Special Pamphlet Engineered Regarding Men

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Special Pamphlet Engineered

Regarding Men
By a redditor

We all have those moments. You go a little bit too far, and now you're screwed. This is a step by
step guide on how to remove jizz stains from your clothes.

● STEP 1: Prepare the area.

Its recommended you do this procedure in your personal bathroom sink, as it has easy access
for cleaning small objects. The supplies you need to take out are as follows; A towel (one for
each article of clothing), your stained clothes, a bottle of Listerine, Soap, Baby wipes, and your

● STEP 2: Rinse the affected area(s)

Rinse off the stained clothes one at a time in your sink. If you jizzed on yourself, take a

● STEP 3: Apply Listerine

After you've rinsed off your clothes, apply half a cap (as in the cap that comes with it) of
Listerine to the affected area(s) of your clothes, preferably in your sink. Let it sit for about
15 - 30 seconds.

● STEP 4: Soap up, and rinse again.

After you let your clothes sit, lather up and rinse your clothes (still in the sink)

● STEP 5: Wipe, then prepare again.

After you've finished, wipe the affected area(s) to mask scent. Then lay your affected clothes in
the tub or shower so they can dry off. Then, lay out your towel on the floor.
● STEP 6: Fold
Lay one article of clothing on each towel then fold according to the picture.

● STEP 7: Store
Store the towel(s) in a dry, untouched space. Like your closet, or your Only Fans.

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