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ind what you

soring or elassihecation

Materala Objects made

1is:Nur itthen and sN hr ouT Mother has Apt iternt eatabes and in.
n rhat hasis she has sordthem. Arro able th suggest a hetter soring tovour
Irom the maerial Malertals
I'aper oil

Sorting ofmaterials or thìngs is usef1l for convenience and to mnke then studv l
mOre orgnised as it saves our ime and efforI, II is mportant to understand the. ubber, plntic nd otlher malerinls rt
similariies help us to arrange things in the same gp. Dilerences he}p us ta oquied o mke
rrange things into seperate gups. ion the ntovas ted in i

Things can be grouped on the basis of the materinl they are made of. Ve use aM diloronl nterinla. We make objts with hese nteiale Bt, yl
aiterent containers to store thìngsplastie bottles, gass jars, steelcontaniners
rooden drums and earthen picher. Plastic. ghss, steel, wood and soil are the tothis qte:stion,
marerials used ro maxe these things.
Closely chserving various things. vou wìl gather the following information, bveything in ths nivere is Dmde upof
An ohject can be made ivm diferent kinds ot materials, For example, a bng 1uter, Matter eNiNtod 0n the erth evou WoD Box
may be made of cloth. leather. rubber or plastic. helore the rst mn had nppenred on it l'verylhiny thatah Hass ad takes
IVe have ieon objovctNround us that e up spae 5 mate, yet few hnys
:ade of liflorent materinh, IBut, whmt do not consst of natter ike ime,
AcTIVITY 2 are these matorins MAde up of? Thene iound, snlight, rainbow, love, heat,
emoies nd infomatoL
Complete the table with the name of the material trom vhich eacth object can be made. Materials Are madle up of mntter. In
You can add some more objects to the list.
el, overything round us is mmde up of
matter. "The clothos w wer, ood we ent, nr, wnler, bokn, tu), slr doon
Objects Materials used to make it Objects Matertals used to nake it are all nade up of' tte.
Bottle plastic glass. steel Toy car
Al these objects have Iwo gonerul properties: they nll buve Dass and weuy
Table Chair spaee, So, mntter is nything that han mas ndoecupes ure, Differest kin
of' n:tter are made up of different substunees, "Ihey buy iffeent physical
slate, eolowr, shpe nd snell wlhiehen be lelt hrouph one or orc of our sn
2. A material can be used to make diferent kinds of things. Por exnmple,
plastic can be used to make toys, bags, chairs and tables. ('opositionof Matler
We now kOw that overything we seearond us s outter, Do you know wlit
mntler is CoMpoNed of? Matter is composed of very small purticos clled atoms.

50. Chapter f > Sorting Materials into Groups

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