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Name : Karunia Kurotu Aeni

Study Program : Bachelor of Applied Nursing + Profession Nurse

Subject : English
Semester : 7 (Seven)

The task of writing conversations and identifying the use of determiner in conversation
The use of determiner is marked with a yellow highlighter ______
Nurse: Hello, Mr Desai. I need to ask you some questions before you have an angiogram.
Mr Desai: All right. What sort of questions?
Nurse: The questions are for the consent form for X-ray contrast.
Mr Desai: OK.
Nurse: Have you ever had asthma?
Mr Desai: Yes. I've had asthma all my life.
Nurse: OK. Are you allergic to any drugs or food?
Mr Desai: Yes. I'm allergic to penicillin.
Nurse: OK. What about allergies to food, especially seafood?
Mr Desai: Oh, no. I'm not allergic to any food. Seafood? Why is that important?
Nurse: The dye has similarities to seafood proteins.
Mr Desai: That's interesting. But no, I'm not allergic to seafood.
Nurse: Have you ever had an injection of X-ray contrast before?.
Mr Desai: Yes, I have. It was six months ago
Nurse: Did you have a reaction to it?
Mr Desai: Yes, I had a rash afterwards but they gave me some medication and I was fine.
Nurse : OK. Do you have heart disease?
Mr Desai: No, I don't.
Nurse: Do you have kidney disease?
Mr Desai: No, I don't.
Nurse: Are you diabetic?
Mr Desai: Yes, I am.
Nurse: Are you taking any medication for diabetes at the moment?
Mr Desai: Yes, I take tablets for diabetes.
Nurse: All right. I'll make sure the radiologist knows before the angiogram.
Mr Desai: Anything else?
Nurse: No, it's N/A for pregnant or breastfeeding.
Mr Desai: Definitely.
Nurse: I just need you to read the information under the questions here, check and sign it for me.
Mr Desai: Right.

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