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We are delighted to be inviting you to take part in a video interview. This video will allow
us to ensure your application stands out above others. It is free for you to take part and
should take a maximum of 15 minutes of your time including preparation and answering
the questions.

• Set up your recording area for success:
o Make sure you are comfortable
o Make sure nothing is in view of the camera that is unprofessional
o Wear smart attire (at least for your top half that will be in view of the camera)
o Ensure you do not get interrupted – phones off, let others know etc
• Practice!

• Prepare to answer the following questions
• Try to keep each answer to a maximum of 1 minute
• Do not script them, you will not come across well. However, think how you will answer
the following:

1. Introduce yourself
A brief overview in chronological order including why you decided on a career in
accountancy, your previous job titles and employers, reasons for moving previous roles,
your values in the work place and what do you like doing outside of work.

2. Why are you seeking an international career?

Talk about the positive things you will get from this move, professionally and personally is
ok. Do not talk about negative things where you are now, it should be about the positives
you hope to gain.

3. Tell me what makes you stand out above others in the workplace?
We don’t all find this one a natural one to answer. However, you do need to outline your
strengths. Talk about what they are and give an example of when the strengths have been

During the video

o Smile, especially at the beginning and end
o Look at the camera front on and angle it so your face is level with it
o Sit upright, it will make you feel more confident
o The first question counts down to the start, the next two questions come up and
you answer without a count down
o If you choose to re-record you need to re-record all three questions. Companies
viewing the interview are aware of this and know understand you might make the
odd mistake.
o Don’t worry it does not need to be perfect!

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this. GOOD LUCK!

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