Lesson 3 - Traffic Accidents

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1. Types of accidents
a collision /  /kəˈlɪʒ.ən/  = when two vehicles drive into each other.
a mid-air collision = when two planes collide in the air (va chạm trên không)
a head-on collision = when two cars collide front to front (đâm đầu vào nhau)
a car crash /kræ∫/ = when there’s a serious car accident – involving another car
or object, or not involving anything else
a derailment / di'reilmənt/  = when a train comes off the rails (tàu trật bánh)
a (multiple) pile-up / 'pailʌp/  = when more than one car crashes into another
car, especially on a busy road or motorway (vụ đâm nhau liên hoàn)
Lanes  /leɪn/: a narrow road in the countryside or in a town: đường hẻm, ngõ
hẻm (ở thành phố), đường làng (quê)
Drink - driving:
Less reaction time
Deterrent (N, A): ngăn cản, ngăn chặn
Making someone less likely to do something by making it difficult for them to
do it or by making them realize that it will have bad results
Drink-driving is one case where severe punishment seems to work as a
Impound /impaund/ Taking things away from someone or somewhere (Tịch
thu). To take st away from s/o because you have the legal right to do so.
Revoke [ri'vouk] thu hồi, rút lại, hủy bỏ (giấy phép như bằng lái xe….)
to say officially that an agreement, permission, or law is no longer effective
vdu: Licenses can be revoked for up to five years
Prevent: to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
1. Make someone want to follow the traffic rules
2. Talk about the different causes of traffic accidents, how to prevent them?
3. What could happen to you if you drive dangerously?
4. How many people died in VN last year from traffic accidents?
5. Why do you think VN might have more deaths from traffic accidents than
other countries?

2. Describing an accident
An accident occurred /ə'kɜ:(r)/ / happened/'hæpən/ between two
cars travelling in the same / opposite / 'ɔpəzit/ direction / di'rek∫n/. One car
was travelling at speed (at X miles per hour)
As the driver was rounding the corner, he drove straight into another car
which was on the wrong side of the road. The driver lost control of the
car and ploughed into the other lane / overturned / drove into an oncoming
vehicle / into a tree.
As the driver was overtaking another / went through a red light / he drove
straight into oncoming traffic
A lorry jackknifed ['dʒæknaif], spilling its load over the road.
A car skidded on a wet / oily surface and the driver lost control.
The brakes failed / the car driver misjudged the distance.
The car was speeding / doing 80mph in a 30mph area.
The driver was under the influence of alcohol / drugs / on his mobile
phone at the time.
The accident was due to pilot / human error.
3. The results of an accident
There were no fatalities (people killed)
Five people were taken to hospital with major / minor injuries / for shock.
The driver was shaken, but unhurt.
The passengers were escorted safely from the train.
Firecrews had to cut the passengers out of the wreckage.
The car was a write-off. (The damage was so bad there was no point in
claiming insurance)
Fortunately, there was only minimal damage / we escaped with only a couple
of scratches on the bodywork.

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