Chapter 3 Electricity

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Year/Number of Questions 01 02 03 04 0s 06
2.1 Electric Fields ond Charge Flow

Objective Questions 22 Relationship between Electric Current and Potentiol Difference

2.3 Series and Parallel Circults

Instructions: Each question is followed by either three, 2.4 Electromotive Force and Internal Resistance
2.5 Electrical Energy and Power
four or five options. Choose the best option for each

21 ELECTRIC FIELDS AND 4 Diagram l shows a candle

CHARGE FLOW SPM/ 01103,05 flame split into two directions M N
when it is placed in the space
1 A steady current of 3.0 A between two charged metal
Diagram 2
resistor for 2 plates P and Q.
flows through a
hours. How many electrons candle
have passed through the flame Ifa charge of coulombs
resistor during this time?
A 5.33x 1018 flows from M
B 1.875x 1019
to N in
C 3.75x 101° seconds, how will the reading
D 2.25x 1021 high voltage on the ammeter change?
E 1.35x 1023 A Higher than the original
Diagram reading
B Unchanged
2 The electric current provided Which statement below C Lower than the original
b y a battery to a digital watch explains why the candle flame
is 4.0 x 105 A. How much reading
has a greater tendency too
charge flows through the spread towards plate Q than
digital watch in 1 hour? 6 Which diagram shows the
towards plate P? STS Correct electric field patterm?
A 4.0x 10-7C
A The electric field closer to A
B 4.0x 10-"C
plate Q is stronger.
C 2.4x10 C B Negative ions move faster

D 1.4x 10-'C
towards plate Q.
C Positive ions are heavier
3 A battery moves a charge of and move slower towards
450 C through a filament plate
lamp at a constant rate for 5.0 D The candle flame is attracted
minutes. What is the steady
current which flows through
by a stronger magnetic C
force towards plate
the lamp during this time?
A 1.0A 5 The ammeter shown in
B 1.5A TS Diagram 2 produces a reading D
C 9.0A when a charge of Q coulombs
D 90A flows through it from M to N
E 150A in a time olt seconds.

TSTS Question 5: Predicting Question 6: Analysing

7 The Van de Graaff generator potential difference between 12 Diagram 6 shows the graph of
can be used for the following point A and point B? ACApotential difference V against
purposcs except. A 25V B 50 V Ocurrent I for three different
A lo produce high clectric C 100V D 200 V conductors P, Q and S
potential. E 400 VV Potential difference, Vvolt
B lo prduce positive charges.
C to study the relationship ,10 During thunderstorm,
bctwecn charge and current. FEAFlightning sent an electric
D to study the elaionship charge of 90 C Irom a
between charge and thundercloud to the earth.
The Current /A
csistance. potential difference
between the thundercloud Diagram 6
8 Diagram 3 shows a light and the earth was 3 x 10'° V Which statement below about
ST Sphere S, which is charged during the discharge. the conductors is true?
and suspended by a light A Phas lower resistance than S.
B Only conductor Q obeys
nylon string between two0 Ohm's law.
charged plates P and1Q lightning
C Resistance of increases
V=3x i0oV
with current.
D Resistance of P increases
with current.
Diagram 4
13 Which circuit can be used to
How much energy was odetermine
the resistance of a
high produced during the lightning? O3 bulb P?
A 3x100J A
B 3x102J
Diagram 3
D 2.7x 102J (A-
Which statement about the
E 1.3xl10"J C D
shown is not
11 A unitorm resistance wire X is
A Sphere S is negatively
connected in a circuit as
B Sphere S is attracted by an shownin Diagram5. resistance
electric force towards plate P. wire

C The angle of deflection will X 14 A resistance wire X of length

80 cm
decrease if the separation 0.4 m and cross-sectional area
between plates P and Q is 0.2 mm has a resistance ot
increased. 2 2. If wire A, B, C and D are
made from the same material as
D The electric field between
is non- Diagram 5 wire X, which one has
plates Pand
unitorm. resistance ot 4 2?
When a length of 80 cm of
wire X is used in the circuit, Cross
the voltmeter and ammeter Wire Length/m | sectional
2.2 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN readings are 0.4 A and 1.2 V area/mm*
ELECTRIC CURRENT,, respectively 0.4
A 0.2
AND POTENTIAL What is the resistance of
DIFFEENCE, V EM93:05,06 0.4
160 cm of wire X? B 0.4
A 1.52 B 3.02 0.8 0.2
9 Work done in moving a D 6.02
A C 4.52
charge of 2.0 C from point D 0.8 0.4
What is the E 8.02
to point B is 100J.

Questions 8, 12: Analysing

15 The engine of an electric tram 17 Among the graphs below, Which of the following correctly
ISsupplied a potential S1S which one correctly shows the describes the ammeter readings?
difference of 50,000 V by a relationship between the poten- A Reading of A, >A,>A,
Otial difflerence, V, and current, I, B Reading of A, > A,>A,
ISTS hanging link to the overhcad
clectric cable as shown in through a metal conductor CReading of A, > A, >A,
Diagram 7. A high current of which obcys Ohms law? D Reading of A, >A, >A,
20 A flows through the tram B
V 20 Three identical bulbs are
engine and steel rail back to
the generator in the station. SS connected to a dry cell in
f i v e different arrangements
overhead cable O a s shown in Diagram 10.
link V
electric tram
steel rail

0 0
Diagram 7
Why is it not dangerous for a 23 SERIES AND PARALLEL M

rail worker to touch the steel CIRCUITS SPM 00,01,02 04,067

A The steel rail is earthed and 18 Which circuit shows the P
is at O V. doammeter A with the highest Diagram I10
B The steel rail has very high O6 reading?
Among the circuit arrangements
C The rail workers hand has
A6 J. K, M, N and P, which
arrangements are in similar class?
high resistance. R R R
D The rail worker can stand Class 1| Class 2| Class 3
electric shock. B 6 A J K , NMP
16 In the circuit shown in
B K,P ,N
FSTS Diagram 8, the bulb lights up
when the jockey is touched at CN J.P M, K
end X of the resistance wire. C DK J N ,M,P
21 Diagram 11 shows a circuit
H-- with four bulbs P, Q, R and S
which light up with nomal
D 6V brightness.
resistance wire

Diagram 8
19 All the bulbs in the circuit
What will happen if the jockey
is touched at the end Y 1S1S below are identical. Diagram I
A Ammeter reading increases. Which bulb, when it is
A removed, would cause all the
B Volumeter reading decreases
C The bulb becomes brighter. other bulbs to go out?
D Total resistance in the AP B
circuit is decreased. CR D S
Questions 16, 22: Analysing Ouestion 17: Predicting Question 20: Relating
22 The bulb in the circuit shown 24 Diagram 14 shows three
SS in Diagram 12 will light up
with normal brightness when
Cidentical bulbs P, Q and R REMEMBER
glowing in normal brightness In series, R=R, +R, +R, + .
h e switches S, and S, are connected in series to a
closed. battery and an ammeter.

RQ A Circuit

6V R

R R 26 Three resistors are connected

across terminals A and B as

Diagram 2 Diagram 14 shown in Diagram 16.

What will happen to the What will happen to the 62

brightness of the bulb if either ammeter reading and the B3A

one of the switches is closed? brightness of the bulbs when 82

Only switch S, Only switch 5, switch Kis closed?
is closed is closed Ammeter Brightness Diagram 16
A Unchanged | Increases reading of the bulbs
A Increases Pand Q are What is the potential1
B Decreases Increases
difterence across A and B?
C Unchanged | Decreases
|brighter,R A 4V B 8V
does not light
C 12V D 18V
D Increases Unchanged up E 36V
B Increases P,Q and R
23 Diagram 13 shows three unchanged
27 Three identical resistors
C Decreases | P and Q are
ISTS Circuits each consisting of dimmer, R is connected in parallel
three identical bulbs of 2 2
produced an effective resistance
of 4 2. What is the effective
D Decreases | P, Qand R resistance when the three
Circuit P unchanged resistors are connected in

Le 25 Three voltmeters
STS readings of V, V, and V,

when connected
A 122
C 362
B 242
D 48 2
FORECAST Tespectively E 562
SPM three resistors as
6V across
Circuit Q shown in Diagram 15.
- 6A

102 102 20 2
6V () Circuit R LO L L
Diagram I5 Diagram 7
Diagram 13 What would be the correct
28 In the circuit shown in Diagram
The arrangement of the comparison among the three
circuits P, Q and R in readings 18, what is theratioo f ?
A V, = V, < \ R
increasing order of effective B V, = V,: A 1:2 B1:3
resistance 1s... C V>V,> C1:4 D 2:1
A Q,P,R. B P,2,R. D V<V,<V, E 3:1
C R,2,P D P,R,Q.

Question 23: Sequencing Question 25: Relating

TSTS Question 22: Predicting

29 Diagram 18 shows three 31 Diagram 20(a) shows the 33 In the circuit of Diagram 22
STS circuit of an experiment used the reading of the voltmeter is
identical resistors cach with 6.0 V when switch S is open.
O6TCsistance R connectcd to a to detenine the e.m.f. E and
12 V battery. Ammetcr Al intennal resistance r ofa dry cll. When switch S is closed, the
voltmeter reads 5.6 V and the
shows a reading of O.6 A and
drycell VN ammeter reads 0.55A.
volmeter Vl shows a rcadin8
of 7.2 V

0.6A R
R b (A) R

(a) (b)
Diagram 18 Diagram 20 Diagram 22
What is the value of R and the results of the The internal resistance of the
From the
reading of the ammeter A2? experiment, a graph of battery is..
potential difference V against A 0.202
Reading of
currentI is plotted as in B 0.402
ammeter A2
Diagram 20(b). C 0.45
32 0.2 A D 0.80 2
Which one of the following
B 6Q2 0.2A has the correct value of the E 1.202
e.m.f. and internal resistance
C12 0.4 A
34 Voltmeter V has infinite
D 122 0.4 A of the cel1?
AONresistance and ammeter A has
Internal SPM
E.m.f., E resistance, r Onegligible resistance. Which
24 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE circuit carn be used to measure
AND INTERNAL A bla the electromotive force
RESISTANCE SPM 04,05/ alb (e.m.f., E) of a battery?
B a

19 shows two A
30 Diagram b bla
SIS resistors R and 2 R, two
D b alb
volmeters V, and V,, two
ammeters A, and A, in a
32 The circuit in Diagram 21
circuit with a battery. The
shows three resistors 4 2, 6 2,
battery has e.m.i. E and
and 6 2 connected to a B
internal resistance r.
battery with emf 9V and
A internal resistance 2 2.

E 9V
2R r22

Diogram 19 62
Which of the following is not
A Reading of A, - Reading of
Diagram 2
What is the current, I, flowing
B Reading of V,> Reading of in the circuit?
A 0.5A
V, B 1.0A
CE Reading of V, C 1.5A
Reading of V
D Total circuit resistance - R D 2.0A
+2R+r E 3.0A

TSTS Questions 30, 31: Analysing

E 6V 2.5 41 An electric motor connected
to a 240 V supply
POWER SPM 0,01,02,03,0406 current of 2.5 A from the
R 4.0 SQ
38 In Diagram 26, the battery supply when it is lifting a load
of 20 kg as shown in
Diogram 23 provides a current of 2 A to
resistors of 4 2 and 12 2 in Diagram 28.
35 In the above cireuit, the dry parallel.
cell has e.m.f. 6 V and internal 2.5 A
resistance 1.0 2. What is the
240v motor

potential ditterence, V, across 2Q 1

the 4Q resistor? w
A 1.5V B 2.0V
C3.3V D 4.8V
E 6.0V
20 ke
Diagram 26
Diagram 28
36 The electromotive force How much energy is
S (e.m.f.) and internal dissipated by both resistors in The load moved up at

resistance of the cell in the one minute? constant speed through a

circuit below are 2.0 V and A 6J B 12J height of 25 m in 10 seconds.
C 360J What is the efficiency of the
0.42respectively. D 720J
E 800J motor?
switch A 8.3% B 83%
39 A fluorescent lamp used in a C 62 % D 75 %
Osnormal household has a E 95%
03 power of 40 W. If the cost per
unit of electrical energy used 42 Two filament bulbs P and 2
Diagram 24
is 20 sern, what is the cost of STS are labelled "12 V 6 W" and
What is the possible voltmeter switching on the fluorescent "12 V, 24W" respectively and
reading when the switch is lamp for 20 hours? are connected in parallel to a
closed? A 1.6 sern B 16 sen 12 V power supply as shownh
V C RM 1.60 D RM16.00 in Diagram 29.
B 2.0V E RM160.00
C Less than 2.0 V
D More than 2.0 VN 40 Diagram 27 shows three dry
12 V, WV
37 Diagram 25 shows a battery cells each with an e.m.f. of
1 . 5 Vand supplying a current
with e.m.f., E = 6 V, and 12 V, 24 w
of 0.3 A to a filament bulb in
internal resistance, r = 2 2
torch light. Assuming internal
connected to resistors 12 2
resistances of the dry cells are
and R2 in series. negligible, how much energy Diagram 29
E=6 V is supplied to the bulb in Which observation below is
5 minutes? not true?
12 A 0.3A A Bulb is brighter than
bulb P
ww www.
SVHSVHISV B The current
Diagram 25
through bulb Q is bigger
Diagram 27
If the current flowing through than the current passing
the ammeter is 0.3 A, find the How much energy is supplied through bulb P.
value of R. to the bulb in 5 minutes? C Resistance of bulb P is
A 22 B 42 A 2.25J B 6.75) lower than that of bulb Q.
C 62 D 82 C 20.25 J D 405J D Bulb Q produces more heat
E 102 E 1215J per second than bulb P.

TSTS Question 41: Analysingg

shown in Table 1, determine 47 Three resistors with
43 Three bulbs P, and R are
connected in series to a 12 V the total cost of using resistances of 5 2, 10 N and
in Alis house for 15 2 are connected to a
battery as shown in Diagram electricity
d.c. supply aS shown in
30. the three days.
12V Diagram 32.
A RM10.00
B RM22.50
6 V3 W 6 V,6 W 6V,12 VW C RM32.50 3A 52 I52
D RM35.00
E RM37.50
Diagram 30

Which bulb is the brightest? 45 Table 2 shows the electricity Diagram 32

A P A0OMAtariff
SPM for an office. The current passing through
Units of Cost per the ammeter is 3 A. What is
C Q andR the power dissipated by the 5
electricity unit
D All the bulbs have the same
W resistor?
brightness First 100 23 sen
A 5W
B 10W
44 The bar chart in Diagram 31 Next 500 25 sen C 15W
Ashows the electrical energy unit D 20 W
Ousage during the daytime and E 40 WN
Other higher 29 sen
at night for three particular
days in Ali's house.
48 Four resistors, R,, R,, R, and R
Table 2
Energy/kWh TSTS are connected as shown in
Diagram 33.
A Find the cost of using an air-
conditioner of power 2.0 kw
40 for 255 hours.
R, = 6 2
30- A RM102.00
B RM117.30
R, 4 2 R =42
20- C RM125.50
D RM127.50
10 E RM135.00 LR, 12

Day 46 Among the following, which Diagram 33

Keys is the main characteristic of
the heating element in an When the switch is closed,
Day time Night time which resistor will dissipate
Diagram 31 electric kettle?
A High resistivity heat at the highest rate?
B Low melting point A R B R
Number of C Becomes brittle at high C DR
units temperature
D Readily oxidised at high
First 1000 20 sen per
units unit
temperature REMEMBER
Energy, E = Vit
Next 500 25 sen per released = PRt =(
units units Surf the Net oque
Table 1 unit =1 kilowatt x 1 hour =1kWh
intranet/s ts/science/elecmg/ Price = number of units xK
the tarill for elec3.html cost per units
By relerring to
Information: Series and parallel circuits
electrical energy Usage as

Questions 44, 49: Analysing


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