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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School


What is the rationale of your research
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A Basic Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research
Major in Mechatronics


Aquino, Justine Eumir D. Anor, Jaymark T.

Arenas, Juan Miguel G. Dela Rama, John Cemmer O.
Lopez, Lawrence L. Pestano, Jaypee C.
Maglantay, Steven Francis C. Gulmatico, Harvey S.
Guanizo, Jead A. Andal, Joyce Nicolee

MARCH 30, 2023

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School

The research is expressing his most profound and deep appreciation to the following
for the wonderful support, remarkable assistance, and encouragement they provide for the
attainment and his endeavors.

Justine Eumir D. Aquino, for assisting all of his groupmates to achieve this kind of work.
Juan Miguel G. Arenas, for his cooperation and additional information.
Steven Francis C. Maglantay, for his contribution for the expenses.
John Cemmer O. Dela Rama, for sharing his knowledge.
Jaypee C. Pestano, for his participation during the
Jaymark T. Anor, for the designs and presentations.
Lawrence Mark L. Lopez, he is responsible for printing the papers.
Jead A. Guanizo, for providing all our needs for the thesis.
Joyce Nicolee Andal, for his unremarkable support for this group.
Harvey S. Gulmatico, who gave all of his effort to establish our paper.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School

This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to the students of Malanday
National High School, especially a Mechatronics major. This study aims to give
them with a point of view on the experiences of the students on online pedagogy,
which they can use it in some important matters in the future.
Also, for those students who gave their all efforts and pushed their selves
in their limits just to overcome the struggle they are facing, which is the online
class because we are not in the same room, we are different from each other, and
we have own point of views.
We give thanks for our families, friends, and for our loved ones for
serving an inspiration for us. Thank you for your unremarkable support whether it
is a financial or a moral support. This intend to provide additional knowledge for
Mechatronics and to share some ways on how to survive an online academic
setting. We thank God for giving us strengths to consume a knowledge and to
perform in a high level of performance.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School


This chapter shows the background, research gap, and the purpose
of the study. It also present the significance, rationale of research, scope and
delimitation, and theoretical underpinning of this research.
All of us struggled during the online class. We all have our
downfall and not in the same shoes. By this, we can determine the ways on how
to perform well in an online academic setting.

Background of the Study

Home-based learning is an activity where students study at home. It was
implemented at the height of the pandemic because the government intended to
keep pupils studying at home while the virus still spreading. Due to a lack of
online course materials, students who previously studied at home no longer want
to do so. Additionally, some students cannot afford other study tools like
cellphone, Wi-Fi, computers, or laptops, which makes it difficult for the, to keep
up with changes in the educational system. For students who want to study but
are unable to do so online, the school should provide more resources.
Mechatronics is a cutting-edge technology that creates beautiful mechanics
that assist us in our daily tasks. This is especially helpful with the transmission of
viruses, as mechatronics projects aid in the production of medicine. Projects
utilizing mechatronics have also assisted in monitoring sick individuals and
persons outside, as well as cleaning or fertilizing roads. It became challenging to
learn mechatronics during the pandemic because the students were unable to do
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
so because they lacked smartphones and Wi-Fi, the modular photographs were
not very clear, and they were challenging to comprehend on one’s own.

Statement of the Problem

This Phenological approach aims to understand the experiences in
Please check your spelling
home-based learning in Mechatronics of the G-12 students in Malanday National
High School. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What are the experiences in online class of Grade-12 students that has a
Mechatronics Major? What do you mean of this?
Since this is a phenomenological study, You can do this 1. What are lived
experiences of Mechatronics students in Home-based learning?

2. What are the Grade-12 students’ stress management experiences while taking
an online Mechatronics class? What do you mean of this guys..I like this ..

3. What are the barriers/challenges do Grade-12 students Mechatronics Major

Experience in home-based learning?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined in the context of their use this research
to with:

Pandemic is a widespread spread of the disease and has made it

difficult to study mechatronics

Stress Management are the things that help you to manage the

Cutting Edge Technology refers to the technology that is a very


Home Based Learning is a type of a setting where you can study or

learn in your house.

Whole Heartedly is another term for sincerity.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School

Significance of the Study

Who will benefit your study?
How they will benefit your study
Please arrange your significance according to significance ha
The importance of this study is to know the experiences of the
students in Malanday National High School who undergo in an online academic
setting. Through this, the government will adjust to make this kind of educational
setting a much better. In order to the students will improve their skills and
knowledge about their majors, especially in Mechatronics. For the reason that
Mechatronics is may become easier when it is taught in a face to face class.
Not all of us has a device or gadget to use it to attend an
online class. Moreover, not all of us has a stable connection. This study helps to
provide a special remedy to give the students a chance to maximize their learning
in the Mechatronics subject. But, it is not only the purpose of this study, the
teachers of the Mechatronics subject can think of a possible and effective strategy
where the students can learn better from this subject.
Additionally, the parents of the students can now sleep in
peace knowing that their children is learning from that particular subject. The
student will also improve their mental health thinking that they can gain
knowledge from the Mechatronics subject by not being pressured because they
have to respond if their teachers will ask them.
Overall, this study can be used for the future because we
don’t know what might happen again, whether we are going back to a pandemic
where home-based learning become popular. And when that time comes, we are
ready and prepared.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School

Chapter 2


Blended learning where the traditional and the virtual instruction are harmoniously

combined offers consecutively a learning style that is mostly preferred by students, and assists

language teachers

Adnan, M., & Anwar, K. (2020), Highlighted that Blended learning cannot produce desired

results and lack of face-to-face interaction with the instructor, response time and absence of

traditional classroom socialization.

Brenda M. Wright (2017) in her studies, she revealed that more students associated in-

class lessons with higher motivation and more interest, due to better understanding, valued

classroom interaction with the lecturer and peers, and input from the lecturer.

Hangshu and Xiaopin (2018) emphasize The interaction in the classroom was more in-depth

than that in the online learning mode. The dialogue clusters of students were stronger when the

interactions focused on their real lives and were related to the subject of the course. .
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
Blended learning is a mode of instruction for teachers that could offer an alternative to

the traditional classroom. Blended learning is best defined as the “combination of face-to-face

instruction as well as distance learning” (Kazu & Demirkol, 2014, ). The implementation of this

delivery method in the classroom is one that is relatively simple to put into practice for a teacher

who is comfortable with technology, and one who is knowledgeable about his or her subject

matter. The purpose of this research is to study the implementation of a blended learning

teaching style in hopes of understanding its potential benefits to student achievement.

Christopher Michael Turpin (2018), influential view blended learning and its effect on

student achievement that the use of a blended learning methodology in a social studies classroom

works to both increase student achievement and create a more positive attitude among students

concerning this method of learning.

Lewis’ idea implies that the teacher does not have to be a direct overseer –rather,

through adequate preparation and design of learning opportunities offering students choice and

distance, they have an opportunity to learn and grow (Lewis, 2012). Schiro, point in

2013 Teachers should be an intermediary between content and their students, designing

meaningful experiences for them so they may learn, becoming ‘tricksters’ for their students –able

to see the larger picture and doing what needs to be done for their students to find success

(Jeffries, 2013).

Another insight According to Boyle (2005), the design of a blended learning

experience helps to ensure its effectiveness for students’ achievement and also work to help
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
ensure their positive perception of the methodology being used. Further, Kazu and Demirkol

(2014) found that when compared to a traditional environment, a blended environment that

combines student choice, technology, and face-to-face instruction, student achievement


Lewis, 2012 pointed out that in this learning, the teacher does not have to be a direct

overseer –rather, through adequate preparation and design of learning opportunities offering

students choice and distance, they have an opportunity to learn and grow. Another significant

issue raised by Schiro, 2013 Teachers should be an intermediary between content and their

students, designing meaningful experiences for them so they may learn, becoming ‘tricksters’ for

their students –able to see the larger picture and doing what needs to be done for their students to

find success (Jeffries, 2013).

Kazu and Demirkol (2014) found that when compared to a traditional environment, a

blended environment that combines student choice, technology, and face-to-face instruction,

student achievement increases.

Asoodar, Atai, Vaezi & Marandi, 2014 discussed about Synchronous mode instills a

sense of community through collaborative learning (Teng, Chen, Kinshuk & Leo, 2012; pointed

out that synchronous virtual classroom is a place for instructors and students to interact and

collaborate in real time. Using webcams and class discussion features, it resembles the traditional

classroom, except that all participants access it remotely via the Internet. Lessons can be

recorded and added to an e-library. Using the archived e-library, students can access and replay
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
teacher’s lectures as many times as necessary to master the material. Direct interaction with

teachers and students in real time is very much like a traditional face-to-face classroom, rather

better, as distance is no more a barrier and by connectivity via the Internet no time is wasted in

traveling. etc. Synchronous sessions can result in high levels of motivation to stay engaged in e-

tivities due to teacher and class-fellows presence (Yamagata-Lynch, 2014).

McCloskey, Thrush, Wilson-Patton & Kleskova, 2013 share their view about the design

and implementation of any e-language learning pedagogy should provide maximum support to

students for achieving objectives and outcomes to avoid frustration (, especially in comparison to

traditional face-to face language learning process which provides a real time interaction,

immediate feedback and a feel of human touch. This can be achieved by creating a context of

language learning through collaboration as a communicative approach of language teaching to

encourage group e-tivities and social construction of language through interaction with a shift of

focus from teacher centered pedagogy to learner autonomy (Borg & Al-Busaidi, 2012).

Howard Gardner (2011) challenges any educational system that provides same

pedagogical design, i.e., same content and method of teaching to all students. Students have

multiple intelligences. Each may have a different cognitive approach to learning and the learning

style may vary from visual-spatial to kinesthetic, musical to interpersonal or intrapersonal and

linguistic to logical mathematical (Gardner, 2011).

Guth & Helm, 2012 cater multiple and unique learning styles of students, a pedagogy

of multiliteracy is required. Online learning environments provide a room for multiliteracy

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
because of multiple ways of communication through multiple media connected to a multiple

world in a multiple ways (Stein & Newfield, 2006).

Crystal, 2012 emphasized expanding landscape of learning is all the more important

for English language learning, which has gained the status of an international or global language

because online learning provides a global context for teaching English as a second language

(TESL). Larsen-Freeman & Anderson, 2013 pointed out that ELLE has the potential to move

from Grammar Translation to Audio-lingual methods or from The Silent Way and Suggestopedia

to The Communicative Way The potential to utilize them all leads to a principled eclectic

approach (Mellow, 2002), which is pluralistic in nature leading to the timely use of any method

based on needs analysis.

Asynchronous e-learning can incorporate all L2 teaching methods that allow for

delayed feedback and delayed response as in emails and discussion boards. Asynchronous

language learning can be more encouraging for learners to ask questions that require long

answers (AbuSeileek & Qatawneh, 2013). Written nature of communication allows greater

opportunity to reflect and express ideas more freely than in face-to-face oral communication.

Learners get ample time to reflect on other students’ language expression and can compose their

own by careful design and improvement for precision. Written exchange of communication can

also be useful for those students who do not actively participate in written discussions and

remain passive readers. Forum discussions can be helpful in discourse development for timid

students due to the anonymity of identity (Maclntyre, Clément, Dörnyei & Noels, 1988).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
However, asynchronous mode has its disadvantages in reducing direct feedback and immediate


Pérez, 2013 argued that Synchronous modes can be beneficial for language learning. A

blend of the two models can give students an opportunity to better learn than any of the

individual models.

Brant Knutzen1 and David Kennedy, (2015) mentioned in their research The Global

Classroom Project: Learning a Second Language in a Virtual Environment that Global

Classroom has made a good start as an introductory language-learning activity, with a reasonable

number of total participants and average weekly workshop attendance. The most limiting factor

was the time zone difference between Hong Kong and Texas in the US: 13 hours proved to be a

very high barrier to achieving synchronous interaction between the two groups. Combined with

the use of advanced technology, the time zone barrier also proved prohibitive for the language

instructors. While the US-based TESOL students were eager to support the language

interactions, they are not qualified teachers. In order to achieve the level of educational support

that Reyes and Vallone (2008, ) stipulate as a requirement for achieving an effective immersive

teaching environment, the Global Classroom project needs more involvement from the

instructors of the courses involved. Chat proved to an extremely useful form of interaction for

new users: the typing medium allows additional time for second language learners to compose

their responses, and the tolerance for misspellings or poor syntax was much higher than for

incorrect pronunciations or syntax in the spoken form (Beauvois, 1997). In order to address oral
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
competence, however, the ultimate goal remains the achievement of audio voice

communications. The immersive virtual environment offers a very good simulation of face-to-

face interaction, with its fast-paced small talk and informal language style. When students have

been trained how to use the machine translation recently built into the chat function to

supplement voice communications with term definitions, this may become the dominant method

of communication between disparate cultures.

Francesca Romero Forteza María Luisa Carrió Pastor (2016) stated in their research

“Virtual language learning environments: the standardization of evaluation” that Methodology

and technology should go hand in hand in order to be able to provide good materials for

language learning, and this process should also be evaluated and the contents revised

periodically. A VLE should be a versatile tool able to support different styles of learning and

teaching. In this study, Poliforma-T has been evaluated with the template we have proposed and

its performance has been quite satisfactory. The platform features 90% of the items evaluated,

although it was created to be managed by teachers at the university and some aspects as images,

FAQs, etc., have not been included due to the fact that the platform was aimed at internal users.

We are conscious that this is an experimental analysis and that the template proposed in this

paper should be used to evaluate other VLES: then we may be able to establish whether it could

be useful for the improvement of VLEs in general.

1. Where is your Methodology here

2. since wala dito…What research design are you going to use?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School
3. What data analysis are you going to use

4. Can you discuss your ethical consideration here

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