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Secondary 3 - Computer Science

Input-Output-Storage devices
1 A supermarket uses barcodes on all times. When customer goes to check out,
a number of input and output devices may be used.
a Name 2 input and 2output devices may be used. Give different use for each named device.[8]
b Give 2 benefits to the supermarket manager and 2 benefits to customers using barcodes on all
2a What does QR means? [1]
b Give 2 benefits of QR codes? [2]
3 Inkjet printers are usually fall into 2 categories:thermal bubble or piezoelectric.
Choose one of these categories and describe how ink droplets are produced.[3]
4 Explain 3 uses of 3D printers. [3]
5 A buglar alarm system uses pressure sensors and acoustic(sound) sensors to detect the
presence of an intruder.A microprocessor is used to monitor and control the whole system.A
keypad is used to key in a 4-digit PIN either activates or deactivates the system.If an intruder is
detected,an alarm is sounded and also a blue flashin light outside the building.Describe in detail
how the sensors and microprocessor interact to detect and warn of an intruder.[7]

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