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Industrial Tool Gloves

An Innovation Paper Presented to the SHS

Faculty of Camarines Sur National High School

City Of Naga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Name of Members

Esperida, Carl Laurenz

Itay, Ian Benedict

Notario, Dwight Janus F.

Vergara, Danielle Luis C.

Dela Cruz, John Lyod B.

Sto. Domingo, Xiron C.

Enguero, Mark P

S/Y: 2022-2023


A. Background of the Study

Tool gloves are used by workers in automotive servicing. They are

used for the purpose of safely protecting the hands from dangerous

chemicals and to provide a better grip of the tools while using them at

work. Gloves can be divided into the following four clusters: Metal mesh,

canvas, or leather gloves that offer protection from cuts, burns, and

punctures. Gloves made of fabric or coated fabric such as cotton that

typically offer protection from abrasions, chafing, and filth. Reusable

gloves, typically used by vehicle mechanics, are made of tough materials

like goatskin that offer more protection against high temperatures, wounds,

water, extreme cold, oil, caustic chemicals, etc. Injuries such as cuts and

abrasions, chemical exposure, and electrical shock are all prevented by

wearing safety gloves on the hand and fingers. Gloves are intended to

protect the hands against a variety of dangers, such as cuts and abrasions,

extremely high or low temperatures, skin rashes, dermatitis, and interaction

with poisonous or caustic materials.

Gloves are basically made up of nitrile rubber and cotton canvas

fabric with latex coating. These materials are known for their durability and

sturdiness. There are different kinds of gloves used in different fields.

Some are used in laboratories, hospitals, mechanic shops, etc. A tool glove

looks different from any other glove because aside from using it as a safety

glove, it also has other functions.

The product in our study is industrial tool gloves. We've come up

with this idea because in automotive, auto mechanics always use their

hands in this kind of field. The design of our tool gloves is very different

from any other gloves that you can see in the market. It not only ensures

your safety but also makes your work easier. I think if this product works

successfully, we are going to be the first group to innovate a normal glove

into a glove that is more efficient for auto mechanics.

B. Rationale

There is a need to study the importance of tool gloves in the

automotive field because they contribute a big role in auto mechanics. They

help keep the hands of mechanics safe from harm while working with

engines and other parts of the vehicle.

This study will focus on the safety gloves that have a small magnet

on the top of the hand that holds bolts and nuts because these things easily

get lost. Small pockets will be sewn at the forearm for storage of small

driving tools like flat screwdrivers, Philip screwdrivers, and small

wrenches. It also has a zipper so that the tools placed on the pocket will not

fall while working.

C. Objectives

The objectives of this study is to innovate normal gloves, provide better

safety for auto mechanics, and have extra features for it to be more functional.

The purpose of the study is to innovate normal gloves into something that will

be more efficient and easily functional.

Specifically, the study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the design for a protective glove with pockets for small nuts, bolts, and


2. What are the process involved in assembling a protective glove with pockets

for small nuts, bolts, and tools?

3. What is the level of acceptability for the protective glove with pockets in terms


A). Design

● What are the materials needed to make the product look enticing so

that consumers will like it more?

● What are the materials needed to make the product lightweight and

capable of carrying bolts, nuts, and tools in its pockets?

● What features should be added to make it better?

B). Functionality

● Does it add value to the task performed?

● Is the product easy to use?

● Which feature is most valuable to the user?

● What are the things that could damage this product or reduce its


C). Efficiency

● Does the product make the user more efficient?

● Does the use of the product lessen the time in performing a task?

● Does the product lessen the cost of electricity and other utilities?

D). Cost

● Is the price in line with the long-term business goals?

● What is the acceptable price that would reflect the real value of this


● How does the price affect the patronage of the product?

The main objective of this study is to assemble a protective glove with

pockets for small nuts and bolts that will help work in automotive and machine

shops in Naga City be more convenient, time-saving, and cost-effective.

The specific objectives are the following:

1. To develop a design for a protective glove with pockets as storage for small

nuts, bolts, and tools.

2. To identify the processes involved in assembling a protective gloves.

3. To determine the level of acceptability of the protective glove with pockets in

terms of the design, functionality, efficiency and cost.

D. Scope and Delimitations

Locale of the Study

The study will take place within Naga City from March - April 2023.

Respondents of the Study

The research is focused mainly on the functionality, efficiency, and level

of acceptability of the protective gloves with pockets among automotive

mechanics in Naga City, 20 male respondents are considered because they will be

the first target and end-users of the innovation and due to their big number

compared to female mechanics.

Research Instrument

Research and development method is applied in this study. The method

deals with product design, construction, test, revisions, and evaluation. In

gathering information for this study, a pre-tested survey questionnaire will be

used in data gathering. The survey questionnaire covered data on the level of the

acceptability of the industrial tool gloves in mechanical works in Naga City.

Data Collection

The data needed for the study will be gathered through personal interviews

with the aid of pre-tested survey questionnaires that should be given to each

respondent. Secondary data will be obtained from other sources on the internet

and printed publications.

Data Analysis

The data gathered will be tabulated, analyzed and measured using

statistical analysis such as frequency, percentage, and means. Cost and return

analysis will also be employed.

Statistical Treatment

The data will be gathered through descriptive survey and quantitative

methods using weighted mean as statistical tool or treatment following the

formula stated below;

Mean Wx=

N - Number of respondents

E. Definition of terms

Flashlight – a light source for outdoors especially in places without permanently

installed lighting, during power outages, or whenever a portable light source is


Magnet - an object capable of producing magnetic fields

Velcro - hook and loop fasteners, hook-and-pile fasteners or touch fasteners

consist of two components; typically two linear fabric strips which are attached to

the opposing surfaces to be fastened.

Glove - a garment covering the hand, with separate sheaths or openings for each

finger and the thumb.



This chapter contains a collection of related literature and studies taken

from published theses and websites found to have similar studies to the research.

A. Synthesis of the State of the Art

The automotive industry is constantly seeking ways to improve the

efficiency and precision of assembly tasks. One area of focus has been the

development of specialized gloves, also known as automotive glove tools,

that can enhance the worker's ability to perform tasks with greater

accuracy and less fatigue. These gloves often incorporate sensors, haptic

feedback, and advanced materials in their design. In this chapter, we will

review the current state of the art in automotive glove tools and their

potential to improve quality and productivity in the industry. We will also

examine the ergonomic design of these gloves and their impact on hand

fatigue and comfort for workers. Additionally, we will look at the current

research and advancements in the field, and identify areas for future

research and development. The relevance of our study in this is the

efficiency and improving the quality of our product. We are also seeking

ways in improving it to achieve greater accuracy, less fatigue, and comfort

for workers using it.

Recent advancements in technology have led to the development

of smart gloves for automotive assembly tasks. These gloves are equipped

with sensors and haptic feedback, which can improve the precision and

efficiency of assembly tasks. A study by Oliver Ozioko (September,

2021) found that the use of a smart glove with sensors and haptic feedback

improved the precision and efficiency of assembly tasks by up to 25%

compared to traditional gloves.

Figure 1. Smart Tactile Gloves for Haptic Interaction, Communication,

and Rehabilitation (September, 2021)

Another area of focus in the development of automotive glove

tools is ergonomic design. Studies Waldo J. Nielsen (November, 2016)

have found that the ergonomic design of gloves can reduce hand fatigue

and discomfort for workers. The study found that gloves with a contoured

design and padded palm area reduced hand fatigue by up to 30%

compared to traditional gloves. Advancements in materials have also led

to the development of gloves with improved durability and grip.

Figure 2. Ergonomic Glove Design Boxes (September, 2021)

A study by Caijun Zhao (September, 2021) evaluated the use of

gloves made with advanced materials such as carbon fiber and found that

they improved the grip and durability of the gloves. The relevance in this

case study that we cited for our research is the design is perfect for gloves

because it reduces hand fatigue and discomfort for workers using it.

Figure 3. Carbon Fiber Gloves (September, 2021)

Iván Otero-González (August, 2021) have found that the use of

smart gloves with sensors and haptic feedback can improve the precision

and efficiency of assembly tasks.

Studies by Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez (March, 2021) have found

that the ergonomic design of gloves can reduce hand fatigue and

discomfort for workers. The ergonomic design and carbon fiber also

improve the grip and durability of the gloves in assembly task.



This chapter discusses details about planning, design, list of materials, list

of materials needed, list of cost of materials, list of the tools and equipment

needed, and the procedure in assembling the industrial tool gloves.

A. Planning

Research and development method was applied in this study. The method

deals with product design, construction, test, revisions and evaluation. The

objective of this study is to design and construct the industrial tool gloves with an

innovation that is intended to help the automotive technicians in having a better

safety with their hands and having a glove that has multiple functions.

The first plan that the researchers will do is to gather the materials needed.

Planning this kind of product is easy but in reality when we were making a

prototype it was hard. We plan to put a magnet on the top of the hand and a small

flashlight on the side of it. And also a pocket that can hold small sized tools.

While planning we've had a lot of changes in our product.


Figure 1.1 Design and Layout

Figure 1.1 show the design of tool gloves. The gloves are composed of a

small magnet, small flashlight, pocket for tools and velcro strap to make sure that

it will not fall off while it is in your hands. The magnet is for bolts and nuts. The

average size pocket can carry small tools specifically cross point screwdriver and

flathead screwdriver.


 Start

 Planning

 Material Selection

 Material Canvas

 Material Gathering

 Data

 Procedure

 Product

 Gloves

Figure 1.2 Step-by-step Procedure in constructing the Product

Step by Step Procedure

For the procedure the researchers gather all the materials that they needed to

assemble the gloves.


• Velcro strap

• Leather sheet

• Flashlight

• Preexisting glove

• 6mm round magnet

• Buttons

• Zipper making of the tool pocket.

Procedure: First step: is to lay down the leather sheet on a table. Then grab

your ruler & pen and measure it from top to bottom (19 cm) in height after that

measure the bottom in length (6.5 cm) and top in length (5 cm). Second step: after

measuring the sizes we then grab our scissors and cut it all out. Third step: we

then grab our needles and thread we use it to attached the pieces that we cut.

Fourth step: after attaching all the pieces we then have ourselves a leather pocket

and in order for us to store some tool, we the go ahead grab the scissors and make

a slot at the top end of the pocket. Fifth step: after cutting a slot we then grab our

thread and needle for attaching our zipper so that the pocket will have a open and

close access. After we finished the pocket we set aside it for us to able to make

the magnet pocket. Making of the magnet pocket. Procedure: Step one: We first

build the bracket by cutting a sheet of metal. Step two: Then we lay down a sheet

of leather and then measure it to (size). Step three: After taking the measurement

we then grab our scissors to cut it. Step four: We then attached a button at the top

corner end of the leather piece. Step five: After that we then stick the 6mm round

magnets to the bracket with a super glue. Step six: We then attached the leather at

the back of the bracket. The Assembly of the gloves. First step: Is to attach the

Velcro strap around the gloves. Second step: Glue the flash light at the finger

thumb part of the glove. Third step: Stitched the magnet pocket on the top of the

hand part of the glove. Fourth step: With the same method on the fourth step we

attached the tool pocket at the back of our glove.

A. Construction/Development

Industrial tool gloves have magnets, storage/pocket and flashlight that can

be used by mechanics in a wide range of applications. One specific innovation of

tool gloves is the magnet that can hold bolts and nuts.

To improve the tool glove, researchers begin by designing the outer part of

the gloves and its components. This involves selecting the right materials for the

components for each part. When the final design of the product is drafted, the

researchers build a prototype to make sure that it can be constructed. During the

development process, researchers add features or materials to make the product

more efficient.

C. Validation and Revision

This section shows how the researchers achieve the perfect outcome of the

product. This is where the product gets validated in terms of its intended usage.

During the testing of the gloves everything went well until the researchers noticed

that grabbing or holding a tool/nuts & bolts is a struggle because of the wide

diameter at the finger side of the gloves affecting the proper grip in grasping and

holding a tool. The researchers then go back on the blue print and decided make

revisions in the finger side on the gloves. The gaps were fixed and the gloves can

firmly hold and grab work tools, nuts and bolts.

D. Evaluation

After undergoing several tests, the researchers gathered the results of the

validation and made the following observations:

The gloves have a built-in pocket where you can store some tools.

1. As we try to put a few tools to the glove’s pocket we noticed that the pocket

can only store a wrench to

2. It easily slips to the hands and fingers

3.The LED/flashlight provides light while working at dark areas and during night


E. Final Product

The Industrial Tool Gloves has undergone a lot of revisions to make it

more efficient for the user. The final product of the revision is more efficient

compared to the existing gloves in the market. The new features of the gloves is

the pocket for small tools, magnet, and flashlight that provides better usage when

the glove is worn and increasing overall comfort during use. Overall, the

innovated Tool Gloves is an efficient safety tool that will help auto mechanics

make their works easier. With its additional features the Industrial Tool Gloves is

now more easy to use, user-friendly, time saving and multifunctional.

F. Materials


Use it to cut the pieces of

Scissors leather and making a slot for

the pockets

Along with the ruler this is

also use for making the

tracks that use for following

when cutting all the pieces.

Used for sticking the leather
Glue gun together for the making of
and Glue
pocket's and attaching the
magnet on the bracket.

This one is used only on the

making of the bracket for

Hack saw
the magnet.

This is used on measuring

Ruler the size needed on the

pocket that we made.

Table 1: Tools and equipment used


Gloves 1 Pc. Hand tool that provides

safety and comfort to the

Zipper 1 Pc. Sewn to the gloves to

close and open the tool

Small LED light or 1 Pc. Light source in areas

Flashlight without installed lighting

Velcro Strap 1 Pc. Sewn to the gloves to

tighten the gloves at the
arm’s area

Magnet 1 Pc. This will hold bolts and

Leather 1 Pc. This is the exterior

design of the gloves

Transparent Cover 1 Pc. It makes is easy for

workers to see the tools

Table 2. Materials, quantity and specific usage



Gloves 1 95.00

Nylon Zipper 1 5.00

Small LED light or 1 50.00


Velcro Strap/Magic 1 30.00


Magnet 1 50.00

Leather 1 190.00

Transparent Cover 1 150.00

TOTAL 7 Php 570.00

`Table 3: The quantity and cost of the materials



This chapter presents the result and experimental procedures of the basic

specific problems. First is the processes in fabricating the Multipurpose Industrial

Gloves, and second comparing it to other similar products in terms of functions

and capabilities. Last is the acceptability of Multipurpose Industrial Gloves.

Multipurpose Industrial Gloves compose of several parts that are ensured

to be durable and serve their very best function.


The first part of the fabrication process was cutting the leather to its

desired measurements, and together with its measuring the size of the gloves.

Image 1. Cutting the materials


In this phase joining the leather into the chosen gloves was done by

sewing it with nylon string. These two parts were sewn carefully to ensure the

stability, and durability of the gloves, and for the safety of the user.

Image 2. Sewing and stitching the materials


In this part, the additional features were attached to the gloves. The things

that were attached are the magnet and the flashlight. It was placed on the parts

where the user will not experience any difficulties while using it.


In this part of the fabrication, the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves surfaces

were smoothened to remove excess stains and dirt. The magnet, flashlight, and

storage for tools are mostly the parts needed to be finished because it is the main

features that are needed to be fixed and it is the things that make the gloves


Image 3. Shows the finished product

Comparison of the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves with Existing Similar


The other types of gloves available in the market have different functions,

capabilities, and costs.


Multipurpose Industrial Gloves may be used mainly as safety equipment

and also make use of their other functions because of the additional features.

Other types of gloves such as ergonomic gloves, carbon fiber gloves, construction

gloves, and many more only have a couple of functions and that is to give safety

to your hands and improve the grip. The main purpose of these gloves is to

provide safety. But, the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves has additional features

that can be used while you are wearing the gloves.


A typical glove can protect the hands from harm and chemicals. But the

Multipurpose Industrial Gloves can provide safety and also carry some tools, hold

bolts and nuts in the magnet, and also has a flashlight that can be used to have a

more clear vision of the area where the work is being done.

Automotive Mechanic Acceptability of Multipurpose Industrial



The design is a big factor in an invention. It includes the aesthetics, the

proper dimension, the overall look, and how the product is made. In terms of the

design automotive mechanics in Naga City rated the Multipurpose Industrial

Gloves with a weighted mean of 4.22 that shows to be acceptable.


This refers to how the design performs to meet the needs and intended

function of the product from the users. A gloves shall perform its duty to provide

safety and make use of its additional features. Automotive mechanics have rated

the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves functionality with a weighted mean of 4.2

which is acceptable.


It is the maximum capabilities of a design with exerting less effort but

reaching the intended output. The ratings gathered from the survey questionnaire

about the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves' efficiency have been rated to be

acceptable with a weighted mean of 4.25.


This refers to the design's monetary value. The Multipurpose Industrial

Gloves costs 599.00 pesos per pair of gloves. After looking and testing the gloves,

the automotive mechanics rated it as acceptable gaining an average weighted

mean of 5.

Summary of the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves Acceptability

The responses gathered are from the 20 automotive mechanics selected to

partake in the study. In this part, the evaluation and analysis of numerical data are

discussed. The gloves cost has gathered the highest rating (5) among the four

categories. The efficiency gained a rating of 4.25, the design rated 4.22, and the

least rated was the functionality having 4.2 rating. The multipurpose industrial

gloves are rated Acceptable with a weighted mean of 4.41.

Categories Automotive Mechanics Adjective Rating

Weighted Mean

Design 4.22 Acceptable

Functionality 4.2 Acceptable

Efficiency 4.25 Acceptable

Cost 4.23 Acceptable

Table 4. Summary of Automotive Mechanics Acceptability Level of

Multipurpose Industrial Gloves

Legend: 4.51-5.0 Highly Acceptable (HA), 3.51-4.50 Acceptable (A),

2.51-3.50 Neutral (N), 1.51-2.50 Unacceptable (U), 1.0-1.50 Highly Unacceptable


The table shows the acceptability level in terms of Design, Functionality,

Efficiency, and, Cost based on the evaluation conducted by 30 respondents which

are all automotive mechanics ages 18 and above.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This study was created to develop and innovate normal gloves which is the

Multipurpose Industrial Gloves. It highlights the general discussion, conclusions,

and recommendations. Specifically, this study answered the following objectives:

to develop a design for a protective glove with pockets as storage for small nuts,

bolts, and nuts. To identify the processes involved in assembling gloves and to

determine the level of acceptability of the protective glove with pockets in terms

of design, functionality, efficiency, and cost. The Multipurpose Industrial Gloves

will also be compared to the normal gloves usually used in automotive jobs.

The researchers used a development method in the study that deals with

product design, construction, testing, revisions, and evaluation. In gathering the

data that need for the study and to determine the acceptability of the product.

Researchers used surveys or pre-tested questionnaires that will be used in data

gathering. It will determine the acceptability of the Multipurpose Industrial

Gloves and the respondents will be auto-mechanics in Naga City. In this study,

Male respondents are more likely to be involved, because most automotive

workshops in Naga City are male. The total results of pre-tested survey

questionnaires will measure the acceptability of the Multipurpose Industrial

Gloves in terms of design, functionality, efficiency, and cost. The questionnaire is

a Likert scale, using this kind of questionnaire it will make easy for the

researchers in gathering data for the weighted mean. It is the statistical treatment

used by the researchers to measure the acceptability of Multipurpose Industrial


The researchers surveyed along the road of Bagumbayan Norte,

Concepcion Grande, and Diversion Road in Naga City. In this place or location,

there are a certain amount of automotive work and repair shops. The researchers

successfully conducted a survey for 20 male respondents using pre-tested

questionnaires that has two languages which are Tagalog and English for the

respondents to effortlessly understand the questions. After the researchers

accomplish conducting the survey, the weighted mean will be computed to

determine or measure its acceptability in its design, functionality, efficiency, and


Statistical Treatment

Statistical treatment is a catch-all term that means applying any statistical

method to your data. Treatments are divided into two groups: descriptive

statistics, which summarize your data as a graph, or summary statistics and

inferential statistics, which make predictions and test hypotheses about your data.

The researchers first gather all the data of ratings 5 for being the highest

and 1 for being the lowest in every each of the questions. In addition, the

researchers will then compute the total of respondents which is 20, and multiply it

by the number of the rating. After computing the total number of respondents that

is multiplied by the rating. Subsequently, the researchers will compute the total of

the multiplied respondents to the rating and sum it all up to divide it by the total

number of ratings which is 5. The total will be the weighted mean for the survey

and it will determine and measure if the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves are

Highly Acceptable (HA), Acceptable (A), Neutral (N), Unacceptable (U), Highly

Unacceptable (HU) in automotive workshops in terms of its design, functionality,

efficiency, and cost of the product.

In conclusion, Multipurpose Industrial Gloves have more features than

normal gloves that will efficiently and effortlessly benefit them when working

especially for auto mechanics workers. Table 4 on page 24 presents the total

ratings and acceptability of the product in terms of its design, functionality,

efficiency, and cost of the Multipurpose Industrial Gloves.


Gilles, Tim (2004). Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance,

Repair (Custom ed.). United States of America: Delmar Learning. pp. 16

23. ISBN 1-40181-234-1.

Auto Mechanics ( January 2023)

Ozioko, Oliver (September 2021). University of derby, Smart Tactile Gloves for

Haptic Interaction, Communication, and Rehabilitation.


Nielsen, Waldo J. (November 2016) Ergonomics and the Design of Glove Boxes.

Zhao, Caijun. (September 2021) Assessments of Work Gloves in Terms of the

Strengths of Hand Grip, One-Handed Carrying, and Leg Lifting. A Systematic

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González, Iván Otero. Universidade de Vigo(August, 2021). Smart gloves

with sensors and haptic feedback can improve the precision and efficiency

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Rodríguez, Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez (March, 2021). Associate

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the gloves in assembly task.





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