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Welcome Remarks

Distinguished Guest of Honor and speaker, __________, Brgy.Officials and all personnel led by Hon.
_________________, to our Board of Judges, SK Adviser _____________ and all Sangguniang Kabataan
Counsils and Members, Senior Citizen Members who manage to stay with us tonight, to all our dazzling
candidates, and to all the citizens of our beloved Barangay, GOODEVENING!

It is my pleasure to welcome you all in this prestigious and momentous event, The Search for Mr. & Miss
______________ in Celebration of our Barangay Fiesta 2023, with the theme: Panagyaman, Panawen ti
Panagsubalit ti Baro an Namnama iti laksid ti Pandemya"

Though Fiesta,in most of other parts of the country, is celebrated in recognition of their patron saints,
here in our Barangay, our Fiesta will always be a great opportunity for all of us to Thank God with all the
blessings he unselfishly showered our Barangay despite of the previous effect of pandemic as what it
says in our Fiesta Theme.

And Now, on the 5th Night of Celebration of Barangay Fiesta, the Sangguniang Kabataan Councils and
Members, strong and united would like to present to you the Pride of our achievements and hard work
from day 1 to this momentous event that we have. We would also like to take this opportunity to
express our joy as we again become an active part of this Fiesta Activities, not as a responsibility but
rather an honor and privilege. This is the chance to prove that we are not just followers but also a leader
in our very own right..leaders who will be partners of elderly in transforming the community.

I urge the other Sangguniang Kabataan to display and share their time, talents, skills and spark to our
beloved Brgy. Let us not miss any chance to show how dynamic we are, and that God-given talents are
not wasted on the young.

Brgy. _________ Youth, let your shine brightly in this prestigious and dazzling moment!

Once again, welcome and GOODEVENING!

Viva Kabataan!

Agbiag Brgy. ___________!

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