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Section 1: Presentation 4
Section 2: Fatigue Management Report 5
Section 3: Professional goals and development 8

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 2

Student name:



BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 3

Section 1: Presentation

Provide the date and time and The presentation will be on 11/20/2021 at 1 pm in Sydney.
any other details of your
presentation as decided with
your assessor.

After your presentation, complete the following:

Develop an email to staff Dear Operations Manager,

The text of the email should We have arranged a meeting and a presentation about the
be in grammatically correct discussion of this issue. In this issue we focused and revised our
English, written in an previous operational priorities and strategic objectives. Please find
appropriate (polite, business- the attachment with PowerPoint presentation for review and. Give
like) style. your feedback. Thank you
The email text should review
the ideas discussed at the
meeting, and how these will
inform the Strategic Plan
where relevant.
Your email should clearly
show that all ideas have been
considered in decision-
making and indicate whether
they will be implemented or
not. Your rationale for
implementing or otherwise
should clearly show how
decisions have been made
based on the risk factors
identified in the Strategic
Attach the email to this
section of your portfolio and
provide evidence that it was
sent within organisational

Team presentation ☐

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Section 2: Fatigue Management Report

Introduction Fatigue study in management refers to lengthy working hours with

enough breaks that result in stress, which is also known as fatigue.
Include a short introduction
This has a negative impact on the employees' health. It is possible to
about the purpose of the
alleviate stress and maintain optimal operating efficiency by studying
A weary worker can have a negative influence on not only his
personal health, safety, and efficiency, but also the organization's
safety and efficiency. It is critical to comprehend the reasons of
weariness in order to overcome it.

Fatigue analysis Fatigue datasheet analysis: September time sheet data reveals that

Provide an analysis of the  Operations manager working 9hours per day and 45hours in a
September time sheet data week. He also exceeding the required working hours with
taking breaks.

 HR manager is working 45 hours per week also exceeding

the required hours per day and not taking 30 minutes break

 Operation manager’s shows 14.5 hours he worked during

three days of the month of September. He exceeded
required working hours excessively and took lunch breaks
intermittently without taking continuous break.

 Admin officer is working in given hours and taking breaks as

per requirement.

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 5

Problems associated with Fatigue is a complex phenomenon that can be attributed to many
fatigue factors. Sometimes it is caused by Spending long periods of time
awake and having inadequate amount of sleep over an extended
Provide a brief outline of why
period. It is a workplace hazard and can be associated with safety
fatigue is a problem.
and health of the worker. It affects the health and safety of both the
employee and his/her colleagues.

Signs of fatigue  Long periods awake for any reason

Discuss signs of fatigue.  Inadequate amount of sleep

 Health and emotional issues

 Time of day when work is performed i.e. shift workers

 Sustained mental or physical effort

 Inadequate rest breaks

Risks associated with fatigue  a slower reaction to situations and affect the ability to make
and procedures for managing good decisions
the risk of fatigue.
 concentrating for extended period of time may increase the
Discuss risks associated with risk of fatigue
fatigue, key factors
contributing to and increasing  increase the incidents due to a lack of alertness
the risk of fatigue relevant to
Boutique Build Australia Staff,  concentrating for extra periods of time for work may
as well as an outline of the increase the risk of fatigue
procedures to manage the
 Work schedules that limits the time for workers in
risk of fatigue.
workplace may cause fatigue.

Proposed strategies for Employees conducting a business undertaking are responsible for
managing fatigue and using a risk management approach to manage fatigue. Fatigue
relationship to hierarchy of
control management is a shared responsibility between management and

Include recommendation for employees as it involves factors both inside and outside of work.
strategies to manage fatigue
Dear Operation Manager,

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 6

at Boutique Build Australia. You all are requested to go through this report which is provided as
an attached file here. Please find and review it. Contact us for any
query. We have discussed about health issues and safety in
workplace and established a report on it.

Thank you

Sources of information used There are different sources of information for the preparation of
for the report, as well as report. The major sources of information of previous data, financial
sources of expert advice that statement reports, information from different newspaper and
could be used if further advice magazines and so on.
is needed in the area.
Provide a brief description of
Newspapers may be valuable primary sources for conducting
each source of information
historical study. They represent the era in which they were made and
you used plus at least 2
offer insight into society at the time. While some local newspapers
sources of expert advice
are available digitally or on microfilm, many others are only available
(name of company and
in their specific geographic areas.
services they offer) that you
could use if required. Financial statements report
Financial statements are documents that describe key financial
accounting data about your company. The balance sheet, income
statement, and cash flow statement are the three primary forms of
financial statements.

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 7

Section 3: Professional goals and development

Work goals and plans

Provide an overview of the Techno gadget is the business that I have chosen for it. Customers
business that you have may purchase a large range of mechanical devices, as well as other
chosen, including the purpose components and accessories, from a gadget company. Cell phones,
of the business and where it is cameras, tablets, and other electronic devices would be sold at a
located. gadget store.  Today's market is dominated by devices, thus gadget
accessories will follow suit.
The puepose of the business is to provide the best quality of gadgets
to its customer to ease them with day to day activities.
The business is located at the heart of Sydney.

Provide an overview of the The company goals is to serve the customer with the finest gadgets.
company’s goals and There is huge need of technology to ease the life of the people. We
objectives as identified from need different types of gadgets daily to perform varieties of tasks. So,
the web site/position we have started this business with the goal of serving the customers
descriptions. providing the types of gadgets they wish to have.
Its objective is to show the different gadgets to the customers along
with its price and quality.

Provide an overview of the I am interested in the job role of customer handling department. It is
position description for the job because under customer handling department, I can interact with
role you are interested in. numbers of customers daily whose interest might be on different
Explain why you are kinds of gadgets. As I love to share the information of different
interested in the job role and features of gadgets, personally too, this job would be most suitable
describe the key for me.
responsibilities of the job role.
The key responsibilities of this job role are;

 Be updated on different kinds of gadgets

 Provide detail information to the customers

 Treat the customers in better way.

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Provide an outline of the five The five personal work goal that I have identified for thisd position
personal work goals that you are;
have identified for the
 Communication skill enhancement
position, including why these
goals are relevant to the  Being technically updated
company’s goals and
 Detail knowledge of available gadgets
objectives, as well as to the
job role and how these are  Way of treating the customers
suitable goals for a 12-month
 Customer service and feedback
These goals are suitable for 12 months. It is because these
Please note, at least one of
helps to maintain the good relation with the customers along
these goals must be relevant
with providing them quality service
to your communication skills.
Conduct an analysis of the
strengths and weaknesses of
your own interpersonal skills
and set a goal that will
improve this area.

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Professional development/Networking Plan

Details of Professional Expected benefit to

Type Date/s Cost Expected benefit to self
development/Network team

Sustainability development ☐ Formal training/course 2/20/2018 to $500 Develop effective Building a range of
program 1/12/2022 workpace relationship strategies for successful
☐ Industry networking events team leadership
☐ Subscriptions
☐ Conferences in industry sector

Relationship development ☐ Formal training/course 3/18/2018 to $1300 Develop more leadership Encourage staffs to work
program 1/15/2022 competency and as team
☐ Industry networking events inspiration
☐ Subscriptions
☐ Conferences in industry sector

Branding strategy and ☐ Formal training/course 3/22/2018 to 41800 Provide sales solution Effective team build up
development 1/18/2022 that built trust and for high productivity.
☐ Industry networking events confidence from the
☐ Subscriptions customers

☐ Conferences in industry sector

Market efficiency and ☐ Formal training/course 3/25/2018 to $2500 Managing performance, Encourage staffs to work
leadership 1/20/2022 dealing with team conflict as team
☐ Industry networking events

☐ Subscriptions

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Details of Professional Expected benefit to
Type Date/s Cost Expected benefit to self
development/Network team

☐ Conferences in industry sector

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Professional development report – Activity 1

Details of the professional

development opportunity

Company name: Coca Cola

Location: North
Position: Brand

Time: Manager,


What did you most like about To develop effective workplace relationships this course will help me
the professional development to manage, control and lead the workforce effectively. Besides it
opportunity? helps to build effective strategies for team building and leadership.

What did you least like? This course duration is very short and loaded with huge concepts and

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 12

What benefits did participating - It provide me to involve in networking
in this professional
- It develops my leadership skill and knowledge
development opportunity
provide to you? - The course fee is reasonable

Professional development report – Activity 2

Details of the professional Title; customer handling skill

development opportunity
Date; 12/2/2021
Time 3 pm
Duration 2 hours




BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 13

What did you most like about I like the way that the presenter discuss detail on each agendas and
the professional development make clear on it.

What did you least like? They don’t ask for any kinds of feedbacks

What benefits did participating It increases the retention, it build my confidence and credibility, make
in this professional succession planning easier and improved my efficiency.
development opportunity
provide to you?

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 14

Continuous improvement and With time, I feel so comfortable in dealing with the customers. Before,
professional competence I used to feel to nervous but now I can work easily with no mental
pressure in a crowded situation too. Being participated in the
Discuss how your skills have
activities, I have learned of using the better communication skills,
improved over time and
ways of dealing with different kinds of customers and so on.
discuss the competencies you
have gained from your
participation in the activities.

Attach: Email to the Marketing Manager (Activity Step 5) ☐

Memo to CEO ☐

Updated Code of Ethics ☐

Ethics Project
Before going to solve the case we need to review the existing code of ethics of our company.
 You must not allow dishonesty, personal prejudice or bias to influence you in the conduct of
your employment.
 You should not accept gifts, benefits or hospitality if their nature and value may be seen as
compromising your objectivity and influencing you in your official capacity.
 Your actions should be fair, honest, and truthful.
 You should avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
 You should not condone the use of any statement which is misleading, false or deceptive.
 You should conduct yourself with care and skill, and ensure your actions do not conflict with
the requirements of integrity and objectivity.
 You should not use confidential or other information for personal advantage or for the
advantage of another.

I want to represent an unethical fact that I have noticed recently. It is seen that a number of staff who
travel regularly from Sydney to Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast as part of their role and they used
business travel for his purpose. Currently they are trying to accrue flyer points that are contributed
from airline programs for customers and our staff getting that point on behalf of our company and they

BSBLDR602 Provide leadership across the organisation | 15

are using points in their personal purpose. It looks unethical and unfair code of conduct. I also went
through our code of ethics and noticed that there are no codes of conduct about this issue.

Operations Manager Date:



Dear Sir,

I want to notify you that it is necessary to develop and update the code of ethics through considering
this matter. Please find a memo which I attached in email. This is because our staff is not maintaining
code of ethics properly and the behavior what appears from their activity is beyond our code of ethics. I
am eagerly waiting for your feedback and approval regarding this issue.


Operations Manager

Dear staff member,

This is a concern to all of you regarding our revised code of conduct. We have updated our code of
conduct and ethics and for your kind review please find the attached file here. You will find all detailed
information about this provision.

Thank you

Operations Manager

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