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How to Transform Omegan Value Into Service and Lead to the Situation of the Tendency

of the Rate of the Omegans to Fail for Targeted Individuals by Lucus Louize (updated 6-

The Omegans and other evil ET groups are behind the electronic harassment and
gangstalking. The Omegans try to control the targeted individual like a parasite controls
its host. The targeted individual is the person who the Omegans and other evil ET groups
focus their harassment on. The evil ET’s are also called CTRs. Please see the book ‘Mass
Contacts’ by Breccia. The CTRs are not robots that was memory manipulation against the
Confederation (W56) contactees. The main CTR group is the Omegans and they are
rebels from the Confederation and they have authoritarian imperialistic ambitions. Please
see ‘Overview of the Omegan Situation’ on the excellent TerraKor Files site. The
Alliance have stopped the main program of the Omegans on Earth however the Omegans
are still around carrying out their other operations. Please see: ‘Arkay Questions and
Answers 20131016’ from the TerraKor Files site. 

Regarding targeted individuals in ‘Mass Contacts’ by Breccia (2009) it states: 

“The CTR’s, little by little, we’re seizing the opportunity, altering documents, changing
memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the Confederation-ed) had often stressed that
against all that the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…” pg 223

So what can targeted individuals do about CTR electronic harassment and gangstalking?
One answer is the Omegan Transformation Method.

The Omegan Transformation Method:

In order to do this method visualize the first time to get the idea of the method, then the
rest of the time use intent with no visualization for all future times using this method.
(Mathew 6:7-8)

Part A: Focus on your stomach because the soul is on the stomach. (Proverbs 20:27.)
Visualize a window on your stomach and visualize the window open and visualize your
soul energy like an energy cord that is connected from your stomach to Jesus. Connect
your soul to Jesus. Use your intent that the Confederation and Alliance are successful
then let Jesus take care of it. This is a variation of prayer. I call it the Prayer Intent
Method. Keep the intent that you are connected to Jesus and sending the intent to Jesus
that you wish for the Confederation and Alliance to be successful and keep this intent
connection to Jesus all the time. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) 

1: Use the Omegans To Your Advantage Indirectly Technique:

Use evil harassment to your advantage. This can be for any evil situation but this method
is designed for the Omegan’s parasitic harassment methods. When the Omegan’s harass
you with the intent to manipulate you like a parasite manipulates its host using their
gangstalking and/or electronic harassment, use the evil Omegan harassment to your
advantage by using forgiveness. (Mark 11:25-26) When you forgive you neutralize the
Omegan attempts at harassment because you are not emotional then you can use them to
your benefit because when you forgive your sins are forgiven so your karma is cleaned
and you prove your worth to the Confederation and God, then go back to the Prayer
Intent Method with your intent that you are connected to Jesus and the intent sent to Jesus
that the Confederation and Alliance are successful. Even if evil is successful for a while
against you it is only a temporary success because once you forgive them they still lose
since you gain from it and prove your worth to the Confederation and God for forgiving
the evil for being successful against you. To the degree the Omegans were successful to
the degree you forgive them then go back to the Prayer Intent Method. Sometimes the
Omegan harassment is very subtle and you don’t know it if harassment or not. In that
case simply forgive the fact the Omegans put you in a situation where you have to second
guess if it is harassment or not then continue the Prayer Intent Method. Rely on Jesus and
just know everything will turn out well.  (John 15 1-7)

Science shows prayer really has an impact please see:

‘A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory prayer on outcomes

in patients admitted to the coronary care unit.’ W S Harris et al. Arch Intern Med. 1999.

2: Use the Omegans to Your Advantage Directly Technique:

The energy of what we think actually has some energy impact on others even at a
distance! (Ecclesiastes 10:20) Science shows what we think can affect others at a distance
because everything is connected by energy please see this study on the US Department of
Justice website:

‘Transcendental Meditation Program and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight

Cities’ From Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 4, P 25-45, 1981, Sloan T Letman, ed.)

Focus on and visualizing an undercover Omegan/s and visualize and feel them have the
energy leave out of their stomach/s too with the intent the energy leaving out of their
stomach is for service to the Confederation and Alliance then let go of the visualization
and just feel it with intent. It really does have some affect on the Omegans! The energy
our bodies radiate out of us with intent really affects other people as the study
demonstrated and as the Bible states. It’s very humorous to make an undercover Omegan
feel the feelings of service when that is the very thing they oppose especially if it is
directly helping the Alliance and Confederation due the their energy and the intent from
you affecting their bodies and therefore their body is radiating some of the energy also
influencing others to have service in small ways even if it is extremely subtle and limited.
Also use your intent that all Omegans everywhere are also having energy leave their
bodies in support of the Confederation and Alliance and feel that the Omegans
everywhere are having energy leaving their stomachs but let Jesus take care of deciding
who is and isn’t an Omegan since you do not know all the Omegans in your vicinity and
it will really have some small affect on the Omegans in your vicinity. This is particularly
useful for targeted individuals who are often surrounded by gangstalking Omegans trying
to do their good cop/bad cop and electronic harassment methods. 

Use both indirect and direct techniques against the Omegans. This is how to defeat them
in psychological warfare. Never physically take up arms against the Omegans you will be
killed. Let the Confederation and Alliance deal with the Omegans in physical combat.
The Confederation and Alliance have the technology to combat the Omegans we Earth
people do not. We Earth people can defeat the Omegans through psychological warfare
by putting the Omegans in a situation where everything the Omegans do in attempts to
harass are to your benefit. When everything your enemy does is to your benefit you win
even if you don’t kill them. 

An undercover Omegan operative indirectly admitted more than once that this Omegan
Transformation Method works against them.

The Confederation is aware of this Transformation Method and accept it. 

Part B: Feel filled with the light of the Holy Spirit as recommended by my Confederation
undercover friend. Feel clean (John 15:3) and have the peace of Christ (John 14:27) with
a clear mind. (2 Timothy 4:5) Rebuke all energy from the past, emotions, and body
tension as also recommended by Confederation undercover friend by sending the energy
of the past, emotions, and tension to Jesus through feeling emotions leave out of the
stomach to Jesus. Use your intent. 

Part C: Breathe in and breathe out and when you breathe in and out use your intent to
think “Service” each time breathe out. When you breathe out feel as if the air goes down
your legs and out of your body to feel more calm. Since psychological warfare is subtle,
one of the methods the Omegans used was to take advantage of the nature of the human
body and the Omegan’s used Voice To Skull (V2K) to tell me to breathe being a natural
action I have no choice but to breathe. This is a very subtle way the Omegans try to have
psychological authority as well as annoy through V2K. By using the intent to think
“Service” as you breathe out it reminds the Omegans that when this Omegan
Transformation Method is used against them they have no choice but to indirectly and
directly serve because when they try to harass you everything they do is to your benefit as
stated in Part A and B. It is a very subtle psychological method of having control over the
Omegans and control over the results of the Omegan harassment. It also reminds yourself
to continue to live life with a general attitude of service towards God. It also helps quiet
the mind because you are focused on using your intent of service. Science has shown that
how we breathe controls our emotions. We can change how we feel simply by breathing.
So if we breathe in a relaxed manner we control our emotions to always feel relaxed no
matter what we are going through. Please see:

‘The Happiness Track’ by Emma Seppala, PH.D. (2016) Pg 56.

Several undercover Omegan operatives have indirectly admitted this breathing method to
control emotions works. 

D: Follow Sermon on the Mount. The more evolved you become the more you must rely
on Jesus. Please see brother Arkay’s The Arkay Files: Index of Arkay Communications
Series 3: ‘On God and Religions’ from brother Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files website.
Use your intent with your stomach energy connection to Jesus and keep your reliance on
Jesus to continue steps A-E.

E:  How to potentially contact undercover Confederation operatives:

1. Know God is the infinite intelligence everywhere, is all things, and is unfathomable to
the mind. 

2. As recommended by the Confederation and Alliance, follow the 4 gospels.

3. Have true intentions of teaching the laws of God and pray for federation assistance in
life and their registering discs will read your thoughts and they may help behind the
scenes or by sending an undercover agent. They are physical people that radiate universal
love energy. They never 'channel'. They never share secret intel with us. At the time of
death when your soul leaves your body you will have an out of body experience and the
Confederation will use a soul transfer machine mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light
To You pg 81 (1994) so you can incarnate into their worlds in your next life with your
memory and personality intact. Be careful of undercover Omegans who pretend to be
undercover Confederation and Alliance operatives. The Omegan’s also have registering
discs to read thoughts. Never take up arms against the Omegans let that type of combat
be carried out by the Confederation and Alliance they have the technology to do so we do
not. Practice the attitude of gratitude and humbleness towards the Confederation,
Alliance, and Earth people. 

Why does the Omegan Transformation Method work?

Comparative Advantage: Comparative Advantage only works when the Confederation

and Alliance are relatively equal technologically to the Omegans whom they are at war
with. Since they are relatively equal technologically it is important to have the edge. How
can the Alliance and Confederation have the edge in this situation. They can take
advantage of the nature of evil. By definition evil is violation of consent. By violation of
consent the Omegans place guaranteed burdens and responsibilities upon themselves by
trying to control the host and the rebellion caused by the result of the violation of
consent. This is why the Omegans often resort to good/cop bad cop methods and nose
thumbing to try and control emotional responses. This puts them into the position of a
parasite trying to control its host. They must place their hope and faith and power in the
host they are trying to control in hopes their host will act the way they want. This can be
exploited. Good does not have this problem because Good respects consent. People can
rebel against good but it is not guaranteed responsibilities and burdens like evil. The way
the Omegans control their host in general can be expressed in a general formula of what I
call the 3 Pillars. This general formula is M-T-C. -Manipulate-Trap-Control. (These 3
Pillars can be found in the Psalms 10, 12, 18, 35, and 37 which I see as God’s general
advice in general warfare) 

3 Pillars M-T-C and Taking Advantage of the Nature of Evil: Once technology is evenly
matched between two groups the weakness of evil can be exploited due to the burdens it
places upon itself through violation of consent. As a result the Omegans must devolve
themselves into parasites placing their hopes and power in the host they are violating
consent against hoping they will act the way they want. In order to do this they must
manipulate. When the MTC cycle is used against the Omegans through this Omegan
Transformation Method, the moment the Omegans try to harass they discredit themselves
as parasites (Manipulate M) among the Confederation and Alliance, the more they try to
harass the more they are used by the Omegan Transformation Method and the more they
are also discredited (Trapping T) and therefore the more the Omegans are controlled
because the Confederation and Alliance are justified in stepping in more against the
Omegans. (Control C) Expressed as the Manipulation-Trapping-Control. M-T-C cycle
leads the Omegans into a tactical downward spiral and increasing their tendency in
failing in trying to harass. All they can do is further discredit themselves and serve their
enemies indirectly and directly when the Omegan Transformation Method is used against

To display this concept, both the Omegans and the Targeted Individual start with 1 point.
When harassment commences by the Omegans, the side that traps the other side in an
MTC Cycle is rewarded 3 points per Omegan harassment attempt. By the Targeted
Individual using the Omegan Transformation Method each time the Omegans harass, the
chances of the Omegans winning decreases due to each time they harass since the
Omegans are discredited and indirectly and directly serve their enemies due to being
trapped in MTC cycle. The Omegan self discrediting and unintended service to their
enemies due to the TI using the Omegan Transformation Method accumulates over time
hence the Omegan percentage of winning continues to drop. Therefore the TI percentage
of winning continues to rise. 

Tendency of the Rate of the Omegans To Fail

NA.  OM        TI.          OROS
0        1.            1.            100%        
1        1.            4.             25%.                
2        1             7.             14%            
3        1            10.            10%.           
4        1            13.             8%

NA = Number of Omegan Harassment Attempts 

OM = Omegan success in trapping the TI in a MTC cycle
TI =  TI success in trapping the Omegan in a MTC cycle 
OROS = Rate of the Omegan’s Success by trapping the target in the MTC cycle

Using the basic formula OM/TI we can calculate conceptually the rate of the Tendency of
the Omegan’s To Fail within the Omegan Transformation Method. 

The goal in life is to serve God and follow his laws which are the laws of Jesus. But in
the real world evil gets in the way of trying to serve. So in order to serve it requires a
detour in order to get back to service. This detour is using the Omegan Transformation
Method so you can get back to service with additional added bonus of the Omegans being
forced to serve their enemies indirectly and directly and yourself as well. Having service
sincerely for God and the Confederation, the Alliance, the Earth people, and in general is
the highest level on Earth for evolvement on my humble opinion.

This Omegan Transformation Method is dedicated to my best friend who was also an
undercover confederation operative


Psychological Warfare with the Omegans is Subtle 

A: Counter the Omegan V2K and NLP with thinking the word “service” when breathing
out by using your intent.

B: Counter gangstalking by sometimes saying “sucks” in conversations in reference to

Omegans being parasites who unintentionally give away comparing advantage. The
undercover Omegans will know your intentions.

C: Response to directed energy weapons with the visualization and feeling intent method
(the direct technique of the Transformation Method) to make the Omegans have some
feelings of service and have the energy leave out of their stomachs to some small degree
or at least make them have feelings of service to counter the subtle energy feelings they
are attacking you subtly with with their directed energy weapons. 

D: Don’t get emotional. Use the breathing method as recommended in The Happiness
Track. Breathe in 4 counts-Hold the breath 4 counts-breathe out 4 counts and use your
intent to think “service”-hold breathe 4 counts-repeat 


Note 1: This Omegan Transformation Method is influenced by Mr. Lester Levenson’s

release technique. Lester had contact with undercover Confederation operatives in a
manner similar to myself and a manner that anyone can do as well please see: ‘Letter to
Isabel Davis, dated Jan. 13, 1968’ by James E. McDonald. 

Note 2: What I call the MTC cycle can be found in various examples in the Book of
Psalms which I believe is God’s guide to general warfare. The Sermon on the Mount in
my opinion is God’s guide to psychological warfare.

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