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1.There should be an investigation into this matter.

2.You should apologize to your parents.
3. That computer isn’t working as it should
4. You should take the bus if you want to be on time.
5. You shouldn’t have said anything to her.
6. I should have spoken to her but I haven’t had time.
7. You should be ashamed of your behavior.

`` También usamos el modal should en

inglés cuando algo se espera``
1. my computer should be ready this afternoon.
2. I don’t know what happened to her but she should be here
by now.
3. You should find this new book helpful to your life.
4. They should be finished by November


Estas son algunas oraciones negativas que puedes hacer con el
verbo modal should en inglés
1. shouldn’t go to work.
2. I shouldn’t play with fire.
3. I shouldn’t eat fast food.
4. He shouldn’t be open to new ideas.
5. Susan shouldn’t be in New York yet.
6. Mike shouldn’t smoke so much. It is not good for his
7. We shouldn’t go there, it is dangerous.
8. We shouldn’t bet those huge amounts of money. You
shouldn’t go to work day, you are really sick
9. You shouldn’t call him anymore
10. Children shouldn’t stay out after dark

``Concepto de should``

In affirmative questions, "should" is usually used to

ask if something is a good idea, while in negative
questions it usually confirms what we believe should
have happened or should have been done

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