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- Describes whether your study is qualitative or quantitative.
- Makes use of first person/ textual/ discursive in nature.
- Third person-past tense/researcher is not the one who determines the variable.
A systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them
meaning. To gain insight, explore the depth, richness, and complexity inherent the

 ETHNOGRAPHY - you immerse yourself in the target participants’ environment

to understand the goals, cultures, challenges, motivations, and themes that
 NARRATIVE - Waves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or
two individuals to form a cohesive story.
 PHENOMENOLOGICAL - Is an appropriate method when you want to describe
an event, activity, or phenomenon.
 CASE STUDY - A way of explaining an organization, entity, company, or event
which involves a deep understanding through multiple types of data.
An objective, systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena through the
use of computational techniques.

 SURVEY RESEARCH - uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling polls to

get a sense of behaviour with intense precision.
 CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH - tests for the relationships between two
 CASUAL-COMPARATIVE - research looks to uncover a cause-and-effect
relationship. This research is not conducted between 2 groups on each other.
 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - is guided specifically by a hypothesis.

POPULATION – total number of people who serve as subjects or respondents of the

SAMPLING PROCEDURE – method in identifying part of the respondents study.
STATISTICS – branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis and interpretation of
numerical data.
A. Random Sampling – is a technique that uses randomization to make sure
that every element of the population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected
B. Stratified Sampling – is a technique that divides the elements of the
population into small subgroups (strata) based on the similarity in such a way that the
elements within the group are homogeneous and heterogeneous among other
subgroups formed.
C. Convenience Sampling – where the samples are selected based on
D. Purposive Sampling – is based on intention or the purpose of the study.
E. Quota Sampling – this type of sampling depends on some pre-set standard.
It selects the representative sample from the population.
F. Referral/Snowball Sampling – is used in situations where the population is
completely unknown and rare.

The research design states to the whole approach that you decide on to add the
different components of the study coherently and logically, thereby, ensuring you will
effectively address the research problem.
RESEARCH DATA – is any information that has been collected, observed, generated,
or created to validate a research study.
DATA ANALYSIS – a process that involves examining and molding collected data for
interpretation to discover relevant information.
DATA INTERPRETATION – is the process of making sense of numerical data that has
been collected, analyzed, and presented.
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK – is an analytical tool that is used to get a
comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon.
Data Analysis is a way of simplifying numerous and wordy data to a meaningful story
and interpreting it to arrive at an insight to behold. Through the data analysis, you can
find patterns and themes to identify and link ideas. Lastly, is to really analyze data from
the start to finish, or may go backward in analysing it.
Conclusion and Recommendations comprise Chapter 5 of your paper and is considered
as the last step in accomplishing a research study.
Conclusion – focuses on implying the totality of the result of the study, whether all the
objectives of the study are satisfied or not
Recommendation – allows the researcher to give his/her suggestions for the
betterment and improvement of the study.
Conclusion are the first section of your Chapter 5. This section as described by Prieto
et al. (2017), is commonly composed of the inclusive summary of findings of the
research study. In this section, you can find facts that were learned from the inquiry.
The conclusion serves an important part in making a research paper as it is the chance
for the researcher to leave a lasting impression.
Recommendations will be the last part of your Chapter 5. A recommendation is
commonly known as the section where you can give suggestions on the matters relative
to your research that must be improved.
Research reports are defined as written documents that discuss a certain issue or
topic. It is a document that holds all the information about a research study from its
introduction down to the recommendations.
When writing a research report, you must take note that it should be in a straightforward
manner. A research report is composed of five (5) integral parts, namely: The
Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Results and Discussion and
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations.

It characterizes gradual mechanisms to build up social order that emphasizes on
achieving societal needs and stabilities, like family, education, healthcare, religion,
economy, and government.
Their function is to collaborate and unite in order to come up with one purpose and goal.
They also contribute a lot in making society and people work together to attain
democratic principles and practices.
These are programs designed addressing social welfare and develop human
status of living to alleviate poverty, ensure public health, child protection, nutritional
care, financial assistance, literacy, and employment.
1. Social Welfare- to equip the status of living and securing the earning
stability of every citizen.
2. Safety Net- to ensure and provide the best possible support among people in
times of hardship and other unpredictable crisis.
3. Social Protection- making a set of programs and projects to alleviate
poverty and vulnerability factors, promote efficiency of labor markets, avoid participation
or engagement of people to risks, developing their capability to safeguard or protect
themselves against any identified hazards including crimes, trafficking,
discrimination, and even inadequate income.
Is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and
exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under free electoral system or a
state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. It originates
from the Greek word demos, which means “people”, and kratos, which means ‘strength
or power.”
Democratic Practice:
Is a set of principles and practices that guide how people interact and work together
every day to improve their community and to create a more just society.
A. Suffrage or the right to vote. It gives the people the opportunity to exercise
sovereignty by choosing the candidates who will govern and serve them. Eligible voters
have the right to elect the government of his/her country by secret vote. It is only fair
that they have a direct hand in choosing the officials.
B. Public assembly and consultation. “The Public Assembly Act of 1985,” makes sure
that the people’s exercise their right to a peaceful assembly. Citizens have a set of
rights and responsibilities, including the right to participate in decisions that affect public
welfare. This act stipulates that rallies, demonstrations, marches, public meetings,
processions, or parades (collectively referred to as public assembly) can be held in
public places to express opinion, to protest against, or to air grievances on certain
C. Majority rule and minority rights. It is the making of binding decisions by a vote of
more than one-half of all persons who participate in an election.
D. Conduct of plebiscite to amend a constitutional provision. The Constitution
embodies the fundamental laws of the land from which all other laws should be in
accord with.
Democratic Participation is the involvement or engagement with something which is
freely done, without coercion, and without threat or fear.
Political Institutions: are organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws. They
often mediate conflict, make (governmental) policies with regards to the economy
and social systems, and otherwise provide representation for the populous. Political
Institutions in a narrow sense are complemented by voluntary organizations and social
What is the difference between political structures and political institutions? Political
institutions are generic, while structures are specific. Structures pertain to the
executive branch of government, while institutions pertain to the legislative branch.
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are institutions that take all important policy
decisions. A democracy in a more traditional sense is a political system that allows for
each individual to participate.
Institutions are important in a democratic government because they ensure that the
system runs according to the rule of law and not according to whims and fancies of a
ruler. It ensures justice and fairness in the system as the powers and jurisdiction of
every institution is clearly defined by the constitution.
Social institutions are systems of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely
interwoven and enduring, and function across an entire society. They order and
structure the behavior of individuals by means of their normative character. Family is
very important in Germany both from social and legal viewpoints. A family creates a
stable and often unbreakable relationship.
The Democratic Practices in the country are meant to benefit the people. If only its
resources, work force and funds were never exploited by several individuals, finding
solutions for the country’s multitude of economic and political problems would never be
Undemocratic Practices are practices that affect the society and government in many
different ways, usually denying the people’s rights for freedom of expression,
property ownership, religious practices, etc.
An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with
democracy. Democracy is a political system for choosing and replacing the government
and its leaders. An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in
disagreement with democracy. Democracy is a political system for choosing and
replacing the government in which everybody should participate. Democracy is a great
way of choosing our leaders, but it proves to be hard to make rules that every citizen will
1. STUDENTS USING SOCIAL MEDIA: teachers are afraid that their students
may just play around on social media instead of using their devices for educational
2. SECURITY BREACH: students are oftentimes more curious than they are
malicious. They want to push boundaries just to see if they can.
3. CHEATING: It certainly seems easier that they can now cleverly pull up a
“cheat sheet” on their device. With the ever-evolving change in technology, software
companies are developing ways to alleviate the cheating problem.
4. GAMING: There are ton of free gaming apps out there and people love them,
especially learners. These addicting games can be quite distraction.
1. CULTURE: the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people,
encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habitats, music and arts.
2. ENABLING: making something possible or easier.
3. GLOBAL ISSUES: a global issue is any issue (problem, risk) that adversely affects
the global community and environment.
4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: the application of technology to solve business or
organizational problems on a broad scale.
5. INHIBITING: to prohibit from doing something.
6. INTANGIBLE: unable to be touched, not having physical presence.
7. SOCIAL MEDIA: a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing, ideas,
thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks.
8. TANGIBLE: to touch and it simply means something that can be touched.
9. TECHNOLOGY: the discipline dealing with the art or science applying scientific
knowledge to practical problems.
10. TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: is the accumulation of knowledge, work habits and
soft skills, including digital literacy, critical thinking and problem solving.
Interactive Multimedia is defined as any computer-delivered electronic system that
allows user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media. It signifies that
interactive multimedia is about using multimedia to provide information or communicate.
Uses of Interactive Multimedia:
• Education• Training• Games• Simulation• Information Presentation • Corporate

Multimedia is a content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text,
audio, images, animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with
media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms
of printed or hand-produced material.
Multimedia Contents:
1. Videos- Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the entire
world (e.g. YouTube)
2. Sound, Music or Audio- If videos are too much for you, you can always record
sounds. You can share your sound bites to the entire world (e.g. SoundCloud).
3. Online Games- Game developers now create what is called “browser-based games.”
You do not need to install these games to your computer as they run in most updated
web browsers (AdventureQuest, Farmville, CandyCrush)
4. Online Tests- Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results
when finished (Online IQ and Personality Tests).
5. Courseware- Online courses that simulate the classroom online (e.g., Elearning
Courses using a Learning Management System)
6. Podcasts- An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g.,Stuff You
Should Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuits).
7. Vodcasts- An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., YouTube series/shows
like Video Game High School, Good Mythical Morning).
The Role of ICT in Social Change:
1. The People Power Revolution-EDSA (1983-1986)
Without the radio broadcast, Filipinos would have not been into action that helped
change Philippine history. The entire world applauded as the Filipino people joined
together in unity to oppose years of abuse of power and obvious corruption under the
government of Former President Ferdinand Marcos and his cronies.
2. EDSA Dos – considered as the first E-Revolution and narrated as EDSA Revolution
of 2001, also called by the local media as EDSA II or the Second People Power
Revolution. A four-day political protest from January 17-20 2001 that peacefully end the
administration of President Joseph Estrada.
3. Million People March – The Million People March, also known as the "Pork Barrel
Scam," was the Philippines' first ever on-going series of protests, conducted at Luneta
Park on August 26, 2013. Many Filipinos vented their rage by producing blogs,
websites, commercials, and even memes to voice their support for the Pork Barrel
Fund's abolition.
4. Yolanda People Finder – The People Finder database, powered by Google, was
born as a result of recent storms in Philippine history. During Typhoon Yolanda, the
Individuals Finder was a critical tool for people all across the world to trace their
relatives' whereabouts.
5. ICT Market in Philippines – The Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
market in the Philippines is set to continue to grow in 2020 driven by wider digital
transformation initiatives taken by local enterprises and growing customers’ needs
despite COVID-19 crisis, according to Globaldata’s report, “Enterprise ICT Investment
Trends 2020 Philippines”
ICT as a Medium for Advocacy is an open platform that allows individuals from all walks of life to take
action on the issues that matter to them. It is frequently referred to as the "world's
platform for change," as anyone in the online community may start a petition and
encourage others to sign it.
Social Change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. Social change
may include social institutions, social behaviors, or social relations. It can be done in
any form of multi-media.
A concept paper is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a
product, program or services become a reality. It has five elements: Introduction,
purpose, description, support, and contact.
Social change has three main triggers:
A. Conflict
It is clear from a glance at our global history that conflict provokes social change.
Inequalities based on class, race, gender, religion, and more foster dissatisfaction and
B. Demographic Change
When the demographic makeup of a society changes, social change is inevitable.
Society’s demographics often change when births increase and/or people start living
longer. A bigger population affects the dispersal and availability of resources.
C. Cultural Change
New inventions, discoveries, and the spread of ideas contribute to cultural changes.
Consider the effect of the internet. It does not only change the culture of individual
countries but the entire world. It transformed how we communicate, as well as the
structure of countless industries. Discoveries also impact a society’s culture.
Why is Social Change important? Social change occurs when societal institutions,
structures, and cultures undergo a significant shift. Famous examples include the
Reformation in 16thcentury Europe and the American civil rights movement. More often
than not, social change is slow. This is especially true of a global society.
Five Elements of a Concept Paper:
1. Introduction – includes your group’s mission and vision and a brief introduction of
your project.
2. Purpose – includes the reasons why this project is worth your group and your
sponsor’s time, effort, and money.
3. Description – includes all the necessary information about the project. In ICT, it
involves the sites you are going to produce and the purpose of each and how they work
in unison.
4. Support – contains the budget needed for the project. Some concept papers do not
specify any amount requested from the sponsor.
5. Contact Information – includes information on how the group can be contacted.
About Insights
Insights provide information about your Page's performance, like demographic data
about your audience and how people are responding to your posts.
Site traffic refers to the volume of visits your website receives. It is usually measured in
‘visits’ or ‘sessions’, and is a good indicator of your website’s popularity, credibility, and
the attractiveness of its content.
Page Views is the number of times someone visits any page on your site.
Unique Pageviews combines the pageviews that are from the same person (a "user" in
Google Analytics), on the same page, in the same session, and just counts them as
one. Unique pageviews are tracked for each page URL and page title combination.
Demographics- the statistics which includes (but not limits to) your audience's age,
location, gender, language and country.
Insights- contains the statistics of the traffic of your Facebook page.
Likes– contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.
Organic- reach obtained through sharing without paying for advertisement.
Overview- contains the summary of statistics about your page.
Paid- reach obtained through advertisements.
Post– contains data showing when (day and time) you site visitors visit your site.
Reach- the overall people or demographic that saw a certain post.
Visits– contains data of the number of times your page tabs (like the Timeline) are

An entrepreneurial venture may either be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a
corporation, engaged in merchandising, manufacturing, or service.
An entrepreneur finds way to introduce innovation from the production process to the
marketing stage, while an ordinary businessperson simply imitates business practices
and procedures.
The three important elements in the production system are; the input, the
transformation of production process and the output. The Production process, also
referred to as the transformation or conversion process is the stage of production where
the materials are transformed into the final product with the aid of manpower and
4 M’s of Production
Four M’s of production, namely Manpower, Method, Machine, and Materials.

 Manpower
Manpower talks about human labor force involved in the manufacture of products. It is
measured as the most serious and main factor of production. The entrepreneur must
determine, attain and match the most competent and skilled employees with the jobs at
the most appropriate time period.

 Materials
It simply refers to the raw materials necessary in the production of a product. Materials
mainly form part of the finished product. Just in case the resources are below standard,
the finished product will unsatisfactory as well.

 Machine
Machine is about manufacturing equipment used in the production of goods or delivery
of services. In the process of selecting the type of equipment to purchase, the
entrepreneur may consider types of products to be produced, production system to be
adopted, cost of the equipment, capacity of the equipment, availability of spare parts in
the local market, efficiency of the equipment and the skills required in running the

 Method
Method or production method is the process or way of transforming raw materials to
finished products. The resources undergo some stages before it is finalized and
become set for delivery to the target buyers.
The product is the physical output of the whole production process. It should be
valuable and beneficial to the consumers and should satisfy their basic needs and
wants. A heterogeneous product has dissimilar characteristics, parts, and physical
appearance. On the other hand, a homogeneous product has a physical appearance,
taste, or chemical content that can hardly be distinguished from that of the other
Product description, wherein product description promotes and explains what a
product is and why it’s worth buying. The purpose of a product description is to provide
customers with details around the features and benefits of the product so they’re
obliged to buy.
Prototype is created before the massive production of such product; an entrepreneur
must consider prototyping. One of the important early steps in the inventing process is
making a prototype.
In a manufacturing venture, the supplier plays a vital role. They are your business
partners, without them your business will not live. You need them as much as you need
your customers to be satisfied.
Value chain is a method or activities by which a company adds value to an item, with
production, marketing, and the provision of after-sales service. The main goal and
benefit of a value chain, and therefore value chain analysis, is to make or support a
competitive benefit.
A supply chain is a structure of organizations, people, activities, data, and resources
involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.
The main objective of supply chain management includes management of a varied
range of components and procedures, for instance, storing of raw materials, handling
the inventory, warehousing, and movement of finished product from the point of
processing to the point of consumption.
Business model describes the factors of how an organization creates, delivers, and
captures value in economic, social, cultural or other contexts. The development of
business model construction and variation is also called business model innovation and
forms part of a business plan.
What is a Business Plan For?
Entrepreneurs who plan to enter any business endeavour must have a business plan on
hand to guide them throughout the process. Different business plans are prepared for
different purposes.
The following are the components found in a Business Plan.

 Introduction - this part discusses what is the business plan all about.
 Executive Summary - is part of the business plan which is the first to be
presented but the last to be made.
 Management Section - shows how you will manage your business and the
people you need to help you in your operations.
 Marketing Section - shows the design of your product/service; pricing, where
you will sell and how you will introduce your product/service to your market.
 Financial Section - shows the money needed for the business, how much you
will take in and how much you will pay out.
 Production Section - shows the area, equipment and materials needed for the
 Competitive Analysis - is the strategy where you identify major competitors and
research their products, sales and marketing strategies.
 Market – refers to the persons who will buy the product or services
 Organizational chart - is the diagram showing graphically the relation of one
official to another, or others of a company.
Revenue is a result when sales exceed the cost to produce goods or render the
services. Cost on the other hand simply refers to the amount of money used to produce
or manufacture goods/merchandise as well as costs incurred in selling the
Forecasting is a tool used in planning that aims to support management or a business
owner in its desire to adjust and cope with uncertainties of the future. Forecasting
depends on data from the past and present and to make meaningful estimates on
revenues and costs. Forecasting revenues and costs is the same as weather
forecasting, though forecasting revenues and costs is in the context of business.
Revenue is a result when sales exceed the cost to produce goods or render the
services. Other terms related to revenue include Sales and Service Income. Sales is
used especially when the nature of business is merchandising or retailing, while Service
Income is used to record revenues earned by rendering services.
Mark up refers to the amount added to the cost to come up with the selling price. The
formula for getting the mark up price is as follows:
Mark Up Price = ( Cost x Desired Mark Up Percentage)
Selling Price = Cost + Mark Up
Cost of Goods Sold / Cost of Sales refer to the amount of merchandise or goods sold
by the business for a given period of time.
Merchandise Inventory, beginning refers to goods and merchandise at the beginning
of operation of business or accounting period.
Purchases refer to the merchandise or goods purchased. Example: Cost to buy each
pair of Jeans or t-shirt from a supplier.
Merchandise Inventory, end refers to goods and merchandise left at the end of
operation or accounting period.
Freight-in refers to amount paid to transport goods or merchandise purchased from the
supplier to the buyer.
Profit is the amount of money a business "makes" during a given accounting period.
Profit is the gross income. The amount of gross profit provides information to the
entrepreneur about revenue earned from sales.
Cost refers to the purchase price of the product including the total outlay required in
producing it. The operating profit margin is the second level of revenue in the income
The Return of investment (ROI) measures the amount of net income per peso
invested to the business.
Profit is the amount you gain after selling your product. In computing your profit, you
just simply follow this formula:
Sales - Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit
The gross profit represents the difference between net sales and cost of sales.
Variable costs are those things that change based on the amount of product being
made and are incurred as a direct result of producing the product.
Fixed costs generally are more static in nature.
Guidelines for Successful Business Plan Implementation:
1. Objectives – the entrepreneur should have a clear idea on what is his purpose of
putting up his enterprise.
2. Tasks – this means that the entrepreneur must know what are the tasks he has to
perform in order to realize his objectives.
3. Time allocation – This means that the entrepreneur should have a time table or a
schedule to follow for every task so that the tasks will be accomplished timely and he
can realize his objectives.
4. Progress – This means the entrepreneur should monitor the development of the
tasks and the accomplishment of the objectives.

To achieve optimal well-being, it is important to adapt to a lifestyle which gives
importance to the development of the different aspects of life. One way to achieve a
healthy lifestyle is to integrate regular exercise or health-related physical activities (e.g.,
walking, jogging, and biking) and a balanced diet.
Nowadays, due to the rapid advancement in technology, people's lives become
increasingly easier. If there is a need for grocery items or any other supplies, delivery
applications are often downloaded and used for this purpose.
'Some of the possible reasons why people do not engage in an active lifestyle are the
1. Lack of time, space, and equipment
Going to the gym or exercising is especially challenging to busy individuals who need to
commit to an eight-hour workload.
2. Motivation
There may be a lot of people who adapt an exercise regime with false hopes or
unrealistic expectations about the outcome.
3. Fear
The uncertainty when it comes to the outcome may also serve as a factor for people not
wanting to integrate exercise.
Camping allows the learner to experience simple adventures appropriate for their age.
Camping helps the students be familiar with the world outside the school.
1. Food and Water
Any outdoor activity requires more energy than the usual daily activities.
2. Appropriate Clothing
The camper must determine how many days he / she will stay at the camp and pack
clothes accordingly.
3. Toiletries
The camper must set aside a pouch for toiletries particularly toothbrush, toothpaste, and
comb. He / She must bring items in small packs or sachet to minimize space in the bag.
4. Shelter
Sleeping bags come in different sizes and types that suit the users. The campers may
sleep in tents, which the school may provide or the students may bring.
5. Medical Kit/First Aid
The school usually brings a medical kit in case of any accident.
6. Survival Kit In addition the camper may bring a small flashlight, Swiss Army knife,
lighter, and a compass or map.
• Camping allows the learner to experience simple adventures appropriate for their age.
Expand experiences in nature.
• Develop social skills. It lets them experience fun interaction among themselves
• Disconnect with technology and reconnect with self and others.
• Build lasting relationships with other students. Creates bonds among them, and gives
them an opportunity to know each other well while engaging in different educational and
interactive activities and games.
• Staff/Teachers and students building a connection.
• Learn new activity skills, improve independence.
• Teach personal organization.
Hiking, trekking, and mountaineering are often seen as synonyms of each other,
especially hiking and trekking. However, it is wrong to do so, as they are all different
activities with different purposes.
• Hiking is the activity of long walks for the enjoyment of a natural setting.
• Trekking is the activity of walking long distances for pleasure in no particular setting.
• Mountaineering is the sport or activity of climbing mountains.
Hiking is an outdoor activity of walking on beautiful, natural, charted paths called hiking
trails where signs are posted to guide hikers to their destination.
Trekking, on the other hand is long journey on foot usually along challenging,
uncharted paths for several days. It enables campers to explore remote and
undeveloped places without any means of transportation.
Mountaineering is the activity of climbing mountains in challenging circumstances with
the goal of overcoming all hazards on the route safely and ultimately reaching the
summit of a particular mountain.
Team building refers to the various activities that motivate and improve the
performance of individuals and the teams they are belong to. Team building strengthens
the bond between participants and pushes them to achieve their goals.

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