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(1)Realize how fallen your condition is

You with your little intelligence cannot, so pray to them for help so
that you realize
(2)Cry for help to panchattatva, Sri Sri Radha Krishna, Krishana Balrarama,
(3)Cry more and more for getting suddha nama
(4)Get suddha nama if they so desire
(5)Spread suddha nama by harinama sankirtana yagnya

You never know how long each step will last, it depends on their will, but all you
can show is a deep desire and consist and
strong sadhana, listening to pure devotees.
As Srila Rpa Goswami in Updeshamirta says, uthsaha and dhairiya is required.
Keep on praying to them to help you get the strength from within to tread on this
long and delecious path

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