How To Make Donut

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Materials :

 300 grams of high protein flour

 100 grams of medium protein flour

 1 teaspoon of salt

 15 grams of powdered milk

 40 grams of sugar

 1 teaspoon of instant yeast solid oil for frying

 325 ml of ice water

 30 grams of margarine

 1 egg

how to make fried donuts:

1. Mix flour, powdered milk, instant yeast and powdered sugar. Stir until well blended
2. Gradually add the eggs and ice water. If in doubt the dough is too runny, you can add
several parts of the water first

3. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Kalis dough is no sticky dough that sticks
to the container and hands.

4. Add margarine and salt. Knead the dough until it is elastic.

5. Cover the dough with a cloth and let stand in a warm place at room temperature for 15
minutes. After 15 minutes, the dough expands. Punch the dough to let the air out.

Knead it a little more

6. shape the dough into a circle

7. Cover with cloth and let stand for 30 minutes.

8. Fry the donut mixture in hot oil and low heat until golden yellow. Drain well.

9. After the donuts are cold, give them the topping according to taste.

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