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Submitted As Partial Fulfillment of the Requierements for Following National

Examination of Assalaam Islamic Senior High School

Pabelan , Kartasura , Sukoharjo

By :


Registration Number : 920394

Class : IX Natural Sciences 1




PERIOD 2022/2023

This scholarly paper has been examined and agreed by the counselor and admitted by

the headmaster of Islamic Senior High School of Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School

on :

Day : ____________________

Date : ____________________

Legalized by:

Headmaster Counselor

Mr.Drs.H.Joko Pramono Ms. Pertapa Sari S.S


 Whatever you do always include Allah SWT

 The happiness of parents is our happiness too

 Do your best at every opportunity

 Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day

 No saint without a past, no sinner without a future


1. To the author's parents and family who have always been loyal to give encouragement so

that this thesis can be finished well

2. The teacher at the cottage always gives advice

3. All the best friends of the writer who are very loved


In the name of Allah, The Most Benficient and The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah,

The Lord of The Word, who has given the science and patience for the author, until this

scholarly paper has finished.

This paper can be completed with the help of various parties as well as guidance and

support because the writer is still in the learning process of people who provide full support

to the author, the author would like to thank :

1. Both parents of author who have given everything to author and cannot be


2. Older sister and brother Binda Ade Frisky and Dzaky Gastiadirrijal who became a

motivation of author.

3. Mr Drs Joko pramono. as a Headmaster of Islamic Senior High School.

4. Ms. Pertapa sari S,S. as a counselor of writing.

5. Mrs.awaliya. as a homeroom teacher author’s who always patient.

6. My room members and class members And all the friends that I really love

Finally, the author hopes this paper can be useful for readers, even though this scientific

paper is far from perfect.

Sukoharjo,…………… 2021

Bulan Dewi Pertiwi


PAGE OF DEDICATION......................................................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................v
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY................................................................................................1
A. Background of Study.......................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation......................................................................................................2
C. Research Objectives........................................................................................................2
D. Benefits of Writing..........................................................................................................3
E. Limitation of Problems/Scope of Writing.......................................................................3
F. Research Methodology....................................................................................................3
G. Writing Systematics........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BASIS.................................................................................5
A. Views on LGBT..............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION.................................................................................................8
A. Understanding LGBT......................................................................................................8
B. The Influence of LGBT in Students Environments........................................................9
C. The Origins of LGBT....................................................................................................11
D. The main factor that makes LGBT spread quickly among students.............................12
E. Islamic Views in Responding to LGBT Cases..............................................................13
CHAPTER IV CLOSING.....................................................................................................17
A. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................17
B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................................18
CURRICULUM VITAE........................................................................................................19



A. Background of Study

LGBT itself is a deviant behavior that has a bad impact on both individuals

and the surrounding environment. This behavior has actually existed since ancient

times, to be precise at the time of the prophet Lut AS. Where at that time men liked

men (same sex). LGBT itself is an abbreviation of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and

Transgender). LGBT itself has spread in various countries, where the majority are

spread in Western countries and Europe. In America, individuals form a community

that has quite a lot of members. Therefore it is very difficult to eradicate this case in a

short time. Because there are more and more challenges that must be done to eradicate

this case from its roots. This case is not a problem that can be ignored, even now in

several developed countries it has allowed LGBT people to carry out same-sex

marriages, and are free to hold large-scale parades and also celebrate their big day.

Until finally LGBT began to spread widely throughout the world and began to

enter the Asian region, including Indonesia. The arrival of LGBT cases in Indonesia

shows the very bad influence of globalization. Now that we have found many LGBT

couples who have started openly without any shame in introducing their true

identities, with this we should be even more aware that this case has had a major

impact on the nation. As we know, in Indonesia, the majority of the population

adheres to Islam, where we as Muslims must strengthen our faith so that we are not

easily affected by the phenomena that are currently rife. Especially in the current era

of the younger generation, it can be said that there are quite a lot of students among

students who have fallen into being LGBT. Many of them reasoned that they were


traumatized by the opposite sex and there were many other experiences that made

them no longer interested in the opposite sex.

Based on these descriptions, it is hoped that this research can be useful and

add insight to readers about the bad negative effects of LGBT. Therefore, the author

chose to raise a theme entitled "The Influence of LGBT Cases in Student

Environments in the Era of the Young Generation and the Islamic Way of Responding

to It".

B. Problem Formulation

In order to find out more about LGBT, the author poses several problems,


1. What is meant by LGBT?

2. What are the influences of LGBT in the student environment?

3. What are the origins of LGBT?

4. What are the main factors that make LGBT spread quickly among students?

5. What is the Islamic view on addressing LGBT cases?

C. Research Objectives

1. General Purpose

a) Add insight to readers about the bad influence of LGBT

b) Knowing the sins that were obtained from the case of LGBT in Islam

c) Prevent the spread of LGBT cases in the surrounding environment

2. Specific Purpose

a) As one of the graduation requirements and to take the National Examination

b) One of the conditions for taking the final exam


c) Increase the final grade of the Indonesian language subject

D. Benefits of Writing

1. Add insight into making good and correct scientific writing

2. Describe the influence of LGBT

3. Knowing how Islam views LGBT

4. As a means of practicing simple scientific research

5. Adding experience in writing papers

E. Limitation of Problems/Scope of Writing

Researchers are only focused on the case of LGBT and the effects that can be

caused and how Islam reacts to it

F. Research Methodology

 Using the library method where this method is based on written sources, this

method is carried out to accelerate the theoretical basis while at the same time

being able to answer various existing problem formulations.

 Library research is a kind of methodology that is used by the writer in

supportingthe data by taking the refrence from article books, magazines,

journal, internet source writing, etc. In this library research, the writer will find

supported information from articel books, magazines, and internet articles

related to the research.

G. Writing Systematics

This paper consists of 4 chapters. Where in Chapter 1 consists of the

Introduction which contains the background of the problem, the formulation of the

problem, the purpose of writing, the benefits of writing, the writing methodology, and

the research systematics. Chapter 2 contains the theoretical basis, in this chapter it

discusses in more detail the background of the previous problem . Chapter 3 is the

discussion and answers to all the problem formulations contained in chapter 1. While

chapter 4 is the closing which contains the conclusions and suggestions of this paper.


A. Views on LGBT

Currently, the phenomenon of lesbias, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)

causes anxiety in the wider community. The rise of promotions or advertisements

for LGBT people on social media has even spread to campuses, schools and other

public places. Many people think that this phenomenon will infect the next

generation of the nation, therefore mass organizations, NGOs and the Indonesian

Ulema Council (MUI) as well as government officials have rejected it massively.

Public concern about the development of the LGBT movement is not without

reason, one of which is if the LGBT movement is allowed to exist in Indonesia is

the legalization of same-sex marriage. A movement cannot exist without the target

and ultimate goal of its struggle. Society's views on LGBT have pros and cons.

Those on the side argue that LGBT is a human right, and no one should be

discriminated against, even if they are a minority. While those who oppose are of

the opinion that LGBT is a disease and sexual disorder can be cured, and

religiously it is haram. LGBT is not a new thing or a newly emerging

phenomenon, but has been around for a long time, even during the time of the

prophet Lut. Often we hear the terms gay, lesbian and homosexual. In the past,

these people were ashamed to admit they were homosexuals, for fear of being

labeled as the scum of society and ostracized. However, what is happening now is

that the world has recognized them, and even their existence has been fought for

so that they are not discriminated against.

Islamic Shari'at originates from the revelation of Allah SWT. Therefore, the

Shari'ah that was revealed also has one system. That is, the laws contained in the


Islamic Shari'ah are subject to one foundation and goal, so that the provisions are

uniform, not contradictory to one another. In this case, Islam brings complete

teachings, covering all aspects of life. Not a single aspect of human life and life is

separated from the attention of Islam. Among the very important aspects of life

that are regulated by Islam are biological relationships or sex. Sex is something

that is sacred and must be channeled correctly and morally through marriage. The

distribution of sex outside of marriage is called zina which is a very disgraceful

offense. Lately, sexual behavior in the form of adultery, homosexuality,

lesbianism, and various strange behaviors in terms of sex has been widely

discussed by the Indonesian people, both through electronic and print media, as

well as through seminars and discussions. The term that developed in sexual

behavior and strange behavior is called LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgender). The behavior of LGBT that was carried out by a number of people

sparked controversy (pros and cons) as well as polemics among the wider

community, both internationally and nationally. Those who support (pro) LGBT

argue for human rights (HAM), while those who do not support (contra) argue for

religious and moral rules. These pros and cons, could be caused by a lack of

public understanding of this matter, even though this problem is actually related to

public peace. Gay or homosexual behavior has been known to society from time

to time. At a certain time this behavior was carried out by Prophet Lut's people in

QS.al A’raf (7): 80-84.

At this time, transgender people were accused of being too stereotyped and

bisexual. Only gays and lesbians are still afraid to admit their sexual identity.

Every community that is called LGBT has struggled to develop its own identity.

However, in fact they lead mankind to great corruption. Because their behavior

has such a big impact, it would be nice if this case could be resolved immediately.

This behavior can be cured with therapy, and the most important thing is strong

motivation from oneself and the surrounding environment. From a health point of

view, LGBT is a major mental disorder but can actually be cured. With a strong

will, surely the healing process can run quickly.



A. Understanding LGBT

LGBT or GLBT is an acronym for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender".

This term has been in use since the 1990s and replaces the phrase "gay community" as

it is more representative of the groups already mentioned. This acronym was created

with the aim of emphasizing the diversity of "cultures based on sexual orientation and

sexuality and gender identity". sometimes the term LGBT is used for anyone who is

not straight, not just homosexual, bisexual, or transgender, so often the letter Q is

added so that queers and people who still question their sexual identity are also

represented (eg "LGBTQ" or "GLBTQ", recorded since 1996). The term LGBT is

very much used for self-designation. This term is also used by the majority of

communities and media based on sexuality and gender identity in the United States

and several other English-speaking countries. Not all groups mentioned agree with

this acronym Some people in the mentioned group feel t not associated with other

groups and do not like this uniformity some argue that the transgender and transsexual

movements are not the same as the "LGB" movement. There is also a belief in

"lesbian & gay separatism", which believes that lesbians and gays should be separated

from one another. In addition, there are also those who do not use this term because

they feel that: this acronym is too politically correct; the acronym LGBT is an attempt

to categorize various groups in a gray area; and the use of this acronym signifies that

the issues and priorities of the groups represented are given equal attention. On the

other hand, intersex people want to be included in the LGBT group to form "LGBTI"

(recorded since 1999). The acronym "LGBTI" is used in The Activist's Guide of the

Yogyakarta Principles in Action.


Many terms are used in relation to these gender issues, so in order to equalize

the perception, the meaning of each will be explained. The term related to LGBT is

homosexual, that is, someone who tends to prioritize people of the same sex as sexual

partners is called homosexual. (Haryanta, 2012). In line with this meaning, Oetomo,

2001 defines it as a sexual orientation or choice that is directed at a person or people

of the same sex. From these two opinions it can be concluded that homosexuality is an

orientation or choice of a person aimed at an individual or several individuals of the

same sex. Male homosexuals are called "gay" while female homosexuals are called

"lesbians". Bisexual is someone who is attracted to both genders at once, attracted to

both men and women. While transgender is a term of behavior or appearance that is

not in accordance with gender, for example men but act like women, dress like

women's clothes. Or conversely women act like men and look like men. While

transsexuals are different from transgenders, transsexuals feel that they are trapped in

the wrong body. (Imronn:80).

B. The Influence of LGBT in Students Environments

The phenomenon of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) is a

phenomenon whose number is increasing every year. Deviant sexual behavior itself

arises on the basis of a deviant sexual orientation. The vulnerable group for this

phenomenon is students. The trigger factors for the occurrence of LGBT are

knowledge and perceptions. Lack of knowledge about LGBT in student circles can

lead to misperceptions about LGBT behavior. The uncontrolled development of the

times has brought various problems. The most common problems faced by

adolescents are drug problems (Drugs, Psychotropics and other Addictive

Substances), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (AIDS), reproductive health and sexual behavior deviations. Sexual


deviance is often in the form of LGBT. At the same time, there is no definition of

transgender in KBBI, instead it refers to a situation in which a person believes that

their gender identity is different from the gender they were born with. The American

Psychology Association states that transgender is a group of people who think their

gender identity is different from their gender anatomy. Currently there are 10% of the

LGBT population worldwide, out of 7.5 billion people in the world 750 million are

LGBT. The United States is the country with the largest LGBT community in the

world and was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2015. Survey results

show that 10% of Americans and Washington DC say they are LGBT. The lowest

proportion of the LGBT population in the world is North Dakota, which is only 1.7%.

Indonesia does not yet have exact statistical data on the number of LGBT people.

However, LGBT people have the courage to open up to the public. The legalization of

LGBT in other countries is a reference for Indonesian LGBT to remain active so that

they can realize their desire, namely to legalize LGBT in Indonesia. Several attempts

were made by LGBT people to portray and introduce to the public that LGBT is

something that is common in society. Based on a survey from the Central Intelligence

Agency (CIA), Indonesia is the country with the 5th largest LGBT population after

China, India, America and Europe. In other words, 7.5 million out of 250 million

people are LGBT.

The influence of LGBT on students and students can have a variety of very

bad impacts on the perpetrators. The physical impact of LGBT behavior is in the form

of health problems, namely Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (PIMS).

Meanwhile, the psychological impact caused by this will affect the mind and have a

strong influence on the nerves. It can also make the culprit sad to the point of

depression or suicide. The impact of LGBT on college students can be minimized by

reducing the risk factors that allow someone to be part of this behavior. Based on

research by Kiki et al (2017), the predisposing factors for LGBT include knowledge,

attitudes, motivation and perceptions. Knowledge is related to the amount of

information an individual has, the more information a person has, the more

knowledge he has. A person's low level of knowledge will result in an error in

understanding an object. In this paper it is hoped that it can help add insight from

students and students about LGBT. Because students and students are considered to

have better knowledge than the community so they are able to filter out culture and

problems that exist or are happening in the surrounding environment. Knowledge is

closely related to perception, perception is defined as an individual's hypothesis about

things formed by knowledge of known objects, life experiences, and influences that

occur in life.

C. The Origins of LGBT

In the Qur’an, this behavior is described as having occurred since the time of

Prophet Lut AS. Allah SWT sent Lut to a people in the city of Sodom, south of the

Dead Sea, which is located on the border between Palestine and Jordan. He was sent

to call on these people to leave adultery behavior towards the same sex. Actions that

have never happened in previous nations. At that time, the people of the prophet Lut

as deviated by liking the same sex. Allah was angry and then destroyed the country by

pelting the prophet Lut as with hot stones from hell, which were pelted by

nightingales. Then Allah SWT then repaired the country. So after that it didn't happen

again. However, long story short, the people persisted in their behavior, so that Allah

SWT gave a painful punishment to these people and became a lesson for the people

after in the world. However, this incident repeated itself and became more and more

intense due to globalization which greatly increased, so that the case of LGBT


D. The main factor that makes LGBT spread quickly among students

Quoting the statement of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,

Nila Djuwita F Moeloek, that from a health point of view, LBGT is not justified at all

and is not a mental disorder but a mental problem. There are several factors that

allegedly cause someone to behave as LGBT:

1. Family Factors

Mistakes in character education and social attitudes in the family by parents

towards children are one of the causes of children entering the world of LGBT. Rude

behavior or other unpleasant treatment makes children tend to choose LGBT as a life

choice. When a daughter sees her father's harsh treatment of her mother, it could be

that when she grows up, the child becomes a hater of men and eventually becomes a

LGBT person.

2. Environmental and Social Factors

A child's social environment is the dominant factor in shaping a child's

character to become LGBT. The entry of foreign cultures which are considered to be

current trends and fashions also causes a child to be dragged into the world of LGBT.

3. Genetic Factors

Genetically, deviations in sexual orientation like the same sex or both are

inherited traits from their families or parents. The existence of the hormone

testosterone in the human body has a big contribution to LGBT behavior. Low

testosterone levels in a man can cause him to behave like a woman.


E. Islamic Views in Responding to LGBT Cases

Syari'at (Islamic law) is universal, governing all aspects of human life, both in

relation to God, as well as fellow human beings and nature. In practice, Islamic law

always pays attention to human welfare, by inviting every follower to comply with its

orders and prohibitions. Islamic law will take firm action against perpetrators who

violate the provisions and regulations that have been determined based on the texts of

the Koran and hadith. This principle is essential and factual in dealing with problems

that occur in Islamic society (Syaltut, 1968: 12). Islamic Shari'at originates from the

revelation of Allah SWT. Therefore, the Shari'ah that was revealed also has one

system. That is, the laws contained in the Islamic Shari'ah are subject to one

foundation and goal, so that the provisions are uniform, not contradictory to one

another. In this case, Islam brings complete teachings, covering all aspects of life. Not

a single aspect of human life and life is separated from the attention of Islam. Among

the very important aspects of life that are regulated by Islam are biological

relationships or sex. Sex is something that is sacred and must be channeled correctly

and morally through marriage. The distribution of sex outside of marriage is called

zina which is a very disgraceful offense. Lately, sexual behavior in the form of

adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, and various strange behaviors in terms of sex has

been widely discussed by the Indonesian people, both through electronic and print

media, as well as through seminars and discussions. The term that developed in sexual

behavior and strange behavior is called LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgender). The behavior of LGBT that was carried out by a number of people

sparked controversy (pros and cons) as well as polemics among the wider community,

both internationally and nationally. Those who support (pro) LGBT argue for human

rights (HAM), while those who do not support (contra) argue for religious and moral

rules. These pros and cons, could be caused by a lack of public understanding of this

matter, even though this problem is actually related to public peace.

Islamic law mentions homosexuality between men with the term liwath, as a

word whose root is the same as the root word luth. His actions are called liwath

because these actions have been carried out by people who were disobedient to the

call of Prophet Lut as. Homosexuality (liwath) and those related to it are heinous acts

and include major sins. Homosexuality is also one of the acts that damages the

elements of ethics, human nature, religion, the world, and even damages mental

health. Allah SWT has condemned homosexuality with maximum punishment. Allah

SWT has turned the earth against the people of Lut who have gone too far in

homosexuality. And Allah SWT has showered burning stones on them in return for

their disgusting actions (Sabiq, t.th.: 272). In connection with the homosexual law

above, ash-Shabuni (1994: 87) stated that this wicked act was the culmination of all

ugliness and abomination. We hardly get one male animal marrying another male

animal. However, this oddity is found among humans. Therefore, it can be said that

this oddity is a stain related to morals, namely a dangerous psychic disease that

reflects a deviation from human nature, which requires tough action to be taken

against the perpetrators. In this case, the fuqaha have different opinions about the

sanction (punishment) for the homosexual offender. According to az-Zuhaili (1422

H / 2002 M: 66-67) there are four categorizations of fuqaha's thoughts regarding

punishment for homosexual offenders (liwath), namely:

1. Imam Malik, Imam Syafi'i, and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal stated that the act

of liwath obliges a person to receive hadd punishment. Because Allah SWT increases

the punishment for the perpetrators in His book. So that the perpetrators must get

hadd adultery punishment because of the meaning of adultery in it.


2. Imam Abu Hanifah is of the opinion, people who do liwath are only

punished by ta'zir. Because liwath's actions do not cause mixing of lineages, and

usually do not cause feuds that end in the murder of the perpetrator, and liwath itself

is not considered adultery.

3. Malikiyah clerics and Hanabilah clerics argued that the perpetrators were

sentenced to stoning, whether the perpetrators were muhshan (married) or ghairu

muhshan (not married).

4. Syafi'iyah scholars are of the view that the hadd punishment for the

perpetrator of liwath is the same as the hadd punishment for adultery. If the

perpetrator is muhshan, then he must be stoned. Meanwhile, if the perpetrator has the

status of ghairu muhshan, then he must be whipped and exiled. This is based on a

hadith narrated by Abu Musa al-Asyari ra, that the Prophet SAW said: "When a man

comes to a man, then both of them have committed adultery. And if a woman comes

to a woman, then both of them have committed adultery.

From the existing opinions, it can be understood that the fuqaha have agreed

on the prohibition of liwath, but have different opinions about the type of punishment

for the perpetrators, in this case there are three types of punishments or morning

sanctions for the perpetrators of fahisyahini's actions, namely:

1. Killed in the form of stoning (a type of punishment in the form of being

stoned to death) by either muhshan or ghairu muhshan). This is in accordance with the

hadith narrated by Abu Dawud "If you all find people who commit the actions of the

people of Lut, kill those who are the subject (perpetrator) and the object (those who

are treated)".

2. The same as the sanctions for adultery, that is, if the person who commits

liwath is a muhshan, then the perpetrator is stoned, if the perpetrator is ghairu

muhshan then he will be whipped a hundred times.

3. Ta'zir law (type of punishment handed over to the government or judges).

Thus, the severity of the sanctions is determined by the government or judges.

The prohibition of homosexuality and lesbianism, which is equated with

adultery in Islamic teachings, is not only because it damages the glory and dignity of

humanity, but the risks are even further, which can cause venereal cancer, AIDS, and

so on. Of course, transgender marriages that have undergone sex reassignment

surgery with men are categorized as homosexual practices, because their male

character cannot be changed by a doctor, even though he already has an artificial

female genitalia (Mahjuddin, 2003: 28).



A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion of this paper, the writer can conclude that the

triggering factors for the occurrence of LGBT are knowledge and perceptions. Lack

of knowledge about LGBT in student circles can lead to misperceptions about LGBT

behavior. The uncontrolled development of the times has brought various problems.

The influence of LGBT on students and students can have a variety of very bad

impacts on the perpetrators. The physical impact of LGBT behavior is in the form of

health problems, namely Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (PIMS).

Meanwhile, the psychological impact caused by this will affect the mind and have a

strong influence on the nerves. It can also make the culprit sad to the point of

depression or suicide. The impact of LGBT on college students can be minimized by

reducing the risk factors that allow someone to be part of this behavior.

In the Koran, this behavior is described as having occurred since the time of

Prophet Lut AS. Allah SWT sent Lut to a people in the city of Sodom, south of the

Dead Sea, which is located on the border between Palestine and Jordan. He was sent

to call on these people to leave adultery behavior towards the same sex. Actions that

have never happened in previous nations. At that time, the people of the prophet Lut

as deviated by liking the same sex. Allah was angry and then destroyed the country by

pelting the prophet Lut as with hot stones from hell, which were pelted by

nightingales. The prohibition of homosexuality and lesbianism, which is equated with

adultery in Islamic teachings, is not only because it damages the glory and dignity of

humanity, but the risks are even further, which can cause venereal cancer, AIDS, and


so on. Of course, transgender marriages that have undergone sex reassignment

surgery with men are categorized as homosexual practices, because their male

characteristics cannot be changed.

B. Suggestion

Because LGBT itself is a prohibition for Muslims and all existing religions, no

religion allows its followers to do this. Therefore, it is our duty as human beings to

fight against all opinions in the name of human rights that defend LGBT people. As

well as getting used to doing things that smell positive and leave something that has a

negative impact on us and also others. And don't forget to always worship and pray to

GOD SWT to be given enlightenment and guidance, because being a right human

being by nature is more loved by God and exalted in rank. Because it is an expression

of gratitude for the creation of ALLAH SWT and we must accept it sincerely and


Name : Bulan Dewi Pertiwi

Addres : Jl. Teuku Umar No.9 lingkungan selayar,kecamatan Taliwang-KSB

Place of Birth : Taliwang

Date of Birth : March 21th 2004

Gender : Female

E-mail : bulandewipertiwipertiwi@gmail.com

Edicational Backround

 SDN 10 Taliwang

 SMPN 1 Taliwang

 SMA PPMI Assalaam

Organizational Backround

 Member of IV Dormitory Section OPPPMIA (2021-2022)


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