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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS 2.001.017

Rechargeable Ni-MH Cylindrical

1. Identification of the product and of the company undertaking

Product details

Trade name: Rechargeable Ni-MH cylindrical

Product types VH 700 AAA,
VH 1300 AA, VH 1600 AA, VH 1650 AA, VH 1800 AA
VH 2050 4/5A, VH 2100 4/5A,
VH 2650 A, VH 2700 A,
VH 3750 4/3A, VH 3800 4/3A, VH 4000 4/3A,
VH 4400 4/3FA, VH 4500 4/3FA,
(or multi-cell assemblies of these basis cells,
number x of cells indicated by x/...)
Voltage: 1.2 V (or multiples of 1.2 V in case of assembled batteries)
Electrochemical system: Nickel metal hydride
Anode (negative electrode): Metal hydride
Cathode (positive electrode): Nickel hydroxide

Supplier details

Address: VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstr. 1
D-73479 Ellwangen/Jagst
Emergency telephone number: +49 7961 921 110 (VAC)

Legal Remark (U.S.A.)

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are a sub-requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR Subpart 1910.1200. This Hazard Communication Standard does
not apply to various subcategories including anything defined by OSHA as an "article". OSHA has defined "article" as
a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle; (i) which is formed to a specific shape or design during
manufacture; (ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end
use; and (iii) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g. minute or
trace amounts of a hazardous chemical, and does not pose a physical hazard or health risk to employees.

Because all of our batteries are defined as "articles", they are exempted from the requirements of the Hazard
Communication Standard.

Legal remark (EU)

These batteries are no “substances” or “preparations” according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 EC. Instead they
have to be regarded as “articles”, no substances are intended to be released during handling. Therefore there is no
obligation to supply a MSDS according to Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, Article 31.

General remark

This “Safety Information” is provided as a service to our customers. The details presented are in accordance with our
present knowledge and experiences. They are no contractual assurances of product attributes.

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS 2.001.017

2. Hazards identification
A sealed Nickel-Metal hydride cell/battery is not hazardous in normal use.

In case of mistreatment (abusive over charge, reverse charge, external short circuit…) and in case of fault, some
electrolyte can leak from the cell through the safety device. In these cases refer to the risks of potassium hydroxide
solution or sodium hydroxide solution (corrosive, pH > 14). The electrode materials are only hazardous, if the
materials are released by mechanical damaging of the cell or if exposed to fire.

3. Composition/information on ingredients

Contents CAS No. Classification R Phrases Material

< 35 % Carc. Cat. 3; 40 - 42/43 Mischmetal nickel alloy
Xn; F 11 - 17
< 30 % 12054-48-7 Carc. Cat. 1; 49 Nickel hydroxide
Repr. Cat 2; 61
Muta. Cat 3. 68
T; 48/23
Xn; 20/22
Xi; 38 - 42/43
N 50/53
< 20 % 1310-58-3 Xn; 22 Potassium hydroxide
C 35
< 20 % 1310-73-2 C 35 Sodium hydroxide
<3% Xn; 22 - 42/43 Cobalt and compounds
N 50/53
Full text of Classification and R-phrases: see section 16.

Heavy Metals

Contents CAS No. Material

< 20 mg/kg 7440-43-9 Cadmium
< 40 mg/kg 7439-92-1 Lead
< 1 mg/kg 7439-97-6 Mercury
(none intentionally introduced,
see Chapter 12)
< 5 mg/kg Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+)

Other Ingredients

Contents CAS No. Material

10 - 60 % Steel and nickel
2 - 10 % Polymers

During charge process, the mischmetal nickel alloy is loaded with hydrogen, this compound is flammable (F).

4. First aid measures

Measures at accidental release

After inhalation: Fresh air. Seek for medical assistance.

After skin contact: Flush affected areas with plenty of water. Remove contaminated cloth
immediately. Seek for medical assistance.
After eye contact: Flush the eye gently with plenty of water (at least 15 minutes).
Seek for medical assistance.
After ingestion: Drink plenty of water. Avoid vomiting. Seek for medical assistance.
No trials for neutralization.

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS 2.001.017

5. Fire fighting measures

Suitable extinguishing media: Use foam, dry powder or carbon dioxide (CO2), as appropriate.
Extinguishing media with limited Water is only applicable for incipient fire.
Special protection equipment during Contamination cloth including breathing apparatus.
Special hazard: Under fire conditions, the electrode materials can form carcinogenic nickel
and cobalt oxides.

6. Accidental release measures

Person related measures: Wear personal protective equipment adapted to the situation
(protection gloves, cloth).
Environment protection measures: In the event of battery rupture, prevent skin contact and collect all released
material in a plastic lined container.
Dispose off according to the local law and rules.
Avoid leached substances to get into the earth, canalization or waters.
Treatment for cleaning: If battery casing is dismantled, small amounts of electrolyte may leak. Pack
the battery including ingredients as described above. Then clean with water.

7. Handling and storage

Guideline for safe handling: Always follow the warning information on the batteries and in the manuals of
devices. Only use the recommended battery types.
Keep batteries away from children.
For devices to be used by children, the battery casing should be protected
against unauthorized access.
Unpacked batteries shall not lie about in bulk.
In case of battery change always replace all batteries by new ones of identical
type and brand.
Do not swallow batteries.
Do not throw batteries into water.
Do not throw batteries into fire.
Avoid deep discharge.
Do not short-circuit batteries
Use recommended charging time and current.
Storage: Storage preferably at room temperature 20°C. Keep batteries between -20 °C
and 35 °C for prolonged storage. When the are close to fully charged, the
storage temperature should be between -20 °C and 30 °C.
Do not store close to the heating. Avoid direct sunlight.
Storage of large amounts: If possible, store the batteries in original packaging (short circuit protection);
A fire alarm is recommended;
For automatic fire extinction consider chapter 5 “Fire fighting measures”.
VCI storage category: It is recommended to consider the “VCI Guideline for the mixed storage of
chemicals” and to handle nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries
according to storage category 11 (“combustible solids“).

8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Under normal conditions (during charge and discharge) release of ingredients does not occur.

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS 2.001.017

9. Physical and chemical properties

Not applicable if closed.

10. Stability and reactivity

Dangerous reactions: When heated above 150°C the risk of rupture occurs.

11. Toxicological information

Under normal conditions (during charge and discharge) release of ingredients does not occur. If accidental release
occurs see information in section 2, 3, and 4.

Swallowing of a battery can be harmful. Call the local Poison Control Centre for advice and follow-up.

12. Ecological information

VARTA Nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries do not contain heavy metals as defined by the European
directive 2006/66/EC Article 21; they comply with the chemical composition requirements of this Directive.

Mercury has not been “intentionally introduced (as distinguished from mercury that may be incidentally present in
other materials)” in the sense of the U.S.A. “Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act’’
(May 13 1996).

The Regulation on Mercury Content Limitation for Batteries promulgated on 1997-12-31 by the China authorities
including the State Administration of Light Industry and the State Environmental Protection Administration defines ‘low
mercury’ as ‘mercury content by weight in battery as less than 0.025%’, and ‘mercury free’ as ‘mercury content by
weight in battery as less than 0.0001%’. And therefore: VARTA Nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries belong
to the category of mercury-free battery (mercury content lower than 0.0001%).

13. Disposal considerations

USA: Nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries are classified by the federal government as non-hazardous waste
and are safe for disposal in the normal municipal waste stream. These batteries, however, do contain recyclable
materials and are accepted for recycling by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's (RPBC) Battery
Recycling Program. Please go to the RPRC website at for additional information.

In the European Union, manufacturing, handling and disposal of batteries is regulated on the basis of the DIRECTIVE
2006/66/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 September 2006 on batteries and
accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC. Customers find detailed
information on disposal in their specific countries using the web site of the European Portable Batteries Association

Importers and users outside EU should consider the local law and rules.

In order to avoid short circuit and heating, used nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries should never be stored
or transported in bulk. Proper measures against short circuit are:

• Storage of batteries in original packaging

• Coverage of the terminals

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS 2.001.017

14. Transport information

VARTA nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries are considered to be “dry cell” batteries and are unregulated for
purposes of transportation by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), International Civic Aviation Administration
(ICAO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), the “Accord Européen Relatif au Transport International des
Marchandises Dangereuses par Route” (ADR) ) and the “Règlement concernant le transport international ferroviaire
de marchandises Dangereuses” (RID).

IATA DGR: Special Provision A123: “Examples of such batteries are: alkali-manganese, zinc-carbon, nickel-metal
hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries. Any electrical battery ... having the potential of a dangerous evolution of heat
must be prepared for transport as to prevent (a) a short-circuit (e.g. in the case of batteries, by the effective insulation
of exposed terminals...) is forbidden from transport; and (b) accidental activation. The words “Not Restricted” and the
Special Provision number must be included in the description of the substance on the Air Waybill as required by 8.2.6,
when an Air Waybill is issued.”

EU (ADR/RID): Chapter 3.2 Table A: “Batteries, nickel-metal hydride, UN 3496, not subject to ADR”

USA: 49 CFR § 172.102 Special Provisions 130 and 340: Nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries are not
subject to requirements of this subchapter except for the following ...“Batteries and battery-powered device(s)
containing batteries must be prepared and packaged for transport in a manner to prevent: (1) A dangerous evolution
of heat; (2) Short circuits, including but not limited to the following methods: (i) Packaging each battery or each
battery-powered device when practicable, in fully enclosed inner packagings made of non-conductive material; (ii)
Separating or packaging batteries in a manner to prevent contact with other batteries, devices or conductive materials
( e.g., metal) in the packagings”...

International Maritime Organization (IMO), IMDG Code: Regulated as “Batteries, nickel-metal hydride, UN 3496”,
Special Provision 963: “...nickel-metal hydride cells or batteries shall be securely packed and protected from short
circuit. They are not subject to other provisions of this Code provided that they are loaded in a cargo transport unit in a
total quantity of less than 100 Kg gross mass. When loaded in a cargo transport unit in a total quantity of 100 Kg
gross mass or more, they are not subject to other provisions of this Code except those of 5.4.1, 5.4.3 and column (16)
of the dangerous goods list in Chapter 3.2.”

15. Regulatory information

Marking consideration: Nickel metal hydride cylindrical cells/batteries, which contain electronic modules
and which are subjected to the EMC directive 93/97/EEC, must be CE approved
and must wear the CE marking.
AND OF THE COUNCIL of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators
and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC all
batteries have to be marked with the crossed bin.
Water hazard class: (according to German Federal Water Management Act)
non-water pollution according to VwVwS Appendix 1
(No. 1443 and 766)

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05
Material Safety Data Sheet
MSDS 2.001.017

16. Other information

Full text of Classification and R-phrases referred to under sections 2 and 3

Classification Carc. Cat. 1 Carcinogenic category 1

Repr. Cat. 2 Toxic for reproduction category 2
Muta. Cat. 3 Mutagenic category 3
T Toxic
Xn Harmful
Xi Irritant
F Highly flammable
C Corrosive
N Dangerous for the environment

R Phrases 11 Highly flammable.

17 Spontaneously flammable in air.
20/22 Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.
22 Harmful if swallowed.
35 Causes severe burns.
38 Irritating to skin.
40 Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.
42/43 May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.
43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
48/23 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure
through inhalation.
49 May cause cancer by inhalation.
50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse
effects in the aquatic environment.
61 May cause harm to the unborn child.
68 Possible risks of irreversible effects.

Note: Date of issue of the transport regulations: ADR 2011, RID 2011, IATA 2011,
IMDG 2010, DOT / 49 CFR 2011.
Issued by: VARTA Microbattery GmbH
Quality/Environmental Management
Contact person: Dr. Rainer Jostes
Tel. +49-7961-921-680
Fax +49-7961-921-73680

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VARTA Microbattery GmbH

Daimlerstraße 1
Edition: 11.08.2011 Electronically generated document - no signature required. 73479 Ellwangen
Version: 05

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