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CHAPTER 4: CRAFTING «was our long distant ancestors that first discovered ‘how-to transform the bones of afresh kill nto 3 hheany club with which to make more fresh kills Today ofcourse, we have the wonders of civilisation, and with that comes a litany of more advanced tool, ‘weapons, armour, and equipment robe made from what we kill Indeed the resourcefulness of society ‘means that just about every creature's carcass can serve as ‘more than justa trophy ifyou take it to someone with the right know-how. Hamund CRAFTING RULES While some creature parts are useful fresh from the carcass, ‘many require some alterations before ther fll potential can bbe realised. These items can be identified due to having a craftable item listed in their crafting column. As crafting is @ very natural complement to harvesting, an entie chapler bss been devoted to its rules here CRAFTERS In order to craft harvested item into a usable item, it mus bbe worked on bya shied erafter. Crafters are specialised professionals with the knowledge to turn raw materials in something usable, Crafters also tend to be ofa covering different types of tems to be made (eee “Types” below) Both player characters and NPCs may act as crafters, s0 tong as they fulfil the stipulated requirements for their crater ‘pe. Crafters also need to have the right equipment and tools in ‘order to craft an item, however that aspect i lett up tothe discretion ofthe DM and the stability ofthe setting. In more fantastical campaigns, magieal forges and laboratories may line evry city Baza, while in more grounded settings, finding sppropriate facilities may be a quest in and of itself. MATERIALS, TIME, AND CosT Each eraftable item listed in tis guide requires atleast one harvestable material from a monsters harvesting table to act 8 a base component othe item, This base component provides the driving magical force that allows the item to function. The harvesting material and quantiy of the materials required are listed inthe description of the craftable item, For some craftable items, there are several potential harvestable materials that may actas the base component. Tn these cases, sny ofthe listed materials may be Craftabl items require more than just the base component provided by harvested materials, however. Crafting an item Tequites cost covering other requirements auch a8 tole, facilities, and extra materials. Note that this cost does NOT jnclude the cost of actully hiring a crafter, and that such a cost is considered separate. Assuming that the layers are providing the base component for a erafable material the ‘value of this base component esa he deducted from the end cost of erating the item, Finally craftable items take a certain amount of time before they can be completed. The breakdown ofthe time and ost investment to craft an item is listed in the Magic Item Ceafting Time and Cost able onthe next page MAGIC ITEM CRAFTING TIME AND CosT Iter Rarity Workweeks* Cost Common 1 508p Uncommon 2 2008p Rare 10 2,000 gp Very Rare 25 20,000 gp Legendary 50 100,000 gp “Halved for consumable item ikea potion or sero This guide uses the rules for crafting in Xanathar’s Guide to versthing ts the basi forthe crafting rules presented here, DMs are encouraged to adjust these numbers based on the needs of their own games, Oprionat Rute: CRAFTER SKILL Notallerafters are ereated equal While village blacksmith ay be good at fixing scythes and making nals, if you hand them a dragon scale the best you wil get back is 3 ruined dragon scale and an apologetic look. Ifyou have high qualicy materials, youre going to need a high quality crafter. While under the base rules, anyone can craft anything s0 longa they meet the base proficiency requirements nder this optional rule, crafters are differentiated based on thei proficiency bons. A erafter aay craft any item whose rarity is equsl to or below their proficiency bonus as outlined inthe Crafting Skill Proficiency table on the next page. Crarrrr TyPE You dont ara blacksmith to cut the timbers of your house, and you dost ask an alchemist to craft you a sult of armour If you want an item crafted you need the right person for the job, Each erafable item comes with a tag in brackets explaining whieh (ype of eraer i eapable of making that Crafters are not restricted to a single profession ether. ‘Some skis are complimentary or certain individuals are simpy talented enough to cover multiple fields. Unless otherwise stated crafters with multiple profciencies use the same scare foreach field “The following is. basic rundown of rafter types: OPTIONAL RULE: CRAFTING SKILL PROFICIENCY Prof Skil evel Item Rarity Description 42 Novice Common properly but 443. Journeyman Uncommon & craftsmen that serves their vill afew things very well, ut most I more exotic materials, 44 Artisan — Rare Usually an apprentice, assistant, or seltaught practitioner, krows how to use the tools thy but has litle skill ith more dificult materalyand no ability to make new ideas. Je oF works in a specific role within their profession. Knows ‘ely would not be able to understand the compleaities of, ‘The highest level of skill that most ordinary people could hope to attain. Capable of

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