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PHONG GDpT VINH YEN DE KIM TRA KIEN THUC HQC SIN LOP 9 LAN 5 NAM HOC 2022-2023 DE CHINH THUC BAI: Tt Théi gian lam bai: 90 phiit, khong ké thai gian giao dé. (@é thi c6 08 trang) Ma db thi: 648 “PHAN I. TIENG ANH (30 cu; 5.0 diém) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the given ones. ‘CAu.1, Hoa doesn’t come to class today, because she contracts a serious illness. A. In case Hoa didn’t contract a serious illness, she wouldn’t come to class today. B. If Hoa contracted a serious illness, she would come to class today. C. If Hoa didn’t contract a serious illness, she would come to class today. D. If Hoa contracted a serious illness, she won’t come to class today. C4u 2. He lost his job three months ago. A. It is three months ago for him to lose his job. B. Ithas been three months since he has lost his job. C. They are three months since he lost his job. D. It is three months since he lost his job. ‘Cfu 3, The puzzle was so complex that the kids couldn’t solve it. A. Itwas such complex puzzle that the kids could solve it. B. The puzzle was too complex for the kids to solve. C. It was not enough complex puzzle for the kids to solve. D. The puzzle was complex enough for the kids to solve. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best option to complete each of the following numbered blanks. People enjoy living in large cities. But cities have problems. One problem is that they frequently grow very rapidly. Transportation (4) complicated, There are a lot of cars, buses and bicycles. (5) people are trying to improve the big cities, and they are also planning for new cities. Plan A is a large’ city with smaller cities around it. There is an open land with trees, fields, and lakes between the large city and smaller cities. Each small city (6) has offices, schools, hospitals, and places of entertainment is complete. In Plan B, the cities are (7) by a road, In Plan C, the cities are in rings around the central city and all of them are connected (8) each other. The goal of all these plans is to limit the growth of the large city. Cau 4, A. becomes B. develops C. happens D. retums CauS. A.Moreover BB. Asaresult’ —_C, Because D. However Ciu6. = Awho B. what C. which D. where Ciu7. — A.connected —B. tied C. attached D. fastened Cau8 A. from Cin D. for Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best option to complete each of the following sentences. Cu 9. They asked me in Los Angels then. A. was my father working B. if my father had been working C. if was my father working D. if my father was working ‘Trang 1/8 — Ma 42 thi 648 Duvgc quét bang CamScanner eS Fae é Cau 0, ___ number of boys Were swimming in the lake, but I didn’t know the exact wg number of them. “ A-An B. The C.No article D.A C4u 11. Computers offer a much greater degree of in the way work can be organised ” A. inflexible B. flexible C. flexibility D. flexibly Cau 12. More open discussions ______ online to help us reach a good decision next month. A. conducts B. conduct C. will be conducted —_D. willl conduct Cau 13. - "Hi, You must be new here.” - “ A. No, I’m very old here. B. Are you new here, too? C. Yes, am you surprised? D. Yes, this is my first day on the job. Cfu 14. Nam didn't know to find more information about the course. A. what B. why C. when D. where Cau 15, Moana has never tried such a big earrings. A. wearing B, wears C.wear D. to wearing Cfu 16. You need a password to get tothe computer system. = A. connection B. access C. programs D. information CAu 17. Louis is virtually bilingual Dutch and German. Avon B. with C. for Dain Cfu 18, Production methods in the village ere normally from ancestors to the young generations. ‘A. passed away B. passed down C. passed up D, passed out Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best option to answer each of the following questions. Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water cach morning. You should drink this water first thing, before doing anything else. The temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature; neither too hot nor too cold. Why should you drink this water? Water helps your body in many ways. Tt helps clean out your kidneys. It prepares your stomach for digestion, Water can also help your intestines Work better. After drinking water, the intestines can more easily take out nutrients from our food, Water also helps us go to the bathroom more easily. Scientists suggest that people take in 1,600 milliliters of water cach day. But don’t drink all of that water in one sitting. If you do, your kidneys will have to work much harder to eliminate it. I's better to drink some in the moming and some in the afternoon. Some people think it's better to drink between meals and not during meals. They think water dilutes the {juices produced in our stomachs. This can interfere with normal digestion. ‘Are you drinking enough water every day? Check the color of your urine. Tf it is light yellow, you are probably drinking enough. If your urine is very dark yellow, you probably heed to drink more water. A little more water each day could make you much healthier. (Adapted from Reading Challenge 1 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen) Céu 19. What is the main idea of the passage? Trang 2/8 Ma d8 thi 648 Duc quét bang CamScanner A. The best amount of water to drink B. How to drink water correctly? C. The advice of the doctors D. The importance of water Cau 20, According to the passage, water is good for the following organs of the body, EXCEPT __ Aslivers __B. stomach C. kidneys D. intestines au 21. The word “Ie” in paragraph 2 refers to, ‘A. water B. your kidney C. your body D. your stomach C4u 22. The word “eliminate” in paragraph is closest in meaning to. ‘A. preserve B. remove . absorb D. process Cau 23. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? ‘A. You shouldn’t drink too much water at the same time. B. You need to drink more water if your urine is light yellow. C. The first thing you should do every morning is to drink water. D. Drinking water while having meals may interfere with normal digestion. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet fo indicate the best option to answer each of the following questions. Have you ever felt that there aren't enough hours in the day? These days we have to do our jobs, look after our homes, save energy to help the environment, and do exercise to stay healthy! Like many of us, Alex Gadsden never had enough time. He xam a business and a home and needed to lose weight. So he decided to do something about it, He invented the eyole washer. The 29-year-old now starts each day with a 45-mimute eyele ride, He not only feels healthier but he saves on his energy bills and does the washing too. He said, “It gives the user a good workout. I've only used it for two weeks but I've already noticed a difference.” “I tend to get up at around six-thirty now and get straight on the oycle washer. I keep it in the garden, s0 it’s nice to get out in the fresh air. Afterwards, T feel full of energy. Then I generally have breakfast and a shower and I really feel ready to start the day.” The green washing machine uses 25 litres of water a wash, and takes enough clothes to fill a carrier bag. He normally eycles for 25 minutes to wash the clothes, and then for another 20 minutes to dry them. And it doesn’t use any electricity, of course. Mr Gadsden, the boss of a cleaning company, believes his machine could become very popular, With an invention which cleans your clothes, keeps you fit and reduces your electricity bill, he may well be right. (Adapted from English Unlimited by Alex Tilbury et al.) Cau 24, What is the passage mainly about? A. Cycling makes you healthier B. The importance of daily exercise C. A fascinating invention D. Ways to do the washing properly Au 25, The word “ran” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ‘ A. moved B. changed C. allowed ‘D. managed Cau 26. According to paragraph 1, what docs Alex Gadsden achieve with the invention of the cycle washer? A. He helps his wife with the washing-up. B. His electricity bills are reduced. C. He becomes more involved in recycling. D. He puts on weight. Trong 3/8 - Ma 68 thi 648 Duc quét bang CamScanner sie” it jh 2 refers to ‘ . Cau 27. The word “it” in paragraP! / A the fi air * B, workout Cthe cycle washer Dz difference Cau 28, Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage? ‘A. Alex Gadsden is positive about the success of the cycle washer. B. Alex's machine isn’t effective in terms of cleaning the clothes. ~C. The cycle washer can help you to remain strong’and healthy. D. It doesn’t require any electricity to run the cycle washer. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that needs correcting. Cau 29, “Can you help me with my homework?”. “[ wish I could but I couldn't.” A. with B. could C. couldn’t D. homework Cau 30. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is the largest than any other Jakes in the world. A. the largest B. The Cua salt lake D. lakes Duc quét bang CamScanner SS | pan SINH HOC (1$ edu; 2,50 aiém) * cau dle han, net nao dudi day khong ding? ip. Su biéa di kigu gen do anh hudng ota moi trdng la mgt thus if t 2 ‘ 1a mot thudng bien. ‘p. Mito phan tmg ca kiu gen o6 thé ron Bice j tinh trang i 7 ig hay hep ty tung loai 8 C.Mitephin ing di truyén duge. eee a “p. Thuing bién gidp sinh vat thich nghi véi sy thay déi ca méi trudns: cau 32: Mot t8 bao sinh dudng cla rudi gidm (2n = 8 NST) trai a0 qua trinh nguyén phan. rong céc nhfn xét sau, o6 bao nhieu nhén xét ding? (1) Oki gita c6-8 NST kép va 8 tim dng (2) GKi sau c6 16 crématit va 16 tim dong (3) Két thie ki eudi, méi té bao ¢6 8 NST don. (4) OKi du c6 8 cromatit va 16 tam déng. (5) Oki trang gian, Itic NST di nhan d6i c6 16 tam dong AD Bl. C4, Ciu 33: 6 cd chua, alen A quy dinh qué d6 tri hod to alen B quy dink qua tron tri hodn toan so véi alen b quy djnh trén oge NST thong khée nhau vi qué trinh gid phan khong xAy t@ igu hinh 3 qua dd, dai : 1 qua vang, dai thi phai chon c&p P cé kiéu gen va kigu hinb |A.P: Aabb (Qué 46, dai) x aaBb (Qua vang, trom). B.P: Aabb (Qua dé, dai) x Aabb (Qué 65, dai). C.P:aaBb (Qua ving, tron) x aabb (Qua ving, dai). D.P: AaBb (Qua dé, tron) x Aabb (Qué dé, dai). : Cau 34: Trén ding 66, cac con bo dang ain ¢6. BO tidu hoa durge c6 nhi eéc vi sinh vat song trong dp ¢6, Céo con chim séo dang tim an ode con rin s6ng trén da bd. Khi néi vé quan he gitta céc sinh vat trén, phat biéu ndo sau day ding? ‘A. Quan hé gitta vi sinh vat va rf 18 quan he cant tran, B, Quan hé gitta bo va vi sinh vat 1A quan hé cong sinh. Quan hé gid rn va bo Ia quan he sinh vét nay &n sinh vat Khe. D. Quan hé gitta chim séo va ran 1& quan he hOi sinh Cau 35: 6 mot loti thye vat, biét mi gen guy dinh mét tink trang, alen trOi 12 tri hoan toan. Theo ly thuyét, phép lai no sau day cho ddi con phan ly kiéu hinh theo ti 18 1:1:1:17 ABAD, gt, AB AB ab ab aB ab ab ab” ‘Cau 36: Quan sat hinh vé sau D.3. an so v6i alen a quy dinh qué ving; i dai. Cho biét cdc gen nim ot bién. BS Fy c6 ti IG nhu thé n30? ate tetotetr sc E r. 0 mee ai Cho biét cée cht efi in hoa ki higu cho cfc gen trén nhigm séc thé | gu ¢ gen trén nhiém sac thé é i cho og ché phat sinh dang d6t bién céu tric nhiém sic the Ho? SEHR ee A. Chuyén doan. B, Lap dogn. i a oe a D. Mat doan, : Ongudi, cfc NST thudng duge ki higu chung la A, cap NST gidi tinh & nf duge ki higu la XX va 6 nam due ki hiéu la XY. Hop tir vid Hop tir dur jira loai ti tring va logi trimg nao sau day s€ phat trién thank, canis Hatch do eke hop a pat Trang 5/8 — Mai dé thi 648 Due quét bang CamScanner 4 A PNM ICH 26 ay sai vatén ti da ae ee me duéi day duge thiét lap sau Chién tranh thé gid thts hai (1939 - 1945) A. Dacuc, nhidu trung tim, B. Vec-xai-Oa-sinh-ton. C. Don cue, nhieu trung tam. D. Hai cue an-ta. Ca a Dui dy dau 1X8 thi tye tép, trade mit cia nbin dén Viet Nam trong nhiing nam 1936- A. Bon phan dong thude dia, B:Dé-quéc nia capa chd, C. Turan va dja chi. D. DE quéc va phong kién. CAu 48: Dai h6i dai biéu todn quéc lin thir If cha Dang (thing 2 - 1951) quyét dinh dua Dang ra hot déng cong khai & Vit Nam véi tén goi mdi [A A. Ding Céng sin Vigt Nam. B. Ding Lao dong Viét Nam. C. Ding Dan chi Vigt Nam. D, Ding Dan chi Dong Duong. Cfu 49: Trong nhing nam 1954 +1975 chi th ‘Vigt Nam dai chuyén cdch mang mién Nam tir thé gitt gin luc lugn A. Ding khoi. B. Ap Bac. C. Van Futng. D. Mau Thai Cau $0: Theo Hiép djnh So b6 (6-3 - 1946), quan 49i nude nao duéi day duge ra mién Bic Viét Nam thay quan Tudng Gidi Thach lam nhiém vu giai giép quan 46i phat xit Nhat? ‘A. Phép. B. Lién X6. CM D. Anh. Chu 51: Trong giai doan 1919 - 1930 Nguyen Ai Quéc khdng c6 déng g6p ndo dudi day Adi véi cdch mang Viét Nam? 'A. Chuéin bj v8 tu tung, chinh trj va t8 chite cho su ra d0i cba Dang Céng sin Viet Nam. B. Sogn théo Cuong linh chin tri dau tién ca Dang Cong sin Viét Nam. C. Truc tigp lanh dgo nhan dan Viet Nam Téng khdi nghia, D. Tim ra con duéng ciru nuréc, gidi phéng dan tc diing din. Cau 52: Chién dich nao dudi day da két thie thang Igi cuge khang chién chéng Mi ctru nude (1954-1975) cla nhan dan Vigt Nam? A. H6 Chi Minh, B, Dign Bién Phi. C. Viet Bac. D. Bién gidi. C4u 53: M6t trong nhing mye dich chinh cia thyc dan Phép trong qué trinh thyc hién cue khai théc thuge dja lan thir hai 6 Bong Duong (1919 -1929) 1a A, bi dip lai thiét hai do Chién tranh thé gigi thir nhat gay ra. B. dau tur phat trién toan dién kinh té Dong Duong. C.hodn thanh vige binh dinh dé théng tr} Dong Duong. D. dau tu phét trién déng bO cg so ha tang 6 Déng Duong. Cau 54: Trong nhting nim 1939 - 1945, su kign lich sit thé gidi nao sau dy o6 anh huréng dén céch mang Vigt Nam? ‘A. Trat ty thé giéi hai oyc I-an-ta sup 6. B, Phat xit Nhat dau hang Déng minh. C. Chién tran Janh két thic. D. Lién minh chau Au (BU) duge thanh lap. Cau 55; Nhan t6 durge xem 18 “ngon gié thn” déi véi nén kinh té Nhat Ban sau Chién tranh thé gid thi hai 1a ién thing nao duéi day cha quan dan mién Nam . 1g sang thé tién céng? Trang 7/8 — Ma dé thi 648 Duvge quét bang CamScanner A. Tinh tring 22A + 0 vA trimg 22A +X. B. Tinh tring 22A + X va trimg 22A + X C. Tinh tring 22A + Y va trimg 22A + X. D. Tinh tring 22A + X va trimg 22A + XX. . aaa Cw 38: Cac nha khoa hoe Vigt Nam di tao ra duge ede gidng cy dau tam tt boi mhy st dung tac nbn gay d6t bién nao sau day? A. Tia tir ngoai. B, Céc loai tia phong xa. C. Cénsixin. D, Séc nhiét. Cu 39: Tai nguyén ndo sau day 1a t4i nguyén tai sinh? A, Dau mo. B. Khodng san. C. Rig. D. Than da. Cau 40; M@t loai the vat ling bGi cd 6 nhém gen lién két. Do 46t bién, & mot quan thé thuge lodi nay dai xudt hign hai thé dot bién khdo nhau [a thé mot nhiém va thé tam b6i. S6 jurong nhi&m sic thé cé trong mét 18 bao sinh dug cia thé mét nhiém va thé tam bOi nay lan lugt la A. 6 va 12, B. 11 va 18. C. 12-va 36. D. 6 va 13. Cau 41: Menden 44 kiém tra gid thuyét cla minh bing phép lai nao? A. Ty thu phn. B, Lai khac loai. C. Lai thudn nghich. D. Lai phan tich. Céu 42: Trong quan xd sinh vat, chudi va ludi thitean bié 5 A. hop tc cling cé Igi. B. gitta thy vit voi dong vat. C. dinh duéng gitta cdc loai. D. hé trg cing Loai. Céu 43: Trong qué trinh ting hop ARN, nuclé6tit loai U & m6i truéng néi bao lién xét bd sung v6i loai nucléétit nao cia gen? AG. B.X. c.T. D.A. Cau 44; Cho mét doan gen o6 trinh ty céc nucléétit trén m6t mach nhw sau: 3°ATTXTTGAAGX 5’ Trinh ty cdc nucléétit trén mach cn Jai ctia gen la A, ?TAAGAAXTTXG 5’. B. S°TAAXAAXTTXG 3’, C, S°TAAGAAGTIXG 3’. D. S*TAAGAAXTTXG 3’. Cau 45: 6 ngudi, héi chimg, bénh nao dudi day chi xudt hin & ni gidi? ‘A. Hi chimg Dao. B. Hoi chimg AIDS. C. Bénh bach tang. D. Héi chimg Tocno. Duc quét bang CamScanner A. chéi trong dau tu vao gido dye. B. sur vién trg cha Mi cho Nhét Ban. C. dp dong nhting than twu Khoa hoe- Ki thugt vio sin xudt, D. chién tranh Tridu Tién. Cau $6: Trong nhting nam 1969 - 1973, Mi thye hién chign luge chién tranh nao sau day & mién Nam Viét Nam? A. Chién tranh dc biét. B, Chin tranh don phuong. C. Viét Nam héa chién tranh. D. Chién tranh cyc bd. Cau 57: Nam_1925, 18 chite céch mang nao sau day xut bin bdo Thanh nién? A. An Nam Cong sin ding. B. H6i Viét Nam Céch mang Thanh nién, C, Dong Duong Céng san lién doan. D. Viét Nam Quée din dang. ’ ; Cafu 58: NOi dung nao dudi day khOng phi 1a bién déi cha khu vue D6ng Nam A sau Chién tranh thé gidi tht hai dén nay? A. Tir cfc nude thude dia, phu thude cée quéc gia di gianh dc lap. B, Tit cd cée nude du di lén xAy dung Chi nghia xé hoi. C. Tinh lién két trong khu vue ngiy cang chat che. D. Bé mit kinh t8 - x8 h6i c6 su thay dai cin ban. C4u 59: Phong trao cach mang 1930- 1931, phong trao dan chi 1936-1939 va phong trao giai phéng dan tc 1939-1945 & Viet Nam cé diém giéng nhau nao du6i day? A. Str dung hinh thite d4u tranh vii trang. ahiém vy giai phéng dan tc lén hang dau. C. Tam gac khau hiéu cdch mang ru6ng dat. D. Do Dang Céng san lénh dao. Céu 60: Mét trong nhiing yéu t6 khach quan tac dong viée Dang Cong sin Viét Nam dé ra dudng 16i d6i méi dét made (tir thang 12-1986) 1a A, tinh trang lac hu cia céc nude ang Nam A, By su phat trién nhanh chéng cia té chirc ASEAN. C. te ddng cia cudc cach mang Khoa hgc- Ki thuat. D. cube khiing hoang trim trong cia kinh té thé gidi. HE Hoe sinh khong duege sit dung tdi ligu. Gido vién coi kiém tra khong gidi thich gi thém. Ho va tn hge sinh: . a .» 86 bao danh: Due quét bang CamScanner PHONG GD&DT VINH YEN DAP AN DE KIEM TRA KIEN THUC HQC SINH LOP 9 LAN 5 NAM HOC 2023 -2024 Bai: Té hop (Bé thi gém 60 cdu TN) Ma dé 318 1B 6c 11D 16.B 21.A 26.A 2A TA 12.C 17.D 22.C 27.D 3.C 8.D 13.D 18.4 23.D 28.C 4c 9.B 14.C 19.B 24.B 29.B 35.B 10.A 15.A 20.B 25.4 30.D SIA 36.4 41. A 46.C 51.C 56.4 32.B 37.C 42.B 47.D 52.D S7.A 33.C 38.B 43. B 48.D 53.B 58.B 34.C 39.B 44.C 49.D 54. 59.B 35.B 40. C 45.B 50. D 55.C 60.B Ma dé 428 1c 6.C 1A 16.B 21.C 26.C 2.D TA 12.D 17.C 22.B 27.4 3.B 8.D 13. 18.4 23.C 28.B 4.C 9.C 14.B 19.B 24.C 29. 5B 10.A 15.D 20. B 25.A 30.B 31.C 36.D 41.C 46.C SLA 56.B 32.C 37.D 42.B 47.C 52.B 57.B 33.A 38.4 43.B 48.B 53. 58.B 34,B 39.D 44D 49.D 54.D 59.D 35.B 40. A 45.4 50.C 55. A 60.C Ma dé538 1B 6A 11.C 16.C 21.4 26.A 2A 7 12.38 17.A 2.8 27.D 3.B 8B 13.C 18.B 23.D 28. C 4c 9.C 14.C 19.C 24.4 29.B 5A 10.A 1A 20.B 25.B 30.D 31.D 36.D A.B 46.B 51.B 56. D 32.C 37.B 2D 47.B 52.C 57.D 33.B 38.A 43.C 48. A 53.D 58.C 34.A 39.D. 44.4 49.D 54.A 59.4 35.B 40. A 45.C 50.C 55.A 60. A Due quét bang CamScanner Ma dé 648 1.C 6.D. 11.C 16.B 21.4 26.B 2.D TA 12.C 17.D 22.B 27.C 3.B 8B 13.D 18.B 23.B 28.B 4A 9.D 14.D 19.D 24.C 29.C 5.B 10.D 15.A 20.A 25.D 30.4, 31.A 36.C 41.D 46.D 51.C 56.C 32.4 37.C 42.C 47.4 52.4 57.B 33.B 38..C 43.D 48.B 53.4 58.B 34.B 39.C 44.D 49.4 54.B 59.D 35.4 40.B 45.D 50.A 55.D 60.C Duc quét bang CamScanner

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