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Arielle Cassandra G.

Nemiada 12 - HUMSS
In Person Classes

Back to Where It All Started

I never knew that there will come a time that I will lose 2 years worth of school memories. At
first, I was happy because I never have to travel for hours just to reach school and travel again back
home. But then, during the two year remote learning, I realized that in person learning is way better
than learning online. Well, that’s for me.

High school was where precious memories with current friends and friends I met along the
way started. It is where I first realized that I will never be cut for the battle of life.

I was weak. I am weak. I was directionless. I am directionless.

Life during the pandemic felt pointless. I was accustomed to the traditional way of learning
that even though I struggled so badly along the way, there was never a time that I felt alone -
abandoned. Because knowing that there were people around me who shared the same sentiments and
struggles as we help lift each other up was a relief. For I know that I am with people who I could ask
for help when in need. I am with people who I could call out to whenever I go astray on a path I
originally was supposed to take.

But since the pandemic started, the isolation took a great toll on me. I was accustomed to
meeting my friends, my peers and my teachers personally when I am in need. And communicating
online was very difficult for me as I struggled with the internet connection a lot during the pandemic. I
was unable to contact the people I needed to due to the slow internet to the point that I got frustrated
and did nothing about it instead. It was not a good behavior at all and that behavior shouldn’t be
spared just because. It was an obvious responsibility of mine to be patient and the fact that I couldn’t,
threw me into a place I regret the most.

However, ever since the university announced that in person classes will start to resume in
Academic Year 2022-2023, my spirit little by little started to gain energy since at last, after years of
isolation, I would be able to meet with my friends and peers again personally. I was never a fan of an
all out online communication as physical interactions are a must for me from time to time to not drain
all my energy out. Because to me, not spending energy is also as draining as spending a lot of it for
physical activities and interactions. Everything should be a balance of one and the other for me to
keep up.
And the time when I set foot in the university again came, I was glad. My eyes were pooling
with tears, excitement, longing and hesitation. Tears because I was glad and happy that at last, after
two years of struggling on my own, I am now able to reconnect with people who I can share my
worries and doubts with without judgment. Excitement because after years of not seeing people other
than my relatives, I am now able to meet and observe people I don’t know, which was a habit I picked
up for traveling every single day. Longing because it was nice to see the hallways, the pathways, the
“tambayans” and the rooms again which I once used to run around and used to share chikas with my
friends. And lastly, hesitation because it has been years since I set foot on the school again. Thoughts
like, “Will I be able to adjust in this environment once again?” came into mind. Not because I was
lying that I prefer physical interactions but because, after all those years of isolation which then grew
in me and my routine, I am worried that I wouldn’t be able to adjust just like how I wasn’t able to
adjust quickly during the pandemic. Changing environments is one of my weakest points. It is
something that I couldn’t just say and do at the same time as it always requires me a long time to get
used to something I was new to.

However, regardless of all the doubts and hesitations of this new chapter, I will take my time
to pave my way to the desired path I chose to take, no matter how slow my progress is/ After all, a
slow progress is still a progress.

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