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1- What is sea level pressure? 1012.

3 mb
2- Which has the greater density? Air at low altitude.
3- A pressure of one atmosphere is equal to? 14.7 psi.
4- Which condition is the actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water? Absolute humidity
5- As the angle of attack of an airfoil increases the center of pressure? moves forward.
6- The chord line of a wing is a line that runs from. The center of the leading edge of the wing to the trailing edge.
7- The relationship between induced drag and airspeed is, induced drag is? inversely proportional to the square of
the speed.
8- A laminar boundary layer will produce. less skin friction drags than a turbulent one.
9- What is the force that tends to pull an aircraft down towards the earth? Weight.
10- Bernoulli's equation shows that. With a change in velocity at constant height the static pressure will change.
11- To produce lift, aero foil must be. either symmetrical or asymmetrical.
12- How does a balance tab move?In the opposite direction proportional to the control surface it is attached to.
13- If an aircraft moves in yaw, what axis is it moving about? Normal.
14- If an aircraft moves in roll, it is moving about the? longitudinal axis.
15- An elevator provides control about the? lateral axis
16- To correct dutch roll you must damp oscillation around? the vertical axis.
17- Sweepback of the wings will. increase lateral stability at all speeds.
18- A yawing motion provides what kind of Stability?Directional.
19- Density of gas is related to?
20- A barometer indicates.? pressure.
21- What happens to the density of air as altitude is increased?Decreases
22- Aerofoil efficiency is defined by? Lift over drags.
23- The stagnation point is? static pressure plus dynamic pressure.
24- A gliding angle is the angle between? ground and the glide path.
25- Dutch role is movement in? yaw and roll.
26- Dutch Roll affects? yaw and roll simultaneously
27- At speeds above Mach 1, shockwaves will form above and below the wing? at both the leading edge and the
trailing edge
28- When airflow velocity over an upper cambered surface of an aerofoil decreases, what takes place? Pressure
increases, lift decreases.
29- Lift will increase when ___ will increase ? Pressure
30- Supersonic air going through an incipient shock wave will decrease its speed and increase temperature and
increase density.
31- Airflow either side of a normal shock wave is? sonic upstream, subsonic downstream.
32- Air either side of an oblique shockwave is generally? Supersonic
33- Flaps in extended position ? Increase drag
34- The pendulum effect on a high wing aircraft? increases lateral stability.
35- What is Boundary Layer? Sluggish low energy air that sticks to the wing surface and gradually gets faster until it
joins the free stream flow of air.
36- The concept of thrust is explained by? Newton’s 3rd law.
37- Induced drag is? inversely proportional to the square of speed
38- Bernoulli's equation shows that? With a change in velocity at constant height the static pressure will change
39- Bernoulli's principle? P1 is greater than P2, and V1 is less than V2.
40- The lift on a wing is increased with? an increase in humidity
41- Which is the ratio of the water vapour actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if
the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure? Relative humidity.
42- Longitudinal stability is increased if the? CG is forward of the CP
43- The main factors which affect longitudinal stability are? design of the tailplane and position of the CG
44- Stability of Aircraft ? Definition Sent from my iPhone

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