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Industrial Relations and Labour Laws (IRLL)

MCQs [set-3]

Chapter: Unit 1

51. Pluralistic approach perceives ______ as legitimate representative of employee

A. Trade unions
B. Management
C. Board of Directors
D. None of the above
Answer: A
o disputes are
. c
52. In Marxist approach, concerns with wage related
A. Primary
B. Secondary a
C. Tertiary
q M
D. Not considered c
Answer: B
53. For the Marxists, all strikes are
A. Political
B. Social
C. Legislative
D. None of the above
Answer: A

54. Which of the following is (are) not acceptable to Marxists?

A. Enterprise bargaining
B. Employee participation
C. Co-operative work culture
D. All of the above
Answer: D

55. Elton Mayo and his team believed in the positive nature of
A. Managers
B. Management
C. Employees
D. All of the above
Answer: C

56. Which of the following department has major interest in harmonious industrial
B. Production
C. Finance
D. Marketing
Answer: A

57. Characteristics of Industrial Relations do not include:

A. Industrial Relations are outcome of employment relationship in an industrial enterprise.
B. Industrial Relations promote the skills and methods of adjustment and co-operation with each
C. Industrial Relations create complex rules and regulations to maintain cordial relations.
D. Industrial Relations system creates an environment of distrust and conflict.
Answer: D

58. Who are not the Actors of Industrial Relations?

A. Workers and their organisations
B. Employers and their organisations
C. Community and cultural associations
D. Government and the role of the State
Answer: C

59. Which of the following trends in the employment relations in the new economic
era is not correct?
A. Declining stability and security
B. Declining labour intensity
C. No shift from contract of service to contract of service
D. Declining mutual commitment
Answer: C

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60. Assertion (A): Labour Welfare is relative to time and space. Reason (R): It
shall be universal and perpetual.
A. Assertion and Reason are right.
B. Assertion is wrong and Reason is right.
C. Both Assertion and Reason are wrong.
D. Assertion is right but its explanation given in Reason is wrong.
Answer: A

61. Who are not the actors according to Dunlop’s framework of industrial relations
A. Managers and their representatives
B. Workers and their organisations
C. Specialized government agencies
D. Communities and their associations
Answer: D

62. According to whom ‘Conflict is necessary but it can be and needs to be

managed and resolved’.
A. Unitarists
B. Pluralists
C. Classicalists
D. Modernists
Answer: A

63. Who has propounded the theory that “Industrial Conflict is a part of the
broader social conflict between classes and used to explain fundamental historical
process of change and development in human society”?
A. Frank Tannenbaum
B. Adam Smith
C. Karl Marx
D. G.D.H. Cole
Answer: C

64. In which year the two consultative machinery Indian Labour Conference and
Standing Labour Committee were constituted in India?
A. 1941
B. 1942

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C. 1947
D. 1951
Answer: D

65. Identify the functions of Joint Management Council:

A. Information sharing
B. Consultative
C. Administrative
D. All the above
Answer: B

66. By which amendment the provisions of Workers’ Participation in Management

was incorporated in the Indian Constitution?
A. 41
B. 42
C. 43
D. 44
Answer: B

Chapter: Unit 2

67. WPM in which each party makes suggestions for improvement and the
suggestions are acted upon is: -
A. Informal Cooperation
B. Advisory Cooperation
C. Constructive Cooperation
D. Joint Determination
Answer: C

68. WPM in which policy matters are jointly decided by the union and the
employer is _____
A. Informal Cooperation
B. Advisory Cooperation
C. Constructive Cooperation
D. Joint Determination
Answer: D

69. The ID Act of 1947 provides for _____ form of WPM.

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A. Works Committee
B. Joint Management Councils
C. Workers’ Representative
D. None of the above
Answer: A

70. The tenure of a Joint Council is of ____ year(s).

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
Answer: B

71. Who chooses the Vice Chairman of the Joint Council?

A. Chairman of the Council
B. Chairman with the approval of the workers’ representative
C. Worker-members of the Council
D. Appropriate Government
Answer: C

72. At the minimum the JC must meet atleast _____.

A. Once a month
B. Once every one and a half month
C. Once every Quarter
D. Once every six months
Answer: C

73. Unless explicitly mentioned in the decision agreement, the decisions taken by
the UC must be implemented within _____ of the date when decision is taken.
A. 10 days
B. 14 days
C. 1 month
D. 40 days
Answer: C

74. At the minimum the UC must meet atleast _____.

A. Once a month

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B. Once every one and a half month
C. Once every Quarter
D. Once every six months
Answer: A

75. The tenure of a Unit Council is of ____ year(s).

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
Answer: C

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