-:2 ~iMI'I 1 reQI,mel'nents- •or t;hCJse mi~e-0
I =. l:':rurt d1~;srn~nl
XI (I" } mP
b-~1 1h.e bo-afd at gD 1/Iarnars
I j 3-JSPI!"""SIOn or 20 1(]
II ::._____ ___ _ _ di~ ~ plllne
at1ml'!_~is ~ . -· ._
20 10 ~X .
1.) Six (6) copir:rs o- iJ1e verified
, 2, l n~!:?'&«~C. P~e~~!f"i. 1o::~r , U~n u-~ t.on'lr;.laint
B:u of ~l1£! .jl[tl).;.-rr.enJ: : ·•IOJI'II'Iid ~ II e ~ · ~~ h ~ ~e111al)' t>f
Ptlitp~:nnl!"~ Etui3J)Et"!il~ o!Jf -oo~L;Ir.1 ai the
(18P~ d1£t(:l(ll.rta ot lii"''JJ Pfl~
I BP or 1he- Se<::rE!tsry of an-y· oi' i1::.
- - . -~!l~~~~--~--- r.hapt-sr:5o aJid
:3 ) IBP ~rtf 1ii.'l'f' l rilione 1!0:1 i a.l MaiLt
or Go~·-efnor:;. • :flr~ec.JI[:- 1lroJier 1 p-opri[:' cr 2.} Transm!Ual by ih !Set:r-t~~ ry of the
Chill'[l~:lo b I \Jpl:fl H~ P
retl:rri11 b~· or ch1.'!1P1er ~e·1~~ to he I BP'
&.tD ret11e
. ttl e
I Ct:t.rt or Soard
uf Go 'lEI rn orn for g. B mem to ar.
I c. I E!-:.a;:,
Ck:lpll"'" in'll~as~.

. . 9oi¥rl tJI
! Ol i o:~. 1 i ~OTE All ch es a ~lnst Jus.11oes. o1 U1e
I I 1 d ·1 Or >~Itra:
! C-ourt o4 1~ fct(J. e;pl'$ a:nd •he
: 11S."t~r.ce at
~ll'JI~~ . I Siitndlg~n~n. and Judges, a the Coull of
Tt!ilc ;al:s and lawer oourts.. e 1.ten if
. I ...:.-.-~-__,...__.:....·:....:
- .L--:-:--!'"-·;·-...
:,:; -.=. - ~-...,---~--~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::l........_.....__..,i...,..._ _. : - _
- · "dn(JP!e~ JU - f.sgaf~t.l'1rc~ iinCl' e:xQI'CJ.s&~
Vo.'ume IV i e->" ~~o Notes - :5!14 _GditJ.o.'! ____ -· II~ IV

.. ~ -I~(!:P ilr.8
j~; ch8~u~l 'l'~i~h tha·m~ S~
1 be 1~ ,.,: lh the ~ypJ.emt: Coo~ lllosa I (
··· J ~ lil u~~B~ ptm ltS~rt'I (;J r.Jt ·
··- - .l.Zi111d iv~rvs Sandi _ ba_yan 170 SC~ 1)_
·l· . . ·- ~
, f1k:d t.efcr.e 1h~- aBP pnot to their
: aoooin1mert~ afl ~he judic1erv ~ha.U..n~sB
i bt forwar.Q.~ •a 111e !tt~ P.reme coon.
• NOTE. Otdinanly l he Supreme caurt
refers d'r:Sbarmenl CS!l.eS to the IBP for
ll"'tt.•~iga11oo, report and recommen lon. ---4-=:.....;..;~Ji~~
h Supreme t;Q(sl may est.igata Jt$elf ., QOdll
1 ! 2002 VI·B
for ~e1al ea&~n$. P~fett· I of dir.ballTIEint J', 11 .
case~ to 1h I~Ml by the Sl.lprertitl court is
NOT mandatory ..Art 149 , ihe io~ lf.)wi n.g perao riS 2007 u
·1 . NOTE: A person may 1ih~ Gilmagas in he
~em c1t cqyire lb~ purchas •
publ ic. or j l.ld te i;fJ~ a uction, ..,ith
at a 2(.1()B
in , 2Q.t0
I VIii
regioni'l!l t ial co...K1 •n ~~M ';'Ke!e a p~mon ·o r lhl'loug the meflija on Qf 1
oourl'9e h8S bOG-n nc.gligero
a~ ~~ 1 I
IProeueding in DtSb: toi'F'l rrt and discj
at1.:;:a1 ;·~ ProcadLre Is ¢ u ned fA Rule •
of .2000
151 J u,.11e *• iudgea, I)I'OSocuting
;ltto meys., c:i!!P'ks of ""~upe, ior .and ~r; fltrior 1 1995
i 9M 1 10-~a
39-B, $e.:;.tims 1 to .e.. Oue roces.s 1s
1mprhsd when the pr~JC£~duie is ~ ~.
.r.: .ou rt&, and
emplf:JY liftJ.
othiO<f o flioCJers.
ot.on Fl ~tc1e d
w ith ~»&
nd I I

IR I 39 -8, S~. 18 - • pr~ad:!ngs Z(I~Ji'

adnf~lat ion &;~f JUStice, 01 · p roperty
andl ngh t11- In Ut 9 ~ Qrp o r ~ ovl ed ~tp¢11) ilrl' I
l ega nst aUomeya !J<haO bo sm::t '9S2 a Q);IIN;.ution twfol"fJ- the t.omt withi n Wn<lf!G- I
~;;:olllftdentla~. HoweYer. ·th1!i fJR~ I o'do 1:1" jt!Jr $di etion Q r te"lltory lhl.l!)' ex£~rch!!1& ;
01o :Strpreme Court !!!h al l be> .publ · h~ t he Ill' ~-s: p · c=iv-o ru euo-n... i lhia 1
1 U e- it& dK. lan a ll o 01 ease&.IQ The
I rre ~t;Otl ro.r .suc h ~a that 1rt woutd ~ tmf-air
, p;ro.hibiltion l oci~~ "' th6' act -of aeQJI.Iitin.r-1
rQ )' asmgn-ITh! ~ ~''(I slhaU app1)1 bo

f&r tlle ~ nt il': lhargedl 91 neeo Jt WO'U d b9
di c:ullt or him to- ~restore a tamt~od
iawy 1"$, w ;th'et ~Q ltlh10 'Propeny
sm~ rirgh ~ w'h i ~; h may !be !h~ >tJbjec t o f
•rn .£14 irf ·eYaf lh ~ tJla e.s ii1pmst htm (flnr l lttlg3ill1on in whi-c.h 'h e)! m;~.y to~J:ke
a , ~~mia:s&d. I part b1 \! lft;W) ot theil prof~I O rl , '•
~--i-"(-' A'-rt, i~:!.491 of ~~ C . i~_ t._
......_1_ _ __.._
Chap!er U.1 ... Legal ethics and PfFJCtK:ill 8.--~JrciSW
·- ~J.Otes - 2Ltf. 4 -eriitK»J
L6 · .r:Jamlf;
---· __

illli~ii:JJ1e-cr-;;t;;r':;l a.:::t ~~n. ~1'1(1' that •he

• The as.srgnmen• to the l&w}t r of a po 1ioo
of a propeii)• le•Jied oo for 1he $atlsftte11on
of :;1 judgmetlt in favQr of a d-ent. does. noc
~iolat.ethe abo\le man;ioned articl e,
pr-oYided that 'h~ &aid property is nrA
imrolv<:d ir" hIt li~ ig atioo ha!id lad b)' he
r ~ct ion wa~ .Li'l$ ~ ibled in -order- t.-o
humilia'a him Qf bring him OOi'IO( or
ch ~rii!c-a.

- If there- i!i $11 0~~Iillted atltomets. fees, the 1992 11

a orn r':; fe~ aw~tded -'n the jl,ldQmen ~ in 1519'1 V1-A
lawyer. e-J!Qe$.5. of ~hat $ . ulated belongs the •o
11S91 I VJ-B
clien• 3S indemrmv 'ot 0031ages e. u s-1~.00
- .Aitide 14~1 doe' not ~WiY wl~ere j b)' he CIIOnt. I
property ' "'lea acquired by the •udge- ~;:~
1 r iga1ion- and from ano'lher party end not c~
Ant eIc. Vl. Soc:. H - . SJOIC'Iilm 14: · o 1» )
"rom any party oonn8Qed w i the ca:~s .
11Diu· 4-2
Sci!' nakltt l)f Mlemb:e. r oF ·t he o u I$<G: <Of
I HO';P~ever · ~ ·Jdg~ .;:;an: & · be held Iiebe

Rep~CII'l'taUws m.a:y Pl)n;omdly- app t ~

1 Eor
! 1~1 c1
vio&atmg Ca11 ~ 3 o41r e Canon Of
1 ett'Nc$ .
.as ;:o u nseI b . fo re an y eQ u~r of j I!JlS'Iroe -Qt'
\ b{ll·fct.::t'f& ~he EJ~;:(:kJ,-al Trti~n 1IS. ttr quill !ill ·
jud':leij&d an d o-thm ~dm ini!Eibartltv ll;~!I;.Jdies .

!Art.orn:2200....,.n theana~Flee
~ :;i · · ~y ·!G d
of stipub1~n.
oo m· <C.;f;pt r::~s
t'eu3$ 9-2
. liti!il ~t lg.n, o tl'l c;~ rtnllill ju d " cia~ ~o :sts..
ca n rt.0t ibf.l' r e om~e~ ~ e!fl t . . .

~ l~ ~ n crimi nal Cra&'!IIEll of ma~ l11: i o u s

proo ec iJf~ion agains.t ~he p laintiff~ .•. ~ Anicl ~ Vm, Soo 1.
- 11"1 -orr.1er trli!'ltttarnage$ 1nay be a.wardred (J.} .• •r.A Mem~or of tlhe ,Jud.liei.ary mus~ . 1996 · 8-:2:

or m;fl ~ leiou:s p~~ul ior\. a party rt'IUS-1 Urs1 ·

ttCI 8 fil'B'rSCn t~f proYSIR ~Oii't'l[pBtiB'f11!:91
p rove that j · Jntogrity. JWOt:tll}! 1 ~ nd jm;Je;pen~ nt¢9. r..:
1.) H e- was acquitted i n he criminal I
. ~io t i
2 ) TL'lc:11t the p ~on who r;::h~rgsd ~im I
· knO\Ymgly m~e- $ false ot
a.c s Ia oon~·inc-e 1he ~•o r ~o .
L.,__C_fl_a_pier JU - L99el ernics S.'l'L'1'P:i=8.~-~~~ -=!J:!::a:-======-=
L iQ
La:( Pareto .M:Jfe.c: .- ~~14 'Jdt:~lo-n V4f~~li1 fll ~ P91BtQ/$Uotes - 1() 4 ediieyJ · - - - v
,-. '1 ::.hoold not f.:~-l119ml~~ bicausa hB e~~- ·--· . - -l ---r - - - .
94 1
. Lo ~e- .Practice- '?' Jaw. In Jn re Cunanan,
I LhEI praf..umption of lf'lr'IO(;Ilno~ ard hat I • Ph1l. 534 ( 1Q54JI Congress in ~he xercise- ·
! ll'~re IS yet oo coilivlct+on 1or final JUdgmene ol ita pflolr.-91" c ameoo wles ot the SUJ:~reme
. lr"J 4.ier::lding .saJd case, 1he s~e11"ll6 court Court ~rd1nq ~f'IM&sicn to he pradiae
Ihe~:~. of hw, ena ed ilia ~r fl ufii<Of'S Act or
' 9G3 whim <:OfiSidoered :!i a pa · .gra(l'4,
I "'fl~ it siro:s.s&d thar )I)~S tJr'(t hekJ lo the averag~ ai 70% in the ar a:a~rnlna=icm
f~gh8r standald:s of ~ rr;gn'W Mri ~af al'1er JL~t· 4 , 1946 up to Au~z 1'951 EM".Jd
comJtJC'I' tlan affDrnS')'s or oJher pe~!J lfCt 71% in th~ 952 0 r' 13'X8n-'llf'ld' ion9 'fne
inve$.1~ wJ.I'I't Ulr> ~ Ut1st rna)' ahourd Coul'1 arrueJt d~n INs lmw as.
mrspjm tros f BrK1 CfJ{t/f(.j"eJ'W ~nd s.tmutd uncoi'I$M.ulianal being M encroochmen~on
briflg tronor tv lhEt /et~JY. Arld Mcauec6 of ·udiciei1Wldiom
... rhrJJr an1ict1J po ~fioo .111 the: j~ -W£. r BP ~29-: A'N ACT REORGAN- -NG THE _.~---___--~
hw:t;J-m~eracy, ~ftrs Court as ove~ J$ ~ ~..~~ JU\O~~ARY1 APPROPlR~llK6 lJ OS
: bound b;l ins~re tfMt t])s mtegffiy af t.~ 1 TH'E Ftf;FOR~ A.NC FOR OTHER
iud!cis.J sy~ rem rs ~sBrvsd and PURPOSES.
marrrtll'fm3d, by puTSuing fhftt e••t)f...YI{II/an f
~reh for .rtf(} ...-irltrB"s ol comperetl'(',e. Sec. 1 $ . . .... N!o pe~.Goos !" Jt be . 'l9S7 f
jnrel}rlly~ f)(Ob1ty lNld Ill~ · "ppol.n~ R:&Q~o n r T • • Juct151o unl" lP
m211dsJed by no iess l'IM t!le- Consfm.•1iafl' 1 I ~ Ia a: 1
flse/f" I

Arthcl• V.trul S•;;.t.ion !L - .. T.he Supreme 19 95 1-2

,;ourt !!. 11;~~~1• h;av ' o fo.lto-cNi lfll~ '!JOWers:

~15~ P mmu l~ate rrllJJie;s eonif.tiCM ~ng o ' '

pro t&}CitiiOil and anforcermmt of
constlillUilion~l rltgms. -p oad~ng . [pntctic:e,
and pr~dlu~'c ~n atm courls. the
#!dm hs'31tcn to mtte 'P~dit::O' of law. th9
~nt grlitiid ur~ an:d le gs~ ;jl"'-s. ~~ to
the ll.Jiftlt ~f'"lP'I v lao~." I

II an~, the Supreme COUI'1 h

romu~ ~eo rules cance~
p<rtl'!lr to
.tldmiiii¢1) ·
1 A!J Lo whae e,.~en11he f:>ti'dlce of law covet~ 1
• r'!Ot-es. ~ r- ~ACnC ;t; Of LiW\r
Lex P!mfifJ N0f6S ~-2'0 4 edftioo _. . .. . . ···-·- ...... ____ VOlume I'V ____________.:..;Va:::.:.h.!me=:L.!.Z#y

sOC: 4o." Foro" OT iiOeioion

ca~ • _... E.very
ill app~· htd
d K iS.1oh of fln111l
I 99-
i II ........... ;
AR "tC:TI:- 22:f 0

- 2002
2 -2
1 n oh.Jtllon of a ~;:ourt ~R ~D"!ll~ cas-ea . !-
The La bar cod .a uthouze s. ft<Of\ -lcri\'Ye'lli .
: • h"U clearrty .and dils'Li cUy l!ltatfil 11w t
1o appear befor-e lhe- . LR'C IJf labol arbil.etl'.l:i :
nd incJS of ~c: l1:d the con:cltu;"oot oP ~ Jtl otd~ t~ tept~er~t 1hcnr or llabCKl or i
~aw on w hic it I ~ l:J Bed. ~tJ.i c h y b
c.o aaAnod ~n th.l\l _. ~~c:" h:ln qr · f'l ..
I . .an·" .of me tnern:t>ets
... ... --~ ~ rg ant?_~.::.
tl\e !l~ld ! o'
rasol wCi Ofl i~Sett: oil' ~~optadl by l'ttfe~1..;:.e ~ ~~ ! •NT RNAl Rlll ~5 O F n~e: COURT OF" I'
from ~~~ s et forititrt I - Ulo dec!~l:on, <C a ur1 A IPP' E:ALS
ord,! ' · or. r~Ji19luti o n ~p,pc~l~ ·rrom. ~ "' i
"~ Section S. Ac:tion b¥ a J ustice - Al l 2~
i vm
R...A 910 - THf:: RETIREMENT LAW FOR "99$ 10-2 _memb~Js of lha 0 Jw· ion 'ShBJI a<ec upon
THE J UDICIA R.Y 1 an application fQ r l~mpo r.~~ry
re~;;tJ·.a~in ing wder .and wnt or p;olimin:3>f)'
Se~ti rn• l p r:rov des • •• ••It 1., tl <C:Ofldilltkm ~~J unction . liow~er, If me n uor s of
I g;f l\hl! ll~t'll!;kln pirO"'I"i:d~~td ·to:t rner~M,
ithat • xtt Jm:- ~11"9Qr1. 'i· ;;~:nd JlltSl c ~ Is
1;1r:> i!'.ndMin g, Ju:s.tico {!t.•rfnQ lhe brne thit 1 t;l.~u nt, t hl;t :tvJo oml:\ar Justll~es shall met
: e is l'll'(;erl ing :$11icl j:)E'ns.1on $!han 1 'Upon t he- s ppiiCSJlJon. !J Dildy the- po n oo~:e-
• . I
I appear as. <CO<Ur.~l b efo1a .a t: O<Urt ir'l tB prese1111 en e :shall
alone upona~&t 1
~ any r;~'lt'il e so where~n t e Go... rn il nt
1 or a ~ ~ s-ulbdkvk-1'00 or ~m. b'u~_n ta "'f.}l ·

I the appljcat ion . e - r;.!i-o of · ~ tw.o I

, J ·'fir; or; a; t li'to ~o ~~· .s~ 1m ho 'hl V'CI"
I th rP-of Is the «tdv~ ;$0 p l!lrty r Oil' In eny ! b iP~~b 1 t1A1 01~ t~ :rte- 't wotk ~ng cr~ y to
· eltl lt'l ~ rrase w fHllii'Omtl .31\ officer or 1
th..<! -~.ent membeP" or men.'llber"& of the
~ employee o-·f tho Oovertmte n.t ls. a.&eYSri Ol,..i si Gn ror ratification . m odil ~ ttiot1 or
~ af an offe.ns.o eo •· m led i n :relatkl
1h i.& offi ~o. o r c.oll ct aPy ·f · f '('Jf lwls 1
B:FJIP~ I"''ri.<Ce
~Oh'l ir'li"~ntlve

_ _ r&CB~ Is
i se.c . ao ---- - - - - - · - · -····- - woo
I •n any
pii'OC:Qi!"Qdng,-s. t G m:.ainW-1 a n lnter8"St

!I (bJ
\ . 8 B11.QQUnaaJn
. """" · ~ pr-Cidioo
! .;·,IJC~VCif~tS(!· to tha G;Qv·r.:rnrnent . ittsular. l ·ir p.-of~sions. engage- In any
proYi ncud olf m u ~~ i r:ip I, or to an~· O'f i C:ll;~~pa"()f11· ()'! teach If'! S<:hc"Y".Jis- e KC ~pC
· 19ga11y cooo~bd~;.~ office s .... dunng ~~ n hour:s. P.rO'trled, Tha-
R.A. No. l 01 9 - AN -GRA rl' A D X~10 X.lli{A)
~l)ngguni· membeul who are siB>O
membefg c" ~he 881 ahell not

- . . . .c,=,.~~-
.!. fX-1~-~=- .i"ts- I e'f ¢ elhx::s arW Pted!cat l. --
Lt1'< PatfJi(J Notes -2014 ed.IJrr))?. - - - - - - - Volume tv t.e~ Prt@to .Votes .... 2014 sOJ!Io.~~ - - - · ______.....____ . /Dlwneylv
f" -·- T--·6 f ADp~~ aa co~.~n~~i-t..~ an~· c£Jurt f . · est!on:e taken
- sou rc~s
fr.:Qm.... other ----
· lr) t'ly cMI cage ·~~~~~~ a
gQ\Iemment 1.1 · · or any offi~. ;p;;;.~ nC~\ or • r--.
.. _,Doctrine
---- ---·
i nBt.'Umentallt)' Of lne {ICYernment iS. .hQ
ctd~t'erse p arty; V\E:R IF~CA"'Ji' 0 ~~ - - - --· - - - ..

(~.1 ~ar ~& c.ouMef In ltl)' crirrunal 1m i

~ cer or emplo•tee Qf tha
.n~1ionel or l oca ~ Clovnt_ ent ia;(.l!led or 1.)1r;terp~escl
n oftenBE! o:dW'fl~j t:1 ~li on to his. 2 )An$Wim with r.:cm uls countercla l~
(J} CQIIect flfl r fee f-or •heir sppe;Ut la'-ityef llp • 1e<.!l by .the oourc 1r:> rep!~ an
· adm intStrn'll e ptOt;uedings invol\tlflg- U"'e bsen"ee -defonda · in :c.l suil in ~;~,thidt the
10¢311 ~mman1 unit o.J whit::h he IS an ~imen t j:s made
olt~ l; and AOMINIIS fl~A T;.;,;
JVE ::::·:--c,-. A.- S:-:E""'S---; - - -
! (4) u~ pro~r1)~ and personnel of the -All .admm 1s1r~lve cases ag~•nst Ju~l s of
: g~•errnnan e:-:c..ept when =ho sanggun 1
appe1131 c.ourts. li!t'Jd JUdges. o.f 10\ll"tH CC4,r rls 1all
: memb9t' Cr:::'I'1CJ3fnad is. Cl~ end i n!ll the ·
I ~ntere$t of t.l"m gov~mment
-e;«;lusi.,.·el •ilhin he j• •risdiclion .or the Suprema
he IBP Boatd Of Gaverrlt>r.s rna1. motu propno,
(5j Docwrs of rnoo.Oniil m~ ~ . 2010 or UfXM'1' relerr-a~ by =he SU'J)remt3 Coorl or by a
heir v rotassicn a~a·en du ...; ork l hoora. of Chapter 8ot4ir-d -of Off~s . or a l · l=ll58noe of
W! l'k. only oo cc~ of Oti119rg&itey:
ny per~Qn . 4nihate an(l pro&;?OO:t·e- f)roper charges.
Provided, •h offict.ds conoamed do a:g in5t erring la.vr,·ers in(:l..ldln!J tM!W:! .n the
not d emote monch.'H)' com~Uon go~et tse~
~~o~m~. ---=~~~~·--~-----+~~~~~ - 'The hn of an a(!ml'l\~ ra~i 'le Cf!S'e agsin!St the
~. MD E~C!: 20~0 XIU(B) Judge is. fi01 a qrnund for di~uelrfl~t«:~nl.inhi bltion
· 1riar courts tain •uru;..alc:h<>n ovef' th Crimin ·
~ of offens s com mine<' b~ eu~ioes. of
ell~t eou s ~J ~~,;.,;.~a;:.r....;;;oo
;. _urt:s
..-...._ _ _,....'="=-=~4-::-::--...,___,j
COI!JNS.EL o;e Ofi1ftcl0 ! 1993 11 I
- - _________._1 1~8 .r.
Lsx PBret:a Notes """: 2~~- 4 ed=~~ri-=oo~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.zV.5do/.1:l.ti.LJnt0!tt.I!lE...tJ:al

i fJ. oo.rnS:el ife. offioo. ma-~ be- appointed Uncler M 19'Sfi ,. fin 1110l alv.;~n o1 lht,· ··l_:l~;~~.'l ;1·u~I( Jn(ti ~r~ ni:ee . (lrt1le r---:-~·l
i oSotrirtg circumsisnces: ! r9ht •o o~n~nsel Qr the ;~(,:~~ e Chotee. l t"te I
· a<:.cusecl .-.~ ~UYill"eve.r o4ecC ~a 1he lilppoin1men~ I
~. ) Tho- d f8ndarrl i& ~oofi ned i n :Pri&Dn .!!IRd not i. of 8 , COI,.Irl!!;it;!l de- t:offi~ Olhei'W'I9e IN! COO\!iCtl011
1 $ble to flle bend can not be &et aside
... -·

l! ~~n~~~.d.
b.) He i$ "''IU"'OeJ1 Jl)e81n$ to emplOy an atkl rn a~ da :- iCI~Sfl3A.~ . NT
parte. e- is ltf'ldi~nu
c.) He- des.ires to be :-epreseme<t ~ f.ll'l att~ :2:009 !I Xl ll ~ia )
offic:to. VI-B 200-4
A d:isba!"fflenl is proceedil"lg l:!i St.u ~r1s: in ~ :tel)::! : IX
fi-f1 ~p pe ll~r'l'l who 1-!!i no1 oonfinsd ijn pri::ron is. not 1~tur.e (itt, 111M\ .ger1derJ~nu$ or unlq1,1e Jn i~ · 1QQ-3 · 2
e-otill to a ~ I:(Jrn -~ d .Officio unle:ss a raquae.t ie. .;h.,tact its) tne &oii0\\111\g are- ir!l : 2000 ; VI
made .wi12-lln 10 d ~y s. i r(lf'r'l nouc t-o file the .:;J'l3faCI~ICS : 199-~ ' 6
aJ:~pellanrs 'brie-f and ~n affiel~,..~• o~ F.IO't.' 11y. (R'LI
122, Sec. ·13, Rula~:. of oourt) ·1.) r i9 net B Df!Jii or criminal p roc 1ng
2. > Doubls ~paJdy cannot: ~ tW d of as.
- A la·fl'f!lr sppeiniad atS oounsel de officio n~ay not 199-4. ::? defen~
t;:(lf"r)p e-J ~
cllerlt Lo f~ atl,(:."lleys. f.f31!1s. One of the 3.) I' aw-. be ir"kitil...too mot1,1 p10prio b1 She- :
o'!:JIIga~•Qr\~ ~$Sun"'ed ~· ~ 1a11~~-e r wh/Jn h13' took. his
Supteme Court or I he- IBP. ·
oatr1 cf off~ li9 he m ay be- calle-d. JJPOt"'~ to 4 :1 11can proceed re-gardless. oi ~ntai'e!St or laok. j
; render free legal ~Nioes 'When requ1rea to do so. of interest of ~lai na ~. ( R~-Otnbac:
1 The rula:5 oF court pra'iid8' a •ak-an compe.'lsai:IQ:n
19. Reyes 28 5 SC RA 93 . 1998) I1
~ 4or .a coun&el de offic:io io bs :psid b ~· l he :St81e. 5.) It is oon ntlal
= ( Rtue 136 . See 3~)
13 .) ~ i& imptescrlptlb~
I l .I n CQf'l~i tut~ due process. in imslf.
. ~ A. ;poe~ on ·~yhCJ. i!'l!ln ailord 10 hi~ ~ (:.Ou 1519f ..-:!3 1 ~96 9-1:b (Calo 'Y$. [)agamo- 20 SCRA 1182_ 007)
! parte is. oot e-J'III!Ied an!fmore 1o a COUO!Sel ·
! offi~io '6U'lCle • hi:s pre--suppo::.-es ths• he i$ not
: •11dige-rr arrd can birs his \YHn ~,.er. r' •
1.) To !Pf~ct ~ li e
~ .) To pro!lect a nd pre&B'l\"B 1ne legal
' · In C-c"'e ca~ ll'le Sup.-~~ tourt '!Sid 1ha:l a 19Q1.1 1
deci!!kon c:onvic:tmg ~n ;a.:;:c:1,1$ed L'!.1hO h s 11 ofe.9sioo
.epPQil) ted a c: DUnse.l d eo a ffi t;:ic er1 d who .- n .2..} To com pet 1m ~Ylp.) !'£. •0 eo ly Will'!
ds n~ed hi& right to a ooune.-el de parte e.;en. •• he ~h e- dutiM ~f1d o bllg~ ~loni ~ncl ~
· raq t~oes~ ed' t-o ha·.'i:l one mus~ be a~ aside. 1 hl$ 1$ c sdtblltl b r 1.t1e e(.'ld e of ~
Chri.O'ter m- LBgal stiJfc.s and Pra~ a:.-eJL~ . ·291
. prCYfese.icnsl responsibility . -.. --prates-glrmf" mi~ur.t -;;- - -· iJan!!.Bc.1.ion I .

IOmher~~.;._n~r~ eon~r.ni11 .9 di.~arm&nt 'then 1he e1recl. of his pard oo is c n I)' to

Mli13'r.'e- him of tt;e ~sna~ c-onwqu ~ ~f his
·.aet Jt ttt~1 ..ot ~rvt:' d.l ~ Dat 10 h
• i ne- ~\1Ci rtt'l1 r;:;our1 has held 1nat a lm"'.fer 1993 ~8 dis.bsrment ~i ng.
who has dis;~lilisssd · g;ovesnmen1
'SePiics for g ra ~Je miSC-T;)f'lduct r:::an also iba • fJ. lawye-r •h~t tiE!IS. been ~ f11l'lte<l . so il •~ "994 B
disbarred f-or the $ :;~me- oHens.e. p~rdon i$ I"'Qt (!l~omat ic;al lly emiUed to Je·
ins.1~arnan t . Thi:; is stlll suhjecl to a
discretion cf !he Suprema c;.ourl He mW.
• ll1e suspen&icn by a fQielgn J)jf c:o~Jnt:il aJ 20~ XI $~111 ~ ~:J"." idef!C , 1~ ati&Oiut-s
- lmwo;er vmo ts. ::~~!so a me~ ~ tda.J . u~rnt he I$ n04 ~ per!Wfl or gooa
~lliJ)pioo ba.r, may be oon!W;ter-ed ~ m~a l c h~f&.", and 1t o prae;-llc:e- law. f, ~e
gmund for (ll~plin r)' acoon hera. AO\Iero 10 SCRA 797)
ProYided ~h811 s.vch su~_pensloo is also
based en one -of ~ he ~rourldt. fot ; . "A ~if){} 1aL1.•yer and CJ!ffoor D.f t~ C(lurt t 9BB
d ~M rrmmt in th e Phili~ine5 . l • oor1~mp! proceed.lllfJB ca.rm.or jusf·be

I attot~~B d to L'oonrmy rotfr& from ~fls wactlr:;.s

• A (;O.fld. icnal pB\I"don n-terel~· relle-.·QS it! 999 V o f Un"' .-.,hlr::h ,..,OOki .(JtJ~ me lnhe/M~ 1
I w·; gr of the FfEtnsl cone.equenc:-e of hi$ ~ .
U does nOC Opasate ~ 21 bar a M
poL~r oJ me OOUI'I' ~0 pLml$t.! rum fw I
contempt'' - (M-ontec:illa. -..e.. G ic:a. 6u SCRA 1
diBb;J!Jn'r•erJt i-ii ctm.Yiction i n a aiminal 234, 1974 )
case may ba used to $hO.W ~ h8l h :Ms oo1
main amed "he good mort~l O l'!at~d.Gt REI STAT:E ME NT - l rt order 1.o ba . 993
• 1!':'!
reQulroo or him to cooiinue his membi;!Q hi~ rein&1allsd , a !Lw~·l!t'f miJ'!St shO'ff. ~ng
1n~b . p roo{ 1hat h13 has gIJ<:Xj m.::;r r al cl\ar t;!I r;1 er- ~
.. flO'W(ItftJ r an ErlJ solute pardon may. sel'\l'e t; 1999: XV1 1 h~ l'le ~ ~OQUI~ $~1Q h .h~'"QU'Jh p03itilfE!
bat 10 tM prtoo ng for disibsmli\m'l effar19.. He mu!rt rc~Je that he is. ·fi t-c
ag -ne;~ him ·Floe an s.olut¢ pard ~ haa prscOC.e IS¥.r again, ali. if b:!o is applying !
the effeer~ of II'IQ m ·ttt eomrietiOn as .i
admi~ioo ro •ha ba.r. -·- _____ -· . _
well at. ~ha offense itaet ·, i!lrD'i•tded hQrNw(.f:lf ~ORU SI-I>OPP~NG ·-"F·w d4tfin~tlon sn, i 1993 !_V
s1'1at s prooaading i& baliSd e.olei y o 1\e iii1S~111te& of) 12(100 XV(2)
~~ of e!Jdl Q:Jt'!'/k.tiC1 . If proceedings I 1.
ror dlsb nt arc ·f"unC: ._____;;;_;_;__h_i_s . . L __ __,__ __ .
j C.(lill~O!Jftl:~~~- _______________ j_ ___._'---~

Ch~pt-G~r- ru - Lri' E:Jtf~lci t:~f:od Ptadn'.:.~ ~.r.;&lersv-s - - - - - 293


Lsx ~rEI'I!a Nort'3'-s - 2.0 14 editlQil

-· ··- -- ·- -·
~~--.~Summa~·· ~i&mlss~- of ~~:ti~~- ~li~i~~- 011
I ..
' ~-fE- Miele ~J of u:·~ivll ~~~:tho

.simuJt~u·~ecu!:i 1)hrig oi a Ctiminal ~G mOO oil eMf

I" I 1

2 ) P naUy l or direc.:1 CQ.rllem;!)L u4' rourt. Dn 'the
p;~;~l'ly and lawyer
cae.-e !his i~ noC cr:."fl'Sidf:'ferd ag forum ship u~g as.
tl'lt:l .;;h.•il aelion J!l ~nt irelv s.~~ara1e and dis.tinc.t
I ""''


3.) ll'l'$litution of a crimln
cer;iileabon af non-forum
aQioo N:Jr false
p~ .
~ -) I ns.tQutiDn of tliseiplinar1 of he llWPyar (See.
ffoot the CJ. · I ~ion
Go~tf :·E·-r ~WYERS · - - --·- ·1 2ooo·-
.,....,.,.,..- - !

5, Ru 7. Rt~le~ Qf court) Tt'IG Sup1e11LB Cousi ha::. held a:l :}0 1ieJMlet'lt \
I ' ns.tan eo fi. o ·_
~1"13f5 ~net r=-'u s.e Lo petiorm l:.he1r duties. on ·
the .ground th~ t •hey do 11at telleve onlhe a:s.inon
takM try the gavemnlt:lflt It I$ •heir du~ and tn
1.} Tf)eto is forum shop~=Jing when ~ a result 2002 comF*ztnca ai 1:1la1r oa1t1 or off~C~:t 1o uhQ"i and
o-f a~ adii'<Br$ cpinion rl'l -one fotum. a
s.eeks. ra'lcrable opimon (other •han
appeal or rerttoran in $11o1tler) [thr<S ca~
~rve a $ ~ defiHUJon o f fo f:'Um a.l'i (IP!Jin g~ 1
Pilrtv der·~ ~hc;- poa1 1n iaken by ~he go rnmenl6Ve n l
i! 1..1~. !:!.<?t bef~-~ .!" ~m p~1llor:t~-- _ .·-· __ _
. L
2 ) "''ltl 1 two or more .rY~iom. ln!Sb'tuteQ are
grounded on ~he "SliW'r'll!' 'l:.auaes., chanelr'lg
• Is an officer cf he .(;(.JUrt, because he forma p.eir1. 1 1~
cf tM rwcJ'IInery or the taw· antJ the adm~trator
' hat the -other court would rencrer a rno or J\1-S~Ice (C~no n •12 Code of profession I i
f.a~,ofltb ls ~c•wn . (Oenguet Ele~rle I re-gpon~ility~ I I

C ooper~ti·.-eo Inc ..,!.
•PtnQ a s~xOO
EA. 19:1 SCRA 2&01

acl):)., m_.a oour1 _•~'!!hoot

I • I$. no1 alw~ys. a noh'Jr,• public:, ~nr:e 11'1 mder to
1>e tome tl r"IOI:a')r pubf.G, he rn u:sl be first issueo a.
Jlll •sd~enon . (Ns\\1 ~Ja'Sim n Re'JieLY IJK:. COFr'IAliS-'9iOO b}r the RegiOnal Tf1311 Ccurl where he-
~~~ NLRC 1 SCPA $5, !)9 1J a~ fOI 81 commt!i~IOr'l (All ·~~ m 't 001 be
4. ~ Tne riling :)f ~ sen on in a Ct.nut •J~.~hll ., Notal)! l)ublic-s. w l all no ta~/ lie$ ffiUst be
ar·othef ~ ian '-"t'ith ahe ~arne r; usa 1$ I ~en ef"S1 iSee notes on NO AR'Y :JBUCl
pendiOJ 111 an aLkY!rnls.4ra•itJe body {Eal"tn l.AwreR•s OA rH ----- ~ .- ~= ~ -2
l'l"'•!l e:tOIOf'abon Jnr:: '1.16 1\ acara1g, 19 ~
SC RA 1. 1991)
.5 l \1\1 n ihe I&!Ayer dee~:. not ~iaclo ~ that .31'1
appe I ig pendin9 INherl he mes fot
I:..-.-=1=-.-Jj ___
f r-es'9~ upon the attorney his
fawyli'Jf' 'f. oa•h .I.IY
l(}.!pe ne.ibll~ies, ~lio rt!?. · dut)• as an
~ of the ccu Wt-111 righ"s. 4lnd pctW"efS as I
20~ I I
I oortio1111r•. ( CoJia(:lo '1.1::.. H manoo,
. . SCRA 6J9'. 199~ .... -·· ~---,...-=
~~an ~~hat of~ fUdg e. Tho- ~~~ ~ath i"' 3 _ _ · - -.....

-- _...Ch:"'{)t•-:51" iU ~ t.~.i el~~":!!o iJIId .Ptiiarc:Jt e:Le;r,;i:;es· 2W Che'pJ r 1U - L gal eWe$ and ~8<.-"'tictt~ .e eft'ises
• -·--··--- - ~l'l'rii:I'IY

~~Y~~~~~·:.... ~j Foi;~t ot legarethic:!:- ·- - -- ) -T·-1 1 ) The eonsl•tUitol't· ····-- - ·-. -~~- 1

: •Vi-.n ar> ..nome~ accepts legal loe• It ia impli•d \ I ·' I 2.) Code of professloo3J respoo-stbtlidy lI
l .) Rul~ of coon

Lhat: \ \ 4.} Code ofjudleial ccmdVd

5-.) Canooa of pr s~l \
1 ) H~ ~S~I;!Saet; ~he oomp,eiel'I03' r~ ed ror , 1
l.he p~·~~ at the p rof"&.SSicn
e.) Canons Jooret Pt*hlc.s f
2 ) He e.~o; -. t::. be:il_rUdQn"'lent ;n the @tense
or proseooti'On o1 he cau::.e of hts client.

I I 7 .) Oihet :;ia•l.ltas \ I
\ - - al . 'G fm .· rt because a lawyer
:3 ) He wilr exerr;lse Ieas.onabte and Old~ \ J"nust rnatfllain ~ mgh mcraP:s.tsndard In performing
-dil nee tn performance o.f his. du ~~ 1 his dUties ~o t'ir. ollsn o lfle ecurts. ~nd the
4 ) He !/\•Ill edequ~t{lly g-uard his. chan 1
\ aoctety. Law-,..ara C(;cupy a gre~ IPO~itioo in
I. \

r so y ·reir ~s mu5-t egula~tl by ~ ~
~K~nns of !Mand ftls. in- ordet" at they rnigi\1 not Q
' - Tl•e r::..r~"''ing is co ldeftsed In the rcrll'j r's oa \ I
· tr'l !he rc4Jo~'L·ing pflra~ ·· . enG •11ilt c.ondwct
• myself s a 1 •J~-I'jer accordtr)g to l"'e- best of nl.f
I irr7G~noN-- coon7duct'Eid by-Wftom ·- ·-- tooirt~
· ~JY.JwledS't9 a ncr dJ:Scrra•tOf'l wj · afll good (tdelily ~ • \
I 2000 1'-2
well to e courts. eS; lo my clients. . ..
I G nerar rule- Only members. of 111 ~ m ocd \ 2000 \ •u-1
( &la~ fi~OSI! SU~rtded Of di!lbard GBnr'lot) \
· In the 19$11 Bar' ox am& lh& que1itlon Ylefl ..In at \ I . I 1 <:a.') ppe tn c-ourt. 1

l •~eptoon i
' I

le~~t 2 po31r.agf'ach$ q~i~ a~l ynur reasons 'tl'lfl)' you \

wa '.1 tc. t~::.o:-ne a !ay ~ . anc:J v.nat you ., i E \
IJ :1i~~~.;; 1 ou m<J!i;l ~lt..tva1e-
c(~'"du..::t ~·iit.•rse/1'
i::. tcv.rtd in 1he (;w.ver ~ oa#l
nd how you mutit
. • The ana.~ ·o lfl~a que~o~
LEG ·t. Eltncs {Oef1ni~ioOn} _____ 1900 ·1· 1
\ \

3 .} Jn lhe rnuniei.Pal ttal G?urt,

aid of an
~nt or f1- nd. (S~
party lllay \
oon~uct hiS. liitgaticn tn pe liOl'l or !,<!,!lth lf1
34, Rul \

1003 \ 3 b .) In ny o4her court a p-a.r1)' mJ'~ c~ ~~

. DEF~N ITlO ~ l he br'anef'l mM~al $cianoo ~hiah
l;eat:s of 11'1 alutias 'M'tt~ltfl. a lBWtrer QHeS 1o \
\ ig Uon erscn ty
c.J lr Crirnin""l proC9Bdlr'lg'9 .bekm;~ the H C
\ I
: ~ntJrt, I"',is olioot hrs colleagues. tn the ~.rofEH~&io.n \ Wh131e ceBSed l"l"'ambGr o1 lf1e txw is r'l~ \
end t-a 1he publrc. \ av~ilable. I It's dr$e~el~. ~ · court m:._'l .\


a.Uo..y or as.sign a per~on Of goo.i repute. •vr
proeM:; ana abilil)•, 'W'flO is b resl<iart1 or 1he
Qlare ~o ..!~i tt,_e~•.!:~~m1 iP~ defense.
l \ _jI ,
cfiatJ.e.- m- LA!JCfl ~h.rcs aTJd P!cid.t.tal eJtoo:i$f;..s
_----=..; tl/
~-- _,..,(s=-e-c 4. Rule 1·1e) --·-·· · M~TAKE Of ·coUNSEL ---·- -----
r 20La l iV-A
200(} X-e
! d.) AII'f orncial or ~htr per~ort desigJl3'led Ol 1 GENf.RAL RULE: ft. chc:m i~ bo~mr:f cy lf1.e mis.1 1\e
appainte<J tJ.y levr 1o ~ppear tor the oi I'll$ lawyer, (V~na 1 . Sec:rel.:.ry of Agncultur-e II
G~YJ~~ammetlf . ~Ru~ 138, Sac :);3) 7 SCAA t 19 196l)

a.) A Sl!fl ·- r ~fl.Jdef'lt

(lnroJiecl in a la'H EXCE.PTJO ·
~:;ho;)o l'&
dlnit;af progr~m
SUP'f(lliia c::our can ·
by 1hG 1 ) wn~ ~M o n egJ~genca is ~ gross.
repre er1• i nd~g em eli~ ~ted ~"'1 Qha ~ ) VI/hen ~he appU<;a 100 ot •he genaJal r1.11o- .
LGgal CliniC of 1n law $Chool ·~=t'lout o utright!;~r.fepri•Je;;. one nf bi9 proper1y
eornpen · tion {Ru 138-Al nu·o~h ~ mare tOCh.n~ :t (Salor'lga ,,..:;;
Cour1 of Appeals 2'69 SCRA 5~4- 19S7)
f.) •t1 ~LRC. or Laber Arbtlers · n-lswyers 3.} The clianl wtts d'eprl~ cf due proc ss.
oan ~ppea(and r8pfeaoent .thomaetv-as. their (San rguel Corp II'$ Lag....eM'Jla, 136
org lla11or OI r'l'lflmbef!J.

g ) A. ncn-la-wycr can .reprocent a <:laim betore

MOM ~t7!~:.M~~Je-iii•ronf- - --- · i-~~~~ t!JI
Cadsstr~l court (Ca
rral ~ct Sec 9, .1\ct
Mer tv.tp1tude- ~ns afl w...c c· ~:;eneg._-r.;_
r1ikm~s. . depr.a"~o~tey in the pn'i'ate liJe anel
I ·
---MA .OATO"RY ccr--hNIJING U:GA J _2_(1_0_3-+-v·- :!IOClaJ cr~ 'l!'.rh •.:h man owes. his. flliiO'r'J


Coo · uin edl,.tC~Cmn is. r~uir¢._ ci l't10mbaP.J.

20De IV-2 m cr ~ty m general.
awYy 1ng ~n her is. .;:;on r.Jr,- Lo ju$11C9,
hone-sty, .fDDt;ie$ty cr good morals
includes I

: of tne jn~E:gr~11!d Bar of the Philippines {J P) fD : .. Exa1~ ::s. of uil invoi'l.•lng mcr~ f turpitude ~
1 oosur.a 'that throoghm ~ ir carefrl, !hev k~p : R-obbory, rape, e~:-1a a and tel flt:aoon
I abieas.L ·mlh Ia~ and jufl!$pcv(jEII'l'Ce, m intsin th o4 ®ru.mel"'ll'$..
ethics (If the ~ofe.ssion and enl'l noa N:OTA~Y PUBlic - - - . ---- ---· ·--- 2ol17 V11:a
. standard$ or -the pr~tn::e {)f li3w. (Bar ~ no. (.All ~ns sfe t koo frortl the 2004 Ruk=o.s oo
aso. See ,, NoierraJ Pracbt.--e}

T.ijikC:: 110te 1h~ ~is 1s m,(kl"Hja,cry tor all ~bt'lrs

. of the bar reg.ari;il&.ss of or age
I . ·--- ---· - - - · .....
L _ _.....__ ___.

- · Ci1rrpJ& u.r . L(!9'at eth1C$ and Pr8clieal exen~~

VoJumeN t~ro N(Jt~ - 2014 sditff:m
... .. . -0 ·-·-··.- .• . · - - - - - · --· .

kh-0:;1~-9~. c;. c~m[peit&lit~ ·r-·

. di~uau;lud ij-(l~- p~o"rmilllg- a - n otar l~' ~~ if --·--
~ he ~e s Bf!~u~e-, t!OI'l'lmoo-laYt pl!!irtner, snc:$~Sror. l·par-son:!lf
exacllftos: f o, mcmnp1i;Jt;e
(;I( dttnco; . .
¢l _ 'ic.abf.
. ---

d m;c i6'f1 d a nt, M ""t!l ~ilj'l o- b)' aftlilil hy rn u lmdw 8mc!IID.1'1 Sr Ru ~ll!
· ·~;~o n:sa fll.l~n ity n:f tM&pf"llllle~p;.~ wiithijn ·s f oul'ith ~10) ' llmowflflg(iy [l)erio · (I mrua ro p.<BI'lklrrn
I dv.ll d~m. sny o~~r :aet· p rohi biitsd ar ln~~l'~ ;.;t¢(:1: :by the-se
I I Rules : a di
I Rufa X~, .SECTION "'~e¥oeslklfl ~;nd ., 9915 I(11 ) ceomm ~ ;ft"~ Oifhor de,eli clioo ort ;3,t;t
Ad min ist.r.a!i~;~e- S;p, r1~t~~~ • , Whiidil in lls J111eftmcll1l '"" Ute Exec.urtl~ J'ydg:
~.u) Tho- u aC. I.lti~ e Jud
e -sh l"<t)ii em~~ ~1!1::5 ~o a;ti ,r; fw tuvm::sllolili of
c ' . -i~l't for any ground ~ whien an : 1 coM~ll-$.f(ln o.r lmpoBIItlaR ~ ;jr~dli'Jilinistr.atlve
s plica·tlar' ~(mf' ;:; oomm inicn may be dE!Indedl. 1 sanction."'

(b~ In .addition, illh& E::wewt iYr;~ Jud g-e may -~ JlrlrJ -· F'Jl o the n ot.a i :. I
revol<o· ·lhs conlmJB$1Qn of, i m~se
!RL-UEI m. SE:C . 11 . J ~fi~K:CiiDrw and Tenn... A
· app~pt1~ t.; a dminisihratiwe- 8!1!1!1lE:~!S pc¢n,
any r-1oij;:JI.ry ~1\!ibl ic who~ j pi:rti-~n c_o~m_lasione<d caill (lotary. IPD~~ r · y
, p&.rf.,IN~' IA ~Mana l acm hll a fiy ~lii O!i;OO wf m 1he
i ~l~
1, flll ~ls t'O IP:e;ep notarial l'ltg,stt:-r-;

f ~Is ~r;) m~aik<B the protpEJ:r ttntry o o-ntri~ in

IIterrit~~ j'Uil'iiMtiGiro of dte eo E'ii~l~$ionin5Ji
c.gurt f-o r .a. periQI$ l:)r twgo (21 )'ears. comme11'ti · 91
~ Ibis notarl.a.l ·.tf hlr com::arning hi e; no ~~~~~ Jthe iimt d"!Y ~~ ~a n~at~ o the yaa:r ill wJ'I- h
I acta : 1thl7l o~mm~:ss. 1omn.g 1-s m3~ , u rtiiBA e.arJl<er
~ :n foii~ls. to ·s end the c apy or t'f'l . o Jth.}1J. to ihe J IMWOkilld Oil' tbc nota'Y IP bJj..c ~$ nls.ignsd .
eutive- J u;dge- within the fl#"$1 ~ n { 1D) dlap ~ un;dw these Rrtl '' n t h>ii' Rlllllea. or CoUfl..
o 1fte rnonrlf• fonowi~Ag;
~4) mite. ·to ~· Wx to iilcknawle;dgmenl!i ~B d'a'to -~ P·oWCH 0'1 ii! notln.r ~ ulbruc
of r&iii~ipkatic:m o f h s -c.:>mH1~=~4on :
---- ·-- ·~==
~6J failS to his nt">'tlli~l.11 rc~ ilhr. "Nl Bll I l 1995 4- 1
1 filh;td , t(l ~c Eiwc:utive J u lifge>j ~ i ' 2 01(} ~I
I ~~} ~h~ 10 m~ ~-o fil a t:opo.rt. w ithin a f(ta@on~ibiQ .! (!i) A b iH; ~ em o
,Ottli • pe rform ;
: fime. ·m t n.e E euU"'c Juefge ooncerning 1he . I the rolla'lli~ ~O~.!.i~Lilcts ; i
5)9 rf'mma JlC e of h Ia dlu tl t;!"', ~ lflfl :~ry b;9 nt~ u ired
by 'the: j (fgt~ ; : .[1) 'i'!>~;l':nm.YIEMilgmenm~ I
(7~ f'aU~ ltJ lf<OquirB ~~~ pr&B!BitCB of !Pri~ ipiill j {2~ oaths. a~ dl~affi malii_M!l: ~
at 1he t im e o1 !lr!=~ 1!10 rriam iilet ; 1 {l~ jma.t !$; Vllii.uild !law labiBrry ;
dB t8Jils m ~flit!" ~ rf'irl:Ci ~ ~- o n lh9 basis of
Ot~pter Tft- L:s:gaJ ethks 8J")(J P,ar;J;ca{ exerc.~..:.te_f- ::=·-=~~-~.....__.~u-1
,. .
--·P~r~ro Not8s - 21114 rl)dloon
Le. -(. ~:< PEn'f!iu
No.!s'!i. 20 ~4 et:NKw
·- - ··- --- --- --·
( · aiOI'l ~'tU~ · ·en dent · ng; - ·- - -~· I un•lliel<>d wotn~ 110 !he inol•~ment "
d.ocu mq nt i
{!) Gopy e rtific:atloM; lnd
{Gl any otihot ' ct aut~ I c iby tlhes.e ~u ln . fS) both ~.tritn9as:M- $ij~ n tttel r own n.a.rn i
~4~ · lh e nomry SJublir. -w;itm. bek;iw his:
sl g.t'lature: '"Si gnalu~ iillffi;xe;d by nattalf'i in
p tt;~~ nco aP {n:amea aslef addr-ee:sn. of ~~ofll
and ~ [Zj wltri sses).. ; nd
f5~ th . ltlol1slf'Y P.'UibJLiG natarh~os fl,is sm
gm1 re b)' •
~u:;.know.ledgm e nl ,o, ju rat."'
~ 1)
the 'lhurub DT Dlher marll. ia af~~dl in the
, ~1"(.'1FD nC& or
lthrt not ary p:u ~.)~jC end Of twO (:2)
dl$llilitereaite'tt ;~~.nd 1ma:ffeewd wi'CneSJ!IM 't 9 the
I ~ns!lrum o'lilt or dot;:u enti I:s ah'raot•s iii lal.'lyer fSec 23J of rhe
I f2~ ~oth wjbu~a,s.e.~ $ ign thei r o . nam"&~ rn RetliSedl Admil'llsb'a17\•e Code- 1ha1 aiiGWB
1 additJo~ to the thumb en- ~e!f marrtc; nan il3rfi)'BrE l o t«ane notaP)' public has.
(3) the- i; gtary p~bJ e wntes lbei1aw tt o lhumf)1 s lreacJ ·~ been ati'lended bv f.lule 111 ~ •he
o r o er m 11t.: 11 Thumb Qf O!Jhrar M ·rf,c ~!ffaedl 2004 ~t.Jies on NotQ ri~ S)rsc ce, A. Jl No 1
I :by 4;name of $ionator;r b!f mink) In tho ( t12-...0...13·SC)
: if:!IJ'O";(mce of rllatnes a:r.d aiddlr&8:9e$ 0
•Nitne$.w 5} allld u~ct .r&igJOIIMI rtaltOiry :publ rc ~11

re-·t.~ ISe d penaJ .;:ode 1 and

May be liab le criminal! . (Article 1 ( 1 of the 1900.
dmmi!'filly ,
, 3-2b
t4) -.~ n't'ltary pu:bll<; nota rize fhc.\lrc
· by tlm mlb !){ oU!It! mark duo eg~ an Rule XI ~f the 2004 .R l'es on ~ IA~ial
ac now edg me J rat, or "l~niltuJ'e iPram ice~ •r he a ckno~"''led g~e docun 1er'lt
· Witn~ing_ ..,. wften in ti\d t1llt!' partii.H; did not per~ll~·
I ii!l)pl!lar before him.

- GEN ~Al RULE Judges m.ary only 1 1'996 14-1 a

flOfBnl docucneAis cannede.d with
ruarcise t'Jf lhei, otf~~C~· <lu ies a
'unctions. The~ canool no1.:ar1.z:u l:trrt.·~

~ 1) ~e notar-!t f)ubiK; l;s dl~~c~ b;; the poo r~ on d(>(;Ument&, c~ract'9 :iiDd other doc: ume n~
!1 un31bro t.g sign otr trw.aka a maitk to OJ'!> his
1h.itl b:ear no rei 1om to ir fu rn;:tiOf'l~ as a
j udge ~ Supreme <;oort CmCULAR 0 1-
, t2) rtne Bi 9Jriilltl.l rEt Of nte
110't!iuy puiblle: i!.; .aiffbed 90 Fef)rusr,· 26, 1990)
in the P[V'&ence ~ -}W~- dlLs.ln tBQP.o•d ar-ut l .\rn
Chapter u.r - Legal eftuc:s .tJrld Practica oe~, J02
Lex P.fJ~Io loJes - 2'D14 WJ1f9r~ _ _ __ _ YolumeJV
.....-------. - - - ---- . -·· -----
I S.1b
'l l -b
J~ • r P.;actlce J$ mo~re th4'n aw Ja<:Jltlf'O:d
.app.eB.rancVr- fo.r ~t er:mskJt In fnquem or
eu,s;tomary ~Udion~ a .~uJe~nsioo o1 a~U ot lhe
qm, kind. Jn f.1ther wort:h it is -~t freqllf}m
lurbit4itd exer~f,s-c., Prcrctice ql ~:~w f;r/J wi~IJiit tha
pmtrlbJHoo flf fit~ $''iltute bnn m!efJ)rotod
.mi OO.$ttJntirrily 0 1"' h.ebrtflir!Jy lro.ftJittg O I'JEi J8 ~eJ/
out to the]Ji~ as ~ l#r;!ty6r arrd Clt:mandin.g
paym..Jmt for $Ur;h sfNVI~J·

I 1S!ilti g
In ah011 ~ocordi ng to 11'le Pec_p~e YS. Villan r.te'hl 1995 ,_
c; sa mea 1"1 $ 1he prsc t ice Of .lm.Y ~ tho ad P.te . .
Ae~~~~ an d 1ab~tuai exercise of a ~_aWY.Gil'' $. l9g a l ·
knQWiodge arHJd ~ in -eapeef U;t ~n eou:rt
illp piO rl! lf1(:e<s .an d IP [ tiF'I{Is. Thi!'i i ~ g en er Uy.
done fo r e:om.pensaticm_ .

N01i:~ Take l'lr!)~C bowe~te~r 1ihert: the 1* t~st !

j~ptUlfenoo a<n the m.BJtte~r ~~ the ea$ r.t of j
Cll)'tettaJ~!l) v.s. Mcmsod_

Ei - The- pracoce o4 ~ "'S a prrtJII ~c I is. hmrl to

X pBI"'S!Of'ls o good i"'\\O'al char e r and ~
! VW-4) GJUalitic.a lun5 l:hst can be ~ ~aLI)P-.Il {Dodge vSi 1
54 a~ .2-8 ~ 74l5)

- ~r~ct!ca- o f law ·~ a prcte3$10r'l and nO( ~ ~ :2006 j· 1

. bacause ~ ~ inbueQ _~A~IIn publ1<; lnl rest Unrr~t:e a r
- - - - · · - · . - ----- - ..1~ :t1"!~13.1n . !le~~a c~~'- i~ pmfl s.~J ~
Cnapi'P-( m- legr:JI eilirC$ tJrJd p;.eC:tK;itJ S~-£1/t".lr;e.s-
r- . J (I-~
r.:::...:................_ l..,.._
--·PlN8io N~e$
ie;.; ·- Un 4 ·&dirion
- ....
.~ recnce-- afliil'-', tt1e affectNet iildml~f""mlcn o f <11smis5 his l~r;~er wi1h or w:rlhout 1us.t Ci111t.Jse The I
Jr.Js.·t~ and public ~1"\~ice is gl\'en ulmGSt dstar mimJ~ion. -ot ltle e)!isteoca- -of 'the exis,1ei'\Ce c.:r
oonaidefatiort (lming a · Is. rnerel!( m~ nOf'l.-f:jlft::Stent::e of jus, CBUOO it; Or'IIV ne<:esE.ary- m
to 1he pra~:;t;.ce- of the profeS$iOf\, d ~ rmlnmg the ~ht 01 U'lt:! l~ar too
c-.ornpenoaticn Th13 rel~tlonS; h ip betwoen a la!Nver
Petrl:On ~or Leave to R~ume Pragtiro pf haw .. 2'01 D acvJ a chent 'tS &inc.lly personal' in nature llle
. (CJ tw No. 1-878, Doc. ·~ ·, 2007, 54<J SeRA 4~J : cliar¥1 may ISfr'li s he- lawyer oooo he 100~
· can. 1dance in hitn ·
1 Updat1ng a p:trymefit in o1' ,. e nnu·
membE'f.Shtp dues 1n me l BP; !IAih<N:a~r _ vl. IB~vysr \ttfa h regstds to
2 Pavmer1. o f the profass10F1al l;til(; ha r al, the l a~YlJer ~s. n01 ha..-.e similar righ'IS
3. Co111pl I of al least 38 aedrt hoorn of Lo ~I of nis d ent. 9 m 'I not be p:~rmrl;ed to
rnartaf!~Or)' oontmu1 ~al education: ;arrd ~\'dh.drB\!1,~ as t::ounsel If s.I..ICh · hd r.a-~rdil will C~I.I$S
,1 f:t,!ettll OOg of the- Ia~"" r! oa~--
A --.:1 .2-oos
· - · - t --
---t tnjLatic:e Lo his elleo1 Of frustrate the et~ of

1h:- ~~icb~-~81' _ I
I .

T:r1~l~yC'£._ ; GEN!RA.L RULE : A lav,ryer m;ry only withdrar."l if 1

ifl. the-
! . Engaged Litt.Q 1 es. 1n ccu.rt , 1'1 1$ Yrth his c1~a nt'-s. t:OI"Jsent. ( ba vmlt~n;t
i practive of 1a 11~ (As '
!! diD~ •. b· th EXCEPT! 0 · ("tlet"Ls ~t n~ not be
. j StJpreme Court 1n the S€CU1'ed rf it iS fQI good c;a~.JSQ M(J upon no1.iD£f
Ic _
$ t:- (I{ Ca·fe-1RJ10 \IS
Man~ _ _____ _ ..
apptOPtl~ e in •he -cirGtRllstance-s, with pernW!i&iOn

1 fto the c (Canon 2;?~ Howe•,.ter procsdUJ1 In

1 NOTE J! .ooy c~ c~cr l'a s~ ihsr ~.11:., m.JoY b& .:J pr-sc.~ · ,ft t ule- 138, -sec 26 mllSL s1111be Fo'Ao\Yed. ..----+--+
, •'JrVjf:l' ~'IIIIIKJU!' il~~.f be.VIO' ~ ~fi9! IV'~l~Ylh" &r ~ lfisf
OT Sft MA lTER~f. -.. L · - - ..

' , -:JM.'.t'f".r is a!~ll_t!.~~ lnw,t,:~----

-·- .
i · . 199S ~1 • A rivl• of' airtllint!l &CAian agai ~ 3 judg~ fOf 2004 VII·
1 tio!a - g .arti 20t:l of "he r e'l~ lt)efHitl ODds
- A 1udge may be validly <11smisoad fw n hout h.
•orma.s im.te-g .iga.1ioo i ~
1'1.-1'9- ltsb1l y ~ lKnovm1iQIJt' rfilf14:ering an un,ru&t JUdgmeru) can
..-n ues.1icnable ~ de,.ar ac.oord 10. the onLy bo 01M.etlslned 1 hsre l{l. I~ .e(J.y a ..1at !=!n ·
U-Ch01it.Rtl~ e declaration ~t 1.he der.-taion cr sa·
ri:!c.ords. ~. Uy ,lti .., ~~D _!?.1· ~AA 5137 { 98Z1) _ ·---t~~
l 1111~tiDFiAWAt ,998 V111 Jut!l9 t$ ln¢9ed uri( · (Oe Vel'l! w Pela1c)
: 161 1
I ft~tltdnnva( o (..~.JH - A~ artytun e the clil!iflof 19
I • • • --- ·- --- ·- • - -- •

- ChapifJr m- i...Cf}ai erhic.s jf!r'ld Prnal'car B.:.:&t'C~$ . 1)6

I.. ...t:

.- ~ral. The .p.urii09e fJ telJO!".II-;.th~ ·~··"to

the ~hical and moraJ beh .wlor or latN)•ers.
" -n
Pa~L'"Q.!!JoJft~- )PJ4 ecJilfon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,L.!.!fi!:tJ:Bi~

U».· Pareto N~- 2014 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____;V::....:oium

.. ~trtd1ay-j~-t .. -·-·- • of" p~

==e:. . :.J.:. .LI

-sati&tictiOn_o_f --·-.--·----"':"":":'"::-:--r-
to bar .. ~~
l . 200 (
r ..XIX--
In "h~ 1991 bar exam q~icn "he questiOll w s. ~ 991 VI II J p rooe:edlng in he Lupan I
L sed 'E:Qll~in 1 .me ~ - ndl i amifitations -of 1 ~
thlii$ st:iiemef'lt: The jtrdge- Is. ~n .arbi~r cf ls~a~ and 1
. a .d Inl!i t r of j ustiOB • ANS\I'IJE,R: Tll~ taJ~Cif'I""'HJnt ·
Ylas t om the esse cr A~oM~O V$, I I-of c t.aru:,e In a 2006 XV)
1 (!fli'tlln C$9t;- for sets oi
~ntarrnedl4th~ ~II COIJP't !t means ha~ 1oTl
I le!s.c~ ·o~rousne&ls
judge ~uk:J fl~ pp:ty 1h law mechanically e
rob<mi since such v.ri 1\EI s; I)It g],f(,l s.s. · ·us~s- The
law ~ uld be in ~rpmted h the pyrpC$u of
- Of ~ r-adl tdi«ttlon o• 2000 I
Dtf; ~~a1 of ~
admlnlsi.'Ctln ju& ·cs- i - . The- suprcen
deceased per-soo
1 through J~stlcc- Ctr.Jz ntJid .

-of merrts 2007 · IX

• . . Do re sppJy t!Je Ja~~ ewm if M is ur~ -or do • - i1 $hout'J $L ~ ; f riii
lo'ie ju:siir:e even il · is a[JtWn.s.t !It~ ~"- A cedef'll . Mis.take or
Thus querrl(!(J. W(t r:..~ not ~r.nYocsie. The .enstNat"
Exc~ a~ ~ egliger:ca
tS tfJat ~ do neJ..'tler J>ectluS£1- ws- ef.B a cotJri bat1l
(F"Ar~ E) ~S\113"111ing the
ot ~w and jr.rstic.e. ~ .app1y me 1'.:ll1' vltlt: juMics
filing of cqnswet' t'lt
for mt11 is our mission and {)I,Jff>OS8 8mJ U'fc appearing in or
. -s.~ a f OUr' R Ptfblid'" - Aloos.o tnal a
!rltermediEJte A _:.11~~& eourt ....:.1..;;..
_-~_ __.____...._,__~
I - \I.Dd atd sub~~~~ I
! I CB~I3 of actior'l Ot
: deft:('lse

....- . -
! I Clauge PurJ:iose.-a~~· d~p...1~
etv.~ paf.lies a rtSI
20D7 .X

FOR . Da~lts Y·ear QueB :I ttom. oo" act s.hould firE.t
...... -tlonl 1be referred 1o an
AcknOWi.ctJgement (ThiB standard for mo
fDrms bu1 in 1 - ~
r 1'984
113-4 j arbi1ration panel or ree I ..
.. 17 1memtlf'r'l- before

tJ'tl WCJ$ ·a 1
t~ortrng 10o oour1 ec.lion,
AdmiseiQil of
I -.....___ -· 9B6 17
L......_.._ ---·· ·- --- - - -
1 one member each {) ba
I de9i9_1'\aled by the ,-~
ChBPler Ju • t.. f oiJlras Hr'7d PrscNcaTix~s.s

Le:r ~~- 2CJ14 sditl"on _llo.fums IV
r-....--·--· ---' - - - - - - - - --- . :::!~J
l pa ies :}(j ~h11d I·· . ···-- - - .X.V ~I
199.3 7
member C'"))OS 'I •ha 'fiNo-. ' - - . ·-. - . ····--
· An'/ decision olth&
Arbitration CommittM
sh • b filn8 1,
etl~aD Ia and b1nd"
r·- --·-·-·- - . -- --

- --

0 0

J~~EirE!_~~ -

- · ··-·- J .
- - · ·- -· 1994
1983 ' 16
. . . . . 1"- -·-t--·-
.-- --. --· fi ~ :! t·----·
-a .............
_!_ on the Iii s. 1 J1Jdicial .tJt& t rrrnnabcn of 11980 !t
I . ~ .. ----- -·· ---·-- p~_Qt leu$e..
I M iele-c
- = - - - -+-A.m
-.· ......:..;_
eiibl ' 1 ~87 t.:lt-1:1 - ........
1 ~r7Q:"
r~ ~--~--~:~~--.-.-~.-.- .-- .-~u~i~lt
.l.~ rP. atmn 'I..V
__J" An~'\ter )990 92 I I
.. - - - -on~r . --=-~~~= _:t_a~~--
1984 15 -· ------- 199 1 XV
.. ···~

1971 )( 1990 9--1- _..

------ '
11116 IXD .. - ---·-··- ··- ·- ---' --· ··--- ·- . . - ... 1977 IX
-· 1984 1!3 -----· -· .... Seductll)n- - ··- -··-·-·
-z-oos __ IX
' 1965 17
·- . - -• - ·-· L---·- --- ---···-· --·
-- UJ79 xu Cnntrect ~ Lea$e
. ·- --·· -·--·---r------ -. - 1995 12
! B _ ~-ca1~~~~1ution II PrefM"nin.e
-·--- t967 1:3.-.a .·-· I ·--·-- . -·--- f19.68
. 998"-
· Cerbftc~iOI'l
1C ry i~,·~tiijeixm ! ~004 •x . ··- -· ---·- f - - · - 11
' - ~
·- · ·-·---Non-Fotu m 'Shopping 2005 1 XVJ !~T~. -· ----·-·--~-~-Li·-·--~- -----·---- 1$68
14- --.-
2()(19 1:( 1982 15
II .1 . -. -·- ------ ·-·--· - Vfltc ·-
~ ·1·----··-·· - ~ -----
21'}11, 1 ~. ~~ .
-- .. . 1976
[}eed -ot A~~ d pan::PI of 2oos Xl11~
t ·-~ . · -·· ·- - - Thii a eupy of a sale -----~
~lt".KliS 'true
-·- - -· -2004 X
-~ t·corTJ~fn -- ~~ · --- · · ·-·-- ..
'1001;1 ( 1:3
EJ801.meiit ---
1 2008 ,>: ..b ---·- 19$1 " XI1P
! .. ( orcibl~ e ry o.r 1 ~97 2D
--·· - . . .1934 '
~ 15
~lrlaw'lul deieinetj 1 ~1 i4
006 12~2
-- - ·1G79 XI
.-- --·------ -·· . -- ·rgaa

1985 15
12..a IRe-1roT
191<l 1X.
19'76 --VI;iib""
1954 _ 1.4 ! Deed o f C hattel ir.:le
- 1999 XV
··---:---·-. -·- ·--·
I 2000
--- XV·~ ··- Imcrtg ~----~----- -- . I

_ :_~ .·. _- ~ -_-_-, ...~;;---:-;:-i . ··;-;~~-:~·-:--=--~;;::::::1=1=99f

- - - · · 0

.=r_ :::-
. -=·=·
Ch.ap&.'"t?r ~j"J" ., .!. f:19 tll1 rJf .m.s and Pract~a.1 verciS:es l tl

~-I De~:-,;·oOOaii~ · ~~=:~~;--=-~=])~ ~~
Darnand Le'Uar repsratory fm 'firiK'\9 811 2000
· X-a

·- .- - -·----·~Fil~ ~-- ... ··-··· _,

E En•ry o·f
. - ~~!1!~~~ --·-· . - -... - - ..
.Mo1J ror
·--·- ··-· ··-
h;s-·-:!1-olo9!!tphtc. will _
Ie~le:t.,i o.n
- - · • -+-----------~t-.___,._. - --1------:1
19-7'5 XIV ______.~ 1e7s -~~·
I rY~metlO FI 20C1 X\;U
.....XV ttl
• ----
··- --···--· MOG· - - --·- ---··· ..........
2000...- ..
- ·-·-·· - -·-·-·- ___ . . . ... -- ... _,......
At.tum~-cd homicirle ~ITT'i
1976 xa -

di$Qu ~i on c '
.. 1QM 13 e ·ud e
--- .----·--
Homicide 20CM lX ·1 ga~i
- ---1
.. t4
1- •. -·-----
1~?5 XV
Hi·lh1a1i .ROl)beJY 1990 13
~ngl)' l'tlnditlring an U19 X¥1

~. .!
I un:~u!l.t Judgmef•t
I.A'el 1~9'4 19
I . I ~urdrer 20Ck1 X~
I -·
Rap a 12oaa xviTI

r---_.1_ _ _
201C J:VII I
(,l\1 I

~ +-- . ..··---·. ----·-- _{.~flsrn

· - - · - - -·-- 1m
~~· •14. ~·
___,a...._ ___
I Rebellion
-· --L"I • •

-f977 Vii i
-. .. -·····-- ·-·· 0 0 -·

·Ra~-P'J with Homicide

I 2000 XX
·- - . Theft "19$8 '44
-- 19$4 J2
J 1 Jur t t~ hJ;dl ff!ed 15$4 J6-1

mCI!Jo~ed In ~hei ~rfflS
but thia is. the on I~
q ueaoon a&king fcc e
.. ---:-- .
I > . i
Lox--- No!e8- 2014 ~ ¥~IV
------- -· . - ----------·- h1:t+1111001ill AUT 9.M I

1996 14 ~
-=-:i7::::9:--~o- X~II Zi fred Mt~cenm Dla:z. rogerher ~~lt:h his. clt:~5::smn•a:; ~ertad the l &X I

Pa,-e1o l\ll¢tes -dunng lh · samor ~ear in lhe c . · .. of I w at SOIJ'I~94.e rn
IJI"II~ v. t-:1 gri:Jdu.atOO w a degr-ee 1r1 lndus ~ Engtflet~ring fn:mH he
Cebu n~tuute of 1e 'lr!OI ~1 finished ht9 e&:!ment . and hi school
II :21J10 X\· IJ at Bob H!J9hel1f ChrPStiat) c demy and tiJrnduat:ed aa the ~ ou~nding
c: s.tud'~t of the betm . He- i!l ~entty Vice ~nt for Opesa1ions. fur-
1988 13-b ls..a H~lngB Inc. I .jil group o1 fa r O>lmoo camp . e. 'l~i·h b1.t$lfl~
ir'll 1eEA in funaJal ~ng. casket menui~e ~ ·ng, fu ral supplies an
1979 XIV riY!Cfr'l I care

.201 0 He Is o prad i~I'Q I w pri~.,~·alelt and 18 ~ · • subje<;ts A the

Southwe$tem L.Jnh.ter$-lt)' School of Law. tBaing a passions1e w.rl erl ~~
ape ::)- R1t1iCh af h1s ree e ~~ t:JOO);s, .art«:Jea and is a l·sdte-
~ar His. pet901\llll bbg ra.n be ~ Ul'ld at \V\WI.zdiaz..cnm. He a ~
Ef Re-~as ·.anu b&:gs .at 'I'R-I'!It~ . b.atkpa,d(p ot_rma .com 8 W1il~ abDut stock maricet:
L. 'WaNe:...,
r __ th·&;!OS!iP9 at wtiW polyrnatJKnves m .ccm and bou1. tedlnolng}~ :at
Right ot F 1 rs~ 2007 VIII WVa'W 11 1~morroc • log r::om
"e ussl Clause
He ~;~l~o h ~$: ::a ~lo rs d~ .OI!l
in Thoo~og~ from ~he .Ma!iter'a S In
and College aoo,pa~~ t <te M 3tS~(I f'!o Community Fallowshll)
200-5 I xm-a (~...wt1 maatamfebv net) He C: LJrret\11~ DUISuing~ I& M~t-ar'e. degr9e In
An~hrop®gy ~ Umverm!y of San Carto.s t~na pacms. l o major in
19$2 ~4.' Ar c: l~ ~- 'He- is. cumKltly "ak1ng up a oer ftc ~te «JUrfiQ 1n COgnitiv-e
1~6 .s Archae~/ ' •11 UIWKJrl!iit of Colore®, Colorado S~rirtg!li .
f97S Vl.l
AI Re I g:1; Ou ano rs soo of 'Engr. ~r . ~no nd Dr. CCircann I.
2000 XIX. Ou~iiiO f1 got 1'11$ l~w cJegrta frOm Sou Unlversll.)!
'IEetam ~

2Cg~- X
1he 2000 ·tum le Is tM ldsst of five beys namel~ Dr, Ml
199- T6-3 C:zar, Dv. Philip ChiS~~ . 01. P.ettt:l MOt. OS£81 Jr. He is. hitppll~ r·-~
to Dr. Lugm B. Tes! sd(>o'Qu~flQ e has s f\i9d cr sEJ'IE!ral ye a~ 1he
PubliC Att.omay'a. O'ffioa in Cebu and ha!l :fA~ JUM l ransf~m-ed 1n the
(\~~thout conformity 2{105 Pro v~no.a l Pmseeuicr':s Office of Cebu He at t¢ ~· ~t me and play
clien t ~ ____ NitA silt'J J A lr1Pia •stafr()n 3.
lou.elia Arnt l o Mabrume-to mads i~ o- law Khool WhiiG wor · g ai. a
f · n .eons.-ulale ofllc.s in Genu. O ne Df the great in:flu~ t.o .en 100
1 rlbut ct fi r s.uca~s& in he- bar exall111"1a · m~ el.aht year 3'90 m$ tno
:4.1Cf'ISI\'tt Lime aPd e fft:lrl invas.ted · the m lng o1 •h~ L P ~o Noles out ~Q( prieslho.::yj, 'llltl eupcn pl.lr5tJed ano1he-l c-01ect pr1th. He tooSr: up
{LPN) Pro,ect w~)il;h wtt~ e.CJI'IO p•ua ad by Atty. Zigrred M: aaehalcr C•f L;)'~ at Silll~n l.}t- ivt.'fSi[l/ In Ollr'l"l~guote City. Neg rna
ctaaamata 1n aa~'"' !1.(1\Qo& and prop ~ of ha LPN prqe~, 0 1en!al, tJllt ~~~cn~uall;• oo 1M said d~o~;e at Souli"IYJP.Stem tnvarnit;'
ij nitiall~· as a self-help i.r.nd8f1aking 3fl~ llmll ly fat •htl pwaon bariefrt of in Cetv City on 20013. DID I rs plet:entty ~ onnEGII:~ d ~Wi h th19 City legal
~ $1tlii!ll .grnu.p 'D f allaN gr.adu..ati studen.1 ~ Of~e ·;:Jf lhe lo('-&1 gO ... t~ rnment of E\ayd.wan Clly, egros Onen,al. ~ II>
eurrE~ h~ly resle• \<:) lf'l Baya~&~Tan Cily
She ~~ pre$ 1~ ~ a et.1 In p(i\1(1 to in C ~::o . ..,,1here ~e WM bom
and raised. She de\lo1e;s sQjfle af her liMe d · g fudrl .and online '!.1 ~er M~.. MDN~s nilll'1 ''!i'S S· ~.n ·ltl mtsed n 0 'il'~m 0 · I .H&
w: .An mependent 1rawel en usl~ t ll'lf! 10\rG$ 1:0 immerse herself in fin· heO ~ l:ihamemery ducation a.1 ~ C .r'C:Ir (Cebu) -elerneMary sc:toot.
tvtt;~ .m:t·~~~m=urn. lan:gui3@1. rood and cu ure Hia higl'\ settool ed ~l~ w !; .;;cmpleted t ~r Lad;(!J, ea&Jm)' · • ·
Pl0me1I:.·il'.m ~ d eidad f{] .anr $6minsry ~nd pan .3 yea~ at IM San
M s o r Is a la\'ir' gmdtmte of Sw 1hwet em C M"O$ Samil'lary oollgge. for p:tel$ m ascne, h d"Q.cid6(! tg ~uc flis
Uni'!.lemio"ty, Cebu C~, P lippmes. 'tn~ word "Salud· means, he~l h or s.tudle at the UnivefSLI~ cf San CarlM and g ueted h a dag~~ In AI
~lth~· in Spanish. Saiud hail's rom Gulh~an, Ortontal NI}Qros. She is Ph~ophy • \lolie· ~ il~ 1nends caJI him I$ an avid cl · psyer. e Is
lh f\)Un!JeGt <laugh Bf of Judge H~or B~rllk:J. M . Vlc:ta ;a ~ nlillde: .., rnedallsL 1n the 2004 . .liJ06 s •GLAKAS. lSWV v:rtram Is.) 1h! • an
B{triii!JI. She ts-lltl:ld llet E. n'!Ontart at Gui S th Ce:mnJ School i•te m.en er ol several $CI'Iocl crganim sucil as 1hG· Bar
ar.d "ter Hlgh School ~t & f'aurs IJ~i~rEil)' ~ n DurmgiJ9te City She ® r •eicma. MO(k ~ eomm~ee- ilntl · leli 'e\llew t:Olllmittee. c
he cclte:ge d a~~;. at Cebu O~ti!;J~ lJM lt:f. hmj O.Pp011un ~y 10' . ~ as chaim 1'1 Of the Le)( 1~ · C{]m l'1l: , A
liaansed real os1siB br er NOUe is presen•lv ~a d ~A• IU'I ;a rGSI as.tste
P"~et'l~ . 1'1 iS t'Onn~ea in one of ~he BFIO cornpalny In Cebu as.·
Spewllst V r•n. sh~ ~M nitor& upda as ragsrrllng !\taW Amen!Sta~
leg isis · ns. 'ram Cana:Qian Laws. Paltirl:cia Kakirn De Gula i!} $ pt known .ps, "Irish" to her tr1 nd$.
Tnsh'$ lit ha& aM.-ay~ been a Ju · of PiiiSS.fOn, pbii D!lO.Ph~l and rahg1oo In
"&ludr a~s s.l"m il:A rornmonly orallad ia c-.xren 'J r-e rtf~ .eL Guadi!IILJP: ris pure$1 forr"'. Taoism. Chtl$lirlfl ~~· al'lQ e.~ei skm • Iism all lrltl~ kl ~tte­
Cebu City. inls 1 · a lieen&sd Medrcai 1et:hnologlst dtH~lf ~ ~o i uii!Mit · a sing ~; ltf •ime. Throl,l it all Bh!! de s, h8fa~f ~~ "~ In
make .$ c:11fferenoe 1n he 11 ld ol ~ hii\•irg righ~eou s.ness and sus.'tlee ~ ptOgtess. ~$ u; ~Ut!l&t for ne'W' 'h1ngs ti:l le-::!!irn nd Yfa)'a to .grQY.I. She
he.r guid' pri~~e. Sheo bell~es 1at God is the Supreme udge Whn oo ns;ld~ ~h is ife .ps. l'let' school as 1'1:'1; perienoes- 1 ught het ma Fl~
will LJi tirt~ely bring ;ua1ice -c- all valuabie ~ons At pre!lenl 1i IS tl and is d~ twinss$.

Dlnell IMaraYiUal!!l f 'e mmrda·z 1s heo oP.Irl'*'' ~~ e other d llldJ' ·l - · · tte Vu h rom Rcxss Clt)1 Capiz, she is eutfOntly m.c:naglng f"lfi
Jahr•:> ard Tata- ol Juliu~ an() t..ovrd~ e:ri'Jande2:. Hll i~ marned ;n Ma. m¥f1 bus1ness. 1hrough t l'l~ h of her ~ · nts ~em .a u~1nae.sman ~n d·
i$ iua end ble~5oe0 W1 h =wo sor1s. Lir'IU&. ten and Nl{te Angelo. He ~rew H~ de-e :a n.:g1stered ~ . She stooled at Unrvli!fSity of Pe£pt;~ 1-DALTA.
up ;n V~l~ tmO'So. N t:O(OS Oriantat. whete he ~ok 1'115. rnentt!I)' b ut oo~~ r la~tl degree t Ph1lippme · 5r:;11ocl · P3S~ Clly fer
oow: .. 41iCt"-~ . ~ toined 1tts Ga1hohc: aemln.aJY • 1he Orde1 ()r oo Augus ·• · n ~rt:.onal re~ S>. S loo up t:liolor ot Art$ r 1n Pol 1 Stlrnooa
Raoolleat.s dLJ rin~ his Jtmloi )lear 1r1 ~lojah school aA Cblagill ~ S~o. "fQnlae a~ , · Sane Un.t~,J 1iity-Daamann~~ as a prepa Of')' c0Uf"9e. $Jlf;l 16
Recole ·:)S .n Sfltl Cl!rtoS C~1y. agrns: {h:idemal. Upon f11r1Ls g o:ce.;e serves. .as :the .Reg..on I Direciol ~ V.i:Sayas lor l.he Fjlipino Ch 1'16
~·111'1 1he ~rc ol ruu::.i~lt:Y of Arts in a5$cal ?h l~ph~· c ~ CMfeluoo Catholic Yeulh and as .en c ·~~a member or F 1nn Chln(J:$13 Ca ho1ic
Rscoletos. Seminary in Baguio City. I• clavlf'P!Id on him was not cu: Yoong Adul~ , F inc-Chines Refg10LJ9. ~n1zabonlcou~.
Looc ParerD l"&lte!l VoiUFi')e I ... Pe-l leal laW' 1 u-oorh & SOI:i.a1 ~'isl'.a1ioo
LJ • Pars D ,.,~bes Volume II - Ci~Jil tww Tax~wn law
l.wc Pdirst.o Niotes Volume Ul - Marc~ntile lew ~ndl Ccrl lntit~·
L.e-~ ~ ~l'<t N:okt6 Volume IV - Remedial law and 1.J2gSI ethiC$


"Ab-~v&• .fttr ~~:~~~·t:r ~1'-1 prcjiidir:es and p~~n.s ·flf nmn .saar rthe IBWB
of .rmrurtt .Erttmffl ~ml rnmtut~r.btc. they are tltfl fifN"!J$'skm 4lf lhs
Cl'Ative power, IFiiley rep~t whtiit /$, wh~f nnt.s;t lltJ wftat otbMWlSIJ.l
tC'o ldd not b-~. Msn ~.j!n co.n:ti)' t{Jl th~m.· ho- ~ lft.C~bl• of
ci:r.;:mgm,tp rhttm.. From the hd~nits~y ~r~t dawn to t~ tnfJmre-ly .smlll,
all thlng.s .,tc 'S'Vb}scr to fhsm. The .SIU711 .cand UUI' 13ill~ rfQitow fJJI'
lsi'P'.s di$~~~~'1:1~ fly N(.wton' £Jn(f Litpl'ace, juSt as the atoms in fh s-lr
.. .
e<ofl~bJnBtmn" f-ol~ rite tBws of t'hemiS'hy. as lirrin!J c.rnht~~M tolkJ.w
the law& of' bk:JIOcgy_ tt J$. Olii~Y t1~ IP~trm:.:tit:ms M M•tw~ mind!
whie<h m~rlctip~y the dlvhrJDf'l~ r)! .O,~e .sc~•t~, Hp~tafln.g .astAMOMY
~m phySics or chsmisb)r. the ! ,5Jd~$ frr.lm #Ill 4CI~J
a-~~~:~~ ~rl' iO's:.591P~e• .scfe-nse Is orra. ~t 115 IJDI'I\e orin!~ ttfB-n fjfe :trudt. "'

'V.MiF8do P'a'lieto
,1848--t 923}

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