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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness


Yogacara School in Buddhism unified
Mind & Matter 1,800 Years Ago
It also unified Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

By David Foo Choo Fatt, How Big is Your Universe? (Facebook)

July 28, 2020 originally published July 5, 2015

Yogacara (also Mind-Only or Consciousness-Only) school of Buddhism is the most

controversial and complex branch in Buddhism. There are many technical terms one
has to learn to be able to even get a glimpse of what this school teaches. These
terms, for example Alaya (8th) and Mana (7th) Consciousness, are also why this school
is controversial and often rejected by other schools. Among them is notably
Theravada school which rejects these terms because the Buddha has taught only
Six Consciousness (of Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body, and Mind). We shall see why
Six Consciousness is inadequate in explaining the ultimate reality and also in
connecting the material world.

Consciousness is one of the Five Aggregates which the Buddha taught and it is the
most important mental factor. Forms, Sensations, Perceptions, and Mental
Formations are the other four and usually Consciousness is placed as last of the Five
Aggregates1. In Buddhism, even Theravada school has to agree, the Five Aggregates
describe the entire law of universe. But how is this entire law of universe when
compared with the current understanding in science?

Science has made the most spectacular progress in the last century with the
discoveries of quantum mechanics and general relativity. These two discoveries are
also being used to study the universe. After a century, physicists are still trying to
resolve the incompatibility of the these two most successful theories. Though we

Vasubandhu, a founding Yogacara theorist, re-ordered to Consciousness, Mental Formations,
Sensations, Perceptions, and Forms. Consciousness are called kings of Heart and it is the most important
mental factor with Mental Formations, Sensations, and Perceptions as Associates and where Forms being
the object.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
are extremely successful with quantum mechanics but the quantum world is full of
weirdness which nobody understands. At the same time, many think, including
many giants in quantum physics, that our consciousness shape the quantum world.
This leads to a growing trend – frantic search for a theory of consciousness.

We are now back at the starting point – consciousness. But Six Consciousness in
Buddhism are mental factor (the material stuff are in the Forms Aggregate) and how
can these purely mental factors influence or shape the physical world which many
have come to believe? This is the biggest hurdle which we have to cross. This is also
where many who are searching for a theory of consciousness are stuck.

Yogacara theorists spent a great deal of time justifying the existence of Alaya or 8th
Consciousness which is said to be a container of all Seeds. One of the justifications,
for a belief system where rebirth is key, is that there must be a place where karma
is carried and it is the 8th Consciousness that carries the karma in Yogacara theory.
We shall see that karma being stored in 8th Consciousness is extremely scientific and
has been proven at least mathematically in string theory2. Another key function of
8th Consciousness is to carry all the Seeds of the entire physical universe – both
internal and external to one’s body.

According to Yogacara, we are never able to experience anything externally or

outside our 8 Consciousness. Yogacara explains everything through Seeds and
through the two of the functions of Consciousness – Visual and Image functions
which each of the 8 Consciousness has. For example, when we see something, it is
our Eye Consciousness’ Visual function interacting with its corresponding Image
function. Both Visual and Image functions are created by Seeds where we cannot
“see” the actual objects. Similarly, when we smell something, it is said that our Nose
Consciousness’ Visual function interacts with its Image function3. These Visual and

Consistent with the argument put forth here and later, karma are indeed stored in the 8 th Consciousness.
Buddhism explains all karmic consequences in the forms of five fruits. All that we experience are all due
to our karmic past with no exception. The 8th Consciousness is the 11th dimension of M-theory, M-theory
is dual to five versions of superstring theories with each corresponds to a fruit. Read the paper for details:
Understanding Karma of Five Fruits in Five Superstring of String Theory with Mind-Only School
This is also scientific as when our nose smells something it is the cells in our olfactory bulb, first through
firing action potentials, then finally release a signal to the brain when the receptor cells come into contact
with the benzene molecules. We know, physically, there is no contact as even in a chemical bond,
electrons never touch each other.
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
Image functions are found in the cerebral cortex with the primary (Image) and
secondary (Visual) cortices in our various sensory faculties4. These sensory faculties
somewhat cover the material world of Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, and Body
Consciousness. Mind Consciousness is said to operate exactly the same way with
the Visual function interacting with the Image function which is the object of
thought. This is one way how mind and matter are unified.

As everything is explained through Seeds, including the arising of both the Visual
and Image functions of 8 Consciousness, and Seeds are stored in the 8 th
Consciousness, it is therefore, the activation of Seeds in 8th Consciousness that we
experience both our physical and mental world. There are many ways Seeds are
defined. Seeds can be called Name-Form5 which is explained extensively in one of
the main source texts of Yogacara in Yogacarabhumi-sastra. Name-Form is also
one of the step of Twelve Dependent Origination in Buddhism and it is a critical
cause of Samsara. Name means anything that is mental and Form means anything
that is material or physical. Though Seeds in Yogacara can be understood as both
mind (Name) and matter (Form), but strictly speaking, in Yogacara, Seeds are
neither mind nor matter. This is another way how mind and matter are also unified.

8th Consciousness is said to manage and project our entire physical universe –
internally and externally to our physical bodies. Each of us have our view of our own
individual universes – they look exactly the same but different. For example, when
Alice and Bob are both looking at or even sharing a cup of tea, Alice has her own
view of the cup of tea and so is Bob, the cup of tea might be extremely similar but
different. In this case, Alice’s 8th Consciousness is said to project Alice’s universe and
Bob’s 8th Consciousness is said to project Bob’s universe.

Therefore, consciousness in the definition of Yogacara is not merely mental but also
physical and this is where many who philosophizing consciousness are stuck.

This capability of projection extends beyond the cup of tea to the entire universe
and the body and body functions (for example cell renewal). So if Charlie is an
astrophysicist and through some calculation he gets a mental picture of the universe

For example, Eye Consciousness’ Visual and Image functions are in the secondary and primary visual
cortices in the cerebral cortex respectively. Read the paper for details: Understanding the Brain and the
Heart through String Theory and Mind-Only School
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
and through some equipment he observes celestial objects that are millions of light
years away. These are all Charlie’s 8th Consciousness’ projection of Mind
Consciousness’ (calculation and mental picture) and Eye Consciousness (those
celestial objects millions of light years away). This is true too for Daisy who is
another astrophysicist. Charlie and Daisy each has a different mental picture and
view of the celestial objects millions of light years away except that they all look
exactly the same.

This is similar to each has a gaming console and each of them are just looking at
nothing other than their own gaming console. Yogacara theory is therefore, using
today’s terminology, a theory of simulation . We are all living in a giant hologram is

something physicists cannot rule out today.

Physical or material Forms in Buddhism are described through the Great Four
concept which are Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth7. They might sound very ancient and
non-scientific but the definition of the Great Four in Buddhism are not so much
elements but more like the field concept in physics especially in quantum field
theory. They also have special characteristics of move-grow, stick-connect, mature-
change, and hold respectively. This means there are four types of fields and at the
physics level they are related to the four fundamental forces of gravity and graviton,
electromagnetism and photon, weak and W+-/Z bosons, and strong and gluon
respectively. In fact, they are not limited to the level of physics but move up the
chain to organic chemistry, cells, and even the brain. For example, in organic
chemistry they are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon respectively. In cell
organelles they are mitochondria, lysosome, centriole, and nucleus respectively.

As everything material and physical are managed and projected by the 8th
Consciousness, the Great Four is the work of 8th Consciousness. 8th Consciousness is

Core theme of Mahayana Buddhism, which Yogacara is part of, is actually simulation using today’s
language. Read the paper for details: Understanding Holographic Principle in String Theory with Mind-
Only School
Traditionally, the Great Four is ordered as Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. This order does not bring out
the structural and critical aspects of the Great Four – both in Buddhism and in Science. They are many
reasons which are beyond the scope here. In many Buddhist texts, the formation of the world are first the
Wheel of Wind, Wheel of Water, Wheel of Gold (Fire), and the Wheel of Earth. In Mahayana texts, there
is Wheel of Space which precede all and Space is a one of Great Six in Mahayana Buddhism.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
said to be so deeply hidden that it is very hard to notice. 8 Consciousness together
with the Great Four are much more advanced than current science. Notice that
because of neither mind nor matter, the Great Four are strongly related to the
mental factors as shown in the first two rows of the following figure.

One of the many key insights of the Great Four is that the way how new elements
in Sun are made (weak-strong) is exactly the same as how new cells in human
bodies are made (centriole-nucleus). This process is also the same as how plants on
Earth make new proteins (nitrogen-carbon) as the following figure shows8. In fact,
these insights are leading to even bigger insights.

Figure 1 Phenomena & The Great Four

According to Yogacara, all these processes are through activation of Seeds which
are like the LED dots on a TV screen. The Seeds are flashing at very fast rate so fast
that we mistake that there is an external world with our internal bodies. This is like
how the LED dots on the TV screen are flashing. Our mental and physical
experiences are nothing more than flushing and flashing of Seeds from each of our
own 8th Consciousness in a continuous and unstoppable stream - until liberation.

Read the paper for more details: Phenomena and The Great Six in String Theory and Mind-Only School
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
But what are Seeds? Seeds are of many types in Yogacara, for example, dormant
Seeds or activated Seeds which are called Phenomena (both mental and physical).
As Seeds are neither mental nor physical, we can borrow the terms In physics which
they can be waves, elementary particles, or strings in string theory.

String theory is the only candidate that can potentially resolve the incompatibility
between quantum mechanics and general relativity. Similar to Yogacara school in
Buddhism, string theory is also extremely controversial in theoretical physics. Strictly
speaking, string theory is not yet a theory but a collection of separate mathematical
conjectures, or rather, there are many versions of string theory.

String theory started off with 26 dimensions bosonic string which could describe
partially the universe but is thought to have many flaws. These flaws are later
resolved by 6 dimensions superstring theory. But the problem is there are five
versions of these 6 dimensions superstring theory and until now no one knows
which is correct and if all or some are needed to describe the universe. These five
versions are later found to be dual to each other with an added dimension – 11th
dimension of M-theory9. Yet another F-theory with 12th dimension is found to be
dual to M-theory and to Type IIB (a version of superstring). Two versions of
superstring – Heterotic SO(32) and Heterotic E8 x E8 can also be considered dual
to bosonic string as each of them has inbuilt bosonic string. That is not all, there is
another version without extra dimension (in addition to 4 space-time) but found to
have error correcting code. There are also other variants such as one that is more
mathematical with 24 dimensions.

Added to this gigantic collection of conjectures is AdS/CFT which also introduces

another duality – gravity-gauge duality. AdS (anti-de Sitter) is said to be of negative
curvature or contracting universe, which does not describe our universe, where
gravity lives. AdS is dual to CFT (conformal field theory) which is said to be of
positive curvature or expanding universe, it describes our universe and it is where
gauge theories or quantum mechanical theory live. For example, particle physics,
a branch of quantum physics, which lives on the CFT side does not explain gravity
or without quantum gravity can be understood through some quantum gravity
calculation in the AdS side. What is strange is that through some string computation

As mentioned in a previous footnote, these five versions of superstring are the Five Fruits in Buddhism
and all are needed.
Our universe should be contracting and expanding at the same time.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
on the CFT side, quantum gravity automatically shows up in the CFT side which had
no gravity. It Is like gravity is hiding secretly11.

It is also in this AdS/CFT conjecture, physicists found out there is a giant hologram
in the universe. Recorded in this hologram are information about the entire universe.
Physicists today think that information is more fundamental than matter, energy,
and even space and time. This is why physicists can’t rule out that we live in a giant
hologram and we are likely to live in a simulation. Except that physicists yet to find
out the simulation mechanism.

All the above come out naturally in mathematics and unlike all other physical
theories, there is little tuning allowed in string theory. Why are there so many
versions? Each seems to describe the universe but not exactly. How they all fit
together? Are all needed? If not all which are correct and needed? Nobody knows.
David Gross, a leading string theorist, said recently “we do not yet know the
organizing principle (of string theory)”. Even for the mother of all string theory M-
theory Gross said “there is a very ill-understood M-theory generalization”12.

If we take the different versions of string theory as different elephant’s parts then
dualities are the joints. All versions of string theory with all dualities put together is
a complete mathematical description of Yogacara theory. In Buddhism, all laws of
the universe as described by the Buddha – the 8 Consciousness, theory of karma,
the Five Aggregates – are Thusness and not created by the Buddha as nature is as

Space-time in Buddhism is considered as “fake law” or belonging to a class of

Dharma called Not Interactive with Mind (or Heart). In physics, it is called emergent13.
According to Yogacarabhumi-sastra, time is created through a series of Seeds that
are being flushed out in a stream of continuous sequence from our 8th
Consciousness. This is exactly what string theory has concluded. Gross said in
multiple occasions that “time is doomed and so is space” and “space-time is a

Refer to the post for mor details on AdS/CFT: Abyss of Nature in 24 Dimensions to AdS/CFT and
Refer to the post for details: String theory is actually not just a theory of strings and we do not know
the organizing principle of string theory
In fact, all physical phenomena like matter, mass, energy, speed, and momentum are all emergent in
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
mental construct” To Gross, the extra dimensions which are in super-space are more
real than space-time.14 Therefore, we have to deduct the 4 dimensions of space-
time from all versions of string theory. The remaining extra dimensions are then
power or Consciousness in Yogacara theory.

Seeds in Yogacara arise in a combination of two laws – 12 Ayatana and 22 Indriyas.

12 Ayatana is said to be the origination of all laws or phenomena. Each of us is
supposed to possess a set of 22 Indriyas which mean power. 22 Indriyas is a very
important concept in Buddhism but usually not being taught. The discussion of 22
Indriyas can be complex and for the purpose of the discussion here all we need to
know is that among the 22 Indriyas are Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body and Mind
Indriyas. They are usually being taught elementarily as sense organs.

In Buddhism, Six Consciousness are said to arise from our sense organs coming into
contact with external objects. For example, Sense organ or Indriya of Eye come into
contact with object of sight give rise to Eye Consciousness, and so on till Mind
Indriya come into contact of object of thought for Mind Consciousness.

This is usually how the 12 Ayatana concept is introduced (and expanded to 18

Realms with 6 Sense Organs, 6 Objects, and 6 Consciousness). But this is elementary
teaching and not advanced Yogacara teaching. As you may recall Yogacara rejects
any form of contact with external object. This means Consciousness have to arise
internally vs externally and as the result of Indriyas coming into contact with the
content in the 12 Ayatana15. In this case, Indriyas are more than sense organs as we
understand today.

According to Yogacara, a table (or any object) that we see is actually not exactly a
table and it is imaginary or “assumed to exist”. But nevertheless there is some
substance behind the table. This substance can now be understood as the
information content in the 12 Ayatana.

For simplicity, 12 Ayatana is the giant hologram in string theory and 22 Indriyas are
the 22 extra dimensions in bosonic string (26 dimensions minus 4 space-time

Refer to the post for details: String Theory & Consciousness 11 - We don’t live in ordinary space-
time but in super-space
This is an important point of Yogacara which says Consciousness arise only internally.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
dimensions). There are more details in the paper - Philosophy of String Theory in
Mind-Only School16.

The above explains the upper left side of the following Figure 2 Yogacara Unification.
The first major row in the figure shows a summary of how 8 Consciousness in
Yogacara theory are related to each other and to 22 Indriyas and 12 Ayatana. The
second row in the figure is the result of mapping the various conjectures in string
theory according to Yogacara theory. String theorists today have no clue how they
are related to each other as Gross said.

It is important to note that each of the 8 Consciousness is unique with 8th, 7th, and
6th Consciousness to be of different nature completely. Each of the first 6
Consciousness are also unique thought the first 5 Consciousness are similar in some
ways. Similarly, each of the extra dimensions in string theory are also very different.

Figure 2 Yogacara Unification

The 11th dimension in M-theory which is said to be indefinitely long and it connects
to every point of our 3-dimensional universe. As mentioned it is also dual to five
versions of superstring which has 6 extra dimensions. The 11th dimension in M-
theory is none other than our 8th Consciousness which manage and project to each
of us our individual universes. All our experiences are all related to our karmic past

Philosophy of String Theory in Mind-Only School
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
and they stream out as Seeds in five ways through the Five Fruits theory in
Buddhism. These experiences are related to our Six Consciousness of Eye, Ear, Nose,
Tongue, Body, and Mind.

You may recall that Seeds are waves, particles, or strings. 8th Consciousness is
supposed to contain infinite Seeds and M-theory is said to predict infinite number
of particles with different mass. Some of these extra particles which are not observed
could well be biophotons in our brains.

There are some recent and interesting development in theoretical physics and in
cosmology – parallel universe or multiverse. Physicists think that there are many to
infinite number of universes parallel to ours or hidden somewhere that we cannot
see. Many to even infinite number of universes is a requirement in string theory. As
mentioned, in Buddhism each sentient being is a collection of the Five Aggregates
which contain the entire law of universe. This means that each sentient being is a
universe and there are of infinite number. This point cannot be clearly understood
without Yogacara theory. Examples have been given how Alice, Bob, Charlie, and
Daisy are each a universe.

According to Yogacara theory, each of the 8 Consciousness is supposed to have an

anchored “root” (or Indriya). This topic can be complex and for the purpose of the
discussion here, 8th and 7th Consciousness have each other as “root”, and 7th
Consciousness is the “root” of 6th Consciousness. As you may recall, the 12th
dimension of F-theory is dual to M-theory and a Type IIB superstring. This is how
the elephant’s parts are joint together.

Recall a table that we see which is not exactly a table, it is the same for our bodies
and brains. However, there are some substance behind our bodies and brains.
Physical phenomena are like waves and Consciousness are hidden and are like
current beneath the water. Yogacara theory can be used to study our body, heart,
and brain.

According to Yogacara, our heart is where the 8th Consciousness is located. Current
understanding is that the heart is the first organ to form. Our hearts are also found

Five versions of superstring theory are: Type I, Heterotic SO(32), Heterotic E8 x E8, Type IIA, and Type
IIB which corresponds to Fruits of Liberation, Ripening Divergently, Superior, Man-made Functions, and
Same Order in Buddhism.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
to be generating magnetic field which are constantly in 2-way communicating with
our brains.

Neuroscience today is not very much more than a science based on brain scans.
Neuroscientists admit the lack of a theory of consciousness to support the
understanding of the brain. Our brains can be studied in a very structured way with
Yogacara theory. But there is a lot more.

Many if not all who try to philosophize a theory of consciousness do not take eye,
ear, nose, and body as consciousness but treat them as merely sensory inputs.
Definition of consciousness in science today is limited to just mind (consciousness)
or even to just awareness. These views grossly undermine the capability of
consciousness as we have already seen where law of consciousness is the law of
universe. To be complete, the ultimate consciousness theory has to include the first
Six Consciousness.

Each of the 8 Consciousness in Buddhism have to arise together with their

Associates which are Mental Formations, Sensations, and Perceptions. As
mentioned, all our experiences have to do with our karmic past and being flushed
out from our 8 Consciousness in five ways in Five Fruits. There are causal effects of
our actions with the Associates of Mental Formations, Sensations, and Perceptions.
They can be wholesome or unwholesome. For simplicity, wholesome actions lead
to wholesome outcomes and unwholesome actions lead to unwholesome
outcomes – usually not immediately but eventually18.

According to Yogacara, the main karmic responsibility lies in Mental Formations

through intention, body actions and speech. A mapping of the brain shows that
Mental Formations is located in the frontal lobe of the brain and within the frontal
lobe are motor cortex which control our body movement and Broca’s area which
controls our speech19. This exactly matches the Yogacara (and Buddhism) theory.

This has to do with momentum of and maturity of Seeds.
There is also a frontal eye field in the frontal lobe which control the movement of eyes which is not in
Buddhism but worth a thought.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
(Sensations is located in the parietal and occipital lobes where Perceptions is located
at the temporal lobe.20)

This means the actions of our Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body and Mind Consciousness
will eventually get back the consequences of actions which they respectively sow in
the theory of Five Fruits which come out in five versions of superstring. Therefore,
the law of the universe is the law of consciousness and a theory of consciousness
has to include the first Six Consciousness.

The above means that somehow the actions of Mental Formations are recorded
somewhere. Is there a scientific basis for that? This is where AdS/CFT comes in.
Recall the AdS/CFT conjecture derives the existence of a giant hologram where
information is recorded, this hologram exists In the boundary of AdS/CFT. Again
with neither mind nor matter, our Associates of Mental Formations, Sensations,
Perceptions are related to or no different from gravity, electromagnetism and weak
respectively in physics as mentioned. Gravity is on the AdS side with
electromagnetism and weak on the CFT side (as gauge theories) as shown in Figure
3 Law of Consciousness = Law of Universe.

Figure 3 Law of Consciousness = Law of Universe

Refer to the posts for details: Definition of Consciousness, The Universe, and The Brain and Theory
(Laws) of Consciousness, Free Will, and Causation
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
The figure shows that what our actions of our Mental Formations are indeed
recorded. It also affirms the ultimate theory of consciousness is the theory of
universe21 and Six Consciousness have to be in the theory of consciousness to be

This might sound unbelievable especially how do we account for the vast universe
and the infinite spaces and celestial objects in it.

In Buddhism and especially so in Yogacara, the scope of the audience is not just
human beings. Current science sees only human beings or at best animals are
consciousness beings. Xuanzang who established the Mind-Only school in China
laid down the axiom: “Three Realms are Heart Only, All Laws are Consciousness
Only.” We have explained the second part of the axiom. The first part includes the
beings in the Three Realms which are Formless, Form, and Desire Realms. Human
beings and animals belong to the Desire Realm. Yogacara, with the
Yogacarabhumi-sastra, places a heavy emphasis on Form and Formless Realms. So
where are the beings in the Formless and Form Realms?

Beings in the two Realms are said to be in very deep meditative states (Jhana) and
st th th th
are divided into four level from 1 Jhana to 4 Jhana for Form Realm and 5 to 8
Jhana for Formless Realm.

Through the study of physics and string theory, we can conclude that planets, stars,
nebulae, and black holes are the beings in the Form Realm from 1st to 4th Jhana
respectively. As their meditative states progress, they move from 1st to 4th Jhana and
even into the Formless Realm. Beings in the Formless Realm are said to contain no
matter at all - though Mahayana Buddhism says that there are some remnants likely
for the lower level beings. The beings in the Formless Realm are white holes likely
of various sizes or even galaxies22. White holes are totally opposite to black holes
where no matter can get in. All these come naturally in the mathematics of general
relativity and in Buddhism it is Thusness – nature is as such.

Refer to the post for details: Law of Consciousness, Our Brains, and Law of the Universe
It has taken us a hundred years to understand black holes. White holes are more difficult to study and
not very well understood, therefore, little can be said now.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
Each stage of Jhana exhibits certain mental characteristics and again because
neither mind nor matter, we can then look at the physics of these celestial objects
and know which Jhana they belong as shown in the following Figure 4 The Three Realms.

In the following figure, the column on the Stages of Jhana are the meditative states
which they have attained. Pleasure and Satisfaction are actually electromagnetism
as shown in Figure 1 Phenomena & The Great Four. Beings in first stage of Jhana have
achieved Pleasure and Satisfaction and therefore exhibit strong electromagnetic
field but not very strong and vary as they still have some Vitarka and Vicara23 which
mean unsettled mind. Only when they get rid of Vitarka and Vicara to reach the 2nd
Jhana then the electromagnetic field would be very strong like the stars. When they
continue further, they will get rid of Pleasure and left with only Satisfaction which
means without magnetic field but only electric field which are nebulae. Beings in 4th
Jhana have completely gotten rid of Pleasure and Satisfaction or electromagnetism
but with Indifference which is monopole in physics.

Figure 4 The Three Realms

Ultimately, Mahayana Buddhism and Yogacara deny beings as beings. Yogacara is

able to made it very clear – the so-called beings are just the phenomena of the
universes with their 8 Consciousness. This is no different from how physicists or

Vitarka (寻)means “conception” or “application of thought” whereas Vicara (伺 or Vichara) means
“deliberation”, “discernment”, or “sustained thinking”.
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How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
string theorists who study the interactions within physical systems which are called
Hamiltonian or Lagrangian in physics.

Human beings too exhibit these physics as mentioned before in our brains and with
our hearts found to generate magnetic fields. There is an upward
gravitoelectromagnetic24 dependency of the beings from the lower realms to the
upper realms, with the top most realm to be the Formless Realm and the lowest
Desire Realm. These are documented in the Yogacarabhumi-sastra. This again is
neither mind nor matter. 25

It must be noted that all beings in the Three Realms share the same architecture of
8 Consciousness and Five Aggregates but differ only in the menu options of
Consciousness, Associates of Consciousness, and states. This is again how the law
of consciousness is the law of universe.

It must be said that the above puts each sentient being as a generator of quantum
field for many reasons. First as each sentient being is a collection of 8 Consciousness
which is equal to a set of string theory, and string theory is a quantum theory,
therefore each sentient being is a quantum field. Second, a photon which Alice sees,
say from the Sun, which leaves the Sun 8 minutes before is generated by Alice
herself – as Alice cannot experience anything outside her 8 Consciousness.
Therefore, all photons that Alice experiences must be generated by Alice herself.

There are more insights into the reality especially with quantum mechanics with the
understanding of Yogacara. As many think that consciousness shape the quantum
world, it is not the first Six Consciousness but the 8th Consciousness which also has
the Visual and Image functions26. In this way, the quantum world and the entire
universe is a cocreation of infinite beings.

Similar to AdS/CFT, Einstein’s general relativity which explains gravity has electromagnetism in it.
Read the paper for details: From Astrophysics to Astrosafari of Rupaloka and Arupaloka through
String Theory and Mind-Only School
Read the paper for details: Understanding Reality and Quantum Fabric with String Theory and
Mind- Only School
Short Essay 001 of
How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness
The new era of science is going to twist our mind 100 times more than quantum
theory and general relativity combined. Many thinkers and philosophers criticize
current scientific approach to be reductionistic. As we have seen, Yogacara theory
is extremely reductionistic and they do not just dream out a theory but with deep
meditative verification and meticulously documenting the details and mechanism.
It is also the result of effort by many Yogacara practitioners.


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