Travel Diary - MKT511

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9 JUNE 2023
By the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the most Merciful.

First, we would like to express our appreciation to Allah, the Most Merciful and, the most
compassionate, who has granted us the ability and willingness to start and complete this study.
We thank his greatness for inspiring and enabling us to complete our report for subject LEISURE
& LIFESTYLE MARKETING. Our most profound thanks to our lecturer Sir Megat Muzzamir
for his continuous support, patience, motivation and creative guidance in helping us in
completing this report successfully. In this opportunity, we would like to thank every person who
has cooperated and supported us directly or indirectly by sharing their information for us
completing this Travel Diary. Moral encouragement from everyone is sure to be such a huge help
and a great influence by giving us a motivation to keep on doing good quality work.

In addition, we also would like to thank our family and friends members for their support
that helped us a lot in the completion of this dissertation. Without them, we could never finish
this assignment on time. Their support is our major strength.

Last but not least, to all my classmates as well as lecturers who have given emotional
support are really appreciated and will be remembered forever, Insya-Allah. Thank you.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

TABLE OF CONTENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

EXPECTATIONS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

ITINERARY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

PEOPLE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

FOOD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7


TRAVEL GUIDE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

POST-TRIP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

SUGGESTION & RECOMMENDATION-------------------------------------------------------------- 16

UPCOMING ADVENTURES----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

TRAVEL MEMORIES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19


This is our first time traveling together as friends. As we are excited for the progress of
our assignment, we’re also very thrilled by the idea of creating happy memories together. There
are three places that we visit during our trip, there is a lot of new science knowledge that we
hope to learn and to experience in person little experiment made available at Petrosains that are
very famous for being fun ad at the same time become eye opening to our mind and perspective
to Earth and the elements that exist around us.

At Rosyati Thai Seafood, we hope to enjoy delicious foods whilst charging our energy for
our next destination. This restaurant is very famous for their deliciousness and the welcoming
and kind services from their staff. After that, we hope to end our trip by heading to Dataran Shah
Alam and get to do mini picnics while enjoying scenery and people whilst sharing our personal
experience and feelings about our trip earlier and hopefully this bond, knowledge and memories
will hold us together even stronger as friends and fellow students.


Petrosains is an interactive science museum that have

numerous exhibition cover from solar systems,
natural elements of earth and humans to virtual and in
hand experience of robotics, technologies, and simple
science experiments, We plan to spend around 3 to 4
hours to explore and experience ourselves in new
sensory and discovery of science in a more fun
manner than reading a book in library.

Thai-food is one of our favourite food of all time,

Rosyati Thai Seafood located in Ampang sells
various of fresh seafood, including prawn, fish as
well as traditional thai dishes like tom yam soup.
Price is also affordable for us students and more
importantly the customer service are friendly and
welcoming to make us feel comfartable.

Dataran Shah Alam is one of the most favourite

place for youngsters and also families to hang out
and enjoy the scenery there. We plan to do some
bonding activities together such as picnic and taking
stroll with skuter.


Petrosains is a science discovery centre located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.From our

observation while visiting at petrosains there are various visitors, including families with
children, students, and tourists who are interested in science and technology . Also, since
Petrosains is located in the Petronas Towers, a popular tourist destination, it is likely that many
visitors to the center are tourists

The centre is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about
science education and communication.The people who work at Petrosains come from a variety of
backgrounds, including science, education, and museum studies. They are all committed to
making science accessible and engaging for everyone who visits the centre.

The team at Petrosains includes science communicators who are responsible for
designing and delivering educational programs and exhibits. They work closely with scientists
and researchers to ensure that the information presented is accurate and up-to-date.

In addition to the science communicators, Petrosains also employs a team of support staff
who are responsible for the day-to-day operations .


Rosyati Thai Seafood, located in Ampang, Selangor, is a delightful restaurant that offers
a unique and satisfying dining experience. Because of its convenient location, it is simple to
reach for everyone, whether they are a resident of the area or just passing through. One of the
great features of the restaurant is its option for indoor and outdoor seating. Those people who
prefer a calm and cozy atmosphere will find the indoor space to be perfect because it features a
convenient and air-conditioned setting. On the other hand, the outdoor seating allows people to
enjoy their food in a relaxed and refreshing atmosphere, surrounded by the nature.

In addition, from the moment you enter Rosyati Thai Seafood, you are greeted with a
welcoming environment that is both warm and friendly. The restaurant's interior is designed in a
style that is inspired by classic Thai design, and it features aesthetic furnishings and lighting that
combine to make for an enjoyable dining experience. The restaurant comes off as more genuine
and attractive as a result of its great attention given to detail of the decoration.

Moreover, there are a variety of choices to choose from the menu at Rosyati Thai
Seafood. They have the option of a variety of foods that are delicious for those who like the
seafood, such as Tom Yum seafood, Pad Ka Pow stir-fry, Somtam, Seafood Fried Rice, Siakap
3 Rasa, and others. Even though seafood is the specialty of the restaurant, there is a large
option of other types of dishes available for those who are not fans of seafood. For examples,
nasi goreng paprik, mi bandung, mi ladna, tomyam ayam, and many more. They will be able to
find something tasty that will meet all of their taste buds.

The picture above shows one of the menu Rosyati Thai Seafood

The staff at Rosyati Thai Seafood are dedicated to providing remarkable service and
ensuring every customer knows they are cherished. They are very attentive, friendly, and always
ready to help with any specific requests that you may have. The atmosphere of the restaurant is
warm and inviting, which makes it a great option for eating out with family members or close
friends. Rosyati Thai Seafood is a location where you may have a tasty meal and make
memories that will last a lifetime, regardless of whether or not you have an addiction for


On Saturday, 20 May 2023 we decided to go to the Petrosains located at Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia. This is our first place that we visited on that day where we were there from 2:30 p.m.
until 6:30 p.m. As we know, Petrosains is one of the popular science museum that have a purpose
to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education among
customers of all ages. The most interesting is Petrosains have many activities that we can do
together as we can see the map of Petrosains shows 14 stations that we can visit such as Sparkz,
Oil Platfrom, Speed, Café Mesra, Molecule Nano World, Sustainability Gallery, 3D Threatre,
Tech Lab, Space, Time Tunnel, Geotime Diorama, Science Station, Marker Studio and lastly
Xplorasi Petrosains Gift Shop.

The picture above shows the map of Petrosains that have 14 stations that we already
visited. So, on the Space Station, we learn more about science and technology. We also learn
how astronauts live and work in space and program a NASA Mars Rover model. After that, we
go to the next station which is Geotime Diorama. In this station, we can see many types of
dinosaurs are extinct. The aim of this station is to tell us what it was like 200 million years ago.
Step back in the time of the dinosaur and discover the Earth of Science like never before.

The picture above show Geotime Stations in Petrosains, Kuala Lumpur

Furthermore, Petrosains also have Sparkz Station where the Wind Tube with paper
helicopter is a lot of fun game. Also, can experience Robe Soccer match with family or members
and challenge them in this match. This stations also catches one of our fun-filled science that
shows us what happening throughout the day. Then, we also visited The Platform that we learn
about oil and gas exploration process works on an oil platform.

The picture above show the Oil and Gas Stations, Speed Stations and 3D Threatre Stations in
Petrosains, Kuala Lumpur

After that, the famous part of Petrosains is Speed Stations. Speed is built for the ardent
Formula 1 fan. Be Lewis Hamilton and maneuver around Sepang in an F1 simulator. So, in this
stations who like Formula 1 can test their reaction time on our Batak Pro exhibit. Not only that,
but we also go to the Molecule Nano World Station. This gallery takes us through the nano world
and promises to show how fun Chemistry can be. Last but not least, we go to the 3D theatre to
watch a short movie for 20 minutes. The movie is about environmental pollution that gives many
moral and consciousness to us about how to protect our environment. Lastly, we go to the Tech
Lab and Xplorasi Gift Shop to buy some souvenirs.

After we finished visiting Petrosains, we decided to go to Rosyati Thai Seafood at
Ampang. It takes only around 15minutes to reach here from KLCC. There’s a lot of food at an
affordable price. We ordered Nasi Goreng Paprik, Mee Hoon Tomyam, Nasi Pad Kapo, Nasi
Goreng Ayam and Nasi Goreng USA. We were satisfied with this restaurant because the food is
very delicious and also the services provided is very good and fast.

The picture above shows the Rosyati Thai Seafood.

Then we go to Dataran Shah Alam which takes around 45 minutes to arrive. We stopped
at Dataran Shah Alam for leisure and outdoor activities. Activity that we do is playing Beams.
We paid RM25 for half an hour to play the beams. Many people come and bring their children
just to relax their mind with spreading a max while taking in the night breeze. This place is very
suitable for student who are want to relax their mind from assignment, task and test that them
faced after a long day. After finished, we go back at 10:30 p.m and we are very enjoy for the trip
and will repeat again together.


To facilitate movement for all those who want to explore Petrosains, Restaurant Rosyati Thai
Seafood, and Dataran Shah Alam, then we state the travel guide:
First of all, Petrosains is located on the 4th floor. If our friends want to go to Petrosains,
we recommend they go in the morning, like come at 10 am. This is because, if they go in the
evening, they will definitely have a lack of time to explore and play every game that is in every
part of Petrosains. If you look at Google search at 2 o'clock, there is definitely a rush. We would
also advise them to buy tickets online, which is buy through the Petrosains website, This will make it easier for them because they don't have to
queue long to purchase tickets. It will save time. Based on our experience, buying tickets online
is very convenient for our movement. We made the ticket purchase two days before being there.
So when we arrive at 2 o'clock, we don't have to queue long, we don't have to rush to buy tickets,
and we don't have to worry about the availability of tickets. This saves us time and energy.

The picture above shows an online ticket Petrosains

In addition, we will also tell them to plan a financial budget. This is because, as a student,
you definitely want to spend carefully. So to avoid waste, they need to take into account the
aspects of ticket prices, petrol and food costs.
Next, they are also advised to make a plan in advance before going to the destination they
want to go to. For example, before going to Petrosains, they need to plan their time in order to
enjoy every activity and game perfectly. We also recommend them not to spend too much time
on one part of the station because it will cause them to lose if they don't have time to enter
another part. Ideally, they should spend their time as there are 14 parts of the station to explore in
this Petrosains.
Not to be forgotten, those who want to go to Petrosains, it is advised to use the Waze
application. This is to avoid going astray while traveling, especially if they are the first time to
come there. Ensure they leave early before the time booked through the ticket to prevent
unwanted happening. Last but not least, we also encourage those who visit Petrosains to capture
many photos as they can make it as memories. Not only that, Petrosains also has many beautiful,
unique and interesting photo spots. Therefore, it would be a loss if they only took a picture of
two pieces.
As for looking for a restaurant, we advise them to read the reviews on Google first to find
out the level of satisfaction of the restaurant. Like us, we made a reference on Google about
Rosyati Thai Seafood restaurant. We found that the rating of this restaurant is 4.5 stars. So, we
immediately agreed to eat at the restaurant. We also suggest they choose Pad Ka Pow food
because it is the tastiest food among others.
Same goes for Dataran Shah Alam, we advise friends who want to make the trip to bring
enough money. This is because, when you get there, a lot of money needs to be used to play
games there, such as car, beam and scooter games. However, there is no need to worry because
the price charged is reasonable.


After spending our free time exploring the world of science at Petrosains, we felt
delighted and very satisfied. This is because it gave us a new experience considering that we had
never been to Petrosains before. In our opinion, Petrosains is a boring place. However, we were
wrong, because Petrosains is an exciting place to visit. This is because not only can it entertain,
but we can also learn more profoundly about science.

In addition, our visit to Petrosains also taught us to appreciate the environment more.
This is because, when we visited the Molecule Nano World station, we found out from the
instructor of Petrosains that the condition of the earth is getting worse due to very high levels of
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This will cause a greenhouse effect and can result in high
temperatures for the earth. We can also learn science related to artificial intelligence or better
known as AI. Although we know about AI through the news, but when we see the AI robot at
Petrosains, it gives us the excitement of being able to experience interacting with an AI robot.
For example, the robot itself greeted us. It's like the robot can automatically detect visitors near
it. So, it makes us feel proud that Malaysia has such advanced technology in line with the current

Next, the thing that surprised us when we were at Petrosains was that there are many
game stations that bring excitement to everyone. Among them are Sparkz, Speed, and Space
stations. Not only that, we didn't think we had so much fun that we had a short time to explore
every game available at Petrosains. This is because we thought that Petrosains was a place filled
with experiments only, but there are also interesting activities that need to be done over a long
period of time.

However, when we were at Petrosains, we also felt disappointed because we felt that the
time available to enjoy all the activities was short. This is because we are at Petrosains from 2
pm to 6 pm. So, it caused us to run out of time. We also felt a bit disappointed with the
management of the multimedia department at Petrosains because they printed our pictures which
were not suitable for the price charged. The obtained picture is dark, as if not edited. The price

for one photo is also quite high, which is RM55. But, we finally bought one picture to make it as
memories even though the price charged was quite expensive.

Next, we felt very satisfied with the food provided when we were at Rosyati Thai
Seafood restaurant. This is because the food we ordered was delicious overall. We were also a bit
surprised because although it is not a restaurant that reaches 5 stars in the review, but the taste of
the food, the way it is prepared, and the level of cleanliness really impressed us all. We have
nothing to be disappointed about.

Finally, while doing activities at Dataran Shah Alam, we felt like returning to childhood
time. We feel that way because we play various games, such as driving toy cars, scooters, and
beams. From this trip to Dataran Shah Alam, we learned that having fun is also essential in life,
even if only once in a while. It can make us happy and reduce stress. Since it was the first time
we set foot here, we were also surprised because we didn't expect the atmosphere in Dataran
Shah Alam would be so lively at night. Unfortunately, it's a bit disappointing because some of us
have to deal with games that are a little broken. However, we still enjoy the game.


1. Leave earlier than we did before.

For this first trip, we left our hostel a bit late, which is in the afternoon because two of our
members have other activities in the morning. We also experienced an unexpected situation
where one of our members’ identity card went missing at the Petronas that we stopped by to fill
the car fuel tank. We arrived at Petrosains at 2.00 p.m. and to finish all the stations in the
Petrosains required a few hours. Since this is our first time visiting Petrosains, we did not expect
that it would require so much time there. Therefore, in our opinion, it is better for us to leave
much earlier, which is in the morning, and get an earlier ticket so it will not be too late after we
have visited all the stations.

2. Have more systematic planning.

The thing that we can improve is also have a more systematic planning process. We should plan
the trip better, including the estimated time in order to make the plan run more smoothly than
before. We should have a tentative so we can just follow it. It was quite chaotic for our first trip
but surprisingly we got through everything really well. Thankfully, all the members are very
calm and adapt well to the situation. We can still have fun together and create a great bond
between us. Therefore, we will make sure that we can have better planning for our next trip so
that the trip can be more fun and more relaxing.

3. Try to use public transport instead of cars.

For this trip we are using a car, but we realized that Kuala Lumpur is very packed with vehicles,
and we experienced few traffic jams on our way to Petrosains. We decided to use a car because it
will be easier for us to go to Dataran Shah Alam. However, it is better to use public transport
instead of car if we want to go to Kuala Lumpur because it can save more time and money.
Besides that, the trip can be more fun if we use public transport even though it will require more
energy than using a car, but we believe it is going to be memorable for us.


For the next trip, we plant to go two places that are more adventurous such as KL Tower.
KL Tower, commonly referred to as Kuala Lumpur Tower, is a 6 storey, 421-metre-tall
communication tower in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the second-highest skyscraper in
Malaysia and Southeast Asia, as well as the seventh tallest structure in the globe. In KL Tower
we can go to the observation deck for RM28. We are attracted to go to this place because it looks
fun and challenging for us to try this together. We also saw many people review this place on

So, this is the second plan that we want to go next which is Escape Waterpark, Penang.
We want to explore the 40 exciting rides and attractions for the tourist such as rope and obstacle
courses, zip lines, climbing, diving tower, and the Guinness World Records Longest Tube Water
Slide. Escape Penang's operation time is Tuesday until Sunday (10 a.m. until 6 p.m.) and closed
only on Monday for safety maintenance. Escape Penang located at 828 Jalan Teluk Bahang,
11050 Penang, Malaysia. The price of the ticket is only RM111.00 for a junior kid who is 4 to 12
years old and RM167.00 for big kid around 13 to 60 years old. We are very interested with this
place because this is one of the most famous waterparks that exist in Malaysia.



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