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Guidance notes and model specification clauses

Report of a Working Party

October 1987

The Guidance Notes aimed at minimising the risk of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) were first published in 1983 and tilled a vacuum in a subject that continues to cause concern to engineers and contractors alike. Since publication the \X'orking Party has remained in touch with developments on this subject through its subsequent affiliation to The Concrete Society. During this period it became apparent that in addition to the need to keep abreast of developments there was a widespread need tor guidance towards writing specifications on the subject. The second edition of the Guidance Notes published in 1985 was a direct result of this demand and was prepared as a consultation document. The resultant comments have made a valuable contribution to the preparation of the present edition. In revising the Guidance Notes, the Working Party has been very conscious of the fact that the subject is continuing to develop. This is reflected in changes which have been made to the advice given in this edition. In order to arrive at an acceptable resolution of the conflicting demands of safety, economy and best use of available materials, further research will be required which may lead in turn to new ways of approaching ASR The intervening years since the first publication have confirmed the limited geographical extent to which the general problem exists throughout the country and its serious threat to the durabilitv of concrete. Furthermore, there are indications that the phenomenon is not unrelated to other forces affecting the durability of concrete. The fact remains however that when compared with the amount of concrete construction undertaken, damage by ASR affects only a small proportion. Nevertheless, when it does occur the cost of remedial work can in some cases be very high. It has been recognised during the preparation of this report that recommendations for minimising the risk of ASR vary from country to country around the world, according to local circumstances. The model specification clauses and the guidance given are specifically for the United Kingdom (which includes the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and Northern Ireland). Advice given in this document may therefore not be readily applicable in other countries such as the Repub!ic of Ireland, where it is understood British Standards and other UK publications are used frequently as a basis of specifications. \X'hilst this work represents current advice, it is inevitable that as research and experience develops modifications may need to be made from time to time. The Working Party will arrange to publish any significant amendments to the advice at the first opportunity and in due course incorporate any changes in a subsequent reprint of the guidance notes. As before it is hoped that this document will provide a valuable background to the problem confronting engineers and contractors alike and assist in eliminating this defect. I am particularly grateful to the dedication and professionalism of those members of the Working Party for their contributions towards this work.

M R HAWKINS Chairman of the Working Party

Addition to Foreword The Societ y's Working Party is aware that conflicting advice exi~ts o~ a~kali levels in binders (see section 5) and has set up a separate mult1dlsc~plmed Technical Sub-Committee to examine this subject in greater detail. When available this sub-committee's findings and any recommendations will be pu blished. 25 Norcmbcr 1987

I Members of the Working Party (1984 to 1986)

,\1 R Hawkins, R Adarn, CEng, FICE, FIStructE, MRTPI, FIHT, County Engineer and Planning Officer, Devon (Chairman) I3Sc(Eng), DCT, CEng, !\lICE, Department of Transport (replaced by D B Storrar, Department of Transport) BSc, CPhys, MInstP, xucr, Rl\lC Technical Services Limited BSc, PhD, CC hem, i\1RSC, Consultant Chemist BSc, CEng, MICE, ACGI, MICT, Blue Circle Industries PLC BSc(Eng), CEng, MICE, MITD, FGS, FICT, British Readv Mixed Concrete Association BSc, DIe, CEng, FlCE, FlStructE, ,\ lSocIS (France), Consultant Engineer representing the Institution of Structural Engineers BSc(Eng), DIe, CEng, MIStructE, Central Electricity Generating Board MSc, CPhys, MlnstP, Cement and Concrete Association (Secretary) MSc, PhD, Civil and Marine Limited (replacing LJ Huss, Frodingham Cement Company Limited) BSc, CEng, ,\:HCE, Frodingham Cement Company Limited (replaced by 0 0 Higgins, Civil and Marine Limited) BSc, PhD, DIC, ARCS, Building Research Establish men t AMCT, CEng, FlCE, FIPHE Northumbrian Water Authoritv Group Technical Controller, Arney Roadstone Corporation Limited BSc(Eng), OIC, CEng, MICE, Cement and Concrete Association BSc, PhD, CEng, MIMM, MIGeol, FGS, ,\lessrs Sandberg BSc, CEng, MICE, Department of Transport (replacing R Adarn, Department of Transport) BSc, CEng, MICE, FlHT, Devon County Council BSc, PhD, CEng, MICE, FIAgrE, Mott, Hay and Anderson

B V Brown, F G Buttler, A T Corish,

0 Dewar,

D K Ooran,

I P Gillson, W A Gutteridge, DD Higgins,

L J Huss,

P J Nixon, W B Norgrove,

P O'Connell,

o Palmer,
I Sirns, DB Storrar, NO Waine, J G M Wood,




7 7


3.1 3.2 Moisture from the environment Alkalis 3.2.1 General recommendations for reducing alkalis 3.2.2 Use of low alkali cement 3.2.3 Limiting the reactive alkali content of concrete Selecting aggregates

8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9

3.3 4

4.1 4.2 4.3 Risks and consequences General concrete construction Particularly vulnerable construction


5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4


9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Portland cement Ground granulated blastfurnace slag and pulverised fuel ash Portland blastfurnace cement, low heat cement and pulverized fuel ash cement Microsilica

6.1 6.2 6.3 Reactive minerals Tests for reactive aggregates Assessment of aggregates 6.3.1 Initial consideration 6.3.2 Aggregate unlikely to be reactive 6.3.3 Artificial aggregates 6.3.4 Aggregates containing Chert and Flint 6.3.5 Aggregate combinations


7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Alkali migration Alkalis other than from cernentitious materials Precautions against alkali migration and alkalis other than from cernentitious materials Variations in cement content or source of cement

8.1 8.2 General durability Other concrete properties



9.1 Using cement containing less than 0.60/< reactive alkali 9.1.1 Certified maximum acid soluble alkali level 9.1.2 500/< ground granulated blastfurnace slag Limiting the reactive alkali content to 3 kg/rrr' of concrete 9.2.1 Limiting the Portland cement content of the concrete (Tables 2 & 3) 9.2.2 Use of 25';; or more ggbfs or pfa




10.2 10.3 10.4 Factory-made cements Site combinations of Portland cement with either ggbfs or pfa Factory-made cements in conjunction with aggregates containing chlorides Site combinations of Portland cement with either ggbfs or pfa in conjunction with aggregates containing chlorides

17 17
17 17 17



11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Application of the Guidance Notes Assessing the degree of risk and likely consequences Summary of Precautions Where no specification requirements may be necessary Particularlv vulnerable structures Further co~siderations Flow chart

17 18 18 18 18 18 20




20 20 21

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PRECAUTIONS AGAINST ALKALI-SILICA REACTION (ASR) IN CONCRETE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS (HYDRAULIC BINDERS): DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CLAUSES MINIMISING THE RISK BY USING PORTLAND CEMENT CONTAINING LESS THAN 0.6% REACTIVE ALKALI MINIMISING THE RISK BY LIMITING THE REACTIVE ALKALI CONTENT OF THE CONCRETE TO 3.0 kg/m! MINIMISING THE RISK BY USING SELECTED AGGREGATES WATER ADMIXTURES AND PIGMENTS Chemistry of the alkali-silica reaction Worked examples to illustrate recommendations Guidance for the assessment of rock types not included in Table 4 (19.2 (a) of PART 3) British Standards and other publications mentioned in the text Bibliography Definitions

22 22 22 23 24 26 26 27 27 28

'., '




Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3

j q

30 31 32 33

Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6


A summary appears in Section 11


The Guidance Notes are based on the best information available at the present time. They give only the basic essential information on the circumstances under which damage caused by Alkali-Silica Reaction could occur and how to avoid or minimise such damage in new concrete construction. Further reading will be necessary for a greater understanding of the subject and a bibliography is given in Appendix 5 which also contains a list of other committees concerned with ASR. ,\lore is now known of the problem and the means by which the risks can be reduced than was the case in 1983 when the first edition was published. This revised edition incorporates the new knowledge and moreover puts forward Model Clauses which Engineers might find helpful in the preparation of specifications designed to minimise the risk of ASR. Several significant changes to the recommendations have been made since 1983. These include extra precautions which recognise the important relationship between sodium chloride and the development of ASR, and the contribution made to the reactive alkalis in concrete by ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbfs) and pulverized-fuel ash (pfa). There is in addition a relaxation, as it is now considered that aggregates containing more than sixty percent chert or flint are unlikely to cause damage. The incidence of damage diagnosed as being caused by ASR in the United Kingdom I is very small when compared with the total amount of concrete construction carried out. Between the first reported occurrence in 1976 and publication of the first edition of the Guidance Notes in 1983, about fiftv cases were identified. The recorded instances have now (1986) risen to over one huri"dred although these are not distributed uniformly through all forms of construction. The frequency with which ASR occurs appears at present to be greater in certain regions, for example the Midlands and the South West, than in others, The increasing transportation over long distances of both materials and concrete products means that the potential for damage from ASR will not be restricted to particular regions. The effects of ASR in different structures range from extensive areas of cracks several millimetres wide which are still growing after fifteen years to slight map cracking showing little or no change after more than twenty years. The most serious cases have required major strengthening or replacement works, while the slight cases need only extra care in moisture protection and long-term monitoring as the reaction continues. These Guidance Notes are based on conditions, practices and materials known to have been used in the United Kingdom at the time of drafting. They will not necessarily apply in other countries.


Three types of reaction, namely the alkali-silica, alkali-silicate and alkali-carbonate reactions, can occur between aggregates and the alkali hydroxides of sodium and potassium which are produced by the hydration of cement (See Appendix 1.). These Guidance Notes deal on lv with alkali-silica reaction, ASR, as the other reactions are rare. However some instances involving a possible alkali-silicate reaction in coarse aggregate have been reported recently in the UK Little is known about this reaction and it is not clear to what extent the advice given in this document applies to such cases. Damage from ASR can occur when the hydroxyl ions present in the pore solution of a concrete react with certain forms of silica in the aggregate to form a gel which absorbs some of the pore fluid, swells and exerts a pressure which can crack the concrete. ASR causes damage only if all the following three factors are present: (i) (ii) (iii)
, In the context and lhrou~holllthis the Isle of .\tan, document

sufficient moisture - see Section 3.1 a sufficiently high alkalinity - see Section 3.2 a critical amount of reactive silica in the aggregate - see Section 6.
the phrase 'L'niled Kingdom' refers to GreatBritain, :-:onhcrn Ireland. the Chunnel Islands and

If anyone of these factors is absent, then damage from ASR will not occur and no precautions need be taken. The recommendations given in these Guidance Notes tor minimising the risk of damage from ASR in new concrete construction are based on ensuring that at least one of the factors (i), (ii), or (iii) above, is absent. In the small number of instances where ASR has been diagnosed and is continuing to cause distress in a structure, there are at present no methods which can be reliably recommended tor either preventing further damage or carrying out effective and lasting repairs. However, limiting the access of moisture to an affected structure may retard the rate of deterioration.



Moisture from the environment

Damage from ASR can occur only when the concrete is damp. Only when the internal relative humidity is reduced after curing to below 757< can the cracking from ASR be prevented. However, once the reaction has occurred and sufficient gel has formed, any increase in the humidity can lead to rapid expansion. Where the concrete can be consistent lv maintained with an internal equilibrium relative humidity ofless than 75~;;,other precautions will be unnecessary. This can be the case in dry, well-ventilated parts of buildings but not in foundations, even if waterproofed, nor will it apply to cladding and external beams or members where condensation can occur. Special care will be required when concrete is exposed to warm, humid conditions, e.g. swimming pools. As a guide, structures and structural elements which have been identified as suffering from ASR in the United Kingdom include: foundations in a range of ground conditions; water-retaining structures; exposed concrete frames and panels of buildings; concrete members protected from the rain under bridges; bridge columns, beams and parapets; and internal members subject to either condensation or high humidity.

3.2 3.2.1

Alkalis General recommendations for reducing alkalis

Damage to concrete due to ASR is unlikely to occur if the amount of reactive alkali (DI6)' is limited by adopting one of the methods described below (not given in any order of preference) which refer to the reactive alkali content (DI5) of the cementitious material (D8). If alkalis in excess of'O.Zkg/rn' of concrete come from other sources they. must be taken into account. Reference should be made to BS 1957:1953 numerical values. for guidance on the presentation of

Using (a) (b) (c) (d)

Use of low alkali cement (See Model Specification Clause 17)

cementitious material (D8) (see Section 5.1) with a reactive alkali content (DI7) 01'0.67< or less, in accordance with Sections 9.1.1 and 9.1.2; a combination (DlO) of ordinary Portland cement to BS 12 witha minimum of 50';{ ggbfs (D4) to BS 6699 in accordance with 9.1.2; low heat Portland-blastfurnace Portland-blastfurnace cement to BS 4246; a minimum 01'50,/; ggbfs.

cement to BS 146 containing

In these instances the maximum acid soluble content (DB) of the combination of cement and the gghls must no! exceed 1.1'.;. The 1.1',; limit is consistent with UK and Continental experience.


Limiting the reactive alkali content 'If the concrete (See Model Specification Clause 15.)

(a) a Portland pulverized-fuel ash cement to BS 6588; ash a combination of ordinary Portland cement to BS 12 with pulverized-fuel (pfa) (D5) to ~~~3~'-' ~l:,_' 1, ~ a Portland-blastfurnace a combination BS 6699. cement to BS 146; Port' 'ld cement to BS 12 with ggbfs to

of ordinary

The target mean (D26) pfa or ggbfs content of the cementitious material should be at least 25',1; by mass and the reactive alkali content of the concrete should be 3.0 kg/m' or less calculated in accordance with Section 10. (b) Limiting the reactive alkali content of the concrete (DI6) to 3.0 kg/m' or less, in accordance with Sections 9.2. Selecting Aggregates



An alternative method of taking precautions is to make sure that the aggregate is not reactive by following the recommendations given in Section 6.


Risks and consequences

The advice given in these Guidance Notes is aimed at ensuring that the risk of damage from ASR in concrete is minimised. The Engineer has to decide not only the likelihood of damage occurring, but also the risks and economic consequences of such damage. When these are considered to be acceptable, specific precautions against ASR need not be taken. 4.2 General concrete construction

In general, concrete construction is not particularly vulnerable to damage from ASR. If precautions are considered necessary because of a moist environment (see Section 3.1), any of the methods described in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 should prove an adequate safeguard. 4.3 Particularly vulnerable construction


in this category includes:

Concrete frequently saturated or in areas of high humidity, such as highway structures, multi-storey car parks, water retaining structures and buried concrete. Analysis of affected concrete in this vulnerable category has indicated that method 3.2.3(b) which limits the alkali in the concrete to the nominal 3.0 kg/m' defined in Model Clause 18.1 may not in itself produce a sufficient margin of safety against damage. 3 4.3.1 The methods described in Sections 3.2.2( a), (b) and 3.2.3( a) are believed to give sufficient safeguards for particularly vulnerable forms of construction.



Portland cement

Portland cements which comply with the requirements given in BS 12 contain alkalis derived from the raw materials. The level of alkalis inherent in these is the dominant
It should be noted in relation to hi~hway structures that in the oth Edition ofthe Specification for Hi~h\\'aY \\'orks; August 1986 the Department otTransport employs a method otculculating reactive alkalis in concrete which makes an allowance in respect ofcement alkali vuriabilirv. This etlcctivctv provides a lower reactive alkali limit in concrete that' tbc nominal 3,0 kgm' calculated in accordance with Sections 3,2.3 (h) and l),2,

int1uence on the ultimate level of alkalis in the Portland cement. Whilst the manufacturing process can also influence, it is of less importance than that due to the raw materials. The alkali content of these BS 12 Portland cements is measured as sodium oxideand potassium oxidet Na.O and K!O) and is expressed as the sodium oxide equivalent (012). The annual average alkali levels of cements manufactured in the UK which conform with the requirements ofBS 12 now range from 0.4'7,to 1.07., expressed as sodium oxide equivalent. The national average, weighted for production tonnage, is currently around 0.65';;. The precision of the analytical method is such that reporting single results to the nearest
O.OYi; is not justified, and values reported by competent laboratories could differ by

O.OY;;sodium oxide equivalent. Further information is given in the Concrete Society Technical Report No 29 'Changes in Portland cement properties and their effect on concrete'. Cement manufacturers will on request, supply the certified average acid soluble alkali levels (022) at the time of delivery and will advise on future alkali levels on request. They will also supply a sulphate-resisting Portland cement (srpc) to BS4027 (D7) with a certified maximum acid soluble alkali content (025) of 0.67. sodium oxide equivalent provided that this certification is requested at the time of ordering. If this certification is not obtained srpc will not necessarily have an acid soluble alkali content below 0.67.. Some variation in acid soluble alkali level is inevitable in the production of cement and this may occasionally amount to O.15/; about the certified average. The limit placed on the alkali content of concrete recommended in Section 9.2 includes an allowance for this variation. 5.2 Ground granulated blastfurnace slag to BS 6699 and pulverised-fuel ash to BS 3892: Part 1 Both ggbfs and pfa can have comparatively high levels of total alkali. Most of this alkali is combined in the glassy structure of these materials and is released relatively slowly as the ggbfs or pfa hydrate in the concrete. Alkalis derived from this source do not appear to be available to promote the alkali-silica reaction in the same manner as those derived from Portland cement, but the inhibiting mechanism is not fully understood. A small proportion of the alkalis will however contribute to the alkalinity of the pore solution in the early stages of hydration and should be included in any calculation relating to the reactive alkali content of the concrete (016). Portland-blastfurnace cement to BS 146, Low heat Portlandblastfurnace cement to BS 4246, Portland pulverized-fuel ash cement to BS 6588 For these factory made cements (027) the manufacturers will on request certify the average acid soluble alkali levels. Where either ggbfs or pfa is combined with ordinary Portland cement on site it will be necessary to include the reactive alkali content of either the ggbfs or the pfa in calculating the reactive content of the concrete. Note: The procedure for measuring the reactive alkali in both ggbfs and pfa incorporates the extraction method for sand given in BS 812 Part-l: 1976 and the test method for cement given in Clause 16 AMO 4260 BS 4550 Part 2 except that the multiplier will be that given in Clause 16.11 (b) of the Model Specification. Further information about the reactive alkali levels of these materials may be obtained from the manufacturers. 5.4 Microsilica (also known as condensed silica fume) j\ ticrosilica or condensed silica fume (csf) is a generic name for a range of by-products of the silicon and ferro-silicon smelting industry. Some have been used with apparent success in the control ofASR elsewhere in the world (e.g. Iceland). However, experience of microsilica is at present very limited in the UK and no recommendation can yet be offered for its use in minimising the risk of ASR.



6.1 Reactive minerals The reactive constituents in the cases of ASR so far identified in the UK arc microcrystalline and cl}'plOcr~:s.talline ilica and chalcedony found in flints and cherts, s


and possibly also strained quartz in some quartzites. In many of these cases the reactive constituents have been found in the fine aggregate when this has been combined with a non-reactive coarse aggregate, but in some cases reaction has occurred in the coarse aggregate. ASR has occurred in Jersey as a result of the presence of opaline silica as a minor constituent in the crushed igneous rock coarse aggregate. No such cases of ASR have been found elsewhere in the UK and there is no record of any significant quantity of opaline silica being found in land based or sea dredged aggregates currently used for concrete on the UK mainland. Sources of aggregate known to contain opaline material should not be used even when the alkali content of either cementitious material or the concrete is being controlled.


Tests for reactive aggregates

There are at present no British Standard tests for the alkali-reactivity of aggregates, although a BSI Working Group is currently evaluating a range of test methods and a procedure for petrographical examination of aggregates is being considered for inclusion in BS 812. Two tests commonly used in other countries were developed in the United States. They are ASTM C289-81 (Chemical Method) and ASTM C227-81 (Mortar-bar Method). However, these tests do not appear to be a practical basis for the specification ofUK concrete materials. The ASTM Chemical Method will usually classify aggregates containing chert or flint, and sometimes quartzite, as being 'deleterious' or 'potentially deleterious'. This is widely regarded as being unduly pessimistic, especially since the method does not assess the effects of varying the combination of coarse and fine aggregates. Because a large proportion of British fine aggregates contain chert, flint or quartzite, source by source testing by this method will not provide useful information. The ASTM Mortar-bar Method has been considered internationally to be the most reliable test presently available, bur to date no UK aggregates in known use have been shown to be deleterious by this test under the standard conditions, including aggregates of the types involved in reported cases of ASR. This indicates that UK aggregates cannot be effectively classified by this method. Preliminary indications suggest that expansion tests on concrete prism specimens might be more appropriate for UK aggregates and a test method using concrete specimens is being developed by the BSI Working Group. In due course, it may become possible to include a concrete prism test for aggregates in the Model Specification Clauses.

6.3 6.3.1

Assessment of aggregates Initial considerations

Given the present difficulties with the application of test methods, extensive testing of an aggregate is not appropriate in the majority of cases. However, consideration of the composition may enable a decision to be made as to whether an aggregate is unlikely to be reactive, or contains constituents which are sometimes found to be reactive. Assessment of aggregates should take place as soon as practicable and preferably before Contract letting. In many cases, a rudimentary consideration of aggregate composition will suffice, but occasionally a more detailed assessment of the aggregate, including petrographic analysis, may be considered.


Aggregate unlikely to be reactive

At present, it is considered that aggregates consisting wholly of the rock and mineral types listed in Table 1 (using the petrological terms listed in BS 812: Part 102: 1984, plus two common mineral types) would be classified in the UK as 'unlikely to be reactive'. 'Wholly' in this context means: (a) (b) the fine and coarse aggregate each consist of at least 9S7r of the rock or mineral types listed in Table 1. the aggregate source does not contain any detectable opal or sufficient potentially reactive silica to cause damage from the alkali silica reaction. Forms of silica such as Ilint or chert (which may occur in limestones) or chalcedony (which may occur in igneous or other rocks) should not be present in sufficient quantity to cause damage from ASR. No cases of ASR in the UK have been caused by such contamination of crushed rock aggregates. Experience to date


from cases of ASR involving sands ami gravels indicates that up ro a maximum of S'Ic by mass of flint, chert or chalcedony taken together in the combined aggregate can be tolerated. The engineer may consider setting a specific limit less than S'lr for a particular project but the variability of natural materials and the accuracy of the method of assessment should be taken into account.

Table 1. Rocks and minerals unlikely to be reactive

Andesite Basalt Chalk' Diorite Dolerite Dolomite Feldspar" Gabbro Gneiss Granite Limestone Marble Microgranite Quartz!' -' Schist Slate Syenite Trachyte Tuff

Notes on Table 1: 1. Chalk is included in the list since it may occasionally be a minor constituent of concrete aggregates. 2. Feldspar and quartz are not rock types but are discrete mineral grains occurring principally aggregates. 3. ~ot highly-strained quartz and not quartzite. in fine

Some further guidance for the assessment of aggregate samples containing rock types not included in Table 1 is provided in Appendix 3. It should be recognised that all natural aggregate sources may be expected to exhibit variations in both composition and properties as extraction proceeds. A high proportion ofUK aggregates contain flint and/or quartzite materials and usually it will not be economicallv feasible or desirable to avoid their use. However, in these cases there is a risk that th~ aggregate will be susceptible to ASR when the other factors, sufficient moisture and alkalis are present.


Artificial aggregates

Limited information is currently available for the assessment of artificial aggregates and specialist advice should be obtained. However, at present it seems that air-cooled blastfurnace slag, expanded clay or shale or slate and sintered pfa aggregates maybe considered to be non-reactive in UK conditions.


Aggregates containing Chert and Flint

One feature of ASR is that damaging expansion occurs when a critical proportion (or 'pessirnum') of the reactive silica is present in the concrete. In many cases, expansion will be either lower or non-existent when the proportion is significantly different in either direction from this critical amount. Knowledge of pessimum proportions in UK aggregates is not yet complete. However, few cases of significant damage due to ASR have been recorded in regions of the UK where the sources of both fine and coarse aggregate contain a high proportion offlint or chert. It is currently considered that a combination offine and coarse aggregate which contains more than 60'k by mass offlint or chert is unlikely to cause damage due to ASR.


Aggregate combinations

It should be recognised that, even where an aggregate has proved in practice to be nonexpansive when used as both fine and coarse material in the same mix, it might cause damaging expansion when either fraction is used in conjunction with a different, non- -reactive aggregate. This might arise if~ by so combining the aggregates, the critical proportion of reactive material were approached.


When assessing whether carnage due to ASR could occur, there may be other factors which need considering.



Alkali migration

The passage of moisture through concrete can cause alkalis to migrate and create temporary or permanent concentrations of these in some regions of the concrete. One example of where this can occur is in foundation blocks where the tops are exposed, allowing water to evaporate from the surface. Opinions vary on whether, or by how much, alkali migration can cause or increase damage due to ASR.


Alkalis other than from cementitious materials

No significant amounts of reactive alkali will be derived either from potable water or (chlorides excepted) from natural aggregates in the UK Where there is a possibility that sodium chloride will be incorporated in the mix, e.g. from salt in aggregates or from seawater used for mixing, the alkali contributed to the concrete by the sodium chloride should be included in the calculation of the total reactive alkali content of the concrete if the reactive alkali.level is being controlled. Even when low alkali cements, with a maximum acid soluble alkali content of 0.67< are used, account should be taken of reactive alkalis from other sources when these exceed 0.2kg/ m' (see 3.2.1). If, however, the aggregate can be regarded as non-reactive no account need be taken of the sodium chloride for the purpose of minimising ASR. There are no admixtures known to prevent damage due to ASR. It is also necessary to take into account the reactive alkali content of anv admixture used. Alkali salts may be absorbed by hardened concrete in contact with seawater, some groundwaters a-nd other materials such as de-icing salts. Whilst opinions vary on the extent to which such external sources of alkalis can cause or increase damage due to ASR, these factors should not be ignored.


Precautions against alkali migration and alkalis other than from cementitious materials

Not enough is known about the effects of alkali migration or external alkalis to enable recommendations to be made on what additional precautions against damage from ASR may be necessary, if any. Where considered essential, it may be wise to ensure that such eff~cts cannot cause damage, This may be done by tanking or otherwise protecting the concrete, by making sure the aggregates are non-reactive, or by compensating for the additional alkali by reducing the recommended maximum alkali contents of the concrete or cernentitious material.


Variations in source of materials

The cernentitious content of the mix may differ from that given in the specification or determined by trial mixes. Normal fluctuations about the assumed figure are not thought to be large, but action should be taken to avoid large variations, alterations in the alkali content, or changes in the sources of materials which might lead to the concrete or cernentitious material alkali content limit being significantly exceeded.


When deciding what precautions to take, if any, to avoid damage from ASR, the overall performance of the concrete must be kept in mind.


General durability

ASR is only one phenomenon which could affect the life of the concrete. For the majority of structures, action to reduce the risk of ASR should not detract from the importance of considering the concrete's resistance to weathering and other potentially destructive agencies, and the ability of the concrete to protect reinforcement and other embedded metal. It is essential that adjustments which may be made to the mix in order to avoid ASR should never lead to the use or materials, cement contents or water/ cement ratios which will be inadequate to ensure general durability.


Other concrete properties

In selecting materials or mix proportions to avoid damage due to ASR, consideration should be gi\'t~n to the etlcct or these on other desired properties or the concrete,


including colour, workability, early and later strengths, heat evolution, shrinkage and creep. The cost, availability and convenience of using alternative materials, mixes or construction methods also will he important considerations.


9.1 9.1.1

Using a cement containing less than 0.6%reactive alkali Use of cementitious material having a certified maximum acid soluble alkali content of 0.6% The use of Portland cement with an alkali content ofO.67ror less is accepted worldwide as a means of minimising the risk of damage due to ASR, providing that there is no significant addition of reactive alkali from other internal sources such as aggregates and admixtures and external sources such as de-icing salt.

When significant reactive alkalis are contributed from other sources to a mix using cement having a certified maximum acid soluble alkali content ofO.67r, the average reactive alkali content of the concrete should be calculated in accordance with 10.3 and 10.4. If the reactive alkali content of a particular Portland cement is known and is above 0.67r then the 0.67r limit can be achieved by replacing part of the Portland cement by the requisite amount of ggbfs or pfa providing that at least 257r of either is used. 9.1.2 Use of 50%or more ground granulated blastfurnace slag to BS 6699 A combination which contains 507r or more ggbfs and ordinary UK Portland cement to BS 12, is considered equivalent to a Portland cement with 0.6% maximum acid soluble alkali content (see Section 9.1.1), provided that the acid soluble alkali content of the combin ation is less than 1.17r. Low heat Portland-blastfurnace cement to BS 4246 and Portland-blastfurnace cement to BS 146 containing a minimum of 50% granulated slag will be similarly effective. 9.2 Limiting the reactive alkali content to 3.0 kg/cubic metre of concrete 9.2.1 Use of Portland cement The calculated reactive alkali content of the concrete, calculated using the appropriate equation from Section 10, should be 3.0 kg/m! or less. The variation of0.15% about the certified average referred to in 5.1, will lead occasionally to alkali levels in the concrete approaching 3.75 kg/rn'. An allowance for this variation has been included in the recommendations given in this document. A worked example is given in Appendix 2. As an alternative to considering the concrete alkali content directly, it may be preferable when writing a specification to limit the alkali content to 3.0 kg/m' by placing a limit on the Portland cement content of the concrete, calculated using the certified average acid soluble alkali content of the Portland cement in accordance with Section 10. Maximum Portland cement contents are given in Table 2. Maximum concrete alkali contents are given in Table 3. 9.2.2 Use of 25%or more ground granulated blastfurnace slag to BS 6699 or pulverized-fuel ash to BS 3892: Part 1 A proportion of ordinary Portland cement can be replaced by 25% or more ggbfs or pfa, provided that the reactive alkali content of the concrete is not more than 3.0 kg/m" (calculated using the appropriate equation in Section 10).


Table 2. Target Mean content of factory made Portland cement for use in concrete at nominal 3.0 kg/m3 maximum alkali level
Where site blended composite cements incorporating either ggbfs or pfa are used this table does not apply. An allowance for the reactive alkali content of the ggbfs or pfa or other material can be made using the appropriate equation in 4B, 4C or 4D in 10.

Reactive alkali content of Portland Cement (D22) to (D25)

(1) 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

Target Mean Portland Cement Content (kg/m') (2)

600 545 500 460 430 400 375

350 335
315 300

Notes on Table 2 1. The cement manufacturer will on request advise certified average acid soluble alkali levels which will not be exceeded without notice on a works by works basis. 2. Caution, see BS 8110 in relation to other aspects of durability particularly minimum cement content.


TABLE 3. Reactive alkali content of concrete using equation 4A in 10.1

Target Mean Portland Cement Content (Kg/m') Certified Average Reactive Alkali Content ('a') of the Portland Cement (7< Na20 Equivalent)











180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550

1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0

1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3

1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6

1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4

1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0

1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2

1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

~ote: TABLE 3 applies only to cements which are factory made and to concrete which does not contain alkali from anv source other than the cement.




Factory-made cements

For factory made cements (027) the reactive alkali content of concrete is calculated from:


C x a



A C a

= = =

reactive alkali content of concrete (kg/m') target mean Portland cement content of concrete (kg/rrr') to (025). reactive alkali content (7<) of the cement (022)


Site combinations of Portland cement with either ggbfs or pfa

When cement to BS 12 is combined on site with either ggbfs or pfa the reactive alkali content of the concrete is calculated from: A

(C x a)


(E x d)


Where A, C and a are as defined above and E d

= =

target mean content of either ggbfs or pfa in the concrete (kg/m') average reactive alkali content provided bv the manufacturers. (7c) of either the ggbfs or the pfa as


Factory-made cement in conjunction with aggregates containing chlorides

salt the reactive alkali

When factory made cement is used with aggregate containing content of the concrete is calculated as: A

(C x a)

0.76((NF x MF) 100

+ (NC

x MC))


Where A, C and a are as defined above. The factor 0.76 is obtained from a consideration NF

of the composition

of sea water.

chloride ion content of the fine aggregate expressed as a percentage by mass of dry aggregate and measured according to BS 812: Part 4: 1976 (in draft as Part 117). See Specification Clause 18.2 chloride ion content of the coarse aggregate expressed as a percentage by mass of dry aggregate and measured according to BS 812: Part4: 1976 (in draft as Part 117) coarse aggregate content (kg/m')


MF = fine aggregate content (kg/m") MC lOA


Site combination of Portland cement with either ggbfs or pfa in conjunction with aggregates containing chlorides

When cement to BS 12 is combined on site with either ggbfs or pfa and used with aggregate containing salt the reactive alkali content of the concrete is calculated from: A

(C x a)

(E x d)

0.76((NF x MF) 100

+ (NC

x MC))


Where A, C, a, E, d, NF, MF, NC, and MC, are as defined above.



Application of the Guidance Notes


The recommendations have been prepared for use in the United Kingdom. Because materials and standards mav be different elsewhere, the Guidance Notes should not be used in other countries without very careful consideration (Section 1).



Assessingthe degree of risk and consequence

The Engineer can assess the risk and consequence of damage from ASR to any structure at the design stage from a consideration of the following factors(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The importance of each element or the whole structure. precautions. to achieve the specified concrete strengths. should include clauses aimed at The cost of taking any particular Likely cement contents required

Materials which are likely to be used.

If damage from ASR is likely to occur, the Specification minimising the risk.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Summary of Precautions
The concrete will be in a dry environment (Section 3.1).

Damage from ASR is unlikely to occur if one or more of the following conditions obtainsThe alkali content of the cementitious material is 0.6'/; or less and alkalis from other sources do not exceed 0.2 kg/m' of concrete (Section 3.2.2 (a) and (b)). The mass of alkalis from all sources in the concrete mix is less than 3.0 kg/m' (Section 3.2.3 (a) and (b)). The fine and coarse aggregates are both composed wholly of rock types which are considered to be non-reactive (Sections 3.3.1 and 6). The combined fine and coarse aggregates contain more than 607< chert or flint (Section 6.3.4).


Where no specification requirements may be necessary

Whenever a clause is written into a specification which restricts the producer in his choice of materials, or requires an additional guarantee, the result may be an additional cost to the specifier and his client. There will be many cases where, although there may be no guarantee, it is not considered necessary to introduce into the specification additional clauses to minimise the risk of damage from ASR, either because the possibility of ASR is judged sufficiently remote, or the additional expense is not warranted. Examples of circumstances (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) in which specification clauses may not be needed are: The element is not expected to be exposed to moisture. The available sources of cementitious average reactive alkali levels. material are known to have certified low level is included in the concrete.

Either a ggbfs or pfa at normal replacement

The Engineer is satisfied that the sources of aggregates have a long history locally of satisfactory use in concrete.

Because none of the above examples carries any certainty of avoiding damage due to ASR, more positive or quantitative advice cannot be given. The decision on whether precautions are necessary or not must be made by the specifier, taking into consideration the importance of the structure and how closely the expected construction materials and methods come to satisfying the precautions recommended in Section 6.


Particularly vulnerable structures

Some concrete structures may be regarded as particularly vulnerable or susceptible to damage due to ASR and these may call for more stringent precautions. Examples include water retaining structures and highway bridges. The Department of Transport has taken note of this in preparing the 6th Edition of the Specification for Highway Works (Section 4.3).


Further considerations

When precautions are taken to avoid damage from ASR, it is important to ensure that. other properties of the concrete are not affected adversely. For example the durability ol a structure should not be put at risk by using a mix design which controls the alkali level but which reduces the cernentitious material below an acceptable level.



Is alkali content

ENVIRONMENT judged to be safe against ASR?


Does cementitious material contain 50% or more GROUND GRANULATED BLASTFURNACE SLAG?

Does cementitious material contain 25% or more PFA or GGBFS and is the alkali content of the concrete :<:3.0kg/m3?

Is alkali content of CONCRETE 3.0 kg/ m3 or less?

Are AGGREGATES judged to be potentially safe?

See 3.2.2(a)

See 3.2.2(b)

See 3.2.3(a)

See 3.2.3(b)

Allow for ALKALIS from other sources and ALKALIS associated with CHLORIDES in aggregates See 3.1 See 7.2, 7.3 See 6


Are the risks and economic consequences of ASR acceptable? See 4.2

CONSIDER THE TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC MERITS OF THESE OPTIONS After curing maintain concrete at less than 75% RH Specify a CEMENT or CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL with an alkali content :<:0.6% Specify 50% or more GROUND GRANULATED BLASTFURNACE SLAG Specify 25% or more PFA or GGBFS and an alkali content in the concrete of 3.0 kg/ m3 or less Specify CONCRETE with an alkali content of 3.0 kg/ m3 or less Specify an AGGREGATE combination judged to be potentially safe

See 3.1

See 9.1.1, 9.1.2 & 17.1,17.4,17.5

See 9.1.2 & 17.2, 17.3

See 9.2.2 & 18

See 9.2.1 & 18

See 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4 & 19

Re-check other DURABILITY requirements of CONCRETE

Figure 1. Assessment of Risks and Precautions

against ASR



Flow Chart

Figure I summarises the process of assessing the risks and selecting the precautions which may be taken to minimise the risk of damage due to ASR in general concrete construction.




12.1 These clauses have been drawn up as a way of implementing the Guidance Notes and should not be used without reference to them. The clauses can be incorporated in either new or existing specifications. It is hoped that the appropriate clauses in Part 3 of this document will be accepted nationally and form the basis for new clauses in British Standards and other specifications. 12.2 The revised Guidance Notes in Part 1 and Model Clauses in Part 3 are written for materials, conditions and practices currently found in the United Kingdom. They do not necessarily apply elsewhere as the materials and quality standards may be different in other countries.



13.1 The responsibility for drawing up a Specification rests with the Engineer, who will consider the particular requirements of the Client. These requirements will include inter alia minimising the risk of ASR and the achieving of adequate strength and durability in the concrete. 13.2 If the Engineer concludes that it is necessary to take precautions to minimise the risk of ASR he should consider the most cost-effective way of doing so whilst ensuring that the other properties of the concrete are not affected adversely. 13.3 Variations in the type, price and availability of aggregates and cernentitious materials throughout the UK will mean that the cost of minimising the risk of ASR will vary from region to region. Part 3 of this document includes clauses covering various options so that the final choice can be based on local knowledge. 13.4 Particular care will be needed when specifying aggregates. Flint, chert and quartzite occur in a high proportion ofUK aggregates particularly in the fine material. They may be reactive and will remain so when they are used in conjunction with an inert coarse aggregate. It may not be economically feasible or desirable to avoid the use of such aggregates. Sources known to contain opaline silica should not be used even when the alkali content of either the cementitious material or the concrete is being controlled. This aspect is expanded in Section 6. 13.5 It rests with the Engineer to determine, through his selection from the Model Clauses, those options which are acceptable in each particular instance. However, it must be recognised that any unnecessary restriction in the acceptable options or duplication of precautions may lead to an increase in cost. 13.6 After a COntract is let the time available for approval of concrete mixes is short. For this reason it is recommended that, if the specification includes clauses relating to ASR, the instructions for tendering should require tenderers to disclose both the method by which they intend meeting the ASR specification and the sources of all materials. 13.7 The numbering of Parts 1,2 and 3 is consecutive for ease of reference. The model clauses in Pan 3 will have to be selected, ordered and renumbered both to suit the approach adopted by the Engineer in minimising the risk of ASR and to be consistent with any document in which they are incorporated.




14.1 The Model Clauses and Guidance Notes relate solely to the various ways in which materials can be selected to minimise the risk of the deleterious ASR and do not cover other phenomena, such as the alkali-carbonate reaction or the alkali-silicate reaction. 14.2 Although it is intended that the clauses should be capable ofincorporation into any document, it is recognised that they may have to be adapted. For instance no mention is made of mix design, strength or methods of mixing and placing concrete. These will have to be covered by either a general specification or a reference to BS 5328.


It is recognised that specification clauses tor three options. which an engineer might consider in minimising the risk of ASR have not been included in this document: the prevention of contact between the concrete moisture. See Section 3.1 in Part 1. and an external source of

(a) (b)

a satisfactory performance record for which the combination of cement and aggregates has a long history of satisfactory use in concrete and therefore ASR is judged to be sufficiently remote. the use of microsilica. See Section S.4.


These omissions must not be interpreted as an invalidation of these options, but it will be for the Engineer to assess the risks involved and select appropriate specification clauses. 14.4 The following are explanatory materials. (a) notes relating to the selection of aggregate

Aggregates are obtained by the large-scale extraction of materials formed by geological processes over long periods. As a result they may vary in composition as extraction proceeds. As with other options, the best that can be achieved is to minimise the risk not to guarantee the avoidance of ASR. In preparing the Specification for a particular Contract, the Engineer has three options when he considers aggregates, which are> 1. Place no restrictions on the selection of aggregates (but see Section 13.4) and rely solely on the clauses for cementitious materials (See Clauses 17 and 18). Specify types of aggregate which minimise the risk regardless of the cementitious material used (See Clause 19). Nominate specific sources offine and coarse aggregate.

2. 3.

It is advisable tor the Engineer to consider alternative ways in which the risk of ASR can be minimised and to provide for these in the specification. If, for example, option 2 (given above) is included without the alternative option 1, tenderers might find that there are no acceptable aggregates available at a realistic cost and yet there is no other way of making concrete. (b) Table 4 lists rocks and minerals which can be considered as non-reactive. They can be used in the UK to minimise the risk of damage due to ASR regardless of alkali levels in the cementitious material and irrespective of environmental conditions or exposure of the concrete to external sources of alkali . The rock types are taken from those listed in BS 812: Part 2: 1984. Methods of petrographical examination will be included in BS 812. Appendix 3 gives advice on the classification of rock types together with information on the constituents of aggregates which may be potentially reactive. (c) Great care is necessary when using fine and coarse aggregates from different sources. Depending on the materials used, the effects can appear contradictory. For example, cases of ASR damage have been recorded where a non-reactive coarse aggregate has been used with a fine aggregate containing flint/chert. On the other hand few cases of signiti cant damage due to ASR have been recorded in regions where the sources of both fine and coarse aggregate contain a high


proportion of .lint/chert, Based on experience to date and some laboratory work, it is considered at present that a combination of aggregates which contain more than 60% by mass offlint/ chert may be regarded as unlikely to be reactive and the Engineer should satisfy himself on this. (d) If the Engineer is able to confirm from extensive and recorded data that certain sources of aggregate are satisfactory it may be possible to minimise the risk by nominating them. These sources may be either individual quarries or particular sources and Clause 19.2(b) provides for this.





Concrete mixes for use in permanent works in the locations designated as . shall comply with one of the Clauses 15.2, 15.3, 15.4. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of his proposals for complying with this requirement.


The cementitious material shall have a reactive alkali content not exceeding a maximum value of0.6%by mass when defined and tested in accordance with Clauses 16 and 17.
OR 15.3

The total mass of reactive alkali in the concrete mix shall not exceed 3.0 kg/m' of concrete when defined, tested and calculated in accordance with Clauses 16 and 18.

OR 15.4

The aggregate shall be classed as non-reactive in accordance with the definition in Clause 19.




Cementitious materials shall comply with the relevant British Standards which are:BS 12, BS 146, BS 1370, BS 3892:Part 1, BS 4027, BS 4246, BS 6588, BS 6699.

The term alkali refers to the alkali metals sodium and potassium expressed as their oxides. The reactive alkali content of Portland cements to BS 12, BS 4027 and BS 1370 shall be defined as the percentage by mass of equivalent sodium oxide (Na20) calculated from: . % equivalent Na.O = %acid soluble Na20

+ 0.658 x (%acid soluble K 0)


The method used in determining the acid soluble alkali content of the materials to BS 12, BS 1370 and BS 4027 shall be in accordance with BS 4550: Part 2: 1970, Clause 16.2. For the purpose of this specification the reactive alkali content of ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbfs) shall be taken as the water soluble alkali determined in accordance with Clause 16.11. For the purpose of this specification the reactive alkali content of pulverized fuel ash (pfa) shall be taken as the water soluble alkali determined in accordance with Clans- 16.11.



The Contractor shall make available the certified average acid soluble alkali content of Portland cement to BS 12, BS 1370 or BS 4027 on a weekly basis.


16.7 The Contractor shall gi\-c immediate notice of any change which may increase the certified average acid soluble lkali content above the level used in the mix design tor the concrete. A revised mix dcsiun for any concrete which would be affected by the increased alkali content shall be submitted for approval with notification of the change. 16.8 The method of determining the amount of pfa in a cement to BS 6588 shall be in accordance with Appendix A of that standard. 16.9 The method of determining the amount ofggbfs in cement to BS 146 shall be in accordance with BS 4550: Part 0000 (when available). 16.10 The Contractor shall certify to the Engineer the ratio by mass of ggbfs or pfa to Portland cement in the concrete. 16.11 The reactive alkali content of either ggbfs or pfa shall be the water soluble level determined using: (a) The extraction method tor sand given in BS 812: Part 4: 1976, namely: Place a mass 01'500 g of the dry subsample of the pfa or ggbfs in a wide mouth screw topped plastic bottle. Add 500 ml distilled water and allow to stand for 24 hours with occasional shaking. Take a 5 ml aliquot of the supernatant liquid (filtered when necessary) by means of a pipette and transfer to a 500 ml volumetric flask. (b) The test method tor cement given in Clause 16; AMD 4260: BS 4550: Part 2, namely: Using the specified reagents add 5 ml of nitric acid and SO ml aluminium solution and where necessary, sufficient of the calcium solution to bring the concentration of calcium oxide in the diluted solution to approximately 630 mg/l. Dilute to the mark with water and mix thoroughly. Follow the procedure given in Clause (of the document quoted above) from the second paragraph onwards. The calculation will proceed as in 16.2.5 of the document quoted above except that for the given conditions of extraction and dilution the alkali oxide = 0.01e. (c) Clause 16.2 of this Model Specification equivalent Na,O. to convert the data so obtained to



The requirements of Clause 15.2 will be met by anyone of Clauses 17.1,17.2,17.3,17.4 or 17.5 provided that the contribution of alkalis from other sources does not exceed 0.2 kg/m" (see Clauses 18.2 and 21.2). Where these alkalis exceed 0.2 kg/rrr' the requirements of Clause 18 shall apply.


The cementitious material shall be Portland cement complying with BS 4027 and shall have additionally a certified maximum acid soluble alkali content not exceeding 0.6';;. The Contractor shall provide on request wceklv certificates which name the source of the cement and confirm compliance with the Specification.

OR 17.2 The cernentitious material shall be Portland-blasrfumace cement complying with BS 146 and containing a minimum 01'50';; by mass of'ggbfs or a low heat Portlandblastfurnacc ccm~1 complying with BS 4246. The cement shall have a maximum acid soluble alkali content of 1.1 r/; measured in accordance with the method given in Clause 16-3_


The Contractor shall provide certificates Specification and stating: (a) (b) (c) (d) OR

on request confirming as a percentage


with the

The proportion of ggbfs expressed cementitious material.

by mass of the total

The certified acid soluble alkali content of the cement. The certified average reactive alkali content of the ggbfs. The name of the works manufacturing the cement.

17.3 The cemenutious material shall be a combination of Portland cement complying with BS 12 and a ggbfs complying with BS 6699 and shall contain a minimum of507, by mass of ggbfs. The combination of Portland cement and ggbfs shall have a certified maximum acid soluble alkali content of 1. l/f measured in accordance with the method given in Clause 16.3. The Contractor shall provide certificates on request confirming Specification and stating: (a) (b) (c) OR 17.4 The cernentitious material shall be a Portland cement complying with BS 146, BS 4246 or BS 6588 and shall contain ggbfs or pfa so that the total reactive alkali content of the cernentitious material does not exceed 0.67,. The target mean ggbfs or pfa content of the cementitious material shall be at least 257, by mass. The Contractor shall provide certificates on request confirming compliance with the Specification and stating: (a) (b) (c) The proportion of ggbfs or pfa expressed as a percentage cementitious material. The name of the works manufacturing or pfa. by mass of the total The proportion of ggbfs expressed cernentitious material. The certified material. average acid soluble as a percentage alkali contents compliance with the

by mass of the rotal of the cementitious

The names of the works manufacturing

the cement and the ggbfs.

The reactive alkali contents of the cements and their components. the cement and that supplying the ggbfs

OR 17.5 The cernennuous material shall be a combination of Portland cement complying with BS 12 and a ggbfs complying with BS 6699 or a pfa complying with BS 3892: Part 1 and shall contain sufficient ggbfs or pfa so that the total reactive alkali content of the cementitious material does not exceed 0.67,. The target mean ggbfs or pfa content of the cementitious material shall be at least 25% bv mass. The Contractor shall provide certificates on request confirming compliance 'with the Specification and stating: (a) (b) (c) The proportion of ggbfs or pfa expressed as a percentage cementitious material. The reactive alkali content of the Portland The names of the works manufacturing supplying the ggbfs or pfa. the Portland by mass of the total

cement and ggbfs or pfa. cement and that


of Clause 15.3 will be met provided that Clauses 18.1,18.2 and 18.3

The requirements are satisfied.

18.1 The reactive alkali content of the concrete contributed ggbfs or pfa to the concrete shall be calculated from:

bv the Portland cement, .



Portland cement A= Cxa 100 A C a reactive alkali content of the concrete to the nearest 0.1 (kg/m") target mean Portland cement content of the concrete (kg/rrr') certified average acid soluble alkali content of the Portland cement ('If).



ggbfs or pfa B= Exd 100 B average reactive alkali content contributed or pfa (kg/rrr') reactive alkali content Clause 16.5) by ggbfs



target mean ggbfs or pfa content of the concrete (kg/ rrr') of ggbfs or pfa (';{). (See

18.2 W'here reactive alkalis in excess 01'0.2 kg/rrr' are contributed to the concrete from sources other than the cementitious material the limit of 3.0 kg/m' from the cementitious material shall be reduced by the total amount so contributed. The reactive alkali contributed calculated from: H

by sodium chloride contamination

of aggregates shall be

0.76 x ((NF x MF) 100

(NC x i\1C of the composition of sea water.

The factor 0.76 is obtained from a consideration where H

equivalent alkali contribution made to the concrete by the sodium chloride (kg/rrr') chloride ion content of the fine aggregate as a percentage by mass of dry aggregates and measured according to BS 812: Part 4: 1976 (now in draft as Part 117) fine aggregate content (kg/m') chloride ion content of the coarse aggregate as a percentage by mass of dry aggregate and measured according to BS 812: Part 4: 1976 (now in draft as part 117) coarse aggregate content (kg/rrr')





The chloride ion content of aggregate sources containing 0.01 'Ir of chloride ion by mass or more shall be determined weekly in accordance with BS 812 or another approved method. When the chloride ion level is less that 0.01'j, it shall be regarded as nil. 18.3 The Contractor shall provide certificates with the Specification and stating: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (n The target mean cementitious The names of the works manufacturing on request confirming compliance

material content of the concrete. the cement, ggbfs and pfa. by mass of the total in accordance cement. with

The proportion of ggbfs or pfa expressed as a percentage cernenririous material. A weekly report of the cement Clause 16.6. alkali deterrninations

The certified average acid soluble alkali content

of the Portland

A weekly report of either the reactive alkali determinations a certified maximum value.

on ggbls and pia or




material shall comply with the requirements of

19.1 Fine and coarse aggregate BS 882, BS 1047 or BS 3797.

19.2 The aggregate shall be classed as non reactive if the Engineer is satisfied that the source does not contain opaline silica and one of the following sub-clauses is satisfied. (a) The fine and coarse aggregate each consist of at least 951; of one or more of the rock types or artificial aggregates listed in Table 4 and provided that the Engineer is satisfied that the source does not contain a quantity offlint, chert or chalcedony that could cause damage from alkali-silica reaction. (See Section 6.3.2 of the Notes for Guidance.)

Table 4
Aircooled blastfurnace slag Andesite Basalt Diorite Dolerite Dolomite Expanded clay/shale/ slate Feldspar I Gabbro Gneiss Granite Limestone Marble Microgranite Quartz I ~ Schist Sintered pfa Slate Svenite Trachyte Tuff

~otes on Table 4: 1. 2. Feldspar and quartz aggregate. are not rock types but are discrete mineral grains occurring principally


Not highly strained quartz and not quartzite.


Fine aggregate shall be obtained (Specify Source) (Specify Source) .

from the following source: from the following source:

Coarse aggregate shall be obtained . (c)

The proportion of chert and flint in the sources of aggregate is such that the proportion of chert and flint in the total aggregate is greater than 60% by mass when the fine and coarse fractions are combined. (See Section 6.3.4.)



20.1 Water for use in the manufacture of concrete shall be obtained from a public utility undertaking supply and shall be of potable quality. 20.2 Where a potable mains supply is not available the contractor shall obtain "confirmation of the quality and reliability of the proposed source from the appropriate water authority and shall thereafter seek approval lrorn the Engineer to use the proposed source. 20.3 Water other than from a public utility undertaking supply shall be sampled at a frequency to be determined by the Engineer and tested in accordance with the relevant provisions ofBS 3148. The sodium oxide and potassium oxide content shall be declared and expressed as equivalent Na~O and shall be taken into account when calculating the total reactive alkali content of the concrete mix.





Admixtures ar.d pigments shall comply with the requirements ofBS 5()75 and BS 1014. The manufacturers declared equivalent acid soluble alkali content and the dosage rate of any admixture or pigment to be incorporated shall be included with details ofall concrete mixes submitted for approval.

21.2 The alkali content of admixtures shall be taken into account when determining the total equivalent alkali content of the concrete mix.


The alkali metal ions in their oxides Na~O and K~SO~ or as the mixed smaller amounts are in cement hydrates. Portland cement clinker, although conventionally expressed as K~O, are often present as the neutral sulphates Na~SO~ and salt (Na,K)~SO~. In this form they are readily soluble. Other solid solution in the cement minerals and are released as the

When water is added to the ground cement clinker these alkali sulphates take part in a complex series of reactions with the hydrating tricalcium aluminate and calcium hydroxide in which ettringite (calcium sulphoaluminate) is precipitated and the pore solution is enriched with sodium, potassium and hydroxide ions. It is now recognised that the pore solution in mortars and concretes contains almost entirely sodium, potassium and hvdroxide ions with very low concentrations of other ions such as calcium, sulphate and chloride. The pH of the pore solution is in the range 13 to 14, depending on the alkali level of the cement. This compares with a pH of about 12.5 at normal temperatures for a saturated calcium hydroxide solution containing no alkali metal ions. Sodium chloride may be introduced to concrete in several ways. For instance, as an impurity in some aggregates and in rare instances by the use ofseawater for mixing or from an ingress of de-icing salts. It is readily soluble in the pore water and reacts in an analogous way with the tricalcium aluminates, calcium aluminoferrite and calcium hydroxide to form calcium chloroaluminate hydrate and raising the sodium ion and hydroxyl ion concentration in the pore solution. The extent to which this happens depends upon the amount of chloride introduced and the tricalcium aluminate and calcium aluminoferrite contents of the cement. However, at levels of chloride up to that permitted by BS 8110 in reinforced concrete complete conversion of sodium chloride to sodium hydroxide can be assumed. These reactions are summarised by expressing the combined amounts of sodium and potassium in the clinker as Na~O equivalent, i.e. the amount of sodium plus the molecular equivalent of potassium, expressed as their oxides. This is a way of representing the amount of hydroxide ions that these alkali metal sulphates will produce in solution. The alkali-silica reaction is, therefore, essentially an attack by sodium or potassium hydroxide solution on silica, producing an alkali silicate gel. The rate of this attack will depend on the relative concentration of these hydroxides in the pore solution and it is only at the upper end of the pH range that significant attack develops. The gel rapidly takes up calcium, the most likely source being the portlandite (Ca(OH)~) produced by the cement hydration reactions, so that the gels analysed in concrete are usually found to contain calcium, sodium, potassium silicates and be ofa variable composition. Such gels are capable of taking water into their structure and expanding. It is this expansive force which creates tensile stress within the concrete and can ultimately cause cracking. The severity of the expansive force varies both with the composition of the gel, in a way which is not fully understood, and with the total amount of gel present in the concrete. The amount of gel also depends on the amount of available reactive silica and, therefore, up to a point an increase in the amount of reactive silica produces an increase in expansion. Above a certain proportion of reactive silica to alkali, however, the concentration of hvdroxide in solution is insufficient to maintain the same degree of attack and the expansion decreases again. This is the reason tor the critical, or 'pessirnurn', proportion of reactive aggregate.





Al.1 To meet the specified requirements for strength and durability, a target mean Portland cement content of 390 kg/rrr' is necessary. Non-reactive aggregate is not available and the concrete will be exposed to moisture, so precautions against ASR are considered necessary. The concrete is not considered to be particularly vulnerable (see Section 4). The cement available locally has a certified average acid soluble alkali content (022) 01'0.8';'; Na~O equivalent and the manufacturer has declared that this certified mean (023) will be no higher than 0.97< until further notice. Referring to 10.1 a C Alkali content of concrete, 0.9/; 390 kg/m' 390 x 0.9 100 3.5 kg Na~O/m3 Al.2 This exceeds the recommended precautions must be used: (a) (b) (c) (d) Note: moisture must be excluded, another source of factory made Portland the Portland cement must be partially cement must be used, replaced on site by ggbfs or pfa, limit of3.0 kg Na~O/m3, so one of the following

the aggregate must be changed to one known to be non-reactive. For either (b) or (c) the total reactive alkali content of any admixture must be taken into account. \~'hen this exceeds 0.2 kg/rrr' the 3kg/rrr'{imit must be observed.

Al.3 Al.3.1

Alternative precautions against ASR Excluding moisture

is to be made to exclude moisture, reference should be made to

If an attempt Section 3.1. Al.3.2

Changing the source of factory-made cement

To meet the 3.0 kg Na.Oz'm'Timitcn the alkali content of the concrete with an expected maximum Portland cement content of390 kg/m', the maximum assumed alkali content of the Portland cement must be: 3.0 x 100 390

source of Portland

The certified average acid soluble alkali content of the alternative cement should therefore never be greater than 0.77. Al.3.3

Using a site blended cement

Alternatively it may be decided to use the original cement, but partially replaced by pfa. A replacement rate of30'7c is decided upon and it is found that the reactive alkali content of the pfa is 0.17c. In order to achieve the specified 28 day strength, trial mixes show that it is necessary to increase the target mean cementitious material content to 430 kg/m'. Reactive alkali content of concrete, 430 x 70'/; x 0.9 100

A, due to Portland

cement is

2.71 kg/rrr'

Reactive alkali content of concrete, 430 x 30';


B, due to pfa is

x 0.1

0.13 kg/m'


2.84 kg/ru'
kg Na.Ozrn'.

This meets the required limit on.o



Concrete containing

alkalis from other sources bv admixtures and .

These worked examples indic. le how the reactive alkalis contributed by aggregates contaminated with sea salt should be calculated.

Whilst the cement content of390 kg/rrr' is the same as that considered in the previous example, the cement itselfhas a lower level of alkali. Typical values have been taken for the chloride ion concentrations in the aggregates and the equivalent alkalis have been calculated in accordance with Clause 18.2. The alkali content of the admixture as determined will be that declared bv the manufacturer in accordance with Clause 21.1. Values are those typical of admixtures having a low alkali content and of superplasticizers having a high alkali content. AlA AlA.! The mix design Material Portland cement Coarse aggregates Fine aggregates Case A Typical admixture Manufacturer's recommended dosage. Na.O equivalent 0.01 kg per 100 kg Portland cement when used at recommended dosage NazO equivalent 0.1 kg per 100 kg Portland Cement Mix proportions 390 kg/m' 1135 kg/m' 560 kg/rrr' Alkalis NazO equivalent Chloride Chloride 0.757< ion content 0.037< ion content 0.057< Examples: concrete containing alkalis from other sources

Case B Superplasticizer as above.



of the reactive alkali content of the concrete Case B Alkali content using a superp1asticizer

Case A Alkali content using typical admixture



390 x 0.757< 1135 x 0.037< x 0.76 560 x 0.057< x 0.76 390 x 0.01 100

2.93 0.26 0.21 0.04

390 x 0.757< 1135 x 0.03% x 0.76 560 x 0.057< x 0.76 Superplasticizer 390 x 0.1 100

2.93 0.26 0.21 0.40 3.80

Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Admixture

Reactive alkali content of the concrete



Available options limit of 3.0 kg/m! is exceeded.

In both Case A and in Case B the recommended

The options available which will minimise the risk ofASR include those quoted in (a) to (d) (see A2.2). the use of aggregates with lower chloride ion content and in Case B the use of an alternative alkali content. Al.5 superplasticizer which has a lower equivalent

Changing to a non reactive aggregate

Ifa non-reactive aggregate is to be chosen (option (d) ofA2.2), guidance should be taken from Section 6.


Rock type Definition


Potentially alkali-reactive components that may sometimes be present

Arkose Breccia Chen Conglomerate Flint

Detrital sedimentary rock containing more than 2S/; feldspar Coarse detrital rock containing angular fragments Micro- or crypto-crystalline silica Coarse detrital rock containing rounded fragments Strictly, chert occurring Cretaceous chalk Granular Metamorphic rock in

See Sandstone See Sandstone See Flint See Sandstone Chalcedonic silica and micro- or crypto-crystalline quartz. Some varieties may contain opaline silica. Highly-strained/ quartz reactive'. Mav be alkali-silicate See Sandstone See Sandstone G lass I or devitrified glass. Highly-strained' and/or microcrystalline quartz. Phyllosilicates ' Highly-strained/ See Sandstone Highly-strained? quartz and/or high-energy quartzite grain boundaries Glass I or devitrified glass. Tridymite. Cristobalite. Opaline or chalcedonic veination or vugh- fullings Highly-strained quartz. Some types of rock cement, notably opaline silica, chalcedonic silica, and micro-crystalline or crypto-crystalline quartz. Phyllosilicates' quartz

Granulite Grevwacke

Detrital Sedimentary rock containing poorly sorted rock fragments and mineral grains Sandstone with coarse, angular grains Fine-grained, thermally metamorphosed rock Discrete mineral grains very common in fine aggregates (i) Sedimentary (ii) Metamorphic or ortho-quartzite or rneta-quartzite

Gritsrone Hornfels

Quartz Quartzite


Fine-grained to glassy acid volcanic rock


Detrital sedimentary rock. The grains are most commonly quartz, but fragments or grains of almost any type of rock or mineral are possible.

Notes on Table: 1. 2. Rocks containing more than S7r (by volume) glass, partially devitrified glass or devitrified glass should be classified as potentially alkali-reactive. If the average undulatory extinction angle obtained from at least 20 separate quartz grains (measured in thin section under a petrological microscope) is more than 25 degrees the quartz should be classified as 'highlystrained'. Rocks containing more than 307. highly-strained quartz should be classified as potentially alkalireactive. Phyllosilicates are sheet silicate minerals, including the chlorite, vermiculite, mica and clay mineral groups. \X'ithin the UK a few cases of possible alkali silicate reaction have been reported in coarse aggregates containing greywacke and related rocks. The matrix in such rocks is verv finely divided and consists of phyllosilicatcs, quartz and other minerals.




British Standards (Published by British Standards Institution)
BS 12 BS 146 BS 812 Specification tor ordinary AMD 4259, May 1983. and rapid-hardening Portland cement. 1978.

Specification for Porrland-blastfurnace cement. Part 2: 1973. Metric units. Al\1O 2615, June 1978. AMD 4419, March 1984. ,\ lethods for sampling and testing c " nineral aggregates, sands and fillers. Part 1: 1974. Sampling, size, shape and classification. AMD 2069, August 1976. A.\1O 4572, July 1984. Part 2: 1975. Physical properties. AMD 4615, August 1984. Part 4: 1976. Chemical properties. AMD 4295, June 1983. A\\D 4617, August 1984. Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete. cement products. 1983 1975. 1983. Pigments for Portland Specification Presentation cement and Portland cement.

BS 882 BS 1014 BS 1047 BS 1370 BS 1957 BS 3148 BS 3681 BS 3797

Specification for air-cooled blasrfurnace for low heat Portland of numerical values. 1953.

slag aggregate for use in construction. 1979. AMD 4416, March 1984.

Methods of tests for water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability of the water). 1980. Methods for the sampling and testing of lightweight Part 2: 1973 (1983). Metric units. aggregates for concrete.

Specification for lightweight aggregates for concrete. Part 2: 1976. Metric units. AMD 3518, January 1981. Pulverised fuel ash. Part 1: 1982. Specification for pulverized-fuel in structural concrete. Specification for sulphate-resisting March 1984. Low heat Portland-blastfurnace Part 2: 1974. Metric units. Portland cement.

BS 3892

ash for use as a cementitious cement. 1980. AMD 4418,


BS 4027 BS 4246 BS 4550

Methods of testing cement. Part 2: 1970. Chemical tests. MiD Pan 000.

4260, May 1983. M1D 4373, September 1983.

BS 5075

Concrete admixtures. Pan 1: 1982. Specification for accelerating admixtures retarding admixtures admixtures. AMD 4183, February 1983. Pan 2: 1982. Specification for air-entrained admixtures. Pan 3: 1982. Specification for superplasticizing admixtures. Methods for specifying concrete, including ready-mixed AMD 4862, 1985. Building and Civil Pan 6: Section Section Section Specification Specification Engineering terms. 6.1: Binders. 1984 6.3: Aggregates. 1984 6.4: Admixtures. 1986 pulverized-fuel ash cement. 1985. blastfurnace concrete.

ang water-reducing

BS 5328 BS 6100


BS 6588 BS 6699 BS 8110

for Ponland

for ground granulated

slag for use with Portland


Structural use of concrete. Pan 1: 1985. Code of practice for design and construction.

Concrete Society Technical Repon 29, 'Changes in Portland Cement properties and
their effect on concrete'.


American Society for Testing and Materials. Tc:t for potential alkali reactivity of cement-aggregate combinations (Mortar-bar method). 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia. Part 14, pp.153-158, C227-81. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard test method for potential reactivity of aggregates (Chemical method). 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Philadelphia. Part 14, pp.198-205, C289-81. Department of Transport. Specification tor Highway Works Part 5 and Notes for Guidance, HJ\1S0 1986.


(a) 1. 2. 3. 4. Bibliography BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. Alkali aggregate reactions in concrete. Garston 1982. 8 pp. Digest 258. CEMBUREAU. Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity in concrete. A state of the art report, Paris, 1977, 155 pp. CEMBUREAU. Alkali-Aggregate (Alkali-Silica and Alkali-Silicate) Reactivity in Concrete. Bibliography, Paris, 1977, 88 pp. ICELANDIC BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE. (2nd International) Symposium on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Preventative Measures. Reykjavik, Iceland, 1975, 270 pp. CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of a (3rd International) Symposium: The Effect of Alkalis on the Properties of Concrete. (Editor: A Poole.) London, 1976,374 pp. PURDUE UNIVERSITY. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on the Effects of Alkalis in Cement and Concrete. Publication CE-MAT-I-78, School of Civil Engineering. Purdue, USA, 1978, 376 pp. NATIONAL BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE C.S.I.R Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete. Cape Town, South Africa, 1981. DANISH CONCRETE ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Alkalis in Concrete, Research and Practice. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1983. 532 pp. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction. Ottawa, Canada, 1986. (To be published.) INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AND INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Standing Committee on Structural Safety. 6th Report, London, 1985. 20 pp. Other Committees concerned with ASR Building Research Establishment Forum on ASR Cement and Concrete Association Working Party on the diagnosis of ASR The Institution of Structural Engineers ad hoc Committee. Engineering Appraisal of Structures with ASR The Institution of Structural Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers. Standing Committee on Structural Safety.










No Term Definition


D2 D3 1)4

Binder Hvdraulic binder

.\ latcrial used Ior the purpose of holding solid particles together Binder that acts and hardens by chemical interaction doing so under water. Active hydraulic binder based on ground Portland

in a coherent


with water and is capable of

Portland cement (pc) Ground granulated blast-furnace slag ~~hls Pulverised-fuel iptJ ash

cement clinker. blastfurnace slag.

Fine powder resulting from drying and grinding granulated

D.:' 1)6 1)7

Solid material extracted by electro-static and mechanical furnaces fired with pulverized bituminous coal. Portland cement complying with the requirements cement. Portland cement complying with the requirements

means from flue gases of Portland

Ordinarv Portland Cement (opc) Sulphate resisting Portland cement (srpc) Cementitious material Composite cement Combination

of BS 12 for ordinary ofBS 4027.



binder. ofBS 146, BS 4246 or BS 6588

Cement complying with the requirements containing ope and either ggbfs or pfa.

Mixture of pc and either ggbfs or pfa where such mixing takes place with other ingredients in a concrete mixer. Sodium oxide (Na~O) or Potassium Na~O oxide (K~O)

ALKALI Dll D12 DB D14 Alkali Sodium oxide equivalent Acid soluble alkali content Water soluble alkali content Reactive alkali content of concrete of pc of composite cement of either ggbfs or

+ 0.658


Determination in accordance with BS 4550: Part 2: 1970, Clause 16.2, using nitric acid expressed as percent sodium oxide equivalent. Determination in accordance with Clause 16.11 of this document.

REACTIVE D15 D16 D17 Dl8 Dl9 D20 D21

ALKALI CONTENT That part of the alkali expressed as sodium oxide equivalent contribute to the alkali silica reaction. which is considered to

The sum of the reactive alkalis contributed to concrete by the cementitious material, aggregates, admixtures and water. The acid soluble alkali content (See DB). The acid soluble alkali content of the pc component (See DB) soluble alkali content of either the ggbfs or the pfa (See DI4). The water soluble alkali content (See DI4). The sodium oxide equivalent (See D12) of the admixture. Throughout this document this refers only to alkalis arising from sodium chloride and whose determination is in accordance with Clause 18.2. ALKALI CONTENT The average of the last 2S deterrninations carried out on daily samples prepared accordance with the requirements of Clause 3.5.1 of BSI Quality Assessment Schedule 2420/47 Issue 3 and is considered to be the reactive alkali content of the pc. The value of acid soluble alkali (DI3) which the cement manufacturers not he exceeded without prior notice in plus the water

of an admixture of aggregates AVERAGE


Acid soluble of pc


Acid soluble of pc which shall not be exceeded

declare will


D24 of composite cement Certified maximum acid soluble alkali content of pc Target mean Factory made cement The reactive alkali content of the composite cement.


The value of acid soluble alkali content which shall not be exceeded for any cement delivery. The mean required by mix design of any constituent of concrete. The actual mass will vary from batch to batch, the values exhibiting a Normal Distribution. A Portland cement or a composite cement (not made on site) which is manufactured to the requirements of a specific British Standard and for which the manufacturer will provide certification of the reactive alkali content.




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