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I. Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present and present continuous tenses!

1. The teacher (explain) explains a new topic now.

2. Mr. Wahyu (bargain) bargains the price into the lowest price.
3. Anne, Tom, and Blake (withdraw) withdraw some money at the ATM.
4. Water (flow) flows from the higher to the lower.
5. My mother (prepare) prepares food for our lunch right now

II. Fill in the blanks with am/is/are!

1. The items sold in traditional market are basically the same
2. There are a lot of people selling the same kind of goods.
3. Some people say that, the quality of the goods in Modern market is better than traditional market
4. Shopping in modern market is an interesting activity.
5. The atmosphere in modern market is Comfortable.

III. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of simple present tense!
1. They eat three times a day, but two times a day (eat)
2. The students in my school play football every Sunday. (play)
3. She doesn’t, get up at five o’clock. (not, get up)
4. He washes his clothes twice a week. (wash)
5. Rinaldi doesn’t,go to his uncle’s home every week. ( not, go)

IV. Complete the sentences using one of the following words!

Believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate open close

1. The earth goes round the sun

2. Rice doesn’t grow in Britain. It grows in Indonesia.
3. The sun rises In the east. It doesn’t rise in the west.
4. Bees don’t make milk, they make honey.
5. Vegetarians don’t eatMeat.
6. An atheist doesn’t believe in God.
7. An interpreter translates from one language into another.
8. A liar is someone who doesn’t tell the truth.
9. The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
10. The swimming pool closes at 9 o’clock and opens At 18.30 everyday.

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