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M. Gaško, G.

Rosenberg: Correlation between hardness and tensile properties 155

in ultra-high strength dual phase steels – short communication


Martin Gaško1,*, Gejza Rosenberg1
Institute of materials research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 47, 040 01 Košice - Slovakia
corresponding author: Tel.: +421 55 729 2473, e-mail:

Resume Article info

The possibility to predict yield strength, strength limit, fatigue live Article history:
estimation as well as other mechanical properties depending on values of Received 27 May 2011
materials hardness is commonly known and it is often used in practice. Accepted 28 July 2011
The main aim of this contribution is to review the possibilities of Online 3 November 2011
application of correlation relationships between hardness and ultimate
tensile strength of steel sheets in various structural states. The Keywords:
experiments were performed on advanced steels with structure which is Dual phase steel
composed from ferrite and martensite (dual phase steels). Vickers hardness
Mechanical properties
Available online: ISSN 1335-0803

1. Introduction HB for different materials [1-3]. For aluminium

alloys, in comparison with steels, generally the
Although, basically the hardness test of
smaller values of coefficient k are observed
the metal materials evaluates only surface
(Fig.1). This can be well seen from results
resistance of the material against the plastic
mentioned in Fig. 1 based on work [3]. In this
deformation, the hardness test is frequently used
contribution the fact that the value of coefficient
because it represents cheap non-destructive and
k, in dependence on microstructure state (SDAS
simple method for assessment of various
secondary dendrite arm spacing), is in the range
material properties like yield strength, tensile
from 2.63 to 2.88 was found. At the steels, the
strength, fatigue limit, but also distribution of
coefficient k ranges the most frequently in the
residual strains and, in a case of brittle materials,
interval from 3.0 to 3.6.
fracture toughness [2-4]. In order to determine
the relationship between the ultimate tensile According to standard ČSN 420379,
strength (UTS) and hardness (H) a number of which is replaced now by STN EN ISO 18265, in
relations were established [2-4]. In practice, the dependence on applied heat treatment or heat
simplest equation is most often used: mechanical treatment, the influence of
microstructure on correlation of TS-HB is
UTS = H .k (1)
reflected by the ratio of yield strength and
where k is coefficient. In contribution [1], the tensile strength of steel. By this standard [2], for
coefficient was in range from 3.38 to 3.55 for the ratio YS/TS in range from 0.5 to 0.9 the
steel, from 3.48 to 3.21 for brass and from 2.86 coefficient k in the range from 3.54 to 3.21 (with
to 3.63 for nodular iron (the hardness was increase the ratio YS/TS low value of k is
measured according to Brinell, HB). Fig. 1 recommended to use) is recommended to use. In
shows the progress of UTS in dependence on present, there exist a number of correlation

Materials Engineering - Materiálové inžinierstvo 18 (2011) 155-159

156 M. Gaško, G. Rosenberg: Correlation between hardness and tensile properties
in ultra-high strength dual phase steels – short communication


1200 Steel [2]

Al-Si-Mg (A356)
UT S [M Pa]
1000 Brass
fine SDAS
800 Steel[1]

600 Cast iron

Al-Si-Mg (nodular)
large SDAS
90 140 190 240 290 340

Fig. 1. Plot of ultimate tensile strength of various materials as a function of hardness [1-3]

relationships HB – UTS a HB – YS type, where 2. Experimental material

besides the empirical coefficients, many other For experiments five low carbon steels
material characteristics are involved. For with carbon content C = 0.07 - 0.15 % and
example, the equations by Cahoon et al. are manganese content Mn = 1.0 - 1.8 % were used.
among the most known which include the strain All steels were processed with two modes of
hardening exponent [3]. intercritical annealing consisting of heating on
750 °C or 800 °C (10 minutes hold) and
The utilizing of the high strength steels
consequential quenching in water. The volume
constantly increases in the entire area of
fraction of martensite was in range from 20 to 60
industry. The high demands on strength and
plastic properties of the steel sheets for
The tensile properties was measured on
automotive industry intended for the autobody
specimens, which were 120 mm long, and
are placed. Among all advanced high strength
10 mm wide, with starting measured length
steels the dual phase steels (DP) are most often
L0 = 50 mm (thickness of specimens was in
used for automotiv industry. By comparison to
range from s = 1.0 to s = 1.2 mm). In this study
conventional steels, DP steels have significantly
the correlation of relationship in form TS - HV,
better combination values of strength versus
YS - HV, YS/TS - HV5 as well as the
ductility and a very good compressibility. The
correlation between strain hardening exponent
high plasticity of DP steels is given by
and hardness: n - HV was examined.
microstructure consisting of soft ferrite and hard
martensite. In consequence of this, these steels
are also known by low value of YS/TS ratio 3. Results and discussion
(mostly YS/TS = 0.6 to 0.7, valid even for steels Among the all studied correlations, as
with strength over the 1000 MPa) [5,6]. expected, the highest coefficient of correlation
The main aim of this work was to find out was found between hardness and strength.
how the individual composition of However, also in this case, the correlation
microstructure and low ratio YS/TS results in coefficient did not attain the value R2 = 0.9,
value of coefficient k and, at the same time, with therefore the interdependence between strength
which accuracy it is possible to predict YS and and hardness is relatively low. The results show
TS of these steels, by the Vickers hardness that the prediction of UTS value based on the
testing. measurement of values of HV5 could be loaded

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in ultra-high strength dual phase steels – short communication 157

by considerable error. The biggest scatter of data The slope in the established equations
is observed in the range from 270 to 325 HV5. reaches more than three times higher values
The anticipated strength (UTS calculated from (Fig. 3). It is likely that for the YS - HV5
equation on Fig. 2) is in comparison with the correlation using the equation in exponential
strength based on tensile test measurement in the form would be more suitable.
range UTS ±125 MPa. Also in the relation YS / UTS = f (HV5),
When we take into account all measured for the same hardness, it is possible to observe
values mentioned in Fig.1, and the shape of the break. From the set of correlation
correlation equation (1) then we detect that the equations it is clear that, for the hardness of
coefficient k is in the range from 2.8 to 3.6. The about 330 units HV5, the relation shows a
correlation coefficient for the relation YS = f minimum (Fig. 4). In practical terms we
(HV5) is less than R2 = 0.8. cannot speak about correlation of YS / UTS -
This result clearly shows that the HV5, because correlation coefficient is low.
prediction of the yield stress of steel through the The data in Fig. 4 show that in the range from
measured values of hardness is loaded with 210 to 330 units of HV5 the values of ratio
larger error as it was in the case of strength YS / UTS are in the range from 0.5 to 0.7, and
prediction. Measured results in Fig. 3 indicate the hardness from 370 to 430 units
that the relation YS = f (HV5) at hardness over of HV5 results in the ratio YS / UTS = 0.7 to
the 325 units HV5 is steeper. 0.85.

1200 y = 2,77x + 92,754
1100 R2 = 0,8786

200 250 300 350 400 450

Fig. 2. Ultimate tensile strength as a function of hardness HV5

YS - HV5
y = 2,5009x - 181,44
1000 y = 1,5703x + 76,165 R² = 0,7695
R² = 0,5694

y = 5,4035x - 1312,5
R² = 0,736
200 250 300 350 400 450

Fig. 3. Yield strength as a function of hardness HV5

Materials Engineering - Materiálové inžinierstvo 18 (2011) 155-159
158 M. Gaško, G. Rosenberg: Correlation between hardness and tensile properties
in ultra-high strength dual phase steels – short communication


y = -0,0003x + 0,6852
y = 0,0006x + 0,417
R2 = 0,0562 R2 = 0,2303
Y S /U T S

y = 0,0027x - 0,3592
0,5 R2 = 0,5422

200 250 300 350 400 450
Fig. 4. The yield strength to tensile strength ratio, as a function of hardness (HV5)

n - HV5

0,08 y = -0,0003x + 0,2344
0,06 R² = 0,5518
200 250 300 350 400 450

Fig. 5. The strain hardening exponent as a function of hardness (HV5)

Fig. 5 shows the dependence of strain coefficients and relationships among the hardness
hardening exponent for hardness HV5. Unlike and other mechanical properties which suggest the
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 it is possible to describe the possibility of using the hardness measurements. On
measured data by one equation, but with low the other hand, it should be noted that the
correlation coefficient R2 = 0.55. The practical measured data (in the case of relationship
use of correlation equation n - HV5, referred in between hardness and ultimate tensile strength)
Fig. 5, is limited. It is proved by the fact that for are not very different from the results measured
the steels with n = 0.14 hardness from 225 up to for different steels and different structural states
320 units HV5 was measured. observed by other authors [4, 7].
From the measured results in this work it
Table 1
is evident that the possibility to predict Table of regression analysis for all data sets
mechanical properties of dual phase steels by
Relationship Best fit equation Coefficient of
means of the measured values of hardness is determination
very limited, if not impossible.
UTS= f (HB) y = 2.77x + 92.754 R2 = 0.8786
As seen in the Table 1, from known YS = f (HB) y = 2.5009x – 181.44 R² = 0.7695
hardness of steels, also in this case it is possible
YS/UTS=f(HB) y = 0.0006x + 0.417 R2 = 0.2303
to predict the strength of steel with the accuracy
about ±10 % UTS. Also we can see the correlation n = f(HB) y = -0.0003x + 0.2344 R² = 0.5518

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M. Gaško, G. Rosenberg: Correlation between hardness and tensile properties
in ultra-high strength dual phase steels – short communication 159


1200 Steel [2]

Al-Si-Mg (A356)
U T S [M Pa]
1000 Brass
fine SDAS
800 Steel[1]

600 Cast iron

Al-Si-Mg (nodular)
large SDAS
90 140 190 240 290 340

Fig. 6. Dependence of ultimate tensile strength of various materials as a function of hardness [1-3]

Evidence of this is Fig. 6 that is identical to Acknowledgements

Fig. 1, but complemented with the data The authors are thankful to grant agency
measured in this work (values of HV5 were VEGA of SR for financial support of this work, which
converted using the table of values for HB). was realized within the frame of project with No.
4. Conclusions
In this work the possibility of prediction
of selected mechanical properties of dual phase
steels by means of Vickers hardness tests was htm#6 [1 November 2011].
verified. It was shown that from all correlation
[2] ČSN 42 0379 (in Slovak)
relations established in the work it is practically
[3] L. Ceschini, A. Morri, A. Morri, G. Pivetti:
applicable only the correlation between hardness
Mater Des 32 (2011) 1367-1375.
HV5 and UTS (on the basis of known values
[4] E.J. Pavlina and C.J. Van Type: J. Mater. Eng.
HV5 it is possible to predict the strength with an Perform, 17 (2008) 6 888-893.
accuracy of ± 10%). Results of work clearly
[5] G. Rosenberg, K. Buríková, Ľ. Juhár: Manufact.
shows that for the prediction of mechanical Eng. 3 (2009) 49-52.
properties of dual phase steels with higher
[6] Xin-sheng Liao, Xiao-dong Wang, Xu-fei Li,
accuracy the influence of the microstructural Yheng-hong Guo, Yong-hua Rong: Adv. Mater.
parameters in the correlation equations is Res. 97-101 (2010) 728-732.
necessary to include. That is the aim of our [7] J. Pavlina, C.J. Van Tyne: J. Mater. Eng.
further research. Perform. 17(6) (2008) 888-893.

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