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1. The price of an article increases by 25%. If the expenditure is not allowed to

increase, then find the ratio of previous and present consumption of the article.
2. Successive discount percentages of 30%, 20% and 10% is equivalent to what single
discount percent?
3. The difference between a discount of 35% and two successive discounts of 20% and
20% on a certain bill was Rs 22. Find the amount of bill.
4. A reduction of 10% in the price of cloth enables a man to buy 6 metre of cloth more
for Rs 2160. Find the reduced price and also the original price of cloth per metre.
5. In an election 4% of votes cast are invalid. A candidate gets 55% of casted votes and
wins the election by 4200 votes. The total number of votes cast is-
6. In an election 4% of the votes cast become invalid. Winner got 55% of the valid votes
and wins by a margin of 4800 votes. Find the total number of votes casted.
7. In an election between two candidates, one got 52% of the total valid votes. 25% of
the total votes were invalid. The total number of votes was 8400. How many valid
votes did the other person get?
8. If X% of Y is 100 and Y% of Z is 200, then find the relation between X and Z.
9. A man spends 80% of his income. If the income now increased by 20% and the
expenditure also increased by 10% then his savings increased by how much
10. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of the
fraction is increased by 250%, the result fraction is . What is the original fraction?
11. The marked price of a shirt is Rs. 800, a shopkeeper gives two successive discounts
and sells the shirt for Rs. 612. If the first discount is 10%, then find the percentage of
second discount.
12. 1 litre of water is added to 5 litres of alcohol-water solution containing 40% alcohol
strength. The strength of alcohol is in the new solution will be-
13. Fresh fruit contains 68% water while dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry
fruit can be obtained from 100kg.
14. A sum of Rs. 8600 is distributed among A,B and C such that A receives 25% more
than B and B receives 25% less than C. What is the C’s share in the amount?
15. In a mixture there is 15% salt. When 30 litres of water is evaporated, salt becomes
20% of the mixture. Find the initial quantity of the mixture.

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