COVEC HRT Agreement Vol II Specs

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For the works under Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/2077-78;

Construction of Headrace Tunnel and Associated Structures for Sunkoshi
Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project


Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
December, 2020

A. 1
1 CHAPTER 4B1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................. 2
1.1 ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 2

1.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE W ORKS ................................................................................. 2

1.3 AMBIENT CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................... 3

1.4 DRAWINGS ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Bidding Drawings...................................................................................................................... 3

1.4.2 Additional Drawings .................................................................................................................. 3

1.4.3 Construction/Workshop Drawings and Calculations to be furnished by the Contractor .......... 4

1.4.4 Right to Change Design and Drawings .................................................................................... 5

1.4.5 Measurement and Payment for Drawings ................................................................................ 5

1.5 SETTING-OUT AND SURVEY OF THE W ORKS ...................................................................... 5

1.6 LAYOUTS AND SCHEDULES ............................................................................................... 6

1.7 SMOOTH OPERATION OF EXISTING VILLAGE ROAD ............................................................. 6

1.8 TEMPORARY W ORKS ....................................................................................................... 7

1.9 NOTICE OF OPERATIONS .................................................................................................. 7

1.10 SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS ............................................................................................... 7

1.11 NATURAL MATERIALS ....................................................................................................... 7

1.12 DISRUPTION OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES ............................................................................... 7

1.13 CLAUSES NOT APPLICABLE .............................................................................................. 8

ROADS ........................................................................................................................... 8


1.15 8

1.16 GENERAL ITEMS / ENGINEER'S REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 8

1.17 ASSISTANCE TO ENGINEER’S STAFF.................................................................................. 9


1.18 STANDARDS AND SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................ 9

1.19 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME ........................................................................................ 10

1.20 REPORTS, MEETINGS AND DATA OF THE W ORKS ............................................................. 12

1.20.1 Monthly Report .......................................................................................................................12

1.20.2 Statement of Construction Record .........................................................................................13

1.20.3 As-Built Drawings and Reports of Tunnelling Work ...............................................................13

1.20.4 Site/Work Meetings ................................................................................................................14

1.20.5 Photographs/Movies ...............................................................................................................14

1.20.6 Communication.......................................................................................................................14

1.20.7 Audits by the Engineer ...........................................................................................................14

1.20.8 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................15

1.21 PROTECTION OF REAL ESTATE ....................................................................................... 15

1.22 SAFETY MEASURES AND PUBLIC CONVENIENCE .............................................................. 15

1.23 EXISTING CABLES, PIPE-LINES AND W ORKS .................................................................... 17

1.23.1 Drawings .................................................................................................................................17

1.23.2 Information and Instructions ...................................................................................................18

1.23.3 Precautions .............................................................................................................................18

1.23.4 Interference with Existing Works ............................................................................................18

1.24 TEMPORARY FENCING.................................................................................................... 18

1.25 NOTICE BOARD.............................................................................................................. 19

1.26 CLEAN UP THE SITE ....................................................................................................... 19

1.27 CONTRACTOR’S TEMPORARY FACILITIES ......................................................................... 19

1.27.1 Contractor’s Offices, Workshops, Quarters, etc. ....................................................................19

1.27.2 Laboratory and Laboratory Equipment ...................................................................................20

1.27.3 Sanitation ................................................................................................................................23

1.27.4 Medical Arrangements and First Aid Facilities .......................................................................23

1.27.5 Recreation ..............................................................................................................................24

1.27.6 Fire Protection ........................................................................................................................24


1.27.7 Electricity and Lighting ...........................................................................................................24

1.27.8 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................24

1.28 CONTRACTOR’S TRANSPORT .......................................................................................... 25

1.29 CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD................................. 25

1.30 DISPOSAL AND CARE OF GROUND/SURFACE W ATER ....................................................... 26

1.30.1 Dewatering Foundations ........................................................................................................26

1.30.2 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................26

1.31 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TO BE FIT FOR PURPOSE ........................................................ 26

1.32 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION W ORKS ........................................................................... 26

1.32.1 Borrow/Quarry Sites ...............................................................................................................27

1.32.2 Provision and Maintenance of Camps, Offices, Stores, Equipment Yards and Workshops ..28

1.32.3 Crushing Plants ......................................................................................................................28

1.32.4 Hazardous Materials...............................................................................................................28

1.32.5 Air Pollution ............................................................................................................................29

1.32.6 Reinstatement of Environment ...............................................................................................29

1.32.7 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................29

1.32.8 Existing Settlements and Burial Grounds ...............................................................................29

1.33 INSURANCES ................................................................................................................. 29

1.32.9 Insurance of Works and Contractor's Plant and Equipment ..................................................30

1.32.10 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property ..............................................30

1.32.11 Insurance for Contractors, Consultants and Employers Personnel .......................................30

1.32.12 Measurement and Payment: ..................................................................................................30

1.34 TRAFFIC ........................................................................................................................ 30

1.34.1 Traffic Safety and Control .......................................................................................................30

1.34.2 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................31

1.35 TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS FOR TRAFFIC .......................................................................... 31

1.35.1 Provisions of Diversions .........................................................................................................31

1.35.2 Survey beacons and Monuments ...........................................................................................31


1.35.3 Access to Properties...............................................................................................................31

1.35.4 Temporary Works ...................................................................................................................31

1.35.5 Public Services .......................................................................................................................31

1.35.6 Width of Diversions.................................................................................................................32

1.35.7 Temporary Drainage Works ...................................................................................................32

1.35.8 Earthworks for Diversion ........................................................................................................32

1.35.9 Maintenance of Diversions .....................................................................................................32

1.35.10 Removal of Diversions ...........................................................................................................32

1.35.11 Measurement and payment ....................................................................................................32

1.36 MAINTENANCE OF ROAD ................................................................................................ 32

1.37 PROVISIONAL SUM ......................................................................................................... 33


1.39 CONSTRUCTION POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................... 34

1.40 DRAINAGE ..................................................................................................................... 44

2.1 CUTTING, GRUBBING, CLEARING AND REMOVAL OF TREE................................................... 2

2.1.1 Cutting, Clearing and Grubbing ................................................................................................ 2

2.1.2 Removal of Tree ....................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ............................................................................................ 3

2.2 ACCESS ROAD AND RIVER TRAINING W ORKS .................................................................... 3

2.2.1 Permanent Access Road .......................................................................................................... 3 Pipe Culvert ................................................................................................................................ 4 Forming of Embankment and Other Areas of Fill ....................................................................... 4 Granular Sub-base ..................................................................................................................... 6 Measurement and Payment ..................................................................................................... 9

2.2.2 River Training Works ................................................................................................................ 9 Gabion and Reno Mattress ...................................................................................................... 9 Geotextile for Filtration, Drainage and Separation .................................................................10 Geocell for Slope Protection ...................................................................................................13

TABLE OF CONTENTS Masonary Works for Structures ..............................................................................................15 Turfing with Sods ....................................................................................................................17 Concrete Works ......................................................................................................................18 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................18

1 CHAPTER 4B3: EARTHWORKS ................................................. 2

3.1 GENERAL EXCAVATION .................................................................................................... 2

3.2 CONSTRUCTION OF TBM ENTRY PLATFORM, TBM ENTRY PORTAL ..................................... 2

3.2.1 Method ...................................................................................................................................... 3

3.2.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3

3.2.3 Supports ................................................................................................................................... 4

3.3 CONSTRUCTION OF STARTER TUNNEL .............................................................................. 5

3.3.1 Method ...................................................................................................................................... 5

3.3.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.3.3 Supports ................................................................................................................................... 6

3.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENTS ....................................................................................... 7

3.5 CONSTRUCTION OF TBM EXIT PLATFORM ......................................................................... 7

3.5.1 Method ...................................................................................................................................... 8

3.5.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 8

3.5.3 Supports ................................................................................................................................... 8

3.5.4 Measurement and Payment: .................................................................................................... 9


3.6.1 Excavation in Ordinary Condition using TBM ........................................................................... 9

3.6.2 Excavation in Extraordinary Condition using TBM .................................................................12 Geothermal Condition.......................................................................................................................13 Squeezing Condition ........................................................................................................................13


3.8 HAULAGE AND DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS/MUCK ............................................ 15

1 CHAPTER 4B4: TUNNEL BORING MACHINE .............................. 2

4.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 2

4.2 GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION AND TESTS ............................................................................ 2

4.3 TUNNEL BORING MACHINE: PROPOSAL BY THE CONTRACTOR ............................................ 3

4.4 THE TBM AND BACKUP .................................................................................................... 5

4.5 MUCKING AND BACK-UP SYSTEM ...................................................................................... 6

4.6 OTHER EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 6

4.6.1 Fire Suppression System and Prevention ................................................................................ 6

4.6.2 Special Fire Prevention Measures ........................................................................................... 6

4.6.3 Monitoring System using Sensors ............................................................................................ 7

4.6.4 Cutter Repair and Rebuild Facility ............................................................................................ 7

4.7 TBM OPERATION PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 7

4.8 MAINTENANCE OF TBM .................................................................................................... 8

4.9 TUNNEL EXCAVATION TOLERANCES .................................................................................. 8

4.10 DISASSEMBLY AND REMOVAL OF TBM .............................................................................. 9

4.11 MANUFACTURER'S ROLE .................................................................................................. 9

4.12 SUBMITTALS .................................................................................................................. 10

4.13 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ....................................................................................... 10

5.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 2

5.2 DRILLING ......................................................................................................................... 2

5.2.1 Drilling of Probe hole, pre excavation grouting, chemical grouting, drainage pipe, forepole
and/or umbrella pipe roofing ..................................................................................................... 3


5.3.1 Installation of Fore-poles and or umbrella pipe roofing ............................................................ 4

5.3.2 Installation of Drainage Pipe .................................................................................................... 5

5.4 GROUTING ...................................................................................................................... 6

5.4.1 Grouting Equipment.................................................................................................................. 7

5.4.2 Grout Mixes .............................................................................................................................. 7

5.4.3 Pre-excavation Cement Grouting ............................................................................................. 8

5.4.4 Grouting for Probe Hole and Drainage pipe ............................................................................. 9


5.4.5 Chemical Grouting .................................................................................................................... 9

5.5 WATER PRESSURE TESTING........................................................................................... 10


5.6.1 Probe Drilling ..........................................................................................................................10

5.6.2 Horizontal Seismic Profiling (HSP) of Tunnel Alignment ........................................................10

5.6.3 Ground Penetrating Radar Survey .........................................................................................11

5.6.4 Core Drilling and In-situ tests .................................................................................................13

E. CHAPTER 4B6: TUNNEL LINING WORKS ................................... 2

6.1 GENERAL FOR THE CONCRETE W ORKS ............................................................................. 2

6.1.1 Drawings, Calculations and Method Statements ..................................................................... 2

6.1 MATERIALS...................................................................................................................... 2

6.1.1 Cement ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Quality and Type ............................................................................................................................... 2 Tests on Cement ............................................................................................................................... 3 Delivery and Storage of Cement ....................................................................................................... 3 Cement Measured by Weight ............................................................................................................ 4 Rejection of Cement .......................................................................................................................... 4

6.1.2 Aggregates ............................................................................................................................... 4 Supply and Classification .................................................................................................................. 4 Quality ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Testing............................................................................................................................................... 7 Washing and Screening .................................................................................................................... 8 Storage .............................................................................................................................................. 8

6.1.3 Water ........................................................................................................................................ 8

6.1.4 Chemicals in Concrete ............................................................................................................. 9

6.1.5 Admixtures ................................................................................................................................ 9

6.2 CONCRETE PROPERTIES/TESTS AND PLACING /COMPACTION ........................................... 11

6.2.1 Concrete Properties and Tests ...............................................................................................11 Classes and Grades of Concrete......................................................................................................11

TABLE OF CONTENTS Maximum Sizes of Aggregate to be used .........................................................................................11 Compressive Strength Compliance ..................................................................................................11 Water Cement Ratio .........................................................................................................................13 Workability ........................................................................................................................................13 Mix Design ........................................................................................................................................14 Cube Test of Works ..........................................................................................................................15 Frequency of Tests ...........................................................................................................................15 Supplementary Tests........................................................................................................................16 Water and Slump Tests ................................................................................................................16 Weight Batching and Mixing .........................................................................................................17

6.2.2 Transporting, Placing and Compacting of Concrete ..............................................................18 Transporting and Placing ..................................................................................................................18 Depositing in Works..........................................................................................................................19 Compaction of Concrete ...................................................................................................................20 Curing of Concrete ...........................................................................................................................20

6.2.3 Measurement and Payment of Concrete ...............................................................................21

6.3 REINFORCEMENT STEEL ................................................................................................ 21

6.3.1 Material and Tests ..................................................................................................................21

6.3.2 Storage of Steel Reinforcement .............................................................................................22

6.3.3 Preparation of Reinforcement Drawings ................................................................................22

6.3.4 Bending of Steel Reinforcement .............................................................................................22

6.3.5 Placing Reinforcement Steel ..................................................................................................23

6.3.6 Splicing of Reinforcement Steel .............................................................................................23

6.3.7 Cover to Reinforcement Steel ................................................................................................24

6.3.8 Reinforcement Cages for Segments ......................................................................................24 Reinforcement Tolerances ...............................................................................................................25

6.3.9 Measurement and Payment of Reinforcement Steel .............................................................25

6.4 PRECAST CONCRETE SEGMENT LINING ........................................................................... 26

6.4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................26 Standards and Codes of Practice .....................................................................................................26


6.4.2 Precast Concrete Segment Lining..........................................................................................26 Design, Drawing of Precast Concrete Segment and Method Statement ..........................................26

6.4.3 Demonstration of Casting and Stacking of Precast Segment ................................................28

6.4.4 Identification of Segments ......................................................................................................30

6.4.5 Transport & Erection of Precast segment ..............................................................................30

6.4.6 Damage and Repair of Segments ..........................................................................................31

6.4.7 Check and Acceptance of Segment Lining ............................................................................32

6.5 BOLTS, DOWELS AND GUIDING RODS .............................................................................. 32

6.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ........................................................................................ 33

6.7 BACKFILLING WITH PEA GRAVEL AND GROUTING ............................................................. 33

6.7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................33

6.7.2 Pea Gravel Backfilling and Grouting Material ........................................................................34

6.7.3 Pea Gravel Backfilling ............................................................................................................34

6.7.4 Grouting of Annular Space .....................................................................................................35

6.7.5 Grouting Equipment................................................................................................................37

6.7.6 Measurement and Payment ...................................................................................................37

6.8 INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 37

F. CHAPTER 4B7: ENGINEER’S REQUIREMENTS........................ 39

7.1 PERMANENT BUILDINGS ................................................................................................. 39

7.2 PREFABRICATED HOUSES .............................................................................................. 41

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-1



Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-2


1.1 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this specification:

Km kilometer lin linear
m meter cu. cubic
mm millimeter sq. square
Ha hectare g gram
m , sq.m square meter t tonne
mm2 square millimeter l liter
m cubic metre ml milliliter
No number s second
% per cent min minute
C degree Centigrade NS Nepal Standard
Kg kilogram BS British Standard
N Newton IS Indian Standard
KN Kilonewton CP British Code of Practice
ISO International Standard ASTM American Society
Organization for Testing and Materials
US $ Currency of USA NRs Nepalese Currency
VM Vehicle Month MW Megawatt
GWH Gigawatt Hour TBM Tunnel Boring Machine

1.2 Brief Description of the Works

Sunkoshi Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project (SMDMP) is an Inter Basin Water Transfer project
with multiple aim to irrigate about 122,000 Ha agricultural land in Bara, Rautahat, Sarlahi, Mahottari
and Dhanusha districts of Nepal by diverting 67 m3/s of water from Sunkoshi river to Marin river and
thereby also to generate about 250 GWH hydroelectric energy annually from a powerhouse at the
bank of Marin river with installed capacity of 28.62 MW.

Overall project work is conceptualized into two main components namely, Diversion and Irrigation
Component. Diversion component further comprises four sub-components in terms of infrastructures
to be constructed: the Headworks, Surge Shaft, Powerhouse, Hydromechanical works and
associated structures, Electromechanical Works and associated structures and Headrace Tunnel
(HRT) and associated structures..

SMDMP has been mandated to implement the Diversion Component. The subcomponents as
mentioned above have been planned to be implemented in phases. Construction of the HRT is
planned to be initiated at first which will be followed by the Headworks and Powerhouse components
subsequently or in parallel depending on the progress of HRT construction.

For the given geology and topographical situation of the tunnel alignment, mechanized tunnelling
using a Double Shield Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) and lined with precast concrete segments is
found to be the appropriate method of construction.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-3

Construction of HRT and all associated works is grouped into a single Contract and has been named
as Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78; Construction of Headrace Tunnel and
Associated Structures for Sunkoshi Marin Diversion Multipurpose Project.

Main construction works under the contract are:

● Thirteen point three (13.3) Km long Headrace Tunnel with segmental lining using Double Shield
● Pea Gravel Grouting of the annular space between the segmental lining and the ground;
● River Training Works Along Marin River (Right Bank-600 m, Left Bank-1400 m);
● Highway Diversion Road for Madan Bhandari Highway (832 m);
● TBM Platform (Staging Area), TBM Inlet Portal, Starter Tunnel and TBM Exit Platform;
● Temporary Access Roads (1847 m);
● Construction of Permanent Office Buildings, Engineers and Contractors Camp, Contractors
● Construction of Segment Production Plant, Labours Camp, Laboratory and,
● Construction of Power Supply Arrangement for Construction and Residential Use at All

1.3 Ambient Conditions

The annual climatic cycle consists of the dry season from November to May, the wet season being
the remaining months of the year. Shade temperature will normally vary between 50 C in winter to
above 400 C in summer. Average annual rainfall is around 1550 mm, most of which falls as intense
rain during the wet season. Humidity in monsoon is as high as 80 - 100 %.

1.4 Drawings

1.4.1 Bidding Drawings

The drawings provided in Part II - Section 4C of the Bidding Document (hereinafter referred to as
“Bidding Drawings”) form part of the Contract. It shows the general features of the works and related
structures. The Contractor shall prepare construction and/or shop drawings as stipulated in Sub-
Clause 1.4.3 of these Specifications.

1.4.2 Additional Drawings

In addition to the Bidding Drawings, Additional Drawings may be delivered to the Contractor prior to
the commencement of the works in accordance with Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme] of the Conditions
of Contract. Such drawings shall thereupon become part of the Contract.

Also, during the progress of the work, Additional Drawings will be issued by the Engineer prior to
commencement of the works and as necessity arises to supplement and/or supersede the Bidding
Drawings, and such Additional Drawings shall thereupon become part of the Contract.

The Contractor shall be governed by figures and dimensions as given on the drawings. Where
required dimensions are not shown, the Contractor shall obtain such dimensions from the Engineer

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-4

before proceeding with the construction of the portion of the works to which they refer. In every case,
detailed drawings shall take precedence of general drawings.

The Contractor shall scrutinise the drawings and additional drawings issued from time to time to the
Contractor. If any ambiguity, discrepancy or mistake is found in the drawings, the same shall be
referred to the Engineer before proceeding with the works, and the Engineer’s decision on resolving
such ambiguity, discrepancy or mistake shall be final, conclusive and binding.

1.4.3 Construction/Workshop Drawings and Calculations to be furnished by the Contractor

The Bidding Drawings and the Additional Drawings delivered by the Engineer may not always be
detailed enough for performance of the works. They will show many works only in typical forms
supplemented by tables of dimensions. The Contractor shall prepare detailed
Construction/Workshop Drawings of the individual works (hereinafter referred to as
“Construction/Workshop Drawings”) based on the Bidding Drawings and the Additional Drawings for
all sections of the work to be executed under the Contract. These drawings shall be sufficiently
detailed to show:

a. The general arrangement and dimensions of all the parts and the size of each and every
part of the works to be executed under the Contract;
b. The nature of the materials from which various parts are to be made and,
c. Details of all construction.

The drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be clear and complete. The recommendable scales
of the drawings are 1:1,000, 1:100, 1:50, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5, 1:2 or 1:1 depending upon the type of
drawing and/or details which have to be drawn. Drawings shall be of standard sizes as required by
the Engineer. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall also submit calculations to the
Engineer for his approval.

The Contractor shall submit these drawings in four (4) copies along with an electronic copy to the
Engineer for approval unless otherwise specified.

Fabrication, manufacture or construction of any part of the works shall not commence until the
drawings have been approved in writing by the Engineer, and thereafter no change shall be made
to any drawings so approved without permission of the Engineer. Subsequent changes shall be
reported by sending another set of four (4) or specified number of copies of each revised drawing
along with an electronic copy to the Engineer for approval. The approval of Contractor’s drawings
by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from any of his liabilities or responsibilities under the

The Engineer shall check or review the drawings submitted by the Contractor and shall return them
with comments or approval within forty two (42) days for the design and drawings prepared by the
Contractor and twenty eight (28) days for the Construction/ Workshop Drawings from the date of
submission by the Contractor. If re-submission of the drawings is required by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall re-submit them after necessary modifications and corrections until the approval of
the Engineer is obtained. In the event of disagreement with alteration, the Contractor shall send a
written notice to the Engineer within seven (7) days after receiving the altered drawing(s).

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-5

Regarding TBM Entry Platform, Starter Tunnel, TBM Exit Platform, Permanent Buildings, Segmental
Lining, the Contractor shall carry out detailed engineering design, structural analysis, prepare
design, drawings using relevant softwares wherever and whenever necessary, and detailed
construction method statement of the components as stipulated in Sub-Clause 7.8.2 [Precast
Concrete Segment Lining for Tunnel] respective clauses of the these Specifications and submit for
review and subsequent approval by the Engineer. The Engineer shall review the design, drawings
and method statement and instruct the Contractor for resubmission or approve them within forty two
(42) days. After approval of the design, drawings and method statement, the Contractor shall prepare
the Construction/Workshop Drawings as needed for the performance of the works and submit for
the approval of the Engineer. The reinforcement drawings prepared shall include such bar placing
drawings, bar-bending drawings, bar list and any other reinforcement drawings as may be required
to facilitate fabrication and placement of reinforcement bars.

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare drawings for all Temporary
works to be constructed or supplied and installed by the Contractor or his Sub-Contractor.

After approval of the drawings, four paper copies and one electronic copy of each set of the approved
drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer.

1.4.4 Right to Change Design and Drawings

When additional information regarding geological conditions become available as a result of

geotechnical investigation, probe drilling or any other investigations or tests, and if found desirable
to make changes in the alignment, cross-sections, dimensions or design to conform to such
conditions, the Engineer reserves the right to make the necessary or desirable changes.

1.4.5 Measurement and Payment for Drawings

Cost of all design and drawings including structural analyses and design of TBM Entry Platform,
Starter Tunnel, TBM Tunnel General Design, TBM Exit Platform, Temporary and Permanent
Building, Segmental Lining, reinforcement drawings, preparation of all Construction/Workshop
Drawings etc., prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract, except for “As-Built” Drawings, is deemed to be included in the unit cost
of respective work items. No separate payment shall be made for the same.

1.5 Setting-Out and Survey of the Works

The Contractor shall re-survey the Traverse Points and Bench Marks and confirm the co-ordinates
and levels of the Stations before using them for setting out the Works. The Contractor shall also re-
check and verify elevation and coordinates of traverse stations supplied by the Employer and use it
as reference to carry out the survey of the required area for the setting out and other works as
required. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies and shall agree
with the Engineer any amended values to be used in the Contract, including replacement of any
Stations missing from the original location.

The Contractor shall employ well-qualified and experienced surveyors for the execution of survey
and setting-out works. The instruments to be used shall be of a make and type suitable for the
intended works and shall be subject to Engineer’s approval.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-6

The Contractor shall be responsible for the setting-out of centre-lines, longitudinal and cross sections
and positions of the tunnel, TBM platform/staging area and access road in accordance with the
approved drawings, and any other setting-out work necessary for the execution of the Works. The
difference in double-levelling as executed for the levelling of the temporary benchmarks shall not
exceed five (5) mm times the square root of the length of the circuit in km. Ground levels shall be
taken jointly by the Contractor and Engineer's representative both prior to commencing and after
completion of the Works.

The Contractor shall level and draw the following for the TBM platform/staging area, Access Road
and other Works in a suitable scale:
- layout plan with details;
- longitudinal section and,
- cross-sections at suitable interval.

The formation level of the road shall be taken as reference while cross-sections shall cover at least
the width as necessary for the Works to be constructed, including earthworks and slope protection.

All field-books, detailed benchmarks drawings, calculations, maps, etc. of the survey activities shall
be handed over to the Engineer, immediately after the completion of the survey. All field data, derived
from the survey activities, entered in the field-books that are handed over to the Engineer, shall also
be entered into EXCEL spreadsheet or a compatible spreadsheet and the benchmarks drawings
shall be drawn in Autocad or similar software in a format approved by the Engineer. The data shall
be submitted as an electronic copy as well as in hard copy.

Cost of carrying out setting-out and survey is deemed to be included in the unit rate of the work
items. No separate measurement and payment shall be made to the Contractor for the works carried
out under this Sub-Clause.

1.6 Layouts and Schedules

The locations, levels and dimensions as shown on the Drawings or given in the design data or
structure schedules are subject to amendment. The Contractor will be required to undertake review
of the maps and drawing for confirmation of alignment of the tunnel and all associated works. Details
of any such amendment or confirmation of the original design will be provided by the Engineer during
the course of construction.

1.7 Smooth Operation of Existing Village Road

The contractor is responsible for upgrading existing village roads and other access roads to make it
fit for the purpose of contractor use wherever and whenever necessary. The Contractor shall make
arrangements for smooth operation of the link road in the portion within the project area and other
village roads used for various purposes by the contractor so that flow of traffic along such roads is
least interfered. Priority shall be given to passage of Madan Bhandari Highway and village road
traffic and safety measures including warning signal and notifications if any shall be suitably placed.
All the cost of upgrading, maintenance and making it fit for the purpose of these roads is deemed
to be included in the unit rates quoted by Contractors in respective items.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-7

1.8 Temporary Works

Not less than fourteen (14) days before commencing any portion of the Works, the Contractor, if
ordered, shall submit to the Engineer for his approval complete drawings of all Temporary Works the
Contractor may require for the construction of that part of the Work. Notwithstanding approval by the
Engineer of any design for the Temporary Works the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for their
efficiency, security and maintenance and for all obligations and risks in regard to such temporary
Works which are specified or implied in the Contract.

Except where specific items are provided in the Bill of Quantities, the cost of all Temporary Works
of every description, including dewatering, temporary diversions, stream (Kholsa) crossings, drains,
canals, roads, and all services shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's unit rates and no
separate payment shall be made.

1.9 Notice of Operations

The Contractor shall give full and complete written notice of all important operations and activities,
including setting out of Madan Bhandari Highway Realignment Road, Batching Yard and Village
Access Roads, TBM Access Road, TBM platform, design and final manufacturing order of TBM and
other accessories, conveyor belt, formworks/moulds for segments, interim progress of TBM
manufacturing at the factory on bi-monthly basis, TBM and accessories dispatch and arrival to the
port and at the Nepalese custom, transportation to the site etc to the Engineer sufficiently in advance
to enable the Engineer to make such arrangements as the Engineer may consider necessary for
inspection and for any other purpose. The Contractor shall not start any important operation without
the written approval of the Engineer.

1.10 Suppliers of Materials

Before ordering a material for any description intended for the Permanent Works, the Contractor
shall submit for the approval of the Engineer the name of the maker or supplier proposed and details
of the place of origin and specification (including test results) of the material and its compliance with
the technical specification. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer
for his retention a copy of any such order placed.

1.11 Natural Materials

The Contractor shall make all arrangements for locating, selecting and processing natural materials
to comply with the Specification and shall submit to the Engineer for approval full information
regarding the proposed location well in advance of commencement of working of the materials.
Approval of a source does not imply that all material in that source is approved.

1.12 Disruption of Local Communities

The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to avoid nuisance and disruption to local
communities. In particular the Contractor shall ensure no damage is done to crops, pasture or
woodland in the area outside of the area for which the Engineer's approval for land clearance has
been given, that all irrigation supplies, roads, drainage, drinking water systems to such areas are
maintained and that the Contractor's operations do not cause flooding or pollution hazards. The

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-8

Contractor shall make necessary arrangements to minimize dust pollution due to movement of
Contractor's vehicles on the village road and other roads.

1.13 Clauses Not Applicable

Any Clause in the Specification which relates to work or materials not required by the Bill of
Quantities or subsequently ordered in accordance with Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments] of
the Conditions of Contract shall be deemed not to apply.

1.14 Delay and Increased Costs Due to Floods, Wash-out of Roads or Impassable

Notwithstanding Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion] of the Conditions of Contract no
extension of time or increase in the Contract Rates shall be granted to the Contractor if he is delayed
or impeded in the completion of the Works or involved in additional costs by flood, high river water
levels, wash-out of roads, blockage by landslide or impassable roads.

1.15 Supply of Fuels, Construction Materials and Consumables

The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and ensuring that adequate supplies of fuel,
lubricants construction materials and consumables and other petroleum products are available at all
times to meet his requirements for all the purposes of or in connection with the Contract. The
Contractor's particular attention is drawn to these requirements as from time to time shortages and
interruptions in the supply of fuel oils, etc. occur in Nepal due to various reasons such as strikes and
disturbances by various agencies including political parties. The Contractor shall make
arrangements for fuel reserve and all required construction materials, consumables to cover
requirements for at least fifteen (15) days. The Contractor shall provide information on those
reserves on a weekly basis. TBM consumables-1 month, fuel 7 days

1.16 General Items / Engineer's Requirements

All costs including Contractor’s margin, overhead, taxes etc, incurred by the Contractor to design,
provide, construct, supply, fabricate, erect, install prefabricated houses and permanent houses
including heating system (heaters, Geysers etc.) and cooling system (Fans, Coolers and Air
conditioners etc.) for the office and accommodation purposes in accordance with the specifications
mentioned elsewhere, shall be deemed to be included in the rates/price quoted in the Bill of
Quantities of the respective items. All prefabricated houses shall be ready for occupation by the
Engineer/Employer within six months after receiving the instruction whereas the permanent houses
shall be ready for use within one and half year from the date of commencement of work mentioned
in the letter issued as per Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Work] of the Conditions of Contract.

The site office and other construction facilities shall be constructed as directed by the Engineer to
the full satisfaction of the Engineer on land provided by the Employer. The site office shall consist of
at least two badminton courts and two table tennis courts to be played as indoor sport activities within
the premises of Consultants and Employers Camp. The Contractor shall, before commencing the
erection of the buildings and housing, submit the Design and Construction/Workshop Drawings
showing plans, construction principles, materials and a proposal for the arrangement of the major
laboratory equipment and shall carry out the works as per the approved proposal. Materials and

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-9

workmanship shall be to the best recognized standards for buildings and housing. All vehicles,
materials, equipment and furniture shall be new and unused when initially put in place.

The facilities and contents, equipment, furniture except those items provided by the Contractor for
the proper maintenance of the facilities, will become the property of the Sunkoshi Marin Diversion
Multipurpose Project unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents.

1.17 Assistance to Engineer’s Staff

The Contractor shall provide access to the information related to construction works, Tunnel Boring
Machine operation and accessories, consumables including diesel consumption etc, at all time to
the Engineer, his staff and Employer . The Contractor shall render all necessary assistance to the
Engineer’s staff and shall provide and maintain sufficient number of equipment and tools and all
other requisites for checking the Contractor’s setting-out and the measurement of the Works.

The Contractor shall provide such full time or part time surveyors as may be required. The cost of
all labourers, surveyors, survey equipment and tools, and materials required by the Engineer, his
staff and Consultants for checking the setting-out and the measurement of the Works shall be
covered by the Contractor’s expense and no separate payment shall be made thereof.

1.18 Standards and Supplemental Specifications

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all workmanship, materials, and equipment shall comply
with the relevant American, British, German, Nepal and Indian Standard or Code of Practice current
on the date fixed for receipt of bids. A copy of each relevant Codes shall be supplied by the
Contractor within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of commencement of work.

Whenever in these documents references are made to particular reference standards or

abbreviations thereof, their meaning shall be as listed below and copies of such standards shall be
obtained at the Contractor’s expense from the particular organisation at the address given:

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Suite

341 National Press Building, Washington D.C., 2004, USA

ACI American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 4754 Redford Station, Detroit, MI
48219, USA
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY
10017, USA

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St, Philadelphia, PA
19103, USA

AWS American Welding Society, Inc. 2501 N.W. 7th St., Miami, FL 33125, USA

AWWA American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver,
Colorado 80235, USA

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-10

BSI British Standards Institution

101 Pantonville Road, London NI 9ND, England

ISO International Organisation for Standardisation

1 Rue Devaremble, Geneva, Switzerland

IS Bureau of Indian Standards

Manak Bhavan, New Delhi

NS Nepal Standard
Nepal Beaureau of Standards and Metrology

SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council, 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213,

U.S. Fed. Spec. United States Federal Specifications

Sales (3FRI) Building 197, Washington,
Navy Yard General Services Administration
Washington, D.C. 20407, USA

USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20.402, U.

Wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the
materials, plant, and other supplies to be furnished and work performed or tested, the provisions of
the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless
otherwise expressly stated in the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate
to a particular country or region, other authoritative standards which ensure a substantially equal or
higher performance than the standards and codes specified will be accepted subject to the
Engineer’s prior review and written approval. Differences between the standards specified and the
proposed alternative standards must be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to
the Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the Engineer’s approval.
In the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure substantially
equal performance, the Contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the documents.

No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this Sub-Clause.

1.19 Construction Programme

Within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of commencement of works, the Contractor shall submit
to the Engineer for approval a complete and practicable Construction Programme showing the
orderly performance of the Works as per Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme] of the Conditions of Contract.
The Construction Programme shall show in detail from the date of commencement to completion,
the proposed method of operations, including purchase, delivery and installation of TBM and
accessories, precast segment production plant and other equipment, plant and materials as well as
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-11

all activities of construction works within the Contract. It shall also show human resources allocated
for each part of the works.
The programme shall be in the form of a PERT diagram and Gantt charts capable of being monitored
and updated continuously during the progress of the Contract. The Construction Programme shall
show in a bar chart each major item of the Works and the Temporary Works on separate horizontal
lines, sequence of operation and the period required for the completion of each activity to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. The Programme shall be prepared using TILOS , Primavera or
equivalent software and submitted for approval of the Engineer. The Construction Programme shall
when approved by the Engineer become a part of the Contract and shall act as a baseline program
for updating, revision and comparison of schedules thereafter.

In amplification of the requirements as per Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme] of the Conditions of

Contract, the Construction Programme shall include ,at least but not limited to, the following:

a. a statement giving the numbers and categories of supervisory and technical staff and
skilled/unskilled labour to be employed on the Works. The statement shall necessarily
include human resource conforming to personnel requirements as stipulated as per
Section 3B of Bidding Document;
b. method statement for survey, design, layout and construction of access road and
TBM platform/staging area;
c. a statement on manufacture, transportation to site, erection and operation
arrangement of TBM and accessories, muck cart and or conveyor belt, precast
segment production plant and all other ancillary facilities;
d. method statement containing all aspects of production of precast segment including
design, manufacturing schedule, stacking and transport arrangement etc;
e. statement for excavation method including shift arrangement and human resources,
maintenance schedule of the TBM and measures for mucking and disposal of the
excavated materials;
f. method for segmental lining with TBM, pea gravel backfilling, grouting and protection
g. method to carry out ground engineering works including measures to handle
extraordinary conditions;
h. method statement on ventilation, exhaling of smoke, dust control and the safety
protection measures against radioelement and harmful gases;
i. statement on water supply to the TBM and dewatering facilities, water supply required
for other works;
j. generation and supply of electricity for works and camps, illumination/lighting facilities
for all works within the Contract including camp and roads;

k. real time cctv coverage and display, telecommunication and alarming system facilities

l. schedule of arrangement of human resource to be used with provision to preferably
use locally available human resource;
m. a list of equipment and vehicles (with type and details) which the Contractor proposes
to employ on the Works stating whether they are to be acquired from inside or outside
Nepal, including programmed dates for order and delivery;

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-12

n. a list, detailing the purchase and delivery of materials and plant from both inside and
outside Nepal and;
o. a statement and outline layout giving the proposals for location or locations and sizes
of construction camps, accommodation, offices, workshops and stores at the site for
both Contractor, Engineer and Employer.

The Construction Programme shall be reviewed and revised if necessary at intervals of not more
than six (6) months and shall be included in the same Approved Schedule (Baseline Schedule). The
Construction Programme and the revised Construction Programme shall include a schedule of
anticipated monthly earnings, S curve during the construction period. The Contractor shall
immediately apprise the Engineer of any changes required in the Construction Programme in writing
and such changes shall be subject to approval of the Engineer before its execution. The Contractor
shall submit the revised programme within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the instruction from
the Engineer.

A soft copy of the Construction Programme prepared as above shall be submitted, besides three
sets of hard copies. No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this

1.20 Reports, Meetings and Data of the Works

1.20.1 Monthly Report

The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer at regular monthly interval and in a form and number of
copies determined by the Engineer, with the following:

a. Physical progress of preceding month and estimated progress for the report month;
b. Earned Value till the completed month and update of S curve;
c. Completion schedules (target and actual) based on the approved Construction
Programme as provided in Sub-Clause 8.3 [Programme] of the Conditions of
d. Estimated expenditures for the report month;
e. Details of items against which an advance payment was made by the Employer as
per Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works Including TBM] of
the Conditions of Contract;
f. A tabulation of construction equipment, listing the major items and pieces of
equipment which were utilised for performance of the Works during the preceding
g. A tabulation of employees, showing the supervisory staff and the numbers of several
classes of human resource employed by the Contractor in the preceding month;
h. Cases of physical injury, accidents and treatments;
i. Purchase and expenditure report covering the plant and materials used for the Works
j. Any report which may be specifically requested by the Engineer.
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-13

No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this Sub-Clause.

1.20.2 Statement of Construction Record

The contractor shall prepare and submit a time wise construction record statement of activities
carried out during every shift. Following information and any additional information as instructed by
the Engineer during construction shall be included in the record statement:

a. Position/location of workforce at start and end of each shift and deviation, if any
from the design;
b. Operation time of TBM, number of the push stroke, the advancement and quantity

of excavation;
c. Operating Thrust, RPM and Torque of TBM, Average boring speed (per hour);
d. Breakdown and maintenance time of TBM;
e. Record of change of cutters;
f. Quantity and Identity of precast segment/segment ring, position, time taken for
g. Quantity of pea gravel backfilling, quantity of grout, pressure applied, program for
the grouting and the material consumed;
h. Quantity/type of manpower and equipment used;
i. Record of probe drilling;
j. Record of all geological conditions encountered during excavation (type of rock,
degree of weathering, strength and stability etc.) and extra ordinary conditions if any
such as geothermal condition, squeezing condition, rock slabbing/bursting/spalling,
high water ingress condition, fault zone etc;
k. All ground engineering works carried out such as pre-grouting, forepoling, umbrella
pipe roofing, drainage works and;
l. Details and quantity of ground improvement works carried out etc.

Each shift report shall be counter signed by the Engineer or his representative. No separate payment
shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this Sub-Clause.

1.20.3 As-Built Drawings and Reports of Tunnelling Work

The Contractor shall submit As Built Drawings along with following documents for review and
acceptance by the Engineer:

a. As built Drawings of the tunnel excavation;

b. As built drawings of segment installation;

c. As built drawings of permanent as well as temporary roads, river training works,

permanent and pre-fabricated buildings; Entry and Exit Platform, Starter Tunnel,
construction power supply drawings, segment yard and other facilities of the

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-14

d. Chainage wise engineering geological, geotechnical information along with

hydrogeology of surrounding rocks of the tunnel line;

e. As built Drawings of pea gravel backfilling and grouting;

f. Test results for every item of grouting works;

g. Record of remedying of defects carried out;

h. Record of quality assurance plan executed and,

i. Any other document/records as instructed by the Engineer.

All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes, etc, incurred by the Contractor to provide
and submit As-Built Drawings shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price for item C-8 of
the Bill of Quantities.

1.20.4 Site/Work Meetings

The Contractor shall attend all the Site/Work Meetings called by the Engineer wherever and
whenever necessary. No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with this

1.20.5 Photographs/Movies
The Contractor shall make all arrangements to provide photographs in albums (but not pasted) and
movies, showing/capturing the work progress regularly and shall promptly supply one digital copies,
of such portions of the works in progress and/or completed as may be directed by the Engineer. The
photograph/movie shall contain the date and title of the view taken. The digital copy of the
photographs/movies shall be property of the Employer and no prints from those digital copies shall
be supplied to any persons without the approval of the Engineer.

1.20.6 Communication
The Contractor shall install necessary communication systems for real time telecast using cctv of
the ongoing major activities including working of cutter head, segmental erection and installation etc
to the monitors installed outside the tunnel at least in two locations. These locations shall be at the
Employers office and Engineers office. Besides, the Contractor shall set up telephones for
establishing communications between Engineers, Employers and their representatives. In addition
to that, the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements to establish effective communication
between the Engineer, Employer and their representative working inside and outside of the tunnel.

1.20.7 Audits by the Engineer

The Contractor shall note that the Engineer shall be entitled at its discretion to conduct audits with
respect to:
a. Costs incurred in the event of termination;
b. Payment made to labours, suppliers and sub-contractors;
c. Any other costs that the Contractor claims from the Employer which are not
specifically covered by the terms of the Contract.

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-15

The Contractor shall be obliged to keep accurate up-to-date accounts with records concerning the
above items.

1.20.8 Measurement and Payment

No separate payment shall be made for preparation of all documents, correspondence, returns and
reports etc., to be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer and/or the Employer in
accordance with the provisions of the Contract, except for provision of photographs and movies.
These photographs and movies shall be the property of the Employer.

All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes, etc, incurred by the Contractor to provide
and submit photographs and movies in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.20.5 shall be deemed to be
included in the lump sum price quoted by Contractor as per Item No. C-9 of the Bill of Quantities.

1.21 Protection of Real Estate

The Contractor shall control the movement of his crews and equipment on right-of-way including
access routes approved by the Engineer so as to minimise damage to crops and property and shall
endeavour to avoid marring the lands. Ruts and scars shall be obliterated and damage to land shall
be corrected and the land shall be restored as neatly as practicable to its original conditions.

The Contractor shall be responsible directly to the Employer for any excessive or unnecessary
damage to crops or lands resulting from the Contractor’s operations whether on lands adjacent to
right-of-way or on approved access roads and deductions shall be made from payment due to
Contractor to cover the amount of such excessive or unnecessary damage as determined by the

No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with the stipulations of this Sub-

1.22 Safety Measures and Public Convenience

The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the works in a safe and sound manner to avoid
risk or danger to all people employed on the Site, whether or not employed by the Contractor, and
the General Public.

The Contractor shall provide all equipment, training and facilities necessary to fulfil any statutory
obligations on matters relating to Health and Safety. He shall be responsible for protection to all
persons and properties at all times. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a
“Safety Manual” with full details of safe construction methods. The Contractor shall comply with the
stipulations of the safe construction methods specified in the “Safety Manual”, to the extent that such
provisions do not conflict with the applicable laws. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures
to protect the work and prevent accidents during the construction. He shall provide and maintain
sufficient night-lights, barricades, guards, temporary sidewalks, temporary bridges, danger signals,
watchmen and necessary alliances and safeguards for proper protection of life and property. He
shall also protect all excavations, equipment and materials so that the public are not endangered.

The Contractor shall conduct his operations so as to give the least possible obstruction and
inconvenience to traffic. Where existing access roads or footpaths are not available for detours,
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-16

traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work with as little delay and inconvenience as possible,
unless otherwise authorised by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also at all times provide convenient access for all entrances to property abutting
the Site and shall maintain them in a clean and tidy position.

The contractor shall take full responsibility for instruction in the recognition and avoidance of hazards
associated with construction activities so need to plan, design and implement appropriate
management of every health and safety items as per the OSHA standard but not limited to the
● Air monitoring and ventilation;
● Illumination;
● Communications;
● Flood control;
● Emergency procedures, including evacuation plans
● Check-in/check-out procedures
● Explosives
● Fire prevention and protection
● Mechanical equipment

The contractor shall supply Proper Protective Equipments (PPE) to all the staffs of the Contractors,
Employer and Engineer based on their work requirement at his own cost and such PPE shall be
replaced from time to time based on their effectiveness of protection during working. The PPE to be
supplied by the Contractor includes, at least but not limited to, the followings:
1. Health and safety management system at each and every workplace;
● 2. Safety officers;
● 3. Medical professional throughout the clock;
● 4. Hard hats with locking system;
● 5. Safety Spectacles/goggles;
● 6. Face shields for welding workers;
● 7. Earplugs/Earmuffs;
● 8. Standard Masks;
● 9. Safety shoes;
● 10. Gloves with gripper;
● 11. Laboratory coats, coveralls, vests, jackets, aprons, and full body suits;
● 12. Reflectors;
● 13. Lighting System/ torches;
● 14. Traffic signals and alarms;
● 15. Ventilation requirements;
● 16. Whistles;
17. Walkie- talkies and rescue system for tunneling workers and any other items required
to maintain occupational health and safety requirements as per Occupational health and
safety guidelines published by the United States, Department of Labor and that of the Labour
Act of Nepal.

Hydrogen Sulphide
When air monitoring indicates the presence of five parts per million (ppm) or more of hydrogen
sulfide, the affected area must be tested at the beginning and midpoint of each shift until the
concentration of hydrogen sulfide has been less than five ppm for three consecutive days.
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-17

Continuous monitoring must be performed when hydrogen sulfide is present above 10 ppm, and
employees must be notified. At concentrations of 20 ppm, an alarm must audibly and visibly signal
to show that additional measures may be required (e.g., respirators, increased ventilation,
evacuation) to maintain proper exposure levels.

Testing must be performed as often as necessary to ensure that the atmosphere at normal
atmospheric pressure contains at least 19.5 percent oxygen but not more than 22 percent.
Training and Education
Training and Education should be provided to all workers, attendants as well as rescue team
members prior to initial work assignment. Retraining will be necessary in case of
•Job duties change
•Change in permit-space program
•New hazards are present
•Job performance indicates deficiencies

Detail Health and Safety Plan

The contractor should prepare detailed health and safety plan considering the above mentioned
parameters as well as utilization of protective wears, underground access rules, safety signs, tags
and signals, early warning system, emergency rescue plan, plan of utilization of proposed equipment
and management system during emergency situations as well implement such plan and submit it to
the Engineer for approval within 28 days of commencement of the works. The contractor shall use
the same approved health and safety plan to maintain the health and safety of the work place.The
Contractor shall appoint a competent health and safety Officer whose duties will be to supervise the
administration of the Contractor’s health and safety facilities and management system. He shall in
particular ensure that safety arrangements are available to all employees associated with the project
and for attendants as well. To monitor whether the working areas environments comply with
approved healthy and safety plan, the Contractor shall employ at least one Safety Officer at each
working site .

All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes all the human resource including safety
officers and health and safety team, cost of PPE, medical practitioner and assistants, cost of first aid
facilities, on call ambulance including air ambulance services etc. in complying with health and safety
requirements shall be deemed to be included in the No. C-5 of the Bill of Quantities. The payment
under the item will be made on instalment basis. Twenty percent (20%) of the cost will be paid
immediately after the commencement of the works whereas the remaining 80 % of the payment will
be made as per actual progress of the work on arithmetical basis. No separate payment shall be
made thereof.

1.23 Existing Cables, Pipe-Lines and Works

1.23.1 Drawings

Drawings with existing power, and pipe-line systems within the Contract area are not enclosed in
the Contract Documents. Arrangements for a meeting with the relevant authorities concerning the
collecting of data of the systems will be made either by the Employer or by the Engineer. The
Contractor and representatives of the relevant authorities shall be present in this meeting. Drawings
and/or relevant information with an indication of cables and/or pipe-lines will be made available to
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-18

the Contractor as far as these cables and/or pipe-lines are directly situated within the Contract area.
The Contractor shall send a written request to the Engineer before the Commencement of Works in
case this meeting is not arranged.

1.23.2 Information and Instructions

Full information and instructions of measures to be taken before and during the execution of the
Works, if there are any cable and/or pipe-line systems within the area, will be submitted by the
Employer or the Engineer in co-operation with the relevant authorities. In this case, the Contractor
shall follow the instructions as given by the Employer or the Engineer.

If necessary, precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to protect the systems during the
execution of the Works.

1.23.3 Precautions

No excavating machines shall be used in the immediate surroundings of cables and/or pipe-lines,
unless approved by the Engineer. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the systems are
accessible in case of emergency.

Temporary Works which have to be made in the surroundings of the system during the execution of
works, shall be maintained by the Contractor and shall be removed as soon as practicable.

1.23.4 Interference with Existing Works

The Contractor shall not interfere in any way with any existing works whether they are the property
of the Employer or of a third party and whether the position of such works is indicated to the
Contractor by the Engineer or not, except where such interference is specifically described as part
of the Works either in the Contract or in the Engineer’s instructions.

The Contractor shall at his own expense provide and erect to the approval of the Engineer such
supports as may be required to protect efficiently all structures or works which may be endangered
by the execution of the Works and he shall remove such supports on completion of the Works or
otherwise take such permanent measures as may be required by the Engineer to protect the
structures or works.

The Contractor is to execute the Works in such a manner that he does not damage or interfere with
existing services which are located in proximity to the Site. The Contractor shall be responsible for
any damage or interference which may be caused to these services due to execution of the Works
and shall carry out all necessary repairs at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.24 Temporary Fencing

If and where required the Contractor shall erect and maintain suitable and approved temporary
fencing to enclose such areas of the works and areas of land occupied by the Contractor within the
Site as may be necessary to implement his obligations under Clause 4 [The Contractor], Clause 6
[Staff and Labour] of the Conditions of Contract. Where temporary fencing has to be erected
alongside a public road, footpath, etc., it shall be of the type required by the concerned authorities
and shall be erected to their satisfaction.
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-19

The Contractor shall fence his camps, office area and other compounds in an approved manner so
as to exclude all wild ,stray animals and general public. The contractor is responsible to manage the
safety of muck disposal sites and borrow areas for aggregates. For this he might use temporary
fencing or Instead of fencing, alternative mechanism to extract and dispose the muck safely shall be

Fences crossed by the Works and forming boundaries of plots outside the area occupied by the
Works shall not be cut through or destroyed for more than the distance necessary to permit the
erection of new fencing etc, and the Contractor shall make the ends of the cut fences reasonably

The Contractor shall regularly inspect all such fencing, and any defects which may occur, shall be
made good without delay. Temporary Fencing shall remain in position until the Works are completed
and the Site cleared of all plant, materials and/or other waste matter.

No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with the provisions of this Sub-

1.25 Notice Board

The Contractor shall erect a notice board of a size of not less than 2 m by 2 m at work site. Content
and material of the notice board shall as approved by the Engineer. The board shall be erected at
suitable place prior to the commencement of the work as instructed by the Enginneer.

The Contractor shall not erect any advertisement signboard on or along the Site without the written
approval of the Employer.

No separate payment shall be made for the provision of the notice board.

1.26 Clean Up the Site

Prior to the issue of Defect Notification Certificate by the Employer the Contractor shall remove from
the Site all plant and equipment, tools, rubbish, concrete forms, boulders, bricks and other materials
not incorporated in the permanent works and shall ensure that the area is restored to its original
state or better.
No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for complying with the provisions of this Sub-

1.27 Contractor’s Temporary Facilities

1.27.1 Contractor’s Offices, Workshops, Quarters, etc.

The Contractor shall be responsible to acquire or rent the land he deems necessary for his camp,
offices, stores, warehouse, motor pool, laboratory, workshops, pre-caste concrete plant, staff
quarters and labour camp etc. The Contractor shall be also responsible for construction,
maintenance, operation and subsequent removal or handing over if the Employer requests, of such
temporary facilities as his office, stores, warehouse, motor pool, laboratory, workshops, pre-cast

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-20

concrete factory, staff quarters and labourer camps including feeding and accommodation. These
facilities shall be equipped with adequate electricity potable water supplies and sanitation facilities..

The Contractor may hand over any or part of the facilities to the local community on their request
with the consent of the Employer.

The Contractor shall submit for approval of the Engineer within fourteen (14) days from the date of
commencement his detailed plan and/or construction drawings of his offices, stores, warehouse,
motor pool, workshops, pre-cast concrete factory, diesel plant, staff quarters and labourer camps
that he proposes to construct or rent, including his proposals for water and power supply and sewage
facilities. All buildings and facilities shall conform to the Employer’s standards.

1.27.2 Laboratory and Laboratory Equipment

The Contractor shall provide within the premises of the Contractor’s office a field laboratory with
such testing equipment and apparatus as are needed for the performance of the tests specified in
the Technical Specifications for construction materials, earthwork, concrete, reinforcement steel,
gravel wearing course, etc. Besides the other testing facilities, the Contractor shall also have a
laboratory specially equipped for studies and tests relevant to drilling and grouting works.
The list of laboratory equipments, at least but not limited to, are as follows:

A. Concrete:

1. Digital and automated compression testing machine with result printing facilities (Maximum Load
≥ 20, 000 kN);

2. Digital and automated flexural testing machine with result printing facilities (Maximum Load ≥
5000 kN);

3. Slump test apparatus all complete (steel plate, tamping rods/bars, cone, trowel and any other
equipment’s necessary to carry out slump test as per BS, IS and/or ASTM standards);

4. Concrete pan/drum type mixers;

5. Different types of molds (cube, cylinder, prism);

6. Compaction factor apparatus;

7. Accelerated curing tank (to simulate steam curing facilities);

8. Concrete flow table;

9. Vibrating table;

10. Concrete penetrometer;

11. Concrete cover meter;

12. Needle vibrators;

13. Schmidt hammer;

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-21

14. Thermal gun (4 Nos.);

15. Digital weighing balance;

16. Crack metre and,

17. Or any other necessary apparatus required for quality control of construction work.

B. For Cement:

1. Cement Sampler;

2. Le Chateliar Flask and molds;

3. High precision digital balance;

4. Shrinkage mold with length comparator;

5. Fineness test apparatus;

6. Bulk density apparatus;

7. Muffle furnace;

8. Automatic Vicat apparatus;

9. Gillmore needle apparatus;

10. Reactivity test apparatus;

11. Marsh funnel viscometer;

12. Cement curing cabinet;

13. Automatic flexural testing machine;

14. Automatic compression testing machine;

15. Vibrating machine for 70 mm cube for cement testing and,

16. Any other cement testing apparatus required for quality control of construction works.

C. For Aggregate:

1. Sample Splitter;

2. Digital Sieve Set with in-built shaking facilities (IS, BS, ASTM standards) including

3. Aggregate crushing value test apparatus;

4. Digital moisture content meter;

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-22

5. Elongation/ flakiness test apparatus;

6. Vernier calipers;

7. Specific gravity and water absorption apparatus;

8. Magnesium sulphate/sodium sulphate water bath;

9. Field Density Testing Apparatus;

10. CBR apparatus;

11. Alkali aggregate reaction water bath and,

12. Any other apparatus required to maintain the quality of construction works.

D. For Steel Reinforcement:

1. Bar cutting machine;

2. Bar bend/re-bending machine;

3. Torsion testing apparatus;

4. Automated Tensile strength testing machine (up to 700 MPa);

5. Hydraulic Computerized UTM Machine (up to 700 MPa strength testing) and,

6. Any other apparatus required to maintain the quality of the construction works.

E. For Rock Samples:

1. Automatic point load testing machine (up to 300 MPa rocks).

The laboratory shall be headed by quality control engineer and supported by experienced laboratory
assistant(s) familiar with the required studies and tests.

The Contractor shall within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of commencement, submit a Quality
Assurance Plan of temporary works to be started immediately after the commencement. Similalrly,
Quality Assurance Plan of all works shall be submitted at least 28 days prior to the commencement
of the works. The plan shall include testing schedules, list of material sources, quality control
procedures and other items as required by the Engineer. The plan shall also indicate testing
equipment and consumables. The Contractor shall implement the quality control procedures in
compliance with the approved Quality Assurance Plan.

The laboratory provided by the Contractor shall be administered and maintained by the Contractor,
including the supply of electric power and water to the laboratory. The Contractor shall also provide
testing equipment and apparatus and furnish all testing staff, labours and consumable necessary for
carrying out the tests.

The Contractor shall when have requested by the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative carry
out any test in the presence of the Engineer or the Engineer’s representative, or shall provide all
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-23

necessary testing engineers, laboratory assistants and labours required to the Engineer free of
charge. The Contractor shall ensure that the Engineer and his staff have unrestricted access to these
facilities free of any charge.

In addition to the usual laboratory equipments, it should be equipped with following equipments for
tests related to grouting:
- A multi-speed laboratory mixer
- A Marsh test cone,
- A mould for pressure testing the above cubes
- Atterberg limit measuring cups

The Contractor shall prepare and test the trial mixes as directed by the Engineer. During the actual
grouting operation the Contractor shall carry out tests on grout mixes at the same time as the
grouting and shall plot values of viscosity, sedimentation limits, compressive strength and maximum
viscosity for the grouting on a diagram. The frequency shall be once at each job site or until
acceptance criteria have been met.

All the costs incurred in operation of his testing shall also be borne by the Contractor.

1.27.3 Sanitation

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for a high standard of sanitation to be
maintained throughout working sites, office and camp areas of Contractor, Engineer and the
Employer. He shall construct and maintain at his own cost a system of surface drainage and waste
disposal which shall be approved by the Engineer before any work commences. Sanitary
conveniences for the use of persons employed in the works shall be provided and maintained by the
Contractor in accordance with the appropriate laws and regulations in force in Nepal to the extent
and in such a manner and at such places as may be approved by the Engineer, and all persons
connected with the works shall be obliged to use them. The Contractor shall make special
arrangements as required for female human resources employed for the Works.

1.27.4 Medical Arrangements and First Aid Facilities

The Contractor shall make arrangements according to the regulations in force in Nepal for treatment
on the site of casualties and sick persons.

The arrangements shall include the minimum provision of a Dispensary with in-patient facilities with
a minimum of eight beds, a qualified resident dresser and assistant, and for regular visits by a
qualified medical practitioner. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for treatment of
casualties on the Site in such first-aid units as may be thought necessary.

In addition to the provisions of Clause 6 [Staff and Labour] of the Conditions of Contract, the
Contractor shall manage and operate appropriate ambulances for the transportation of injured or
sick employees of the Contractor to hospitals in Nepal or India or other places. This facility shall be
available for the Employer’s, Consultant's, Subcontractors’ and Contractor’s personnel and
workmen. Notwithstanding the minimum requirements prescribed above, the Contractor shall be
responsible for the adequacy of all the arrangements made.
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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-24

Cost incurred in complying with the provisions of this Sub-Clause is deemed to be included in the
unit rates of related items. No separate payment shall be made thereof.

1.27.5 Recreation

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for the provision of adequate recreational
facilities for the employees living in the camp. Such facilities shall also be made available for
Engineer's/Employer's staff and their families. He shall submit to the Engineer for his prior approval,
proposals for providing these facilities.

The recreational facilities are to be managed by the Contractor who shall make rules for their use
which are to be approved by the Engineer. Reasonable charges may be made to such staff for the
use of these facilities.

The Contractor shall appoint a competent Welfare Officer whose duties will be to supervise the
administration of the Contractor’s accommodation and recreational facilities. He shall in particular
ensure that recreational arrangements are available to all employees.

1.27.6 Fire Protection

The Contractor shall as approved by the Engineer, construct, equip and administer, at his own cost,
fire control points in such positions and of such size as will provide an adequate service for the
protection against fire of the camp and all building stores and property on the site. He shall install
and maintain a proper warning system to ensure that fire-fighting equipment can be brought into
action without delay.

1.27.7 Electricity and Lighting

The Contractor shall as approved by the Engineer, provide electricity to the Employer's, Engineer's
office and camp from electric lines as necessary to provide electricity from the power grid of Nepal
Electricity Authority to each houses of the Employer's, Engineer's camp. In addition to that, the
Contractor shall a back up system using DG set or other to supply electricity in working areas and
in the camp, office area of the Employer and Engineer at his own cost. Cost of installation of
electricity shall be borne by the Contractor. Cost of all electricity supplied by diesel generator shall
be borne by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall install and maintain at his own cost a system of lighting to provide a reasonable
degree of illumination over the area of the Contractor’s offices and camp. He shall submit details of
his scheme for the approval of the Engineer before any work commences.

1.27.8 Measurement and Payment

All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes, etc, incurred by the Contractor in complying
with requirements of this Sub-Clause 1.27 shall be deemed to be included in the respective lump
sum price for the Contractor’s temporary facilities for Item No. C-2, C-3 and C-6 of the Bill of

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-25

Payment for Contractor’s temporary facilities such as offices, quarters, labour camps, water and
electricity supply system, laboratory and medical facilities shall be made in the fixed percentage of
these works. Seventy per cent (70%) of total lump sum price of these temporary works shall be paid
to the Contractor upon completion of these temporary facilities, 15 % of total lump sum price shall
be paid on annual basis based on the progress of the works and the remaining 15 % shall be paid
after removal of such facilities and restoring the ground back to previous condition.

1.28 Contractor’s Transport

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the transport where necessary of his staff and
workmen to and from the site of the works. Costs incurred for this items is deemed to be covered in
the unit rate of related work item. No separate payment shall be made thereof.

1.29 Construction and Maintenance of Temporary Access Road

The Contractor shall construct and maintain the temporary access roads including temporary access
bridges necessary for construction of the Works and transportation of the materials. The access
roads necessary for the slope stabilization works, aggregate collection, muck disposal to the borrow
pits and for constructing roads shall be constructed by rehabilitating and reinforcing the existing
roads, where available and new if they are not available. The access roads shall be constructed in
such a manner that all the temporary access road and bridge ensure the traffic of heavy equipment
and trucks during the whole construction period. The Contractor shall also pay compensation to the
owner(s) if he constructs the temporary access roads on a privately owned land.

Not less than fourteen (14) days before he intends to start construction of any part of the temporary
access roads, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the detailed construction programme, and
drawings of:

a. the temporary access roads including temporary access bridges; and

b. any other temporary works which he considers necessary for proper execution of the

The Contractor shall not start the construction of any temporary access road until the Engineer’s
approval thereto has been obtained. However, such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any
liability or obligation under the Contract.

The Contractor shall construct the temporary access roads and bridges in accordance with the
approved drawings and construction programme and shall maintain and repair such roads so as to
assure traffic of heavy equipment and trucks throughout the construction period of the works, giving
a special attention to watering to the access road(s), unless otherwise specified or directed by the
Engineer. On completion of the works, he shall remove such access road and bridge from the site
as directed by the Engineer.

The public and village roads may also be used as temporary access road. The Contractor shall
maintain and repair them including regular watering of the road surface to control dust to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-26

The Contractor shall facilitate the use of such roads for other contractors of the Project and public in
a friendly co-operative manner without maintenance of the roads required by them.

All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes, etc, incurred by the Contractor in complying
with requirements of this Sub-Clause shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price of Item
No. C-7 of Bill of Quantities for construction and maintenance of temporary access road. Payment
for these items shall be made on pro-rata basis depending upon the progress of the works.

1.30 Disposal and Care of Ground/Surface Water

1.30.1 Dewatering Foundations

The Contractor shall keep all foundation excavation for the road structures, TBM Entry and Exit
Platform, etc. clear of water during construction. The Contractor’s method of removal of water from
foundation excavation shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Where excavation for
foundations extends below the water table, the portion below the water table shall be dewatered in
advance of excavation. The dewatering shall be accomplished by the manner that will maintain the
stability of the excavated slopes and bottom of the excavation, and will enable all construction
operations in the dry condition. The Contractor shall also be required to control seepage along the
bottom of the excavation within the extent of the structures which may require supplemental
dewatering system or pipe drains leading to sumps from where the water will be pumped out. Review
by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the adequacy of dewatering
system to achieve the specified result. Adequate drainage shall be provided to lower the water table
if so necessary.

The Contractor shall have sufficient number of different pumps, i.e., self-priming centrifugal pumps,
submersible pumps, and a few complete sets of well points with compatible pumps. Certain large
structures may be required to be dewatered by a well point system.

1.30.2 Measurement and Payment

No separate payment shall be made for the works carried out by the Contractor under Sub-Clause

1.31 Materials and Supplies To be Fit for Purpose

All materials, Plant and other supplies to be incorporated in the Works shall be in good working
condition preferably current or current models, and incorporate all recent improvements in design
and materials unless provided otherwise in the contract.

1.32 Environmental Protection Works

The Environment is defined to mean the surrounding area including human and natural resources
to be affected by execution and completion of Works.

The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course of the
construction of the Works. He shall abide by all prevailing laws, rules and regulations governing
pollution and environmental protection. In particular, the Contractor shall fully comply with the

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-27

environmental protection mitigation measures specified in the related Environmental Impact

Assessment Guidelines of the Government of Nepal and or as instructed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall prohibit employees from unauthorised use of explosives, poaching wildlife and
cutting trees. The Contractor shall be responsible for the action of his employees. The environmental
protection works designed and implemented by the Contractor shall, at the minimum, comply with
the Environmental Protection Act (2019) and Environmental Protection Rules (2020) of the
Government of Nepal. For this, the Contractor shall be fully aware of the provisions of
aforementioned rules before designing the environmental protection works.

Environmental protection works, among others, shall include in the following Sub-Clauses.

1.32.1 Borrow/Quarry Sites

The Engineer shall have the power to disallow the method of construction and/or the use of any
borrow/quarry area if in his opinion the stability and safety of the Works or any adjacent structure is
endangered, or there is undue interference with the natural or artificial drainage, or the method or
use of the area will promote undue erosion.

All areas susceptible to erosion shall be protected as soon as possible either by temporary or
permanent drainage works. All necessary measures shall be taken to prevent concentration of
surface water and to avoid erosion and scouring of slopes and other areas. Any newly formed
channels, borrow pits shall be backfilled.

Borrows/quarries shall be located away from the population centres, drinking water intakes and
drainage systems. The cutting of trees shall be minimised. Temporary ditches and/or settling basins
shall be dug to prevent erosion. The undesirable ponding of water shall be prevented through
temporary drains discharging to natural drainage channels.

Earthwork operations shall be strictly limited to the areas to be occupied by the permanent Works
and; approved borrow areas and quarries unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Due provision
shall be made for temporary drainage. Erosion and/or instability and/or sediment deposition arising
from earthwork operations not in accordance with the Specifications shall be made good

The Contractor shall obtain the permission of the Engineer before opening up any borrows or
quarries. Such borrow pits and quarries may be prohibited or restricted in dimensions and depth by
the Engineer where:
b. they might affect the stability or safety of the Works or adjacent property;
c. they might interfere with natural or artificial drainage or irrigation and,
d. they may be environmentally unsuitable.

At least 14 days before he intends to commence opening up any approved borrow pit or quarry, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his intended method of working and restoration. These shall
include but not be limited to, the followings:

a. the location; design and method of construction of any access track;

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-28

b. the volume and nature of materials to be removed;

c. the sequence and method of excavation of materials;
d. measures for controlling runoff and sediment from the site during operations;
e. proposals for site restoration including approximate finished levels, drainage, erosion
and sediment control, slope stabilization and re-vegetation, including reinstatement
of any access track.

Operation of borrow pit or borrow area shall not be permitted until the method of working for that
particular pit or area has been approved by the Engineer in writing. Restoration shall be to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.32.2 Provision and Maintenance of Camps, Offices, Stores, Equipment Yards and

Various works defined under this item are related to provision and maintenance of camps for labour
and employees, Contractor’s site offices, stores equipment yards and workshops, etc. These camps
shall be adequate, rainproof, spacious, airy and hygienic with proper lighting, ventilation and
materials storage facilities. The area shall be kept neat and clean.

Space allocated for storage of materials such as cement, reinforcement, gabion wire, reinforcing
wire etc. shall in general be damp-free, rainproof and away from petroleum products storage.

Written information must be given to and approval be taken from the Engineer regarding proper
establishment and maintenance of such camps. Failure in compliance with Engineer’s instruction in
respect of overall standard will lead to reduction or withholding of payment.

1.32.3 Crushing Plants

Crushing plants shall be located away from the population centres, water intakes and sensitive echo
system establishments. Suitable dust control devices shall be fitted to the crusher to control emission
of dust from the plant.

1.32.4 Hazardous Materials

The Contractor shall not store hazardous materials near water surfaces. The Contractor shall provide
protective clothing or appliances when it is necessary to use some hazardous substances.

High concentration of airborne dust resulting in deposition and damage to crops and water resources
shall be avoided. The Contractor shall take every precaution to control excessive noise resulting in
disruption to wildlife and human population.

The Contractor shall plan his works in such a way that there is no spillage of water polluting agents
of the contractors operations, petroleum products to the surface or subsurface water. In the case
that the used water mixed with pollutants is mixed in the freshwater body, the contractor shall make
necessary arrangements to segregate and settle the pollutants before such water joins the fresh
water body. And the Contractor shall be fully responsible for all the consequences of water pollution
brought by his operations in the construction site.

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-29

1.32.5 Air Pollution

The contractor shall follow necessary measures, like spraying water, using low dust technology or
use dust condensation techniques, to avoid/ minimize air pollution including dispersion of dust in to
air, to the possible extent wherever it may be from dust inside the tunnel, access roads, temporary
access roads used for mucking and aggregate transportation, crusher plant etc. And he shall be fully
responsible for all the consequences of air pollution brought by his operations in the construction

1.32.6 Reinstatement of Environment

The Contractor shall arrange and execute works as well as related activities in such a way that
environmental conditions are reinstated. He may be required to carry out filling, removal and disposal
works along with planting of grass and trees at his own costs at identified locations to reinstate the
environment as directed by the Engineer.

1.32.7 Measurement and Payment

No separate payment shall be made for the cost incurred by the Contractor for complying with the
stipulations of this Sub-Clause. All costs including Contractor's margin, overhead, taxes, etc, in
connection with this Sub-Clause shall be considered to be included in other items of the works
included in the Bill of Quantities.

1.32.8 Existing Settlements and Burial Grounds

The Contractor shall carry out the Works so that interference with existing settlements shall be kept
to a minimum. The Employer will arrange for the evacuation of settlements in the way of the
Permanent Works, and the Contractor shall be responsible for the clearance of any debris etc.
remaining after the evacuation.

The Contractor shall not interfere in any way with existing burial grounds, graves, and the like.The
Contractor shall give 56 days’ notice in writing to the Engineer of his intention to carry out any work
requiring the evacuation of settlements or the removal of graves etc.

Should it be suspected that human remains are discovered during the course of excavation Works,
they shall be left undisturbed and the Contractor shall immediately report the matter to the Engineer’s
Representative and request his instructions.
1.33 Insurances

The lump sum price quoted in contract shall be paid upon submission of copy of the insurance
policy in case of fulfilling the requirements as stipulated in Sub-Clause 18.2 [Insurance of Works and
Contractor's Equipment] of the Conditions of Contract and for fulfilling the obligations under Sub-
Clause 18.3 [Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property] and Sub-Clause 18.4
[Insurance for Contractor's Personnel] of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be paid the
lump sum amount as mentioned in the following Sub-Clauses 1.33.1, 1.33.2 and 1.33.3.

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-30

1.32.9 Insurance of Works and Contractor's Plant and Equipment

In order to fulfil his obligations under Sub-Clause 18.2 [Insurance of Works and Contractor's
Equipment] of the Conditions of Contract, as practicable as possible, the Contractor shall, before
issuance of Letter of Acceptance, submit his proposal along with the policies as per the requirement
of the contract to the Engineer for approval. and shall carry out all the insurance works as per the
agreed policy. The sum insurance value shall not be less than 115% of the contract value and the
duration shall not be less than contract completion period i.e. 75 months from the commencement
date. It shall cover all the cost full reinstatement cost including the costs of demolition, removal of
debris and professional fees and profit and shall cover the risks of Contractor as well as Employer
as per Sub-Clause 17.3 [Employers Risks]. The deductibles in normal risk shall be not more than
two million Nepalese rupees and in-case of Act of God it shall not be more than three million
Nepalese rupees or 10% of insured sum whichever is less. Once the insurance policy has been
approved, the Contractor shall pay the corresponding premiums as per the terms of payment of the
insurance policy and submit the copy of the insurance policy to the Engineer.

1.32.10 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property

The contractor shall be responsible to insure for his obligations under Sub-Clause 18.3 [Insurance
against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property] of Conditions of Contract. The minimum sum
insured for Injury to Person shall be ten million Nepalese rupees whereas that for Damage to
Property shall be twenty million Nepalese rupees.

1.32.11 Insurance for Contractors, Consultants and Employers Personnel

The contractor shall carry out the insurance for Contractor, Consultant, Employers personnel and
other working peoples on the site and shall fulfill his obligations under Sub-Clause 18.4 [Insurance
for Contractor's Personnel] of the Conditions of Contract.

1.32.12 Measurement and Payment:

The payment for insurance services shall be made from the lump sum price quoted by the Contractor
in Item No.: C-1 of Bill of Quantities. The 70 percent of quoted amount shall be paid to the contractor
in the first Interim Payment Certificate and remaining 30 % of the quoted amount shall be paid on an
annual basis depending on the progress of the overall works. Any other costs incurred to the
Contractor, for insurance purposes, including extension of contract period due to default of the
contractor, shall be deemed to be included in the lump sum price quoted by contractor in Item No.:
C-1 of Bill of Quantities and no additional payment shall be made thereof.

1.34 Traffic

1.34.1 Traffic Safety and Control

The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, flags,
lights and flagmen as may be required for the information and protection of traffic approaching to or
passing through the section of the road under improvement and/or diversions. Barricades, traffic
signs and warning boards shall be provided as per the Traffic Signs Manual (Latest Publication)

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-31

published by the Traffic Engineering and Safety Unit of the Design Branch of the Department of

The barricades erected on either side of the carriageway/portion of the carriageway close to
movement of traffic, shall be of strong design to resist violation, and be painted as per the said Traffic
Sign Manual. On both sides, suitable regulatory and/or warning signs shall be installed for the
guidance of the road users. On each approach, at least two signs shall be put. The location of these
signs shall be in accordance with the Code of Practice published by the Traffic Engineering and
Safety Unit of the Design Branch of the Department of Roads.

In some locations steel drums may also be placed. These drums shall be white-washed, blasted
with sand and provided with retro retro-reflective tape strips, red on the left hand side facing on
coming traffic and white on the right hand side as appropriate. The minimum size of these tapes
shall be zero point zero one (0.01) sq.m. The drums shall be maintained in a clean and effective
condition and no stones or any other warning device shall be placed on top of the drums.

1.34.2 Measurement and Payment

Unless otherwise provided in the contract, no separate measurement and/or payment shall be made
for all materials and works required under this Clause. All costs including Contractor's margin,
overhead, taxes, etc, in connection with the work specified herein shall be considered to be included
with other related items of the work in the Bill of Quantities.

1.35 Temporary Diversions for Traffic

1.35.1 Provisions of Diversions

Where some portions of the existing road cannot be used by through traffic, diversions as may be
required to deviate traffic from such portions shall be constructed.

1.35.2 Survey beacons and Monuments

Diversions shall be constructed so as not to damage or displace trigonometrical survey beacons and
road monuments. In exceptional cases where this is not possible, arrangements shall be made to
have survey beacons suitably referenced before they are displaced and relocated after the
completion of the work.

1.35.3 Access to Properties

Access to properties which work is being carried out shall be provided in the manner as existed
before the start of the work.

1.35.4 Temporary Works

If diversions are provided they shall include the construction of temporary gates, grid gates, fences,
drainage works, and other incidentals considered necessary.

1.35.5 Public Services

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-32

Arrangements shall be made for the continuity of all public services such as power lines, telephone
lines, water mains, sewerage, drainage, etc., if the existing services are likely to be affected.

1.35.6 Width of Diversions

The usable width for accommodation of two-way traffic shall not be less than six (6) m. Where
diversions consist of two separate one-way lane the minimum usable width of each lane shall not be
less than three point five (3.5) m.

1.35.7 Temporary Drainage Works

All necessary temporary drainage works required for proper surface run-off, such as side drains,
catch water drains, temporary cross-drainage structures, etc. shall be constructed.

1.35.8 Earthworks for Diversion

Diversions shall be shaped and graded making full use of all material that can be obtained from side
cut or from the immediate vicinity within the road reserve. If sufficient material cannot be obtained
in this manner, material shall be imported from other sources. Where the sub-grade is not sufficiently
compacted in its natural condition, it shall be compacted as specified in Chapter 4B3 prior to the
commencement of the earthworks.

All fill material shall be compacted to a density of at least ninety percentage (90%) of maximum dry
density (Heavy Compaction).

1.35.9 Maintenance of Diversions

All diversions shall be maintained in a safe and smooth trafficable condition. Whenever required the
diversions shall be bladed by means of graders to provide a smooth riding surface free of
corrugations. All potholes shall be promptly repaired. Diversion shall be watered to keep down dust
from traffic and in order to facilitate the proper blading of the surface. All drainage works shall be
maintained in good working order and kept unblocked.

1.35.10 Removal of Diversions

When traffic is routed permanently onto the new road following the completion of construction, the
diversions which are no longer required shall be removed and the ground reinstated to its original

1.35.11 Measurement and payment

Unless otherwise provided in the contract, no separate measurement and/or payment shall be made
for all materials and works required under this Clause. All including Contractor's margin, overhead,
taxes, etc, costs in connection with the work specified herein shall be considered to be included with
other related items of the work in the Bill of Quantities.

1.36 Maintenance of Road

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-33

The Contractor shall be responsible for undertaking all routine maintenance of the existing public
roads and all bridges on the roads from the day the road is officially handed-over to the Contractor
until the issue of Defects Notification Certificate by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also carry out
all routine maintenance of the completed works from the time of their substantial completion until the
Defects Notification Certificate is issued.

The Contractor shall also maintain roads that he uses for construction or access and the use of such
roads shall be identified in advance to the Engineer for inspection prior to use.

The routine maintenance of the road shall include besides other, trimming vegetation, cleaning all
culverts, ditches, borrow pits, road side drainage, drainage channels and any other obstructions
cleaning road signs and checking and undertaking the repair of guardrails and other road safety
structures cleaning including removal of obstructions on bridge decks and bridge deck drainage
elements, checking and cleaning of expansion joints and bearings, cleaning bearing shelves and
weep holes, removing accumulated debris and vegetation around and between piers and abutments,
repairing parapets, clearance on the road to allow free flow of traffic and reinstatement of any
damaged or deteriorated carriageway, and protection of adjoining works. In case of road Section
where the surface is in badly damaged condition, the maintenance of existing road surface shall be
maintained by potholes patching using gravel, re-profiling and re-grading as instructed by Engineer.
The surface shall be maintained to ensure longitudinal and transverse profile. All the damages to
the road carriageway and shoulder shall be repaired with the material of equal or higher standard
than the original surfacing. The Contractor shall sprinkle the un-metalled road surfaces with water to
minimize the dust pollution to the local communities and people working and living in the project

The Contractor shall perform the maintenance works as often as required to keep the carriageway,
shoulders, and adjoining structures in proper working order to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

During the period of commencement of works the Contractor shall mobilize labour and equipment to
make an immediate start on the maintenance of the existing road. The location and scope of the
maintenance work shall be as directed by the Engineer.

All the cost of the maintenance of road is deemed to be included in the unit rate quoted by contractor
for respective road in Item No.: A 4.1, A 4.2 and A 4.3 of Bill of Quantities. In-case, the contractor
requires materials for maintenance of road, it will be managed by the Engineer separately. And no
additional cost for maintenance of any road shall be paid thereof.

1.37 Provisional Sum

Provisional sum of Nepalese Rupees Five Hundred Fifty million has been allocated in Item No. A-9
of the Bill of Quantities. Such sum shall be used in handling the emergency situation or any other
situation not covered by the Bill of Quantities related to the tunnelling works. Such as measures to
handle the situation of TBM stuck that may occur during the construction of the tunnel, hiring of
experts, materials, equipment necessary to maintain the quality of construction works etc., or for any
works/items the Engineer considers to be necessary for the successful completion of the works
under the Contract. However, if the TBM stuck is consequence of Contractors faulty operation or
Contractor not following or deferring the Engineers instructions regarding actions to be taken to
ascertain the geotechnical condition ahead of excavation or any action during operation of
equipment and construction of tunnel the provision under this sub clause shall not apply. The
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-34

procedure to carry out the works from the provisional sum and costs of such works shall be as per
the Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments] of the Conditions of the Contract.

1.38 Specifications for the Items included as part of main work Item

The Contractor shall carry out the construction of items, such as shotcrete, rock bolts, drains,
geotextile, bioengineering works etc for slope stabilization and gabion works that may used for the
river protection and for retaining wall, stone masonry, RCC for TBM Entry and Exit platform, road
structures etc., which may be included as a part of main works item of the Bill of Quantities as per
the Standard norms and specification of such items. The Contractor shall submit the general
specifications of such items along with the drawings and other proposals as required for the particular
Works as per respective specification of the works. No separate measurement and payment shall
be made thereof.

1.39 Construction Power Supply

The Contractor shall be responsible to supply construction as well as residential and official power
requirements for all activities related to the Contract including power required for erection and
operation of TBM, segment production plant, batching and screening plant, operation of laboratory,
for lighting of both Consultants, Contractors and Employer's camp and offices etc.

The contractor shall manage the construction power supply to powerhouse area via existing Sindhuli
Kapilakot 33kV transmission line with construction of Loop In – Loop Out (LILO) Substation and
supply system as shown in single line diagram of construction power scheme and drawings of
construction power supply scheme. Whereby, stand by diesel generator units shall supply power to
the construction works in case the 33kV power supply from NEA fails. In order to provide reliable
power to the load requirements, diesel generator units shall be installed. The four DGs shall be
installed near the camp area, batching plant area and curing plant area for local supply. And a
separate DG shall be installed for backup supply to TBM. Under normal operating conditions, the
supply from NEA Line shall be used and the associated Diesel Generators shall be used during
outage of supply from NEA Line. There should be a 33kV supply to the camp area, batching plant
area and curing plant area either using overhead line or via cables. Contractor shall adopt Numeric
IDMT over current/earth fault (OC/EF) relays with instantaneous feature for protection of 33 kV
transmission line and 33/20 kV transformer shall be provided with overcurrent protection. The
specifications of the equipment’s of the substation and supply system shall be as follows:

Table 1: Technical Specifications of 33/20kV, 6/8MVA Transformer

S.N. Description Unit Remarks

1 Type Oil immersed

2 Location Outdoor

3 Rated output VA 6/8

4 Voltage ratio kV 33/20

5 Rated frequency Hz 50

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-35

6 Impulse withstand voltages for HV:

7 Power frequency kV 70

8 Lightning kV 170

9 Impulse withstand voltages for LV:

1 Power frequency kV 125


1 Lightning kV 50

1 Impedance voltage % 8

1 Vector group Dyn5


1 Type of HV termination Cable


1 Type of LV termination Cable


1 Type of cooling ONAN/ONAF


i. 33/0.4kV, 800kVA Transformer

Table 2: Technical Specifications of 33/0.4kV, 800kVA Transformer

S.N. Description Unit Remarks

1 Type Oil immersed

2 Location Outdoor

3 Rated output kV 800


4 Voltage ratio kV 33/0.400

5 Rated frequency Hz 50

6 Impulse withstand voltages

for HV:

7 Power frequency kV 70

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-36

8 Lightning kV 170

9 Impulse withstand voltages

for LV:

10 Power frequency kV 3

11 Impedance voltage % 4

12 Vector group Dyn5

13 Type of HV termination Cable

14 Type of LV termination Cable

15 Type of cooling ONAN

16 Type of tap changer Off-load, on HV


ii. 33/0.4kV, 150kVA Transformer

Table 3: Technical Specifications of 33/0.4kV, 150kVA Transformer

S.N. Description Unit Remarks

1 Type Oil immersed

2 Location Outdoor

3 Rated output kV 150


4 Voltage ratio kV 33/0.400

5 Rated frequency Hz 50

6 Impulse withstand voltages for HV:

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-37

7 Power frequency kV 70

8 Lightning kV 170

9 Impulse withstand voltages for LV:

1 Power frequency kV 3

1 Impedance voltage % 4

1 Vector group Dyn5


1 Type of HV termination Cable


1 Type of LV termination Cable


1 Type of cooling ONAN


1 Type of tap changer Off-load, on HV

6 side

iii. 33/0.4kV. 630kVA Transformer

Table 4: Technical Specifications of 33/0.4kV, 630kVA Transformer

S.N. Description Unit Remarks

1 Type Oil immersed

2 Location Outdoor

3 Rated output kV 630


4 Voltage ratio kV 33/0.400

5 Rated frequency Hz 50

6 Impulse withstand voltages for HV:

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-38

7 Power frequency kV 70

8 Lightning kV 170

9 Impulse withstand voltages for LV:

1 Power frequency kV 3

1 Impedance voltage % 4

1 Vector group Dyn5


1 Type of HV termination Cable


1 Type of LV termination Cable


1 Type of cooling ONAN


1 Type of tap changer Off-load, on HV

6 side

a) Circuit Breaker
The circuit breakers shall be of vacuum insulated type and comply with IEC 62271-100. The circuit
breaker shall be capable of breaking all currents from zero up to the specified maximum fault current
in accordance with the relevant IEC recommendations.

The circuit-breakers shall be capable of tripping and re-closing (Auto reclose) according to the
specified duty cycle without de-rating: O – 0.3 s – CO – 3 min. – CO. Breaker shall be suitable for
following switching duties:

• Terminal faults
• Short line faults
• Out of phase switching
• Interruption of small inductive current including transformer magnetizing inrush
• Interruption of line and cable charging currents.

The circuit breaker shall meet all the single circuit overhead transmission line and cable
characteristics for any type of fault or fault location, and for line charging and dropping when used
on an effectively grounded system. The circuit breakers shall be capable of being operated locally
or from remote. Local operation shall be by means of an open/close control switch located in the bay

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-39

control cabinet. The circuit breakers shall confirm to the specific technical requirements given in
Table 3.

Table 5: Technical Specifications of 33kV Circuit Breaker

S.N. Description Data

Vacuum, outdoor type

1. Type

Voltage rating:
2. a) Nominal system voltage 33 kV
b) Rated maximum voltage 36 kV

Insulation level
3. a) Impulse withstand voltage 170 kV (crest)
b) Power-frequency withstand 70 kV (crest)
voltage (1 min.)

50 Hz
4. Frequency

Current rating
5. a) Rated continuous current at 40
°C ambient 1250 A, 800 A
b) Short circuit breaking current 25 kA
c) Short circuit making current 62.5 kA

825 mm
6. Creepage distance

7. Auxiliary supply 110 V DC

a) Control circuit AC, 230/400V, 50 Hz
b) Space heater and auxiliary

Three -pole operation type

8. Operation

O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min-CO

9. Reclosing duty cycle

60 ms
10. Total maximum break time

11. First pole to clear factor

8 NO, 8 NC
12. Additional Auxiliary Contacts

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-40

120 ms
13. Maximum make time

110 DC
14. Spring charging motor

b) Disconnector and Earth Switches

33 kV rating shall have provision for remote and manual operation. Earthing switches shall be
provided at appropriate locations to facilitate earthing of outgoing transmission lines to enable
maintenance. Main blades and earth blades shall be interlocked with both electrical and mechanical
means, which shall be fail-safe. Earthing switches shall be suitable for induced current switching
duty as per relevant standard. Earthing switches shall be suitable for electrical and manual operation.
Only local operation is recommended for earth switches. The disconnecting switches shall comply
with IEC: 62271-102 and other relevant IEC standards. The mechanical endurance class shall be
as M2 for 132 kV as per IEC standard. The Disconnecting Switch/Isolator shall confirm to the specific
technical requirements given in table below:

Table 6: Technical Specification of Disconnector Switch

S. N. Description Data

3‑ poles, three columns,

1. Type center rotating

2. Rated Voltage 36 kV

3. Frequency 50 Hz

4. Insulation levels

a) Basic impulse level (BIL) 170 kV (crest)

b) Power frequency withstand voltage(For1 70 kV


5. Current ratings

a) Continuous current 1250A

b) Rated Short Time current (1 sec.) 25 kA

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-41

Operating mechanism of disconnecting switch

6. Local, manual operation

7. Auxiliary power supply

a) Space heater and cubicle 230V,1-phase, 50Hz

b) Control circuit 110 V DC

8. Applicable standard IEC

c) Current Transformer
The rated currents and ratios, the number of secondary cores (protection or metering), accuracy
class, burden, secondary winding resistance, knee point voltage and excitation current shall be in
accordance with the requirements of the protection system. The accuracy class for metering core
shall be equal to or better than the accuracy class of the meter. All protection class shall be of
accuracy class TPS as per IEC: 60044-6. However, if a higher accuracy class CT is required for
protection, same shall be implemented. The Current Transformers shall confirm to the specific
technical requirements given in table below:

Table 7: Technical Specifications of Current Transformer

S.N. Description Data

1 Type Epoxy resin capsulated outdoor for

protection and metering.

2. Rated primary voltage 33 kV

3. Maximum system voltage 36 kV

4. Impulse withstand voltage 170 (crest)

5. Rated frequency 50Hz

6. Number of core 2

7. Short time thermal ratings 25 kA

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-42

8. Current ratio for transformer CT

Core-1, Main metering

Core-2, Backup protection. 600-300/1 A

Core-3, Backup metering

9. Rated burden for each core As per Requirement

10. Accuracy class 5P20 and 0.5 for metering

11. Creepage distance 825 mm

12. Applicable standard IEC 60044-1

d) Potential Transformer
The number of secondary cores (protection or metering), accuracy class and burden shall be in
accordance with the requirements of the protection system. The accuracy class for metering core
shall be equal to or better than the accuracy class of the meter. The voltage transformers shall
conform to IEC: 60044-2 and other relevant standards.

Table 8: Technical Specifications of Potential Transformer

S.N. Description Data

Outdoor, epoxy resin encapsulated for

1. Type protection and metering

2. Rated primary voltage 33 kV

3. Max. system voltage 36 kV

4. Impulse withstand voltage 170 kV (crest)

5. Rated frequency 50Hz

6. Connection Line to ground

7. Number of secondary winding 2

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Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-43

8. Voltage ratio 33/√3 / 0.11/√3 kV

9. Rated burden As per Requirement

10. Accuracy class 3P and 0.5 for metering

11. Rated voltage factor 1.1 Continuous

12. Creepage distance 825 mm

13. Applicable standard IEC 60044-2

e) Surge Arrester
Station class, heavy duty, gapless metal oxide (ZnO) type surge arresters shall be considered. The
rated voltage, Continuous Operating Voltage (COV), energy handling capability, nominal discharge
current and other characteristics of a surge arrester shall be chosen in accordance with power
system requirements. Surge arresters shall be provided at locations as per General Electrical Layout
(GELO). These shall be fitted with pressure relief devices and diverting ports suitable for preventing
shattering of porcelain housing providing path for the flow of rated currents in the event of failure of
surge arrester. A leakage current monitor with surge counter shall be provided with each surge

Table 9: Technical Specifications of Surge Arrestor

S. N. Description Data

1. Type Gap less, Metal –oxide,


2. Mounting Both tank and pedestal

mounted as appropriate

3. Rated frequency 50 Hz

4. System voltage 33 kV

5. Rated voltage 30 kV

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-44

6. Impulse withstand voltage (BIL) 170 kV (crest)

7. Power frequency withstand voltage 70 kV

8. Nominal discharge current of 8/20 micro 10 kA

second wave shape

9. Applicable Standard IEC 60099-4

The Contractor may install a diesel generator of appropriate capacity and shall operate it to provide
power as required. The Contractor shall be responsible to procure, store and supply fuel and other
products (diesel, lubricants etc.) required for the operation of the diesel generator to ensure
uninterrupted dedicated power required for all activities under the Contract in accordance with
Section 1.15 of this specification. If felt necessary, the Contractor may also make arrangements with
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) to obtain power from the national grid or any other arrangement.
However, the Contractor shall take into account quality of supply including voltage fluctuations and
load shedding schedules of power supplied by NEA and plan for its use accordingly.

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements to ensure supply of required power and shall
be responsible for any adverse consequences due to disruption in operation of TBM, segment
production plant, batching and screening plant, laboratory or any other loss incurred due to failure
to supply power.

Cost of construction of construction power supply arrangement for all activities under the Contract
including operation of TBM, segment production plant, batching and screening plant, operation of
laboratory, power supply in camps and offices etc. including its operation and maintenance during
the contract period is deemed to be included in the lump-sum price quoted by Contractor in Item No.
A-8 of Bill of Quantities. Seventy-five percent of the quoted amount shall be paid after completion of
the construction power supply system as per the satisfaction of Engineer and remaining twenty five
percent of quoted amount shall be paid on annual basis based on the progress of overall works. No
additional payment shall be made thereof.

1.40 Drainage

The Contractor shall be responsible to construct drainage system in all working area and camp site
and also shall be responsible for its operation and regular maintenance.

The Contractor shall put in place appropriate drainage system in and around the TBM Platform area
in which slope stabilization works are to be carried out. A network of perforated uPVC drainage
pipes or any other suitable pipe shall be appropriately put in place before shotcrete is applied over
the surface in order to release pore water pressure or other adverse impact due to the groundwater.

A surface drain around the stabilized slope shall be appropriately constructed to intercept the surface
runoff so that it does not flow into the slope and consequently to the TBM Platform. Similarly,
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B1 – General Requirements 4B1-45

drainage system shall also be constructed to drain out rain water falling over the TBM Platform and
also the water flowing out of the tunnel in such a way that it is drained safely to a nearby natural

The Contractor shall also construct appropriate drainage arrangement to drain out all surface water,
storm water and groundwater to keep all other working area in adequately good condition so that
works can be carried out comfortably. The Contractor shall also put in place appropriate drainage
system of drainage in and around the camp and other worksite so that surface water, storm water
as well as groundwater is smoothly drained out to a nearby natural drain.

The Contractor shall construct drainages along the access road so that rain and storm water is safely
drained out without causing damage to the road so that flow of traffic is smooth even during rain.

In case water is polluted during the course of carrying out any part of the works, the Contractor shall
make appropriate arrangement to treat the water to safe standard as per prevailing rules before it is
drained out to the natural drain.

Cost of construction of drainage system for the TBM Platform area and other working area is deemed
to be included in the unit cost of excavation of the tunnel. No separate measurement and payment
shall be made for the drainage works.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-1



Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-2

2.1 Cutting, Grubbing, Clearing and Removal of Tree

2.1.1 Cutting, Clearing and Grubbing

The Contractor shall clear the surface where excavation works are to be carried out (TBM Entry
and Exit Platform, Madan Bhandari Highway Realignment road, access roads, camping area etc)
and shall remove shrubs, thin vegetation and small trees with a girth not exceeding zero point five
(0.5) m measured one (1) m above ground level, weeds, organic materials etc after obtaining prior
written approval of the Engineer. All trees and shrubs to remain in place shall be protected from
damage. Where clearing is required, in the right-of-way and borrow area outside the right-of-way,
all combustible materials from clearing operations shall be burned or removed from the Site of
work or disposed of as directed. However, the felled trees shall not be burned; but shall be
deposited at the area designated by the Engineer.

All materials to be burned shall be piled neatly at a suitable location and condition until they are
burned completely. Piling for burning shall be done in such manner and in such location as to
cause the least fire risk. All burning shall be so performed that the cleared materials will be
reduced to ashes. The Contractor shall at all times take special precautions to prevent fire from
spreading and shall have at all times, suitable equipment and supplies for use in preventing and
fighting fires.

Grubbing shall consist of the removal of the stumps, jungle growth, brush and rubbish from the
work areas to be occupied by permanent structures, roads and from the surface of borrow areas,
stockpile sites and elsewhere as directed by the Engineer.

No tree felling will generally be permitted unless essential for the construction of the works and
no tree shall be cut without the written permission of the Engineer.

Payment for clearing and grubbing operation specified above shall be made at the unit rate per
square meter of Item No. A-1.1 of the Bill of Quantities and no additional payment shall be made

2.1.2 Removal of Tree

Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer trees exceeding zero point five (0.5)
m girth measured one (1) m above ground level shall be uprooted or cut down as near to ground
level as possible and the root ball extracted separately. The Contractor shall clearly demarcate
and count the number of trees to be removed and mark them as instructed by the Engineer. No
tree shall be felled without obtaining such approval from the Engineer. Permission for cutting trees
shall be obtained following prevailing procedures from the Ministry of Forests and Environment
and removal of the trees shall be carried out as prescribed by the Ministry.

The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent damage of any kind while removing
the trees. If necessary, trees shall be cut in sections from the top downwards. In order to prevent
damage to trees that are to be left standing, trees shall be felled towards the centre of the area
being cleared.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-3

The trees shall be felled, and the roots shall be dug out as far as possible, or directed by the
Engineer. The trees shall not be burned, but shall be transported to an area designated by the
Employer and shall be stacked and deposited. Such timber shall not be used by the Contractor
for any purpose and the felled trees shall be property of GoN. The Contractor shall be responsible
for any theft and unauthorised removal of the felled trees, and shall maintain a register showing
the number of trees felled and stored in the designated area.

Payment for removal of trees and roots including chopping branches, transportation, loading,
unloading, stacking at the designated area by the Employer shall be made at the unit rate per No
of Trees as of Item No. A-1.2 of the Bill of Quantities and no additional payment shall be made

2.1 Notice of Commencement

The Contractor shall give to the Engineer notice of his intention to commence the Cutting,
Grubbing, Clearing and Tree Removal operations. The works shall not be commenced until
written approval has been received from the Engineer.

2.2 Access Road and River Training Works

Access Road shall mean Permanent Access Road and Temporary Access Road as specified

2.2.1 Permanent Access Road

Permanent Access Road shall mean the portion of Madan Bhandari Highway from Jhor Khola to
the Marin River bridge, village access road from Jhor Khola and the access road connecting Marin
Khola bridge to batching yard and the village. This road will be of permanent nature and shall be
used in future as access for operation and maintenance. Works under the Permanent Access
Road shall comprise of the following:

Part A: Upgradation works including widening, improving, strengthening, gravelling, protection

and stabilizing of uphill slopes and protection from river encroachment of existing local road. from
Marin River bridge toward the village through batching plant and village access road from Jhor
Khola. Length of road for upgradation is about 1497 m.

Part B: Construction of new road including excavating, gravelling, stabilizing and strengthening
of Madan Bhandari Highway realignment road as per Nepal Road Standard 2070 Class III
standard. Length of road to be newly constructed is about 800m.

For Part A of Access Road, the Contractor shall conduct detailed survey, carry out design and
prepare drawings for adequate road width and surface improvement to the required level including
road structures, hill slope protection, drainages and other protection works including river
protection and construct the road after the approval of the design and drawings by the Engineer.
The road alignment shall be followed along the existing one as far as practicable.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-4

For the Part B of Access Road, the Contractor shall, conduct detailed survey, select the suitable
alignment, design the road along with the road structures, road and hill slope protection works,
drainage, river protection works etc for smooth operation of the road during construction and
operation and maintenance, prepare drawings and construct the road after the approval of the
design and drawings by the Engineer.

The boundary of area within which the Access Road is to be constructed and a tentative alignment
of the road, which shall serve as a guideline only, is as shown in the Drawings. Land required for
the access road shall be made available by the Employer.

The Access Road shall be constructed as per the standard engineering norms and or as instructed
by the Engineer. Backfilling of road structures shall be carried out as per standard practice or as
instructed by the Engineer. The materials used for backfill of structures shall be suitable materials
obtained from excavations for structures, road, drains or from approved borrow areas as directed
by the Engineer. Backfill materials shall be placed in layers, each with a maximum thickness of
200 mm. Unless otherwise specified, the placing and compacting of all backfill materials shall
conform to standard requirements or the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The surface of the backfill material shall be compacted so as to give appropriately cambered
surface to facilitate drainage, and the backfill material shall be watered or allowed to dry, if
necessary, in order to maintain or achieve the specified moisture content for compaction. The
various items used for construction of road shall comply with the following specification: Pipe Culvert

Concrete hume pipes used for drainage purpose shall comply with all the requirements, collar
dimensions, barrel wall thickness, spiral and longitudinal reinforcement, for specific internal
diameter as per NS:80/IS: 458 (minimum NP3 Class) and shall be manufactured through either a
spun or vibratory casting process. All pipe drains and culvert shall be of concrete and diameter of
hume pipe shall be as shown in respective drawings.

The foundation bed for the pipe culverts/drains shall be excavated true to the lines and levels
shown in the drawings and shall be strong enough so that the pipe can be laid down as per the
line level shown in the drawings. Contractor is fully responsible to excavate the trench of
appropriate size, support the excavation wall (if required) and dewatering of the trench (if needed),
strengthening the ground (if required), handling, lifting, loading, transporting, unloading, storage,
laying, joining (collar or flush joint) of the pipes and standard refilling of the excavation trench as
per line, level and design drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the
pipes due to his way of handling and installation. In case the pipes shall be laid parallely, the
minimum clearance shall be half the diameter of the pipe but should not be less than 450mm.

Catch pits, headwalls, wing walls, aprons and other ancillary works for hume pipe culvert shall be
constructed in accordance with the details shown on the design drawing. Forming of Embankment and Other Areas of Fill

In the case that the part of the access road may have to be built on filled ground as per design
drawings, the work shall consist of the construction of embankment, filling on other areas and
backfill not specified elsewhere by providing material as specified or approved by the Engineer,

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-5

placing, compacting and shaping to lines, levels, grades and cross sections as shown on the
Drawing or as directed by the Engineer. The maximum size of the coarse material in the mixture
shall not exceed 75 mm for general earth fill.

The limits of embankment shall be built sufficiently wider than the design dimension to facilitate
in achieving required compaction nearby outer faces of the embankment. The surplus material
shall be trimmed to conform the specified side slopes and width of the embankment. Where
necessary, the original ground shall be scarified, mixed with water, levelled and then compacted
so as to achieve the density mentioned in the following table.

Location Depth below Minimum Compaction (%MDD

Formation Level (mm) Heavy Compaction

Roadway Embankment 0-300 95

Roadway Cut 0-300 95
All other roadway fills and 93
backfill not separately specified

Where necessary, embankment foundations shall be excavated/furrowed and brought under

OMC and re-compacted in layers of 150 mm each in order to achieve the required level of

Embankments shall be built up evenly over the entire width and shall be maintained at all times
with a sufficient camber to enable surface water to drain rapidly from them. Damage to compacted
layers by constructional or other traffic shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost.

The natural moisture content and the optimum moisture content, checked in accordance
with IS 2720 (Part 2) of the materials to be placed for the embankments, at the time of
compaction shall be between 90% and 105% of the Optimum Moisture Content as determined in
accordance with IS 2720 (Part 8). It is the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the moisture
content of fill materials of the embankment as per the specifications and materials which have the
moisture content outside the aforementioned limit shall not be accepted.

If the material deposited as fill subsequently reaches a condition such that it cannot be compacted
in accordance with the requirements of the specifications the Contractor shall make the deposited
material good by replacing the material by good one, re use it after processing, or improving it by
chemical means.

Where fill is required to be constructed across water logged or soft clayey ground that displays
excessive movement under normal constructional equipment, it may be necessary to construct a
capping layer. The top surface and side slopes of embankments so formed shall be thoroughly
blinded with approved well graded material to seal the surface.

While filling embankment up to or over culverts or pipe drains, and where required in the contract,
up to bridges, the Contractor shall bring the embankments up equally on both sides.

Where provision of filter membrane is specified behind structures, the same shall be laid
in layers simultaneously with the laying of fill material.
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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-6

If the Contractor wishes to continue to use the surface of embankments including shallow
filling for constructional traffic before trimming to formation level, he shall bring up and
maintain the area between the extremities of the carriageway including (if any) central
reserve and hard shoulders to a level not less than 150 mm above formation level
whereupon constructional traffic shall be allowed to use the surface and shall be made
good by the Contractor at his own expense. When it is necessary to complete the
formation level and this has been done, the movement and use of construction equipment
thereon shall be in accordance to the instruction of the Engineer.

Materials for use in the subgrade shall not contain particles larger than 60 mm. In addition,
the material shall have a CBR of not less than 5% measured after a 4-day soak on a
laboratory mix compacted to 95% MDD (heavy compaction), a swell of less than 1%, a
plasticity index of less than 40% and an organic matter content less than 3%. In-situ
material in the subgrade in cutting that does not meet these requirements shall either be
spoiled or, if suitable, placed in the embankment. The spoiled material shall be replaced
with material meeting the requirements for loose material in the subgrade.

In fill areas, and in cutting except otherwise instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall submit, within the method statement for construction of access road in fill area, the
method statement for compaction of embankment and its quality control and carry out
the filling and compaction works as per approved method statements.

The subgrade in rock cutting shall be regulated after trimming the rock excavation by a
regulating course of minimum 150 mm compacted depth of natural complying with the
requirements of natural material for sub base as specified in the following section. If in
the opinion of the Engineer, mechanical stabilization is necessary for the proposed
subgrade, Contractor shall get prior approval of the material, doses and procedure of
mechanical stabilization before commencing the works. Granular Sub-base

Granular sub-base shall be natural sand, crushed gravel, and crushed stone, crushed
slag or combination thereof depending upon the grading requirement.

The material shall be free from organic or other deleterious constituents and shall conform
to the grading given in Table 2 and physical Requirement as given in Table 3. Gradings
III and IV shall preferably be used in lower sub-base. Gradings V and VI shall be used as
sub-base cum drainage layer. Where the sub-base is laid in two layers as upper sub-
base and lower sub-base, the thickness of each layer shall not be less than 150 mm.
Grading to be adopted for the specific road shall be clearly mentioned in the method
statement of access road construction to be approved by the Engineer.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-7

Table 2: Grading Envelope for Granular sub base material

Sieve Size As per
IS designation
(mm) Percentage passing by weight

Grading Grading Grading Grading Grading

Grading VI
75 100 100

53 80-100 100 100 100 80-100 100

26.5 55-90 79-90 55-75 50-80 55-90 75-

9.5 35-65 50-80 35-65 55-
4.75 25-55 40-65 10-30 15-35 25-50 30-
2.36 20-40 30-50 10-20 10-
0.85 2-10

0.425 10-15 10-15 0-5 0-8

0.075 <5 <5 <5 <5 0-3

Table 3: Physical Requirement for Materials for Granular Sub-base

Physical Test method Requirement Requirement for Class III , IV

properties for and maintenance
Class I & II work
Aggregate Impact IS 2386-4 or IS 5640 Maximum 40 Maximum 45
Value (AIV)
Liquid Limit IS 2720-5 maximum 25 maximum 25

Plasticity Index IS 2720-5 Maximum 6 Maximum 6

CBR at 95 % dry IS 2720-5 Minimum 30 unless Minimum 25 unless specified in the

density ( at IS specified in the Contract
2720- part8) Contract

Before finalizing the construction of sub base, the contractor shall carry out the
compaction trial, get the approval from the Engineer for the materials and shall carry out
the works as per design drawings.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-8

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the results of the compaction trials indicate that the
Contractor’s proposed plant and methods shall achieve the densities specified, the
Engineer shall approve the same. Otherwise the Contractor shall submit in writing
proposals for modifying the plant and/or methods and shall compact further trials in
accordance with these modified proposals until the Engineer approves the Contractor’s
Immediately before laying the sub base material, the underlying layer shall be checked
by the Contractor for any damage or deficiencies, which shall be made good as instructed
by the Engineer.

The material shall be deposited in such quantity and spread in a uniform layer across the
full width required, so that the final compacted thickness is no where less than shown on
the Drawing or instructed by the Engineer. Every reasonable effort shall be made to
prevent segregation during mixing, dumping, spreading, trimming and compacting

The contractor shall place and compact the sub base material as per the approved
method statement and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Drainage of Subgrade and Sub base

The subgrade and sub base shall be kept continuously drained and any damage caused
by water accumulating on or running off the surface shall be made good at the
Contractor’s expense.

Water accumulated on any part of the subgrade or sub base, shall be removed and
disposed off. Any material which becomes saturated, or cannot then be compacted to the
required density, shall be replaced as specified at Contractor’s own expense.

Routine inspection and testing shall be carried out by the Engineer to test the quality of
materials and workmanship for compliance with the requirements of this Section.

Any materials or workmanship that do not comply with the specified requirements shall
be replaced with materials and/or workmanship complying with the specified
requirements or be replaced to comply with the specified requirements. Concrete For Structures

The Concrete grade used in the structures of access road shall be as per the requirement
of respective design drawings. The storage and selection of materials for concrete,
process of trial mix design, pouring, transportation, quality control and curing, at the
minimum, shall comply with the technical specification of Concrete as per Section 6 :
Tunnel Lining Works.

The contractor, in his method statement for construction of access road, shall submit the
method statement for excavation, handling, laying, joining procedure of concrete hume
pipes and other concrete structures, embankment construction, materials of construction,
construction of and construction procedure, construction of subgrade and sub base
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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-9

layers, compaction and quality control method and procedure, construction of pipe
culverts and associated structures to the Engineer and shall carry out the works as per
approved method statements. Measurement and Payment

Measurement of Access road both for upgradation of existing roads, highway diversion road as
well as construction of new roads shall be made in linear meter of as per Item No A-4.1,A-4.2 and
A-4.3 of the Bill of Quantities for respective roads. The ninety percent of the unit rate quoted by
Contractor will be paid after the completion of construction works of respective road as per design
drawings and ten percent of the quoted price will be paid on annual basis based on progress of
the over all works. The unit rate quoted deemed to include all the cost of the human resources,
for making arrangements for traffic control, machineries, materials, safety harness and
incidentals, land compensation charges (if any), excavation, base and sub base, fencing, cross
drainage structures and any other structures etc. including all sundry items required to construct
the various access road as per design drawings including operation and maintenance of those
roads throughout the contract period. And no additional payment shall be made thereof. However,
the material required for maintenance can be provided from day works if it deemed necessary in
the opinion of the Engineer.

2.2.2 River Training Works

Contractor shall carry out the river training works as per provided design drawings and the
materials used for river training works shall comply with at least, but not limited to, the followings: Gabion and Reno Mattress

Contractor shall use mechanically woven, mechanically selvedge gabions and Reno
mattresses produced from double twist wire mesh used for manufacturing, assembling,
transportation, laying and filling of the gabion boxes as required by the design drawings
in the construction of river training and access road related works.
Gabion and Reno mattresses should have the mesh wire, lacing wire and the selvedge
wire are (1) Zn coated (2) Zn - Al alloy coated (3) Zn + PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) coated
(4) Zn - Al alloy + PVC coated (5) Zn - Al alloy + PA 6 coated.

The Zn coating shall be heavy coating for soft condition conforming to NS 163 and Zn–Al
alloy coatings shall be in conformance with EN 10244-2. For a corrosive environment, an
additional PVC coating (as per ASTM A 975-2011 or PA6 coating (as per EN 10223-3) of
0.5 mm thick shall be provided over the Zn or Zinc-Al alloy coatings. The coating weights
shall conform to the requirements of NS: 163/ IS:4826 Heavily Coated and soft type and
The zinc coating shall remain adherent to the steel wire and conform to such that zinc
coating does not flake off, nor crack to such an extent that there is possibility of removing
any zinc by rubbing with bare fingers.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-10

The tensile strength of wire used for double-twisted mesh, lacing wire, and stiffener, when
tested shall be in accordance with the requirements of IS 280 for soft wire (350-550 MPa)
at a minimum elongation of 10 percent, performed on a gauge length of test specimen
as 200 mm.

Specific gravity of the wire shall be in the range from 1.30 to 1.35 when tested in
accordance with Test Method IS 13360: Part 3: Sec 1.

Hardness shall be Shore “D” between 50 and 60, when tested in accordance with Test
Method IS: 13360: Part 5: Sec 11. Zn-Al alloy coating shall be as shown in table 4.
Table 4: Minimum Zn-Al alloy coating with respect to diameter of wire

Wire 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.9

Diameter mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Wire 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07


Minimum Qty of Zn+ 230 230 245 255 265 275

10% Al alloy (gm/m )

Before 28 days of starting the gabion related works, the contractor shall submit, in method
statement, of the gabion and reno mattresses works that shall include minimum of the
mesh type and size to be used in the works, mesh and box characteristics for proposed
gabions and reno mattresses, Internal Diameter / External diameter of PVC or PA 6
coated wire to be used in gabion and reno mattresses works, manufacturers test
certificates for coating, tensile strength and uniformity of coating of wire, earth works,
method of transportation, laying and filling of gabions for the approval of the Engineer
and carryout the works as per approved method statements.

The cost of manufacture, transportation, handling, installation and filling and any other
sundry items related to gabion works is deemed to be included in the per metre cost of
the river training and access road, wherever applicable, and no separate payment shall
be made thereof. Geotextile for Filtration, Drainage and Separation

The Contractor shall use geotextile materials for drainage, separation/filtration and
erosion control works including supplying and laying as per design, drawing and these

For drainage/filtration function, geotextile shall be able to convey water across the plane
of the fabric throughout its design life. For separation function the geotextile shall prevent
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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-11

intermixing of two layers of dissimilar materials, throughout the design life of the structure.
The geotextile as a filter material below erosion control measures like stone pitching or
stone filled mattresses over the slopes, shall allow the water to flow out and at the same
time prevent the loss of soil under the protective measures.

The minimum strength of geotextile in terms of MARV under different installation

conditions shall be as specified in Table 5.
Table: 5 Minimum Geotextile Strength Property Requirements
Installation Type Strength Property Requirement (MARV)
Grab Tear Puncture Burst
Strength Strength Strength in Strength
in Newton in Newton Newton(N) as per in Newton (N)
(N) (N) IS: 13162 as per IS:
as as Part 4 1966
per per
13162 14293
Elongation at Failure

<50% >50% <50% >50% <50% >50% <50% >50%

Harsh installation Type 1400 900 500 350 500 350 3500 1700
condition 1
Moderate Type 1100 700 400 250 400 250 2700 1300
Installation II
Less Severe Type 800 500 300 180 300 180 2100 950
Installation III


(1) All numeric values in the above table represent Minimum Average Roll Value
(MARV) in the weaker principal direction. The MARV is derived statistically as the average
value minus two standard deviations.

(2) When the Geotextiles are joined together by field sewing, the seam strength shall
be at least 60 percent of the material’s tensile strength. All field seams shall be sewn with
thread as strong as the material in the fabric.

(3) The puncture strength if determined in accordance with ASTM D 6241, the minimum
requirement in terms of “Newton (N)” shall be as follows:

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-12

The Installation condition Strength property requirement (MARV)

Puncture Strength in Newton (N) as per
ASTM D 6241.
Elongation at Failure
< 50 % > 50 %
Harsh installation condition 2800 2000
Moderate Installation condition 2250 1400
Less Severe Installation condition 1700 1000

(b) Ultraviolet Stability Requirements

The material shall satisfy the ultraviolet stability requirements specified in Table: 6.
Table: 6: Requirements for Ultra Violet Stability
S.No Properties of Fabric Requirements(Retained Strength)

1 Grab Strength Not less than 70% after 500 hours of exposure
2 Tear Strength
3 Puncture Strength
4 Burst Strength

(c) Hydraulic Requirements for various applications

i. Subsurface Drainage and Filtration
The geotextile shall conform to the physical requirements specified in Table 7.
Table: 7: Geotextile Requirements for Subsurface Drainage
Permittivity, per sec, as Maximum Apparent opening size, mm
per ASTM ASTM D 4751/IS 14294 : 1995
In-situ passing 0.075 mm D 4491/ IS 14324 : 1995
sieve (%)
< 15 0.5 0.43
15 to 0.2 0.25
> 50 0.1 0.22

The type of geotextile shall be decided by the Engineer depending upon the installation

Exposure of Geotextile to the elements between lay down and cover shall be a
maximum of 14 days to minimize damage potential.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-13

In trenches, after placing the backfill material, the geotextile shall be folded over the top
of the filter material to produce a minimum overlap of 300 mm for trenches greater than
300mm wide. In trenches less than 300 mm wide, the overlap shall be equal to the width
of the trench. The geotextile shall then be covered with the subsequent course.

Overlap at roll ends and at adjacent sheets shall be a minimum of 450 mm, except when
placed under water. In such instances, the overlap shall be a minimum of 1 m. Where
seams are required in the longitudinal trench direction, they shall be joined by either
sewing or overlapping. All seams and overlaps shall be subject to the approval of the

Care shall be taken during installation so as to avoid any damage to the geotextile.
Damages, if any, during installation shall be repaired by placing a geotextile patch over
the damaged area and extending it 1m beyond the perimeter of the tear or damage, or
as approved by the Engineer.
Before 28 days of starting the geotextile related works, the contractor shall submit, in
method statement of geotextile works that shall include minimum of the mesh type and
size to be used in the works, manufacturers test certificates for for strength and opening
requirement, supply of geotextile, method of transportation, laying of geotextile for the
approval of the Engineer and carryout the works as per approved method statements.

All the cost of material of geotextile, its testing, transportation and installation as per
approved method statement shall be deemed to be included in the permeter cost of the
road construction and construction of river training works, where applicable, and no
separate payment shall be made thereof. Geocell for Slope Protection

The work covers the use of geocells for erosion control of soil slope including
supplying laying and filling of grravel as per design, drawings and these specifications.

The geocell is a three dimensional structure consisting of series of cells and resembles a
honey combed structure. The geocell shall be made of a suitable polymeric material such
as high density polyethylene stabilised with carbon black or nonwoven geotextile.

Geocell shall meet the minimum specifications and properties specified in Table 24.18.
The geocells for erosion control measures shall have cells with nominal opening of 450
cm to 1250 cm and perforations in the cell wall shall be between 11% to 16%.
2 2

The cell depth for erosion control shall vary from 75 mm to 100 mm. Geocell made from
nonwoven geotextile shall meet following specifications.
For anchoring the cells on steep slopes suitable arrangements shall be made as shown
on the drawings.

Prior to laying of geocell on the slope, the surface shall be properly prepared, clean and
dressed to the specified lines and levels as shown on the drawings.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-14

Table: 8: Requirements of Geocell for Slope Protection

Property Test Unit Min. Required Value
Density ASTM gm/cm 3
Environmental ASTM Hrs
Stress D1693
crack 3000
Carbon Black Content % by Weight 1.5 to 2

Strip / Cell Wall ASTM Mm 1.20

thickness D5199

Seam Peel- N per 25mm of cell 350

Strength depth.
Creep ASTM D2990 Creep Rupture Load at 10,000 hours shall be 1 kN
Rupture minimum obtained from the 95% prediction interval at
Strength 10,000 hours considering a logarithmic time/creep rupture

Trench keys along the crest and at the bottom of the slope area shall be dug to fix the
cellular system in the ground.

Cellular sections shall be expanded to the predesigned shape and size, and placed over
the prepared slope. Geocell sections shall be fastened together using accessories as per
manufacturer's installation guide and the drawings.

After cellular sections are secured to the slope, the cells shall be filled with the specified
materials ensuring that no damage is caused to the cells. Filling of cells shall be done
from the toe of slope to crest of slope.
The fill shall be overfilled between 25mm to 50mm and material shall be suitably stamped
to leave soil flush with top edge of cell walls.
Once the soil filling is completed, turfing/ seeding shall be done as recommended.
Unless stated otherwise, the rate specified shall also include turfing, seeding and all other
incidental items to cover the work of vegetation on slopes. The quantities of cellular
systems for erosion control as shown on the drawings may be increased or decreased at
the direction of the Engineer based on construction procedure and actual site conditions
that occur during construction of the project. Such variations in quantity will not be
considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the
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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-15

Before 28 days of starting the geocell related works, the contractor shall submit, in method
statement of geocell works that shall include minimum of the mesh type and size to be
used in the works, manufacturers test certificates for for strength and opening
requirement, supply of geocell, method of transportation, laying, filling and anchoring for
the approval of the Engineer and carryout the works as per approved method statements.

All the cost of material of geocell, its testing, transportation, installation, anchoring and
filling as per approved method statement shall be deemed to be included in the per-meter
cost of the river training works and access road construction, where applicable, and no
separate payment shall be made thereof. Masonary Works for Structures
The contractor shall carry out furnishing of materials and construction of different types
of stone masonry works in accordance with the Drawing and this Specifications or as
directed by the Engineer.
The stones to be used shall be durable and angular in shape. If boulders are used, they
shall be broken into angular pieces. The stones shall be sound, hard, free from iron bands,
spots, sand holes, flaws, shakes, cracks or other defects. The stone shall not absorb
water more than 5 per cent. The specific gravity of the stone shall not be less than 2.50.
Except otherwise described in the contract, the length of any stone shall not exceed three
times its height. The breadth of the stone on the bed shall not be less than 150 mm nor
greater than 3/4 the thickness of the wall. At least 85% of the stones used in masonry,
except those used for chinking as chips or spalls of stones shall have individual volumes
of more than 0.01 m3. The chips or spalls including voids in the dry stone masonry shall
not be more than 20% of the stone masonry by volume. In case of mortared masonry, the
total volume of mortar and spalls taken together shall not be more than 30% of the
mortared masonry. Representative samples of the stones intended for use in the works
shall be submitted to the Engineer for prior approval. Further representative samples shall
be submitted for approval whenever there is a change in the type or strength of the rock
that the Contractor intends to use in masonry work.

Construction shall be carried out in accordance with I.S. 1597-1992, Code of Practice for
construction of stone masonry, Part 1 Rubble stone masonry or Part 2 Ashlar Masonry
as appropriate. All stratified stone possessing bedding planes shall be laid with its natural
bed as nearly as possible at right angles to the direction of load. In the case of arch rings,
the natural bed shall be radial. Face work groins shall be built to a height not exceeding
one meter in advance of the main body of the work and adjacent walling stepped down
on either side. Masonry face work between the groins shall then be built to a height not
exceeding 500 mm above the backing which shall then be brought up level with the
completed face work. At no time shall the backing be built up higher than the face work.

Except for dry rubble walling, all joints (gaps) shall be sufficiently thick to prevent stone
to stone contact and the gaps shall be completely filled with mortar. Stones shall be clean
and sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water from mortar.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-16

Placing loose mortar on the course and pouring water upon it to fill the gaps in stones
shall not be allowed. Mortar shall be fluid, mixed thoroughly and then poured in the joints.
No dry or hollow space shall be left anywhere in the masonry and each stone shall have
all its faces completely covered with mortar of the thickness as specified for joints.

The bed which is to receive the stone shall be cleaned, wetted and covered with a layer
of fresh mortar. All stones shall be laid full in mortar both in bed and vertical joints and
settled carefully in place with a wooden mallet immediately after placement and solidly
embedded in mortar before it has set. Clean and wet chips and spalls shall be wedged
into the mortar joints and bed whenever necessary to avoid thick joints or bed of mortar.
When the foundation masonry is laid directly on rock, the bedding face of the stones of
the first course shall be dressed to fit into rock snugly when pressed down in the mortar
bedding over the rock. For masonry works over rock, a levelling course of M15/40 or
M15/20 concrete 100mm thickness shall be laid over rock and then stone masonry work
shall be laid without foundation concrete block.

In case, any stone already set in mortar is disturbed or the joints broken, it shall be taken
out without disturbing the adjoining stones and joints. Dry mortar and stones thoroughly
cleaned from the joints and the stones shall be reset in fresh mortar. Sliding one stone on
top of another which is freshly laid, shall not be allowed.

Shaping and dressing of stone shall be done before it is laid in the work. Dressing and
hammering of the laid stones which will loosen the masonry, shall not be allowed.

Building up face wall tied with occasional through stones and filling up the middle with
stones spalls and chips or dry packing shall not be allowed. Vertical joints shall be
staggered. Distance between the nearer vertical joints of upper layer and lower layer in
coursed rubble masonry shall not be less than half the height of the course.
Masonry in a structure between two expansion joints shall be carried up nearly at one
uniform level throughout but when breaks are unavoidable the masonry shall be raked in
sufficiently long steps to facilitate jointing of old and new work. The stepping of raking
shall not be more than 45 degrees with the horizontal.

Masonry shall not be laid when the air temperature in the shade is less than 3°C. Newly
laid masonry shall be protected from the harmful effects of weather.

Where masonry structures are to receive a concrete capping. The joints to the upper
surface of the masonry shall be raked out to a depth of 10 mm prior to placing of the
concrete to the capping. The concrete for capping shall be as per the Drawing or as
directed by Engineer.

Before 28 days of starting the stone masonry works, the contractor shall submit, in method
statement of stone masonry works construction, quality control, mortar mix design,
method of method of construction and curing for the approval of the Engineer and
carryout the works as per approved method statements.

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-17

All the cost of material stone masonry works and sundry items related to this works as
per approved method statement shall be deemed to be included in the per-meter cost of
the river training works and access road construction, where applicable, and no separate
payment shall be made thereof. Turfing with Sods
This work shall consist of furnishing and laying of the live sod of perennial turf forming
grass on embankment slopes, verges (earthen shoulders) or other locations shown on
the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise specified, the work shall
be taken up as soon as possible following construction of the embankment, provided the
season is favourable for establishment of the sod.

The sod shall consist of dense, well-rooted growth of permanent and desirable grasses,
indigenous to locality where it is to be used, and shall be practically free from weeds or
other undesirable matter. At the time the sod is cut, the grass on the sod shall have a
length of approximately 50 mm and the sod shall have been freed of debris. Thickness
of the sod shall be as uniform as possible, with some 50 - 80 mm or so of soil covering
the grass roots depending on the nature of the sod, so that practically all the dense root
system of the grasses is retained in the sod strip. The sods shall be cut in rectangular
strips of uniform width, not less than about 250 mm x 300 mm in size but not so large that
it is inconvenient to handle and transport these without damage. During wet weather, the
sod shall be allowed to dry sufficiently to prevent rearing during handling and during dry
weather shall be watered before lifting to ensure its vitality and prevent the dropping of
the soil in handling.

The area to be sodded shall have been previously constructed to the required slope and
cross section. Soil on the area shall be loosened, freed of all stones larger than 50 mm
size, sticks, stumps and any undesirable foreign matter, and brought to a reasonably fine
granular texture to a depth of not less than 25 mm for receiving the sod. Where required,
topsoil shall be spread over the slopes. Prior to placing the topsoil, the slopes shall be
scarified to a depth which, after settlement, will provide the required nominal depth shown
on the plans. Spreading shall not be done when the ground is excessively wet. Following
soil preparation and top soiling, where required, fertilizer and ground limestone when
specified shall be spread uniformly at the rate indicated on the plans. After spreading, the
materials are incorporated in the soil by discing or other means to the depths shown on
the pians.

The prepared sod bed shall be moistened to the loosened depth, if not already
sufficiently moist, and the sod shall be placed thereon within approximately 24 hours after
the same had been cut. Each sod strip shall be laid edge to edge and such that the joints
caused by abutting ends are staggered. Every strip, after it is snugly placed against the
strips already in position, shall be lightly lamped with suitable wooden or metal tampers
so as to eliminate air pockets and to press it into the underlying soil. On side slopes
steeper than 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical), the laying of sods shall be started from bottom
upwards. At points where water may flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod

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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-18

strips shall be turned into the soil below the adjacent area and a layer of earth placed
over this followed by its thorough compaction.

Where the side slope is 2 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) or steeper and the distance along the
slope is more than 2 m, the sods shall be staked with pegs or nails spaced approximately
500 to 1000 mm along the longitudinal axis of the sod strips. Stakes shall be driven
approximately plumb through the sods to be almost flush with them.

After the sods have been laid in position, the surface shall be cleaned of loose sod, excess
soil and other foreign material. Thereafter, a thin layer of topsoil shall be scattered over
the surface of top dressing and the area thoroughly moistened by sprinkling with water:

The sods shall be watered by the Contractor for a period of at least four weeks after
laying. Watering shall be so done as to avoid erosion and prevent damage to sodded
areas by wheels of water tanks. The Contractor shall erect necessary warning signs and
barriers, repair or replace sodded areas failing to show uniform growth of grass or
damaged by his operations and shall otherwise maintain the sod at his cost until final

Before 28 days of starting the turfing works, the contractor shall submit, in method
statement of turfing works including its watering, quality control, method of construction
and curing for the approval of the Engineer and carryout the works as per approved
method statements.

All the cost of turfing with sods, its furnishing, transportation, laying and caring
including all sundry items related to this works as per approved method statement shall
be deemed to be included in the per-meter cost of the river training works and access
road construction, where applicable, and no separate payment shall be made thereof. Concrete Works
The Concrete grade used in the structures of river training works shall be as per the
requirement of respective design drawings. The storage and selection of materials for
concrete, process of trial mix design, pouring, transportation, quality control and curing
etc., shall comply at least, but not limited to, with the technical specification of Concrete
as per Section 6: Tunnel Lining Works. Measurement and Payment

The measurement River Training Works and Protection Works shall be made as finished
work in running meters as per design drawings to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The
quantities measured shall be paid at the unit rates quoted by Contractor in Item Nos. A-
3.1 and 3.2 of Bill of Quantities, for respective river training works. The ninety percent of
the unit rate quoted by Contractor will be paid after the completion of construction works
of respective river training works as per design drawings and ten percent of the quoted
price will be paid on annual basis based on progress of the overall works. The unit rate
quoted deemed to include all the cost of the human resources, machineries, materials,
land compensation charges (if any), excavation, river training and cross drainage
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Chapter 4B2: Site Clearance And Access Road Works 4B2-19

structures, if any etc. including all sundry items required to construct the various river
training works as per design drawings including operation and maintenance of
constructed river training works throughout the contract period. And no additional
payment shall be made thereof. However, the material required for maintenance can be
provided from day works if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the Engineer.

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks


Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077-78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B3: Earthworks


3.1 General Excavation

General excavation shall consist of all excavation works necessary for the construction of all
works under the contract including Headrace Tunnel, TBM platform, TBM entry portal, starter
tunnel, TBM exit platform and portal, access roads, road structures, river training works etc.,
removal and satisfactory disposal of all excavated materials and spoils as specified for the
particular work item to the lines, grades and cross-sections as shown on the approved Drawings
or as instructed by the Engineer. This work shall also include bailing and dewatering including
pumping, draining, trimming and finishing of excavation lines to such widths, depths and profiles
as shown on the approved Drawings or to such dimensions and levels as specified in particular
work items or as instructed by the Engineer. All excavation work shall be classified as
common/ordinary excavation, irrespective of the type of rocks/materials, strength and quality
encountered except specifically mentioned otherwise.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit plan for excavation for all works and shall carry out the
works as approved or as instructed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer,
at least twenty one days (21) in advance notice of his intention to commence excavation works
on any part of the Site and shall carry out as approved by the Engineer.

If, from any cause whatsoever, excavations other than for concrete works are carried out beyond
their true line and level, the Contractor shall at his own cost make good to the required line and
level with approved material and in such manner as the Engineer may instruct. If, from any cause
whatsoever, excavations for concrete works are carried out beyond their true line and level other
than as approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall at his own cost fill in to the required line
and level with concrete of similar grade to that intended to be used.

After completion of any excavation to the required line, level and ready for the intended purpose,
the Contractor shall inform the Engineer for inspection and further instruction. No excavation shall
be filled in or covered with concrete until it has been inspected and the Contractor has been
authorised to proceed with the work.

Measurement and payment for the excavation works shall be done as specified for particular work
in respective sections.

3.2 Construction of TBM Entry Platform, TBM Entry Portal

The TBM entry platform under this Contract means the construction of the TBM platform, TBM
entry portal and Starter tunnel. The contractor shall prepare detailed engineering design drawings
of TBM Entry Platform, Entry Portal, Starter Tunnel based on the provided schematic drawing of
TBM Entry Platform and submit it to the Engineer for approval and carry out the construction
works as per the approved design drawings or instruction of the Engineer. However, Contractor
shall consider the boundary of the acquired land by the Employer and fit the TBM platform within
such area and shall in no case affect the adjoining land and village due to the activities of the
Contractor or his improper design. In the case, Contractor shall be fully responsible for the
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

The TBM entry platform should be prepared for erecting, staging and mobilizing the TBM, it's
backup and all accessories including guidance system, temporary segment storage area and
other required facilities for smooth operation of the construction activities. The TBM entry portal,
TBM entry platform and the surrounding area including slope should be stable and safe
conditions. The works under this sub-clause shall be applied for all works for construction of the
TBM platform, TBM entry portal and starter tunnel as per approved Drawings or as instructed by
the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be responsible to conduct necessary survey, design and drawings of the
TBM Platform and TBM entry portal and shall carry out necessary works after the design and
drawings are approved by the Engineer. The excavated material shall be hauled to the designated
disposal sites (Spoil Bank, Fill up Field etc) as shown in drawing or as instructed by the Engineer.
The construction plan shall be prepared with due consideration of the conditions of geology,
stability calculations and possible measures to ensure satisfactory stability of cut slope and the
prescribed construction period and the following information shall also be included in the plan:

a) General description and proposal for the TBM Platform and entry portal, including sequence
and duration of excavation of the various portions of the work; arrangement of machines,
equipment and facilities; system of excavation and hauling; method of excavation of starter tunnel;
numbers of shifts proposed for each excavation; general plan for installation of supports and
including the proposed on - site inventory of materials required for the various types of support.

b) Detailed list and description of all machines and equipment to be used for excavation and
guaranteed output and tolerance on line level that will be obtained with it.

3.2.1 Method
The Contractor shall propose a suitable method of excavation of TBM entry Platform manually,
mechanically, drill and split or any other suitable method for the approval to the Engineer. In case
the Contractor choses to excavate by drilling and blasting method, the Contractor is solely
responsible to manage the process including blasting materials and equipment required for the
same. The Employer can facilitate such process if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the

3.2.2 Requirements
The Contractor shall consider the following points:
a) The area of the TBM Entry Platform should be adequate to erect, stage and mobilize the
Tunnel Boring Machine, it's backup and all accessories including guidance system, probe
drilling arrangement, fore poling, data acquisition and recording system, overcut facility,
high pressure grouting arrangements, lighting system, ventilation system, dewatering
system to control and dispose water encountered in the tunnel, standard safety
arrangement including air quality monitoring system, automatic fire suppression system
etc. to be used for operation and functioning of the TBM, system of conveyance and
handling of segment lining, stockpile yard, electricity generation and supply system . The
size of the Entry portal should be adequate to walk the TBM Machine up to the starting
face of the mechanized tunnelling;
b) Slope mapping and assessment of rock mass quality shall be performed before applying
support. Any abnormalities shall be reported immediately to the Engineer;
c) The Contractor shall perform the excavation work efficiently and safely, taking into account
the method and sequence of slope supports;

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

d) The contractor should construct surface as well as subsurface and side drain to collect
and route surface runoff;
e) Notwithstanding the adoption of the excavation plan proposed by the Contractor, he shall
be solely responsible for the consequences arising from the adoption of any of the
excavation plan and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any additional
payment for the underground excavation;
f) The Engineer may direct modifications to the approved excavation plan during the
excavation stage, if site condition indicates this to be desirable. The Contractor will not be
entitled to delay in schedule or increase in payment due to such modification;
g) Completed sections of excavation shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer before
installation of ground supports and,
h) During all excavation works the Contractor shall be full responsibility to maintain the lines
and grades shown on the Drawings by accurate surveying as approved by the Engineer.

3.2.3 Supports
TBM Entry Platform and TBM Entry Portal shall be of permanent type in a way that the structure
requires as little as possible maintenance throughout the contract period. Contractor shall be fully
responsible for any delay in construction works caused due to improper construction of TBM Entry
Platform and TBM Entry Portal and no extension of time and cost shall be attributable to such
delays. The support of the TBM entry platform and portal shall be as per the approved design and
drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The support shall include at least, but not limited to, the

 Support for cut slope, in general, shall include rock bolt, wire mesh with shotcrete etc. or
any other slope stabilization measures with enough provision for surface and subsurface
 Reinforced concrete retaining structures shall be constructed wherever the excavation
depth is greater than or equal to five metre and,
 The materials comprising the TBM Entry Platform floor shall be compacted to its optimum
moisture content and shall have robust foundation followed by lean concrete and then
reinforced concrete of appropriate thickness to avoid any damage and settlement during
the construction works.

The Contractor shall at all times maintain at the site an adequate supply of materials, personnel,
and equipment required for the various types of permanent support, so as to cause no delay in
the work on account of the type and extent of support necessary for the safety of the work. Should
such supplies not be maintained, so that support cannot be installed in a timely manner, the
Contractor shall be responsible to provide such temporary support as may be required for the
safety and protection of the work.

In addition to that, the TBM platform shall be subjected to enough instrumentation on its cut slope
to monitor the condition of the excavated slope so that the adverse slope condition can be handled
in a way that it does not affect the construction works. Contractor shall supply, install and monitor
instrumentation recordings at his own cost. The proposed instrumentation shall be at least, but
not limited to, the followings:

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

 Boreholes shall be drilled to the depth of at least 5 m below the level of TBM Platform
floor. Such numbers shall be three on northern slopes and one each at eastern and
western slope;
 The borehole shall be installed with inclinometer (suitable type) at the spacing of 5m
(centre-centre) and a piezometer of suitable type and,
 Surface cleavage plates whose locations shall be monitored time to time to find the
surficial movement.

3.3 Construction of Starter Tunnel

The Contractor shall be responsible to conduct necessary survey, design and drawings of the
starter tunnel and shall carry out necessary works after the design and drawings are approved by
the Engineer. The minimum length of the starter tunnel shall be 50 m or as approved by the
Engineer. If the Contractor intends to build longer starter tunnel, Contractor shall propose so and
shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer. Certain or all portion of starter tunnel
might have to be used by the Civil Contractor responsible for construction of Headworks,
Powerhouse and Surgeshaft of SMDMP. The tunnel contractor shall coordinate with such other
contractor/s and facilitate them, to the extent possible, for carrying out the services under the
scope of the Contract. The construction plan shall be prepared with due consideration of the
conditions of geology, stability calculations and possible measures to ensure satisfactory stability
and the prescribed construction period and the following information shall also be included in the

 General description and proposal for the starter tunnel construction, including sequence
and duration of excavation of the various portions of the work, arrangement of machines,
equipment and facilities, system of excavation and hauling, method of excavation of starter
tunnel, numbers of shifts proposed for each excavation, general plan for installation of
supports and including the proposed on - site inventory of materials required for the
various types of support;
 Face mapping procedures and formats, standards to be followed and instrumentation if
 Detailed list and description of all machines and equipment to be used for tunnel
excavation and guaranteed output and tolerance on axis/alignment that will be obtained
with it;
 Procedures for checking and maintaining tunnel axis alignment and,
 Description of procedures, systems and equipment for underground ventilation,
accessibility, illumination and control of water.

3.3.1 Method
The Contractor shall propose a suitable method of excavation of starter tunnel manually,
mechanically, drill and split or any other suitable method for the approval to the Engineer. In case
the Contractor choses to excavate by drilling and blasting method, the Contractor is solely
responsible to manage the process including blasting materials and equipment required for the
same. The Employer can facilitate such process if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

3.3.2 Requirements
The Contractor shall consider the following points:

a) The size and length of the starter tunnel should be adequate to walk the TBM Machine up to
the starting face of the mechanized tunnelling and facilitate the construction of surge shaft and
associated structures;

b) Face mapping and registration of rock mass quality shall be performed immediately after the
excavation. Any abnormalities shall be reported immediately to the Engineer;

c) With proper drainage, ventilation and lighting system, the Contractor shall perform the
excavation work efficiently and safely, taking into account the method and sequence of ground

d) Notwithstanding the adoption of the underground excavation plan proposed by the

Contractor, he shall be solely responsible for the consequences arising from the adoption of any
of the underground excavation plan and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any
additional payment for the underground excavation;

e) The Engineer may direct modifications to the approved excavation plan during the excavation
stage, if site condition indicates this to be desirable. The Contractor will not be entitled to delay in
schedule or increase in payment due to such modification;

f) Completed sections of excavation shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer before
ground supports;

g) The Contractor shall provide clear access and normal tunnel services as specified above, for
the Engineer to perform survey work as a check on the accuracy of the Contractor's control of
alignment. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with data concerning his control points,
when requested and,

h) During all underground excavation works the Contractor shall be full responsibility to maintain
the lines and grades shown on the Drawings by accurate surveying as approved by the Engineer.

3.3.3 Supports
The support for starter tunnel shall comply with at least, but not limited to, the followings:

 The support of the starter tunnel shall be as per the approved design and drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The minimum support shall include rock bolt, steel ribs and fibre
reinforced shotcrete or shotcrete with steel mesh etc. or as proposed by the Contractor
and approved by the Engineer;
 The Contractor shall inspect rock surfaces jointly with the Engineer as soon as practicable
after excavation, clean up and wash-down of the surfaces, and shall recommend to the
Engineer the type and extent of permanent support, if any, which the Contractor believes
is necessary. The type, extent and details of support to be installed shall be subject to the
Engineer's approval. The Engineer may approve the Contractor's proposals or may direct

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

the Contractor to increase the amount of support in any way the Engineer deems
necessary for the safety of the work;
 The Contractor shall at all times maintain at the site an adequate supply of materials,
personnel, and equipment required for the various types of permanent support, so as to
cause no delay in the work on account of the type and extent of support necessary for the
safety of the work. Should such supplies not be maintained, so that support cannot be
installed in a timely manner, the Contractor shall be responsible to provide such temporary
support as may be required for the safety and protection of the work
3.4 Measurement and Payments
Measurement and payment of the construction of TBM Entry Platform, TBM Entry Portal and
Starter tunnel for the design, construction including supply of materials, equipment, human
resources, complete support system, instrumentation and all the required maintenance to keep
the TBM Platform and Starter Tunnel in good and operational condition shall be based on the
lump sum price quoted by Contractor in Item No. 2.1 of Bill of Quantity and no additional payment
shall be made thereof.

The quoted lump sum amount shall be deemed to include all cost of manpower, materials,
equipment and construction plant etc, cost of excavation, concrete works, all slope stabilization,
subsurface and sub-surface drainage works, TBM flooring works, instrumentation and their
monitoring works, Contractor’s overhead, taxes, etc. required to design, construct and maintain
the TBM Entry Platform, Inlet Portal and Starter Tunnel as per the instruction of the Engineer.

The payment of TBM Entry Platform, Inlet Portal and starter tunnel shall be made in four
instalments. First instalment i.e. thirty percent of the quoted price shall be paid to the Contractor
after completion of excavation works of TBM Platform to the designed line and level; second
instalment of forty percent of quoted price shall be paid after completion of the slope stabilization
works of TBM Entry Platform to the satisfaction of the Engineer; third instalment of twenty percent
of quoted price shall be paid after completion of starter tunnel (50m) and remaining ten percent
of quoted price shall be paid on annual basis depending on the actual progress of the overall
construction works and no separate payment for the same shall be made thereof. However, the
extra works that the Contractor has to carry out to walk the TBM to the excavation face shall be
evaluated by the Engineer and the Contractor may be compensated for the same if it is desirable
in the opinion of the Engineer.

3.5 Construction of TBM Exit Platform

The Contractor shall design and construct TBM Exit Platform and manage TBM retrieval works
as per the satisfaction and approval of the Engineer without causing any environmental impact,
and without hindering the works of the other Contractors, that may be engaged to construct other
components of the project. This may require a TBM Exit Platform and road to connect it to existing

The Contractor shall be responsible to conduct necessary survey, design and drawings of the
TBM exit Platform and shall carry out necessary works after the design and drawings are
approved by the Engineer. It shall be designed in a way that there should be no harm to the
highway diversion road and its downslope lying above the TBM Exit Platform and appropriate
measures shall be taken to handle the sediment and water from the tributary lying aside the
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

platform. The excavated material shall be hauled to the designated disposal sites (Spoil Bank, Fill
up Field etc) as shown in drawing or as instructed by the Engineer. The construction plan shall
be prepared with due consideration of the conditions of geology and the prescribed construction
period and the following information shall also be included in the plan:

i. General description and proposal for the TBM Exit Platform including sequence and
duration of excavation of the various portions of the work; arrangement of machines,
equipment and facilities; system of excavation and hauling; method of excavation,
numbers of shifts proposed for each excavation; general plan for installation of supports
and including the proposed on - site inventory of materials required for the various types
of support;
ii. Detailed list and description of all machines and equipment to be used for excavation and
guaranteed output and tolerance on line level that will be obtained with it.

3.5.1 Method
The Contractor shall propose a suitable method of excavation of TBM Exit Platform manually,
mechanically or any other suitable method for the approval to the Engineer. In case the Contractor
choses to excavate by drilling and blasting method, the Contractor is solely responsible to manage
the process including blasting materials and equipment required for the same. The Employer can
facilitate such process if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the Employer.

3.5.2 Requirements
The Contractor shall consider the following points:

i. The area of the TBM Exit Platform should be adequate to exit and disassemble the TBM,
area shall be adequate enough for mobility of all the machineries and to carryout the
activities for disassembly and removal of TBM;
ii. Slope mapping and registration of rock mass quality shall be performed before applying
support. Any abnormalities shall be reported immediately to the Engineer;
iii. The Contractor shall perform the excavation work efficiently and safely, taking into account
the method and sequence of slope supports or concrete lining;
iv. Notwithstanding the adoption of the excavation plan proposed by the Contractor, he shall
be solely responsible for the consequences arising from the adoption of any of the
excavation plan and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any additional
payment for the underground excavation;
v. The Engineer may direct modifications to the approved excavation plan during the
excavation stage, if site condition indicates this to be desirable. The Contractor will not be
entitled to delay in schedule or increase in payment due to such modification;
vi. Completed sections of excavation shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer before
ground supports and,
vii. During all excavation works the Contractor shall be full responsibility to maintain the lines
and grades shown on the Drawings by accurate surveying as approved by the Engineer.

3.5.3 Supports
Supports of TBM Exit Platform and associated arrangement shall at least, but not limited to,
comply with the followings:
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

 Support for cut slope, in general, shall include rock bolt, wire mesh with shotcrete etc. or
any other slope stabilization measures with enough provision for surface and subsurface
 Reinforced concrete retaining structures or stone missionary retaining structures shall be
constructed wherever necessary and,
 The materials comprising the TBM Exit Platform floor shall be compacted to its optimum
moisture content and shall have robust foundation followed by lean concrete and then
reinforced concrete of appropriate thickness to avoid any damage and settlement during
the TBM dis assembly and removal works.

The Contractor shall at all times maintain at the site an adequate supply of materials, personnel,
and equipment required for the various types of permanent support, so as to cause no delay in
the work on account of the type and extent of support necessary for the safety of the work. Should
such supplies not be maintained, so that support cannot be installed in a timely manner, the
Contractor shall be responsible to provide such temporary support as may be required for the
safety and protection of the work.

3.5.4 Measurement and Payment:

Measurement and payment of the design and construction of TBM Exit Platform, including supply
of materials, equipment, human resources, complete support system, instrumentation and all the
required maintenance to keep the TBM Exit Platform in good and operational condition shall be
based on the lump sum price quoted by Contractor in Item No. 2.2 of Bill of Quantity and no
additional payment shall be made thereof.

The quoted lump sum amount shall be deemed to include all cost of manpower, materials,
equipment and construction plant etc, cost of excavation, concrete works, all slope stabilization,
subsurface and sub-surface drainage works, TBM flooring works, Contractor’s overhead, taxes,
etc. required to design, construct and maintain the TBM Exit Platform as per the instruction of the

The payment of TBM Exit Platform shall be made in two instalments. First instalment i.e. fourty
percent of the quoted price shall be paid to the Contractor after completion of excavation works
of TBM Exit Platform to the designed line and level; second instalment of forty percent of quoted
price shall be paid after completion of the slope stabilization works of TBM Exit Platform to the
satisfaction of the Engineer; third instalment of twenty percent of quoted price shall be paid after
completion of TBM dis assembly and removal works to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.6 Excavation for Headrace Tunnel using Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)

3.6.1 Excavation in Ordinary Condition using TBM

Underground excavation of Headrace Tunnel (HRT) shall be carried out using Double Shield
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM). The TBM and its back-up shall be as specified in clause 4.3
[Tunnel Boring Machine] of the Specification. The HRT starting at the end point of starter tunnel
and ending at the point of breakthrough which is about thirteen point three (13.3) Km long shall
be excavated to the sections, lines and level per the approved design and drawings or as
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

instructed by the Engineer. Relevant data obtained through various investigations is provided in
the Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR) in Subsection 4D as a part of the Bidding Document.
All excavation work shall be classified as common/ordinary excavation, irrespective of the type of
rocks/materials and their strength and quality encountered except specifically mentioned in
Subclause [Excavation in Extraordinary condition] of the specification. Excavation works shall
also include all necessary activities required for effective and efficient excavation such as
mucking, ventilation, water supply, dewatering, lighting and all other related activities including
sundries required to carry out the excavation works smoothly. The Contractor shall plan and carry
out the excavation works based on, but not limited to the following:
 information provided in the GBR;
 additional investigations carried out as specified in Clause …. [Investigation during
 observation and learning during actual excavation;
 contractor’s own investigation if felt necessary and,
 contractor’s experience and knowhow.

The Contractor shall conduct necessary survey and verification of the necessary information
provided and shall prepare and submit a proposal including construction plan, design and
drawings and method for the excavation works using TBM and shall carry out the works as
approved or instructed by the Engineer. Based on observation and learning during actual
excavation The Contractor may propose modification for approval and shall carry out the works
as approved by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall consider to include but not limited to the following in preparing the proposal:
 schedule (in hours) of excavation and maintenance shift;
 main activities to be carried out during each shift including details for excavation, mucking,
and grouting (at all stage), maintenance activities. Plan for other activities such installation
of lining, backfilling with pea gravel etc shall be as specified in respective work item;
 schedule and arrangement for observation of rock face through manhole and open surface
of TBM and mechanism to determine the rock mass quality. Manhole shall be opened at
specified time and situation on a daily basis or as instructed by the Engineer for
observation of the rock face installation of lining, backfilling with pea gravel by the
Contractor and Engineer and/or Employer to evaluate properties of the rock mass;
 mechanism and procedure for registration, mapping and verification by observation of
tunnel face and open surface under and side of shield jointly by Contractor, Engineer
and/or Employer. The Contractor shall be responsible for registration and mapping which
shall be verified by the Engineer and,
 mechanism to facilitate visitors etc.

The excavated material from the tunnel shall be transported out of the tunnel using a suitable
conveyor belt or track bound transport or any other suitable method as opted by the Contractor
to the dumping yard or to the designated site directly. Rotary dumping system or equivalent
method as opted by the Contractor shall be used for dumping. Haulage and disposal of the muck
and spoils shall be carried out as specified in Sub-Clause 3.5 [Haulage and Disposal of Excavated
Material] of the Specification.

Arrangement for entry inside tunnel

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement and facilitate the Engineer and Employer for
unrestricted access to the tunnel for all tunneling activities including regular and systematic
observation of rock face, construction supervision, quality control, general monitoring and
inspection or any other purpose during excavation or maintenance period. The Contractor shall,
as recommended by the Engineer or Employer, arrange and facilitate visit by concerned
authorities for monitoring and any other personality/agency to visit the site at any time during

Measurement for payment for excavation of tunnel using TBM shall be made in running meter of
tunnel excavated to the neat lines and levels as approved tunnel section drawings and its payment
shall be made at the unit rate per running meter of excavated tunnel as per Item No A-5.1 of the
Bill of Quantities.

The unit rate of excavation in ordinary condition is deemed to include entire cost to complete the
works in all respect which shall include but not limited to the following:
 cost of TBM and ancillaries all complete as specified in section…….. including
design, fabrication, all tests, disassembly, packaging, transportation, assembly
 cost of smooth operation and maintenance of TBM, consumables of all type
including fuel and/ or electric power for operation and maintenance of TBM for
ordinary excavation;
 cost of human resources of all kind for survey, design, drawings, documentation,
operation and maintenance of TBM;
 provision for and operation of mucking arrangement using conveyor system or
track bound transport system, loading, conveying and dumping the excavated
material to disposal site and its maintenance;
 cost for complying with all requirements of statutory laws and regulation relating to
underground works and any restriction resulting therefrom;
 establishing and maintaining an effective dewatering system including cost of
pumps and drainage arrangement so as to maintain good and safe working
condition inside the TBM and tunnel;
 survey, setting out, checking of excavated profile and alignment and any
subsequent rectification works resulting from errors in construction or undue and/or
incorrect surveys;
 supply, installation, operation, maintenance and removal of communication,
lighting, track and transportation system, ventilation system, water supply system
etc. all complete for smooth operation and maintenance of TBM and construction
of tunnel;
 all necessary safety precautions and measures to control dust and other
undesirable gases and,

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

 recording and preparing reports related to all necessary aspects of excavation in


3.6.2 Excavation in Extraordinary Condition using TBM

The tunnel is anticipated to pass through geologically and hydro-geologically varying strata. The
data obtained by various investigations is provided in the GBR provided in Section 4D
[Geotechnical Baseline Report] as a part of the Bidding Document). Works that will require extra
effort and resources (human resource, equipment, material and sundry items) over and above
the ordinary condition to handle the extraordinary conditions are accounted as excavation in
extraordinary condition and are specified separately and provided with respective unit rates.
Geologically and hydro-geologically varying conditions considered as extraordinary conditions
shall be as specified in following sections.

A team between Employer, Engineer and Contractor and a mechanism shall be established to
decide that a particular situation is to be classified and handled as an extraordinary condition and
also decide on urgent action to be taken during emergency situation. The team named “Tunneling
Technical Team (TTT)” shall comprise of Employer represented by a professional designated by
the Project Director, Engineer’s representative designated by the Consultant’s Team Leader and
Contractor represented by Geologist/Tunnel engineer. In order to establish that a particular
situation is to be classified and handled as an extraordinary condition, the Contractor shall arrange
his technical staff (geologist/tunnel engineer) to record and document all necessary data on the
geological and hydro-geological features and other data and information as instructed by the
Engineer during the operation of excavation, advance probing or other ground engineering works
as well as monitoring of tunnel after installation of lining and grouting. The proposal shall be
considered for accounting as extraordinary only after it is verified by the Team and approved by
the Engineer and shall be paid separately over and above the ordinary condition.

As excavation proceeds, the Contractor shall clearly mark the zone of ordinary excavation and
the zones verified and approved as extraordinary conditions in the geological plan and section of
the completed tunnel. Contractor shall regularly update the geological section and plan of the
tunnel alignment with actual geology as encountered during excavation.

Measurement and payment for underground excavation under extraordinary conditions shall be
made as per Item Nos 5.2 and 5.3 of the Bill of Quantities respectively for the particular conditions.
Unit rates specified for extraordinary conditions are in addition (over and above) to the unit rate
for ordinary excavation in that stretch. Each case of extraordinary condition shall be carried out
as specified for the case and accounted for payment as per respective unit rate and measurement.

The quantity for each case of extraordinary condition mentioned in BoQ are based on rough
estimate and shall not be considered as accurate. It may vary considerably due to variation in
geological and hydro-geological conditions actually encountered during execution of the work.

Items of work for Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization which may be carried out as required
during excavation or maintenance period such as exploratory drilling for grouting and pressure
relief holes, drilling for systematic advance probing, advance grouting, drainage holes, pre-
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

excavation grouting, consolidation and contact grouting, fore-poling, and all other jobs related to
stabilization of ground shall be paid separately as specified for each item in Chapter 4B5: Ground
Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works. Geothermal Condition

It is anticipated that in some portion of the tunnel, especially in a high cover zone, temperature
may be more than general working temperature because of which extra effort or time may have
to be applied. Geothermal condition shall be considered as extraordinary condition when
temperature of seepage water coming out of tunnel face and surrounding area is more than forty
(40)0C and also the rock temperature of face and surrounding area is more than forty (40)0C both
simultaneously for at least a continuous length of fifty (50) m or more during excavation. In case
temperature more than the threshold is recorded, the Contractor shall report to the Engineer and
arrange for a joint inspection, monitoring and continuous recording of the situation. The Contractor
shall submit a proposal including the explanations/justifications and measures and method to
handle the situation by suitable technique, including, if required, installation of chillers to the TTT
for verification and any decision for action to be taken and subsequent approval by the Engineer
and shall carry out the works as decided by TTT in urgent situation or as approved by the Engineer

Measurement for Geothermal condition shall be carried out as above but shall be considered for
payment only if the extraordinary condition occurs for a continuous length of at least fifty (50) m
stretch and shall be made only once for the same stretch. Payment shall be made based on unit
rate per linear meter as per Item No A-5.2 of the Bill of Quantities. Cost for additional effort to
handle the geothermal condition including human resource, equipment and material and all
sundries required to maintain working condition conducive to carry out the excavation works
smoothly are deemed to be included in the unit rate. Squeezing Condition

The tunnel alignment passes through series of weak zones (shear zones) as mentioned in the
GBR including two major thrusts, Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) at one place and Mahabharat
Thrust (MT) at two places along the tunnel alignment. Squeezing condition in the tunnel is
anticipated in rock masses having lower compressive strength and high overburden including
presence of swelling minerals, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Team and submit a
proposal explaining the condition and based on his understanding and experience, shall propose
appropriate measures to handle the situation and shall carry out emergency action as decided by
the TTT. Based on the inference of observed data and information, any extraordinary experience
in application of forces (Thrust/Torque etc) physically felt by operator or observed in TBM data
during operation of TBM, other investigation during excavation (probe drilling, HSP etc.) and
Contractor’s own experience, if in the opinion of the Contractor, a squeezing condition is likely to
occur or has occurred posing threat of stuck of TBM for which actions such as overcut/shimming
beyond ordinary bore diameter or application of extra thrust combined with lubrication are
required which the Contractor consider as extraordinary condition, the Contractor shall
immediately call for meeting or submit a proposal to the TTT to decide on urgent action to be
taken if necessary and . The Contractor shall provide the explanations/justification for the situation
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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

and propose measures and method to handle the situation and shall carry out the urgent works
as decided by the TTT and other works as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor may
consider application of the overcut/shimming facility of the TBM, apply high thrust combined with
or without lubrication between shield and rock or any other suitable method in the proposal and
shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer. However, the Contractor shall make all
possible effort to keep the TBM moving and keep the excavation continuing without break or
holidays, during such occasion. In case the action to be taken are of emergency nature, the
Contractor shall not hold back the proposed action plan to get the prior approval.

Measurement of squeezing condition shall be made in the running meter of the stretch decided
and approved as squeezing condition and action was carried out to handle the squeezing
condition. Payment shall be made based on unit rate per running meter as per Item No A-5.3 of
the Bill of Quantities and measurement as above. The unit rate is deemed to include cost for over
excavation, additional effort including human resources, equipment, material and all sundry
activities to handle the squeezing condition and carry out the excavation works smoothly.

Items such as exploratory drilling for grouting and pressure relief holes, drilling for advance
probing, advance grouting, drainage holes, Pre excavation grouting, consolidation and contact
grouting, fore-poling, and all other jobs related to ground engineering and stabilization shall be
paid separately as specified in Chapter 4B5: Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works.

3.7 Spoil Bank and Fill-up Field for Disposal of Excavated Material

Spoil Bank shall mean the bank formed by loose dumping and Fill-up Field shall mean field formed
by filling up of natural valley or depressed area formation by material obtained from excavation of
Head Race Tunnel or TBM Platform (Staging Area) or material obtained from excavation of
access road.

The excavated muck from Head Race Tunnel and material excavated from TBM Platform and
TBM entry portal shall be hauled and disposed of at designated sites to form Spoil Banks or Fill-
up Fields as shown in the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. The Spoil Banks and Fill-up
Field shall be levelled and trimmed to reasonable lines of self stability or to ensure the compaction
, slope stability, erosion protection and public safety or as instructed by the Engineer. The Fill up
Field shall be prepared by depositing excavated material in horizontal layers of reasonable
thickness and levelling each layer, top layer shall be finely levelled so that the ground may be
used in future for suitable purpose.
In locations where the Spoil Bank made by disposing the excavated materials along river bank is
to be remodelled by other agency in future to form flood embankment for protection of adjacent
land, the Spoil Bank shall be aligned and filled to dimensions that will be adequate to build the
embankment as per the drawings or instruction of the Engineer. In such case, in order to allow
for future compaction and settlement, top of the Spoil Bank shall be filled to an extra height of at
least zero point three (0.3)m above the designed flood embankment height at that location.

Wherever possible, the Spoil Banks and Fill up Fields shall be so prepared that it will facilitate
future plantation and bioengineering works that may be carried out by other agency.

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Chapter 4B3: Earthworks

Cost of disposal of excavated material to spoil bank or fill up field shall be deemed to be included
in the unit cost of excavation of tunnel so no separate measurement and payment shall be made
for the same.

3.8 Haulage and Disposal of Excavated Materials/Muck

Excavated materials from Tunnel, TBM Platform, TBM entry portal,starter tunnel Access Road
and other structures if any, except for the materials stockpiled in the yards as directed by the
Engineer, shall be hauled and disposed to Spoil Banks or Fill up Fields at locations designated in
the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Wherever required, the contractor shall construct
a temporary access road required to dispose of the excavated materials to the disposal sites as
specified for temporary access road.

Cost of haulage and disposal of material obtained from excavation of tunnel, shall be deemed to
be included in the unit cost of excavation of tunnel, no separate measurement and payment shall
be made for the same.

Cost of haulage and disposal of material obtained from excavation of upgradation and new
construction of access road shall be deemed to be included in the unit cost of upgradation of
existing road per running meter and construction of new road to the TBM Entry portal and
Employer's/Engineer's Camp new construction per running meter respectively. No separate
measurement and payment shall be made for the same.

The Contractor shall work in close coordination with the local people or other agencies appointed
by the Project in the disposal of the muck and other activities related to the work. The Project may
appoint agencies to use the muck to make embankment for flood protection, prepare fields,
required engineering and bio-engineering work for stabilization or any other works that may be
decided during actual construction.

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine


Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine


4.1 Background

Total length of the Headrace tunnel (HRT), under the scope of this contract, is about thirteen point
three (13.3) Km and is to be excavated using Double Shield Tunnel Boring Machine hereafter
abbreviated as TBM.
The excavated tunnel is simultaneously lined with precast concrete segments throughout the
length of the tunnel and annular space between ground and the extrados of segmental lining will
be back filled using pea gravel and grout.

The tunnel to be excavated using TBM will be circular in shape with a finished diameter of about
five point five (5.5) m. Nominal-boring diameter will be 6.4 m based on designed outer diameter
of concrete segment, ground and internal clearance, space required for equipment to be mounted
over the machine for ground probing and ground stabilization etc. plus steering and cutter wear

TBM is proposed to be driven from Powerhouse site (Marin river side) upstream towards
Headworks site (Sunkoshi river side) over a slope of about 1:412. Proposed tentative location of
TBM platform for assembly/erection of TBM and portal for entry of the TBM is as shown in the
drawing of TBM platform.

This section covers all mechanized excavation work under the contract to be performed by Double
Shield TBM. The work shall include:

● All excavation, dewatering, transportation and disposal of materials upto stockpile area as
well as removal of all excavated material;

● Transportation, assembly and erection of TBM and development of necessary space

including all civil works for the assembly and erection platform at the location of inlet portal
for entry of TBM.

4.2 Geological Information and Tests

Pertinent geological and geotechnical information has been put into the Geotechnical Baseline
Report (GBR) which is provided in Sub-Section 4D of the Bidding document. The information is
based on various studies carried out by the Project. In general, rock along HRT consists of all
igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks ranging in age from early plesitocene to paleozoic
era and the overburden ranges from a few tens of metres to about 1320 metres.. The rock
formations of different age groups are separated by thrust faults and there are three such faults
along the tunnel alignment. One of such faults called Main Boundary Thrusts crosses the tunnel
at the chaingae of about 4+180m and the crossing chainage is marked by perennial river called
Dhanamana Khola where the overburden is about 220m. The highest overburden area of about
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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

1320 m is marked by the highest elevation in the area and tunnel passes through the core of
Mahabharat Synclinorium and the anticipated rock type is Granite.

The Contractor is advised to perform their own geological/geotechnical assessment and

necessary rock mechanic tests if the data provided in GBR is inadequate in the opinion of the
contractor or may excavate a drift at the entry/ exit portal of the tunnel after obtaining approval
from the Project to determine Unconfined Compressive Strength and other properties required for
planning and execution of necessary ground engineering works, design of Tunnel Boring Machine
and ancillary facilities like cutters, thrust, torque etc. Cost of such tests (excluding the Item No.:
6.7 and 6.8 of Bill of Quantity), investigations including Unconfined Compressive Strength,
Abrasivity Index, Plate load tests etc. shall be borne by the Contractor.

4.3 Tunnel Boring Machine: Proposal by the Contractor

Suitable Double Shield (DS) Hard Rock type of TBM shall be used to excavate the tunnel, install
precast concrete segments and backfill the annular space with pea gravel and grout to achieve
finished tunnel dimensions to the lines, grade, level as per approved design and drawings. The
TBM shall be newly built or re-engineered and shall be fully equipped with all facilities to meet the
excavation requirements of anticipated geological/geotechnical conditions along the tunnel
alignment. In case the Contractor proposes to use a re-engineered TBM, he shall submit a
certificate from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) certifying that the TBM including all
components/subassemblies and its attachments/accessories proposed to be used for this
Contract is suitable to be reengineered so that the machine is as per the minimum design and
test requirements specified in these specifications (Clause 4.4). In case a contractor proposes a
re-engineered machine, the reengineering should meet the requirement of both remanufacturing
and refurbishment as per ITATech Guidelines for Rebuilds of Machinery for Mechanized Tunnel
Excavation (March, 2019) wherever and whenever applicable. The re-engineering shall be as per
the conditions and qualification criteria mentioned in pre-qualification documents.

If, at any stage of execution, it turns out that any component or accessories/attachment of TBM
did not meet the quality/ quantity of excavation requirement, the Contractor shall be obliged to
replace the same immediately at his own cost. Any additional cost due to delay on account of
this event shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be liable to penalty for delay
of works caused due to such a case and any additional costs to the Employer shall be also borne
by the Contractor.

Based on available information regarding location of the works to be carried out, geological/
geotechnical conditions and also on Contractor's own assessment of the geological/ geotechnical
condition, design aspects of the tunnel, construction plan & program, site logistics and any other
relevant matter together with Contractor's own knowhow and experience, the Contractor shall
prepare a comprehensive proposal which shall contain specific details of TBM to be used, its
detail design or reengineering, plan method of fabrication, transportation and delivery to site,
assembly/erection method, operational procedure, repair and maintenance schedule, human
resource type and schedule for operation, repair and maintenance etc. and details of all minor

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

activities required to carry out tunnel excavation, segmental lining and pea gravel grouting works
smoothly and as per approved Program. In case of re-engineered machine, the plan should
include present status of the existing double shield machine including its location and the detail
work plan to build the machine as per the requirement of the contract. The Contractor shall
arrange the inspection at site of existing TBM proposed for reengineering to the Employer and/or
Engineer at his own cost. The proposal shall also contain expected upper and lower limit of
progress in time units of minute, hour, day, week and month, its dis assembly and retrieval plan.
The proposal shall also include other matter as explained in following sections.

In addition to the ordinary condition, the Contractor shall also consider expected variation of
geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and other anticipated adverse conditions such as high
water ingress, squeezing, fault zones, slabbing, spalling, bursting etc. along the tunnel alignment
and shall include in the proposal appropriate accessories, tools and facilities to be included in the
TBM to handle these variations smoothly. The proposal shall include preparations and provisions
in all respect to be made by the Contractor to probe systematically in advance and handle all
ground engineering requirement which may arise during excavation such as high temperature in
the tunnel, squeezing ground, advance grouting for ground stabilization and seepage control,
provision of drainage hole, fore-poling, umbrella pipe roofing arrangement, shear zone treatment
by all kind of grout including chemical grouting.

The Contractor shall include in the proposal appropriate system for transporting the muck out of
the tunnel using suitable conveyor belt or track bound transport system so that excavation,
segmental lining, backfilling of annular space and mucking works are carried out smoothly and
harmoniously. All preparation shall be made so that in no case progress in any aspect of tunnelling
works is hindered due to inefficiency of mucking arrangement.

The Contractor shall also include type and quantity of key human resource having experience in
tunnelling by TBM to be used for operation and maintenance of the TBM and all accessories for
smooth execution of tunnelling, segmental lining, backfilling by pea gravel and grout.

The Contractor shall submit the proposal prepared as above for approval to the Engineer. The
Engineer shall approve the proposal with or without modification and the Contractor shall execute
the works as approved by the Engineer. However, based on the learning curve and other
experience during actual excavation, the Contactor may propose modification/revision to the
proposal as may be required and carry out the works as per approved revised proposal or as
instructed by the Engineer.

Any failure occurring due to improper choice of TBM, improper re-engineering of TBM,
inappropriate transportation/fabrication method, inadequate or unskilful human resource for
operation and defective or untimely maintenance, inadequate systematic probing in advance,
inadequate advance planning for ground treatment and absence of implementation of proper
ground engineering works which may cause failure of tunnel or failure of the TBM causing delay
in tunnelling work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Keeping in view the likelihood of
problem of squeezing, which may aggravate if the TBM lies idle for a prolonged period, the

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

Contractor shall make all arrangements for regular maintenance and prompt repair to keep the
TBM in working and advancing condition at all time.

The Proposal shall include provision for the technical staff of the Employer/ Engineer to visit the
TBM design office and manufacturing/ re-engineering factory intermittently consisting of seven
persons per visit for at least three times (each at design discussion, fabrication period and factory
acceptance test) to discuss the design, monitoring of manufacturing and Factory Acceptance Test
of the machine. Contractor shall manage all aspects of the visit as per standard practice and shall
bear all costs incurred including daily allowance as per GoN rules related to such visit as. The
Contractor shall ensure in consultation with the manufacturer that the visits are planned,
managed and implemented properly and effectively to meet the respective purpose.

4.4 The TBM and Backup

The specific details of the proposal shall include all the components of the TBM which are
necessary for successful and continuous operation and execution of the works under the
Contract. The TBM shall have, at the minimum but not limited to, following auxiliary attachment
for works such as probing, monitoring, measuring and ground engineering purpose. It should be
either installed in the TBM or any other arrangement as proposed by the Contractor:
● Probe Drill System (Minimum two) with automatic data logging system for RPM,
Thrust, Penetration Rate etc. necessarily including one back up drilling
machine and the arrangement for spacing of probing shall be such that it shall
be close enough to install umbrella pipe roofing and or forepoling in waeak
section of tunnel alignment;
● Complete water tight shield arrangement so that the ingress water can be
avoided to enter in to the TBM;
● High water ingress management system (Screw conveyor or any other suitable
mechanism to manage ground water ingress);
● Over cut/shimming capability of at least 70 mm;
● Foam or lubricants Injection facility to lubricate shield in case of squeezing
condition or high friction in the shield from the ground ;
● 30 m Fore pole/Pipe Roofing Capability (at inclination of 7◦-10° to tunnel axis);
● Complete set of grouting arrangement including at least 3 sets of grouting
equipment, two at front and one at rear end of TBM,
● Pea Gravel Pumping equipment together with invert mortar injection
● High Pressure (up to100bar) Grouting arrangements ;
● Automatic Fire Suppression System;
● Arrangement to measure the ground pressure in TBM Shields,
● Automated, precision guidance system, including ring-build option;
● Guidance data acquisition system;
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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

● Closed circuit television systems;

● Rescue chamber/s, with appropriate oxygen supply and first aid facilities, to
accommodate the TBM working crew of at least a shift in case of emergency
● Arrangement for acquisition, storage and retrieval of the relevant information
generated during the operation of the TBM as instructed by the Engineer.
● Appropriate ventilation system to provide adequate supply of air (……….. )
such that systematic back fill grouting works from crown portion is not

The Contractor shall provide Technical Specification of proposed TBM in the format as per
attached Data Sheet.

Over and above the basic data as listed above the Contractor in consultation with the
Manufacturer shall provide a write up covering principle, parameters etc. on normal features and
special features of the proposed DS TBM with detail justification.

4.5 Mucking and Back-up System

Mucking shall be carried out by Conveyor or muck cart system. . The Conveyor belt or the muck
cart system shall carry the muck till the temporary muck dumping yard located at the end of the
TBM platform. The muck will be hauled to the disposal site by truck/ tipper etc.

The Contractor shall submit a general write up on the Back-up system along with details of rolling
decks, support at rear end of the TBM conveyor and forward end of the Backup conveyor etc.

The Contractor shall provide Data/Technical Specification of proposed Backup in the format as
per attached Data Sheet or in any other more detailed information in the forms acceptable to the

4.6 Other Equipment and System

The contractor shall propose provision of at least but not limited to the following equipment and
system in the TBM. Based on his experience and knowhow the Contractor may propose
equipment/ system that will ensure safe and smooth tunnelling.

4.6.1 Fire Suppression System and Prevention

The Contractor shall provide, install appropriate portable fire-suppression units of dry chemical
type in accordance with Safety Requirements of the Contract for all underground area as per the
international standard/ code of practice. The Contractor shall make arrangement for its proper
and timely use in case of accidents.

4.6.2 Special Fire Prevention Measures

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

The Contractor shall make arrangement to comply with Special Fire Prevention Measures
according to standard international practice. Following measures shall be complied:

a) Electrical portions of all facilities, including the ventilation system, shall be in

accordance with the Electrical Safety Provision for non-gaseous tunnels.
b) Hydraulic fluids used in the TBM shall be certified by the manufacturer as fire-
c) Conveyor belts shall be of fire resistance materials.

Over and above these measures, the Contractor may install any additional measures as per
international practice or those the Contractor may feel necessary.

4.6.3 Monitoring System using Sensors

The proposed TBM shall be equipped with all the sensors required to carry out the tunnelling and
lining works safely. It shall, at the minimum, have the sensors to monitor the methane, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, sulphur dioxide, temperature Such monitoring system shall be made up of at
least three sensor or more appropriately located on the TBM. For Instance, the first methane
sensor shall provide for continuous methane monitoring in the cutter-head, the second sensor
shall be located in the vicinity of the operator and the third shall sense the ventilation exhaust
discharge and other sensors shall be suitably located within the length of TBM. Automatic
shutdown of the high voltage power outside of the tunnel, except for the ventilation system shall
be accomplished at preset safe level. During a shutoff TBM and backup shall be equipped with
an explosion safe emergency lighting.

4.6.4 Cutter Repair and Rebuild Facility

The Contractor shall supply, operate and maintain a cutter repair and rebuild facility at suitable
location near the site.

4.7 TBM Operation Procedure

Operation and maintenance of TBM shall be carried out on the basis of manuals and guidelines
provided by the Manufacturer and the Contractors own knowhow. The Contractor shall propose
a detailed method and procedure of operation for excavation, segmental lining and pea gravel
grouting such that excavation and lining work shall be carried out smoothly and simultaneously.
The Contractor shall also propose procedures for sequential excavation and lining to handle
situations where the TBM may have to be operated in single shield mode or TBM may be unable
to obtain thrust from the tunnel walls and has to rely on thrust obtained from segmental ring only.
The proposal shall also include procedure for transport of muck out of the tunnel and such all
other activities to be carried out for smooth operation of the TBM. Additionally, the proposal shall
include TBM operation procedures in adverse geological conditions like squeezing, geothermal,
high water ingress, fault zone etc.

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

The proposal shall include in detail manufacturer's involvement in the operation and maintenance
of the TBM as stipulated in Section: 4.11 [Manufacturers Role] of this Specification, clearly stating
their role and responsibility, linkages and such other management aspects for smooth
coordination between the Contractor, Manufacturer and Engineer to carry out respective
responsibility and construction works smoothly. The Contractor, in his proposal, shall include at
least, but not limited to, the followings:
 detail regarding procurement, transport and use of all consumables including other supply
chains required for smooth operation of the TBM and,
 method and procedure to obtain necessary data to be noted while the excavation is in
progress such as level, direction, position, thrust, torque, ground pressures on shield etc.
The Contractor shall carry out the works as per detail operation procedure approved by the

4.8 Maintenance of TBM

The Contractor shall propose regular maintenance schedule taking into account the suggestions
from the manufacturer. The Contractor shall plan and execute excavation and maintenance shift
of TBM as per standard practice and in line with the approved Programme. Maintenance works
shall be as per manufacturer's operation and maintenance guide and recommendation from time
to time. However, additional maintenance works as the Contractor may feel necessary may be
included in the maintenance schedule. The schedule shall be sub specified into daily, weekly,
monthly or annual maintenance schedules. .

The Contractor shall be responsible for smooth operation and maintenance of the TBM to achieve
progress as per approved Programme. Additional costs incurred because of delay due to
improper operation/maintenance, wrong choice of ancillary facilities of TBM and subsequent
breakdown of TBM shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be liable to
penalties as per the Conditions of Contract for such delay.

Approval given by Engineer to the Contractor’s proposal as above shall not relieve the Contractor
of his full responsibility for a proper and safe execution of tunnelling works or of liability for injuries
to, or death of persons or any other obligations under this contract.

4.9 Tunnel Excavation Tolerances

Tunnel excavation tolerances shall be as following:

1. Line: ten (10) cm maximum departure from the theoretical horizontal alignment. All
departure from this alignment shall be corrected at a horizontal correction rate no
greater than two point five (2.5) cm per ten (10) m of tunnel.
2. Grade: five (5) cm maximum departure from theoretical vertical alignment. All
departure from this alignment shall be corrected at a vertical correction rate no
greater than two point five (2.5) cm per ten (10) m of tunnel and,

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

3. Overall, axis of the tunnel at TBM Exit Portal, in line, shall not deviate more than
fifty (50) centimetres and in grade it shall not deviate more than twenty five (25)

Contractor shall submit the surveyed location and orientation of TBM Platform vis-à-vis portal
alignment of TBM entry portal. He shall demonstrate that the surveyed location of the tunnel at
100 m intervals is within specified tolerances. Tolerances discussed above and as per the
approved drawing shall be maintained during the excavation. If felt necessary by the Engineer,
the contractor shall provide access and logistic support for an independent survey to check the to
check the alignment of the tunnel. The Engineer shall coordinate with the Contractor to
minimize/avoid tunnelling hindrance time because of survey operations. In event that tolerances
are exceeded, cost of additional work necessary to correct the alignment of tunnel within stated
tolerances shall be borne by the Contractor.

4.10 Disassembly and Removal of TBM

The TBM shall be disassembled and removed from the exit portal of HRT extended to TBM exit
platform located at Headwork’s site. The Contractor shall establish the TBM exit portal and
platform at suitable location for the purpose of disassembly and subsequent transportation. After
completion of the excavation works by the TBM, the Contractor shall disassemble and remove
the TBM away from site without causing any adverse environmental impact and hindrance to
other contractors works engaged in the construction of other component of the project The cost
of all arrangements for retrieval and disassembly of TBM including its transportation safely away
from site is deemed to be included in the cost of construction of TBM Exit Platform, Item No. 2.2
of Bill of Quantity.

4.11 Manufacturer's Role

The Contractor shall arrange with the Manufacturer of the TBM for manufacturer's active
participation in operation and maintenance of the TBM by providing crew of skilled personals as
and when required and assist the Contractor for smooth operation of the machine. This can be
via presence of skilled TBM crew at site or remotely.

In case any modification or alteration of the machine is required to make excavation work more
effective or to tackle extraordinary conditions , the Contractor shall arrange for manufacturers
involvement and the Manufacturer has to be prepared for the same. All the cost of modification
or alternation shall be borne by the Contractor. In addition to that, the TBM manufacturer
recommended Rescue plan in case of in case TBM is stuck and needs to be rescued, and TBM
manufacturers action plan to bore through anticipated adverse geological and hydro geological
condition shall be submitted along with the proposal. The Contractor shall report the manufacturer
regarding occurrence and likely occurrence of such conditions and involve the manufacturer as
and when necessary to implement the recommended plans including hiring of team of experts to
tackle such situation.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

The Contractor shall arrange for manufacturers to be responsible to carry out tunnelling of initial
500 m of the tunnel. The manufacturer shall demonstrate proper functioning of the TBM as well
as necessary skill transfer to the Contractors personnel.

4.12 Submittals

The Contractor shall submit the details of the TBM proposed by the contractor in the TBM Data
Form. Contractor shall submit advance probing, ground treatment and engineering plan as and
when required and instructed by Engineer. Contractor shall submit a demobilization plan for
removal of TBM from tunnel at least 12 weeks prior to demobilization.

4.13 Measurement and Payment

Cost of TBM and all ancillary parts, their design, cost of transportation including extra
widening/bypass/maintenance of highway to transport the TBM, backup and mucking
arrangement, its operation and maintenance all complete, cost of all consumables, human
resource for operation & maintenance and all consumables shall be deemed to be included in the
unit cost of excavation of tunnel per running meter as per Item No. A—5.1 of the Bill of Quantities.
No separate payment shall be made for any of the above except for TBM Retrieval and
Disassembly Works.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

Data Sheet for Technical Specification of Shielded TBM and Backup

S No Main Characteristics Data to be filled In by Contractor

Shielded TBM

1 Cutterhead

Nominal diameter


2 Main Bearing

Calculated life/ Designed Life

Main Bearing Seals

Used Life (for Re-engineered Machine)




Pressure rating

3 Cutters



Number of Disc Cutters

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

Cutter load (nominal)

4 Main Thrust

Max recommended operating cutter head


Maximum thrust

Number of cylinders




Operating pressure

5 Auxiliary Thrust

Maximum thrust

Maximum exceptional thrust (with


Number of cylinders

Bore Ø

Rod Ø


Operating pressure

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

6 Cutterhead Drive

Total power

Cutterhead rotational speed

Cutterhead speed control

Cutterhead rotation direction

Gear reducers

Cutterhead torque

Breakout torque

7 Boring Stroke

Auxiliary thrust cylinder stroke

Main thrust cylinder stroke

Extension speed

Retraction speed

8 Grippers

Gripper pad pressure

Gripper shoe surface area

Maximum ground pressure

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

9 Stabilizers


Bore Ø

Rod Ø

Stroke Ø

Maximum ground pressure

11 Hydraulic System

System operating pressure

Maximum system pressure

Emergency auxiliary thrust pressure

Installed power

12 Electrical System

Motor circuit

Control voltage

Transformer size

Primary voltage

Secondary voltage

13 TBM and Back-up Turning Radius

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

TBM Conveyor

Belt width


14 Machine Weight (Approx.)

Back up

S No Main Characteristics Data to be filled In by Contractor

15. General

Minimum Tunnel I.D. Diameter

Finished Diameter

Segment Length / Boring Stroke

Towing System Stroke

S No Main Characteristics Data to be filled In by Contractor

Track gage, for trains

Back-up Conveyor

Rail Laying Area Length


Muck haulage

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Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

16. Lifting Equipment

Materials/Segment Handling Monorail

Hoist Capacity (Rail laying area)

Ventilation Duct Cassette Lifting


17. Fresh Water System

Incoming Water Hose Reel and Hose

Incoming Fresh Water Tank with float valve

Incoming Fresh Water Booster Pump

Industrial Fresh Water Pipe

18. Compressed Air System

Air Compressor

Working Pressure

Maximum Pressure


Air Receiver (Compressed Air Tank) 1 m3

Compressed Air Pipe

19. Electrical System

High Voltage Cable Reel

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

Emergency Lighting, operates in Methane

Emergency Generator

Closed Circuit Television

S No Main Characteristics Data to be filled In by Contractor

20. Fresh Air and Dust Scrubber

Dry type dust scrubber

Dust Scrubber

Fresh Air Booster Fan

Fresh Air Duct Diameter (duct not included)

Duct Cassette

Duct Cassette Lifting Mechanism

Duct Hanging Centenary Wire Installation


21. Segment Backfill Pea Gravel

Segment Backfill Pea Gravel Pump

Pea Gravel Conveyor, hopper to pump

Number of pumps

22. Grouting System

Grout pump

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B4– Tunnel Boring Machine

Maximum delivery pressure 40 bar

Space for cement bag storage

Number of pumps

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-1



Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-2

5.1 General
All ground engineering works and rock stabilization works related to understanding of geological
and hydro-geological condition and measures for stabilization in order to facilitate smooth
construction of the tunnel by TBM is included in this chapter.

Specifications described in the following sections are separated for ease in measurement and
payment. Wherever applicable, the works related to ground engineering, as mentioned in this
chapter, carried out sequentially or simultaneously shall be interpreted in conjunction.

Prior to initiation of excavation works, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a proposal
containing plan, design and method for all ground engineering and rock stabilization works
including all kind of drilling, grouting and /or ground stabilization works necessary for investigation
or to stabilize unstable ground for the approval of the Engineer and shall carry out the works as
approved by the Engineer. The proposal may have to be appropriately modified and approved
based on the observation of actual ground condition of exposed surface and/or information
inferred through any investigation during construction as the excavation work advances. The
Contractor shall make all pertinent information regarding all activities carried out available to the
Engineer on completion of each work phase.

Cost of the above submittals are deemed to be included in respective work items, no separate
payment shall be made thereof. Contractor shall perform necessary non- physical
tests/inspections by using GPR and HSP methods to confirm the quality of filling of annular space
and to ascertain the ground condition ahead of excavation as per the instruction of the Engineer.

5.2 Drilling

Drilling works under this contract includes the following but not limited to:
a) Probe drilling i.e drilling of exploratory holes in advance which shall be carried out
systematically as specified in following section;
b) Drilling of holes for pre-grouting, chemical grouting, installation of drainage pipe,
fore-poling, umbrella pipe roofing, contact grouting, drilling through segmental
linings, water pressure testing or for any other purpose as instructed by the
Engineer and,
c) Drilling of holes for grouting purpose behind the segmental lining of already
constructed tunnel and or starter tunnel.

The Contractor shall propose and submit for approval proposal containing a plan, design and
method for drilling for each purpose and shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer
or as instructed by the Engineer based on actual site condition. The proposal shall include size,
number, location, length, spacing etc. (invert, crown, sides etc) and detail of equipment and
techniques to be used to carry out the drilling works. All drill holes shall be logged in standard
forms as approved by the Engineer. The log shall be recorded by Contractor and verified by
Engineer. The log shall include at least but not limited to the following data:

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-3

 precise location, length, spacing, inclination, diameter, time taken;

 location of weak zones including variation in penetration rate, Machine RPM ,applied
thrust and colour of returned water ;
 location shall be recorded if loss or any gain of flushing water occurs and,
 any other pertinent information.
Location of the seepage, performed test, if any and results should be presented graphically .

In case any unusual phenomenon is observed, at least three or more holes or as instructed by
the Engineer shall be bored before taking further decisions. If major weakness or unusual water
flow is observed the Engineer may also instruct for probe holes with special conditions.

5.2.1 Drilling of Probe hole, pre excavation grouting, chemical grouting, drainage pipe,
forepole and/or umbrella pipe roofing
Probe hole shall be drilled systematically at regular intervals to ascertain geotechnical/hydro-
geological condition of the tunnel in advance using the drilling arrangement mounted on the TBM.
The arrangement for probe drilling shall be such that the sufficient number of drill holes at the
spacing required for grouting, umbrella pipe roofing/fore-poling can be comfortably drilled.
However, based on inference from HSP and assessment of risk, if the systematic probe drilling is
not desirable then the excavation work may be proceeded without probe drilling. Any decision in
this regard shall be taken by the TTT following the decision making procedures as mentioned in
Section: [Tunnelling under Extraordinary condition] of this specification. The Contractor shall
make all necessary arrangements to carry out advance probe drilling works in a systematic
manner normally during maintenance hours and also operation hours, if instructed by the

Contractor shall consider the following in preparing the proposal:

Probe holes shall be as follows:
 minimum diameter of 75 mm;
 length shall be generally thirty (30) m or as instructed by Engineer;
 probe hole shall have overlap of at least five (5) m;
 inclination of probe-hole shall be at the inclination of 70-100 with the tunnel axis;
 lubricants used for drilling shall be such that it should not clog the hole partially or fully or
affect the quality of cuttings adversely rendering it unidentifiable and,
 where there is necessity to investigate further about the rock ahead, special borehole may
have to be drilled base on the instruction of the Engineer.

Probe holes shall be measured in length drilled in running meters. Only the drill holes approved
by the Engineer shall be measured. Holes that are drilled without following approved procedure
or that do not give information of ground condition shall be considered as failed holes and shall
not be accounted for payment.

For pre excavation grouting purpose, probe holes adequate length shall be drilled at locations
formed by jointed rock, weak zone, shear zone, high seepage zone or high over burden, rock,
hardened grout and concrete or any other condition where it is decided and instructed by the
Engineer to pre-grout or chemical grout or install drainage pipe to stabilize ground and
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-4

reduce/control seepage. Location of holes shall be decided on the basis of the inference of
investigation during excavation (previous probe drilling and HSP), TBM data, observation of the
geological and hydro-geological condition and also proposal based on Contractor's own
experience. The drilling works shall be documented in standard formats/proforma in order to
understand the rock and its hydro-geological characteristics beforehand.

Probe holes for drainage, fore-poling and umbrella pipe roofing shall be of size adequate to
accommodate drainage pipe or forepoling reinforcement or pipe or umbrella roofing and shall be
drilled in consideration with respective requirement true to lines and appropriate angles. Such
drainage pipes should be installed immediately and properly fixed in the holes for efficient
drainage. The fore-poling may have to be carried out using reinforcement bar or pipe and the
Contractor has to take that in to consideration during planning and drilling holes for this purpose.

Payment of probe drill hole for any of the aforementioned purposes shall be made based on the
measurement of the holes as above and unit rate in running meter as per Item No A-6.1 of the
Bill of Quantities. The unit price shall deem to include all the cost of human resource, equipment
for drilling, drill bit, pipes, lubricants and all sundries required to carry out probe works smoothly
as per approved procedure.

5.3 Ground Stabilization by Fore-poling and Umbrella Pipe Roofing

Fore-poling and umbrella pipe roofing shall be installed to prevent breakouts or face collapse
during excavation in unstable zones. The ground shall be stabilized by fore-poling till excavation
is advanced, segmental lining is erected and annular space is filled with pea gravel and grouted.

Based on the inference of advance probe drilling and HSP, analysis of geodetic data or
observation of rock condition at the face/side of TBM or any other observations and Contractor's
own experience, if in the opinion of the Contractor, unstable rock is likely to be encountered for
which pre-stabilization is necessary, then the Contractor shall submit a proposal to carry out one
of the following measures for stabilization and support system or any other alternative measure
as the Contractor considers appropriate for approval by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall include in the proposal a detailed explanation of the condition and reason to
choose the proposed measures for stabilization and support system and shall describe in detail
the design of proposed measure and procedure to carry out the works to handle the situation.
The Contractor shall carry out the works as per the proposal approved by the Engineer with or
without modification.

The Contractor shall consider the following or may propose a better alternative while preparing
the proposal for Fore-poling and Umbrella Pipe Roofing works.

5.3.1 Installation of Fore-poles and or umbrella pipe roofing

Wherever necessary, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a proposal including design in detail
the fore-poling and/or umbrella pipe roofing work, drawing showing different dimensions of the

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-5

pole, its engineering properties and material properties for each individual stretch where it is to
be applied and shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer. Contractor shall also submit
detailed planning to carry out the job along with necessary equipment to be used including the
equipment installed over the TBM.

The Contractor shall consider the following or may propose better alternative while preparing the
proposal for fore-poling and or umbrella pipe roofing works.

Diameter of drilling for installation of fore-pole/ umbrella pipe roofing shall not be less than 55 mm
and diameter of fore-pole/ umbrella pipe roofing pipe shall not be less than 48 mm. Alternatively,
32 mm diameter reinforcement bar/rod may be used where appropriate instead of pipe. Holes for
fore-poling shall be drilled at an angle of 70-100 with the tunnel axis either with rotary or percussion
drilling machines mounted on the TBM.

Fore-poling and or umbrella pipe roofing shall be carried out in crown and side walls of the tunnel
wherever necessary to act as a longitudinal beam when providing excavation support. One end
of the fore-poling/ umbrella pipe roofing can be assumed to be supported by the segment lining,
while the other end is supported by the ground ahead of the excavation face. Fore-poling/
umbrella pipe roofing shall be designed as beams, with an assumed span of one point five (1.5)
times the unsupported length. The load acting on the fore-pole/ umbrella pipe roofing shall be
arrived at by considering site-specific rock properties. Length of overlap should be such that it
covers a collapse zone of around 450.

Fore-poles/umbrella pipe roofing shall be installed at appropriate designed spacing to support the
otherwise unstable rock ahead of excavation and shall be installed true to lines and making angle
of 70-100 with the tunnel axis. Depending upon the stability requirement as per ground condition,
grouting of the fore-pole/ umbrella pipe roofing by filling the pipe shall be carried out during, after
or even before installation of the fore-pole/ umbrella pipe roofing as instructed by the Engineer.

Measurement of fore-poling and or umbrella pipe roofing works support works shall be made in
the running meter of fore pole reinforcement rod/ pipes pipes including the overlap length installed
effectively as specified. Holes where fore-pole or umbrella pipe roofing could not be installed shall
be considered as failed holes which shall not be measured for payment. However linear payment
for fore-poling and or umbrella pipe roofing shall be restricted for the length for which fore-poling
or umbrella pipe roofing has been installed and successfully preserved till installation of segment
lining which is a concurrent activity. Payment for works measured as above shall be made at the
unit price per running meter as per Item No. A-6.4 of the Bill of Quantities. This unit price shall
deem to include all cost of furnishing, handling, fabrication and installation of fore-pole supports
including equipment, labour and material for drilling and washing all complete. The cost is also
deemed to include associated attachment/accessories and all supports, pressure relief valve
wherever required and any other material required for effective erection and completion of fore-
poling and umbrella pipe roofing work.

5.3.2 Installation of Drainage Pipe

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-6

Wherever necessary, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a proposal including design of
subsurface drainage mechanism and installation of drainage pipe inside the tunnel include
drawing showing different dimensions of the drainage pipe, its engineering properties and material
properties for each individual stretch where it is to be applied and shall carry out the works as
approved by the Engineer. Contractor shall also submit detailed planning to carry out the job along
with necessary equipment to be used including the equipment installed over the TBM.

The Contractor shall consider the following or may propose better alternative while preparing the
proposal for drainage pipe works.

Diameter of drilling for drainage pipe installation shall not be less than 55 mm and diameter of
drainage pipe shall not be less than 35 mm. In case a drainage hole requires to be protected
against collapse, perforated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or steel drainage pipes at least thirty-five
(35) mm diameter and wrapped with geo textile with enough lapping should be installed in drill
holes.The drainage pipe shall be at an angle of 70-100 with the tunnel axis either with rotary or
percussion drilling machines mounted on the TBM.

Drainage holes shall be installed wherever necessary to drain the subsurface water through the
tunnel to keep excavation surface free of flowing water.

Measurement of installation of drainage holes shall be made in the running meter of drainage
pipe/hole installed effectively as specified. However linear payment for drainage pipe shall be
restricted for the length for which drainage pipe has been installed and successfully preserved till
installation of segment lining which is a concurrent activity. Payment for works measured as above
shall be made at the unit price per running meter as per Item No. A-6.6 of the Bill of Quantities.
This unit price shall deem to include all cost of furnishing, handling, fabrication and installation of
drainage pipe including equipment, labour and material for drilling and washing all complete. The
cost is also deemed to include associated attachment/accessories and all supports, pressure
relief valve wherever required and any other material required for effective erection and
completion of installation of drainage pipe work and no additional payment shall be made thereof.

5.4 Grouting

Grouting works shall include following:

a. grouting in probe hole;
b. pre-grouting with cement and/ or chemicals with varying pressure upto a maximum
of hundred (100) bar for advance stabilization of rock by consolidation of zones of
sheared and disturbed materials and/or zone of high water inflow;
c. grouting using cement and/or chemical to stabilize material movement due to
seepage and stop/reduce ingress of water in the tunnel or any other purpose in the
d. grouting in fore-poling/umbrella pipe roofing works and,

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-7

e. grouting of conduits, temporary drainage holes and other similar openings in behinf
the segment pf already constructed tunnel and starter tunnel.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval by the Engineer a proposal for overall
grouting program at the earliest possible, at least 7 days prior to carrying out the actual work and
shall carry out the grouting works as approved by the Engineer. The proposal shall include mix
design, grouting pressure assessed via water pressure testing or any other method as approved
by the Engineer, pumping rate and sequence of application to be adopted for each category of
grouting. It shall be ensured that no drilled hole shall be left empty. However, the proposal is
subject to modification on the basis of actual condition during execution of the works as approved
or instructed by the Engineer.

During the execution of all kind of grouting works, the Contractor shall keep detail records of all
grouting operations as per approved formats, compile and submit regularly to the Engineer. Result
of water pressure test, if any and grout intake shall be presented both in tabular and graphical
form. The Contractor shall include any other additional information instructed by the Engineer.

5.4.1 Grouting Equipment

Appropriate grouting equipment, preferably with arrangements to be used by mounting over the
TBM, for each grouting activity shall be planned and provided at the work site and shall be
operated by a skilled operator. Wherever possible, separate arrangements for grouting shall be
provided for different functions so that the operations are independent. The Contractor shall
arrange sufficient number of such grouting equipment, at least as mentioned in Section:……
(Tunnel Boring Machine) along with all required accessories and spares to be available at the
work site to ensure smooth operation.

Grout pump shall be capable to pump at least one hundred fifty (150) litres/min and applied
pressure of at least twenty (20) bar. However, for high pressure pre-grouting the pump should be
capable of delivering the grout at pressure of maximum one hundred (100) bar. All necessary
equipment such as grout mixers, sump or holding tanks, water meters, pressure gauges, flow
meters, packers, circulating systems etc are to be adequately designed and provided to perform
an effective and smooth grouting operation as and when required.

The Contractor shall ensure that the pressure gauges and flow meters are calibrated and
maintained following due procedures and shall have sufficient quantity in stock for smooth
operation of all grouting works. Similarly, packers shall be capable of withstand the grouting
pressure up to 100 bar and shall have adequate quantity in stock.

Cost of all human resources, grouting equipment including accessories and consumables for its
operation is deemed to be included in the cost for respective grouting work items, no separate
payment shall be made thereof.

5.4.2 Grout Mixes

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-8

The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval proposal of grout mix design for various
grouting works as mentioned in Section: 5.2 [Grouting Works) and shall carry out the works as
approved by the Engineer. Generally, the grout mix shall be composed of various combination of
cement, chemicals, bentonite, water and other additives as required. Water cement slurry mixes
are defined in terms of the W/C (water/cement) ratio by weight and may vary from five (5) for the
thinnest mix to zero point six seven (0.67) even zero point four (0.4) for most thick mixes. If grout
intake is considerably high Contractor may propose to suitably modify the grouting works and
shall carryout the works as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all arrangement
so that the bleeding and losses of grout shall be minimum to the extent possible.

5.4.3 Pre-excavation Cement Grouting

Pre-excavation grouting works shall be carried out with high pressure up to hundred (100) bar for
advance stabilization of rock and improve its engineering property or with varying pressure for
consolidation of zones of sheared and disturbed materials and or zone of high water inflow in
order to consolidate and increase strength of loose/unstable rock in advance so as to facilitate
smooth excavation by TBM. If in the opinion the Engineer and/or the Contractor pre-grouting is
required, the Contractor shall be instructed or shall submit a proposal including the plan, design
including diameter, depth and spacing of grout hole and method of pre-stabilization/control of
seepage to be applied and shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer.

The exact location, direction, order and method of drilling and grouting, and the depth of each
hole or stage of each hole shall be included in the proposal and shall be subject to revision
depending on the progress of the drilling, testing and grouting.

The Contractor shall include in the proposal appropriate lubrication and/or any additives to be
used for the drilling and grouting works. Provision for submission of sample of the
lubrication/additive and manufacturer's recommendation shall be included in the proposal.

Holes to be grouted shall be drilled with appropriate method as approved by the Engineer. Initial
drilled holes shall be widely spaced and grouted before intermediate holes are drilled. These
intermediate holes shall then be grouted before further intermediate holes are drilled and grouted,
and in this manner the drilling and grouting of holes shall be completed to such final spacing as
approved by the Engineer.

Length of each grout hole shall not be less than 30 m except where it would be difficult to install
the packer where necessary. Diameter at the bottom of each grout hole shall not be less than 35
mm. For percussion drill holes the bit diameter shall be large enough so that the rods do not get
obstructed or stuck in the holes.

At places where grouting cannot be carried out as specified above, the Contractor shall drill and
tap additional holes for the purpose of carrying out additional grouting. The Contractor shall install
the plugs to close the hole.

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-9

In cases casings are used to carry out grouting to keep the grout hole open, the casing shall be
removed immediately prior to or simultaneously with the grouting process. In cases where casing
has to be left in place over the length, the casing shall be of perforated type as approved by the
Engineer. Each grout hole shall be protected from becoming clogged or obstructed by a grout
connection and suitably capped until the hole is grouted, and any hole which becomes obstructed
before being grouted shall be cleared.

The Contractor shall keep records of all grouting operations, including the log of each grout hole,
results of washing and pressure testing, the time of each change of grouting operations, pressure,
rate of pumping, and the amount of cement for each change in water/cement ratio, and other data
as required. Immediately on completion of a grouting stage, the Contractor shall provide the
Engineer with the output from the continuous pressure recorder, if utilized.

Measurement for payment of grouting shall be made in volume of grouting works carried out as
per specification and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Payment shall be made on the basis of measurement made as above and unit rate of grouting
work per cubic meter as per Item No A-6.3 of Bill of Quantities. The unit rate is deemed to include
cost of human resource, machine and equipment, cost of installation, water pressure test, cost
of all materials including cement, sand, bentonite, admixture and chemicals used for grouting.
Cost of items required for plugging, calking leaks, packers etc and all sundries required to carry
out grouting works smoothly, are also included in the unit rate.

5.4.4 Grouting for Probe Hole and Drainage pipe

If required, ground stabilization and control of seepage using drainage pipe the application of
grout in the hollow part of the drainage pipe or probe hole shall be carried out. The Contractor
shall fill the hollow probe hole or drainage pipe by applying approved grout mix as instructed by
the Engineer.

Measurement for grouting of probe hole or drainage pipe shall be carried out in cubic metere of
grout required to fill such holes in the tunnel. Payment shall be made as per unit rate as per Item
No 6.2 of the Bill of Quantities for grouting of probe hole and drainage. The cost is deemed to
include all cost of human resource, equipment, material and sundries all complete to carry out the
grouting work.

5.4.5 Chemical Grouting

In cases where the rock condition and surrounding material refuses to accept cement grout and/or
which has a very high seepage/water flow that makes cement grouting impossible, the Contractor
shall develop a plan to grout such material and control high seepage before normal cement
grouting or other strengthening action for the rock or the weak material can be applied. In addition
to that, chemical grouting shall be carried out in the starter tunnel and behind the segment of
already constructed tunnel if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the Contractor. If in the opinion
of the Contractor such a situation has occurred for which chemical grouting is required, the
Contractor shall propose chemical grouting with details of chemicals proposed to be used, its

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-10

capability to control seepage and material flow etc. The proposal also shall include details of
mixing and blending equipment, pumping equipment, pumping system and injection method. The
Contractor shall carry out the works as per the approved proposal.

For selection of a grout for a particular application, chemical and mechanical properties such as
viscosity, durability, and strength should be evaluated. Contractor shall establish an arrangement
for a field test to determine handling and behavioural characteristics of the grout. In situations
when the grout may be placed and remain under the water table, in which case the strength of
the saturated material may be lower than that of a dry specimen, the materials shall be so selected
that strength of the grouted material in situ will be adequate to perform its intended function.

Measurement of chemical grouting works completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer shall be
made in cubic metre of grout injected. Payment shall be made on the basis of measurement as
above and unit rate of chemical grouting as per Item No A-6.5 of the Bill of Quantities. The cost
is deemed to include all cost of human resource, equipment, materials, consumables and all
sundries to complete the work.

5.5 Water Pressure Testing

Water pressure test shall be carried out by the Contractor in grout, exploratory and control
holes if this is necessary in the opinion of the Engineer to carry out further grouting works. The
washing and water pressure testing equipment shall include pumps, piping, pressure gauges,
valves, seal assembly and other accessories necessary to perform the work. The Contractor shall
arrange a sufficient number of complete sets of pressure testing equipment to allow simultaneous
testing at the various drilling and grouting locations. Water-meters and pressure gauges shall be
calibrated and certified by an independent laboratory prior to installations at the site and shall be
subject to periodic verification. Water pressure tests shall be performed in the probe hole, in pre-
grout hole and grouted holes as directed by the Engineer. Cost of such tests will be considered
as included in the cost of drilling and grouting as the case is.

5.6 Geotechnical Survey and Investigation During Construction

The Contractor shall carry out various type of geotechnical investigation works during construction
as specified in following sections. The information and inference obtained through the
investigations shall be used as necessary to modify or update the various methods, technology
applied including decision making regarding tunneling activities, selection of support or any other
activity as instructed by the Engineer.

5.6.1 Probe Drilling

Probe drilling shall be conducted as specified in Section 5.2.[Drilling] and Subsection 5.2.1 [
Drilling of Probe hole, pre excavation grouting, chemical grouting, drainage pipe, forepole and/or
umbrella pipe roofing] of this Specification.

5.6.2 Horizontal Seismic Profiling (HSP) of Tunnel Alignment

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-11

The investigations shall generally be based on the guidelines for shielded TBM as per
Geophysical Ahead Investigation Method, Seismic Method; ITAtech Group Activitiy Investigation,

The HSP method as mentioned below or a better and more advance technology using seismic
method if any in the opinion or experience of the Contractor shall be applied.

The objective of Horizontal Seismic Profiling (HSP) is the application of Tunnel Seismic While
Drilling (TSWD) technology in TBM construction. The seismic signal produced by the cutter of the
cutter plate hob of the TBM shall be used as the source signal for HSP system. Such signal pass
through the various length of tunnel alignment ahead of excavation face and gets reflected/
refracted which are eventually received by the Geophone. The geophones shall be arranged in
an array at appropriate locations behind the shield. The data processing shall use the seismic
interference technique and the scattering and sreflection combined imaging technology to obtain
the geological/geotechnical conditions ahead of the tunnel face. Thus the images of the
subsurface ahead of tunnel face shall be obtained and then further analysis and interpretation are
made to detect likely adverse geological locations along the tunnel alignment. HSP shall be used
only after the system is validated based on actual ground condition encountered during initial
application and then only shall commence actual survey works as per the instruction of the
Engineer. The contractor shall choose the signal frequency in a way that the geological anomaly
of at least the length of one precast concrete segments is identified ahead of excavation.

The HSP shall be, in general, carried out regularly from the chainage of 3+500 m of the tunnel
alignment. The HSP validation shall be carried out prior to aforementioned chainage. However,
the Engineer may change the preference for HSP survey location as per the information acquired
during first phases of such survey.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit a method statement to carry out HSP which shall include,
at the minimum but not limited to, the types of machine, frequency, anticipated resolution, test
survey and validation, detailed survey procedure, image processing tools, software and procedure
of processing of scan images at least 28 days prior to the intended date of HSP commencement
and shall carryout the survey as approved by the Engineer. If the Engineer feel the need of
changing the scan frequency due to limitation of resolution, the Contractor shall do so at his own
cost. The Contractor shall be responsible to make all necessary arrangements to carry out the
survey works including arrangement of experts and equipment, data acquisition, interpretation,
testing and validation of the scan results etc. all complete to carry out survey works.

Measurement and Payment:

Cost of HSP Survey, human resources; equipment and all ancillary parts/ materials and
consumables, cost of transportation of equipment and manpower to carry out the survey works,
their accommodation while carrying out the survey, arrangement of setting out of survey works,
data acquisition, interpretation, cost of processing software including all sundry items shall be
deemed to be included in the unit cost of HSP survey works of tunnel per running meter as per
Item No. A—6.8 of the Bill of Quantities. No separate payment shall be made for any of the works
related to HSP survey of tunnel alignment.

5.6.3 Ground Penetrating Radar Survey

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-12

The primary objective of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey is to check the quality of filling
of annular space between the segmental lining and the ground. The GPR investigation shall be
carried out with the high resolution GPR transmitter and antennas and shall be able to identify
any voids, cracks and irregularities lying behind the segmental lining and in pea gravel grouting

A suitable frequency mobile antenna (Transmitter) on the ground surface shall emit short
wavelength electromagnetic signals, which pass toward the ground and get reflected back to the
surface being dependent upon the properties of the materials. These reflected waves shall be
detected by other antenna (receiver). These signals shall be processed using appropriate
software programme to reflect the subsurface condition of all materials including segmental lining
reinforcement details, quality of pea gravel and grouting etc. Thus the images of the subsurface
shall be obtained and then further analysis and interpretation are made in a way that it shall detect
all the gaps and pockets remained to be filled behind the segmental lining.

To locate such zones precisely, the contractor shall scan required number of scan lines in the
tunnel lining, validate the results based on actual condition behind the segment of scan zone and
then only shall commence actual survey works. The signal frequency shall be chosen in a way
that the depth of penetration can be up to a meter and resolution shall adequately high to make
sound interpretation. Such survey scan lines shall be at interval of one running metre covering
the inner circumference of the tunnel. The GPR validation shall be carried out prior to carrying
out the actual works and only after grouting works are complete at locations and method as
approved or instructed by the Engineer.

If the Engineer feel the need the change the scan frequency due to limitation of resolution, the
Contractor shall do so at no additional cost. The Contractor shall be responsible to make all
necessary arrangements to carry out the survey works including arrangement of experts and
equipment, data acquisition, interpretation, testing and validation of the scan results etc. to carry
out survey works.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit a method statement for GPR survey following process
as aforementioned or better and shall contain details at least but not limited to the type of
machine/equipment, frequency, anticipated resolution, test survey and validation, detailed survey
procedure, image processing tools, software and procedure of processing of scan images and
shall carry out the survey as approved by the Engineer. The schedule for GPR survey works shall
be in line with the overall programme and the method statement shall be submitted at least 28
days prior the intended date of commencement of the actual GPR survey work.

Measurement and Payment:

Cost of GPR Survey, human resources; equipment and all ancillary parts/ materials and
consumables, cost of transportation of equipment and manpower to carry out the survey works,
their accommodation while carrying out the survey, arrangement of setting out of survey works,
data acquisition, interpretation, cost of processing software including all sundry items shall be
deemed to be included in the unit cost of GPR survey works of tunnel per running meter as per

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-13

Item No. A—6.9 of the Bill of Quantities. No separate payment shall be made for any of the works
related to GPR survey of tunnel alignment.

5.6.4 Core Drilling and In-situ tests

The Contractor shall arrange to carry out core drilling works as approved or instructed by
the Engineer. The objective and purpose of the core drilling is to obtain the subsurface
information at specific location along the tunnel alignment, one at the chainage of about 4+180
m where the tunnel alignment crosses Dhanamana Khola. Other locations of drilling shall be as
instructed by the Engineer after the commencement of the works. The borehole depths may vary
from 50 m to 250 m. If the required subsurface information is available at relatively shallow depth,
the total length of boreholes may be less than aforementioned depth. The drilling orientation i.e.
inclined and or vertical drilling shall be as per the instruction of the Engineer.

The drilling works shall be planned and carried out in line with the overall programme. The
Contractor shall prepare and submit a method statement at least 28 days prior to commencement
of drilling works and shall carry out the works as approved or instructed by the Engineer.

The method statement shall include at least, but not limited to, the following items and procedures.

 Mobilization and demobilization of drill rig and its accessories;

 Platform construction and setting up of drill machine;
 Shifting of drill rig from one location to another including temporary access road
 NQ size rock coring, SPT and/or DCPT testing, permeability testing and water pressure
testing (frequency of testing shall be as per the instruction of the Engineer);
 Maintaining of records;
 Laboratory test of rock cores such as Point Load Test, Uniaxial Compression test and
 Preparation of geological log of bore holes;
 Preparation of report with data analysis and interpretation;
 Installation of piezometer in the borehole and;,
 All tests to be performed including test equipment and recommendation of laboratories.

Core drilling shall be conducted so as to obtain continuous cores with the maximum practicable
amount of core recovery. Core barrels shall be double tube or triple tube, equipped with inner
tubes and diamond bits sized to produce "NQ size core”. Every effort shall be made to recover
the core in 100 percent.

Core sample taken from each borehole shall be placed in order in core box. After placement in
core box, the core shall be photographed in color prints. All boxes shall be uniform in size. Each
core box shall be capable of holding approximately 5 meters of core in parallel rows not exceeding
one meter in length. Each core box shall contain partitions, which shall be arranged to allow for
convenient marking and interpretation of core. Wooden core loose blocks and end of run blocks
having a cross-section of 5 cm inside dimension shall be provided.

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Chapter 4B5– Ground Engineering/Rock Stabilization Works 4B5-14

Core losses shall be replaced in each run by the core loss blocks equal in length to the core loss.
Wrapping in plastic shall preserve the soft soil or friable portions of core such as badly weathered
and decomposed zone or joint fillings or other soil. After completion of drilling and testing works,
such core boxes shall be the delivered to the Employers designated place for core storing.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all arrangement to carry out the core drilling, in-situ testing,
and laboratory testing all complete as pre the approved method statements. The drilling works
shall be planned to carry out at least 26 weeks prior the intended start date of TBM Tunneling
so that the information obtained can be adequately used in the design of TBM, ancillary facilities
and segmental lining.

Measurement and Payment:

All cost for core drilling works including cost of core drilling, in-situ and laboratory testing,
mobilization, construction of drilling platform, demobilization, construction of access road (if any)
equipment and all ancillary parts, cost of transportation of equipment and manpower to carry out
the drilling works, arrangement of setting out of drilling works, data collection, interpretation,
materials required for the drilling works, its operation and maintenance all complete, human
resource for operation & maintenance and all consumables and any other sundries shall be
deemed to be included in the unit cost of Core Drilling and In-situ Testing works as per Item No.
A—6.7 of the Bill of Quantities. Measurement of the length in running meter of actual drilling shall
be recorded by the Contractor as per approved record sheet and verified by the Engineer. Tests
shall be carried out as per approved method statement. No additional payment shall be made for
the inclined holes. No separate payment shall be made for any other works related to core drilling
and testing works.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-1


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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-2


6.1 General for the Concrete Works

6.1.1 Drawings, Calculations and Method Statements

The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval the necessary design of precast concrete
segments and other structural elements as per the provisions of the specification and shall carry
out the works as approved or instructed by the Engineer. Keeping in view the time taken for
preparation and approval process the design works shall be commenced at the earliest after the
Commencement date.

After approval of structural design of precast concrete segment and structural elements of the
works under the contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval the following and
shall carry out the works as approved or instructed by the Engineer:
 Detailed Method Statements necessary for the production, transportation and
installation/placing at site of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structural
 Detailed construction drawings and,
 Detailed drawings of formwork.

The method statement shall contain but not limited to the following:
 Details about material sources and production of materials of required quality, size,
 Detailed time schedule showing the preparation, production, testing and placing
 Construction method;
 Details about placing the concrete;
 Details of the vibration system to consolidate the concrete during construction
 Details of curing system including steam curing if opted;
 Transportation method;
 Quality Assurance Plan and Quality Control system and,
 Any other as required by the Engineer.

6.1 Materials

6.1.1 Cement Quality and Type

The cement to be used in the works shall be preferably be Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
conforming to IS 1489 (Part I) or Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) complying in all respects with
IS 8112:1989 or IS 12269:1987.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-3

All cement Suppliers shall hold valid ISO certification. All cement shall be tested in accordance
with IS 4031 and shall be certified by the manufacturer as being in accordance with the standard.
Tests shall be carried out on, or certificates shall be provided, for each delivered batch of cement
in accordance with IS 4031 for at least:
i. Loss on ignition
ii. Moisture content
iii. Fineness
iv. Specific gravity
v. SO3 content
vi. Magnesia (MgO) content Tests on Cement

Before any cement is ordered in quantity or brought on to the site, the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer a detailed list of the sources, country or countries of origin and manufacturer’s brand
names of the types of cement which he proposes to use. The cement manufacturer shall have
valid ISO certification.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, without charge, test certificates relating to each
consignment of cement. Each certificate shall show that a sample of the consignment has been
tested by the manufacturer or by an approved laboratory and that it complies in all respects with
the requirements of the Technical Specifications.

When required by the Engineer the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer samples of cement
taken on delivery to, or during storage on the Site, for testing at the Contractor’s laboratory without
extra charge.

No cement from any consignment shall be used without the approval of the Engineer and the
Contractor shall maintain a record of the locations of the concrete made from each consignment
which record shall be available for inspection by the Engineer. If for any reason the Contractor
wishes to vary the source, country or manufacturer in respect of any type of cement at any time
during the Contract, he shall give adequate notice of every such variation and shall carry out all
tests called for by the Engineer on the proposed substitute cement, and shall obtain written
approval of the variation before ordering any substitute material.

The Engineer may call for new tests, at the Contractor’s expense, in particular if the cement has
been stored for a long time, to check the cement is still conforming to the requirements. Delivery and Storage of Cement

Cement shall be delivered to the site in properly sealed standard bags approved or other approved
containers, stamped with date of manufacture, delivery and marked sound. Cement shall be
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-4

delivered in quantities sufficient to ensure the proper progress of the Works and the quantities
held in stock on site shall be to the approval of the Engineer. Cement shall be used within three
months from date of manufacture.

Each consignment of cement shall be stored separately and labeled so as to be identifiable and
provide easy access for inspection and testing. Different brands or types of cement shall be stored
separately and shall not be mixed together for use in the works, except where specified. Cement
delivered in bags shall be stored in a weatherproof, waterproof and reasonably airtight building
provided solely for that purpose. The floors of the building shall be raised at least 30 cm above
the ground level to prevent the absorption of moisture. It is not permitted to store bags to a greater
height than two metres. Cement, when being conveyed to the site in lorries or other vehicles, shall
be adequately protected from the weather and from contamination by dust, sand or any organic
materials. In the case of delivery of cement in bulk, the cement shall be stored in a properly
designed silo. The silo must be provided with walls properly insulated against sun radiation.
Storage in the open may be permitted on small works by the written authority of the Engineer, in
which case the cement shall be placed on a raised platform and amply protected by waterproof
coverings to the approval of the Engineer. After they have been approved by the Engineer,
consignments shall be used in the order in which they were delivered. Any cement which shall
prove to have been exposed to damage by water will be rejected upon delivery.

No cement shall be taken from the storage, unless it is needed for immediate use. Cement Measured by Weight

All cement used in the Works shall be measured by weight. Cement from partly filled or unsealed
bags shall not be used. Rejection of Cement

Notwithstanding the receipt of the test certificate as required by Sub-Clause [Tests on
Cement], and the approval of the Engineer, the Engineer may reject any cement as a result of
further tests on compressive strength and chemical composition. The Engineer may also reject
cement which has deteriorated owing to inadequate protection or other causes or in any other
case where the cement is not to his satisfaction. Re-tests, if required, shall be carried out at the
Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall remove all rejected cement from the site without delay
and at the Contractor’s expense.

6.1.2 Aggregates Supply and Classification

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for procuring, crushing, grading and delivering
aggregate for the Works, as required from sources approved by the Engineer. Separate fine and
coarse aggregate shall be used for the manufacture of concrete. Aggregates shall be graded to

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-5

produce a workable dense concrete. The following information shall be verified prior to the
commencement of the works.
- The name and location of the pit or quarry
- The rock or material type or types to be used

(a) Coarse Aggregates

The term “coarse aggregate” is used to designate well graded aggregate mainly retained on a
5.00 mm, NS:305-2050 or IS:460-1985 test sieve and mainly passing a 37.50 mm sieve. Coarse
aggregate shall be supplied in the following primary sizes:
Size designation Normal size range
10 mm 5 mm to 10 mm
20 mm 5 mm to 20 mm
40 mm 5 mm to 40 mm

Coarse aggregate shall consist of natural gravel or crushed rock. Friable and flaky pieces such
as mica and shale shall not be present. Coarse aggregates shall be well graded within grading
given in Table 6.1 and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Table 6.1: Percentage by Weight Passing Standard Sieves

Sieve Size (mm) Size Designation
5 mm to 10 mm 5 mm to 20 mm 5 mm to 40 mm
50.0 - - 100
37.5 - 100 95 - 100
20.0 100 95 - 100 37 - 70
10.0 85 - 100 30 - 60 10 - 40
5.0 0 - 25 0 - 10 0–5

The aggregate shall be free from adherent coatings and shall, if necessary, be washed for this
purpose and shall be free from sulphates.

Clay or silt lumps shall not exceed 0.25 per cent and material passing a BS sieve No. 200 shall
not exceed 1.0 per cent, both by weight. The content of coal and lignite shall not exceed 0.5 per
cent by weight.

(b) Fine Aggregates

The term “fine aggregates” is used to designate aggregate mainly passing a 5.00 mm, IS 460:
1985 or NS 305-2050 test sieve and containing only that much coarser material as is permitted
for the various grading zones.

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or a mixture of natural sand and crushed gravel or
crushed rock. The aggregate shall not contain any flint, chirt or lime. The quantity of silt, clay and
dust, determined in accordance with the decantation method given in IS 460: 1985 or NS 305-
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-6

2050 shall not exceed 3% by weight of the sample. The content of mica shall not exceed 3% by
weight of the sample. The aggregate shall not contain any deleterious material in such form or in
sufficient quantity as to adversely affect the quality of concrete, to which the tests described in IS
516-1959 shall be the guide.

The Engineer shall permit the addition of crushed gravel or crushed rock fine aggregates to the
natural sand only where, in his opinion, it is impracticable to obtain the required fine aggregate
grading other than by such addition. The grading of the fine aggregates shall lie within one of the
grading zones as set out in Table 6.2 and specified in IS 393-1970.

Table 6.2 Percentage by Weight Passing Standard Sieves

BS 410 Grading Zone Grading Zone Grading Zone Grading Zone

Standard 1 2 3 4
10.0 mm 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90 - 100 90 – 100 90 - 100 95 - 100
2.36 mm 60 - 95 75 – 100 85 - 100 95 - 100
1.18 mm 30 - 70 55 – 90 75 - 100 90 - 100
600 μm 15 - 35 35 – 60 60 - 80 80 - 100
300 μm 5 - 20 8 – 30 12 - 40 15 - 50
150 μm 0 - 10 0 – 10 0 - 10 0 – 15 Quality

All aggregates to be used in concrete shall be clean, hard, dense, sound, chemically inert, or
limited porosity and uncoated particles free from clayey or organic matter. Aggregates for
concrete shall comply with BS 882: Part-2 and the following:
● Grading: in accordance with Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 herein.
● Mechanical Properties: the “Ten percent Fines Value” shall be not less than 50
● mica content test
● The water soluble chloride ion content of aggregate, determined in accordance
with BS 812 Part 117 and BS EN 1744-1 shall not exceed the following values;
- 0.06% by weight of fine aggregates
- 0.03% by weight of coarse aggregates
● Silt, Clay and Dust Fraction: when determined in accordance with the decantation
method given in NS 305: 2050 or IS 460.
● Water Absorption: when tested in accordance with BS 812 Part 2 and BS EN 1097
– 3, the water absorption after 24 hours shall not exceed 3%.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-7

● Soundness: when tested in accordance with the sodium sulphate soundness test
specified in ASTM C88 the aggregate shall have a percentage loss of less than
● Any aggregate that is known to be alkali reactive shall not be used. Aggregates
proposed for use shall be tested for potential reactivity by full petrographic
examination, for soluble silica (in accordance with ASTM C289-81). If the
aggregates are found to have alkali reactive further confirmation test shall be
conducted as per recommended procedure for the Mortar Bar Test as suggested
by IS: 2683 (Part 7). If after testing the aggregate is not shown to be wholly non-
reactive it shall not be used.
● The aggregate drying shrinkage shall be not more than 0.075% when determined
in accordance with BS 1367-4.
● The acid soluble sulphate content of the aggregate when determined in
accordance with BS 812 Part 118 and BS EN 1744-1 shall not exceed the following
- 0.40% by weight of fine aggregates;
- 0.40% by weight of coarse aggregates;
- Flakiness Index shall not exceed 40;
- Elongation Index shall not exceed 40 and,
- Aggregate crushing value shall not be more than 30 %. Testing

Testing of aggregates is to be in accordance with BS 812 or as specified herein. For each source
of aggregate, and at least six weeks prior to the preparation of trial mixes, samples of aggregates
together with the results of the test requirements stipulated in Sub-Clause and Sub-Clause, shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval of the sources of aggregate and quality.
In addition, the Contractor shall carry out the tests to assess the Alkali Reactivity of the
Aggregates for cements and necessary precaution measures shall be taken against it.

To check whether the aggregates contain lime, the particles shall be immersed in a five (5) percent
HCL solution after crushing. The aggregate shall be rejected if the particles dissolve in the

After approval has been given for any particular aggregate, a sample weighing at least 50 kg of
the approved aggregate shall be retained by the Engineer as a standard against which all future
samples can be compared.

Approval of a source of aggregate by the Engineer shall not be construed as constituting the
approval of all materials to be taken from that source, and the Contractor shall be responsible for
the specified quality of all such materials used in the Works. The Contractor shall not obtain
aggregates from sources which have not been approved by the Engineer.
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-8

During the course of the Contract, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer samples of
aggregates taken in accordance with NS 305 or IS 383 at a frequency of at least once a week, or
as directed by the Engineer from each aggregate stockpile. The samples shall be delivered to the
Site laboratory for testing under the supervision of the Engineer. If the routine tests carried out by
the Engineer show the aggregate to be not to the same standard as originally approved, then
subsequent testing to obtain acceptable aggregates shall be undertaken by the Contractor at his
own cost. If felt necessary by the Engineer, the third party testing of the aggregates shall be
carried out by the Contractor at his own cost. Washing and Screening

Aggregates shall be washed and screened as necessary, to produce aggregates meeting the
specified requirements. All such washing and screening shall be to the satisfaction of the

Should mica be present in unacceptable quantities, its removal shall be effected by techniques
approved by the Engineer. The costs of all washing and screening shall be included in the unit
rates for concrete in the Bill of Quantities. Storage

Aggregates shall be stored in separate stockpiles, in sheds, in such a manner that the
intermingling of materials from separate stockpiles or bins is not possible, and so as to prevent
contamination by mud, rubbish, windblown dust or vegetation. Aggregate stockpiles shall be
provided with adequate drainage to ensure rapid drainage of the aggregates. The storage
arrangements shall be as approved by the Engineer.

6.1.3 Water

Water used in mixing and curing of concrete shall be subject to approval, and shall be reasonably
clean and free of oil, salt, acid, alkali, sugar, vegetable or other substances injurious to the finished
project. Water shall comply with BS EN 1008.

In no case shall the water contain an amount of impurities which will cause a change in the time
of initial or final set of the cement of more than 30 minutes. The average compressive strength of
test cubes manufactured using the proposed water and control test cubes manufactured using
distilled water tested in accordance with BS EN 196.1 shall be at least 90% of the average
compressive strength of the control cubes.
Water for mixing, washing aggregates, curing and rinsing shall not contain:
- More than 500 mg/l of chlorides as Cl;
- More than 500 mg/l of sulphates as SO3;
- More than 2,000 parts per million of insoluble residues;

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-9

- An acid degree of pH > 5.

- More than 200 mg/l of organic matter
- More than 300 mg/l of inorganic matter

Furthermore, the chloride content in mixing water must be such that in no case, the total amount
of chlorides in water, cement, aggregates and additives of the fresh concrete, shall exceed 0.3
per cent of the weight of cement.

The Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer, without charge, samples of the water proposed for
use in the Works, for the Engineer to carry out such tests as he may require to confirm its
suitability. Samples will be delivered sufficiently in advance of the Works for completion of the
tests before the water is required for use, and at such other times during the course of the Contract
as the Engineer may direct. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, without extra charge,
treat the water taken from any other source to such a degree as may be necessary in order to
render it suitable for mixing and mortar. The water used shall have the pH value numerically
greater than 6.

6.1.4 Chemicals in Concrete

The total sulphate content, whether as gypsum or more soluble salts, of the concrete ingredients
when measured as sulphur trioxide shall not exceed 4% of the weight of cement in the concrete.
The chloride content of the concrete ingredients, when measured as chloride ion, shall not exceed
0.2% of the weight of cement in the concrete. If instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
obtain samples from the concrete for testing, in accordance with BS 1881, Part 6. The cost of
sampling and transport shall be covered by the unit rates for concrete.

6.1.5 Admixtures

Admixtures used in the concrete shall comply with IS 9103: 1999 with the following requirements.
- The quantity and method of adding admixtures shall be in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommendations
- Any admixture which contains a chloride ion content in excess of 2% by weight of
admixture or 0.03% by weight of the cementatious content shall not be used
- Calcium chloride shall not be used in any form
- Admixtures shall be stored and used in accordance with the manufacturers’
- The shelf life of any admixture shall not be exceeded. Any admixture which has
exceeded its shelf life shall be immediately removed from the concrete plant. The
Contractor shall demonstrate the action of any proposed admixture by means of
trial mixes.

Where admixtures are used the Contractor shall provide the following information.
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-10

i. The typical dosage and details of the detrimental effects of under dosage and over
ii. The chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture
iii. Tests shall be carried out on, or certificates shall be provided for each delivered
batch of admixture in accordance with BS EN 934-2 for at least for the followings.
a) Dry material
b) Ash content
c) Relative density
d) Chloride ion content
iv. Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the
admixture manufacturer's recommended dosage

Air entraining admixtures shall not be used. Any change in materials source or variation in material
properties will require new evidence of compliance, according to the provisions of the
specification. All additive dispensers shall be thoroughly cleaned before commencing each day’s
work and at every interruption of the Works.

Samples for checking the calibration and dosage of additives shall be taken at regular intervals
and records kept to enable correlations to be made with test cubes and the positions of concrete
containing additives in the structure.

Any cement containing additives shall be supplied in bags or containers clearly marked to show
the nature and quantity of such additives, and shall be stored separately from any other type of

Before using any additive or combination of additives in any mix, the Contractor shall be required
to prepare trial batches of concrete, at his own expense, for the approval of the Engineer to
establish the compatibility of the additives with the cements and aggregates actually in use on the
Site. As far as possible, such trial batches shall be mixed and compacted under similar conditions
of temperature and humidity to that likely to be experienced by the bulk of the concrete to be used
in the Works.

Selected specimens from these trial batches shall be tested at suitable times for hardness, colour
match, surface finish, water absorption and density, and shall be compared with similar
specimens of plain concrete without additives. The compaction, workability and slump of the
mixes with and without additives shall be similarly compared.

Notwithstanding any previously given approval, the Engineer may withdraw such approval at any
time with respect to any mix containing additives if the performance of the particular additive under
actual site conditions is not completely satisfactory.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-11

Any batch of concrete which has received an excessive dose of an additive or which shows
deterioration after placing, as a result of incorrect use of additives, shall be cut out or otherwise
replaced at the Contractor’s expense. Claims for extra payment caused by delay, due to the
rejection of any additive or mix containing an additive, will not be accepted. In case plain mixes
are not adequate and additives are required, the Engineer reserves the right to specify other
particular additives and/or methods. The price quoted by the Contractor for concrete works shall
be deemed to include the cost of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete
containing additives when applicable.

These provisions shall also cover the use of additives in special grouts used for grouting at specific
locations as may be directed by the Engineer.

6.2 Concrete Properties/Tests and Placing /Compaction

6.2.1 Concrete Properties and Tests Classes and Grades of Concrete

The concrete used in the segmental lining shall be of M50 grade and for other concrete works,
the Contractor shall submit his proposal along with detailed design and drawings for the approval
of the Engineer. The characteristics of the corresponding mixes of concrete to be used in the
Works shall be as given in Table 6.3 unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Maximum Sizes of Aggregate to be used

Unless shown on the Drawings or given in the Bill of Quantities, the maximum size of coarse
aggregates in concrete for any part of the Works shall be the largest of the sizes given in Table
6.3. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer for the maximum size of aggregates
in each section of the Works. Compressive Strength Compliance

The compressive strength of the concrete shall be based on the compression testing of 150 mm
concrete cubes, made and tested in accordance with BS 1881, Parts 1, 3 and 4 on the testing
equipment installed by the Contractor in the Site Laboratory under the supervision of the

The compressive strength of the concrete is specified by the specified compressive strength in
Table 6.3 for each grade of concrete. The concrete in the Works shall be considered to comply
with the compressive strength requirements specified in Table 6.3 if not more than 5% of the 28-
day cube compressive strength test results fall below the specified compressive strengths and
the 28-day cube strengths shown in Table 6.4 are equal or exceeded.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-12

Table 6.3: Classes of Concrete

Concrete Classes M50 M40 M35 M 20 M 15 M 10
Grades M 50/20 M40/20 M35/20 M20/40 M20/20 M20/10 M15/40 M15/20 M10/40
Maximum Aggregate 20 20 20 40 20 10 40 20 40
Size (mm
Specified 50 40 35 20 20 20 15 15 10
Strength (N/
Minimum Cement 400 375 375 290 330 330 330 240 200
Content (kg/cu.m.)
Maximum Cement 450 425 425 400 400 400 400 400 400
Content (kg/cu.m.)
Maximum Water to 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.60
Cement Ratio

The tentative use of the above classes of concrete shall be as follows:

Class Use of Concrete

M 50 - Precast reinforced concrete segments
M 35 - TBM entry portal
M 25 - TBM Platform/Staging Area, TBM entry portal
- Reinforced concrete at less important and/or thick
M 15 parts/sections
- Plain concrete at less important and/or thin parts/sections
- Plain concrete at less important and/or thick
M 10
- Mass concrete
- Levelling/Lean concrete

The standard deviation (st.) in Table 6.4 shall be determined from cube results of at least 40
separate batches of concrete for each concrete grade produced on the Site from similar materials
by the same plant under similar supervision. When 40 cube results are not available and for the
initial mix designs the value of the standard deviation shall be taken as Table 6.5.

The concrete represented by a group of four consecutive test cubes shall include the batches
from which samples were taken to make the first and last cubes in the group of four, together with
all the intervening batches. If only one cube result fails to meet the minimum individual cube
strength given in Table 6.4, then the result shall be considered to represent only the particular
batch of concrete from which that cube was taken, provided that the average strength of the group
of four results in which the low cube occurs satisfies the second requirement of Table 6.4. The
action to be taken in respect of the concrete represented by test cubes which fail to meet the
compliance values given in Table 6.4 shall be determined by the Engineer which may range from
qualified acceptance in less severe cases, to rejection and removal.

Table 6.4: Cube Strength Compliance Values

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-13

Concrete Grade Minimum Individual Cube Mean of any Four

Result (N/ Consecutive Cube
Results (N/
M 50/20 43 50+0.82 st
M 40/20 34 40 + 0.82 st
M35/20 31 35+0.82 st
M25/20 21.3 25+0.82 st
M 20/40 17 20 + 0.82 st.
M 20/10 17 20 + 0.82 st.
M 15/40 12.8 15 + 0.82 st.
M 15/20 12.8 15 + 0.82 st.
M 10/40 8.5 10 + 0.82 st.

Table 6.5: Standard Deviation for Mix design

Concrete Grade Standard Deviation
50/20 9
35/20 9
25/20 9
20/40 9
20/10 9
15/40 6
15/20 6
10/40 4 Water Cement Ratio

The maximum water cement ratios specified in Table 6.3 shall be the ratios by weight of free
water to cement in the mix based on the aggregates being in a saturated surface dry condition.
Throughout concrete production the actual water cement ratio shall be strictly monitored and the
batch quantities of aggregates and water regularly adjusted to maintain the design water cement
ratio. Workability

Concrete shall be of such consistency that it can be readily worked into the corners and angles
of the mould/formwork and around reinforcement without segregation of the materials or bleeding
of free water at the free surface or against mould/formwork. On striking the mould/formwork the
concrete shall present a face which is uniform, free from honeycombing, surface crazing, or
excessive dusting, and which shall not, in the opinion of the Engineer, be inferior to the specified
standards. Concrete to be placed underwater shall have high workability such that the specified
strength is achieved without compaction.
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-14

Concrete workability shall be as low as practical for the placement and workability and shall be
within the limits given in Table 6.6 unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The tolerances
given in BS 8110 shall not apply.

Table 6.6: Range of Slump Values

Type of Concrete Slump (mm)
Precast Segmental Lining 10 to 50
Mass Concrete and Plain Concrete 25 to 75
Other Reinforced Concrete 50 to 100 Mix Design

The Contractor shall prepare trial mixes having workability, strength and surface finish as criteria,
to satisfy the Engineer regarding these qualities. The trial mixes shall be made and compacted in
the presence of the Engineer, using the same type of equipment as will be used for the Works.
Not later than 56 days before commencement of concreting operations, the Contractor shall
inform the Engineer in writing about mix designs he proposes to use, and his target slumps for
the various Items. The Contractor shall then conduct trials on mixes for each type, at least 45
days before concreting commences and at no extra cost to the Contract. These trials shall not
cease until the Contractor has demonstrated that the requirements of these Technical
Specifications have been met.

From each trial mix, preliminary 150 mm test cubes shall be made in two sets of nine for testing
each set after 7 and 28 days. The preliminary cubes shall be made, cured and tested in
accordance with BS 1881. They shall be tested by the Contractor in the laboratory established by
him in the site or nominated laboratory in the presence of the Engineer and the certified copies of
the results of all tests shall be submitted to the Engineer. The trial mix proportions shall be
approved if the average of the nine cubes tested at 28 days exceeds the values specified Table

From the same mix as that from which the preliminary test cubes are made, the consistency of
the concrete shall be determined by the compacting factor test or other method approved by the
Engineer. The remainder of the mix shall be cast in a wooden mould and compacted.

Table 6.7: Average Compressive Strength for Trial Mix Proportions.

Concrete Class
Average Compressive Strength (N/
(Concrete grade/Max. Agg. Size)

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-15

50/20 50 + 1.64 st. – 3.5

40/20 40 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
35/20 30 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
25/20 25 + 1.64 st – 3.5
20/40 20 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
20/20 20 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
15/40 15 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
15/20 15 + 1.64 st. – 3.5
10/40 10 + 1.64 st. – 3.5

After 24 hours the sides of the mould shall be struck and the surface examined in order to satisfy
the Engineer that an acceptable surface can be obtained with this mix. When a proposed mix has
been approved, no variation shall be made in the mix proportions, grading zone or source of any
of the constituents without the consent of the Engineer. Cube Test of Works

During the course of the Works and at such time as the Engineer may direct, 150 mm test cubes
of concrete shall be made on site, cured and tested in a nominated, or in the Contractor’s
laboratory in accordance with BS 1881. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that the test cubes
are stored under uniform conditions throughout the year, including a complete covering of damp
thick jute sheet or similar approved material, constantly sprayed with water whilst in the mould
and during any transit between site and laboratory, and also including subsequent storage
immersed in water kept strictly within the specified temperature range.

If the cubes fail to attain the target average strength during an initial work test, additional tests
may be required and the concrete which they represent shall be removed and replaced by
concrete complying with the Technical Specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In this
case no extra costs can be claimed by the Contractor.

The cost of sampling, making and curing work test cubes, together with the provision of the cube
moulds, all other necessary equipment and apparatus and the packing and transport to the
laboratory, shall be included in the rates. All cubes shall be marked at the same time of casting
with the date, the class of concrete and other necessary remarks to identify the part of the Works,
from which such cubes were taken.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the quality of the concrete gives reason to perform additional
tests, the Contractor shall make supplementary cubes. Payment for this is deemed to be included
in the rates. Frequency of Tests

During manufacture and placing of concrete, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, at least
two samples of each shift of cast during each day, but not less than two samples for each 50 m 3

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-16

of concrete, shall be taken. All samples shall be random samples, taken in the presence of the
Engineer, moulded and cured and tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 1881.

The concrete shall be compacted by hand and well covered with wet gunny bags, all in the shade.
After 24 hours in the mould the cubes shall be taken out and put in water. They shall be kept there
until sent to the laboratory, well covered with wet gunny bags. In the laboratory the cubes shall
be kept in water until being crushed, unless otherwise specified. The curing water at the site shall
be well shaded and the temperature of the water shall be recorded daily using a maximum and
minimum thermometer.

Unless otherwise instructed, each set of cube tests shall consist of 6 cubes, three cubes shall be
crushed 7 days after mixing, and three cubes shall be crushed 28 days after mixing. The day of
casting is to be clearly marked on the cubes. The results of the concrete cube tests shall be
assessed in accordance with BS 1881.

The strength requirement shall be deemed to be satisfied if the 7-day cube strength is not less
than three fourths of the specified 28-day cube strength for work tests. If the work cube strength
derived from these tests do not reach the desired value, the mix shall be redesigned at no extra
cost to the Employer.

The Engineer may direct the non-destructive test to the contractor for the completed portion of
the concrete work as necessary. No separate payment will be paid for such tests. Supplementary Tests

If the results for the compressive strength of the concrete do not fulfil the requirements as stated
in the foregoing items, or if, in the opinion of the Engineer defects of workmanship during
construction give rise to doubt as to the strength, durability and/or safety of the structure or part
thereof, supplementary testing shall be performed as instructed by the Engineer. The costs of
such testing and associated works shall be deemed to be included in the corresponding concrete
works and segmental lining works.

If the compressive strength of the concrete works/segments in doubt fails to attain the
characteristic strength of 28 days as specified above, such works/segments shall be removed
and replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no extra cost. The cost of supplementary tests
together with the provision of equipment and apparatus and the packing and transporting to the
laboratory shall be included in the rates. Water and Slump Tests

A check on the moisture content of the aggregate shall be made before concreting begins, for the
purpose of assessing the amount of free water to be added at the mixer. The Contractor shall
provide himself with a chart, a copy of which shall be given to the Engineer for approval, relating
moisture content in aggregate to water to be added at the mixer for the class of concrete in use.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-17

The amount of water introduced into the mix shall be strictly controlled and shall be the minimum
amount consistent with complete compaction.

The device for measuring water shall show accurately the quantity, and be so designed that the
water supply will be automatically cut off while water is being discharged into the mix. Frequent
slump tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1881 on samples of concrete taken
immediately before placing to determine the consistency of the concrete. The slumps of the trial
mixes shall be recorded for identification purposes and for subsequent use as a rough routine
check on quality. However, slump shall not be used as an officially acceptable measure of the
workability of any concrete. Weight Batching and Mixing

Materials for the concrete shall separately be proportioned by weight in an approved weigh-
batcher and shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer of an approved size and type so as to
ensure a uniform distribution of the materials throughout the concrete. All dry admixtures shall be
measured by weight whereas liquid admixture may be measured in volume. The batch weight of
the aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for the free moisture content of the aggregate being used.
All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. The accuracy
of the measuring equipment shall be checked over the range to be used and maintained
thereafter. Weekly checks on the accuracy of the weight batching equipment shall be made.
The accuracy of the equipment shall fall within the following limits.
- Measurement of water ± 3% of the quantity of water in each batch
- Measurement of aggregate ± 3% of the total quantity of aggregates in each batch
- Measurement of admixture ± 5% of the quantity of admixture in each batch

The majority of the concrete will have to be produced in a concrete batching plant of sufficient
capacity in order to make the precast segments ready for use without affecting the progress of
the excavation of the tunnel by TBM.

The type of the mixer must be in accordance with the maximum nominal size of the aggregate.
The materials shall be mixed for a period and at a drum speed specified by the manufacturer of
the mixer. Mechanical means shall be provided for recording the number of revolutions for each
batch and automatically preventing the discharge of the mixer until the materials have been mixed
the specified minimum time. The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain
a sufficient excess of cement, sand and water to coat the inside of the drum without reducing the
required mortar content of the mix.

Upon cessation of mixing for a considerable period, the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned and
the process repeated. The maximum size of the batch shall not exceed the maximum rated
capacity of the mixer as stated by the manufacturer and as stamped on the mixer. All mixing and
handling plants shall also be thoroughly cleaned in case of using a different type of cement.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-18

The mixing blades of pan mixers shall be maintained within the tolerances specified by the
manufacturer of the mixer and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to
maintain the tolerances by adjustment. The quantities of all of the constituents, the temperatures
of the cement and water when added to the mix, the time of mixing and the temperature of the
mixed concrete immediately before discharge shall be recorded for each batch. The temperature
of the cement when added to the mix shall not exceed 30°C. The temperature of the mixed
concrete shall not exceed 35°C or any temperature that the Engineer considers too high.
Adequate standby equipment shall be available so that in the event of a breakdown of mixing
plant, critical concreting operations will not be interrupted.

Remixing of partially hardened concrete with or without additional cement, aggregate or water is
prohibited. The mixing time shall be established during the trials but shall not be less than that
recommended by the manufacturer. Mixers that have been out of use for more than 30 minutes
shall be thoroughly cleaned before any fresh concrete is mixed. The first batch of concrete through
the mixer shall then contain only two-thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate.

Under no circumstances shall concrete be mixed with more than one type of cement in any one

All hazards attaching to the batching and mixing of concrete under the climatic conditions at the
site shall be deemed to be contingencies of the Contract and the Contractor shall make whatever
allowances which he may consider necessary for ensuring the production of concretes complying
fully with this Technical Specifications under any climatic conditions at any time during the
Contract and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

6.2.2 Transporting, Placing and Compacting of Concrete Transporting and Placing

The methods of transporting and placing concrete shall be in accordance with BS 8110 (IS456)
unless otherwise required by this specification. These methods shall be fully described in the
Contractor’s Method Statement for segment production and shall be in accordance with the
following requirements:
i. Concrete shall be so transported and placed that contamination, segregation or
loss of the constituent material does not occur;
ii. All moulds or formworks into which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free
from standing water immediately before the placing of the concrete;
iii. The placing and compaction of concrete shall be carried out in such a way as not
to cause displacement or other disturbance to the reinforcement cage or moulds
or to damage the faces of the moulds.

Engineer’s approval in writing shall always be obtained before any concrete is placed in the

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-19

All construction equipment and materials required or which may be required, during the concreting
work and for cooling and curing, shall be on site and fully prepared for the work. The Engineer’s
approval to place concrete will only be given after all these preparations and other relevant
requirements of the Technical Specifications have been carried out and complied with.

If concreting is to be executed at night or when otherwise daylight is not sufficient, the Contractor
shall provide for sufficient lamps on site so that all elements of the site relevant for the concreting
will be clearly visible.

Struts, stays and braces, serving temporarily to hold the formwork or moulds for structures in
correct shape and alignment, pending the placing of concrete at their locations, shall be removed
when the concrete placing has reached an elevation rendering their services unnecessary. These
temporary members shall be entirely removed from the formwork and not buried in the concrete.
If necessary and/or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall cool any formwork that has
become overheated or exceptionally dry through prolonged exposure to the sun. The Contractor
shall ensure that all shuttering retains sufficient humidity content and does not become shrunken
or warped. All soaking or spraying of shuttering shall be done with pure water. The Engineer may
forbid altogether the placing of concrete in any formwork which he judges has become too hot
and/or dry and that concrete members cannot be satisfactorily produced there from.

No extra payment for cooling or soaking formwork shall be claimed, and costs incurred by the
Contractor, due to shuttering becoming too hot or dry, shall be deemed to be included in the rates. Depositing in Works

The methods of conveying and depositing concrete shall be such as to prevent segregation of the
materials, and shall be approved by the Engineer before concreting begins.

Concrete shall be deposited directly in the Works/Moulds, without the need for rehandling, as
soon as possible and not more than 20 minutes after mixing and, in any case, before the initial
set has taken place. If any delay has occurred after mixing and the concrete has begun to set, it
shall not be used in the Works and shall be removed from the Site.

Concrete, when deposited, shall have a temperature of not less than 10°C and not more than
35°C. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration, during the operation of placing, and
thoroughly worked around the reinforcement around embedded fixtures and into corners of the
formwork to form a solid mass free from voids. When vibrators are used to compact the concrete,
vibration shall be applied continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete until the
expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a manner that does not promote segregation of the
ingredients. Surfaces upon which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from standing

Transportation of concrete directly over the fixed reinforcement during the depositing shall not be
allowed without proper provisions to avoid displacing or any other harm to the reinforcement.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-20 Compaction of Concrete

All concrete shall be thoroughly compacted immediately after deposition to expel air and to ensure
the concrete is in full contact with all contained and embedded surfaces. Vibrators shall be used
for compacting, unless otherwise specified or ordered by the Engineer. The type of vibrator to be
used is subject to the approval of the Engineer. Vibrators of the immersion type shall have a
frequency of 5,000 - 8,000 vibrations per minute for concrete with a slump of more than 80 mm
and a frequency of 9,000 - 12,000 vibrations per minute for concrete with a slump less or equal
to 80 mm. The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each
batch immediately after it is placed in the formwork or moulds. Vibration shall not be used as a
means of distributing heaped concrete into position. Whenever vibration has to be applied
externally, the design of moulds and disposition of vibrators shall ensure efficient compaction and
the avoidance of surface blemishes.

The Contractor shall also provide at least a 50 per cent duplication of all vibration equipment as
standby during any period of concreting.

Vibrators shall not be allowed to come into contact with the reinforcement or formwork and great
care shall be taken to avoid over-vibration causing segregation or pockets in the finished mass.
All personnel handling vibrators shall be trained in their proper use.
Vibration shall not be applied directly or through the reinforcement to sections or layers of concrete
which have hardened to the degree that the concrete ceases to be plastic under vibration. It shall
not be used to make concrete flow in the formwork over distances so great as to cause
segregation, and vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete in the formwork.

Every care shall be taken to see that reinforcement and fittings attached to the formwork are not
disturbed and that no damage is caused to concrete that has already set or to the internal face of
the formwork by using immersion type vibrators. In areas of congested reinforcement, it may be
necessary to use small diameter pokers and the Contractor shall supply suitable sizes of pokers
for each part of the work. Vibration of concrete by hammering the formwork with hand tools shall
not be permitted.

Concrete that, in the opinion of the Engineer, has been compacted in a way that does not conform
with the Technical Specifications as described above will be regarded as inferior and shall be
rejected. Curing of Concrete

Until a period of 7 days has elapsed from the time of placing the concrete, it shall be kept protected
against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain and flowing water, mechanical injury and
contamination by airborne dust and/or sand. All methods to be used for curing and protection of
freshly placed concrete shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer. These methods
shall include the use of curing membranes, watering, damp covers, shades and/or any other
precautions that the Engineer may require.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-21

Curing membranes shall be sprayed on the surface of the concrete as soon as all free water has
evaporated from the surface. In the case of forms that have been eased or struck before 7 days
have elapsed from the date of placing concrete, the curing membranes shall be applied
immediately after the shutter has been removed.

In the case rain falls on the newly coated concrete before the film has dried sufficiently to resist
damage, or if the film is damaged in any other manner, a new coat of the solution shall be applied
to the affected portions.

The Contractor shall submit details of the curing procedure he proposes to use, to the Engineer
for his approval.

During very hot weather conditions, the Contractor may be required to cool and/or wet formwork
containing concrete by spraying with water and this shall be carried out where directed
notwithstanding and whatever other measures the Contractor may employ for the curing of the

All materials, spray equipment and an ample supply of water for curing shall be ready on site
before any concreting starts. The quality of water used for curing shall comply with Sub-Clause

The Contractor may submit for the Engineer’s consideration alternative methods of curing which
will achieve a result at least as good as those specified, and the Engineer shall approve or reject
such alternative methods without any reason being given. Concrete that is, in the opinion of the
Engineer, not cured according to the approved curing procedure will be regarded as inferior and
may be rejected.

6.2.3 Measurement and Payment of Concrete

No separate measurement and payment of concrete works except for the precast segmental lining
shall be made. The costs of any concrete works except the precast segmental lining shall deem
to be included in the corresponding items of the Bill of Quantities.

6.3 Reinforcement Steel

6.3.1 Material and Tests

Reinforcement steel shall include the steel bars in reinforced precast segmental lining, reinforced
concrete structures as well as the steel bar supports, and shall be laid in accordance with the
approved Drawings submitted by the Contractor.

Steel reinforcement shall be of high strength deformed bars, produced by thermo-mechanical

treatment (TMT) process, of grades not less than Fe 500-D or equivalent having elongation more
than 16 % and conforming to other requirements of IS 1786:2008 and its earlier versions
whenever and wherever applicable.
Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document
Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-22

The bars shall be from new stock. A cross section of any bar to be delivered shall be of the exact
shape and have the specified diameter at any point of the bar. The average diameter of 20 bars
when selected at random from each shipment of the same size shall not be bigger or smaller by
2 per cent from the specified diameter. Bars shall be free of scale, oil, dirt and structural defects.

The Contractor shall submit three copies of the manufacturer's certificate of steel bars for the
approval of the Engineer before each shipment, and inspection at site will be made by the
Engineer in accordance with the Specifications and the manufacturer's certificate.

The Contractor shall prepare test specimens of steel reinforcement to be used in the works. Test
specimens shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer and shall be of a size sufficient to carry
out the specified test.

The test specimen shall be tested in an approved laboratory and the certified copies of the results
of the tests shall be submitted to the Engineer. The specimen shall be tested for bend, rebend
and tensile properties. The methods and requirements for testing shall be carried out in
accordance with the applicable specifications of NS 203:2046 and NS 333:2050.

If necessary, other equivalent National Standards may be substituted after obtaining approval of
the Engineer. If ordered by the Engineer, test procedures shall be repeated at the Contractor’s
own expense for any new supply of steel reinforcement.

6.3.2 Storage of Steel Reinforcement

Steel reinforcement shall be stored at the precast plant on properly prepared beds with adequate
supports to prevent deformation and to prevent moisture or dust from contaminating the
reinforcement. Any reinforcement which is contaminated, for example, with grease, loose mill
scale, dirt, loose rust, etc., shall be cleaned, before being fixed prior to concreting. Reinforcement
that has rust pitting or cannot be satisfactorily cleaned shall be removed from the pre-casting plant
site. Different types and dimensions of reinforcement shall be kept separately.

6.3.3 Preparation of Reinforcement Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare, at his own expense, all detailed reinforcement and bending
Drawings. The Drawings shall include all bar-placing drawings, bar-bending schedules, bar lists,
and any other reinforcement drawings as may be required to facilitate fabrication and placement
of reinforcement bars.

Reinforcement drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Reinforcement drawings
and bar lists prepared by the Contractor shall conform to the standard practices of the industry.

6.3.4 Bending of Steel Reinforcement

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-23

Steel reinforcement shall be cut from straight bars or as approved by Engineer, free from kinks
and bends or other damage, and bent cold by experienced competent workmen. Bar diameters
greater than 19 mm shall be bent in a bending machine designed for the purpose and approved
by the Engineer. Any steel that has already been bent shall not be re-bent at the place of the
previously made bend.

6.3.5 Placing Reinforcement Steel

The number, size, form and position of all reinforcement steel bars, fabric, ties, links, stirrups and
other parts of the reinforcement shall be placed in exact position in accordance with the Drawings
and kept in the correct position in the forms without displacement during the process of vibrating,
tamping and ramming the concrete in place. The Contractor shall provide all necessary distance
pieces and space bars at his own cost to maintain the reinforcement in the correct position.

Correct positioning will be achieved with the use of stays, blocks, ties, hangers or other approved
supports. Blocks for holding the reinforcement from contact with the forms of adjacent
reinforcement shall be precast concrete mortar blocks of approved shapes and dimension
consisting of 1:2 cement/sand mortar. The Contractor shall provide evidence that mortar is of the
same quality and density as the surrounding concrete. The water tightness of the mortar blocks
shall be at least similar to the concrete into which they are concreted. The blocks shall be fitted
with a semi-circular hollowing and double bent poured-in 16 gauge annealed steel wire. The use
of pebbles, pieces of broken stone or brick, or other materials shall not be permitted.

Any ties, links or stirrups connecting the bars shall be tight, so that the bars are properly braced,
the inside of their curved parts shall be in actual contact with the bars around which they are
intended to fit. Bars shall be bound together with the best black annealed mild steel wire which is
subject to the Engineer’s approval, and the binding shall be twisted tight with proper pliers. The
free ends of the binding wire shall be bent inwards.

Before any steel reinforcement is embedded in the concrete, any scale, loose rust, oil, grease or
other deleterious matter shall be removed. Partially set concrete which may have adhered to the
exposed bars during concreting operations shall likewise be removed.

When the reinforcement has been placed and is ready for concreting, it will be inspected by the
Engineer, and no concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement has been approved by him. The
Contractor shall inform the Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of his intention to have the
reinforcement ready for inspection.

6.3.6 Splicing of Reinforcement Steel

All steel reinforcement shall be furnished in full length as indicated on the Drawings. Splicing of
bars shall be done in 1:6 (V:H), except where shown on the Drawings, shall not be permitted
without the written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be staggered.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-24

Welding of steel reinforcement or connections of steel reinforcement by means of mechanical

splices shall be done only if detailed on the duly approved Drawings or if such authorisation is
made by the Engineer.

When it is necessary to splice reinforcement bars at points other than any shown on the Drawings,
position and methods of splicing shall be determined based on strength calculations and approved
by the Engineer. In lapped splices, the minimum lap of the bars shall be according to the following
calculations. No hooks shall be required for lap joints, unless otherwise specified.

The lap length shall be calculated as follows:

(i) For tension reinforcement bars

4 cb
where, σsa = Allowable tensile strength of reinforcement steel.
σcb = Allowable bending strength of concrete.
∅ = Diameter of reinforcement bar
L = Lap length

(ii) For compressive reinforcement bars

80 per cent of “L” calculated by the above formula.

If the Contractor intends to adopt welding at the crossing of reinforcement bars instead of
tightening by binding wire, the Contractor shall submit a proposal mentioning method, equipment
and material, and shall carry out the works as approved by the Engineer. The welding should be
such that it should not adversely affect the strength of the TMT bars.

6.3.7 Cover to Reinforcement Steel

The concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the
Engineer. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, the concrete cover on the steel
reinforcement shall be at least 50 mm, if the concrete is subject to exposure to soil or water. In
other cases, a cover of 40 mm shall be acceptable.

The Contractor shall provide any necessary cement pads for ensuring that the cover is attained,
and in no case may the use of pebble, pieces of broken stone or brick, or other packing materials
be permitted.

6.3.8 Reinforcement Cages for Segments

Reinforcement shall be cut and bent according to BS 8110, Sub-Clause, to the tolerances
shown on the Drawings. Re-bending of incorrectly bent bars shall not be permitted. Prior to
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-25

cutting, bending or fixing any reinforcement the Contractor shall prepare a method statement for
the fabrication of reinforcement cages. The method statement shall include the use and assembly
of jigs and refabrication of sections as necessary to ensure rapid accurate assembly with a
positive means of achieving dimensional stability. The number, size, form, cover and position of
all reinforcement shall be in exact accordance with the Drawings. Radius bars shall be produced
on dedicated fabrication machines using bending rollers suitable for the rebar diameter used.
Prefabricated sections shall be kept clean and dry and shall be stored such that no deformation
takes place. Bars may be welded by an approved electrical process which maintains the
compliance of the bar with the tensile test criteria specified in the appropriate British Standard/
Indian Standard. The Contractor shall only use qualified welders. Alternatively bars shall be bound
together with No. 15 gauge, soft annealed plastic coated wire at sufficient intersections to ensure
that the network of bars will retain its designed form and the network shall be temporarily
supported so as to retain its correct position during the process of placing and compacting the
concrete. The ends of all such tying wires shall be turned into the body of the concrete and shall
not project into the concrete cover and be clear of the mould. Concrete spacers shall be fixed so
that the reinforcement is held firmly in the correct position within the formwork with all the cover
as specified. The spacers shall be rigidly fixed to the reinforcement to prevent displacement. If
the spacers are wired on, the ends of the wires shall be turned into the unit. The Contractor shall
demonstrate that the reinforcement cage can be lifted without damage or distortion. The spacers
shall be used as little as possible with bonding bars used as much as possible to this end. Plastic
spacers will not be permitted if heated concrete or steam curing is used. No spacers shall be used
in the radial joint region up to a distance of 1.5 times the segment thickness from the joint surface.
All spacers shall be saturated with clean water of quality equivalent of that used to make the
concrete prior to use. Spacers shall not be allowed to dry out after being fixed to reinforcement
cages before the concrete is cast. Reinforcement Tolerances

Tolerances for cutting and/or bending dimensions shall be in accordance with BS8666 are given
below in Table 13.

Table 13. Cutting and bending processes and Tolerance (mm)

Cutting and Bending Processes Tolerances (mm)
Cutting of Straight lengths (Including ± 25
reinforcement for subsequent bending)
≤ 1000 mm ±5
> 1000 mm to ≤ 2000 mm ±5
> 2000 mm

Tolerance on concrete cover of 40mm shall be ± 5 mm.

6.3.9 Measurement and Payment of Reinforcement Steel

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-26

Measurement for payment of furnishing and placing reinforcement bars shall be made only for
the weight of the bars placed in the concrete in accordance with the Drawings, or as directed by
the Engineer. Clips, ties, wastage, overlaps, spacer bars, annealed wire or other material used
for positioning and fastening the reinforcement bars in place shall not be measured for payment.
Only reinforcement bars in laps indicated on the Drawings shall be included in the measurements
for payment. Payment for furnishing and placing reinforcement bars shall be made at the unit rate
per metric ton as per Item No. A-7.2 of the Bill of Quantities. The unit rate shall include the cost
of furnishing reinforcement bars, furnishing and attaching wire ties and metal supports, if used,
and of delivering, unloading, hauling, storing, sorting, cutting bending, binding, cleaning, placing
and securing, and maintaining in position all reinforcement bars, as shown on the Drawings, or
as directed by the Engineer. And no separate payment shall be made threof.

6.4 Precast Concrete Segment Lining

6.4.1 General Standards and Codes of Practice

All concrete work for segmental lining shall be carried out in accordance with IS 456:2000 & IS
457:1975 unless otherwise specified herein. Conversion of stresses and densities in kN shall be
made using the following factor:
1 kN = 102.0 kg (force)

6.4.2 Precast Concrete Segment Lining Design, Drawing of Precast Concrete Segment and Method Statement

The tunnel shall be lined with precast reinforced concrete segments. The segments shall be pre-
casted and transported to the place where they will be appropriately positioned by the segment
erector of the TBM. The design, production, transportation and installation of the precast concrete
segments should follow the requirements of the Guidelines for the Design of Segmental Tunnel
Linings (ITA Working Group-2 Research), BS EN 206 and BS EN 8500 as applicable.

The Contractor shall carry out the design and drawings and submit for approval all aspects of
precast concrete segments including overall geometry, number and combination of segments per
ring, dimension of each type of segment, longitudinal/radial joints and gasket arrangement,
connection devices (bolts, dowels and guiding rods etc.) and all other details including structural
design and drawing and shall carry out the production of segments after approval of the design
,drawing by the Engineer. The design should take into account of the tunnel length and cross
section, geological and hydro-geological conditions and its variations along the tunnel alignment,
production, storage/ stacking; transportation, loading unloading, erection and tunnelling
procedure .

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-27

Together with the requirements of the aforementioned guidelines and standards, the reinforced
concrete segmental lining shall also satisfy construction and/or environmental requirements,
which shall include at least, but not limited to, the following:
 need to install supports immediately after excavation;
 need to make the tunnel water proof;
 the need to control carefully the ground movements induced by the tunnel
excavation and,
 to avoid the installation of a secondary lining.

The design shall take into account all kind of anticipated adverse/extraordinary conditions
including the thrust zone where relative movements of adjoining ground is expected during the
event of earthquake.

Effects of all above or combination of relevant ones are to be considered in the static and
constructional design of the lining. The Contractor shall therefore carry out design of different
types of segments, which shall have suitable quantities and placing of reinforcement
commensurate to the corresponding loading pattern.

After approval of structural design of precast segment lining, the Contractor shall submit the
following to the Engineer for approval before commencement of the works:

Detailed Method Statement containing at least but not limited to the following:
● detailed time schedule showing the casting, production, curing, testing and all
● number of set of mould/formwork to be used (one set = number of moulds
for one ring) and production plan;
● details about material sources;
● production of materials of required size and grade;
● details about production and placing the concrete;
● details of the vibration system to consolidate the concrete during placing;
● details of cooling system;
● details of the curing system including steam curing system if required;
● demoulding, flipping, stacking, storage system;
● transportation method;
● quality control mechanism and quality assurance plan, including details of criteria
for acceptance, repair and rejection of segments etc.;
● transport, placing in position and installation by TBM erector,
● method to negotiate curves and filling of the gaps between segments and,
● any other as required by the Engineer.
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-28

Detailed Method Statements shall also contain the following:

● Detailed drawings of mould/formwork ;
● Drawings related to:
 casting and production;
 stacking;
 handling including transportation;
 installation of the pre cast segments and any other reinforced concrete
structural elements and,
 detailed construction drawings.

All activities regarding precast concrete segmental lining shall be carried out as per the method
statement, quality control mechanism and quality assurance plan approved by the Engineer.
However, based on the learning and experience during actual production of segments and
installation of lining, the method, quality control mechanism and quality assurance plan may be
modified as proposed by the Contractor and approved or instructed by the Engineer.

All cost for preparation of the proposal till the approval stage including human resources and
materials for Design and Drawing is deemed to be included in the cost of concrete for precast
segments. No separate payment shall be made thereof.

6.4.3 Demonstration of Casting and Stacking of Precast Segment

The Contractor shall be responsible for the production of segments as per approved
design/drawings/method and production rate to commensurate with the progress of tunneling
works. Before commencing with the actual casting of segments, the Contractor shall demonstrate
to the Engineer's satisfaction complete process for production of segment including fabrication
and placing of reinforcement cage in the mould/formwork, batching of concrete, placing concrete,
vibration, curing (including steam curing if felt needed), removal/stripping, flipping, transporting to
stacking site and stacking etc. The Contractor shall carry out remedial/corrective measures to the
defects in the process that may be observed during the demonstration as well as during actual
manufacturing process as instructed by the Engineer.

The moulds for the precast concrete units shall be strongly constructed with smooth casting faces
so that a true sound concrete surface shall be formed. Joints are to be completely tight and closed
to prevent the escape of concrete. All chamfer and radius strips, bolt pockets, bolt holes, fixing
holes, liners, etc., shown on the drawings are to be provided. Loose mould components that affect
the integrity of the mould shall be clearly identified as being part of the main mould. The design
of moulds to be used for all the precast concrete works shall be approved by the Contractor before
any segments are made. The parts of one mould within the ring set shall not be interchanged with
another, and a marking system shall be adopted to ensure that it is complied. The internal
dimensions of the moulds shall be measured to 0.1 mm before each trial pour. One trial unit shall

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-29

be cast from each mould. The units shall be provided with a full reinforcement cage including any
radial joint reinforcement.

Before commencing the segment production for lining, the Contractor shall carry out the three
ring test from the moulds to demonstrate the dimension and joints of segmental lining is as per
the approved drawings. While the tunnel construction is in progress, the Contractor shall do the
same at the interval of every four kilometre of tunnel.

The contractor shall control various forces endured by the precast segment during the handling,
transportation and installation in order to avoid any damage to the segment. The segments shall
be removed from the mould/formwork in a manner that segment is not damaged. The segments
shall be left in the moulds until they have attained a characteristic compressive strength for
demoulding. Mould stripping shall not damage the surface of the concrete. The Contractor shall
show that the strength of the concrete is sufficient and that the vacuum lifting will not damage the

The tunnel lining segments shall be cast to the dimensions and tolerances as shown in the
drawings. Dimensions of precast concrete segments shall be within the following tolerances:
● Circumferential Length ±3mm
● Thickness ±3mm
● Width ±1mm
● Internal diameter of completed ring ±4mm
● Bolt hole size ±1mm
● Bolt hole position ±1mm

Steel templates fit for purpose shall be provided for the control of the production of segments to
the required tolerances. Templates, gauges and testing apparatus, as required, shall be provided
by the Contractor and kept suitably protected from damage and distortion, free from dirt and
corrosion and ready for use in checking the segments as described hereinafter. The Contractor
shall check the segments for dimensional accuracy. The first segment cast in any mould shall be
gauged. Thereafter five percent or otherwise agreed percentage of the segments shall be gauged.
When any variation in segment dimension has occurred, the number of segments gauged shall
be increased to that required re-establishing the accuracy and consistency of production. To
establish the acceptability or otherwise of out of tolerance segments, ring-build trials shall be
carried out or confirmed by any other suitable method. A record shall be kept of all the units cast
in each mould and any mould that becomes distorted or which casts faulty units shall be withdrawn
from service until it is proved to be satisfactory.

Segments shall not be stacked until they have reached a characteristic compressive strength for
stacking. The stacking arrangement and location of segments shall be as per the approved
method statements. Segments shall be separated by timber battens.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-30

Maximum local irregularity acceptable for formed surfaces shall be rounded protrusions 0.5 mm
beyond the general concrete surface. Larger irregularities may be accepted if they are abraded
back giving no clear transition to the surrounding surface. The general surface irregularity
acceptable is likely to be 1.0 mm from maximum protrusions to maximum depth indentations. If
the extrados of the segments is not cast with a shutter, the maximum local irregularity shall be
rounded protrusions of 3 mm height above the general concrete surface and the maximum
surface irregularity over an area of 500 mm by 500 mm shall be 5 mm from maximum height to
maximum depth.

The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangement for continuous supply of segments for its
erection as the TBM advances. The Contractor shall be responsible for any consequences caused
due to stoppage of TBM advance due to lack of segments or rejection due to poor quality segment.
Keeping in view that the segments need to be stored for nearly a month (even with steam curing
methods) to assure that it attains maturity and final strength, the Contractor shall make
arrangements to start production of segments commensurate to the programme for excavation
and to keep a constant stock of segments at least equal to the quantity required for segmental
lining work for a period of at least three months.

6.4.4 Identification of Segments

All tunnel segments delivered to site shall bear the indelible marks described as below. Any
segment which is delivered to site and upon which the markings cannot be read for whatever
reason, shall not be used in the works. The markings must in no way compromise any requirement
of this Specification, i.e. cover to reinforcement. The following minimum information or any
additional/better as proposed by Contractor shall be included on the marking:

● date of casting and mark with figures not less than 50 mm high identifying the casting
with the appropriate sample;
● each segment type shall be marked at each end to ensure the segments shall be built in
the correct sequence and orientation and,
● mould reference number.

The numbering system of the segment shall be unique.

6.4.5 Transport & Erection of Precast segment

Segments shall be transported to the erection site only after they are 28 days old and have a
characteristic compressive strength of at least 50 N/mm2. The Contractor shall take special
measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer to assure that the segments are not damaged during
transportation. The segments shall be transported and uploaded to the segment cartridge which
will finally deliver the segments to the segment erector. The precast segment shall be installed
mechanically by using the erector in the TBM.

The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Engineer a detailed procedure to carry out the
segmental lining works including complete cycle of installation of segment lining, pea gravel and
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-31

grouting works and shall carry out the works as per approved procedure.

The initial circle of the segment and the loop gap between the initial tunnel can be filled and
compacted by concrete and mortar to prevent the grout leakage.

The Contractor shall make arrangements to install the segments within following limits/tolerances:
● control the circumferential joint and radial joint so that the joint surfaces of the
installed segments are to be hydraulically smooth and durable;
● overall tolerances allowed in respect of the departure of any point on the internal
profile of the structure from its established centre line for line and level is ±25 mm;
● the maximum lipping between the edges of adjacent segments shall not be greater
than 10mm;
● the plane of each segmental ring shall not depart at any point from the plane
surface normal to the longitudinal axis by more than 10mm;
● the maximum and minimum measured diameters in any one ring shall be within
0.6% of the theoretical design diameter of the ring. (Tolerance on tunnel diameter
= ± 30mm);
● the tunnel invert shall be cleared regularly before placing of mortar for invert
● segments shall be cleared of all foreign matter before being incorporated into the
● the segmental lining shall be erected in the tail of the TBM in such a way that the
plane of the rings shall always be consistent with the attitude of the TBM and the
required tunnel alignment, so as to ensure that the shape of the build is maintained
and the joints between segments remain true and,
● the manufacture, construction and handling of the linings and the operation of the
TBM and other tunneling equipment shall be such as to ensure that the completed
tunnel lining remains un-cracked at working loads and is fit for its purpose.
Since no special-type of segment is to be used for the curve, for the installation of segments in a
curve, the width of the joint in the outer side of the curve will be wider than that in the inside. The
segmental installation in the curve should be controlled strictly to avoid the over-wide joint. The
interior circumferential joint of the inside curve should be limited within 4mm, and the interior
circumferential joint of the outside curve should be limited within 7mm. The joint of segments
should be adjusted with heel block, and the material of heel block shall be as at least equivalent
to the gaskets used between the segments or as approved by the Engineer. The heel block shall
not disturb the combination of sealing rod.
The Contractor shall propose such material and method to use them and shall carry out as
approved by the Engineer.

6.4.6 Damage and Repair of Segments

Any segment damaged beyond permissible limit during course of demoulding, transportation or
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-32

erection shall not be used. If the damage is within permissible limit and is reparable it shall be
permitted provided that repair method statement is approved by the Engineer. All repairs shall be
such that repaired segments shall have reasonable strength, matching appearance to the extent
technically practicable, same dimensions and durability as equivalent to undamaged segments
and the surface shall satisfy the required outline and smoothness.

Damage to segments shall be classified as following:

i. Blowholes – surface void from trapped air
ii. Spall – corner chip
iii. Honeycombing – an area of concrete that has not been properly compacted

Any segment with damage, where reinforcement is visible, shall not be repaired and shall be
rejected and removed.

All spalls in the intrados shall be repaired. Minor localised spalls up to 30mm long x 5mm deep
are left as it is. Honeycombed concrete shall be removed if it is localised and has an area less
than 100mmx100mm and less than 20mm deep. Segments with more than ten items of
damage/defects shall be rejected and removed.
No repairs are permitted to cracked segments except where the removal of concrete at corner
cracks leave damage similar to a spall. Any cracked segments are to be rejected and removed
Contractor shall record and prepare an inventory of all rejected segments and shall move them
away from site.
All cost of repair shall be borne by the Contractor.

6.4.7 Check and Acceptance of Segment Lining

Installation of segmental lining shall be checked for quality of the precast concrete segment as
per specification for erection of lining and other relevant specification.
1. any segment found to be cracked or spalled in the stockpile, during transportation
or storage shall be rejected and removed from the Site, unless otherwise approved
by the Engineer.
2. any segment found to be cracked or spalled after erection, but still within the
TBM tail skin, shall be rejected and removed from the Site, unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer.
3. any segment found to be cracked or spalled after it has been built and grouted
into the tunnel lining shall be repaired to the approval of the Engineer.

6.5 Bolts, Dowels and Guiding Rods

The Contractor shall prepare detail design and drawing of Bolts Dowels and Guiding Rods for the
segmental lining and shall carry out the works as per the approved design and drawings. The
design shall be based on the requirements as per Guidelines for Design of Segmental Tunnel
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-33

Linings, ITA Working Group 2 Research and other standards The specification and drawings for
the Bolts and Dowels, its pull out resistance, hardness and nature of the materials, allowable error
for the installation, the shape of the hole for inserting and the data for strength of the bolts and
dowel and test for pull out, number of bolts in radial and circumferential joints shall be submitted
along with the design to the Engineer for approval 28 days before the fabrication is to be started
and the works shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer.

Contractor may consider the following in preparing the design:

Bolts may be inclined spear bolts incorporating a blind threaded socket on one side of the joint
and a threaded bolt inserted from the recessed pocket on the other side of the joint. The invert
segments of adjacent rings shall be connected together along the circumferential joints using

The tunnel shall be designed and constructed as a watertight tunnel. Gaskets shall be provided
to assure water tightness as specified. The Contractor shall prepare and submit design and
drawing of the gasket based on the Design of Gasket Segment section of Guidelines for Design
of Tunnel Lining, ITA Working Group 2, Research and other standards and shall carry out the
works as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit test certificate issued by the
manufacturer which shall comply with the required parameters. If felt necessary by the Engineer,
the Contractor shall make all provision for third party testing of the gaskets at his own cost.

The Contractor shall consider but not limited to the following in preparing the design and drawing
of the Gasket arrangement.
Gaskets shall preferably be of EPDM material with Hydrophilic cord. For fixing of the gaskets in
to the segments, fibre anchor technology with gasket corners shall be applied. Contractor shall
arrange at site Gasket repair system after installation as instructed by the Engineer.

6.6 Measurement and payment

Measurement of precast lining shall be made in volume of segmental lining works of completed
tunnel. Volume of the segmental lining works shall be calculated based on the number and volume
of segments installed in the tunnel. Payment shall be made as per the item no. A-7.1 of the Bill of
Quantities and no additional payment shall be made thereof.

The unit rate shall include costs of materials, human resources, equipment for design, drawings,
all the proposals, casting, transportation and erection of the segments, including gaskets,
connection devices including bolts/dowels and connecting rods all complete. It does not include
the cost of reinforcement which shall be paid separately.

6.7 Backfilling with Pea Gravel and Grouting

6.7.1 General

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-34

The annular space between extrados of the precast concrete segment lining and the rock surface
shall be backfilled and packed with pea gravel and then cement grout shall be applied. The
Contractor shall undertake the packing for the backfilling and grouting in a balanced way, and the
grouting work shall be carried out at pace with advancement of excavation of tunnel and
segmental lining.

The Contractor shall adopt all means and measures to ensure that pea gravel backfill is well
packed and make proper arrangement so that pea gravel or grout is prevented from flowing out
into the end shield. The whole backfilling process and all sub-activity shall be arranged so that it
is well coordinated and synchronized to the advance in excavation and installation of precast
segments. All preparations such as availability of materials, equipment, consumables, measuring
devices and monitoring tools shall be adequately available both in quantity and spares so that in
no case the excavation and lining works are hindered by stoppage in backfilling activity.

Based on the ITAtech Guidelines for Best Practice for Segment Backfilling, ITAtech Activity Group
Excavation and/or any other standards referred to in the guideline, the Contractor shall prepare
and submit a proposal of the method statement to carry out backfilling works and shall carry out
the works as approved or instructed by the Engineer. The proposal shall include equipment and
tools to be used including spares. The proposal shall also include mechanism and procedure to
measure as well as verify volume of pea gravel and grout injected including the type of meter and
its calibration method and frequency. The proposal may be modified and reapproved by the
Engineer based on actual progress at site, ground condition and the learning curve.

6.7.2 Pea Gravel Backfilling and Grouting Material

Pea gravel shall be selected through screening and washing and shall be shall be the type as
made for aggregates with the size of 5~10mm with suitable gradation and shall be kept moist
when the filling works is on. All aggregate shall be uniformly well-graded and shall not exhibit
extremes of gradation. The specific gravity of the bulk aggregate in saturated, surface-dry
condition shall not be less than 2.60. Mica content shall be less than 3% but if the strength and
setting time permits, the aggregates having up to 6% may be used with prior approval of the
Engineer. The gradation shall be adjusted for best performance as required by the Engineer.
Cement with the strength as specified for Concrete shall be applied. For the sampling test of
compressive strength to the condensation body for the backfill grouting, at least 85 % of the test
results shall attain the strength of 15N/mm2 or more.

6.7.3 Pea Gravel Backfilling

In addition to that, chemical grouting shall be carried out in the starter tunnel and behind the
segment of already constructed tunnel if it deemed necessary in the opinion of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall perform grouting as described below or any better alternative as proposed
by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
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After the instalment of the appropriate number of segment circles as instructed by the Engineer,
the Contractor shall carry out pea gravel backfill and then grouting shall be carried out. The
Contractor shall demonstrate the procedure and if felt necessary shall correct/improve upon the
procedure as instructed by the Engineer.

Pea gravel shall be injected behind the face through the grout holes in the segment lining by using
appropriate equipment. Initially, pea gravel shall be used to fill the annular gap between the lining
extrados and the ground. The Contractor shall make all arrangements to check and control pea
gravelling works in such a way that pea gravel does not leak through the tailskin trailing edge,
open joints and unplugged grout holes and any other place.

Completed pea gravel and grout at any part of the tunnel may be checked for its adequacy as
instructed by the Engineer.

Measurement of pea gravel and grouting works shall be measured in volume (cubic meter). The
pumping equipment shall be equipped with arrangement to measure volume of material pumped
and the pressure. The Contractor shall propose method to check and verify the functioning of the
equipment and shall carry out as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall propose forms
to be filled to record the volume of materials pumped and shall record the pumped volume which
shall be verified by the Engineer or his representative.

The unit rate is deemed to include cost of human resource, material, equipment, labor,
demonstration, cost of corrective measures and measures against leakage etc. all complete
works. Payment shall be made on the basis of cubic meter of injected pea gravel as measured
above and the unit rate of the item as per item No A-7.3 of the Bill of Quantities. No additional
payment for pea gravel injection shall be made thereof.

6.7.4 Grouting of Annular Space

Grouting shall mean application of cement grout in annular space between extrados of the precast
concrete segment lining and the rock surface so as to completely fill the void after application of
pea gravel. Such grouting can also be used to fill the voids in the starter tunnel and behind the
segment of already constructed tunnel.

The Contractor shall perform grouting works as described below or any better alternative as
proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Based on ITAtech Guidelines for Best
Practice for Segment Backfilling, ITAtech Activity Group Excavation and/or any other standards
referred to in the guideline, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a proposal of the method
statement to carry out grouting works and shall carry out the works as approved or instructed by
the Engineer.

The Contractor shall consider, but not limited to the following in preparing and carrying out
grouting works.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-36

Grouting works shall be carried out to fill up the voids in the annulus behind the ring after the
injection of pea gravel. All arrangement shall be made to ensure that the grouting is carried out to
completely fill and pack the voids in the peagravel and any space between segment and the
excavated ground. It shall be carried out from appropriate equipment placed on the TBM or any
other suitable method as approved by the Engineer and shall be applied immediately and in pace
with the pea-gravel backfilling.

Grouting work shall be carried out first in invert arch then side arch finally top arch sequentially.
Primary grout shall be applied from the holes in starting from appropriate ring after tail shield or
its nearest and shall be applied in the manner and sequence as approved or instructed by the
Engineer. Secondary grout shall be applied to fill up the probable void left after primary grouting
by making suitable arrangement at a suitable location at the rear end of the TBM. Arrangements
shall be made to check and minimize loss of grout due to inadequate joint sealing and inadequate
pea gravel filling or any other construction errors.

Keeping in view that irregularities may occur with delayed time, Contractor shall arrange for
grouting works to be carried out in any part of the tunnel for any purpose at any time until the
tunnelling work is complete.

Necessary tests including non-destructive tests using GPR equipment as specified in Section
5.6.3 [Ground Penetrating Radar Survey] of this Speification and if necessary, core drilling shall
be carried out to understand the situation of applied grout of its completeness. In case voids or
any irregularities are observed, grout shall be applied to fill the observed voids and irregularities.
Such tests and grouting shall be carried out until it is ensured that grouting works is thoroughly
completed throughout the tunnel.

Pressure for the backfilling grouting and the ratio for water and cement for the grout shall be as
shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. For the first sequence step holes, the
grout with the water cement ratio of 0.5:1 or as approved by the Engineer shall be applied, and
for the second sequence, the grout subsequent higher value of water cement ratio may be applied.
Grouting shall be continued till sometime after intake is reduced practically to zero at the stated
pressure to assure that the voids in annular space is completely filled and grout is compacted
properly. In case collapse or gushing of water is encountered the Contractor shall prepare special
grouting measures to handle the situation as approved by the Engineer.

If the grouting is interrupted due to some reasons, the contractor shall resume the work as early
as possible. If the work is stopped for more than 30 min, the holes for grouting shall be cleaned
and grouting shall be resumed after the original depth of the hole is obtained. In case the holes
cannot take grout, another hole nearby shall be used to complete the grouting work.

Before commencement of actual grouting, the Contractor shall arrange to demonstrate the
grouting works as per approved method and pattern. The method may be modified based on the
observations during demonstration and also during actual application as approved or instructed
by the Engineer.
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-37

6.7.5 Grouting Equipment

Grouting equipment of appropriate capacity and arrangements at locations as aforementioned
and mobile arrangement for grouting at any location in the tunnel shall be provided. Keeping in
view the requirements for regular repair and maintenance of equipment, adequate number of
spares as well as standby as approved by the Engineer shall be arranged to ensure that the
grouting works can be carried out smoothly and unhindered due to shortage of spares or standby,

The equipment shall have appropriately installed pressure meter and grout meter to measure
pressure and volume of grout injected. The meters shall be calibrated as per standard procedure
and shall be checked and verified regularly by the Engineer following any suitable method
including physical volumetric check etc. The Contractor shall arrange adequate number of spare
grout meter ready for immediate replacement so that in no case work is hindered due to breakage
of meter while grouting. The Contractor shall also provide adequate number of plugs to plug the
holes temporarily as required for sequential application of grout. The plug shall be of standard
quality and shall have capacity safely more than the maximum grouting pressure. No temporary
arrangement using wooden stops or wasted cement bags or clothes etc shall be approved.

6.7.6 Measurement and Payment

Measurement of grouting works shall be measured in volume (cubic meter) of grout injected.
Volume shall be determined based on the grout meter installed in the grouting equipment. The
Contractor shall propose and submit method statement to record, check and verify the volume of
grout injected including mechanism for involvement of Contractor, Engineer and/or Employer such
that the Contractor shall be responsible for recording which shall be checked and verified by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall include in the proposal necessary forms for recording, checking
and verification. The statement shall also include method to calibrate the meters following
standard procedures and method to check and verify at regular interval. Measurement shall be
carried out as per the method approved by the Engineer. The unit rate is deemed to include cost
of human resource, material, equipment, labor, demonstration, cost of corrective measures and
measures against leakage etc all complete works. Payment shall be made on the basis of cubic
meter of grout injected as measured above and the unit rate of the item as per item No A-7.4 of
the Bill of Quantities. And no additional payment for grouting of annular space shall be made

6.8 Instrumentation

The Contractor is responsible for plan and implement instrumentation measures to monitor the
deformation of the tunnel, ground pressure in the lining, hydrostatic pressure in the tunnel,
convergence and time dependent deformation in the starter tunnel. The Contractor in his method
statement of Segmental Lining, shall propose detail of ground, hydrostatic pressure and
deformation measurement plan and its monitoring method using appropriate instrumentation in
the constructed tunnel. Such instrumentation plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-38

and Contractor shall carryout the work accordingly. The instrumentation may include at the
minimum, but not limited to, the following:

 Load/Pressure Cells
 Piezometers
 Strain Meters
 Cleavage Plates with Survey System

The instrumentation shall be such that it shall monitor the ground pressure build up in the
segmental lining, strain in the segmental lining, status of hydrostatic pressure at the instrumented
area, time dependent deformation in starter tunnel, squeezing in the starter tunnel and any other
relevant information that the Engineer deems necessary for monitoring the tunnel condition. Such
instrumentation shall be such that it shall cover all rock formations and likely problematic area
(Thrust Locations, highest overburden area) along the tunnel alignment.

The cost of instrumentation, including supply of instruments, installation, monitoring devices,

manpower, data analysis and interpretation, consumables and sundry items deemed to be
included in the cost of the segmental lining and no separate payment for the Instrumentation shall
be made thereof.


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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-39


7.1 Permanent Buildings

The Contractor shall design the permanent houses for Employer as per schematic drawing and
construct two types of the permanent houses as per approved design, drawings at the locations
designated by the Employer and as per the instruction of the Engineer. All the permanent building
shall be completed and handover for the stipulated purposes within one and half year from the
commencement date. First type shall be residence of the employer, office of Employer and
Engineer and second type shall be guard house as shown in the drawings. The general
specifications of the houses shall be as follows.

Size of the office building (3 blocks) –1829 sq.m. (total floor area)
Size of the guard house – 300 sq.m. (Floor area)

a. Seventy five mm thick (P.C.C) with graded stone chips for foundation and floor
including mixing ,laying and finishing to approved level, line all complete as
instructed by the Engineer.
b. Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:2:4) for footing, slab, beam with
approved quality of cement and sand and crushed stone aggregate including
mixing, laying, curing etc all complete in approval of site engineer.
c. Plain cement Concrete (PCC) for RCC works (1:1.5:3) for columns with approved
quality of cement and sand and crushed stone aggregate including mixing, laying,
curing etc all complete in approval of site engineer.
d. Good quality local chimney made Brickwork in 1:6 C/S mortar in substructure in
perfect line level finish including wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing
the work for at least 7 days all complete.
e. Good quality local chimney made Brickwork in 1:6 C/S mortar in superstructure
in perfect line level finish including wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing
the work for at least 7 days all complete.
f. Good quality local chimney made Brickwork in 1:4 C/S mortar in superstructure
in perfect line level finish including wetting the bricks, racking the joints and curing
the work for at least 7 days all complete.
g. Tor steel reinforcement bar of fe 415/500 grade including straightening, cleaning,
cutting, binding & fixing in position with annealed tying binding wire as per drawing,
design & instruction all complete.
h. Wooden Formwork, shuttering, centering with approved materials upto 0.30 m
necessary propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting inclusive of wedging and
cutting holes for utilization till the support if fully unyielding net.
i. Fifty mm thick (1:2:4) P.C.C. (screeding) for flooring with approved quality of
cement & sand and crushed stone aggregate including mixing, laying, punning,
rubbing in hard surface curing etc all complete.
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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-40

j. Three mm thick cement sand punning (1:1) on floor, skriting, dado etc, including
mixing laying and rubbing with steel trowel to a hard, smooth and shining surface
and curing all complete.
k. Supplying and laying of good quality marble in cement sand motar (1:2) ratio with
aproved colour on floors, skirting and walls all complete.
l. Well seasoned salwood chaukhats for fixed/openable door/windows with good
finish of approved quality incuding fixing in postion with necessary M.S. hold fasts
as per drawing and instruction all complete.
m. Making and fitting fixing of salwood panelled door shutter of 38 x 100 mm size
sal wood frame including all necessary hardware fitting all complete.
n. Making and fitting fixing panelled door shutter of 38 x 100 mm size sal wood frame
with 4mm thick waterproof ply including all necessary hardware fitting all
o. 12.5mm thick cement sand plaster in (1:4) ratio on wall of good finish including
racking the joint, wetting of surfaces & curing the work all complete.
p. 12.5mm thick cement sand plaster in (1:3) ratio on ceiling of good finish including
racking the joint, wetting of surfaces & curing the work all complete.
q. Two coats of apex paint(weather coat) of approved colour without primer Painting
over properly cleaned surface all complete.
r. Distemper painting two coats work with priming one coat all complete.
s. Two coats of ready made enamel paint of approved colour over 1 coats of primer
Painting over properly sanded wooden surface all complete.
t. Supplying and fitting of wooden railing and 75mm X 100mm Sal/Sisam handrail
with brass cap including welding, joints and primer painting as per drawing and
instructions all complete.
u. Supply and fixing of 75X100mm Sisam wood handrail including fittings as per
drawing and instructions all complete.
v. Supply and fixing of 75X7mm Sisam wood post including fittings as per drawing
and instructions all complete.
w. Aluminum window with 5mm thick black colored glass, net and all necessary
fittings all complete
x. Supply and installation of all furniture’s and fixtures including bed mattresses,
pillow, bed sheets, Fan, Air Conditioner, fire extinguishing system, etc. and
curtains of good quality as approved by the Engineer.
y. Each house shall be watertight and provided with flushing type toilets, sinks,
running cold and hot water supply system, plumbing, sewage disposal, electrical
wiring, electrical fixtures and outlets. Ceiling fans and or Air Conditioner shall be
installed in all rooms of the houses.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-41

z. Each of the houses shall have potable water supply from an overhead tank
constructed at the suitable location.

Measurement for payment of construction of the permanent houses shall be made in floor area in
sq.m for each of the floors in each type of the houses in lines and dimensions shown on the
Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. Payment for houses shall be made at the unit rate per
square metre as per Item No. D-1 of the Bill of Quantities. The unit rates shall cover the cost of
all labour, materials, equipment and tools, landscaping, and operations required for the
construction, flooring, furniture and fixtures, curtains, water supply and sanitation, drainage,
electricity and lightening arrestors, fire extinguishing system and cost of electricity, water supply
and maintenance of the houses throughout the contract period and make the houses all complete
for residential as wells as official purposes. The Contractor shall provide electric supplies from
diesel generator free of costs to the permanent building areas during the period of failure of
electricity from grid.

7.2 Prefabricated Houses

The Contractor shall design and construct pre-fabricated houses of following types based on the
provided schematic drawings and construct prefabricated houses as per approved design or as
instructed by the Engineer. All the prefabricated buildings shall be completed and handover for
the stipulated purposes within six months from the commencement date.

Number of Estimated
S.No. Particulars Unit Units to be Area (sq.m/per
constructed unit )
Type I- International
1 Nos 8 65

Type II- National Key

2 Nos 18 32

Type- III Senior Support

3 Nos 11 20

4 Type- IV Support Staffs Nos 8 17

Type- V Mesh and

5 Nos 3 190
Utility Building

The Contractor shall construct the above types and number of houses as per the following
No. Sort Name Specification

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-42

50mm EPS sandwich panel, 0.326mm color

steel sheet and 12kg/m3 polystyrene foam
4 Wall system density inside. Heat Insulated coefficient is
0.041w/m.k. Heat transfer coefficient is
20mm Corrugated PU colorized Panel
0.326mm color steel sheet and 13kg/m3
5 Roof system polystyrene foam density inside. Heat Insulated
coefficient is 0.041w/m.k. Heat transfer
coefficient is 0.553w/·k.
singledoor with dimensions of 800*2000mm,
furnished with a cylinder lock with 3keys.
6 Door system
Doorframe is made of aluminum, 50mm thick
EPS insulation foam.
Color steel+PVC sliding window with dimension
8 Window system of 1740mm*930mm, red or blue, glazed with
glass in a thickness of 5mm, two bay sliding,
9 light Mas tersteel frame
secondary steel
10 Structural It’s customized design
11 system purlin system
12 Static load : 18Kg/m2
13 Bearing load Use Roof is 50kg/m2,
14 Wind pressure: 50~60Kg/M2 or 110~120km/H
15 paramete Fireproof B3 grade
r Resistant
16 -15 to +50
The resistant
17 Seven fissions activate.
earthquake grade

Besides the above specifications, the houses shall have following facilities.

a. Each house shall be watertight and provided with flushing type toilets, sinks, running water
supply system, plumbing, sewage disposal, electrical wiring, electrical fixtures and outlets.
Air Conditioner and Ceiling fans shall be installed in all rooms of the houses.
b. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements including the construction of tubewell,
pumping system, water treatment, overhead tanks and water distribution system to
potable drinking water to each of the houses, dormitories in the Employers/ Engineers and
Consultants offices and camps and for swimming pool and recreational facilities. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for operating the system to supply the water 24 hours
a day.

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-43

c. The Contractor shall construct transmission lines, install transformers and other necessary
electrical facilities and connectivity to supply electricity to the Employers/ Engineers office,
camps etc from the national grid and or generator sets.
d. Supply and installation of furniture including bed mattresses, pillow etc. and curtains of
good quality as approved by the Engineer.

Measurement for payment of construction of above five types of houses shall be made at the unit
rate per square meter measured at the plinth level shown in the drawings and as directed by the
Engineer for each of the types given in Item No. E-1 of the Bill of Quantities. The unit rates shall
cover the cost of all labour, materials, equipment and tools, and operations required for erection
and making the houses complete to serve the purpose of their construction, supply of potable
water, sanitary facilities including the construction of septic tanks and soak pits as shown in
drawings and or as directed by the Engineer, furnishing the houses as shown in drawings, electric
supply and landscaping, operation and maintenance of the houses, cost of supply of electricity
and water supply throughout the contract period, The Contractor shall provide electric supplies
from diesel generator free of costs to the Engineers camp at the construction site during the period
of failure of electricity from grid. The contractor shall carryout the regular maintenance of such
prefabricated building in good condition for occupancy and handover to the Employer after the
expiry of the contract period and all the cost for such maintenance is deemed to be included in
the unit cost of the pre-fabricated buildings.

No separate measurement shall be made for any other building or installation work including,
inter-alia, insurance, sewerage and septic tanks, surface water drainage, water supply and
electric supplies.

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Chapter 4B7 – Engineer’s Requirements 4B6-44

Contract No.: Civil-01/HRT/SMDMP/077/78 Bidding Document

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