Appendix 2

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Ilocano English
maam ,ania Maria ti panangawatAppendix
yo ti EMaam, what is your own definition of
panagbalbaliw ti panawen nang? Transcribed
adiay klima Data
climate change? the climate, the climate
tayo. Adiay Climate Change. change
R: Siyempre ah agpaypayso , isu nga kastoy ti Of course, it is true, This is why our
klima tatta napudot no damdama nalamek, climate is hot and sometimes cold. We
gamin dadiay makalbo ti banbantay ti have deforestation, we experience
panagpupukan ti kayo isu dadiay napudot, flooding during rainy seasons.
wunno pinagtutudo ,awan manun. Malayos
manen. Isu ti pakaalaan ti layos.
I: ania ngai ti kalamidad dagiti napadas yo nga What natural disaster have you
ti gapu na ket ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen, encountered due to Climate Change?
naka padas kayo ti layos ditoy sobra nga have you experienced flood or extreme
pudot? hot?
R: kaasi ti apo saan kami met malaylayos , With the mercy of God, we haven’t
datoy sabali nga barangay mi, ta dita datoy experienced flood. Unlike in Sta.
naglayos dumakel ti danom, na adu nga Cecilia, there were those who were
nanatay ti tao ken ananimal kakasdiay, ken greatly affected by floods. In God’s
dagidiay gamit nga naalalon, iday sta. Cecilia mercy, we haven’t experienced that
nagado idiay, kaasi ti apo , saan kami strong winds because own house roofs
naapektaran, idiay laeng ah no napigsa ti angin, were damaged. That is why sometimes
aina gamin tumayab datoy sim mi. idi maysa we put large rocks to avoid this.
nga bagyo inululi ti kadwak adiay bubongda
ngai gamin ,adiay yero da pinaguli ta ikkan mi
ti bato tapno saan tumayab.
I: adiay ginginid ngai nay? How about earthquake?
R: ai wen ah idiay 1990 pirme. naturog kami Yes, way back in 1990, it was awful.
idtoy(pointing on the vacant area) nga ta saan We slept outside our house(pointing on
ka cguro mamati, awan pay datoy nga the vacant area). Maybe you won’t
balai ,dita kami naglatag ti kahon mi. adda pay believe it, we just lie down outside the
met lako ti babasit nga store, gamin nabuong house, our house then was up and down.
idiay mantika, soy, sigarilyo, naglalaok adiay But everything was a mess. Everything
a. Napardas nga kami bumaba gamin, up and were broken.
down adiay balai mi nga ada adiay sirok na pay
I: ngem duray nagbagbagyo idi , saan mi unay How about typhoon then?Are they
nga maritna nga napigsa? strong?
R: saan met, awan met ti pagdanagan ti balai No, they were not, way back then, we
mi, gamin idi kawayan ken bolo lang met just stay calm our house were made of
bamboo and light bamboo.
i: Ngem kadagitoy makunayo nga napigpigsa How about now? What can you say
dadiay bagyon tatta? about storms?

R: wen ah, adiay napalpalabas tattan pirme Yes, those that passed lately were too
metten much.
I: kas maysa nga nainterview mi idi maam, As we had interviewed in the past, the
dagidiay pay panag-agos ti karayan yo ket flow of the river was changed.
sumabali ti agos na
R: wen nakong sumabali, idi idiay banda Yes, son. It has changed. It is going on
daya(pointing on the river), ket agpalpalaod the west(pointing on the river).It became
metten asidig idikanyamin ,baka no agtudo ket nearer to us, if there are heavy rains it
awanen, baka idiay kalsada idiay ket ulwun na might follow the roads.

I: Iti panagkunayo nang ania ata ngai ti gapo na What do you think is the reason for this
no apai dadiay karayan yo ket kasla umasideg why is the river is moving forward in
kanyayo? you?
R: kwa gamin nakong, adiay kalkalyen da ti Because of what they do in the rivers,
karayan, agloader da ,kurkurbun da, tapos they dig up that part and it change the
agsabali ti agos ti karayan, haan na nasurot ti water current.
dati nga ayos na idi gapo iti panagkale da.
I: nang nu ada bagyo, ginginid, siyempre If you hear from radios and television
madamag yo met ijay radio tv nu saan ijay that typhoons and earthquake are
tatao, kabarangayan yo, ania ngai met ti coming, what do you do?
araramiden yo nu adda kasla nga madamag yo
nga kalamidad ibaga da nga napigsa super
R: ti kwa ak lang dita apo, ta amok met nga We pray to the Lord if we know that
napigsa ti dumanon ditoy ayan mi met there is a strong storm coming.
I: Adda preparasyon yo maam? Do you have preparations?
R: gamin daduma ket awan met, ngem nu adda Sometimes, none at all. But sometimes,
adiay silaw, flashlight, kandila ,makan, agdulin we prepare flashlights, candles, food
kan ah,,adda met laeng then we just keep them.
I: adiay balay yo auntie? How about your house?
R: nu kaspangarigan kasta(pointing to the For example the wind is too strong, then
galvanized iron) ngaruden no napigsa ti angin we tie our hoses to big trees.(pointing to
talaga nga isiglot mi ta balay mi a. the galvanized iron)
I: Panagkunayo maam , Kasatno a naapektaran For you , How does climate change
ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen ti biag yo? affect your lifestyle and practices?
R: ai wen no danum ah grabe dadiay, adadiay Yes, at times the prices of commodities
nangingina nga gagatangen a ,siyempre are sowing. We are affected. Even our
maapektaran kami, wun no kadwa mi nga comparisons, the farmers. During
agtaltalon ket adiay mulmula da ket matmatay summer, they cannot water their plants.
metten, wunno tatta nga kwaresma haan da met I know all of us feel the change, during
makasibsibog, awan ti magatgatang nga nateng dry season, it is so hot and until rainy
ditoy.Ti ammok amin tayo ket marikna tayo season, it feels the same even when it
daytoy a panagbalbaliw, no kuaresma, ket rains it is still warm. But Eating
talaga nga nagpudot inggana ti panagtutudo vegetables and fruits are the best to

nabara met lang, uray agtudo ay ket marikna make our body healthy and strong
latta ti bara na. Ngem ti panag makan ti
pruprutas ken gulay ket nasayaat iti bagbagi
I: tatta kuresma, Adda met ti umanay nga This summer, do you have enough water
supply ti danum, idi iti pangsibog ti mula? supply?
R: Ai wen ah adda met cguro idi ti danum, Yes there is water,it is not like today
saan met nga kasla tatta nga kwaresma adda that is summer,there is water before but
met idi, ngem saan nga kasla tatta talaga nga not like what we are experiencing now,it
dry, agasem nga datoy nga gripo ket parbangon is really dry, imagine this water pump,
inggana alas onse ti rabii adda ti agururay ti from dawn to midnight there are people
danum, ket siak tatta nga aldawak nagsakdo. fetching water, and I fetch at noon.
I: ngem dati ada met?umunay met? But way back then, was it enough?
R: Adu ti diperensya idi ken tatta. Is there a big difference then and now?
I: Idi nang no ikumpara yo ti init idi ken tatta?
How would you compare the
temperature today and in past?
R: mas grabe tatta, pirme tatta Now, it is too much.
I: ket ti danum met idi ngai nang no aglayos How about when it floods? Is it all alike
diay daduma nga lugar, agtudo, pigsa ti in different places? How could you
panagkabuhos ti tudo, no ikumpara yo idi compare?
kakaro ba tatta?
R: kasla agpada, ngem no nabayag nga agtudo It’s almost the same. But if it rains for a
kasla bassit lang met. long time, just a little.
I: Ania ti ar- aramidenyo tapno maisanay yo iti What do you do to adapt to climate
panagbaliw ti klima tatta?kasla maisanay yo ti change? like to adopt the climate
pagbaliw ti klima tayo?
R: agkarkararag kami ti sto. Rosario We pray the holy rosary
agwalwalo sikami,
I: Awan ti sabali nga ritwal yo maam?. Don’t you have other rituals?
R: awan met. None
I: Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe, ania dagiti As a member of Bago Tribe, what
adding nga ararmidenyo tapno Masayaat ti practices do you contribute to lessen the
tiempo? effects of
Climate Change?
R: Agrerecycle ak ti plastic , wen no mapanak We recycle plastic or when we go to the
makitiyenda, agrereuseak ti plastic, ken market, we reuse plastic bags and
maminsan agtretree planting kami ti ayan mi. sometimes we join tree planting
activities here in our community.

Respondent: Pedro English

I: adiay umuna nga saludsudin mi, ania ti Our first question is, What is your own
panagawat yo sir ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen? definition of climate change?
R: Nasayaatten, pollution adiay. Dakami nga It’s already okay. That is pollution. We
saan met nga agar-aramid ti mas maapektaran, that were not the one who used to do
no dagidiay la koma ad- adu ti kontribusyon na such things were added to be affected, if
iti panagbalbaliw ti kliman a ti mas only those who has the greater
maapektaran ay ket mayat koma, ngem saan contribution on climate change be more
met a ta maymaysa ngarud ti lubong nga affected, but not, because we all live in
pagdidiyanan tayo. one planet
I: Thank You sir, Bale ania ti panagkuna yo sir Thank you, sir. So, What natural
ti dagiti kalamidad nga adiay napapadasen yo disaster have you encountered due to
sir gabuay ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen sir? Climate Change?

R: Maysa datoy nga kuryente, raradyo, TV, This is related to power current, radio,
Cellphone, pati dayta nga,luglugan nga naasok, television, cellphone, even those
(nagsardeng)nagadu nga luglugan. Dagitoy vehicles that release smoke, (pause) a
maparnuay da nga arwaten pati panagtalon ken lot of vehicles. Those invented tools for
paktorya. Mayat met a ta panglakaan nga farming and factories. It is good to have
kunada ngem sumadot met ti tattao tatta. Saan these kinds because it makes work
nga kasla idi nga uray awan dagita nga easier but it also make people lazy.
panglakaan ah ket nagaget amin nga ub ubbing Unlike before, people were very
idi nga maibaon, (nagsennaay), ata ti industrious, all of the kids were very
mangdadael ti kalamidad helpful, (sigh), these destroy our
I: Ania ti masansan nga aramiden yo no adda What do you do when there are coming
nga sumangbay nga kalamidad itoy ayan yo calamities?
sir?, uray manipod idi hangana tatta?
R: Agingana nga, kala kabalinak ah ket As long as I can travel and can help
agpasyarak nga agkita ti mabalin nga other people, I will. But we need more
matulungak no adda ti kalamidad, no help than other people because we just
aginginid wunnu adu ti maapektaran, ngem live in a small house that it can easily be
ditoy ayan mi ket batbatit laeng ti balay mi, destroyed.
madali laeng nga maapektaran ket masapul ti
I: Ania nga preparasyon sir nga araramiden yo, So, what do you do to prevent further
kasla kuma dadiay daduma kuma ti igid destruction to your house—like what
baybay itali da dadiay balbalay da. other people near the sea do?
R: wen , kasla adiay daduma, kastoy no mut Yes, like what other people do. They
daduma, saan adiay tali, apan mi ikan idiay don’t fasten their house to trees but put
kayo nga ulan na ti balay, kasla tinukol, ikan ti, scaffolds for support. (Smiles)
nayunan adiay adige na, kasla brace(Smiles)

I: kasla naamwan mi sir nga adda iti We have learned that waters stream
pagdaldalanan ti danum, ania met adiay forcefully (near your house). What do
araramiden yo sir? you do?
R: Nu kasjay dakel ti danum, uhm, mangala We get sack of sand and monitor the
sikami ti sako kitdi, inak bantayan dagiti logs so they will not trap the flow of
kakayo nga madalanan ti danom tapno haan water especially if the current is strong.
mailusti dijay, wun nu sigudun mu nga igkaten The logs need to be removed so that we
ta adda gamin ti tubo nga na duwa, waig nga will not be flooded.
kasla igkam ti duwa nga lusob dadiay nga
lusob no adu nga maibereng met. Malaus ti
kwa, ayusun nga ayusun madadaul manen .
I: Kasatno nga naapektaran ti para kanya yo sir How does climate change affect your
ti pagbalbaliw ti panawen tatta ti biag yo ken lifestyle and practices?
diay inaldawaldaw nga aramid yo wunno
trabaho yo?
R: Kanyak laeng ket ket dadiay pinagangangus For me, I am experiencing breathing
ko, kasla maritnakkon ti kalamidad. Adu pay ti problems due to climate change. There
tattao nga adda sakit nan ti puso tatta. Adu pay are also a lot of people who have heart
ti matmatay ti kasta nga sakit. Ket ti gapu na disease now. Some also died on this
ket ti panagbalbaliw ti klima ken ti taraon nga kind of disease. And this is because of
maipauneg nga adu ti preserbatib na. the climate change and the foods we eat
that have a lot of preservatives.
I: Marigatan kayo umanges? Are you having difficulty in breathing?
R: wen, kaadwan na agangkit no maapektaran , Sometimes, it is hot and sometimes it is
dagidiay adda ti sakit ti puso da sa minsan cold. Due to this, people have difficulty
napudot damdama no nalammin, no saan mo in breathing. People were becoming
maiwasan ket maritnam ti sakit. Dagiti tattao weaker and weaker, they are not healthy
tatta ket kumapsot nga kumapsot metten, saan anymore. They even easily got sick.
da nga nasalun- aten.Nalaka da nga makaptan
ti sakiten.
I: pero dati sir, adiay mapaspadasan yo tatta, no How about before, sir? How do you
ikumpara yo idi umununa nga panawen? compare your experiences before and
R: No kanyak lang kuma nga maysa, diay “For me, a simple colds and flu is
simple nga panagpanateng ko ken normal, but now it’s different, if you
panangtrangkasok ket tatta saan nga have flu you need a very strong
kasdiayen,trangkaso met a sabalin ta masapol medicine, so frightened that nowadays
met ti napigsa nga ag-agasen, nakaam amak we don’t even know where these
tattan ta di pay ammo ti pakaalaan ti diseases came from”,(frowned).
I: para kanya yo nga sir nga teknolohiya nga Do you think technology has something
kuna da nga maysa ti makadadael ti klima tayo to do with climate change; and that
sir ken aramid ti tao ta kunna da panagbalbaliw people also have their fair share of this
yo ti klima sir, ania ngarud ti araramiden yo destruction? What do we do now to
sir tapno maisanay yo ti panagbalbaliw ti klima adopt to this?

maadaptaran yo.
R: Cguro dadiay pinagpupuor ti naangot ket I think the burning of materials
saan, daduma nga saan makaapektar, saan contributes to the pollution. We have
puoran, ngem dadiay saan makaapektar ti now talked about this and now resolving
kalamidad ti puoran, adu gamin tatta ti this matter.
mapuoran no angutem ket madi. Adda gamin ti
pinagmetingan mi nga kasatnu ti nasayaat nga
I: kas maysa nga kamang ti Bago ti tribo, ania As a member of Bago Tribe, what
ti mabalin nga aramiden yo nga makatulong ti practices do you contribute to lessen the
pananglappet ti epekto ti pagbalbaliw ti klima effects of
sir? Climate Change?

R: Tinulong, ket nu masapol ti meeting, I will help. There should be meetings to

maiwasan kuma ti makaapektar ti klima ket disseminate information to plant more
han kuma aramiden, mayat kuma ti trees and to cut them because that
panagmulmula ti kayo nga haan kuma pukanun contributes to the destruction of the
gamin data ti agpapintas , gamin madadael ti environment.
kalamidad tayo nu awan ti kayo nga agpintas ti
I:Dagidiay aramid yo idi unang panahon, dakel Do you think what you’re doing now
ti tulong na tapno masaysayaat bassit iti may significantly contribute to the
panawen compared no saan? solution for climate change or not?
R: wenwen, maysa pay dagiti karkarayan ,saan Yes. The rivers, for example. There was
kuma pagbilingan iti basura tapno nasayaat, idi a time before when rivers are clean—
ket saan narugit ti karkarayan, idi ket you can drink waters from them. Now,
maininom ti danom idiay karayan, ngem tatta you cannot even do laundry there.
ket ngan-ngani saan mo paglabaan
I: Bale dagidiay ti mabalin nga maitulong yo ti So, what help or suggestions can you
barangay yo wunnu maisuggest yo, tapno saan give to your barangay to avoid the
kumaro ti posibilidad nga panagbalbaliw ti possibilities of climate change?
R:dagidiay umumay ti masabsabak ti inaldaw There are people who may still share
adda pay kabalinan nga aramiden nasaysayaat their help for other people, especially
ah nga tumulong ti tao, tapno sumayaat ti the kids because they are more prone to
nangrunruno ti ubing ta nalaka da nga its effects.
I: Ania ti panagkunayo sir, maymayat ti What do you think, sir? Are your lives
panagsimple nga biag idi nu tatta nga moderno better before due to its simplicity or
na nagadu ti teknolohiya nga maususar, kasla today which depends to technology for
idiay panagtalon, idiay para balay, datta lugan easier operation like the machines you
nga naasok ti usar ti gasolina, gamin ditoy sir use in the field and cars that use
adda met ti agususar ti makina na nia sir? gasoline? You also use machines here,
don’t you?

R: Ti simple a biag a ket namaymayat A simple life is better (pause), we did

(nagsarimadeng), madi kami agus- usar ti not use machines before. The carabao’s
makina idi. Idi dakami guyguyuden laeng ti were big help in our farming. Men used
nuwang, ket dakkel nga tulong ti panagtalon to work efficiently despite their old age.
mi. Dagiti tattao ket agubra da a uray no lakay
I: ania ngarud ti maibaga yo dagiti kabataan , What can you suggest to the youth
tapno saan da mapadas ti nakakaro ti today to prepare them for climate
pagbalbaliw ti panawen, ania ti maisuggest mu change and help them not to experience
tapno maisubli da dajay nasayaat nga panawen, it?
dajay simple nga pangbiyag, kasla sursurwan
yo dajay ububing.
R: Nasayaat nga talaga koma nga ibaga It is really good to educate the youth
dagidiay ub ubbing nga saan da nga iruwar now, not to do things that would destroy
dagidiay baro nga aramid nga makadadael ti our nature. However, they may have
klima, ngem baka saan da nga kayaten gamin different lifestyle now.
kastoy ti henerasyon tattan

Respondent: Panchito English
I: Ania ti panagawat mo iti panagbalbaliw ti What is your own definition of
panawen? Tatta nga napapadasan tayo climate change?
R: Datoy nga climate change adda ti napudot, Yes, the climate is changing as they
adda ti nalamiss, no agtudo ket nabara met latta, say, our climate sometimes becomes
tapos aginit nga dagos ken marikna nga nasaniit hot or cold, when it rains it is still
ket kasla puoran na ti kudil payen ket nagado ti warm and the sun shines like it hurts
agkaskasakit no kasdiay. and burns our skin and a lot of people
got sick.
I:wen ngarud sir,Adu met dagidiay natangken ti Yes sir, many were hard headed
ulo na gamin,babaam aramiden dagidiay mayat people. Don’t mind them. Let us just
kunada lattan, matay nu matay kunada ngem do what is right, they say. If you die,
dagidiay dadduma nga pilosopo then we die.
R:ta dakami nga belong iti indigenous people(IP) We, who belong to the IPs, don’t
ket kunada, kami nga pilosopo, ngem dakami ti conform, but we, rarely burn, we
husto, manmano kami nga agpupuor, ken rarely cut trees, those who are really
manmano kami ti agpukpukan ti kayo, dagitoy hard-headed, they run, no matter how
met ti gobierno, ti natangken ti uloda, suda met ti hard we try, I buy these, then they
agtuturay, ta uray nu kasatno ti ayatmi, awan met cut. How is this?
mabalin mu nu nangato nga tao, ginatang ko data
kayo , pukanen da latta met, kasatno ngay?
I:Awan mabalin tayo. There’s nothing we can do
R: Wen Ah. Yes
I: Ania ngay ngarud dagiti kalamidad nga What natural disaster have you
napadasanyo ditoy a gubuay ti panagbalbaliw ti encountered due to Climate Change?
R:Adun ah, napadasan min ti layos A lot. We have experienced flood.
I: ditoy sir? Here, sir?
R:Wen, saan dumanun ti danum ti karyan Yes, way back then, the river is still
ditoy ,ngem atoy ar-arian mi, pagmulmulaen mi far from us. The floods do not reach
idiay ket nalayos, napadas mi met ti gingineden, our fields. We have already
uram ti saan pa’y ,Bagyo,halos amin a natural experienced earthquakes but not fire.
disaster napadas min We have had almost all natural
disaster already.
I: Ania ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo no adda ti What do you do if there are disasters?
sumangbay nga kalamidad?adda preparasiun yu
R:ay adda no adda mabuya idiay TV no ada We are warned through watching
kalamidad idi agurnong kan ti kanem, agas, TV . We prepare food, medicine,

flashlight, ket no dingroim mo kut tasakun ken flashlight and run for safety.
safety mun.
I: Kasatno naapektaran ti panagbalbaliw ti How does climate change affect your
panawen ti trabaho yo nu iti inaldawaldaw sir nga lifestyle and practices?
araramiden yo?
R: saan laeng a trabaho ti maapektaran, tano idi Not only our work is affected. If
awan ti Climate change, da kami agmulmula iti climate change does not occur. We
mais maminduwa laeng dakami agpapadanum, ta can plant corn twice. We have
narabaw ti ubbog, tatta mamin lima sakbay nga enough water from deep well. We
apit no maysa, kasla met ti pagay saan nga no longer have to wait for the rainy
abnormal payen ti panakatudo na adda kuma diay season. Now, we wait for the rain
rainy season makaraepkami, awan pay laeng ket, to come and sometimes, it rains
ikkanda ti abuten adda met diay dadduma a even if we are not yet prepared,
panagbubunubun pay laeng isu ayan ti you cannot plant without rain,
panagtutudon, haan ka met makaraep no awan ti when it’s planting time there’s no
tudo, tun panagraraep awan ti tudon. more rain. It also affects the health
Maapektaran pay ti salun-at ti tattao, dakami nga of the people, we as member of the
kas miyembro ti tribo a ket marikna mi met. Ti tribe feel it too. The strengths that
pigsa mi tatta ket saan payen a makaanay iti we have now is not enough for
nadagsen a trabaho, no maminsan ket masapol ti hard jobs, sometimes we need
kadua nga agubra, saan nga kasla dati nga companion to work now, unlike
makatrabaho kami latta nga agmaymaysa. Sa adu before, we can work manually
payen ti agus-usar ti mapartuat nga abono,ngem alone.” And a lot of people uses a
siak a ket madik kayat ti agsida wenno mangan ti a commercial fertilizer, but I don’t
adda ti abono na, kagurak ti agsida ti nateng no want to eat those kind. I hate
kasta nga naikkan ti komersyal nga fertilizer. eating vegetables with a
commercial fertilizer.
I: Manu ngarud a crop ti kwa sir, ada pay 2 nd How many cropping seasons do you
crop, sir? have?
R: Ai Awan 2nd crop idtoyen No more 2nd crop here.
I: Maminanu laeng? How many times then?
R: Idi adda ti 2nd crop, tatta awanen, awan pay ti Before we had 2nd cropping. Now,
mainum a danum there’s no more water.
I: wen ngrud sir, nadamag mi a maysa ti Yes, sir we heard that you only have
pinagalalaan ti danum, ngem dadiay pinagalalaan one source of water supply. Can it
danum data sir masuplayan na ta buong sitio? supply the whole sitio?
R: No ininuten masuplayan na, no haan If we know how to conserve water
masadwan , saan na kaya, kaya’t ko satwen no and use it wisely, it is enough. But if
amin idiay pagdigos mu, paginnaw , pagsibog, we use it in every household chore, it
saan na kaya ta karayan mapanda met aglablaba, may not be enough. We even
pagdigdigusan, paginawan no adduma iminimize minimized planting of vegetables in
da payen idiay pagmulmula ti nateng ararubayena our backyards.
ta awan ti pagsibog
I: Talaga a naapektaran kanya tayo , Ania ti ar- Really? We are indeed affected. What

aramidenyo tapno maisanayyo iti panagbaliw ti do you do to adapt to climate change?

R: Madi ken mayat mi met talaga sumurot ka Whether we like it or not we cannot
met, awan maaramid mun, masapa ka nga agriing do anything but accept. We wake up
ken agsado tapno makaabot ti inumum, agriing early to get water for drinking, we
ka iti alas dos ti parbangon gamin iti alas singko have to be early at around 2:00 in the
awan ti ubbog ti bubonen morning. If you go there at 5:00,
there will be no more water from the
I: adiay ubbog ti panagsado yo ngarud sir Do you fetch water only in the
parbangon amamin sir, no mapan ti rabii? morning, Sir? Or, do you also go at
R: adan ah, ngem dadiay dadduma ti style da, no Some, but others have their own
saan da makapoot ti apan da ti ala una ta awan ti style. If they cannot wake up early,
tao. they go out at 1:00 when there are no
other people.
I: Kasatno nakatulong diay inaramidyo tapno How are your Practices helpful to
manglapedmangkessay iti posibilidad ti lessen the effects of Climate Change?
panagbalbaliw iti klima?
R: awan ti material a banag a matulong mi diay We cannot help in terms of material
laket ti bagi min ah, no adda kuma ti programa ti things but we can offer our services.
gobierno nga ifull support para dadiay IP , uray If there are government programs, we
siguro ti manpower bagimin ngem awan met. will support, even if through
manpower only.
I: Wen a, adda iti, sabagay asideg met kayo iti Yes, besides you are near the town
town sir? proper.
R: Uh. Ditoy parte ti aringay more or less 7km In this part of aringay, more or less 7
from town, dito’y tubao mga 4km kilometers from town. In Tubao,
about four kilometers.
I: Ngem adda met umay ditoy nga social Worker, Are there social workers or BNS
BNS a kunkunada. here?
R:Adda kada barangay programa ti barangay data There is one per barangay. BNS is a
BNS , dagita scholar program of the barangay ,even the
I:Saan Kayo pay met dadiay ayan ti salsalingot
R: ai awan pay met ,mayat pay met, kaadwaan Not yet. It is still fine here. Most of
nga sakit lang dito’y ket cancer……Cancer ti us just suffer cancer, purse
bulsa..(tumatawa) cancer(Laughing)
I: Ania kasla ti maibaga yo tapno atoy kuma a What can you say to lessen the
saan kumaro a sigod ,diba nga adda ti climate effects of climate change ?
change idin ngem kumaro a kumaro?
R: dayta kuma ti kitain ti gobierno tayo , ditta ti That is what the government should
gobierno no ania ti kailangan, agpasyar da kuma focus on. They should consider
tatno madamag da no ania ti kailangan, aniya coming here to know the situation,

dapat ti proyekto per barangay , lalalo ti barangay what are then needs, what projects
should be given per barangay,
especially in the barangay.
I: wen ah sir, ngem dadiay aduduma panagkunada Yes sir. But some say the problem is
ket itoy, ayan ti town ti problema, dagita nga in the town proper. They have
namodernized nga perme a kunada, ket nu iti embraced modernization. In your
pinagkunada dadiay daduma no dajay ka barangays you know what to do. You
barbarangayyo siyempre nalaing ka agmula plant trees, do not burn not cut trees.
kayo. saan nga agpupuor dagita, nasarimetmet da
R: Isu met , no adda la kuma ti obra ti gobyerno That’s it. If only the government
no dagita kuma kasta, panagmula ti kayo, ikkan could do something. If it could help
da proteksyon, kan da ti , napintas kuma, people to plant, and protect, it will be
importante kadakami, no para kanya ak laeng good. For me, information
information dissemination dagidiay reremote iti dissemination is needed. If they have
barangay no ania ti akemda , data nga proyekto projects not informed to people
data, haan nga da impormasyon dagidiay nga properly, then climate change
usually a aramiden da ket isu met latta, saan da continues.
amo ti climate change nga kwa da.
I: wen sir, Adiay pinagpopoor kuma Yes ,sir, when we burn.
R: wen siyempre, wen no adda kuma Yes, of course, if there’s none in the
agkakaingin, dagita aguguging, awan met dita town proper. They do not come here,
lang suda ili, saan da met mapmapan ditoy , kaya that is why it worsens.

Respondent: Florentina English
I: maam ,ania ti panangawat yo ti Maam, what is your own
panagbalbaliw ti panawen nang?adiay klima definition of climate change? the
tayo. Adiay Climate Change. climate, the climate change
R: Siyempre ah agpaypayso , isu nga kastoy ti Of course, it is true, This is why
klima tatta napudot no damdama nalamek, our climate is hot and sometimes
gamin dadiay makalbo ti banbantay ti cold. We have deforestation, we
panagpupukan ti kayo isu dadiay napudot, experience flooding during rainy
wunno pinagtutudo. Malayos manen. Isu ti seasons.
pakaalaan ti layos.
I: ania ngai ti kalamidad dagiti napadas yo nga What natural disaster have you
ti gapu na ket ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen, encountered due to Climate
naka padas kayo ti layos ditoy sobra nga Change? have you experienced
pudot? flood or extreme hot?
R: kaasi ti apo saan kami met malaylayos. Di With the mercy of God, we
mi pay met napadasan napigsa nga angin. haven’t experienced flood.. We
haven’t experienced that strong
I: adiay ginginid ngai nay? How about earthquake?
R: ai wen ah idiay 1990 pirme. naturog kami Yes, way back in 1990, it was
idtoy(pointing on the vacant area). awful. We slept outside our
house(pointing on the vacant area).
I: ngem duray nagbagbagyo idi , saan yo unay How about typhoon then?Are they
nga maritna nga napigsa? strong?
R: saan met, awan met ti pagdanagan ti balai No, they were not, way back then,
mi, gamin idi kawayan ken bolo lang met we just stay calm our housere were
made of bamboo and light
i: Ngem kadagitoy makunayo nga napigpigsa How about now? What can you
dadiay bagyon tatta? say about storms?
R: wen ah, adiay napalpalabas tattan pirme Yes, those that passed lately were
metten too much.
I: kas maysa nga nainterview mi idi maam, As we had interviewed in the past,
dagidiay pay panag-agos ti karayan yo ket the flow of the river was changed.
sumabali ti agos na
R: wen nakong sumabali, idi idiay banda Yes, son. It has changed. It is
daya(pointing on the river), ket agpalpalaod going on the west(pointing on the

metten asidig idikanyamin ,baka no agtudo ket river).It became nearer to us, if
awanen, baka idiay kalsada idiay ket ulwun na there are heavy rains it might
kitdin. follow the roads.

I: Iti panagkunayo nang ania ata ngai ti gapo na What do you think is the reason
no apai dadiay karayan yo ket kasla umasideg for this why is the river is moving
kanyayo? forward in you?
R: kwa gamin nakong, adiay kalkalyen da ti Because of what they do in the
karayan, agloader da ,kurkurbun da, tapos rivers, they dig up that part and it
agsabali ti agos ti karayan, haan na nasurot ti change the water current.
dati nga ayos na idi gapo iti panagkale da.
I: nang nu ada bagyo, ginginid, siyempre If you hear from radios and
madamag yo met ijay radio tv nu saan ijay television that typhoons and
tatao, kabarangayan yo, ania ngai met ti earthquake are coming, what do
araramiden yo nu adda kasla nga madamag yo you do?
nga kalamidad ibaga da nga napigsa super
R: ti kwa ak lang dita apo, ta amok met nga We pray to the Lord if we know
napigsa ti dumanon ditoy ayan mi met that there is a strong storm
I: Adda preparasyon yo maam? Do you have preparations?
R: gamin daduma ket awan met, ngem nu adda Sometimes, none at all. But
adiay silaw, flashlight, kandila ,makan, agdulin sometimes, we prepare flashlights,
kan ah,,adda met laeng candles, food then we just keep
I: adiay balay yo auntie? How about your house?
R: nu kaspangarigan no napigsa ti angin talaga For example the wind is too
nga isiglot mi ta balay mi a. strong, then we tie our houses to
big trees.
I: Panagkunayo maam , Kasatno a naapektaran For you , How does climate
ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen ti biag yo? change affect your lifestyle and
R: ai wen no danum ah grabe dadiay, adadiay Yes, at times the prices of
nangingina nga gagatangen a ,siyempre commodities are sowing. We are
maapektaran kami, wun no kadwa mi nga affected. Even our comparisons,
agtaltalon ket adiay mulmula da ket matmatay the farmers. During summer, they
metten, wunno tatta nga kwaresma haan da met cannot water their plants.
makasibsibog, awan ti magatgatang nga nateng
I: tatta kuresma, Adda met ti umanay nga This summer, do you have enough
supply ti danum, idi iti pangsibog ti mula? water supply?
R: Ai wen ah adda met cguro idi ti danum, Yes there is water,it is not like
saan met nga kasla tatta nga kwaresma adda today that is summer,there is water
met idi, ngem saan nga kasla tatta talaga nga before but not like what we are

dry, agasem nga datoy nga gripo ket parbangon experiencing now,it is really dry,
inggana alas onse ti rabii adda ti agururay ti imagine this water pump, from
danum. dawn to midnight there are people
fetching water.
I: ngem dati ada met?umunay met? But way back then, was it enough?
R: Adu ti diperensya idi ken tatta. Is there a big difference then and
I: Idi nang no ikumpara yo ti init idi ken tatta? How would you compare the
temperature today and in past?
R: mas grabe tatta, pirme tatta Now, it is too much.
I: ket ti danum met idi ngai nang no aglayos How about when it floods? Is it all
diay daduma nga lugar, agtudo, pigsa ti alike in different places? How
panagkabuhos ti tudo, no ikumpara yo idi could you compare?
kakaro ba tatta?
R: kasla agpada, ngem no nabayag nga agtudo It’s almost the same. But if it rains
kasla bassit lang met. for a long time, just a little.
I: Ania ti ar- aramidenyo tapno maisanay yo iti What do you do to adapt to climate
panagbaliw ti klima tatta?kasla maisanay yo ti change?like to adopt the climate
pagbaliw ti klima tayo?
R: agkarkararag kami ti sto. Rosario We pray the holy rosary
agwalwalo sikami,
I: Awan ti sabali nga ritwal yo maam?. Don’t you have other rituals?
R: awan met. None
I: Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe, ania dagiti As a member of Bago Tribe, what
adding nga ararmidenyo tapno Masayaat ti practices do you contribute to
tiempo? lessen the effects of
Climate Change?
R: Agrerecycle ti plastic , ken maminsan We recycle plastic and sometimes
agtretree planting kami ti ayan mi. a simple we join tree planting activities here
nga biag ket atoy ayan tayo pumintas. in our community. A simple way
of living is the best way of making
the environment stay good.

Respondent: Purita English

I: Datoy ti guide question mi maam, ket Makita *(Here’s our questionnaire ma’am,
yo adda met kanyayo ken mabasa yo. Ag- You may look at it. Let’s use Iloko
ilokano tayo laengen niya maam, ta maymayat language so it would be more
ken maawatan ta nga duwa. Anya ti convenient and we could understand
panakaawat yo iti panagbal-baliw ti klima, diay better.First question is, What is your
mapadpadasan tayo tatta? own definition of climate change?)

R: Wen ah, datoy nga panagbal-baliw ti klima *(Yes, the climate is changing as they
nga kuna da ket, datoy nga climate change say, our climate sometimes becomes
adda ti napudot, adda ti nalamiss. hot or cold.

I: Ngem para kanyayu mam, adda ketdi But for you ma’am, is there any
dagidiay mabalin nga kasla, adda ti rason no reasons why climate change occurs?
apay nga agbalbaliw ti panawen tatta?

R: para kanyak ket, ti panagba-lbaliw ti *( For me, those emerging

panawen tatta ket, dagitoy maus-uso nga adu technologies nowadays are just one
nga teknolohiya. factor of climate change.

I: Ngem,ti panagubing yo maam, iti padas yo? *(But during your childhood ma’am,
Panggep iti panagbal-baliw ti panawen dati how was it? Was it quite different
saan nga kastuy? with regards to climate change
compared now?)

R: Adu a talaga ti nagbalbaliwan na. Ta idi *( Yes of course. There are a lot of
ubbing kami ket apan kam lang agpidot wenno differences. For example, during our
agala ti mabalin nga kanen mi .No panagani, childhood days, we just harvested
agusar kami ti singkaw wenno kumpay something for us to eat. During crop
kuanada, ibaot mi diay pagay iti kawayan. period, we used rake, we slapped the
Agusar kami tay mallukong nga sabot, aklo palay to the bamboo (smile), that’s
ken baso nga tay natangkenan a kawaya, ti sida what we used to remove the palay,
mi ket nat nateng nga awan ti fertilizer na, ti we are very industrious and strong
meryenda mi idi ubing kami ket prutas. then..We used soup bowl made from
coconut shell, ladle and cups made

from matured bamboo, we eat

vegetables fertilized with the organic
or natural fertilizers, our snack when
we were kids were fruits.

I: Apay ayanna ti karayan ditoy maam? *(Where is the river here ma’am?)

R: no bumaba ka, datoy nga dalan ditoy as you go down to that point, you just
(pointing direction). idi, manu pay nga pantar, have to cross to that irrigation site,
manu pay nga kuwa ti pagnaem mi idi, tapnu that’s how near it was. But before,
nga madanun mi diay Karayan idi. Immasideg it’s quite far. It moved near to us
gappu iti ar-aramiden da isu nga apay nga because of human activities and the
agbaliw ti dalan ti danum. Ket agpakastuy met direction of waterflow has changed..
ti danumen agpalaud metten ti danum. Diay
tinga, isu awan danumnan ta agpalaod ti
danumen, isu summabali agus ti danumen.

I: Ay wen ah mam. *(Of course, ma’am.)

R:wen *(Yeah.)

I: Isu ti nadamag mi met mam ti nagbaliwan da *(That’s what we’ve heard about the
diay karayan, no idi nga diay ti lokasyon na, river. It changed its location.)
ket idtoy, ngem tatta, naamwan mi nga adda
gayam diay agpaysu nga kasjay.

R: Wen. Simmabali talaga ti ayos ti karayan *(Yes. It really changed its location
nga kunada, saan siguro nga sumabali ti ayos ti as they said. This may not happen if
karayan no saan met lang nga aramiden ti tao. not to those people and their

I: Anya ngata dagidiay inaramid da? *(What do you think are their
activities to affect your

R: Diay pinag-dike da. *When they made a hole,.

I: Anya dagidiay kalamidad maam, dagidiay *(What calamities have you

napadpadas yo nga panagbaliw ti panawen, encountered due to climate change?
dadiay atoy panag-ayos diay karayan, ket datoy The change of water path in the river,
pudot na maam, dadiay maawanan ti pangalaan the hot climate you experience, and
ti makan diay ayan ti karayan? lacking of supply of food from the


R: Diay kalamidad dagitoy nga bagyo, diay *(Those typhoons, are quite different
sabsabali diay pinagbagbagyo na tatta. as compared before. They seem to be
stronger nowadays.

I: Maam, Anya ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo *(Maam, What do you do if there are
no adda ti sumangbay nga kalamidad? disasters?)

R: Ditoy no adda ti madamag mi nga didigra, When we heard of calamities,the

maipakita latta ti pinagkaykaysa ti tribu. camaraderie of our tribe was still

I: Adu ti nadadael mam latta idi? A lot of destruction mam?

R: Haan met nga as in nga adu ti nadadael. (It is not tatally that big.)

I: Ah,ana met inaramid u id imam? ti kayo na (What did you do then mam?)

R:maipakita ti pinagkaykaysa ti tribu, *( camaraderie was seen to our tribe.

agtintinnulong, adda diay latta (recalling) We were helping one another. Even
aggiginnaman ti ubra. No anya ti masapol nga in food. Mostly people who live here
tulong, kasdiay aggiginnaman. Kasta met iti are relatives.
makan. Basta no adda dagita nga disaster nga
bagyo, ta mostly met ditoy gamin met
agkakabagian, halos agkakabagian met lang.
No adda man dagidiay agsabsabali, dagidiay
dagiti naikamang. No agpaabagatanka,
agkakabagian met lang dagita, agkakaruba, dita
amianan kasdiay. Ditoy abagatan kabagyan da
met lang ditoy amianan. Kasdiay.

I: Saan kayo nga pumanpanaw ditoy maam no *(Do you leave your place when
adda ti napigsa nga bagyo, ginggined no layos? there are disasters, earthquake or

R: saan kami pay nga nalayos, ngem ti *( we haven’t experienced floods yet,
pagdanagan mi tatta isu datoy sabali nga ayos but our concern is all about the river
ti karayanen. Ta siyempre, agpalaod metten. and its path. We haven’t left our
nangato kami, maysa nga na-safety ditoy baryo place yet, for we are in upland as they

mi ta medyo bantay ngarud ditoy. Isu ti danum say. Water here is quite difficult,
mi ditoy narigat.Ken narigat ti biruken ti ubbog especially when it’s summer.
ditoy ayanmi. Nauneg ti ubbog ditoy ayan mi.
Saan mo nga, datoy lang impatader diay
kaanakakun nga ditoy nga bumbaan nga
kuryente ditoy, manu nga feet atan, nagkit-it
pay. Kasla useless pay diay de-kuryente, ta
diay paniparpar-war na .ngem narigat ti danum
ayan mi, especially ti summer.

I: Tatta ngarud maam, anya ti source ti danum *(So, where is your source of water?

R: Adda ti maysa nga naipata-der ditoy nga *( There’s one jetmatic water pump
bomba ayan ti danum nga na-ubbog ngem here that was made. It reaches us. It is
maabot met latta. Maabot met latta iah ta isu where everyone gets water, there in
dita ti amin pagalaan, dita ayan ti taltalon dita. the field.)

I: Dita katinga-an maam? *(On that center, ma’am?)

R: Wen. Dita tinga. *(Yes, at the center.)

I: Bubon dijay maam? *(Is that a deepwell, ma’am?)

R: Wen . Bubon. Deep well. Jetmatic met nga *(Yes. A deep well. It is the Jetmatic,
at least didiay met nga natumpungan da met That supplies water to the entire
nga ubbog nga mangsup-supply ti entero nga Barcelona, and that water is for
Barcelona, drinking water didiay. drinking.

I: Aminen didiay maam? *(They are all there ma’am?

R: (Nods). Ngem nupanaglaba ket, karayan a, *(Nods). But for washing of clothes,
ta isu ti pagmimitingan mi ngarud nga no we have discussed during our
paglabaan, mapan diay karayanen, or no kastuy meeting that they shall go to the river
nga summer ta awan ti maala mi diayen nga and wash their clothes there, Or, if
inumenen, usaren mi nga pagluto no amin pay it’s summer, there is a lack of water
lang, aglaba, agdigos idiay, isu nga supply for drinking, cooking,
ikukwamimet ta may-maysa lang gamin ti laundry, and taking a bath.
aktibo.. (Laughs)

I: Sumarunu nga damag ko maam, kasatnu nga *(Next question ma’am, how does
apektaran ti panagbal-baliw ti panawen ti biag climate change affect your lifestyle

yo, ken inaldaw-aldaw nga aramid yu wen nu and practices? How does if affect?)
trabaho yo? Kasatnu na nga maapektaran?

R: saan nga mabalinen nga mapan agpidot ti *( it is not advisable anymore to

makan diay karayanen ta saan nganapintas a harvest for our food because it is not
maipaunegen Ti tattao ibelleng dad a dagidiay safe anymore and the water in the
rugit ken basura da ta karayan. Idi, ket adayu river is already polluted because of
pay ti karayan toy ayan mi, diay pay maikadua human activities. They throw their
nga site. No dayta ayan koma ti karayan tatta garbage wastes in the river. Ever
ket idi adyo ah, ngem gapu na ti aramid ti tao since, the river was still on the second
met lang, ti agos ti danum ket nagbaliw nga site. We were far from that river, but
kas kunada. because of human activities, the path
of water passing through the river has
changed as they say.

I: Ngem dati maam, saan nga kasta met ti *(How about before ma’am, Are you
kagrabe ti karigat ti danum ditoy? having trouble in the supply of water?

R: Narigat sobra, mas lalo nu pangalaan ti *( It is hard for us, we were tired of
danum narigat sobra ,makabannog met dadiay. fetching water.

I: Anya ti ar-aramiden yu mam, tapnu *(What do you do to adapt on this

maisanayyo ti panagbaliw ti klima? climate change?)

R: makisabay lattan a,kasla adaptaren mi *( just go with the flow, just adopt
lattan(laughs (laughs).

I: Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe mam, anya ti *(As a member of the Bago Tribe,
mabalin nga aramiden yu nga makatulong ti what practices do you contribute to
epekto ti panagbalbaliw ti klima. lessen the effects of Climate change?)

R: madama tatta nga ibagbaga ken ar- *(Proper waste management is one of
aramiden ket kuwa proper waste management, those projects our officials are
dagita panagpuor, kasali met lang ti proper promoting. Burning of tires and
management, pati panagpuor ti gulong. Dagita, plastics are strictly prohibited. We
bawal ti agpuor ti goma, plastic, kasdiay. have discussed and agreed on
implementing this project to lessen
the effects of climate change.)

I: para kanyayo makatultulong ti farming iti For you maam is farming helps to
climate change? have climate change?

R: Wen. Saanen a nga talagan. Tanu dati nga Farming is already modernized
ar-aramid ngaruden nga, no iti, naipanggep ti nowadays. These must be preserved.
farming ket, modernized metten, Maisubli met Those practices must be applied.
kuma dagidiay nga aramid. diay simple living Those simple living, can this simple
lang kuma, ngem may-applica pay ngata ti living can still be applied? (smiles). I
simple living tatta? (smiles) Kasla Saan ti think this is not practiced anymore.
kunak san.

I: Bale para kanyayo maam, kasatnu nga *(In your opinion ma’am, how does
makatulong dagiti inararamid yo nga para ti your practices help to lessen Climate
panagbal-baliw ti panawen, kasla kuma dagijay Change?
napadpadasan tayo tatta, kasatnu nga
makatulong idiay dati nga aramid kasla idi

R: Uray no adda tayo iti modern nga panawen, *( Even we are in the modern times,
met nga mailibak nga dakami ket naapektaran we are also been affected. But as a
kami met. Ngem kas maysa nga bag bago a ket member of bago, we do not want that
madi mi kayat wenno itulok nga dayta kina these modern times and technology
modern ket masakop na kami. Wen a, agusar will conquer us. Yes, we use those
kami met ngem saan a kinanayun ken ammo things but not too often, we know
mi a balansien. Sa no maminsan kaniami a ket how to balance it. And for us, it is
namaymayat met lang tay naika ugalian nga better that we do what we used to do
aramid ta mas nagaggaget ti tao iddi. Madi and on how we brought up with our
kami unay agus usar ti kuryente, ti gasoline culture because people before were
ken dagita kasla tatta nga us usaren ti tattao.Ti apparently more industrious than
supot idi a ket,sabagay inggana tatta (nagisem) nowadays. We seldom use electric
ket lablabaan mi tapno mausar manen. Madi current, gasoline and those things that
kami pay unay agpupuor. people use now. Plastic bags before,
anyway until now (smile) we wash
and use it again. We seldom burn.)

I: Narigat gamin ti mang-educate ti tao tattan *(It’s hard to educate people

maam. nowadays. I’ve observed this while
we were interviewing you ma’am, if
it is possible, you want to preserve
those practices

I: Wen, isu pay adiay nga maysa, narigat nga *(Yes. It’s really difficult.)

R: Wen a, diay panagusar ti kumpay, *( Yes, the use of rake, fetching of

panagaksiw no agsakdo ka, panagusar ti water, use of a stone grinder, used of
gilingan ken pagbayyuan nga tay bato, clay pot and soup bowl made from
panagusar ti banga kas kada mallukong nga coconut fruit, it so nice if people
sabsabot, ay ket mayat a koma no ammo da knew how to used those things
pay ti agusar ti kasdiay dagiti tattao tatta (smile).

I:Mam, thank you for the information. (smiles Maam, thank you for the information.
and initiates handshake) (smiles and initiates handshake)

Respondent: AlmaIlocano English

I: Adiay umuna nga saludsudin mi, ania ti Our first question is, What is your
panagawat yo Mam ti panagbalbaliw ti own definition of climate change?
R: Adu met ti agpukpukan sunga napudot iti Many cut a tree that is why we have
tiempo, awanen ti kay-kayo, ken awan pay ti warmer environment. There are no
agpay-yapay ken linlinungen naingpisen ti kwa more trees. The sky layers are
ti langit nga kunada, sunga napudoten dagijay becoming thin. They say not to burn
agpur-puor ti cellophane, naimpis kanun ti plastic, the ozone layer is becoming
ozone layer kunada ti dida met gamin maiwasan thinner, but people cannot stop
agpu-or dagita gom-guma ken naduma duma burning rubbers and everything, that is
pay, isu nga adu ti agsasakit. Basol da a why many got sick. It is their fault but
dagidiay akin aramid ngem pati dakami nga we who did not do it will also feel the
madi met mangdaddadael ti lubong ket marikna effect. Anyway we do burn but
mi ti epekto na. Sabagay dakami ket agpuor seldom, we burn for twice a month,
kami met ngem manmano, mamin dua kami that is the maximum
lang nga agpuor ti makabulan dayta ti
maksimum na tai kali mi wenno urnungen mi
ket aramiden mi pay a abono diay taltalon.
I: Dagidiay daduma kunada gapu ti technolohiya Others say it is, because of
kunada diay agusar nga agusar nga kankanayon. technologies.
R: Sungarud diay agpuor ti goma dapat kuma They burn rubbers. That is why when
saan nga pur-puoran sunga no rumwar ka you go out, it’s different. When you
sabalin no dika nga agsweater kasla magsiit ti do not use sweater the skin hurts.
kudilen.Agbaliw am-aminen tapos nu Early mornings are cold, people get
parbangonin na laminen supay ti pagguriguranen sick, others get cough.
ti tat-tao, no addaduman adda ti aguyek.
I: Su para kanyayo ma’am maysa met nga rason So, do you think this is one reason
dadiay isunga adu ti pangalaan ti sakit kasdiay? why people get sick?
R: Wen, wen agpaysu datt Yes. That is true ,maam ,because of
a ma’am ta sabali ti tiempon the weather.
I: Ania dagiti kalamidad a mapakasyo a gubuay What calamities have you experienced
ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen? due to climate change?
R: Ta bagyo ah ken dattan ah karayan-min nga Typhoons and the rivers has been
umas-asidigen kanyamin ingana ta metten ti drawn near us, we might get drawn.
ayos na, umasideg kanyatayun malmes tayuntun.
I: Medyo bantay sapay ditoy nga kunada ditoy Is your place already part of a
ayanyu mountain?
R: Nangato met kadi ma’am Yes maam, this place is elevated.

R: Naka kastoy met gamin diay karayanen, di ba It’s like this. The river, used to be in
daya idi idiay(pointing to the river) diay kayo the east(pointing to the river). Now,
tatta pag alreadybabam langen-in karayanen when you go down it’s already there.
sunga nagadu nga kwa ti tiempo tatta. Gapu Maybe the world is growing older.
siguro ti lumakay metten ti lubungen
I: Ania ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo no adda What do you usually do in times of
ti sumangbay nga kalamidad? calamities?
I: Nu adda ti kalamidad ania ti preperasion yo, It there are calamities, how do we
syempre umayen datta nga bagyo nga napigsa, prepare. Here comes the typhoon,
umay ti gin-gined, umay ti layos. strong one then comes the earthquake
and flood.
R: Talyanmi metten ah ma’am dagitoy bub- We tie our roof to trees, when it is
bubong-min ah ta kasta met garud ni no napigsa, strong, It could damage even concrete
tukuliin nu kwa haan met ngarud nga konkreto ti ones.
I:Kasano a naapektaran ti panagbalbaliw ti How does climate change affect your
panawen ti biagmo? daily life?
I: Trabahoyo wenno masansan kaspanga-rigan ti Work or example, your drinking
danum diay pagsatdo. water.
R: Bas-sit metten ti danum saan kasla idi, isu Water is scarce now, unlike before.
siguro ti pinagdin-din-ig na idi umuneg ti ubbog, That is why the water level is now
sunga rabii pay lang agpila-pila kami dittan deep. That is why we have to
narigat ti danum. schedule fetching water even in the
I: Inumen lang dayta ma’am? Is it just for drinking?
R: Wen inumen ah ta may-maysa met lang ti Yes, for drinking only because we
danum. have only one source.
I: diay paglablaba yo ngay ma’am? How about your laundry?
R: Dita ah amianan(pointing to the north) ti pap- We go to the north(pointing to the
papanan mi adda met ti kakadwamiga sukir north). There are those who do not
umabot a ngaruden ti da pay lang iabot diay follow. I even go to Garcia , Sta.
karayan dita da pay lang met aminen mapanak Ceclia and ride a tricycle.
pay diay Garcia, Sta. Cecilia idiay ah ag tricycle
ka pay.
I: Pagdigos yo ngay ma’am idiay karayanen? How about for taking a bath? In the
R: Adda awanen ah idi ah satdum laengen, There is then. But now it’s gone. For
inumen laengen. drinking only.
I: Tiptipidinyo laengen? Do you conserve water?
R: Tipid ngaruden ma’am itti pinagusar ma’am Yes, We try as much as we can to
I: diay pagdigos mamin anu? How many times do you take a bath?
R: Duray manu basta magagetka lang nga It doesn’t matter, as long as you get
mapan dita karayan duray rabii addu pay, Ta water from the river in the evening.

syempre asasidegen
I: Haan kayo met nagaramid ti bubon yo idiay? You don’t dig your own well?
R: Haan. No.
I:Ania ti ar- aramidenyo tapno maisanay yo iti What you do to conform with the
panagbaliw ti klima? climate change?
I: Nu napudot ania ngay ti ar-aramiden yo? With the warm temperature, what do
you do?
R: Mapan kan ah dagidiay lin-linong ti kay-kayo We go under the trees, ma’am due to
ma’am, syempre nagpudot ngarud duray ag the warm temperature in
electric fan ka nakar-karo pay ti pudot na. sunga environment. Even if you use electric
mapan kami ditta siruk ti kay-kayo ma’am nga fan, it is still warm that is why we sit
agtungtugawin(laughing) under the trees. (laughing)
I: Bago Tribe kayo niya ma’am? You belong to the Bago Tribe?
R: Wen Yes.
I: Kasatno nakatulong iday inaramidyo tapno How do you help to lessen the effects
manglapidmangkessay iti posibilidad ti of climate change?
panagbalbaliw iti klima?)
I: Adalen yo ketdi dagitoy kadwa yo nga Bago Teach your Bago Tribe and your
Tribe, ubing yo. children.
R: Bagaan mi ah nga saan da nga kwa, dagidiay We tell them, not to do that. We have
kakadwa mi a bak-baket da metten kasla kanya our elderlies. We need to inform
mi di annu da metten, nu adda ti pakaammuan others.
ibagam met ah diay kadwam.
I: Kunna yu tattay nga ti nagapwanan na diay You said problems are due to
pagpuor-puor da anya ngay tu makuna yu? burning? What can you say about
R: Dagidiay basura ken dagidiay pagkabkabilan Waste disposal and the used
na dagidiay, saan nga pu-puoranen, idulin mu containers. You have to secure that
met nga nasaya-at tapnu saan nga nagangot everything is placed properly.
I: Da kayu ma’am anya ti arar-armidem yo How about you, ma’am. What do you
dagidiay plastic, saan kayu ketdi nga agpupu-or do to plastic containers? Do you burn
ma’am them?
R: Isak-sako mi. We put them in the rice sacks.
Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe, ania dagiti adding As a member of the Bago Tribe what
nga aramidenyo tapno Masayaat ti tiempo?) do you do to help mitigate climate
I: Maprebentaran saan nga kumaru diay pang We could avoid so ozone layer will
impis ti ozone layer nga kunayo? not be depleted.
R: iwasan ngarud ti pagpuor ti plastic tapnu Don’t burn plastic so that it I will not
maiwasan iti panagbago ti klima kunada. Ket aggravate climate change. We practice
impraktis mi met ti reduce, reuse, recycle. re-use, reduce and recycle.
I: Sikayo ma’am agmulmula kayo pay lang ti How about you, ma’am, could you
kay-kayo? plant trees ?
R: Wen , ah agmula ti kay-kayo tapnu umadu ti Yes, I plant trees so that it will

kay kayo, tapnu nalami-is ti para-aaganin increase in numbers and cool down
the air.
I: Adda met diay ma’am napadasan niyo nga Have you experienced land slides?
agrigka-ay nga dag-daga
R: Wen ah, addayo kami metten, San Francisco Yes, we have that in San Francisco,
idiay asidig a diay bantay, kabanban ban-bantay near the bridge gong to the mountain.
I: Para kanya yo anya diay simple nga pinag- But for you, does simple living means
biag latta kasla diay dati idi pinag-mula ti nat- planting your vegetables, trees,
nateng, kay-kayo, marunggay dagita, prut-prutas malunggays and fruits. Can you say
namay-mayat met lang idi, wennu tattan nga it’s more beautiful before?
moderno ag-angkat ka lang diay palengke, ag-
gatang gapo abroad
R: Agmul-mula met ah ma’am no adda met ti You just buy from the market or those
nalawa nga pagmulaan, awan met ti dag-daga mi that are imported?
I: Dagitoy dag-daga nga baka-bakanti? How about vacant spaces?
R: Awan met dag-daga da, ma’am bagoongan ta We don’t own a wide space. We just
awan met ti trabaho mi ma’am ta awan met ti makes bagoong. There are indeed
talunen mi ma’am, nangina met ti magatang many changes. Prices of commodities
nangina ti bagasen adu pinagbaliwan na a talaga have gone up.
idi ke t lima lang ti maysa nga salop tatta nag
double-doublin tatta awanen
I: ma’am dagita ngarud saba sungarud pag How about those bananas. Are those
kakakitaan yo tatta agmulmula kayo met lang? that you produce?
R: Apan mi ah nga daw-dawaten ma’am diay We go to other barrios and ask for
bar-baryo adda apan dumawat ti saba bananas.

Respondent :FelitaIlocano English

I: Adiay umuna nga saludsudin mi, ania ti Our first question is, What is your own
panagawat yo Mam ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen? definition of climate change Mam?
R: Adu ti agpukpukan ti kayo isu napudot, awanen Many cut a tree that is why we have
ti kay-kayo, ken paglinungan. Dagijay agpur-puor ti warmer environment. There are no
cellophane, naimpis kanun ti ozone layer kunada. more trees. People burn plastic, the
Adu ti agsasakit. Basol da a dagidiay akin aramid ozone layer is becoming thinner. Many
ngem pati dakami nga madi met mangdaddadael ti got sick. It is their fault but we who did
lubong ket marikna mi ti epekto na. Agpuor kami not do it will also feel the effect.
met ngem manmano, mamin dua kami lang nga Anyway we do burn but seldom, we
agpuor ti makabulan dayta ti maksimum na ta ikali burn for twice a month, that is the
mi wenno urnungen mi ket aramiden mi pay a abono maximum.
diay taltalon.
I: Gapu ti technolohiya nga maus- usar. Maybe because of technologies.

R: Sungarud diay agpuor ti goma dapat kuma saan They burn rubbers. That is why when
nga pur-puoran sunga no rumwar ka sabalin no dika you go out, it’s different.
nga agsweater kasla magsiit ti kudilen.
I: Su para kanyayo ma’am maysa met nga rason So, do you think this is one reason why
dadiay isu nga adu ti pangalaan ti sakit kasdiay? people get sick?
R: Wen, wen agpaysu dayta ma’am ta sabali ti Yes. That is true ,maam ,because of the
tiempon weather was changed.

I: Ania dagiti kalamidad a mapakasyo a gubuay ti What calamities have you experienced
panagbalbaliw ti panawen? due to climate change?
R: Ta bagyo ah ken dattan ah karayan-min nga Typhoons and the rivers has been
umas-asidigen kanyamin ingana ta metten ti ayos na, drawn near us, we might get drawn.
umasideg kanyatayun malmes tayun ton.
I: Medyo bantay sapay ditoy nga kunada ditoy Is your place already part of a
ayanyo? mountain?
R: Nangato met kadi ma’am. Yes maam, this place is elevated.
R: Naka kastoy met gamin diay karayanen, di ba It’s like this. The river, used to be in
daya idi idiay(pointing to the river) diay kayo tatta the east(pointing to the river). Now,
pag alreadybabam langen-in karayanen sunga when you go down it’s already there.
nagadu nga kwa ti tiempo tatta. Lumakay metten ti The world is growing older.
I: Ania ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo no adda ti What do you usually do in times of
sumangbay nga kalamidad? calamities?
I: Nu adda ti kalamidad ania ti preperasion yo, It there are calamities, how do we
syempre umayen datta nga bagyo nga napigsa, umay prepare. Here comes the typhoon,
ti gin-gined, umay ti layos. strong one then comes the earthquake
and flood.
R: Itali mi ah ma’am dagitoy sim-min ah ta kasta We tie our roof to trees, when it is
met garud ni no napigsa, matukkol no kwa haan met strong, It could damage even concrete
ngarud nga konkreto ti balay. ones.
I:Kasano a naapektaran ti panagbalbaliw ti panawen How does climate change affect your
ti biagmo? daily life?
I: Trabahoyo wenno masansan kaspanga-rigan ti Work or example, your drinking water.
danum diay pagsakdo.
R: Bas-sit metten ti danum saan kasla idi, isu siguro
Water is scarce now, unlike before.
ti pinagdin-din-ig na idi umuneg ti ubbog, sunga That is why the water level is now
rabii pay lang agpila-pila kami dittan narigat ti deep. That is why we have to schedule
danum. fetching water even in the evening.
I: Inumen lang dayta ma’am? Is it just for drinking?
R: Wen inumen ah ta may-maysa met lang ti danum. Yes, for drinking only because we
have only one source.
I: diay paglablaba yo ngay ma’am? How about your laundry?
R: Dita amianan(pointing to the north) ti pap- We go to the north(pointing to the
papanan mi adda met ti kakadwami nga sukir north). There are those who do not
maabot a ngaruden ti da pay lang iabot diay karayan follow.
dita da pay lang met aminen.
I: Pagdigos yo ngay ma’am idiay karayanen? How about for taking a bath? In the
R: Adda awanen ah idi ah satdum laengen, inumen There is then. But now it’s gone. For
laengen. drinking only.
I: Tiptipidinyo laengen? Do you conserve water?
R: Tipid ngaruden ma’am itti pinagusar ma’am Yes, We try as much as we can to

I: diay pagdigos mamin anu? How many times do you take a bath?
R: Duray manu basta magagetka lang nga mapan It doesn’t matter, as long as you get
dita karayan duray rabii addu pay, Ta syempre water from the river in the evening.
I: Haan kayo met nagaramid ti bubon yo idiay? You don’t dig your own well?
R: Haan. No.
I:Ania ti ar- aramidenyo tapno maisanay yo iti What you do to conform with the
panagbaliw ti klima? climate change?
I: Nu napudot ania ngay ti ar-aramiden yo? With the warm temperature, what do
you do?
R: Mapan kan ah dagidiay lin-linong ti kay-kayo We go under the trees, ma’am due to
ma’am, syempre nagpudot ngarud duray ag electric the warm temperature in environment.
fan ka nakar-karo pay ti pudot na. sunga mapan kami Even if you use electric fan, it is still
ditta siruk ti kay-kayo ma’am nga warm that is why we sit under the
agtungtugawin(laughing) trees. (laughing)
I: Bago Tribe kayo niya ma’am? You belong to the Bago Tribe?
R: Wen Yes.
I: Kasatno nakatulong iday inaramidyo tapno How do you help to lessen the effects
manglapidmangkessay iti posibilidad ti of climate change?
panagbalbaliw iti klima?)
I: Adalen yo ketdi dagitoy kadwa yo nga Bago Teach your Bago Tribe and your
Tribe, ubing yo. children.
R: Bagaan mi ah nga saan da nga kwa, dagidiay We tell them, not to do that. We have
kakadwa mi a bak-baket da metten kasla kanya mi di our elderlies. We need to inform
annu da metten, nu adda ti pakaammuan ibagam met others.
ah diay kadwam.
I: Kuna yu tattay nga ti nagapwanan na diay You said problems are due to burning?
pagpuor-puor da anya ngay tu makuna yu? What can you say about this?
R: Dagidiay basura ken dagidiay pagkabkabilan na Waste disposal and the used
dagidiay, saan nga pu-puoranen, idulin mu met nga containers. You have to secure that
nasaya-at tapnu saan nga nagangot everything is placed properly.
I: Da kayu ma’am anya ti arar-armidem yo dagidiay How about you, ma’am. What do you
plastic, saan kayu ketdi nga agpupu-or ma’am do to plastic containers? Do you burn
R: Isak-sako mi. We put them in the rice sacks.
Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe, ania dagiti adding nga As a member of the Bago Tribe what
aramidenyo tapno Masayaat ti tiempo?) do you do to help mitigate climate
I: Maprebentaran saan nga kumaru diay pang impis We could avoid so ozone layer will not
ti ozone layer nga kunayo? be depleted.
R: iwasan ngarud ti pagpuor ti plastic tapnu Don’t burn plastic so that it I will not
maiwasan iti panagbago ti klima kunada aggravate climate change.
I: Sikayo ma’am agmulmula kayo pay lang ti kay- How about you, ma’am, could you

kayo? plant trees ?

R: Wen , ah agmula ti kay-kayo tapnu umadu ti kay Yes, I plant trees so that it will increase
kayo, tapnu nalami-is ti para-aaganin in numbers and cool down the air.
I: Adda met diay ma’am napadasan niyo nga Have you experienced land slides?
agrigka-ay nga dag-daga
R: Wen ah, addayo kami metten, San Francisco idiay Yes, we have that in San Francisco,
asidig a diay bantay, kabanban ban-bantay near the bridge gong to the mountain.
I: Para kanya yo anya diay simple nga pinag-biag But for you, does simple living means
latta kasla diay dati idi pinag-mula ti nat-nateng, planting your vegetables, trees,
kay-kayo, marunggay dagita, prut-prutas namay- malunggays and fruits. Can you say
mayat met lang idi, wennu tattan nga moderno ag- it’s more beautiful before?
angkat ka lang diay palengke, ag-gatang gapo abroad
R: Agmul-mula met ah ma’am no adda met ti You just buy from the market or those
nalawa nga pagmulaan, awan met ti dag-daga mi that are imported?
I: Dagitoy dag-daga nga baka-bakanti? How about vacant spaces?
R: Awan met dag-daga da, ma’am bagoongan ta We don’t own a wide space. We just
awan met ti trabaho mi ma’am ta awan met ti makes bagoong. There are indeed
talunen mi ma’am, nangina met ti magatang nangina many changes. Prices of commodities
ti bagasen adu pinagbaliwan na a talaga idi ke t lima have gone up.
lang ti maysa nga salop tatta nag double-doublin
tatta awanen
I: ma’am dagita ngarud saba sungarud pag How about those bananas. Are those
kakakitaan yo tatta agmulmula kayo met lang? that you produce?
R: Apan mi ah nga daw-dawaten ma’am diay bar- We go to other barrios and ask for
baryo adda apan dumawat ti saba bananas.

Respondent : Marlito
Ilocano English
I: Ania ti panagawat mo iti panagbalbaliw ti What is your own definition of
panawen? Tatta nga mapapadasan tayo climate change?
R: Adda ti napudot, adda ti nalamiss, no agtudo Our climate sometimes becomes
ket nabara met latta, tapos aginit nga dagos ken hot or cold, when it rains it is still
marikna nga nasaniit ket kasla puoran na ti kudil warm and the sun shines like it
payen ket nagado ti agkaskasakit no kasdiay. hurts and burns our skin and a lot of
people got sick.
I:Wen ngarud sir,Adu met dagidiay natangken Yes sir, many were hard headed
ti ulo na gamin,babaam aramiden dagidiay people. Don’t mind them. Let us
mayat kunada lattan, matay nu matay kunada just do what is right, they say. If
ngem dagidiay dadduma nga pilosopo you die, then we die.
R:ta dakami nga belong iti indigenous people(IP) We, who belong to the IPs, don’t
ket manmano kami nga agpupuor. conform, but we, rarely burn.
I:Awan mabalin tayo. There’s nothing we can do

R: Wen Ah. Yes

I: Ania ngay ngarud dagiti kalamidad nga What natural disaster have you
napadasanyo ditoy a gubuay ti panagbalbaliw ti encountered due to Climate
panawen? Change?
R:Adun ah, napadasan min ti layos A lot. We have experienced flood.
I: ditoy sir? Here, sir?
R:Wen. saan dumanun ti danum ti karyan ditoy . Yes, way back then, the river is still
far from us.
I: Ania ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo no adda ti What do you do if there are
sumangbay nga kalamidad?adda preparasiun yu disasters?
R:ay adda no adda mabuya idiay TV no ada We are warned through watching
kalamidad idi agurnong kan ti kanem, agas, TV . We prepare food, medicine,
flashlight, ket no dingroim mo kut tasakun ken flashlight and run for safety.
safety mun.
I: Kasatno naapektaran ti panagbalbaliw ti How does climate change affect
panawen ti trabaho yo nu iti inaldawaldaw sir your lifestyle and practices?
nga araramiden yo?
R: saan laeng a trabaho ti maapektaran, tano idi Not only our work is affected. If
awan ti Climate change, da kami agmulmula iti climate change does not occur. We
mais maminduwa laeng dakami agpapadanum, ta can plant corn twice. We have
narabaw ti ubbog, tatta mamin lima sakbay nga enough water from deep well. I
agapit no maysa. ti pagbadbadok ngarud ket tay wear light cotton clothes. Almost
nalalamuyot ken naingpis nga lupot. kaaduan all of us here who are old man and
kadakami nga nataengan babai man wenno even those who are middle aged
lallaki ket isu ti us-usaren mi ta komportable nga man and even women wear light
pagbado ken napresko,madi nga marikna unay ti cotton clothes because it is
bara ti panawen. comfortable to use and you can’t
feel the warm weather.”
I: Manu ngarud a crop ti kwa sir, ada pay 2 nd
How many cropping seasons do
crop, sir? you have?
R: Ai Awan 2 crop idtoyen
No more 2nd crop here.
I: Maminanu laeng? How many times then?
R: Idi adda ti 2nd crop, tatta awanen, awan pay ti Before we had 2nd cropping. Now,
mainum a danum there’s no more water.
I: wen ngrud sir, nadamag mi a maysa ti Yes, sir we heard that you only
pinagalalaan ti danum, ngem dadiay have one source of water supply.
pinagalalaan danum data sir masuplayan na ta Can it supply the whole sitio?
buong sitio?
R: No ininuten masuplayan na, no haan If we know how to conserve water
masadwan , saan na kaya, kaya’t ko satwen no and use it wisely, it is enough. But
amin idiay pagdigos mu, paginnaw , pagsibog, if we use it in every household
saan na kaya ta karayan mapanda met aglablaba, chore, it may not be enough. We
pagdigdigusan, paginawan no adduma iminimize even minimized planting of

da payen idiay pagmulmula ti nateng vegetables in our backyards.

ararubayena ta awan ti pagsibog
I: Talaga a naapektaran kanya tayo , Ania ti ar- Really? We are indeed affected.
aramidenyo tapno maisanayyo iti panagbaliw ti What do you do to adapt to climate
klima? change?
R: Madi ken mayat mi met talaga sumurot ka Whether we like it or not we cannot
met, awan maaramid mun, masapa ka nga do anything but accept. We wake
agriing ken agsado tapno makaabot ti inumum, up early to get water for drinking,
agriing ka iti alas dos ti parbangon gamin iti alas we have to be early at around 2:00
singko awan ti ubbog ti bubonen in the morning. If you go there at
5:00, there will be no more water
from the well.
I: adiay ubbog ti panagsado yo ngarud sir Do you fetch water only in the
parbangon amamin sir, no mapan ti rabii? morning, Sir? Or, do you also go at
R: adan ah, ngem dadiay dadduma ti style da, no Some, but others have their own
saan da makapoot ti apan da ti ala una ta awan ti style. If they cannot wake up early,
tao. they go out at 1:00 when there are
no other people.
I: Kasatno nakatulong diay inaramidyo tapno How are your Practices helpful to
manglaped mangkessay iti posibilidad ti lessen the effects of Climate
panagbalbaliw iti klima? Change?

R: awan ti material a banag a matulong mi diay We cannot help in terms of material

laket ti bagi min ah, no adda kuma ti programa ti things but we can offer our
gobierno nga ifull support para dadiay IP , uray services. If there are government
siguro ti manpower bagimin ngem awan met. programs, we will support, even if
Haan sikami nga agpupuor ngem agrecycle kami through manpower only. We
ken agreuse. seldom do burning of garbage but
recycle and re-use them instead.
I: Wen a, adda iti, sabagay asideg met kayo iti Yes, besides you are near the town
town sir? proper.
R: Ditoy parte ti aringay more or less 7km from In this part of aringay, more or less
town, dito’y tubao mga 4km 7 kilometers from town. In Tubao,
about four kilometers.
I: Ngem adda met umay ditoy nga social Are there social workers or BNS
Worker, BNS a kunkunada. here?
R:Adda kada barangay programa ti barangay There is one per barangay. BNS is a
data BNS , dagita scholar program of the barangay ,even the
I:Saan Kayo pay met dadiay ayan ti salsalingot
R: ai awan pay met ,mayat pay met, kaadwaan Not yet. It is still fine here. Most of
nga sakit lang dito’y ket cancer……Cancer ti us just suffer cancer, purse
bulsa..(tumatawa) cancer(Laughing)

I: Ania kasla ti maibaga yo tapno atoy kuma a What can you say to lessen the
saan kumaro a sigod ,diba nga adda ti climate effects of climate change ?
change idin ngem kumaro a kumaro?
R: dayta kuma ti kitain ti gobierno tayo , ditta ti That is what the government should
gobierno no ania ti kailangan, agpasyar da kuma focus on. They should consider
tatno madamag da no ania ti kailangan, aniya coming here to know the situation,
dapat ti proyekto per barangay , lalalo ti what are then needs, what projects
barangay should be given per barangay,
especially in the barangay.
I: wen ah sir, ngem dadiay aduduma Yes sir. But some say the problem
panagkunada ket itoy, ayan ti town ti problema, is in the town proper. They have
dagita nga namodernized nga perme a kunada, embraced modernization. In your
ket nu iti pinagkunada dadiay daduma no dajay barangays you know what to do.
ka barbarangayyo siyempre nalaing ka agmula You plant trees, do not burn not cut
kayo. saan nga agpupuor dagita, nasarimetmet da trees.
R: Isu met , no adda la kuma ti obra ti gobyerno That’s it. If only the government
no dagita kuma kasta, panagmula ti kayo, ikkan could do something. If it could help
da proteksyon, kan da ti , napintas kuma, people to plant, and protect, it will
importante kadakami, no para kanya ak laeng be good. For me, information
information dissemination dagidiay reremote iti dissemination is needed. If they
barangay no ania ti akemda , data nga proyekto have projects not informed to
data, haan nga da impormasyon dagidiay nga people properly, then climate
usually a aramiden da ket isu met latta, saan da change continues.
amo ti climate change nga kwa da.
I: wen sir, Adiay pinagpopoor kuma Yes ,sir, the burning .
R: wen siyempre, wen no adda kuma Yes, of course, if there’s none in
agkakaingin, dagita aguguging, awan met dita the town proper. They do not come
lang suda ili, saan da met mapmapan ditoy , kaya here, that is why it worsens.

Participant: Petra Ilocano English

I: Datoy ti guide question mi maam, ket Makita *(Here’s our questionnaire ma’am,
yo adda met kanyayo ken mabasa yo. Ag- You may look at it. Let’s use Iloko
ilokano tayo laengen niya maam, ta maymayat language so it would be more
ken maawatan ta nga duwa. Anya ti panakaawat convenient and we could
yo iti panagbal-baliw ti klima, diay understand better.First question is,
mapadpadasan tayo tatta? What is your own definition of
climate change?)

R: Wen ah, datoy nga panagbal-baliw ti klima *(Yes, the climate is changing as
nga kuna da ket, datoy nga climate change adda they say, our climate sometimes
ti napudot, adda ti nalamiss, ket, ti scientific becomes hot or cold. The scientific
term nga kunkunada ket, diay science, no diay term they say as related to science,
science ti pag-basesan ket, napudot unay diay it is the process of evaporation. For
uneg ti daga isu nga agkuwa ditoy ngato. example, if you boil water in a
Kumbaga no agpapudut ka ti danom ket, kettle, as it boils, evaporation
agsingaw ti pudot ti ngatu gappu ti uneg ti daga. process will occur. That’s how I
Kasla kasdiay ti panakaawatak, hanak gamin interpret it though I’m not that good

nalaing ti science(laughs).Ken dagiti tattao tatta in science (laughs).And people

ket ibelleng da met dagidiay basura da idiay now, throw their garbage wastes in
karayanen. the river.

I: (smiles) Ngem para kanyayu mam, adda ketdi *(smiles) But for you ma’am, is
dagidiay mabalin nga kasla, adda ti rason no there any reasons why climate
apay nga agbalbaliw ti panawen tatta? change occurs?

R: Dagitoy kuwa, para kanyak ket, ti panagba- *( For me, those emerging
lbaliw ti panawen tatta ket, dagitoy maus-uso technologies nowadays are just one
nga adu nga teknolohiya, maysa nga panagbal- factor of climate change. Activities
baliw iti panawen ta aramid ti saan nga naturalen are not natural anymore, they are
nya, no di ket aramid ti kuwan, artipisyal. Isu artificial.)
maysa ti gappu na datuy iti makunkuna nga
climate change

I: Ngem,ti panagubing yo maam, iti padas yo? *(But during your childhood
Panggep iti panagbal-baliw ti panawen dati saan ma’am, how was it? Was it quite
nga kastuy? different with regards to climate
change compared now?)

R: Ay wen ah. Adu a talaga ti nagbalbaliwan na. *( Yes of course. There are a lot of
Ta idi ubbing kami ket apan kam lang agpidot differences. For example, during
wenno agala ti mabalin nga kanen mi .No our childhood days, we just
panagani, agusar kami ti singkaw wenno harvested something for us to eat.
kumpay kuanada, ibaot mi diay pagay iti During crop period, we used rake,
kawayan diay pagibautan (agisem), kasta ti us we slapped the palay to the bamboo
usraen mi idi, nagaget ken napigsa kami ah idi. (smile), that’s what we used to
Ti usaren nga pagarado ket tay landok nga remove the palay, we are very
iguyod ti nuang.Agsakay kami iti nuang wenno industrious and strong then. We
ti pasagad anagragsak idi (nagsipat ken used this old steel for plowing with
nagkatawa).Ti us usren mi, no ana ti adda nga the carabao. We rode to carabao or
inted ti Apo, kasla koma tay mallukong nga in the caritella oh so happy before
sabot, aklo ken baso nga tay natangkenan a (clasp hand and laughs).We used
kawaya, ti sida mi ket nat nateng nga awan ti what GOD has given, like soup
fertilizer na, ti meryenda mi idi ubing kami ket bowl made from coconut shell,
prutas, dagitay native nga prutas nga kas ladle and cups made from matured
bayabas, caimito, salamagi, saba, mangga ken bamboo, we eat vegetables
dadduma pay nga makita ti arubayan (intudo na fertilized with the organic or natural
diay likod balay da).Dagita bakante ng lugar fertilizers, our snack when we were

(intudo na diay taltalon ken arubayan da),ket kids were fruits, native fruits like
namulaan ti naduma duma nga natnateng. guava, star apple, tamarind, banana,
Nabaknang kami a ti makan ditoy (nagisem). mangoes and everything we see
sMapan kami diay karayan tapno agdigos. Kasta here in our backyard (pointing their
ti biag mi idi, simple lang pero naragsak ken backyard). Those vacant places
kuntento kami. (pointing the field and their
backyard) were planted with
different kinds of vegetables. We
are very rich in terms of foods
(smile). We also go to the river to
take a bath. That’s our life before,
simple but happy and contented.)

I: Apay ayanna ti karayan ditoy maam? *(Where is the river here ma’am?)

R:Ket no bumaba ka, datoy nga dalan ditoy *(When you go down, this point
(pointing direction) adda gamin ti eskinita nga (pointing direction), there’s a way
umuneg dita. Data kuma nga bumaba ka dita nga to enter there. For instance, as you
dalan, nga itta laengen balasiw ti irigasyon na, iti go down to that point, you just have
kina-asideg na. Samantalang idi, manu pay nga to cross to that irrigation site, that’s
pantar, manu pay nga kuwa ti pagnaem mi idi, how near it was. But before, it’s
tapnu nga madanun mi diay Karayan idi. quite far. It moved near to us
Immasideg gappu iti ar-aramiden da isu nga because of human activities and the
apay nga agbaliw ti dalan ti danum. Ket direction of waterflow has changed.
agpakastuy met ti danumen agpalaud metten ti For me, I more prefer the situation
danum. Diay tinga, isu awan danumnan ta before because we are from from
agpalaod ti danumen, isu summabali agus ti harm, especially when floods
danumen. Ket para kanyak ta, kaykayat ko a diay happen.
umun-una ta agadayu kami met iti disgrasya no
umay ti panaglaylayos.

I: Ay wen ah mam. *(Of course, ma’am.)

R: Kasdiay. *(Yeah.)

I: Isu diay kuna da nga maysa nga iku-kuwa da *(That’s what we’ve heard about
no adda ti nagbaliwan da diay karayan, no idi the river. It changed its location.)
nga diay ti lokasyon na, ket idtoy, ngem tatta,
naamwan mi nga adda gayam diay agpaysu nga

R: Wen. Adda nga talaga, adda nga talaga ti *(Yes. It really changed its location
karkarayan. Simmabali talaga ti ayos ti karayan as they said. This may not happen if
nga kunada, saan siguro nga sumabali ti ayos ti not to those people and their
karayan no saan met lang nga aramiden ti tao activites.)
met lang.

I: Anya ngata dagidiay inaramid da? *(What do you think are their
activities to affect your

R: Diay pinag-dike da ti ammuk ket, diay pinag- *(When they made a hole, I think.
dike da ditoy surong. Inaramidda met nga dike They made it for sewerage, but
idtoy surong a talaga nga pagnaan ti danum, when water flows profusely, it’s
ngem maysa pay met no diay naunget nga talaga useless
diay danum, Isu diay mangdadael met lang, diay
no ibaga da nga naunget diay danum.

I: Anya dagidiay kalamidad maam, dagidiay *(What calamities have you

napadpadas yo nga panagbaliw ti panawen, encountered due to climate change?
dadiay atoy panag-ayos diay karayan, ket datoy The change of water path in the
pudot na maam, dadiay maawanan ti pangalaan river, the hot climate you
ti makan diay ayan ti karayan? experience, and lacking of supply
of food from the river?

R: Diay kalamidad dagitoy nga bagyo, diay *(Those typhoons, are quite
sabsabali diay pinagbagbagyo nga tatta. Idi no different as compared before. They
signal, no adda ti signal-signal na, wen napigsa ti seem to be stronger. Typhoons,
tudo, napigsa ti angin, ngem saan nga kasdiay iti nowadays, would throw up roofs of
pirmi nga, diay nga pinagsaplit dagita kaykayo, several house. Everytime a typhoon
diay as in, diay talaga naggrabe diay would occur, it brings disaster to
panagyuggayog na, kasdiay, naggrabe, naggrabe our place. But before, typhoons are
talaga. Dagitoy adda ti sig-signal na nga bag- not that strong as compared today.
bagyo, kaysa diay napuutak na bag-bagyo idi, It only rains and wind blows
ken tatta ket, ti bagyo tatta ket , no awan ti bagyo slightly strong. As typhoon occurs
nga saan nga agtayab ti bubungen. Wen, basta nowadays, soil erosion occurs as
adda ti lumabas nga bagyo ket, adda nga adda ti well. But here in our place, we
tumagas nga bubong, adda ti maspak nga haven’t experienced soil erosion
kaykayo. Samantalang no bagyo idi ket, saan yet.
met nga kasdiay, agbagbagyo nga agpaysu,
agtudo laeng, ag-angin, ngem saan met nga

napigsa kasla diay um-umay talaga nga, subra

diay kinapigsa tatta ti bagyo. Signal no.2 laeng
kunada, signal no.3, kasla kasjay, no signal no.3,
kasla signal no. 4, kasjay. Sabali nga talaga no
datoy panggep ti bagyo.Isu nga, ket, syempre
dagidiay nga pinagbagyo, rum-ruma met ah
dagita dag-daga, idiay met nga agkaroon ti, diay
soil erosion, isu nga ngem ditoy ayan mi, di mi
nga nakapadasan ti soil erosion nga makunkuna
da, dita da nga karayan, ta data gamin ket nalawa
nga taltalon. idiay kalawa na nga taltalon, nga
dinalananna ti bagyo nga kunak nga nag-ayusan
ti karayan. Naglawa nga kasdiay, nga manu ti
umap-apitnga da akin-bagi, kunak ngata adu da
met. No tutuusen, bilangen laengen diay mabati,
bassit da, kasdiay. Isu nga kunak nga naggrabe.
Ket manu taon kon, tatta met lang nangyari data.

I: Maam, Anya ti masansan nga ar-aramidenyo *(Maam, What do you do if there

no adda ti sumangbay nga kalamidad? are disasters?)

R: Ditoy no kaspangarigan nga adda ti madamag *(For example, when we

mi nga, no kuma bagyo, idi, madanasan mi ti experienced the 1990 earthquake,
ginggined nga 1990 nga earthquake, maipakita the camaraderie of our tribe was
latta ti pinagkaykaysa ti tribu, iti earthquake ti still alive. During that earthquake,
1990 ket, maysa nga balay nga nagdakkelan ket the house where I’ve grown up was
nagcollapse. one of the houses that collapsed.

I: Bimmaba nga talaga maam? *(It really collapsed?)

R: Haan met nga as in nga bimmaba, nawudwud *(It didn’t collapse totally. Because
laeng pero dagidiay, dagiti bal-balay idi gamin houses before was made of of
ketnaka-putting. Putting kunada diay, adda ti cement .. (thinking)
semento na nga… (thinking)

I: Adda ti kayo na mam? *(Is it built with woods?)

R: Kayu met lang, diay pangato. Wen, *(Wood which is elevated. That’s
nakaputing kunada ti balay idi. Isu nga why during that earthquake,
kamkamakem nga paggiyanan idi ta nagkasdiay camaraderie was seen to our tribe.
diay putting, ag-irip met diay balayen, kasdiay, We were helping one another. Even

ta syempre nangato. Isu adiay, idi earthquake in food. Mostly people who live
nga didiay, maysa nga maipakita ti here are relatives. Thank God,
pinagkaykaysa ti tribu, agtintinnulong, adda diay because we’ve just experienced
latta (recalling) aggiginnaman ti ubra. No anya ti only one disaster, which was the
masapol nga tulong, kasdiay aggiginnaman. earthquake.
Kasta met iti makan. Basta no adda dagita nga
disaster nga kuwa, either bagyo, no kuwa, ta
mostly met ditoy gamin met kuwa,
agkakabagian, halos agkakabagian met lang. No
adda man dagidiay agsabsabali, dagidiay dagiti
naikamang. No agpaabagatanka, agkakabagian
met lang dagita, agkakaruba, dita amianan
kasdiay. Ditoy abagatan kabagyan da met lang
ditoy amianan. Kasdiay. Isu kasla may-maysa
met lang isu nga maipakita latta diay
pinagmaymaysa ti dara ti tribu, dara pay ngata ti
kinabagianen. Asi ni apo dios ket adiay lang ti
maysa nga disaster nga nakuwa-an mi nga,
didiay earthquake lang ditoy ayan mi.

I: Saan kayo nga pumanpanaw ditoy maam no *(Do you leave your place when
adda ti napigsa nga bagyo, ginggined no layos? there are disasters, earthquake or

R: Asi ni apo dios nga saan kami pay nga *(Thank God, we haven’t
nalayos, ngem ti pagdanagan mi tatta isu datoy experienced floods yet, but our
sabali nga ayos ti karayanen. Ta siyempre, concern is all about the river and its
agpalaod metten. Isu duray nga kunam no kasla path. We haven’t left our place yet,
bantay datoy ku-muan na, no simabali ngay latta for we are in upland as they say.
ti tyempu-an na, ket agpakastoy latta, siyempre Water here is quite difficult,
dadiay to iti pagdanagan mi nga talaga. Bassiten especially when it’s summer. We
eh, into ngai sumaruno nga pinagtutudo, sabali don’t experience floods here. Water
met latta ti aramiden ni Inang Kalikasan dita goes down easily.
kuwan, ikkatek ta danumen diay karayanen
kunak man laengen. Ngem no idiay kuwa met,
am-amin met nanipud idi, awan pay met. Ti saan
mi pay met nga pinampanawan datoy baryo mi.
Tamaysa nga kunada met ket ta kuwa, nangato
kami ngarud, maysa nga na-safety ditoy baryo
mi ta medyo bantay ngarud ditoy. Isu ti danum

mi ditoy narigat.Ken narigat ti biruken ti ubbog

ditoy ayanmi. Nauneg ti ubbog ditoy ayan mi.
Saan mo nga, datoy lang impatader diay
kaanakakun nga ditoy nga bumbaan nga
kuryente ditoy, manu nga feet atan, nagkit-it pay.
Kasla useless pay diay de-kuryente, ta diay
paniparpar-war na ti,. Di ba no de kuryente ket
as in nga “plsshh”(demonstrating water sound)
data ket kasla bumba nga kasdiay, diay ti
kinakit-it na pay lang.Isu nga imbes nga de-
kuryente ket, diay makadalan-dalan kuma nga
tubo ditan, “psshh” (demonstrating) kunam
lattan idiay uneg balay mon. Ur-urnungen na da
pay nga nakakabil ti drum, kuryente pay ti
mampa-uli. Ta no bumba-em ata, saan nga
makaruwar ti danum, isu nga narigat ti danum
ditoy ayan mi nga talaga ta kinangato ditoy ayan
mi nga saan nga malayos nga agpayso, ngem
narigat ti danum ayan mi, especially ti summer.
Saan nga malay-layos ditoy ayan mi, malayos
man, ngem nalaka lang nga ag-ayus ti danum ta
nalaka lang nga bumaba dita katal-talunan,
bumaba dita kataltalunan.

I: Tatta ngarud maam, anya ti source ti danum *(So, where is your source of
yo? water?

R: Adda ti maysa nga naipata-der ditoy nga *( There’s one jetmatic water pump
bomba ayan ti danum nga na-ubbog ngem here that was made. It reaches us. It
maabot met latta. Maabot met latta iah ta isu dita is where everyone gets water, there
ti amin pagalaan, dita ayan ti taltalon dita. in the field.)

I: Dita katinga-an maam? *(On that center, ma’am?)

R: Wen. Dita tinga. *(Yes, at the center.)

I: Bubon dijay maam? *(Is that a deepwell, ma’am?)

R: Wen . Bubon. Deep well. Jetmatic met nga at *(Yes. A deep well. It is the
least didiay met nga natumpungan da met nga Jetmatic, That supplies water to the
ubbog nga mangsup-supply ti entero nga entire Barcelona, and that water is

Barcelona, drinking water didiay. for drinking.

I: Aminen didiay maam? *(They are all there ma’am?

R: (Nods). Ngem nupanaglaba ket, karayan a, ta *(Nods). But for washing of

isu ti pagmimitingan mi ngarud nga no clothes, we have discussed during
paglabaan, mapan diay karayanen, or no kastuy our meeting that they shall go to the
nga summer ta awan ti maala mi diayen nga river and wash their clothes there,
inumenen, usaren mi nga pagluto no amin pay Or, if it’s summer, there is a lack of
lang, aglaba, agdigos idiay, isu nga water supply for drinking, cooking,
ikukwamimet ta may-maysa lang gamin ti laundry, and taking a bath.
aktibo. Adda met nga masungat nga gripo, ngem
kasla dita kuma, ngem bassit-bassit lang.
Nasayaaten no adda ti sangapulo nga lata ti mai-
ubbog na. Adda pay maysa nga gripo dita
abagatan na. Maysa man nga gripon tatta, inikkat
da diay kuwa nan, balet inikkat da diay kuwa
nan ta awan met lang ubbog na. Summer.
Maatsanan. Sa man ag-ubbogen no panagtutudo
manen. (Laughs)

I: Sumarunu nga damag ko maam, kasatnu nga *(Next question ma’am, how does
apektaran ti panagbal-baliw ti panawen ti biag climate change affect your lifestyle
yo, ken inaldaw-aldaw nga aramid yu wen nu and practices? How does if affect?)
trabaho yo? Kasatnu na nga maapektaran?

R: Tatta saan nga mabalinen nga mapan agpidot *( Now it is not advisable anymore
ti makan diay karayanen ta saan nganapintas a to harvest for our food because it is
maipaunegen ken diay danum ket na pollute not safe anymore and the water in
metten gapu ti aramid ti tao. Ibelleng dad a the river is already polluted because
dagidiay rugit ken basura da ta karayan. Idi, ket of human activities. They throw
adayu pay ti karayan toy ayan mi, diay pay their garbage wastes in the river.
maikadua nga site. No dayta ayan koma ti Ever since, the river was still on the
karayan tatta ket idi adyo ah, ngem gapu na ti second site. We were far from that
aramid ti tao met lang, ti agos ti danum ket river, but because of human
nagbaliw nga kas kunada. Idi madi mi nga activities, the path of water passing
napadas no ana ti mapadpadasan mi tatta. Ti through the river has changed as
panag kirang ti danum no kuwaresma. Adda they say. Before we never
maymaysa nga bubon nga pagal alaan mi ti experience what we have now.
danum nga mang supply metten ti sibubuo nga Water shortage during summer. We

Barcelona..) only have one deep well which

supplies entire Barcelona.

I: Ngem dati maam, saan nga kasta met ti *(How about before ma’am, Are
kagrabe ti karigat ti danum ditoy? you having trouble in the supply of

R: Narigat sobra, mas lalo nu pangalaan ti *( It is hard for us, we were tired of
danum narigat sobra ,makabannog met dadiay. fetching water. Before, we have a
Idi adu met ti grigripo ta idi diay balay mi nga lot of jetmatic pump, we also have
kunak nga dinakkelak, adda pay lang ti gripo mi one in our house before where I
idiay. Ngem awan met sa ti tubbog na itan .. grow. But there is no water coming
out on it.)

I: Anya ti ar-aramiden yum am, tapnu *(What do you do to adapt on this

maisanayyo ti panagbaliw ti klima? climate change?)

R: Hmm… Kuwa ah lattan, kumbaga bagam ket, *(As they say, just go with the flow
sumayaw ka sa agos nalang (laughs). Nu anya ti (laughs). But for me, since I’m a
kuwa ket, kasjay nga talagan. Awan ti,.. no member of the tribe, I’m willing to
choice, nu madi nga, makikuwa ka lattan, nu offer my help. For example, I’ve
anya ti adda. Ket nu kanyak ket, nu kuma adda asked assistance, being a member
met ti kasla, adda ak met ti posisyon, maysa met of the organization, so that to
kuma dyay met ti goal ko kuma, tapno nu kasta experience those disasters caused
met, adda met kuma ti maitulong ko, pero nu by climate change, like what we
kaskasnu kuma nu adda met maaramidak nga experienced in lacking of water.
adda maitulong ko nu adda ti kasla nga, We are focused to a water system
maaramidan, diyay kasla, ikukuwak met nga which is our project for the
organisasyon kaspangarigan dya’y panagdawat community. I’m actively
kuma ti assistance, kasjay, ta adda met ti cooperating for I am an officer to
bagbagik nga organisasyon ken maysa met lang our tribe and the President of the
datoy nga organisasyon nga bagbagik, isu nga, Women’s chapter of the
diyay panagdawat ti assistance, ket, tumultulong Organization R.I.C. That’s one
ak met laeng, tapno kasta metmakatulong ak met thing I can share to my community.
laeng ti panagbalbaliw tapnu nu kasta met di mi
met maranasan dagitoy kuma nga climate
change, kasla dyay panagrigat mi ti danum mi,
kasjay. Isu nga adda ti ifo-focus mi nga water
system nga project, kasjay. Makitin-tinnulong ak
met ta maysa ak met nga opisyal ditoy tribo,

maysa met nga opisyal ken bagbagi ti women’s

chapter nga adda datoy organisasyon nga R.I.C.
nga kunkunada. Siak met lang ti president na
diay. Kuwa ti women’s diay met lang ah ti
maaramidak, diay maishare nga maibingay ko ah
nga kuma.

I: Kaskameng iti Bago Tribe mam, anya ti *(As a member of the Bago Tribe,
mabalin nga aramiden yu nga makatulong ti what practices do you contribute to
epekto ti panagbalbaliw ti klima. Malaksid diay lessen the effects of Climate
kasla ngay diay ayat yo nga, diay imbaga yo nga change?)
kayat yo nga makatulong diay panagdawat yo ti
assistance no sino ti mabalin nga pagdawatan ti
tulong. Anya pay maam ti mabalin nga
panakasa-o ti sabali nga kadwa yo no anya ti
dapat nga aramiden?

R: Maysa tatta nga i-kuwa nga ipro-promote ti *(Proper waste management is one
dagitoy nga kagawad mi, tribu da met lang of those projects our officials are
ngarud, proper waste management, dagita promoting. Burning of tires and
panagpuor, kasali met lang ti proper plastics are strictly prohibited. We
management, pati panagpuor ti gulong. Dagita, have discussed and agreed on
bawal ti agpuor ti goma, plastic, kasdiay. Isu nga implementing this project to lessen
adda ti impakuwa da nga agkali kami ti abot. the effects of climate change.)
Mayat ngarud dagidiay programa dagitoy
kagawad mi, isu nga kasla umay-ayon siguro nga
kuwa, natacle mi met amin, isu nga kunak ket
nga bar-bareng no datoy ti maysa nga pamay-an
na tapnu, one-way tapnu no kasta ket
maprebentaran met ti aramiden mi nga paraan
mi, wen no, datoy ti praktisenmi nga kuwa no
kasta ket para kanyami met lang tapnu
maprebentaran datoy climate change.

I: para kanyayo makatultulong ti farming iti For you maam is farming helps to
climate change? have climate change?

R: Wen. Saanen a nga talagan. Tanu dati nga ar- Farming is already modernized
aramid ngaruden nga, no iti, naipanggep ti nowadays with regards to infra, we
farming ket, modernized metten, no idtoy, have lots of that already. Those

mapanggep ti infra, adu met infran ditoyen, nga practices before, even though not
agpapata-der met ti kastan. Isu nga kunak nga forgotten but being set aside,
dagidiay nagka-unan, nalipatan lang nga talagan because of easy ways of working
nga aramid. Saan a nga nalipatan, maseset-aside nowadays. These must be
laeng. Saan met nga nalipatan, pero, maseset- preserved. Those practices must be
aside laeng panggappo ti paglag-anan la ammu ti applied. Those simple living, can
taon. Isu nga dapat kuma, ma-preserve kuma pay this simple living can still be
dagidiay ar-aramid ta no kasta ket, maiwasan applied? (smiles). I think this is not
kuma. Maisubli met kuma dagidiay nga aramid. practiced anymore.
diay simple living lang kuma, ngem may-applica
pay ngata ti simple living tatta? (smiles) Kasla
Saan ti kunak san.

I: Bale para kanyayo maam, kasatnu nga *(In your opinion ma’am, how does
makatulong dagiti inararamid yo nga para ti your practices help to lessen
panagbal-baliw ti panawen, kasla kuma dagijay Climate Change?
napadpadasan tayo tatta, kasatnu nga
makatulong idiay dati nga aramid kasla idi

R: Uray no adda tayo iti modern nga panawen, *( Even we are in the modern
ken saan met nga mailibak nga dakami ket times, we are also been affected.
naapektaran kami met. Ngem kas maysa nga bag But as a member of bago, we do not
bago a ket madi mi kayat wenno itulok nga dayta want that these modern times and
kina modern ket masakop na kami. Wen a, technology will conquer us. Yes,
agusar kami met ngem saan a kinanayun ken we use those things but not too
ammo mi a balansien. Sa no maminsan kaniami often, we know how to balance it.
a ket namaymayat met lang tay naika ugalian And for us, it is better that we do
nga aramid ta mas nagaggaget ti tao iddi. Madi what we used to do and on how we
kami unay agus usar ti kuryente, ti gasoline ken brought up with our culture because
dagita kasla tatta nga us usaren ti tattao.Ti supot people before were apparently more
idi a ket,sabagay inggana tatta (nagisem) ket industrious than nowadays. We
lablabaan mi tapno mausar manen. Madi kami seldom use electric current,
pay unay agpupuor. gasoline and those things that
people use now. Plastic bags
before, anyway until now (smile)
we wash and use it again. We
seldom burn.)

I: Narigat gamin ti mang-educate ti tao tattan *(It’s hard to educate people


maam. Imbag kanyayu maam ta ti panakadlaw nowadays. I’ve observed this while
ko iti kas-kainterview mi kanyayu, kasla we were interviewing you ma’am,
kanyayo ket no mabalin ket i-preserve, ta gamin if it is possible, you want to
ket diay padas tatta, talaga maritna yun ti preserve those practices, because
napaspasama tatta no ti ited mi nga example ti nowadays, there are lots of people
T.V. nga ibaga nga kastuy, adu gamin ti saan nga who doesn’t believe this.)
mammamati, adu ti pilosopo.

I: Wen, isu pay adiay nga maysa, narigat nga *(Yes. It’s really difficult.)

R: Wen a, diay panagusar ti kumpay, *( Yes, the use of rake, fetching of

panagaksiw no agsakdo ka, panagusar ti gilingan water, use of a stone grinder, used
ken pagbayyuan nga tay bato, panagusar ti banga of clay pot and soup bowl made
kas kada mallukong nga sabsabot, ay ket mayat a from coconut fruit, it so nice if
koma no ammo da pay ti agusar ti kasdiay dagiti people knew how to used those
tattao tatta (nagisem). things (smile).

I:Mam, thank you for the information. (smiles Maam, thank you for the
and initiates handshake) information. (smiles and initiates

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