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By : Ade Awaludin, S.Ag, MH


Along Indonesia's electricity demand, which is projected in 2060, it will require 1,885
Terawatt Hours (TWh), while State Electricity Company (SEC) itself needs are around
1,728 TWh. and non- State Electricity Company needs are estimated at 157 TWh, so
the projection for electricity consumption per capita will reach more than 5,000
KWh/capita in 2060, on the other hand power plants such as SPP (Steam Power Plant),
HPP (Hydroelectric Power Plant), and Wind, Wave or Solar Power Plant apart from
requiring a large amount of money, the Steam Power Plant itself contributes significant
carbon emissions to the air.
Therefore, it encourages the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic
of Indonesia to issue a policy on a strategy to meet electricity needs in 2060 and as an
effort to achieve NZE (Net Zero Emission), although since the construction of nuclear
reactors and forming institutions in the nuclear sector such as BATAN and BAPETEN,
nuclear power plants which is known to be cheap and environmentally friendly, has
resulted in many improvements in cultivation and agricultural development, but literacy
and government policies in the nuclear sector are still far from expectations.
Keyword : Power Plant, nuclear, energy

Since the establishment of the Atomic Energy Council and the Atomic Energy
Agency (LTA) through Government Regulation no. 65 of 1958, which was later refined
to become the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) based on Law no. 31 of 1964
concerning the Basic Provisions for Atomic Energy, and in 1965 the operation of the first
atomic reactor (Triga Mark II) was inaugurated in Bandung, then several development
research facilities were built, such as the Center for Atomic Energy Research in Pasar
Jumat, Jakarta (1966), the Center for Energy Research Atomic GAMA, Yogyakarta
(1967), and the 30 MW Multipurpose Reactor (1987) and as an effort to improve the
paradigm, Law no. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy, between BATAN as the
implementing element for the use of nuclear energy and BAPETEN as the nuclear
power supervisory element.1
However, since it was built until now, people literacy or knowledge upon Nuclear
is still very low, this is proved by the rejection of the construction of nuclear power plants
in Jepara, and the low in number of human resources (HR), where there are only two
educational institutions that provide knowledge about nuclear, namely Gajah Mada
University (UGM) and STTN in Yogyakarta, so that Indonesia only has 5% competent
human resources on nuclear, while there are still 11,000 companies that need reliable
and understanding personnel, especially in the health and energy industrial field,
despite various advances from the results of research in the nuclear field such as in
2014 Indonesia has won the highest award in the nuclear field (Outstanding
Achievement Award) at the world level, for its role in supporting food security through
radiation by developing superior seed varieties, an award presented directly by the
Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAE A) Yukiya Amano to
the Indonesian Ambassador Rachmat Budiman, the award presentation was also
attended by Prof. Dr. Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto (Head of BATAN).
On the other hand, the influence of climate change has caused global warming,
food scarcity, erratic seasons and an unavoidable energy crisis along with the
increasing population and electricity consumption, as well as rising sea levels due to the
decreasing glacier in the North Pole.
Based on the above background, this essay will discuss several problem
formulations as follows;
1. How is the strategy in nuclear development in Indonesia?
2. Can Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) be relied upon as a manifestation of energy
endurance in the future?
3. How to implement the steps in realizing the national strategic project in the nuclear
Along with the high amount of carbon released into the air as a result of the high
use of fossil fuels, as well as the increasing consumption of electricity needs, even
trending, electricity consumption has continued to increase since 2015, in 2017 it
increased by 6.8%, causing various weather anomalies and rising sea levels as a result
of global warming, so that the impact of climate change has prompted the government
in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
to issue a Press Release Number: 334.Pers/04/Sji/2021, on September 20 2021
regarding the strategy to meet electricity needs in 2060 and efforts to achieve NZE (Net
Zero Emission), where Indonesia's electricity needs are projected in 2060 to be 1,885
Terawatt Hours (TWh), while State Electricity Company (SEC) needs around 1,728
TWh, and non-PLN needs around 157 TWh. , and projections for electricity
consumption per capita will reach more than 5,000 KWh/capita by 2060.
As an alternative energy, there are several new renewable energy sources (EBT)
where the energy source is energy that is not exhausted and can be recycled naturally,
as stated in Article 1 point 6 of Law no. 30 of 2007 on energy states that the sun,
geothermal, wind (wind), bioenergy, river flow and waterfalls, as well as ocean wave
motion and differences in sea layer temperature (tidal water) are new renewable energy
sources, although this energy source relatively easy and abundant, but the threat of
climate change that is difficult to predict such as sea level rise, flash floods or tsunamis,
earthquakes that will damage the infrastructure of energy plants, and the possibility of
weather anomalies, then relying too much on energy sources on NRE will certainly
worry and does not guarantee sustainability.
In addition to that, apart from NRE, there are other energy sources that have
been used so far, namely crude oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy, but along
with continuous exploitation, these energy sources are running low, so that
sustainability and the fulfillment of cheap and affordable electricity are needed. evenly
distributed throughout Indonesia will experience serious obstacles, but of the non-
renewable energy, there is a source that produces energy that is large enough, cheap
and the source of this energy is uranium, learn from various developed countries such
as the United States, France and China make nuclear as the most reliable generator.
As a superpower country, America requires enormous energy consumption, in 2019
nuclear power plants have reached 852 TWh or 0.3% from 2018 which was only 849.6
TWh, the performance of nuclear power plants in the United States reached 88.4% of
the total nuclear energy in the United States. North America which amounted to 963.7
TWh, as well as France which had reached 399.4 TWh in 2019, or contributed 43% in
Europe and accounted for 14.3% of nuclear power generation in the world.
Meanwhile for the Asia Pacific region, China controls the largest nuclear power
generation, with a total of 348.7 TWh in 2019 or 54% in the region, where the total
nuclear power generation in Asia Pacific has reached 647.3 TWh.
In addition to power plants, nuclear is also very useful for exploration of
archaeological or archaeological sciences, development of the agricultural field,
ecology, and supports zero emissions, and nuclear power plants are the generators with
the most labor absorption.
Currently, Indonesia's natural resources in terms of uranium content are as much
as 70,000 tons (19th in the world), where uranium is the fuel that triggers nuclear
reactions that function as energy to drive generators or power sources, and nuclear
power plants needs to require 1000 megawatts by producing just 21 tons of uranium.

1. Conclusion
From the description above, the author concludes that the choice of making nuclear
power plants as future power plants are right and wise choice, because if we rely too
much on power plants such as the Solar Power Plant, the Electric Steam Power Plant
and the Hydro Electric Energy, it will cause energy instability, because the impact is not
efficient and not economics of constructing the power plant, the Hydro Electric Energy
can only develop in coastal areas, and the Electric Steam Power Plant where coal as
the fuel results in higher carbon dioxide disposal, while geothermal or geothermal
projects, apart from there are still many conflicts in the community, require very large
land and expensive cost.
2. Recommendation
Therefore, there are several steps on how to make a nuclear power plant project in
Indonesia possible. First, that the transition of energy to nuclear power plants must be a
national strategic agenda, and institutional strengthening such as establishing
representative bodies of BATAN in Provinces throughout Indonesia with budgetary
support for institutions in the nuclear sector, research on nuclear in universities with
monitoring under the control of the National Research Agency (NRA), Second, in
realizing the energy transition it is necessary to have a massive and comprehensive
socialization and literacy policy in all public media, both television, mass media and
millennial influencers, as well as building collaboration and support of study programs
on nuclear and its use in the world of campuses and the business world so as to
encourage the birth of reliable, competent and competitive graduates and
undergraduates in the nuclear field. Third, create a career system and guarantee
adequate health and old age protection for state civil servants, experts and other
supporting staff with careers in the nuclear sector, thereby encouraging the public to
make nuclear energy a promising future option. Fourth, there is a need for joint
regulations between Regional Leadership Coordination Forum such as the Indonesian
National Army, Indonesian Republic Police, Regional Government, Community,
Attorney, and other elements in terms of disseminating information, education, and
handling the impacts that will be caused (mitigation schemes) in the construction of
power plants. nuclear power. Fifth, formulate the structure of nuclear user groups in
terms of developing the agricultural sector from elements of the community and the
business world, where local governments are given the authority to make regulations for
these groups.

Apa Itu Energi Nuklir dan Apa Saja Manfaatnya (

Apakah PLTN lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan PLTU dan PLTA? Mengapa? –

Hanya Satu Bumi Hak Generasi Mendatang, Materi Pokok Bidang Studi Sumber
Kekayaan Alam, Lemhannas RI, Cetakan Tahun 2022

Teknik Nuklir, Ada Lagi Selain di UGM? (

Tak Hanya Senjata, Ada 5 Manfaat Lain dari Nuklir (

Undang-undang No. 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran

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