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LEVELS: 7–10

Kate Baker and Dennis Muldoon Adventure 3
DEVELOPMENT LEAD Appendix 1: Level 7–8 Encounters 20
Jessica Catalan

ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Appendix 2: Level 9–10 Encounters 23

Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 3: Game Aids 26
Solomon St. John Organized Play 29
Solomon St. John GM ResouRces
Campaign Home Page:
Books: Starfinder Core Rulebook, Starfinder Armory (AR) and Starfinder Starship Operations Manual
Blake Davis
INTERIOR ARTISTS Maps: Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Starfield and Starfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Moon
Blake Davis, Wero Gallo, Beatrice Pelagatti, and Online Resource: Starfinder Reference Document at
Sebastian Rodriguez


Damien Mammoliti
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information
ART DIRECTION on scenario tags, see the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society.
Emily Crowell

GRAPHIC DESIGN FacTion (second seekeRs

Danika Wirch [ehu hadiF])
Linda Zayas-Palmer FacTion (WayFindeRs)
Alex Speidel MeTaploT (yeaR oF RedeMpTion’s Rise)
Tonya Woldridge


Adam Daigle suMMaRy
PUBLISHER The PCs are dispatched to deliver supplies and support to a colony in the Vast long forgotten by
Erik Mona the Pact Worlds, whose citizens are expected to be in dire need or already dead. Upon arrival,
the PCs discover the colony to be prosperous, self-sufficient, and secure, rendering their aid is
unnecessary. The PCs explore the colony, likely discovering incongruences in the citizens’ accounts
and signs of an outside organization’s influence. When a dangerous animal attacks a citizen during
a community feast, the PCs enter the wilds to put a stop to the animal attacks—perhaps discovering
the animal is a mining robot in disguise, under the control of the mayor’s personal aide.



LEVELS: 7–10


Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577

Immediately prior to his election as First Seeker, Ehu Hadif Where in the Universe?
discovered the existence of numerous Pact World-sponsored This adventure takes place in Braerton, the only settlement
colonies that had gone missing and were never acknowledged on the planet Kortus IV. Braerton was founded by colonists
by the Pact Council. Suspecting a cover up, Ehu petitioned from the Pact Worlds 90 years ago. Within a few years,
the Starfinder Society’s governing Forum for permission to communications with the colony ceased and all record
investigate, and his request was approved. Many of these missing of the its existence was lost. Unknown to the outside
colonies were tied to Historia-Prime, the villainous architect of world, Braerton was conquered by a mysterious criminal
the devastating Data Scourge digital attacks. One unaffiliated organization locals dubbed the Mongers.
settlement is Braerton on Kortus IV.
Braerton was founded 90 years ago by colonists from the Pact KORTUS IV
Worlds and led by Berrla Tonhue, a government surveyor. As a Forgotten Colony Controlled by Mysterious Organization
sponsored colony, Braerton was promised regular support, supplies, Diameter: ×1.3; Mass: ×1; Gravity: ×1
and protection from the Pact Worlds. In exchange, Braerton would Atmosphere: Normal; Day: 25 hours; Year: 1.2 years
provide a share of any valuable resources discovered to the Pact A world of towering ancient forests, vast lakes, and diverse
Worlds and expand the reach of the Pact Worlds into the Vast. flora and fauna, Kortus IV is the fourth of six planets in the
Within a few years of the colony’s founding, a vast deposit of single-sun Kortus system. Before the founding of the colony
a rare but worthless starmetal called finitrium was discovered of Braerton, the Kortus system contained no sapient life.
on Kortus IV. Shortly thereafter, a mysterious organization with Kortus IV has two moons and a remarkable concentration
distant ties to the Starfinder Society erased this colony from of the starmetal finitrium.
the Pact Council’s records, killed Berrla, and annexed Braerton,
installing a sizable force within the colony’s government and
citizenry and establishing a finitrium mine. Those who spoke out Back in the Pact Worlds, the First Seeker, out of concern for
against the Organization or attempted to leave were severely Braerton’s lost colonists, intends to dispatch a team of Starfinders
punished. By the time the second generation of citizens was born, to investigate and deliver some much-needed supplies to any
the Organization had effectively rewritten Braerton’s history, and survivors. These Starfinders are destined to disrupt life in Braerton,
today, most younger citizens consider joining the Organization causing citizens to hide the presence of the Mongers, while the
akin to joining a major corporation or their government’s military. mayor and mayor’s aide to plot to get rid of the new arrivals.
Braerton is reliant upon the Organization for supplies, trade,
protection, and construction materials, which they receive in GETTING STARTED
exchange for finitrium ore. This trade has earned the Organization The PCs meet with First Seeker Ehu Hadif (LG male kasatha
the nickname “Mongers” among citizens—a name the Organization solarian) and Fitch (CN female ysoki technomancer; art on page
has embraced for the anonymity it provides. Communications 26), leader of the Wayfinders faction, in a private conference
with outsiders are controlled and tightly monitored by the room in the Lorespire Complex. Read or paraphrase the following
Organization, and citizens are prohibited from mentioning the to get the adventure underway.
presence of the Organization to outsiders.
Braerton has an elected mayor who sees to the settlement’s “Great, you’re here on time!” Fitch remarks. “I hope you packed
operations but is little more than a figurehead. True power rests well. You’re heading out to the Vast for a while.”
with the mayor’s aide, a position always filled by an Organization Ehu Hadif pulls up a holographic display of a single-sun solar
member born offworld, who governs Braerton and ensures that system, zooming in on a green and blue planet. “Thank you
the Organization’s interests are put first. Only Organization for coming. I’m sure some of you know that one of my initial
employees are allowed to leave Braerton, which has resulted priorities as First Seeker was to investigate several Pact World-
in a high percentage of the population becoming, or having sponsored colonies that seemingly disappeared from everyone’s
family who already are, low ranking Mongers. This intertwined records. Most of these colonies, of course, were connected to
population makes it incredibly difficult for the few unaffiliated Historia-Prime.” Ehu shares a meaningful look with Fitch, then
citizens of Braerton to organize any kind of rebellion or flee. continues. “Kortus IV was not.”

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

“The Pact Worlds sent a colony ship to Kortus IV we concluded the colonies were tied to Historia-Prime. However,
approximately 90 years ago. The timeline is shaky, but within a upon Historia-Prime’s death, his holdings passed into the
few years of its founding all records of the colony were erased. possession of the Starfinder Society. We’re still sifting through his
It’s as though someone was trying to hide its existence. As files, but we’ve determined that Kortus IV wasn’t affiliated with
far as we know, there’s been no communication between the Historia-Prime and the other colonies. This is something different.”
Kortus colony and the Pact Worlds since. We have no idea When the PCs are done asking questions, Ehu dismisses
what happened to these settlers or if any remain in the area. them, with directions to select a starship of their choice from
Travel to Kortus IV, determine the fate of the colony and its the hangar bay for their use during this mission (likely an Azata,
inhabitants, and locate any survivors. If the colony still exists, Drake, or Pegasus). The PCs can purchase gear and supplies
find out if they need any assistance from the Starfinder Society before leaving, if desired.
or from the Pact Worlds. We’ll send you with food, medicine,
and construction supplies to provide them.” CULTURE (RECALL KNOWLEDGE)
Fitch cuts in, looking serious. “You need to be on high OR DIPLOMACY (GATHER
alert for this mission. Things went bad the last time I led INFORMATION)
an expedition to a lost colony. Real bad. A lot of good Based on the result of a Culture check to recall knowledge or
people died. We have no reason to expect danger on a Diplomacy check to gather information, the PCs might
Kortus IV, but we didn’t before, either. Watch out for know more about Athaeum or how Ehu learned about
each other. If anything feels off or you find yourselves these lost colonies. They learn all of the information
outnumbered, come back and report in. I’ve also whose DC is equal to or less than the result
got a few gifts to help you out.” of their check. PCs who played Starfinder
Society Scenario #2-07: Four for the First
Fitch gives the PCs three incendiary automatically know the information listed
grenades III, a d-suit III (kasatha microcord in the 10+ and 15+ entries. PCs who played
IV for levels 9–10), and an advanced arc Starfinder Society Scenario #3-22: The Vast
emitter (aurora arc rifle for levels 9–10). Experiment: Dancing at the Edge automatically
The PCs might have questions for know the information listed in the 25+ entry.
Ehu and Fitch. Some likely questions 15+: Starfinders dispatched by Ehu Hadif
and their answers are noted below. uncovered records on the lost colonies while
Isn’t it possible that everyone on the library world of Athaeum. Following up on these
died a long time ago? “That’s certainly a colonies was part of Ehu’s platform for his election to
possibility.” Ehu admits. “But it’s also possible First Seeker.
there are people there who need help.” 20+: The library world of Athaeum contains only very
What happened on the last mission to a rare information: everything there is the only copy in
lost colony? Fitch frowns. “It was an ambush. existence. For the records of these lost colonies to exist
Historia-Prime used the colony’s disappearance there, all traces elsewhere must have been erased.
as a lure and the colony as a trap. Many 25+: The lost colonies were connected to the
Starfinders died and more were captured. I don’t Historia-Prime, a Starfinder who committed
want to lose any more of our people that way. Keep countless crimes in their quest for immortality and
your eyes open and trust your instincts. Don’t do control of the Starfinder Society. Historia-Prime
anything rash.” used the colonies as a trap, which resulted in the
If the records were erased, how do we know about death of numerous Starfinders. Historia-Prime
this colony? Ehu explains, “I found evidence of a was destroyed by the Starfinders at the
mission Starfinder Society agents conducted to the culmination of the Data Scourge.
library planet of Athaeum. However, there were no
further details regarding this mission in our database, A. KORTUS IV
nor of what they were researching. Prior to my election The journey to Kortus IV takes 5d6 days.
as First Seeker, I dispatched a team to Athaeum to The organization that controls Kortus
view the same documents as that first team. These IV maintains an automated defense
agents uncovered information on system to protect the planet and
numerous missing colonies in the Vast, give ground forces early warning of
all sponsored by the Pact Worlds and Ehu Hadif incoming intruders. The Organization
then erased from history. Eventually, doesn’t usually leave starships in

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

Braerton longer than necessary to transfer goods and personnel, DRIFT CRISIS
so the automated defenses are the primary method of fighting off This scenario was released during the Drift Crisis, a
pirates, smugglers, and rivals of the Organization. galaxy-spanning catastrophe during which the Drift
When the PCs arrive in orbit around Kortus IV, the planet’s was dangerously unstable. If you would like to set this
automated defenses spring into action! A launch pad deploys scenario during the Drift Crisis, change the PCs’ mode of
two drones and primes its turrets. Concurrently, it transmits a arrival. Rather than travel to Kortus IV on a Starfinder
message in Common, then in several other languages. ship outfitted with a Drift engine, the Starfinder Society
negotiates passage with the witchwyrds of the Tetrad,
“No trespassing permitted on Kortus IV. Transmit access code who are grateful for the Society’s aid in dealing with the
or depart immediately. Trespassers will be treated as hostile.” excommunicated swindler Szelanius several years prior
(Starfinder Society Scenario #3-05: The Hivemarket Heist).
Starship Combat: As the PCs don’t have the appropriate access Tetrad starships are equipped with proprietary (and
code, they’re attacked by the launch pad and drones. Use the jealously guarded) hybrid interstellar engines called planar
map on page 6 for this encounter. The launch pad begins near the aperture drives (Starfinder Starship Operations Manual 11),
top portion of the map, flanked by the drones. The enemies begin which open temporary portals to other planes and distant
facing the PCs, who approach from 3d6+5 hexes away. destinations. A Tetrad carrier transports the PCs’ starship
to Kortus IV in its hangar bay, then departs to examine the
LEVELS 7–8 rest of the system for commercial opportunities. The carrier
returns two days later to pick the PCs’ up for the return trip
MK 1 DRONES (2) TIER 4 to Absalom Station. For more information on the Drift Crisis
Page 20 and Tetrad see pages 14–23 and 37 of Starfinder Drift Crisis.


Page 20 When the PCs explain who they are and what their
mission is, they receive landing coordinates and an apology for
LEVELS 9–10 the automated attack. If the PCs lost this starship combat, it
takes the PCs longer to safely land, giving the Organization
MK 2 DRONES (2) TIER 6 and citizens of Braerton more time to prepare for the PCs’
Page 23 arrival. This increases the DC of all Sense Motive checks
the PCs attempt in Braerton by 1.
The PCs can follow the coordinates to Braerton, a small
Development: Shortly after the PCs defeat the settlement nestled amid a forest of towering trees
automated defenses, they receive a communication with an obvious landing pad on its southern edge.
from the planet, specifically from Zatteh (NE female The landing pad is currently empty, save for a few
kasatha), the mayor’s aide. Zatteh is the highest forklifts and some crates at the north end.
ranking member of the Organization on Kortus IV If a science officer scans the town, they
(though she certainly doesn’t introduce automatically determine that it
herself or reveal this information has a population of around 2,500
to the PCs). “Kortus IV to unknown Aliorno people, and that the surrounding
starship. Identify yourselves. What forest bears many signs of animal
are you doing here?” and plant life, signaling a healthy
If the automated defenses would defeat the PCs, the drones and diverse ecosystem. If they succeed at a DC 23 Computers
power down immediately before delivering the final blast as check to scan (DC 26 for levels 9–10), they additionally
Zatteh takes over using a manual override. She then sends the identify a mine to the north of the town, farmlands to the
communication noted above. east of town, and that Kortus IV has no infosphere or active
In either instance, Zatteh has identified the PCs’ starship as broadcast signals.
belonging to the Starfinder Society and knows that destroying it A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Culture or Engineering
will likely result in the Society launching a follow-up investigation. check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) recognizes that it’s very odd for
Thus, the surest way to get rid of the Starfinders permanently is a settlement of this small size to have an automated defense
to invite these Starfinders to land and hurry them on their way. system like the one the PCs just encountered.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten



Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

When the PCs disembark, they’re greeted by Mayor Aliorno don’t care. We’ve built a home to be proud of all on our own.
(LN male damaya lashunta) and Zatteh. The duo attempts to We’re not looking to make alliances with outsiders. We know the
get as much information as they can from the PCs about their dangers of dependence too well.”
mission on Kortus IV. Their eventual goal is to get the PCs to We’ve brought supplies for you. “How thoughtful! We don’t
leave without noticing that anything is amiss, but they know need much, but we’ll happily accept your gifts. Such offerings
that they can’t act too suspicious up front. Zatteh has already don’t need to be a regular occurrence, however.” Mayor Aliorno
alerted Braerton’s citizens that outsiders have arrived. Read or glances at Zatteh, who adds, “Let’s see… You can bring food to
paraphrase the following aloud. the general store, medicine to the hospital, and tools and other
materials to the construction site down the road. Anything else
A lashunta with a big smile clears his throat. “Starfinders! you can bring to the town hall at Founder’s Square. I’ll see its sent
Welcome to Braerton! It’s been a long time since we’ve had any where its most needed.”
contact with the Pact Worlds, and we’re overjoyed to have you Is Braerton in danger? Mayor Aliorno shakes his head. “Not
here! I’m Mayor Aliorno, and this is my aide, Zatteh.” Behind him, notably. Kortus IV has aggressive wildlife and seasonal storms,
a somber kasatha inclines her head in greeting. “Please, tell us but we adapted long ago. As for off planet threats, our automated
more about your mission here, and we’ll tell you about our town.” defense system does the trick.”
How did you build that automated defense system? Mayor
A PC who succeeds at a DC 25 Sense Motive check (DC 29 Aliorno smiles. “Oh, I can’t take credit for that—smarter minds
for levels 9–10) realizes Mayor Aliorno doesn’t seem genuinely than I saw to its construction! After we were abandoned by the
pleased to see the Starfinders. If the PCs confront Mayor Aliorno Pact Worlds, our citizens thought it was important to protect
about this he shakes his head, noting the PCs “lack tact for a Kortus IV from threats like space pirates. I believe the materials
diplomatic delegation,” and proceeds to ignore their comment. for it came from the original colony ship. It’s come in handy on a
After the PCs explain their mission to aid the colony, Mayor few occasions.”
Aliorno chuckles. Read or paraphrase the following aloud. Do you have any contact with other planets? “Not really.
Occasionally a smuggler stops by looking for a place to lay low, or
“Oh, you won’t have much to do, I’m afraid. We’ve been entirely independent traders or explorers happen along. Some even stay.
self-sufficient for ages. Still, you might as well look around But we’re pretty much on our own. Like I said, we’re self-sufficient.”
before you leave. We’re proud of what we’ve built here. It’ll give Why do you maintain a landing pad if no one visits? “It would
folks a chance to show off! Come, Zatteh and I will escort you to be short-sighted to allow it to fall into disrepair.”
Founder’s Square. We can speak on the way.” What do you mine? “Nothing special. A variety of metal ores
we use for construction, fabrication, and electronics. We mine
Mayor Aliorno leads the way north from the landing pad to just enough to use.”
Founder’s Square at the town’s center. Braerton’s streets are lined Who is that statue of? What happened to her? “That was
with restaurants, shops, public buildings, and modest homes, Berrla Tonhue, the settlement’s founder. She led the expedition
constructed primarily from wood and brick. While there are here from the Pact Worlds. She died fending off an animal attack
vehicles present, it’s clear most people walk or cycle in Braerton. about twenty years after the founding of the settlement. Some
Founder’s Square is a small park centered on a lacquered statue vicious local creatures we call rock bears.”
of a human woman with one arm outstretched. The streets Are animal attacks common? “They used to be. The animals
surrounding the park host several important buildings, including on this planet are aggressive, especially the rock bears. They’ve
the town hall. learned to steer clear of the settlement, but it’s still dangerous for
On the walk, many citizens crowd in to see the new arrivals, anyone who goes out into the wilderness to hunt.”
giving a surprised wave or smile. Mayor Aliorno and Zatteh Why is there a kasatha here? (Braerton was founded and
answer any questions the PCs ask, citing propaganda or lying as forgotten several years before the Idari’s arrival in the Pact
needed to prevent the PCs from learning about the Organization’s Worlds). Zatteh tilts her head at the blunt question. “My parents
presence and the finitrium. Some likely questions and their were wanderers. As soon as they could afford a Drift engine, they
answers are noted below. left the Pact Worlds. They passed away quite some time ago, but
Are you in contact with the Pact Worlds? Mayor Aliorno not before making us a home here. I was born in Braerton.”
shakes his head. “No. Shortly after Braerton’s founding, the Pact When the PCs are done asking questions, Mayor Aliorno and
Worlds stopped sending supplies and cut us off completely. They Zatteh encourage the PCs to explore Braerton and meet the
wouldn’t answer our hails. We sent one of our only starships residents. He gives them permission to explore any public spaces
back to the Pact Worlds with a delegation, thinking it must be but warns them not to enter people’s homes, private property,
a mistake, but those messengers never returned. We never did or the wilderness outside of town. At that, the pair excuse
figure out why the Pact Worlds abandoned us, but frankly, we themselves and head to the town hall.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

KEY CITIZENS Reela (CG female korasha lashunta): Reela is an architect

As the PCs explore Braerton, they’ll interact with numerous currently working at the community center’s build site. She’s a
citizens. Notable citizens are summarized below. Braerton’s bubbly, warm member of the community who is worse than most
citizens know not to reveal anything about the Mongers at keeping secrets. She dislikes the Mongers and wishes she could
or finitrium to outsiders. The punishment for breaking this leave Braerton.
prohibition is severe, so all citizens stick to their lies even if called Roget (CN male ysoki): Roget is a short-tempered and surly
out by the PCs. farmer who refuses to use anything provided by Mongers or
otherwise imported. He resents the Mongers and is an outcast in
Mongers town—everyone gossips about him, but few people interact with
The following NPCs are members of the organization known him. If the PCs ask around about Roget, anyone in town can tell
locally as the Mongers. them that Roget hasn’t been the same since his daughter, Ongie,
Jana Rin (LN nonbinary human): Jana is Braerton’s sheriff. They was killed by rock bears while out hunting a few years ago. In
were born in Braerton and became a Monger to have a brighter truth, Ongie escaped Kortus IV by stowing away
future. They believe they’ll get an assignment offworld after on an Organization supply ship and escaping
serving a few terms as sheriff. when it reached a port. Within Braerton, only
Redozoko (LE male vesk): Redozoko is a high-ranking Zatteh, Redozoko, and Roget know the truth—
Monger who presents himself as a hunter. In truth, he Zatteh and Redozoko faked Ongie’s death and have
oversees the finitrium mine, its employees, and hunts kept Roget alive to use as leverage against Ongie.
down any citizens attempting to flee Braerton through
the wilds. Redozoko was born in the Veskarium but EXPLORATION
claims to be the descendent of a founding colonist The PCs begin at Founder’s Square and can explore
who betrayed the Veskarium to the Pact Worlds in Braerton at their leisure. The town is bustling with
exchange for a spot on the Kortus IV colony. activity and while many citizens come to gawk at the PCs,
Zatteh (NE female kasatha): Zatteh is the highest- few stop to chat for long. The town’s citizenry are primarily
ranking Monger in Braerton and serves as the mayor’s androids, humans, lashuntas, and ysoki, though halflings
aide. She’s ruled Braerton and Kortus IV for 15 years. and half-elves are also present in large numbers.
Zatteh was born off world but claims to be a second- After the PCs investigate two sites, Redozoko
generation citizen of Braerton. returns to town in Event 1.
After the PCs investigate each site once,
Citizens or decide they’re done their exploration,
Although the following NPCs are Zatteh approaches them with an
not members of the Mongers, they invitation in Event 2.
cooperate with the organization to Zatteh
some extent. Founder’s Square
Mayor Aliorno (N male damaya Founder’s Square is a small public
lashunta): As mayor, Aliorno is a representative elected by the park centered on a lacquered statue of Berrla Tonhue. The streets
citizens of Braerton to govern. In truth, he’s second in command, surrounding the park host several important buildings, including
and subservient to Zatteh, his “aide” and a powerful Monger. the church, general store, hospital, and town hall. Audible in the
Aliorno knows his life depends upon keeping the Mongers happy distance to the west of Founder’s Square is a construction site.
and works closely with them in his role as mayor. The PCs can examine the statue of Berrla Tonhue, the town’s
Dunchell Munthus (LN male half-elf): Dunchell runs the founder and a surveyor by occupation. The statue is made from
general store. Most local farmers and artisans trade their goods to wood with many layers of lacquer to protect it from the elements.
Dunchell for store credit. Dunchell relies on the Mongers to supply A small plaque beneath it reads “Berrla Tonhue, Braerton
him with any goods in his store that aren’t produced locally. founder and hero,” along with the dates of her birth and death
Ellemie-2 (NG female android): Ellemie-2 is head doctor at (192 AG–255 AG). A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Perception
Braerton’s hospital. She depends on the Mongers for medicine check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices that the date of death on
and supplies. the plaque was changed from 235 AG to 255 AG after the statue
Nikeela Phuvo (LN agender human): Nikeela is a priest of was made. Unknown to most of Braerton’s citizens, the Mongers
Abadar who runs Braerton’s large, multidenominational church. killed Berrla when they took control of Braerton in 235 AG but
They’re not a Monger, but they don’t object to the presence of the have since spread the story that Berrla died saving the town
Mongers and appreciate the commerce and stability they bring from an animal attack later in the town’s history. This is what the
to Braerton. current residents believe and is what’s reflected on the plaque.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

Braerton Sanctuary After the PCs drop off the supplies, Dunchell offers them a
Braerton Sanctuary is the local church, which caters to numerous gift in return. If the PCs are asking too many prying questions,
religions. The Sanctuary is pristine, with rows of wooden pews in he uses this as an abrupt subject change. “We don’t have much
the main worship space, facing a raised stage with a few dozen use for weapons around here, but this is sure a beautiful bit
different religious symbols and statues, and two smaller side of carving done by my father. Perhaps one of you can use it.”
rooms for gatherings. He offers a lovely wooden club carved with decorations on
The church is managed by Nikeela Phuvo (LN agender human), the handle. This club functions as a medium sap (Starfinder
a priest of Abadar who greets the PCs warmly when they enter. Armory 53). For levels 9–10, it instead functions as a heavy
Nikeela offers to perform any religious services that the PCs sap (Armory 53).
need in the name of any deity (for a reasonable fee). They use the As the PCs explore the general store, Roget (CN male ysoki)
religious symbols in the worship hall for this purpose. walks in with several bags of grain, which he trades to Dunchell
A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Culture or Mysticism check for store credit. If the PCs found the supply drop ledger, they
(DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices a holy symbol of Talavet in know that there’s no supply drop scheduled for today. When
the church’s collection. As kasathas hadn’t arrived in the Pact Roget notices the PCs, his eyes widen with surprise, then he
Worlds on the Idari when Braerton was founded, it’s unlikely storms off in a huff. If the PCs attempt to talk to Roget, he
that there would’ve been any followers of Talavet present ignores them completely and refuses to speak. If the PCs ask
among the colonists. If asked about the holy symbol of Talavet, Dunchell or another citizen about Roget, they learn that Roget
Nikeela explains that the holy symbol predates their tenure over is a local farmer who has been extremely anti-social since his
the church ten years ago, so they haven’t done anything daughter Ongie was killed by rock bears while
about it. However, they offer the exquisitely detailed out hunting.
holy symbol to the PCs for a modest fee of 5 credits. “I
never get any followers of Talavet here who want Hospital
services, so I’m spending more on storage and Braerton’s hospital is small and outdated but
upkeep than I can recover in fees. You’d be taking well-maintained. When the PCs arrive, a few
a liability off my hands.” citizens await treatment for minor wounds and
The holy symbol is also a sonic illness. If the PCs offer to heal these citizens,
dampener. It bears the inscription “Good they decline, stating that they’d prefer to
luck with your new job, Paoro” and is dated see their usual doctor.
thirty years ago (292 AG). The original After a short wait, a nurse escorts the PCs
(and not particularly devout) owner of the to the office of the hospital’s head doctor, Ellemie-2
dampener was an Organization agent (NG female android). Ellemie is friendly
who worked security in Braerton for but curt, and clearly has much on
10 years before being transferred to a Roget her mind. She gratefully accepts any
post offworld. Paoro sold the seal to medicine and supplies the PCs donate
the church before departing. to the hospital.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 21
General Store Perception check (DC 24 Perception for levels 9–10) determines
Braerton’s general store is managed by Dunchull Munthus (LN that the hospital is well supplied. Additionally, they notice that
male half-elf). The shop is filled with locally grown foodstuffs all the medicine in Ellemie-2’s office is stored in glass vials with
and homemade goods: clothing, tools, furniture, and a variety of cork stoppers and hand-written labels. A PC who succeeds at
knickknacks. There are a few electronics in a locked case behind a DC 23 Medicine check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices a vial
the counter which look like they’ve been repaired a few times. marked “zotizole,” a modern antibiotic first synthesized twenty
If the PCs offer Dunchell the crates of food from the Starfinder years ago. If asked, Ellemie-2 claims that the name must be a
Society, he’s eager to accept them, and asks the PCs to place the coincidence, as it’s something she developed herself, along with
crates in the back of the store. While in the back room, a PC many of the other medicines here. A PC who succeeds at a DC
who succeeds at a DC 23 Perception check (DC 26 for levels 28 Sense Motive check (DC 32 for levels 9–10) realizes Ellemie-2
9–10) notices a handwritten ledger labeled “supply drops” with a is lying.
series of dates listed. There are no details on what these supply Whether or not the PCs notice something amiss in Ellemie-2’s
drops contain. If asked about the list, Dunchell says that that’s collection, she offers them some samples of medicines that she
when local farmers deliver goods to him. A PC who succeeds created herself from local materials. These function as a tier 3
at a DC 26 Sense Motive check (DC 30 for levels 9–10) realizes sedative and two mk 3 serums of healing (four mk 3 serums of
Dunchell is lying. healing for levels 9–10).

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

Town Hall three times within 1 hour, it self-destructs, short-circuiting

Braerton’s town hall features a grand entry with detailed with a pop and a puff of smoke. A PC who succeeds at a DC 23
decorative tiling, a large hall lined with simple chairs for Computers check to hack system or Engineering check to disable
community meetings, the town archives, and the offices of Mayor device bypasses the safety features on the touchpad, causing it
Aliorno, Zatteh, and Sheriff Jana Rin (LN nonbinary human). to flash green and the secret hatch in the floor to open.
Sheriff Rin greets the PCs the first time they enter the town The secret hatch conceals a large underground armory. Inside
hall, notes that they’d heard Braerton had visitors, and asks them are modern weapons, armor, and ammunition—all of far lower
to behave themselves. If the PCs visit the town hall a second quality than the PCs possess. None of these weapons have a
time, the town hall is empty, and all three offices are locked. The maker’s mark or corporate logo, indicating that they were possibly
doors have hardness 5, 15 Hit Points, and Break DC 18. The locks constructed locally. A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Perception
can be picked by a PC that succeeds at a DC 18 Engineering check check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) finds a dark blue rhomboid aeon
(DC 20 for levels 9–10). If the PCs break the doors, Sheriff Rin stone and a rime subduer (Armory 35) among them.
scolds them for trespassing during Event 3, noting that if they Zatteh’s Office: Zatteh’s office is clean and organized, with a
break any further laws, they’ll be escorted off planet and won’t fine wooden desk and cozy office chair. The back wall is lined
be welcome back on Kortus IV. with a communication console modified from a starship system.
Mayor’s Office: Mayor Aliorno’s office is messy, with boxes The communication console is in standby mode, making it
piled in the corners and a desk covered in paperwork. A PC easy to access. A PC who succeeds at a DC 21 Computers check
that examines the paperwork finds it regards logistics and town (DC 23 for levels 9–10) determines that this console controls
supplies—dry but unsurprising work for a mayor of a colony. A the automated defense system, indicating that it was Zatteh
PC who sifts through the boxes finds an old spacesuit dating who contacted the PCs and provided them landing coordinates.
back to the colony’s founding. A PC that succeeds at a DC 22 Additionally, they discover that there are a hundred landing
Perception check or Physical Science check (DC 24 for levels platforms surrounding Kortus IV, each bypassed by an access
9–10) determines the suit was used recently. If asked, Mayor code. The current access code is kL283Gx. A PC that surpassed
Aliorno claims the suit is used by the engineers they send up the Computers check by 5 or more additionally determines that
to perform maintenance on the automated defense system and the access code automatically changes on a monthly basis—a very
hasn’t been used in ages. A PC that succeeds at a DC 25 Sense strange security feature for a town that rarely uses the system.
Motive check (DC 29 for levels 9–10) recognizes that this is a lie. That PC can attempt a DC 24 Computers check (DC 27 for levels
In truth, this suit is contraband that Mayor Aliorno confiscated 9–10) to download the program that creates the passwords to a
from his cousin—he hasn’t informed Zatteh or the sheriff yet, as it personal comm unit, datapad, or computer, which could enable
would result in severe punishment for all involved. the PCs or other Starfinder agents to attempt to hack their way
Sheriff’s Office: Jana’s office is clean and orderly, with a desk past the planet’s automated defense system on a future visit.
and locked filing cabinets. There are three small holding cells in A PC that succeeds at a DC 23 Perception check (DC 26
the back. If asked, Jana admits the holding cells are rarely used— for levels 9–10) while examining Zatteh’s desk determines it
occasionally they lock up a couple of people for brawling, but has a false-top. When this top is depressed, it pops up and
they’re generally released the next day once their tempers cool. A back, revealing a state-of-the-art computer with a holographic
PC who succeeds at a DC 27 Sense Motive check (DC 31 for levels interface. Zatteh’s computer is password protected, requiring a
9–10) determines that Jana is lying. PC to succeed at a DC 28 Computers check to hack system (DC
A PC who examines the cells and succeeds at a DC 22 32 for levels 9–10) to gain access.
Perception notices they’re worn and see frequent use. A PC who On a failure, the computer sends notification of the intrusion to
examines the office and succeeds at a DC 24 Perception check Zatteh, then loads a fake shell populated with false files pertaining
notices the outline of a secret hatch in the floor behind the desk to running Braerton. A PC who succeeds at a second DC 28
but no sign of how to open it. Computers check (DC 32 for levels 9–10) identifies this as a fake
The filing cabinets contain arrest reports. A PC who sifts shell but can’t gain access to the true system. Zatteh arrives within
through these determines that there have been very few arrests a few minutes, scolds any PCs present for their intrusion and
throughout the town’s history and that they’re all for petty demands they leave her office immediately, lest she hail the sheriff.
crimes. A PC that succeeds at a DC 20 Culture or Perception On a success, the PCs gain access to the system and can sift
check knows that most towns of a comparable size average more through Zatteh’s files, discovering four records of note.
frequent crime than Braerton does. • A database of “employees” that includes over 1,500 people.
The drawers in Sheriff Rin’s desk are filled with stationary Most of these employees are tagged as “local.” The employer
and other office supplies. Inside the bottom drawer is a secured isn’t specified. If the PCs search through this list for specific
touchpad, keyed to scan Sheriff Rin’s palm. If a PC places their citizens, they discover Zatteh, Redozoko, and Jana Rin on
hand on the touchpad, it blinks red. If the touchpad blinks red the list, with Jana flagged as local.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

• A database containing detailed information on 1,000 • Ongie: Ongie’s death certificate is dated 2 years ago. The
people, none of whom are on the employee list. It appears attached report notes that no body was found, and she was
these people are under surveillance or scrutiny. The largest presumed to be killed and eaten by rock bears during a
surveillance file is on Roget, who’s flagged as “high risk.” hunting trip.
• A criminal database containing thousands of police reports. All • Paoro: The PCs would only know to look for this name if
recent reports are filed by Sheriff Rin and involve citizens of they acquired the holy symbol of Talavet in Braerton’s
Braerton. Many of the crimes sound petty, including shirking Sanctuary. There is a single piece of paper under this name
and slander. If the PCs have inspected Sheriff Rin’s office, with a date from thirty years ago labeled “arrived” and
they recognize that this database contains way more criminal another dated ten years later labeled “reassigned.”
reports than Rin’s. If the PCs think to look up Roget’s daughter
Ongie, they discover she had an extensive criminal record Construction Site
including vandalism, rebelliousness, assault, instigation, and The city’s west sector is a residential area with a few parks and
sedition. The final entry in her file reads “escaped offworld; a large construction site. A team of construction workers under
recapture high priority, location unknown.” the guidance of Reela (CG female korasha lashunta), a talented
• A shipment ledger, indicating that Braerton has been architect, are building a large community center and sports
importing and exporting goods for over 80 years. Details on multiplex. Reela is eager to speak with the PCs
the contents, source, and destination of these shipments is and wants to hear all about the places they’ve
not included. been and the sights they’ve seen.
Town Archives: The archives contain Brearton’s After hearing the PCs speak, she sighs and
physical records, including birth, death, and marriage laments that she’ll never be able to leave the
certificates, harvest and property records, and planet. If the PCs offer to bring her along, she starts
population counts. The records are handwritten, stammering that she can’t just leave and quickly tries
stored in filing cabinets, and poorly sorted, with to change the subject. A PC that succeeds at a DC 23
no index. Records about important Mongers are Sense Motive check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices
not kept in the archives. that Reela is hiding something. If pressed, she claims
While a great deal of information is here, she has family to consider—this is not a fabrication.
it would be impossible for the PCs to search The Organization forbids any citizens from leaving and
it exhaustively. The PCs can find information Reela knows that if she left with the Starfinders, the
on specific topics if they succeed at a DC 22 Mongers would severely punish any members of
Culture check (DC 25 for levels 9–10) or a DC her family who remained behind.
18 Profession (Archivist or Librarian) check (DC Reela is grateful for any construction
21 for levels 9–10). The PCs must select materials and tools the PCs drop
their topic in advance and a new check off, and thanks them profusely. She
is needed for each topic. Searching the asks them to place these supplies
archives in this way takes 1 hour, or 30 off to the side, so she can perform an
minutes if the PCs all work together. inventory later.
Some useful topics are noted below.
• Berrla Tonhue: The PCs find a death certificate for Berrla Industrial Sector
Tonhue with a date 20 years prior to what is listed on the The town’s north sector is an industrial district, containing a
statue’s plaque. The cause of death is listed as gunshot number of factories and fabrication centers. A PC who succeeds
wounds, not an animal attack. at a DC 23 Culture, Engineering, or Physical Science check
• Colony Manifest: Nearly all original colonists have passed (DC 26 for levels 9–10) realizes that there are fewer factories and
away in the near century since Braerton was founded, but fabrication centers than one would expect for a self-sufficient
the PCs note that there were no kasathas or vesk listed as town with this level of technology. Additionally, they notice that
passengers on the original colony ship. there are no refineries, which should be required to turn raw ore
• Mine: The PCs find numerous records indicating the mine’s into usable metals.
output, though no notes on what materials are being mined.
The amount mined is much more than the town would need Landing Pad
and would require extensive mines, labor, and infrastructure South of town is the landing pad where the PCs first entered
to obtain. These records are clearly incomplete, but it looks Braerton. A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Engineering check
like the mine was opened a few years after the colony was notices that the landing pad is in very good repair and sees
founded and remains in operation today. frequent use.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

At the north edge of the landing pad is a forklift and a few A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception or Survival check
empty wooden crates. The crates are dirty and were damaged (DC 20 for levels 9–10) discovers a game trail or footpath, but
during the last supply drop. Each has splintered sides and nothing else of interest along the path. A PC who knows there
missing planks. A PC who sifts through the crates discovers a is a mine north of Braerton, attempts to find it, and succeeds at
chunk of finitrium—an unrefined green ore encased in gray rock. a DC 25 Perception or Survival check locate the well-used road
A PC that examines the ore and succeeds at a DC 28 that leads to the mine.
Physical Science check (DC 32 for levels 9–10) determines
that the ore is an incredibly rare (or perhaps undiscovered) Mine
substance that’s too brittle to utilize with ease. A PC who failsThis large, underground mine is found five miles north of
this check falsely identifies the ore as raw emerald. Any PC Braerton. Above ground, the site looks quiet, with only
within 5 feet of this mysterious ore for one minute, or within administrators, armed guards, and a few battered mining
30 feet for 1 hour, becomes dizzy, develops a painful headache, robots in view. Most of the employees congregate around the
and must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. On a failure, they mine entrance and a central office. No miners are present, as
become sickened for as long as they remain in the vicinity of they’re all currently working underground. If the PCs approach
the ore plus one hour. openly, they’re halted by guards and informed that the mine is
A PC who succeeds at a DC 22 Perception check (DC 25 for dangerous to civilians and no trespassing is permitted.
levels 9–10) notices that the crates have partial remnants of A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Profession (Miner) check
a small logo on the side. This logo is black and yellow but is or a DC 23 Engineering or Physical Science check (DC 23 and
otherwise too damaged to identify. DC 26 for levels 9–10) determines that this mine is massive
compared to the size of the town, and
Farmlands likely employs most of Braerton’s citizens.
East of town lie sprawling farmlands, Additionally, they notice that there are no
each with their fields surrounded by refineries on site, which should be required
wire fences. A PC who approaches one of to turn raw ore into usable material.
these fences realizes that they’re electric A PC who spends a few minutes examining
fences, likely utilized to keep dangerous the site from afar discovers one area of
wildlife out. A PC that succeeds at a DC interest that they may be able to reach
22 Perception or Engineering check (DC unnoticed: a loading area near the forest
25 for levels 9–10) realizes that these edge where crates are loaded onto trucks. A
electric fences are hardwired, and don’t PC who succeeds at a DC 26 Stealth check
have a visible power source or (DC 30 for levels 9–10) can approach
means of control. An electric fence without being spotted by guards.
deals 6d12 electricity damage to any Unidentified Symbol In the loading area, the PCs can
living creature that touches it (DC 17 examine the crates or open up
Reflex saving throw for half damage; the sealed crates to examine their
8d12 and DC 18 for levels 9–10). contents. The crates are made of wood and stamped with a
If the PCs look for Roget, or follow him home from the small black and yellow logo of a stylized “Y.” This logo hasn’t
general store, Roget refuses to talk to them, other than to been present elsewhere in town, save for the damaged symbol
cryptically mutter “Shh! They’re listening.” Even if the PCs try on the landing pad. A PC that has played Starfinder Society
to communicate with him telepathically, he won’t say anything Scenario #5-11: Archivist’s Inquiry recognizes this symbol as the
more. If the PCs mention Ongie, Roget gets very upset and tells same symbol discovered in that adventure.
the PCs to leave him alone to his grief. A PC who succeeds at a All of these crates contain finitrium—an unrefined green
DC 23 Sense Motive check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) realizes that ore encased in gray rock. A PC who examines the ore and
Roget is mulling something over and needs time to himself to succeeds at a DC 28 Physical Science check (DC 32 for levels
think it through. 9–10) determines that the ore is an incredibly rare (or perhaps
undiscovered) substance that’s too brittle to utilize with ease.
Forest A PC who fails this check falsely identifies the finitrium ore as
The forest outside of Braerton is lush, with dense vegetation raw emerald. Any PC within 5 feet of this mysterious ore for
and a wide variety of insects and animals. A PC that succeeds one minute, or within 30 feet of this ore for 1 hour, becomes
at a DC 23 Life Science check determines that the forest is dizzy, develops a painful headache, and must attempt a DC 20
quite peaceful, and don’t see any signs of dangerous wildlife Fortitude save. On a failure, they become sickened for as long
near the town. as they remain in the vicinity of the ore plus one hour.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

EVENT 1: THE HUNTER frame, Redozoko is unable to reprogram the robots. Instead,
RETURNS they’ll need to be controlled remotely. Zatteh volunteers for this
Redozoko (LE male vesk) approaches, dragging a large mammal position, believing that the PCs are most likely to suspect her
behind him. He looks surprised to see the Starfinders, but of wrongdoing and, if caught, they’ll accept her surrender and
he introduces himself and explains that he’s a local hunter. understand her apparent motive as a corrupt politician hoping
He reiterates that the surrounding area has many dangerous to overthrow the mayor. If Zatteh is captured, Sheriff Rin plans
animals, and the PCs should steer clear. A PC that succeeds at a to publicly take custody of Zatteh and release her as soon as
DC 27 Sense Motive check (DC 31 for levels 9–10) realizes that the PCs leave.
Redozoko isn’t surprised to see the Starfinders at all and was After the PCs have finished investigating Braerton, Zatteh,
hoping to run into them. If the PCs call him on this, Redozoko approaches them with a smile.
laughs and points out that visitors are a rare and exciting
occurrence in Braerton. “Hello, Starfinders! I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit so far!
A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Culture check (DC 26 Everyone is so excited to have you here that we’ve decided to
for levels 9–10) realizes that it’s strange for a vesk to be in have a little celebration in your honor this evening! There will
Braerton, as the Veskarium was at war with the Pact Worlds be lots of food, decorations, and the chance for everyone to get
when the settlement was founded. If a PC asks Redozoko to hear from you. It will be hosted in the town square in two
about this, he seems confused for a second, then explains, hours. We look forward to seeing you there.”
“Ah, well, my grandparents were defectors from the
Veskarium. They traded information to the The town doesn’t have an inn as they don’t get
Pact Worlds in exchange for passage on visitors, so if the PCs want to rest or refresh
a colony ship to basically disappear. It themselves before the celebration begins,
sure worked! That’s all ancient history they must do so on their own starship.
now, though.” This is a lie, as Redozoko
is a member of the Organization assigned EVENT 3:
here to oversee the mine, its employees, CELEBRATION
and to hunt down any citizens attempting to flee Two hours after the invitation is issued, the
Braerton through the wilds. A PC that succeeds at town hosts a celebratory festival in the town
a DC 27 Sense Motive check (DC 31 for levels 9–10) square to honor the PCs. The town square
realizes Redozoko is lying. is decorated with flowers and fabric
After a short conversation, Redozoko bids the banners, and there are tables piled
PCs farewell. If the PCs attempt to trail Redozoko, with food. Several townspeople play
he drops the animal off at a butcher shop, and heads music on a makeshift bandstand, variations on
to the town hall. A short while later, old folk tunes from the various Pact
he and Zatteh depart together for a Worlds. Many citizens dance, inviting
stroll, arms linked and looking rather the PCs to join in.
familiar with one another. Despite
Redozoko During the festivities, one PC
this feigned display of affection, the discovers a tiny, folded piece of paper
pair are conspiring to get rid of the tucked under their plate. The paper is
Starfinders, though they speak in code and only if they’re sure a note that reads “Be careful. The Mongers are always watching.”
they’re not being observed by the PCs. This note is from Roget, though the PCs have no way of learning
who wrote it at present.
EVENT 2: INVITATION A PC who succeeds at a DC 26 Perception check (DC 30 for
While the PCs are exploring Braerton, Zatteh, Mayor Aliorno, levels 9–10) notices that Zatteh isn’t present at the celebration.
and Sheriff Rin scheme over how to get the Starfinders to leave If they ask after her, Mayor Aliorno explains “She said she wasn’t
with minimal friction and no future disruption. They know that feeling well, so I sent her home to rest. She sends her regards.”
killing the PCs would be suspicious and lead to more Starfinders After an hour, there’s a shrill scream from the edge of town,
arriving with more personnel and bigger weapons. Instead, they which causes the crowds to hush and a few brave citizens to
plan to present the Starfinders with an opportunity to save the hurry to the source of the noise. Redozoko leads this group, and
town, hoping that the PCs will be satisfied with their contribution calls for the PCs to join him. When they reach the town’s edge,
and leave. To this end, the trio work with Redozoko to fabricate Sheriff Rin emerges from the forest, with several large scratches
a dangerous threat to the settlement for the Starfinders to fight: and torn clothing. If the PCs don’t ask, Redozoko demands to
mining robots disguised as rock bears. Due to the tight time know what’s happened.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

“I was getting one of my good mead barrels to share, when I difficult terrain. The bushes are four feet tall and large enough
heard something in the forest. I went to check it out—I thought to provide cover, as appropriate. The large footprints of the rock
someone had gotten drunk and wandered off, you know? It bears trod through the plants, leaving an easy trail for the PCs to
was rock bears! I dropped the barrel and ran for my life.” follow. Use the map on page 15 for this encounter.
Redozoko looks concerned. “I don’t mind admitting when Creatures: This clearing is the favored nesting site for a
I’m out matched. If there’s more than one of those rock bears, quiver of territorial augerwings. Riled up by the passage of the
that’s too much for me. Starfinders, you’re all very well armed unnatural rock bear robots, these augerwings emerge from the
and obviously highly trained. Do you think you can handle a bushes, unleash a blaring squawk, and attack. An augerwing flees
few rock bears?” the nesting site when reduced to 15 Hit Points or less (25 Hit
Mayor Aliorno quickly agrees, “Yes, Starfinders! You can Points or less for levels 9–10).
save us, can’t you? Will you be the heroes we need? Will you
protect our town?” LEVELS 7–8 (CR 8)

A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Medicine check (DC 20 for AUGERWINGS (3) CR 5

levels 9–10) observes that Sheriff Rin’s injuries are thankfully Page 21, art on page 28
superficial and believe that they’ll be fine after a quick visit to
the hospital. LEVELS 9–10 (CR 10)


Though it is evening, the moon is bright, providing dim light Page 24, art on page 28
throughout the forest. The foliage is dense, and all areas of
vegetation are difficult terrain. Sheriff Rin’s directions to the site
of the attack are easy to follow and guide the PCs to area B1.


The site of the attack is a mess, with a battered barrel on the
ground, obvious claw marks on the trees, and a mess of animal
prints in the earth. The barrel has been gouged by large claws
and is leaking mead onto the ground.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Perception check
(DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices blood spatter in the area,
speckled on some leaves and tree trunks. This blood
belongs to Sheriff Rin. A PC who surpasses this DC
by 5 or more additionally notices a few drops of
oil in the mud and some grease smeared on a
tree. There’s no obvious source for either of
these substances in the area.
The PCs can easily follow the
tracks left by the rock bears without
requiring Survival checks. However,
a PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Survival check (DC 26
for levels 9–10) notices that the creatures have left an
unnaturally easy-to-follow trail. A PC who surpasses
this DC by 5 or more notices an occasional set of
footprints made by a Medium-sized humanoid. These
prints were accidentally left by Zatteh as she guided the
robots into the forest.

B2. NEST (CR 8 OR CR 10)

The trail of the rock bears leads through a forest clearing where
puffy blue bushes and colorful flowers sprout from orange augerwing
topsoil. The bushes and a two-foot deep, slow-flowing stream are

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten





Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Development: A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Life Science or Redozoko did a convincing job creating a realistic animal
Survival check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) notices that something likeness to hide these robots’ true nature. When the PCs
has riled up the local wildlife. If the PCs investigated the forest first encounter the rock bear robots, present the rock bears
previously and noted that it was peaceful, they gain a +4 as if they were living creatures to maintain the illusion. PCs
circumstance bonus to this check. attempting to identify the creatures should initially attempt
Life Science checks, as if they were truly living creatures.
B3. ROT HOLLOW (CR 8 OR CR 10) Regardless of the results of the check, the PCs have never
The trail of the rock bears leads through a region of the forest heard of rock bears.
where the trees are diseased and rotting from the inside out. A Once players express suspicion that the bears might
PC that succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check notes the smell of be constructs, either by succeeding at one of the checks
rotting vegetation on the air (DC 23 for levels 9–10). listed in the Creatures section (page 18) or by noticing
A PC who succeeds at a DC 23 Life Science check (DC 26 oddities such as the bears’ immunity to mind-affecting
for levels 9–10) recognizes that the trees are diseased. A PC effects, allow the PCs to attempt Engineering checks to
who succeeds at a DC 23 Survival check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) identify the creatures’ true forms.
notices that the gait of the rock bears is irregular in this region,
as though they were deliberately avoiding certain areas. If
the PCs succeed on one of these two checks, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to spot the trap, or a +4 circumstance bonus
if they succeeded on both checks.
Traps: As the PCs proceed, they reach a
point where the roots have completely
rotted. Stepping on the delicate structure
causes a tree to fall, which in turn causes
several more trees around it to fall,
showering a large area with toppling trees,
falling branches, and rotting debris. A flying PC can’t trigger this
hazard but is harmed by it.

LEVELS 7–8 (CR 8)

Type analog; Perception DC 32; Disable Engineering DC 27
(brace the trees) or Life Science DC 27 (identify stable areas)
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect rain of rotting debris (8d10 B); Reflex DC 18 half;
multiple targets (all targets within 30-ft. radius)

LEVELS 9–10 (CR 10)

Type analog; Perception DC 35; Disable Engineering DC 30
(brace the trees) or Life Science DC 30 (identify stable areas)
Trigger location; Reset none
Effect rain of rotting debris (10d10+5 B); Reflex DC 19 half;
multiple targets (all targets within 30-ft. radius)

B4. BEAR DEN (CR 10 OR CR 12)

A mound of boulders and claw-gouged trees mark the lair of the
rock bears, who lounge near a toppled tree, devouring a deer
rock bear carcass. The bears growl and snort as they eat—sound bites of
real rock bears downloaded onto the robots and replayed at
Zatteh’s command. The trees in this area of the forest average

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten





Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

40 feet tall and provide cover as appropriate. Use the map on Mayor Aliorno, and it’s her who should be running the town. If
page 17 for this encounter. the PCs hurl any further accusations at her, whether she’s behind
Creatures: The rock bears are mining robots disguised as them or not, she takes the blame herself whenever possible,
animals and remote controlled by Zatteh, who is currently making up a plausible explanation that leaves her (and only her)
hiding in the brush south of the battlefield. The rock bear robots guilty. If the PCs question her purpose with the rock bears, she
spread their attacks around among different PCs to reduce the claims that she intended to kill Mayor Aliorno with them, but that
odds of killing anyone, as the Mongers want the Starfinders to Sheriff Rin and the PCs got in her way.
win and leave triumphant, not be killed. The rock bear robots Under no circumstance does Zatteh acknowledge or name the
fight until destroyed. Organization. If the PCs have discovered that Braerton is trading
There are several opportunities for the PCs to realize with an outside source, Zatteh acknowledges this, claiming they
that something is odd about the rock bears. First, they have trade minerals and ores with a group of small-time traders called
resistances and weaknesses more like a construct than an animal, the Mongers in exchange for a variety of imports. She says
such as immunity to mind-affecting effects and vulnerability to that Braerton doesn’t want any help from the Pact Worlds and
electricity. This may become apparent as the PCs fight. decided to hide their trade partners to keep the Pact Worlds out
A PC can also attempt a DC 23 Life Science check (DC 26 for of their business. She denies that the Mongers have any control
levels 9–10) to realize the creatures aren’t behaving or fighting over the town.
normally for animals. After a bear has been reduced to 30 Hit The DC to recognize when Zatteh is lying is 28 (DC 32 for
Points or less (50 Hit Points or less for levels 9–10), a PC can levels 9–10). This doesn’t provide the PCs insight into the truth or
attempt a DC 23 Perception check (DC 26 for levels 9–10) to spot cause Zatteh to change her story.
a glint of metal where the disguise has torn.
LEVELS 7–8 (CR 10) When the PCs get back to town, give the PCs a chance to
explain themselves. When they’re done, Mayor Aliorno publicly
ROCK BEAR ROBOTS (3) CR 7 thanks the PCs for saving Braerton. If the PCs have captured
Page 22, art on page 28 Zatteh, Sheriff Rin steps in to arrest Zatteh, and Mayor Aliorno
additionally thanks the PCs for exposing Zatteh’s corruption.
LEVELS 9–10 (CR 12) It’s possible the PCs accuse additional citizens of being
involved in Zatteh’s schemes or the robot attack. Zatteh
UPGRADED ROCK BEAR ROBOTS (3) CR 9 attempts to take full responsibility for what happened but, if
Page 25, art on page 28 the PCs are persistent, these citizens play along with this public
charade and are arrested—even if they’re innocent. If the PCs
Development: If the PCs investigate the rock bear corpses accuse Sheriff Rin of corruption, the Mayor orders some of
after the battle and succeed at a DC 18 Perception, Medicine, or Braerton’s other officers to arrest the sheriff as well. Despite the
Life Science check (DC 20 for levels 9–10) they realize the rock heroics of the PCs, none of the Mongers will face consequences
bears are robots. after the PCs’ departure.
If the PCs discover that the creatures are robots and not animals If the PCs try to take a prisoner back to the Pact Worlds,
(regardless of method), they can attempt a DC 18 Engineering Sheriff Rin and Mayor Aliorno state that neither the Pact Worlds
check (DC 20 for levels 9–10) to determine that the robots were nor the Starfinders have jurisdiction in Braerton, and that the
remotely controlled by someone nearby. Alternatively, a PC who town can take care of their own problems. If the PCs argue, the
succeeds at a DC 23 Perception or Survival check (DC 26 for citizens of Braerton become very upset and begin to shout in
levels 9–10) notices humanoid footprints circling the battlefield. anger at the PCs—most are Mongers after all, and those who
As there aren’t many places to hide, Zatteh is easy to find in the aren’t don’t want to see the PCs interfere out of fear. The PCs
nearby brush once the PCs know to look for her. should recognize that this could quickly turn against them, and
Zatteh initially pretends to be a victim, ditching the controller that breaking Braerton’s laws or earning the ire of the entire
and scrambling out of the bush with teary eyes, claiming she’s town is not in the best interests of the Starfinder Society. If the
been fleeing the bears all this time and is grateful for the rescue. PCs don’t apologize, Mayor Aliorno remarks that the PCs have
If the PCs present at least three pieces of evidence that something outstayed their welcome and encourages them to return home.
is suspicious, such as the falsified records on the town founder, If the PCs don’t uncover any part of the conspiracy, the town
the note from the celebration, or evidence that the bears were celebrates their return as heroes and wishes them a fond farewell.
robots, Zatteh instead plays the part of a power-hungry politician. In either case, as the PCs gather at their starship to leave,
She surrenders rather than fight, complaining the entire time (and Roget stops by to say goodbye. He acts friendlier than the PCs
the walk back to Braerton) that she’s far more competent than have ever seen him before. He offers the PCs a box of homemade

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

cookies, using an old Akitonian recipe, but he says that they THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT!
should be eaten on the way home. When the PCs eat the cookies, It’s possible the PCs will realize that the entire town is part
they find a message at the bottom of the box that reads “Ongie of a vast conspiracy and want to arrest or punish the entire
made it out. Find her.” This is the same handwriting as the note settlement. It should be clear that it would be a bad idea
from under the plates. to try to fight an entire settlement of people, and further,
Fitch would disapprove of the PCs’ putting their lives at
CONCLUSION risk at this point. The wise course of action is report back to
The PCs return to Absalom Station, mission seemingly the Starfinder Society and allow the First Seeker to decide
accomplished. Ehu and Fitch immediately call a meeting to how to proceed.
get debriefed on the situation at the former colony. If the
PCs report any strange behavior on behalf of Braerton’s
inhabitants, both Ehu and Fitch are concerned and wonder PRIMARY OBJECTIVES
aloud whether this is part of something bigger. Ehu continues, The PCs complete their primary objective if they explore
“These people went to a lot of effort to make sure that we Braerton, talk to the residents, and defeat the rock bears posing
wouldn’t be interested in returning. What is it that they’re a threat to the town. Doing so earns each PC 1 Reputation with
really trying to hide?” If the PCs learned about the Mongers, their selected faction.
Ehu additionally remarks, “It must be more than simple
trade—someone erased all records of Kortus IV from the Pact SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
Worlds!” Regardless, Ehu finishes by pondering the situation. To fulfill their secondary objective, the PCs must realize that
“This isn’t right. Rest assured that we’ll get to the bottom of there is more going on in Braerton than the residents want to
this. We’re not done with Kortus IV.” disclose. If the PCs complete at least four of the following, they
Fitch is pleased that the PCs kept each other safe in the face complete their secondary objective and they earn 1 additional
of danger. If the PCs learned about the Mongers or believe that Reputation with their selected faction: acquire a sample of
there’s a wider conspiracy going on, Fitch remarks, “I’m glad finitrium ore, acquire the holy symbol of Talavet, catch at least
that you left when you did. Who knows what those people two citizens lying, determine the rock bears are robots, discover
might have done if you had stayed longer! Who knows how Berrla Tonhue’s date of death has been altered, discover the
deep this reaches…” existence of the Mongers, find the Y-shaped logo, and read
Fitch reads over the note that the PCs received from Roget. Zatteh’s computer files.
“So, this Ongie person is out there somewhere? Girl’s got moxie.
I’ll ask Celita to track her down. If she can get us a lead, I can FACTION NOTES
put a team together to pick her up. If Ongie’s still alive, she’s got Fitch and Ehu Hadif take special interest in this expedition.
information we need.” Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif): This mission furthers the goals of
the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) faction. If the PCs complete the
REPORTING NOTES Primary Success Condition, each PC earns 1 additional Reputation
If the PCs found Zatteh at the site of the battle, check box A. with the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif).
If the PCs additionally blamed Mayor Aliorno, check box B. If Wayfinders: This mission furthers the goals of the Wayfinders
the PCs additionally blamed Sheriff Rin, check box C. If the PCs faction. If the PCs complete the Secondary Success Condition,
additionally blamed Redozoko, check box D. each PC earns 1 additional Reputation with the Wayfinders.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks of four PCs.
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation The drones and launch pad are in poor repair. For all
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of starships, reduce the AC and TL by 1, the VI’s skill checks
5–6 PCs of 7th level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter by 1, the maximum shields by 40, and the starting shields
to adjust the encounters for a group of 4 PCs. For groups of in each quadrant by 10. The launch pad acts as if it had a
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder crew of two.
Society for instructions.


Medium transport
MK 1 DRONES (2) TIER 4 Speed 4; Maneuverability average (turn 2)
Tiny fighter AC 17; TL 17
Speed 12; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0) HP 85; DT —; CT 17
AC 20; TL 20 Shields light 80 (forward 20, port 20, starboard 20, aft 20)
HP 40; DT —; CT 8 Attack (Turret) linked coilguns (8d4; 20 hexes)
Shields light 80 (forward 20, port 20, starboard 20, aft 20) Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU); Drift Engine none;
Attack (Forward) high explosive missile launcher (4d8; 20 Systems basic long-range sensors, mk 2 trinode computer,
hexes, speed 12) mk 3 armor, mk 3 defenses, tier 4 virtual intelligence SOM;
Attack (Turret) light plasma cannon (2d12; 5 hexes) Expansion Bays cargo holds (3), launch tubes (2)
Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU); Drift Engine none; Modifiers +2 to any 3 checks per round, +2 Computers (sensors
Systems basic long-range sensors, extra light weapon only), +2 Piloting; Complement 0 (minimum 0, maximum 0)
mount (turret), mk 3 mononode computer, mk 4 armor, mk 4 CREW
defenses, tier 4 virtual intelligence SOM On-Board Computer Computers +11 (4 ranks), Engineering +11
Modifiers +3 to any 1 check per round, +2 Computers (sensors (4 ranks), gunnery +8 (4th level), Piloting +11 (4 ranks)
only), +1 Piloting; Complement 0 (minimum 0, maximum 0) SPECIAL ABILITIES
CREW Automated The launch pad has no crew, although it has a
On-Board Computer Computers +11 (4 ranks), gunnery +8 (4th virtual intelligence (VI) that can perform some crew actions.
level), Piloting +11 (4 ranks) The VI can perform engineer, gunner, pilot, and science
SPECIAL ABILITIES officer actions as if it had a crew of three.
Automated A drone has no crew, though it has a virtual Shared Targeting When the drone platform succeeds at a
intelligence (VI) that can perform most crew actions. The VI science officer action to target systems, all allied drones
can perform gunner, pilot, and science officer actions as if it receive the same benefit.
had a crew of two.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
AUGERWINGS (3) CR 5 of four PCs.
Starfinder #36: Professional Courtesy 57 Remove one augerwing from the encounter.
N Medium animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +16
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +4
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (Ex, perfect), swim 10 ft.
Melee beak +11 (1d6+8 P) or
talon +9 (1d8+8 S; critical 1d4 bleed)
Ranged enzyme jet +14 (1d10+5 A plus embalming enzymes)
Offensive Abilities impale
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +2; Int –4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +16 (+24 to fly), Athletics +11 (+19 to swim)
Enzyme Jet (Ex) As a ranged attack, an augerwing can open
its beak pores to spray high-pressure streams of ink-like
enzymes with a maximum range of 30 feet and no range
increment. This attack has the unwieldy weapon special
property and can be used only every 1d4+1 rounds.
Impale (Ex) An augerwing can perform a spiraling dive to drive
its beak into prey. When the augerwing performs a charge
and deals damage, if the result of the attack rolls meets or
exceeds the target’s KAC + 4, the augerwing’s beak pierces
the target’s body; if the target is Medium or smaller, it is also
grappled. The augerwing can keep its beak embedded in the
target if it succeeds at further grapple combat maneuvers
as normal; it receives a +4 racial bonus to these attacks.
A creature can pull out the augerwing’s beak (and remove
the grappled condition) with a successful Acrobatics check
to escape or grapple combat maneuver as normal for the
condition. A creature impaled in this way is exposed to
embalming enzymes (see above) at the start of its turn.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 13
Track Dexterity (special); Frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes
Effect progression track is Healthy—Sluggish—Stiffened—
Cure 2 consecutive saves

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
ROCK BEAR ROBOTS (3) CR 7 of four PCs.
Variant mining robot (Starfinder #10: The Diaspora Strain 58) Remove one rock bear from the encounter.
N Large construct (technological)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +14
EAC 18; KAC 20
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +4
Immunities construct immunities; Resistances acid 5, fire 5
Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee bite +18 (1d8+12 P; critical bleed 1d4) or
claw +18 (1d4+12 F & S; critical wound [DC 15])
Multiattack bite +12 (1d8+12 P), 2 claws +12 (1d4+12 So; critical
deafen [DC 15])
Ranged roar +15 (2d6+7 So; critical deafen [DC 15])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities scatter debris
Str +5; Dex +4; Con —; Int –2; Wis +2; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +19, Intimidation +14, Profession (miner) +14
Languages Common (can’t speak)
Other Abilities rock tunneling, unliving
Roar (Ex) As an attack, a rock bear robot can emit a focused
beam of sonic energy from its mouth at a single target. This
ray has a range increment of 60 feet and the deafen critical
hit effect.
Rock Tunneler (Ex) A rock bear robot can burrow through
stone at half speed, and it can choose to leave tunnels when
it burrows.
Scatter Debris (Ex) As a standard action when on or adjacent
to earth or stone, a rock bear robot can spend one Resolve
Point to fling earth and crushed stone in a 15-foot cone of
battering debris. All creatures within the cone take 4d6
bludgeoning damage (DC 15 Reflex for half). In addition, the
area of the cone becomes difficult terrain. A rock bear robot
ignores difficult terrain caused by scatter debris.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


ENCOUNTERS Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks of four PCs.
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation The drones and launch pad are in poor repair. For all
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of starships, reduce the AC and TL by 1, the VI’s skill checks
5–6 PCs of 9th level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter by 1, the maximum shields by 40, and the starting shields
to adjust the encounters for a group of 4 PCs. For groups of in each quadrant by 10. The launch pad acts as if it had a
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder crew of two.
Society for instructions.


Medium transport
MK 2 DRONES (2) TIER 6 Speed 4; Maneuverability average (turn 2)
Tiny fighter AC 20; TL 20
Speed 12; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0) HP 85; DT —; CT 17
AC 25; TL 24 Shields medium 120 (forward 30, port 30, starboard 30, aft 30)
HP 40; DT —; CT 8 Attack (Turret) particle beam (8d6; 20 hexes)
Shields medium 120 (forward 30, port 30, starboard 30, aft 30) Power Core Pulse Red (175 PCU); Drift Engine none; Systems
Attack (Forward) heavy torpedo launcher (5d8; 20 hexes, advanced long-range sensors, mk 2 trinode computer,
speed 14) mk 4 armor, mk 4 defenses, tier 6 virtual intelligence SOM,
Attack (Aft) linked gyrolasers (2d8; 5 hexes) upgraded weapon mount (turret); Expansion Bays cargo
Attack (Turret) light plasma cannon (2d12; 5 hexes) holds (3), launch tubes (2)
Power Core Pulse Green (150 PCU); Drift Engine none; Modifiers +2 to any 3 checks per round, +4 Computers (sensors
Systems basic long-range sensors, extra light weapon only), +2 Piloting; Complement 0 (minimum 0, maximum 0)
mount (aft, turret), mk 2 duonode computer, mk 7 armor, CREW
mk 7 defenses, tier 6 virtual intelligence SOM, upgraded On-Board Computer Computers +13 (6 ranks), Engineering +13
weapon mount (forward) (6 ranks), gunnery +10 (6th level), Piloting +12 (6 ranks)
Modifiers +2 to any 2 checks per round, +2 Computers (sensors SPECIAL ABILITIES
only), +1 Piloting; Complement 0 (minimum 0, maximum 0) Automated The launch pad has no crew, although it has
CREW a virtual intelligence (VI) that can perform some crew
On-Board Computer Computers +13 (6 ranks), gunnery +11 (6th actions. The VI can perform engineer, gunner, pilot, and
level), Piloting +18 (6 ranks) science officer actions as if it had a crew of three. The VI
SPECIAL ABILITIES has 4 Resolve Points it can only use to perform the lock on
Automated A drone has no crew, though it has a virtual science officer action.
intelligence (VI) that can perform most crew actions. The VI Shared Targeting When the launch pad succeeds at a science
can perform gunner, pilot, and science officer actions as if it officer action to target systems or lock on, all allied drones
had a crew of two. receive the same benefit.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
HARDY AUGERWINGS (3) CR 7 of four PCs.
Variant augurwing (Starfinder #36: Professional Courtesy 57) Remove one augerwing from the encounter.
N Medium animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +19
EAC 19; KAC 21
Fort +9; Ref +11; Will +6
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (Ex, perfect), swim 10 ft.
Melee beak +14 (2d6+11 P) or
talon +13 (3d4+8 S; critical 1d4 bleed)
Ranged enzyme jet +17 (2d8+7 A plus embalming enzymes)
Offensive Abilities impale
Str +4; Dex +5; Con +2; Int –4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +19 (+27 to fly), Athletics +14 (+22 to swim)
Enzyme Jet (Ex) As a ranged attack, an augerwing can open
its beak pores to spray high-pressure streams of ink-like
enzymes with a maximum range of 30 feet and no range
increment. This attack has the unwieldy weapon special
property and can be used only every 1d4+1 rounds.
Impale (Ex) An augerwing can perform a spiraling dive to drive
its beak into prey. When the augerwing performs a charge
and deals damage, if the result of the attack rolls meets or
exceeds the target’s KAC + 4, the augerwing’s beak pierces
the target’s body; if the target is Medium or smaller, it is also
grappled. The augerwing can keep its beak embedded in the
target if it succeeds at further grapple combat maneuvers
as normal; it receives a +4 racial bonus to these attacks.
A creature can pull out the augerwing’s beak (and remove
the grappled condition) with a successful Acrobatics check
to escape or grapple combat maneuver as normal for the
condition. A creature impaled in this way is exposed to
embalming enzymes (see above) at the start of its turn.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 15
Track Dexterity (special); Frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes
Effect progression track is Healthy—Sluggish—Stiffened—
Cure 2 consecutive saves

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Variant mining robot (Starfinder #10: The Diaspora Strain 58) Remove one rock bear from the encounter.
N Large construct (technological)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +17
EAC 20; KAC 22
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +6
Immunities construct immunities; Resistances acid 5, fire 10
Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity
Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee bite +22 (2d6+15 P; critical bleed 2d4) or
claw +22 (1d10+15 F & S; critical wound [DC 16])
Multiattack bite +16 (2d6+15 P), 2 claws +16 (1d10+15 So;
critical deafen [DC 16])
Ranged roar +19 (3d6+9 So; critical deafen [DC 16])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities scatter debris
Str +6; Dex +4; Con —; Int –2; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +22, Intimidation +17, Profession (miner) +17
Languages Common (can’t speak)
Other Abilities rock tunneling, unliving
Roar (Ex) As an attack, a rock bear robot can emit a focused
beam of sonic energy from its mouth at a single target. This
ray has a range increment of 60 ft. and the deafen critical
hit effect.
Rock Tunneler (Ex) A rock bear robot can burrow through
stone at half speed, and it can choose to leave tunnels
when it burrows.
Scatter Debris (Ex) As a standard action when on or adjacent
to earth or stone, a rock bear robot can spend one Resolve
Point to fling earth and crushed stone in a 15-foot cone of
battering debris. All creatures within the cone take 6d6
bludgeoning damage (DC 16 Reflex for half). In addition, the
area of the cone becomes difficult terrain. A rock bear robot
ignores difficult terrain caused by scatter debris.

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


Ehu Hadif Fitch

Aliorno zatteh

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


roget reela

Redozoko Unidentified Symbol

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


augerwing rock bear

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten


A 1,460 credits 2,542 credits 3,625 credits
Exploration 1,460 credits 2,542 credits 3,625 credits
B2 1,460 credits 2,543 credits 3,625 credits
B4 1,460 credits 2,543 credits 3,625 credits

The PCs earn the rewards for each area if they meet the conditions
listed below.
A: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat the automated
weapons system.
Exploration: The PCs keep these rewards if they explore at
least four locations around the town.
B2: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat the augerwings.
B4: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeat the rock bear

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -7 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure Name:

Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Earned:

Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Acquisitives □ Advocates □ Cognates □ Dataphiles □ Exo-Guardians □ Manifold Host □ Second Seekers □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians
Character Name: □ Dead
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level □ Infamy
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders

Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Finding the Forgotten

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Starfinder Society Scenario 5-13

Scenario #5-13: Character Chronicle #
Finding the Forgotten

LEVELS Normal Max Credits

- 7–8 5,840
Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction LEVELS Normal

Adventure Summary Out of
Expecting trouble, you investigated a lost colony of the Pact Worlds which seemed surprisingly self-sufficient.
You discovered signs that the citizens were hiding something suspicious or failed to uncover suspicious
activity. When dangerous animals attacked a citizen, you headed into the wilderness to put an end to this
9–10 14,500
threat. You defeated dangerous rock bears or defeated mining robots disguised as rock bears.

— —

Boons Starting XP

Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Starfinder Society Achievement Points, a currency that
can be redeemed on our website at for special character boons. To redeem your Achievement Points, visit
our website at and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a XP Gained (GM ONLY) account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.

Final XP Total

Items Notes
Starting Credits
advanced arc emitter (13,200; item level 9)
aurora arc rifle (24,500; item level 11)
d-suit III (13,300; item level 9) +
dark blue rhomboid aeon stone (18,000; item level 10)
heavy sap (23,100; item level 11; Starfinder Armory 53) Credits Gained (GM ONLY)
kasatha microcord IV (23,800; item level 11)
mk 3 serum of healing (1,950; item level 9)

rime subduer (13,200; item level 9; Armory 35) +

tier 3 sedative (2,700; item level 10) Day Job (GM ONLY)

Credits Spent



For GM Only


Chronicle Code: 6VQ5

For more information about the Starfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit

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